Hi, I'm exactly 12 tomorrow,

My name is Tiffany Tashamir, since the age of 7, after seeing one of the greatest pokémon battles of all time, I wanted to became a real trainer. Normally, at the age of 10, young girls and boys get their trainers license, I sadly watched as all my friends left on their pokémon journey, for I stayed behind, and studied... It was my parents wish... So I studied really hard, learning about all types and different sorts of pokémon, my parents were happy... But I seriously started envying all my friends. How come their parents didn't make them study? Anyway, like I said, tomorrow is my 12 birthday, my parents faithfully promised me, that they would let me go on to became the worlds greatest trainer, I can hardly wait. My studies are finally paying of...

Tiffany climbed in to bed, wondering about the adventures she would hope to have, then her thoughts travelled to the match she saw when she was 7...

(This bit is when she's 7, she's at the Indigo plateau, with her parents, watching the final round of the tournament, a certain Reichi VS. Nyla)

The stands were screaming themselves horse, the shouts and cries as they cheer on their favourite trainer exceeds anything you can imagine, Tiffany was sat between her mum and dad, waving a Nyla flag. Nyla in person, was using her famous Pyra, her Flareon

The attacks were lethal, agility, then a well paced ember, then another agility, Pyra was so fast, Reichi, seemed to prefer power to speed, and his Kangaskan was trying to comet-punch Pyra.

While she turned and turned, Kangahskan, got a bit dizzy, Pyra suddenly let loose a huge Fire blast, which Kangahskan dodged, after getting over the dizzy spell... The match ended up a draw, but it was how Pyra used that huge but magnificent Fire blast, which had really inspired Tiffany at trying to became a Pokémon master... Someday she hoped, that it would be her Pokémon dodging Pyra.... Someday... Someday... That thought echoed in her mind while she fell asleep...

7hoo in the morning, the next day...




Sounded the alarm clock, Tiffany was wide awake as soon as she heard the sound. She dressed herself rather specially, she brushed her hair, which was a sort of murky, greenish-blue, and tied it up in Ponyta-tails... She went down the stairs real slowly, like she was trying to savour them, at the bottom of them, were standing her parents. They seemingly had tear stained faces, she ran the couple of stairs that were left and threw herself into their arms. Tiffany was crying a little bit, her mother was sobbing, and her father was hugging her tighter than usual... She felt rather strange, like this was the moment she'd been waiting for all her life... Her parents finally let go, her mum said "well my little Pokémon trainer, ready to open up your presents?" She winked, and lead Tiffany in to the living room, her dad was not far behind. Her mum and dad sat down on the settee, while Tiffany dropped to the floor, in front of her, was a big bag of presents, Tiffany smiled at them, her parents looked pleased. Tiffany put her hand in the big bag, and out came a tiny little gift, she read the card "to our little darling, we know you can do it! Mum and Dad" She opened the box, it was well wrapped... She saw a splendid gold necklace, it looked like an Eevee that was running, it was a sort of locket, so she opened it. A photo locket, how cute. She put it around her neck and smiled. She continued to unwrap the rest of her presents. She had a lot of things: A pokégear from her aunt and uncle, a new bag put-everything from her cousin, and a load of Pokémon magazines from her friends, that are already trainers. The one before last present was from professor Oak, the new Pokémon translator (she'd studied for it ^_^) Her dad and Mum left the room, without a word, Tiffany was surprised, but they suddenly came back in, holding a box, they gave the gift to Tiffany, it felt heavy. She opened it with trembling hands, untying the golden ribbon which sealed her last birthday joy, lifting the lid slowly, she saw a ball of light-brownish fur "Waa, an Eevee!!" She took the Pokémon in her arms, she cuddled it tightly, tears leaking slowly down her face. "I'm gonna call you... Kitty!!" Then she ran in to her parents arms, tears were running from her eyes, and her parents, Kitty, was squeezed in the middle of this huge hug. Tiff, said "oh, thank you thank you thank you. I'm off to see professor Oak. I'll be back." She put the minimised pokéball on to her belt, but she hadn't recalled Kitty, who was following her speedy steps. Tiffany slowed down and said to the little pokémon "I hope you like the name Kitty." Thanks to Professor Oaks great gadget, she understood Kitty's answer "sure, it doesn't bother me, but what's your name?" The little Eevee, had a downtown accent, sounding a bit rebellious, but posh, she stared up at her trainer, she was red in the face. "Heh heh heh, oups I forgot that detail, my name is Tiffany, thanks to your help, if you want to of course, I'm going to be as great as Nyla, she has a magnificent Flareon..." Tiffany's eyes became dreamy as she recalled the moment of Pyra's fireblast. Eevee looked puzzled, but she jumped on to Tiffs shoulder, "sure I'll help you, but why do you ask, normally trainers just use there pokémon to come to their ultimate goal, you gave me a choice to make, like I was an equal..." "Well" Tiffany said, stroking her little pokémons head, "I thought all trainers give them a choice, no matter how much they don't show it, I'm just making it visible" Both of the girls smiled, as they reached Prof. Oaks lab. Kitty jumped of her back, amazed at such a large building, she just stood there, wide-eyed. Tiffany smiled and picked her amazed pokémon up, and carried her in. Prof. Oak greeted her to an " happy birthday Tiffany, so you're ready to finally pursue your goal. I see you already have a Pokémon, I'm afraid I can't let you have another one, so many young trainers want to try out for this years league..." "OK.." Sighed Tiffany. "But here's your pokédex. It's a new version, it records, over 300 pokémon, not bad eh, ranging from your cute Caterpie, to your ferocius Feraligator... It's almost the best model you can find, so on any circumstances, don't loose it!"

