Pokemon Orinje!

Chapter Three


They are in Fooey city and they need the Dookey badge. They will get it. Eventually.

"Let's sit." Bob says.

"No." Katrina says.

"Yes." Says Bob.

"Cup cup cup." Says Cuppy. Cuppy is a cup Cuppy is Katrina's Pokèmon. Cuppy is a cup.

"Robobo and cuppy are funny." says Bob

"That's wrong." Katrina says.

"I know," Bob says.

"You guys can't talk," says Orange.

"Yes we can." Says Katrina. "I see the city. I will get there first."

"No!" says Bob. "Cuppy will!"

And he was right. But Robobo almost won.

Then they went into the city. There were buildings. There were busses. There were people. Their were Pokèmon. But most of all, there were busses.

They walked in the city. They are going to the Pokèmon center. They look. And Look. Then they look some more.

"Let's get doughboys," says Bob.

"No." says Katrina.

"Why?" asks Orange.

" Because I see a Pokèmon." Says Katrina.

She is right. There is a Pokèmon. And it can talk. It is a special Pokèmon. It can do special.

"You are bad." Demon says.

Demon is its name.

"No," says Bob.

They all sit down because they were walking all day. Demon was too. He was tired too.

"I'll catch her." Bob screams. He does. Demon was a demon Pokèmon. It was red. It was all gooey, and it was red. It was like Katrina. Katrina was a girl.

They went to the center. Then, they found it. They bought some birdseed. They fed it to the birds. There was a man there.

"Who are you?" I ask Katrina.

"I am Mr. Dontdoit." Says Mr. Dontdoit.

We all think that he has a funny name. But if we tell him, he may be sad. So don't tell him.

They are outside the gym and he is the gym leader. He was wearing a kimono, and he looked real funny.

"I am the gym leader," says Katrina.

"Maybe someday. But now, you are not. You are just the gym leader sometimes."

"Yes." Katrina says. She had never told them that.

"Beat me." Says Mr. Dontdoit. His name wasn't Mr. Dontdoit. That was just a nickname they gave him because he was so strong.

"Okay," they all say.

They all do. They all win, accept Robobo. He is the best, but he doesn't battle, also he didn't win. He was in his Pokéball the whole time. He real sad in there.

"The birdseed is magical," says Orange. "I got it from the magic shop."

"I know." says Mr. Dontdoit.

They all got their badges and left town. Orange is hiding his, and Bob ate his. He is borrowing Mr. Dontdoit's badge. They are all walking down the road, accept Mr. Dontdoit.


To Be Continued...