What the heck was I thinking? o.O; Anyway, this IS a Pokémon story, it's just that none of the characters have yet been mentioned (Except Ash, except his name has not yet been retreated). This is also an Alternative Universe fic, so it's kinda odd…especially since it takes place in…GASP…Norse Mythology! Yep, my insanity has been brought upon my love for Norse Mythology. Anyway, a glossary of everything you NEED to know to understand the story (in Mythology parts) is below, and I have to say that this story is rated between a PG - 13 and R (Not yet decided which one is better) for some extreme descriptive violence (coming up) and some rather suggestive themes. Anyway, enjoy! ^o^ Glossary: World: In the world of Norse Mythology, there are nine worlds: Asgard; the land of the Aesir, Vanaheim; the land of the Vanir, Midgard; the land of men, Alfheim; the land of the light elves, Jotuheim; land of the giants, Utgard; fortress of the giants, Nefliheim; the world of the dead (This also counts Hel), Nidavellír; land of the dwarfs, and Svartalfheim; land of the dark elves. Each of the nine worlds is held at the branches of Yggdrasil, which is a giant tree that is watered by the three choosers of destiny called the Norns: Urd (Fate), Skuld (Being), and Verdandi (Necessity). Each of the Norns brought the destiny of each man and animal. At the roots of Yggdrasil, Nidhogg (the dragon known as The Corpse Eater) guards Nefilheim and eats the roots of the tree, as well as eating the corpse of the dead. Ratatosk the squirrel scurries up its branches, deer feast on the leaves, and an eagle stays atop. Notes: In Asgard, the land of the Vanir Gods, Odin (known as The Wise One, Terrible One, or Wodin) watches over the nine worlds in his hall called Valaskjalf. The Vanir used to be in war with the Aesir, in which caused Njord (Plus his daughter Freyja and his son Freyr) to move to the Vanir for the sign of peace. Loki is the trickster fire god that can change into anyone and anything. He's often the reason everything has gone wrong in this mythology, and is usually the one who as well fixes them. He's also Odin's adopted brother, and has a wife named Sigyun, although he's often known to cheat off of her. He has four children; the three monstrous children [ he bore them with a frost giant I've currently forgotten the name of ] Fenrir; the massive wolf, Hel; the goddess of Nefilheim, Jumerang; the Midgard serpent, and the horse Sleipnir in which he bore himself when he mated with a horse as a trick to make a giant loose Odin's bet. Thor and Balder were Odin's children. Thor was the God of thunder and possessed a mighty hammer that never missed and always killed its target. Balder was a peace god that was killed by Loki when he threw mistletoe at him, stabbing him to death. Dragons were often demons and were an awful amount of trouble. When Loki received a huge treasure that possessed a cursed ring [ and gave the treasure to Hreidmar for killing his son ] Fafnir, one of Hreidmar's sons, served the price of getting cursed by the ring, killing his father, and turning into a hideous dragon that guarded the treasure Loki had given them. Soon Sigurd killed the dragon, ate its heart, and fell in love with the Valkyrie Brynhild. Valhalla was the hall of the slain. The three Valkyries [ maiden's of the slain ], took the souls of the dead, and brought them to the great hall to fight at Odin's side. Gungnir is Odin's special spear made by the dark elves; it never misses, and always returns to its owner. Sleipnir was bore by Loki (when he tricked a giant's working horse to wander off and mate) and is Odin's eight-legged horse. He can run over ocean and land, and is faster than any horse in the nine worlds. Its power is even great enough to enter the halls of Nefilheim, in which Odin did when he tried to rescue Balder from Hel. Idun is the Goddess of Spring. She grows golden apples that restore the youth, and gives them to the gods so they can always stay young. Once Loki was tricked by an eagle [ which was really a frost giant ] to kidnap Idun and her apples in order for him to save his life. Odin and the other gods began to age very gradually, which of course made Odin furious. He ordered Loki to get Idun back, which he did eventually by using Freyja's falcon cloak, and turned her into a nut so he could bring her back while the other gods killed the giant. Later the giant's daughter, Skadi, becomes enraged and demands revenge for her father's death. Eventually Loki cheers her up, and she marries unhappily with Njord. [ I don't blame her, actually… but then again, that's what you get by choosing your husband by looking at their feet ] Dragon Crusade Chapter One Thunder howled and cracked among the outer walls of Asgard, spraying an aroma of burnt wood and ash among the pouring hills and slopes. Heidrun, with a mouth filled of soggy grass and pine, leaped down the moss and rocks to find shelter under the roof of Yggdrasill, Oak-horned doing the same as the river that balanced among its ash-tree horns poured behind his mahogany fur of fall. Besides these two creatures among the field of Asgard, everything