Said the Professor, handing her the tiny red machine. "Right Prof. Oak, you'll see, me and Eevee, we'll be the best team..." Tiffany said, with a lot of enthusiasm, Kitty jumped on to her shoulders. "You have a real trainer spirit, good luck, and don't forget to pop in if you got some time" said the professor, bustling around with one of his new researches, Tiffany smiled, and left the Prof. to get on. She left the huge shiny white building, to do the return route to her house, she was deep in thought, only to be rudely awaken when this little kid knocked her over! Herself and her little pokémon where sent flying, the boy stopped, and rushed over. She'd seen him before, he used to hang around the lab when she would study, with a gang of his friends, his friends, would throw a couple a rocks at the lab, they were so obviously Pokémon haters, but this boy always turned and looked away when this started. He had never once threw a rock, unlike his stupid friends. ( Now I'm going to switch to "me" as referring to Tiffany, these are going to be her thoughts, and her speaking, but in a form of I, or me, or anything that suggests the first person ^_^)

The boy walked over to me, he seemed in a hurry, but he stuck out his hand, I gripped it firmly, not wanting to look at his face, I rushed over to Kitty, were the fall had messed up her fur. I stared at this boy, he looked so innocent, I felt like I was going to shout at him! I turned around, so I faced him properly, he was stammering something, but I didn't quite catch what... "Speak louder, I can't hear what the heck you are saying !" The boy really looked scared, liked I given his nose a good punch, I noticed what he was wearing, he was totally geared up in some of the newest pokémon trainer outfits, and he had a same type bag as mine

He was rather young, I judged 10 years old, then it suddenly dawned on me, he was going to became a trainer... Brushing the dirt of me, I said "you're going to get your first pokémon. Where are yer friends? No need for speed. So calm down will yer!" Brushing the dust and gravel out of Kitty's fur, the boy said to me "hey, sorry about pushing you. It was an accident, honest. But I want to get there before everyone else, so I can have first pick, so if I go now, how about we settle this after..." The boy started running again, I finally managed to get the last of the dirt out of Kitty's fur. "Wait!!!" I shouted, "I don't even know your name!" I picked up Kitty, and trudged the rest of the way to the house, Kitty didn't say a lot. I went in, and my mum was sitting at the table with dad, she looked sad, I mean real sad. "Tiff sweetie" her voice rang "did you pack your bags" "uhh... No mum, I'll do it straight away..." I left mum sitting at the table with dad, I felt a little guilty, but Kitty reassured me, she said to me, when I was grabbing my belongings "your family and yourself should needn't worry so much, you can always contact each ever..." I love my little Kitty, she always has the right word to say, I thought about it, I suppose she's right, I could contact her from pokécenters, not to mention my new pokégear... In my new bag, I put my cherished ninetails sleeping bag, my trainer clothes, I received them for Christmas, not to mention, my 2 fav white T-shirts, one with a Sandslash digging a hole, and another one, where an Eevee was playing with a Vulpix and a Pikachu, and there was a cute sandshrew, I find sandshrews, really, really cute... I got a couple of provisions from down stairs, my parents weren't sitting depressed at the table any more, mum was cooking, and dad was trying to get back in to his "joke-a-thon" but anyone could see, they're hearts weren't in it at all, mums cooking smelled atrocious, and dads jokes were sick, not to mention, not funny... I grabbed up what was left, mum seriously needed to do some more shopping... I returned upstairs, Kitty was playing with a pokéball of some sort, it looked like my old make-believe stuff, she must of found it in some old box... My bag was hardly heavy, when they mean everything, they sure meant everything... So I packed my Pikachu hairbrush, my new guides and magazines, that my friends offered me, a cleaning/healing kit, that I got for my birthday last year, that means, potions, antidotes, you name it, and specialising shampoo/hairbrush for Pokémon... I think I have everything, Kitty noticed that, so she put away the broken pokéball in a old box... "Right ready, Kitty" The little Eevee looked determined. I left the room, to see my parents at the bottom of the stairs again, "Tiffany, you know what that means, you will walk alone, with your pokémon as your friends" said her mum. The road to victory will be long and difficult, no doubt, but we know that you can do it, and that is what you've always wanted..." I smiled, "thank you mum and dad" it was like I was glued to the steps, tears came back, but I was fighting them... "Mum, dad, I won't let you down" she kissed them both before leaving the house.

