Title: Change
Author: Shadow/Phantomness
Pairing: Originshipping (Wallace x Steven)
Fandom: Pokémon
Theme: #4, Change

Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*

Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks

Warnings: Shonen-ai


            It was not easy to pinpoint exactly when things had shifted between them. Steven would have liked to believe it was the first time they made love, but that comparison seemed a bit too crude to describe his relationship with Wallace.

            Steven was not good with his feelings. He left that to Wallace, who was a steel-bright spark of determination underneath all of his elegance, and who he would never think of as weak, ever. He was sure that if he asked, the blue-haired man would happily describe the circumstances, but he wanted to sift through this mess himself.

            No, he was wrong. It was not a mess, simply something that had crept up upon him, caught him unawares. Now that he thought about it, he had to admit that he did love Wallace, as more than just a friend.

            But was that necessarily a bad thing?



End Fic

Completed 1/26/07

I admit, Steven really isn’t the introspective type and I’m not sure how IC he was, but I tried…  and I got The Incarnation Pokemon’s stamp of approval, so! *Preen*