Note from the Author:

Ok, first I'd like to get this clear, and say this: I do not own Pokèmon, or any of that good stuff. However, the characters do belong to me, and I intend to keep it that way. Second, as for all of the people who pick on new fanfiction writers just because they're new (yes, I know that there are a few of you) I am NOT NEW AT THIS. I've been writing Pokefics and posting them on's Pokèmon fanfic message board since the summer of 2001, and I've been writing my first fic, Celebi's Intervention, which was once a comic series, since the summer of 1999, of course, since then, it's undergone many, many dramatic changes. Celebi's Intervention will be posted up here eventually, along with another fic, Pokèmon Orange. I will post the first chapter of both of these and I will have people tell me what they want more of: Celebi's Intervention, or Pokèmon Orange. In the event that no one wants Celebi's Intervention, it can still be found on's General fanfiction board, or, the sequel can be found on the ezboard "This Way Up".

So now, since I'm done my rambling about the fics by me to come, I suppose I should let you read the fic then, huh? ~~~~~~~~~~~

A View from the sky

Chapter One:

Love Birds

"Hey, Skyler!!!" called Kestrel.

"Hu?" I said. "WOAH!"

I just barely caught the red Frisbee that was flying towards me in my beak.

"Origt! Hur i cms!!!" I said, getting ready to fling it.

"Hu? What?" Kestrel replied, confused by my talking with my mouth full.

I didn't bother to answer. I just flung it back to hum. But, unfortunately, due to my terrible aim, the Frisbee landed right on the highest branch of a tree.

"Nice one Pidgyboy!!" a Spearow standing right next to Kestrel called.

Ooh, how I hated that Raven. He would pay dearly one day.

"Oh! Darn!!!"

I turned around to see her. My heart almost skipped a beat. It was Carla. Princess Carla the Taillow. Her voice was like the sweet sound of wedding bells- at our wedding.

It was completely natural for a Pidgy or Spearow to marry a Taillow- but it would be quite strange for a Pidgy or Spearow to marry the Chief of The Taillow tribe's daughter. But, unlike his ancestors before him, the Chief Swellow was completely accepting of anyone of another bird species marrying his daughter, as long as they were related to the Chief of the Pidgey tribe, or the Chief of the Spearow tribe. So, I was actually quite lucky that I was the nephew of the chief of the Pidgy tribe. I was also lucky that I was 12 (in Pokèmon years- in human years I would be three). My only challenge was Raven- he was the son of the Chief of the Spearow tribe. And, I knew for a fact that Carla liked me better.

I saw Carla looking through the bushes for a Frisbee that she had lost- her partner and best friend, Simone, always threw the Frisbees too hard in these exercises.

"Here, I'll help!" I said, starting to search the bushes.

"Thank you, Skyler," she said, in that sweet voice of hers.

"Hey, no problem!" I said handing her the Frisbee.

And for that one second, which seemed to last a lifetime, we just stared deeply into each other's eyes, until...

"HEY SKYLER!!! WOULD YE LOOK OUT?????" it was Nightingale, or Gale, as we called her, my friend.

"HU?" Carla and I both said. Then, I noticed what she was talking about. Kestrel had accidentally flung the Frisbee a little bit too fast, and it hit me right in the forehead.

I seriously doubted that anyone in the world had ever had a worse headache than me. It was terrible- I had just woken up, hadn't even opened my eyes yet, and I could barely think strait. As a result, it was very hard to gather rather important acts such as who I was, where I was, and how I got in this place that I hadn't even opened my eyes to. I then figured that I might figure out at least a few of these answers if I opened my eyes.

So, I did. And, lo and behold, there the answers were, in one letter.

Dear Skyler,

Sorry about hitting you with the Frisbee at practice yesterday,

Then, with my name, everything came back. I decided to read on, just to make sure my memory was correct.

but it really wasn't my fault!! You see, Raven distracted me, so I kind of accidentally threw it too hard!!!

Seriously!! It really wasn't my fault!!!

Sorry anyway,


Wow, that was comforting. My own best friend, not taking responsibility for his own actions.

I picked up my letter, and put it on the bottom of a pile of three letters. Then, I took a look at the next. Oh boy. I could tell by the handwriting that this would be a fun one.


Sorry about making Kestrel smack you with a Frisbee at practice. But I can't believe it. He's so weak stupid. And I think that your head is too soft, and you shouldn't have been flirting anyway.

You suck,


Ah, Raven. Another genius in the art of writing the common apology letter. I wondered if I was really supposed to believe that Raven could send out a letter like this with his father's consent. Oh, here was the third and final letter. I looked at it. It was written in nice neat penmanship, (which would have been chicken scratch to all of you humans) on pretty pink stationary, with frilly lacing on the edges, and it smelled sweet, like perfume. I read it.

Dearest Skyler,

I am truly sorry for distracting you during our flying, tossing, and catching exercises yesterday. I feel that it is entirely my fault for distracting you, even with your selfless act of kindness. I truly feel like I have hurt you very badly. By the way, how are you feeling? Does your head hurt? Oh, I really do hope that it doesn't, and that you'll get back home soon!



P.S. I baked you some cookies! I hope you enjoy them!!

Love? Wow!! She really liked me!! YESSS!!!!!!!!! Or did she? Maybe her mother forced her to say that!!! oh well. She still wrote it, and even if she didn't mean it, I could still do some serious bragging to Raven about it!!!

I put the letter back on the table, when I noticed the plate of perfectly arranged cookies. They were fresh- I could smell it. They also had raspberries in them- my favorite!!!