remained still and unconscious. Lightning was the only object that remained active among the distance and burning thunder of anger. The silver and gold palace on the hill glimmered and lashed out light to the bracing storm, rain pounding its fist on the massive corridor that led its way inside the house of the Gods. As thunder yet again lashed a reflection of the manor on the east, casting a large shadow among its exterior, a silver falcon with piercing golden eyes fluttered through the rain on dreary wings, landing on a draping perch of Yggdrasill with a shrill. Upon hearing this uproar from this familiar silver falcon, servants of the Gods began pulsing down the ropes of the entrance to Asgard, letting the corridor drape down like a piece of cloth. The falcon's wings hovered into the air as the chains of the door began to clang and twist, lowering ever so slightly as rain gushed down its edges. Seeing the corridor making an opening, the falcon suspended its wings, and hovered into the halls of Asgard. When the bird made its way into the entrance of gold and majesty, the corridor again rang shut, causing the servants to drop their ropes in relief. Soaring, and screeching just the same, the silver falcon hovered above the passing Gods and servants in the hallway, making its way only to find the hall of Odin, Valaskjalf. Gold sprung in all directions as it made the entrance to the gate of Allfather, only stopping to perch on an ornately decorated door staff. Gazing with fiery eyes, the falcon gawked at the edge of Valaskjalf, watching the nine worlds spring to life before his very eyes as a hooded figure began to approach the corridor of Asgard. Noticing everything was in correct order, the falcon nodded to itself. "It's about time you made it, Loki." The Allfather stood before the falcon with his one beaming eye, watching its every move as it had just done to Valaskjalf. "I thought you had been eaten by a frost giant. That would've been to Thor's pleasure I suppose." Loki fluttered to the floor of the hall as his human shape began to return, the falcon cloak that belonged to the fair Goddess Freyja hanging at his shoulders as he sat their grinning at the Allfather contently. "Maybe so, but it's not like I'd let him get away with it. I'd slit the monster's throat before he'd digest me." His fiery eyes relaxed into a deep emerald. "And to think you hadn't even though of that. I thought you were supposed to be wise, Allfather Odin!" Some of the Gods that hung out behind Odin in this meeting followed the joke in quiet chuckles as Odin continued to scowl at The Sly One, threatening to split his ribcage like a falcon if he made one more scarce comment. Content with annoying the God, Loki gathered up the falcon cloak, and headed over towards the others, smiling coarsely at Freyja who insolently snatched her cloak back once he reached her sight. Loki simply laughed at her rudeness, and carelessly walked over to the left side of the group where he could spread tall tales about 'mysterious' fruits to Idun. Odin sighed at the Trickster's immaturity, but soon as well began the meeting he had called them all together to discuss. "My friends…" The Gods looked up at him immediately, watching his one eye survey them with wonder. "It seems we have a new person to join us here in Asgard." Loki immediately looked over the people in the room with an amused face. "And to think I didn't know an affair had been going on. Gee, I'm losing my touch, aren't I Thor?" Thor polished his massive hammer with his fore thumb, and glared at Loki with vicious eyes in a threatening warning. Loki immediately cowered away. Odin too glared, but soon continued as Loki shut up about his sly traits of a rat. "But it's of no one descended of here, but of Nidhogg…" Gasps spread around the talk of the Gods, not believing that Odin was actually letting a child of the corpse eater of Nifelhieim to actually enter to godly gates of Asgard. "But before you jump at my throat of letting a 'dragon' into Asgard, I wanted to include that this child looks as human as all of us." He looked over at the in-though Kvasir, seeing that he too had nothing else to say of Nidhogg. "It seems that Brokk of Svartalfheim found him on the north side of his home while burning some gold to make a cup that could fill the ocean. It also seems that Loki…" Odin's eyes glared at the trickster as he began to lean over to cut off part of Thor's reddish beard with his knife "had something to do with it as he came to try to make them fill the cup up with spiders instead of water." Loki shrugged, and quickly pulled his knife away as Thor glared at him in suspicion. "I thought elves liked spiders." Ignoring that comment, Odin continued his story. "Catching him in the act, Brokk gave the child to him as some sort of punishment, of course telling him to deal with the 'dragon child.' But I've figured that if we could train the boy of our ways, and keep him away from Loki, we wouldn't have to see the child's blood spread into our faces." Balder nodded at Odin's decision, and looked at Kvasir. "It could also prove helpful at war if we have a dragon at our side." He