If I donft pass my Chemistry Final Exam, someone is going to die, slowly and painfullyc *grabs knives*

Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*

Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks

Chapter 4


            Wataru watched Ibuki fawn over Kanna, hiding a smile. It was odd that a Ryuu no Meiji-sama would love one whose element was ice, but in nature, stranger things could be found. Red went to shower and get a snack, and when he returned, Wataru was flicking through the pages of a pokémon encyclopedia, quite bored.


            gWhat do you want?h

            gI think now itfs time to tell you why I went to find you.h

            gIfm listening.h Wataru put the encyclopedia down and crossed his arms.


            Red explained the situation about Ketsuban, and Wataru nodded at intervals of the story, frowning when he heard of Kannafs crushing defeat. When Red finally stopped, he stood up.

            gI do not see why this has anything to do with me, Red. Granted, it is very c well, distressing that such a thing is happening, and of course I would be glad to aid the league, but Ifm not a trainer.h

            Redfs jaw dropped. gYou arenft?h

            gNo. I have not trained pokémon for years, not since I was disownedc I trust Ibuki did not tell you about that?h

            gNot at all! I meanc I knew you had family problems, but I never thought you wouldnft be a trainer!h

            gSorry to disappoint you.h Wataru stated.

            gHmmch Red rubbed his chin thoughtfully. gWell, we have to do somethingch


            gDo you have any suggestions?h Shiba asked.

            Kikuko was frowning. gWe could all goc Ifll have my Gengar ready to teleport us away should danger threaten, and that should be all right.h

            gYour Gengar can also Curse them, right?h

            gYes, that might helpch


            Wataru tagged along, since Red was sure he had some role to play. They just had to find it!

            The intrepid quartet soon found Ketsuban still flying up and down the Cinnabar coast, as they had expected. Without a word, they released their pokémon and the battle commenced. Wataru watched, as Redfs Pika unleashed Thunderwave and Kikukofs Gengar pummeled it with Curse and Confuse Ray. Ahc the Parafusion combinationc

            How intriguing.


            Ketsuban staggered, seemingly bewildered by this strange strategy. But then it began to glow, and with a rushing wave of white light, all of Shibafs pokémon crumpled, along with Kikukofs Arbok. Red cried out in surprise as his Pikachu also succumbed, followed swiftly by his Fushigibana.

            What was this mysterious glow?

            As it cleared, Wataru was already at Shibafs side. He glared at Ketsuban angrily, before he placed his hands over the fallen pokémon. A pale white light began to glow from his palms.

            Ketsuban almost cried out in terror. It would have, if it could make sound. What was thisc usurper?

            Wataru smirked, and as Ketsuban turned its attention to him, Curse sapped the last of its hit pointsc

            The pokémon toppled over, but not fainted.


            gWhat are you doing?h Kikuko asked, as Wataru focused his powers.

            gMaking sure it doesnft rise again.h He said, as he concentrated. Ketsubanfs form began to shake, and then finally disappear. When Wataru withdrew his hands, Kikuko noticed with unease that they were covered in blood.

            gIs it really gone?h Red asked, surprised.

            Wataru nodded. gI believe so.h

            gItfs over then? Just like that? Does that mean Kanna is also awake?h

            gWe can only hope.h Kikuko replied, and teleported them all back to Indigo Plateau. Red waited anxiously for the bluish light to fade, before he ran to see how Kanna was doing. Kikuko followed at a more leisurely pace, while Shiba just grunted.

            Sure enough, Kanna was awake, and Ibuki was fussing over her. Red backed out of the room before they noticed him, smiling fondly.

            He was happy for them.


            gWhat were you using earlier, Wataru?h Red inquired. gI saw how you healed Shibafs pokémon, but when you touched Ketsubanch

            gYou meanch Wataru began, startled.

            gYou have power, donft you?h

            Wataru nodded. gA little. It is different from Elemental affinity though.h

            gI can see thatc unless your element is normal? c But no, that would not work no matter how I looked at it.h

            gIf you have time, I can tell you more.h

            Red nodded and sat down on the couch next to Wataru as Wataru began to speak. His voice was oddly soothing, though very soft. Red almost had to strain his ears to listen, and he was sitting right next to him!

            gWell, it happened quite a long time agoc did Ibuki ever tell you why I was disowned?h

            Red shook his head.

            gI was deemed not... bloodthirsty is perhaps an impolite term to use, but it is the best I can describe the situation. It was a battle, my Miniryuu versus my Grandfatherfs Kairyuu.h

            Red goggled at him. Wataru half-smiled, before he continued with his narrative.

            gI lost, as you may have deduced. Miniryuu sustained severe injuries and died that very night.h

            gIs that all?h Red asked, partially distracted. A pokemon had died? He shuddered. If his ever died, he would be heartbroken.   

            gNot quite.h Wataru said. gI brought Miniryuu to the closest Center, but it was all for naught. There was nothing they could do. The Rakkii worked hard to stabilize him, but he slipped away so easily.h

            Wataru paused, and Red did not urge him to continue. He hoped that the older boy would not break down and cry. That would be embarrassing.

            gAfterwards, I buried Miniryuu and left Johto. Grandfather was searching for me, after all, so I swam to Whirl Islands. I was quite sure he would not search for me there.h

            Red nodded. One usually did not venture into places where legendary birds were, unless one was foolish or determined, perhaps both.

            Foolish enough to try and capture the legendaries. Determined enough to winc

            gSoc is itcLugia?h

             gNo.h Lance shook his head. gLugia doesnft healch

            gThen itfs natural? Like elemental affinity?h

            gI assume so.h

            Red did not ask more, and they sat there quietly.          


End Chapter

Completed 8/15/06

Yes! THE FINAL IS OVER! Ifm FREE!!! At least for a week until school starts up againc ^^

I just noticed that Lance evaded any uncomfortable questions. ^^ Hmmc

Rakkii = Chansey

If Japanese names are close to English, I didnft bother changing them