I went to pick one up with my wing (which was really quite a task, with me being a Pidgey) when the door opened.

"Oh, you're awake!!" said my visitor.

"Hi Gale! Yea, I'm awake, what does it look like, I'm sleeping?"

"Well, I...uh..." Gale said.

"Nah!!" I said, "I'm just pullin' your claw!" I laughed.

Gale laughed too. "It's nice to see you're back to your ol' self, Sky!"

"Yea, I'm glad too!" I said. "Oh, and, by the way, how long have I been here?"

"Only about 24 hours," replied Gale, stitting herself on my bed. "Oh, by the way, these letters and cookies were dropped of about an hour ago. Did you read the letters?"

"Yesh," I said with a mouthful of cookie, "wanna readum?"

"Sure!" said Gale.

I hungrily ate my cookies as Gale started on Carla's letter.

"Wow, that Carla sure is formal!" she said.

I this time decided to swallow before answering. "Yeah, she really is, as compared to Kestrel!"

"Oh?" Carla picked up his letter.

She slowly read it, and laughed at the end. "You're right! He is informal!"

"Yea," I said, "but wait'll you see the one Raven sent!"

"Raven sent you an APOLIGY LETTER??? Are you SERIOUSLY SERIOUS???"

"Yes," I groaned, handing it to her.

She read this one slowly, too.

"'You suck, From Raven'? What kind of STUPID CLOSING IS THAT????" ranted Gale.

"Only Raven," I sighed.

She nodded, "Yes, only Raven,"

She sat there, on my bed, silently, for not one minute, when...

"YOU CAN GO HOME NOW!!!!" yelled an extremely obnoxious Fearow nurse with an almost impossible to understand Rhode Island accent.

"Uh..." I said dumbly, "her, or me?"

"DA BOTE A YIZ!!!" she shouted, "AND TAKE TA GABAGE WIT YA!!!"

"All right, all right!" I grumbled. I grabbed my cookie plate, and Gale grabbed my letters, and the two of us walked out of the door, and we heard the disgruntled nurse mumbling something about kids these days.

It was when I got home, back to my nest, (which was actually just a huge hollowed out tree) that my head began to throb. I put some ice on it, but it didn't work, as the ice melted in the midday heat of a hot mid spring Saturday. I decided that I should maybe wait until night to put some ice on it, so I went outside to sit in the ice-cold lake close to the field where the Pidgy, Spearow, and Taillow tribes lived.

"Ahh..." said, feeling much better in the numbingly cold lake.

Then, to ruin my good time, I saw Raven heading towards the letter. I decided to begin gloating to him as soon as he could hear, before he could bug me first.

"Hey Raven? Bet you'll never guess what I got!!"

"Hit in the head with a Frisbee. So, what else is new?" replied the Spearow grumpily, settling down in the lake a few feet from me.

"No! Well, yes!" I said.

"Is that supposed to be funny, or are you trying to be stupid?"

I looked at him quizzically. "Huh?"

"Answer the question, stupid!" he said.

"Oh, yes, that," I said, "Well, yes, something is new! As a matter of fact, I got a letter and freshly baked cookies from Carla this morning! So HA!!"

"Well, don't we feel special?" retorted Raven.

"YES!!" I said grumpily, "as a matter of fact, I DO!!!!"

"Well, you know she didn't really mean that lovey-dovy-mushy-gushy crap she put into that stupid letter, do you???" scoffed Raven.

I growled. "What are you saying???"

"I'm saying that her mom forced her to do it! She told me herself, you know! And everyone knows she likes me better anyway!!"

I stormed off. That wasn't true!!!!

I decided that in order for every passing creature to know I was angry, I would walk back to the nest, rather then fly. As I did, I noticed my cousin, Hawk VII, doing something strange. He was arranging branches, leaves, berries and feathers into a wreath-like shape. My curiosity overcoming my anger, I hopped over to him to ask what he was doing.

"Hey Hawk, whatcha doin'?" I asked.

Hawk hadn't seen me, so he was a bit surprised. "Oh, hey Sky! Glad to see you're feeling better! Anyway, I'm making this customary love wreath for Laurie!"

I knew very well who Laurie was. Laurie was the girl that Hawk had had is eye on for years. And now, since Hawk had already been a Pidgeotto for a while, he could finally get married.

"Love...wreath?" I asked.

"That's right," said Hawk, "a love wreath is what you give e girl to tell her you love her. See, there are two kinds- the small one, which means that you love a girl- a lot- and a big one, which is like basically asking her to marry you."

I noticed that Hawk was making a big one. Her must really have loved Laurie.

"Anyway, it's getting dark. You should get home!"

"Oh, right!" I said.

Then, I fluttered home. I had an idea!

The next day, I gathered as many twigs and leaves and berries and feathers I could find, and hurried over into my secret hideaway, which not even Kestrel and Gale, my two best friends, knew about. I set out my supplies and got to work.

I worked all morning, and most of the afternoon to do my work, but it was worth it. My finished project was beautiful-a love wreath, just for Carla!

I hopped out of my hideaway, and fluttered out into the field, where Carla usually spent the warm spring days.

"Carla!" I called.

But then, I noticed that she was talking to someone- and not just anyone.

RAVEN!!! And, even worse, he was handing her a love wreath! What a COPYCAT!! But, worst of all, Carla was smiling!!

Was Raven right? Did she really like him better?


So, how was that for a start? Please E-mail me back with praise or criticism!