A new, pokémon/study free day started, this is going to be great, I thought, but guess what. Like always, when I'm thinking some really deep thoughts and Kitty was preening herself on my shoulder, that pesky little boy bumped in to me again... I could of killed him, really, only this time I didn't tumble ^^... "Oh, it's you again, so show the new pokémon you got..." The young kid opened up his pokéball, and out popped a small, fuzzy, little aquatic puppy, it was rather cute... The boy looked really excited "The Prof. Oak, has been on a new tour, in a new land, and he caught these pokémon, this one is called Loki, he has beautiful blue fur, and he's an aquatic pokémon. This other girl, she took this burning tiger, it was a cub, but it's tiny mane was on fire, it was called, Chiera, but the girl called the girl pokémon Amber, the colour of her eyes, and the other boy, it took a pokémon that looked likes a huge praying mantis, a big, big insect, he called it Tiki, but I think it's real name was Manahera. They were all excellent. Oh, my name is Cyriel, but my mum and dad just call me squirrel. Hey, mind if I keep you company, the Prof. said I should really be supervised by someone, and I thought you would let me come with you, I thought you were so pretty. That day I came with my friends when they threw rocks on the Prof's lab, you were beautiful..." My thoughts travelled else where, I crouched down, and spoke softly to my Kitty's ear "Kitty, would you like him to come?" Kitty looked at me, her big brown eyes starring in to mine "I can tell you're not so sure, he really likes you, I think you should give him a chance. And his pokémon likes me too" I got up, stared at Loki, licking Kitty and turned to the boy he was holding his pokéball in his hand, but I suddenly grabbed his hand and said "can't you give your pokémon a little liberty, don't recall it, he's small enough to climb on your shoulder..." He was surprised at my fast reaction, he put the empty pokéball back on his belt, then he smiled at me, "does that mean yes?" I looked at him, he looked rather cute, his hair was a pale blue, short, except for the end bit at the back, a bit longer, he was cute in a fun way. I smiled "OK We can try..." " Cool, are you going to be a pokémon master, cause I wanna be just like the famous Reichi..." I was surprised at hearing his name, I was for Nyla, and him for Reichi, maybe one day I'll be battling him... Nah, how could my thoughts travel that far, he could never beat Nyla... I could though... And Reichi... "So are yer coming, we're going to have to make a move if we wanna get anywhere..." Said Squirrel, I smiled at him and led him through the tall grass, bye bye Pallet town... Squirrel was right behind me, his Loki on his shoulder, me, Kitty was on my head, she must think that it's one great perch...

(we're going to replay this next moment, under each character and pokémon...)


We were doing fine, walking, no sign of any pokémon though... After a nice long walk of jokes and talks (sadly Cyriel, has no translator...) We were resting, then for a moment, Squirrel was looking at the bushes, he grabbed Loki and ran off, I shouted after him, but he didn't come back, the tree we were resting against, me and Kitty, moved

