Dear God don’t let this bunny die…

I seem to be saying that a lot. Did you know that Shadow does not lay her fics out, she just writes on inspiration? It can be dangerous sometimes.


Chapter 7: Dance, dance revolution


            Kris grinned. “Go! Skiploom!”
            Ash’s expression didn’t falter an iota as his puzzle glowed. “Summon Charizard…”

            Charizard roared, as Skiploom used Cotton Spore.

            “Flamethrower.” Ash said. “And then, if it still lives… Rage.”

            Charizard obeyed without question, quickly finishing the battle. After all, it didn’t hurt him.

            Kris was a bit stunned. “Go! Wailmer!”

            “Dragon Rage… after you Swords Dance it up.”

            Ash took out a manga and read it while Charizard kicked the rest of Kris’s pokemon around.

            Charlotte rolled her eye. * Honestly… oh well, he likes to show off. *

            Kris ran off, without another word.



            Ash jumped, as someone in a white cape and tunic materialized behind him. “Who are you?”

            The puzzle glowed, as Destiny appeared in a fighting stance.

            “No, no. Don’t worry about me, Pharaoh-sama.’ The person placated, taking off his hood.


            “Gary, actually.” The boy corrected. “I just came to check up on you, now that you’ve gotten your item.”

            “Thanks for your concern.”

            “No problem at all,” Gary said. “Now, have you experienced any trauma?”

            “Uh… don’t think so.”

            Charlotte coughed. Ash glared.


            “Don’t worry, relationship problems do not count.” Gary said severely. “Now, Bob has the Millennium Rod, so be on your guard. And…”


            “The Ring is getting restless and searching for the owner. Who it chooses is up for grabs. So be prepared for danger on that front too, just in case.”

            “I will.” Ash promised. “Thank you, Gary.”

            “No problem.” Gary winked. “Just doing my duty as guardian of the items. See you!”

            Without another word, he vanished.


            “… I never knew Gary was that chipper.”

            “Erika’s good for him.”

            “They’re a couple?”

            “Don’t tell me you didn’t notice…”

            “So I’m dense.’ Ash defended. “It’s not a bad thing.”

            “No, no, it’s not. Don’t worry about it.”


            Ash waited until they were a few miles down the road before he released another pokemon.

            “You are sending out Dragonite too?”


            “You must really miss her.”

            “Shut up.” Ash scowled, red burning at his ear tips.

            Dragonite flew off, also seeking.



            A pair of eyes morosely stared into a pool of water.

            “Oh Lily, stop moping.” Daisy reprimanded. ‘There’s plenty more fish in the sea.”

            Lily burst into tears. “But I loved Bob! Why did he dump me?”

            “I have no idea. He was a jerk, but a rich jerk.”

            Lily continued to sob.


            And somewhere else…


            Bob angrily kicked over a pile of rare books. “Nothing!”

            His servant Damien shuddered at the master’s display of anger.

            “Get me something worthwhile!” Bob snapped.


            “Quiet.” Bob snapped. He fingered the Rod, before tucking it into his belt. “I need the Ring. Otherwise, trying to find the other items will be like a dark maze.”

            Damien scrambled out of the room.

            “Bring me a baby boy.” Bob said. “Age two or less.”

            Shuddering, Damien left.


            Bob hated the Dream Realm. The creatures there hated him back. His only companion was his Ka, the black dragon Nightfyre.

            Nightfyre materialized, sensing his other’s anger.

            “Nightfyre. Are you prepared?”

            The spirit-beast stared unblinkingly ahead. You are going to open the gates.

            “As is my due.” Bob said.


            Sacrifices, of course, had to be made. A few of the Chosen, Ash included, could pass into the realm without problems.

            But for everyone else…

            It required blood magic. And then, there were the gate guardians.



            Charlotte’s Millennium Eye glittered as she held up a card. Inside, trapped behind bars, was the face of a girl.

            “Too bad… you tried to assassinate my brother, but…he has protection.”

            Ash slept on, unaware of the danger he had been in.

            “Kush still hates us, as is expected. Too bad you haven’t gotten any stronger.” Without another word, Charlotte banished the body to the dream realm.


            And somewhere else…


            Lance smirked as the spikes from the Millennium Ring dug into the flesh of the robber. “Idiot. Items kill the ones they aren’t Chosen for.”

            Her Tauk glittered.

            The robber screamed, before flames consumed him. The Ring dropped to the ground.

            With another half-smile, Lance picked it up and slipped it on over her head, as she felt the tines turn outside and point north.

            “So, let’s go see if its friend or foe who awaits…”

            Dragonair appeared from the realm as her Master climbed on. They flew off in no time.


End Chapter!

Started 2/29/04, completed 3/19/04