~Semirhage~ Okay here we GO! Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon, or anything else here not made by myself. I do own myself though. And Joaquin in CounterStrike. I don't own CounterStrike either. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________ Characters: Ash Josef Misty Pikachu Togepi _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________ Misty was frantic. Inside her head were the questions, 'What am I going to do?', 'What clothes do I wear?' and some other typical teenage girls would ask before a date, not to mention a date with your crush. "Okay Mist, you're 18 years old. Be mature. Calm down." she said to herself. Now Ash, on the other hand,... was also miserable. " What am I gonna do!?" Ash cried. He then realized that he hadn't given Misty the Where & When of this event which could probably change the rest of their lives... probably. So then, he consulted Pikachu, his very best friend and ratty pokemon, to give him some advice. Wierd, huh? Anyways, after a stroll in the town, city, park, whatever-whatcha-ma-call-it, Ash finally decided the place and time. Misty was in front of the pokemon center. She was told to wait here at 3:00PM Pokemon Standard Time by Ash. Like most typical teenage girls who have dates with their 'loved one', she came very early. Since it was only 1:30PM PST(Pokemon, not Pacific, got it?), she went for a quick tour of the place. Sinnoh was a really strange place. 2:00PM PST and Misty stopped for a quick break. 'I should head back soon.' she thought. Though a little far, she thought she recognized someone in the distance. She came closer to have a better look. 'Isn't that...' " Josef!" 2:00PM PST, Ash woke up. He looked at the clock, broken. He looked at the other clock, which said 2:00PM. He couldn't sleep the night before. He wasn't thinking of anything either. ~FlashBack~ Bloodshot eyes, Empty pill bottles, Blood on the wall, This is the wrong flashback, End this now, And play the right one, PLEASE!!!!!!!! ~ End Wrong FlashBack~ ~FlashBack~ Pictures from this FlashBack have either been tampered or stolen. We are not responsible for any damages. Have a nice day. ~ End FlashBack ~ Oh, why bother. The point is, Ash couldn't sleep last night and that's the end of this segment. " Josef!" Misty shouted. I looked, and hid my face. I knew it was too late, she had seen me. " I know it's you, Josef. Lose the Barney mask." She smiled, I took off the mask and replied, " Uh, hey, uh... Mist..." I stood up straight. " Where have you been these past few years?" she said. The tone wasn't exactly the 'I'm so glad to see you' type, but was more of a 'where have you been, it's past you're curfew!' type. " Will you be my girlfriend?" Misty blushed, but was also puzzled. " Sorry. Old habit I picked up. I was on a Confidentially Top Secret Mission." " What kind of Confidentially Top Secret Mission?" she replied. " Since it's finished, I could tell you, for a price though." I sneered. " Totally not worth it. Besides that, I'm gald you're okay. Are you staying near here?" she asked. I nodded. " Okay then. Meet me here tommorrow. I'll bring the others. Bye then, I gotta go." Then I shouted, " Wait! Could you finding me be our little secret? Only for a little bit." I said. She agreed. " Oh, and take this with you, ALL THE TIME. 'Kay?" I handed her a Pokeball-shaped object, she looked at it, and when she looked back, I was gone. She checked the time. 2:55PM. She had just enough time to go back. 3:10PM PST, Ash arrived in front of the pokemon center. A girl was there. She was in a fire red shirt and a black miniskirt. She had her hair tied up and her shoes were... undescribable. She... was not Misty. Misty had arrived a few moments after Ash. Now, Misty was wearing a frilly miniskirt, black boots, and a light blue shirt with a picture of Uncle Sam saying, 'I Want You'. Panting, she stopped in front of Ash. " Sorry I'm late. i kind of... ran into an old friend." she said. " So where are we going?" " That way should be a good place. Follow me." And then they walked quite a distance. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________ It was short, I know. Still, I added this part! ________________________________________________________________ | Personal Profile | Insert| | Name: "Joaquin"(wakeen) |Picture| | Blood type: "O" | Here| | Status: "taken" |_______| | I.Q.: "140" | | Gender: "Male" | | Short description: A kid from the neighborhood where Josef | | came from. He's an idiot, but full of cheery stuff. | |_______________________________________________________________|