violently. Surprised, me and Eevee got up, we looked on closer identification, we saw 2 Mankeys, fighting for territory, I quickly summoned Kitty "Kitty, go, tackle that tree!!" "Eeee veeee!!! BAM... Ouch, that hurt, not the best plan you could come up with Tiff..." "But it's working, look..." The 2 Mankeys, suddenly became dislodged from their fighting, an fell to the ground, the stronger one, fled in terror, while the weaker one was dazed, I grabbed a spare ball from my belt, and threw the pokéball with skill at the dazed Mankey... I then ran over to see my little Kitty, slumped by the tree, she wasn't unconscious, she had a thumping headache... I took her over and sat myself down on a tree stump, the Mankey was still fighting inside the pokéball. I got Eevee to sit on my lap, while I fixed little Kitty's booboo with a new plaster, she eyed suspiciously the pokéball, and then "CLIC" the pokémon was caught. I jumped up in the air with my Kitty and I said "well done Kitty, you did it" We danced, and then Kitty jumped down, and started prodding the pokéball. I asked her "would you like to see your new friend ?" "Oh yes may I please" giving me her sweet innocent dog look, I smiled and picked up the pokéball, Mankey came out, it still looked a bit dazed "What-what-who- what happened here, where am I? What happened to me?" "Hi, my name's Kitty, this is Tiffany." "BOOM" It sounded from those trees...

Kitty (The Eevee)

We were having a lovely walk, Loki new some funny jokes, but Squirrel had no translator :( We decided to rest for a moment. We sat down in this opening, which had a couple of tree stumps, and some nice trees leading in to a small forest. While resting, something had caught Squirrel's eye, he was staring in to the forest, then he suddenly grabbed Loki, and ran right in to the dense trees. Tiffany shouted for him to stop, but he didn't. We lost complete sight of him. The tree we were resting against moved violently al of a sudden. Tiffany and me jumped to our feet, well, me my paws ^^ and Tiffany told me 2 mankeys were fighting in there.

So I was ready, Tiffany told me to Tackle the tree, "Eeee Vee, BAM, ouch, not the best plan you could of come up with..." I said, but that really did hurt... She said "hey but it's working..." I watched as the 2 mankeys fell to the ground, the fiercer looking one fled, but the other was dazed. She threw a ball, with great precision to tell the truth. Then she ran over to me, she picked me up, and sat me down on the tree stumped, and fixed me up. I watched with a little suspicion, the pokéball with the thrashing mankey inside, and then, CLICK, the pokéball stopped moving around. Me and Tiff, jumped in the air, and we done a sort of victory dance, she said to me "well done Kitty, you did it" I felt immensely proud. I jumped down, and stated touching the pokéball, I really wanted to see the new mankey. She said to me "would you like to see your new friend?" "Oh yes, may I please" I gave her my innocent dog impression. She smiled at me, and opened up the pokéball, out popped Mankey, who still looked a bit dazed, said "What-what-who- what happened here, where am I? What happened to me?" So I answered "Hi, my name's Kitty, this is Tiffany..." "BOOM" It sounded from those trees...

Cyriel (Squirrel)

We were having loads of fun walking, joking, the only problem was, that I couldn't understand what pokémon say, I don't have a translator. We decided to rest by a tree, suddenly, me eye's rested on a little open space in side the forest, the biggest tree was there, and guess what was on the tree. Weedle's and Kakuna's, I really wanted one, but I didn't really want Tiff to get one, so I planned what to do. There, I know... I stood up, and grabbed Loki, and ran in to the forest, I went to the big tree, with it's pokémon, and looked up and down, I was amazed, I decided, I wanted a Weedle, so I used Loki "Loki, go, tackle the Weedle... No, not that one, on your left, the one on the far left... You're other left!... BAM!" Loki had rammed in to the Weedle, knocking it over... The fight should've been won, I was ready to throw my pokéball. "Well done Loki, do it again." Loki looked really happy, on his tackle and prepared to ram it again, but then, suddenly, a huge explosion sounded, it wasn't that far away, actually quite near...

Loki (Cyriel's pokémon)

We were having a load of fun, and a really pleasant walk, the best bit was, Cyriel, pulling his most puzzled face, cus he didn't understand me and Kitty. Kitty's cute... So we decided to rest. Squirrel was eyeing something in the small forest nearby, then he suddenly grabbed me, and he ran straight in to the forest. He stopped at this great big tree, with a load of Weedle and Kakuna, he looked around, and then he told me to tackle a Weedle, so I did, but it was the wrong one! So I attacked another one, found out finally what was left and what was right ^^ Managed to beat him, actually quite proud of myself... First success! ^^ Then he told me to do it again. The a giant "BOOM" sounded from the trees nearby...

Wanna know what's happened to Squirrel and Loki, if Tiffany's new captured Mankey will ravage after her like any savage pokémon? Stay tuned for part 2:

Trouble in the forest...