laughed. "Come to think of it, we usually have quite a bad time with dragons…it'd be more than helpful if he could join us." Freyja looked flabbergasted and disgusted at this, freely letting everyone see her opinion on her lips. "Allfather, this is absurd! Letting a dragon into Asgard! You know how carefree their minds are…!" Odin cut her off, "True, Freyja, but you have to remember that this dragon is more human…" "Which is also very hard to believe." Njord finished, letting Freyja nod to her father's let back. "It's quite unusual for a dragon, especially a male dragon, to give birth to a human child. Quite absurd, actually…unless you're talking about Loki." Loki's face flushed as he immediately searched for a comeback. "Well, I think it's actually very possible that a dragon could give birth to a human, Njord…especially since an ugly brute like you can help give birth to such a beautiful Goddess such as Freyja." The Gods snickered as Njord's face became raveled in anger. Odin thrust his spear on the floor in anger, making golden chips fly. Silence spread like a storm throughout the Gods. "Look, I have faith in this. Trust me." He signaled Loki. "Where is he, Loki?" Loki grinned. "Why, I told Skirnir to bring him. I saw him coming to the gates a few minutes ago. In a black cloak." Freyr looked outraged. "You trusted that bastard with a job of Odin?" Loki waved his head in quarrel. "My, Mr. Freyr, you sure have a limit of trust." Kvasir's ears perked up at Loki's lexis, his cranium leisurely moving towards the access hall as a slender clatter endorsed throughout his mind. "Skirnir is here…" He was the right, for the massive hall of Valaskjalf creaked ajar within a leak of golden luminosity, shadows scraping down the radiant floor of the great hall as the massive footsteps of Skirnir stepped into the foyer… *~&~* The luminosity hurt my eyes. It singed and parched them so, but my bandaged left arm hid the light's pain. My arm ached worse than anything I could have ever imagined-for it was sweltering up pain by the instant, and every occasion my arm lifted even such a tad, the pain would tear its way to my shoulders. I wanted to see what was initiating the throbbing under the guidance of the bandage, but with Skirnir keeping his immense golden eyes on me, I was way too terrified to even speak; for he was a colossal creature-a beast that made the ground shake even when he walked on his toes. But…what were toes anyway? "Here is Valaskjalf." Skirnir gazed at me with those cogitate eyes of his, apparently waiting for me to say something. Instead of speaking, I trembled, and took a deliberate step backwards, one so dense that it made him scowl. That glare made me feel as if a rock had jammed into my ribs, a sheer grief overcoming me as he continued to wait for my response. Yet, I still said nothing. Maybe it was for the fact that I couldn't… Sighing, he soon gave up on me, pushing me forward amid his massive leathery gloves. That leather smelled of blood and skin-the skin of a female cow that had been slaughtered and tied down helpless and insecure. The smell of a whimpering, completely helpless animal killed in the sake of the egotistic humans. I hated humans for what they did to other creatures. It was too inhumane for my keen sense of smell and I to handle. For not only was the odor vile and revolting, but I couldn't stand to think of how that cow must have felt when it was about to be massacred. Hunching my shoulders to the frame of my collar, I softly pressed at the giant's vastly gloved hand, trudging into the hall slapdash and uneasy. Radiant luminosity was everywhere in this infinite hall Skirnir called Valaskjalf-golden and vast and splendid. Wind compressed amid the hair on my neck as the substantial void blew in the weather of the nine worlds, my mahogany eyes gawking in amazement as I scrutinized a warrior in Midgard sail off in an ash-carved yacht, a gleaming ball of ember within his palm illuminating his way through the dimness of the storm. The boat traversed among a short wave of Ymir's blood in a trivial scull, sailing a brief distance before being consumed by a massive serpent. Blood spewed into the ocean and arose to the summit like a hovering feather, the vessel lying crippled in wooden fragments. My eyes, frisson and grovel, shivered at the scene, my stomach feeling as if a rock had splintered my ribs ajar like an eagle. "I see you've met the Midgard serpent." My barbed teeth socked my lip so vigorously at the alarm of a new voice that blood swelled down my chin, robustly curving down my neck. I maladroitly turned to cope with a one-eyed man masked in an ornate masquerade, one that seemed to be produced by the Norns themselves among their many unique capacities. With my aggrieved left arm, I chafed the blood off my jaw, letting the pallid bandage wrap like magic stain into a crimson color. Staring at it ineptly, I cringed, but still extracted it back to my waist. Skirnir look intently at the man with intolerance, permitting me to scowl at him for no utter reason. He stared at Valaskjalf, then at me, inclining an eyebrow in an almost utter method. "I don't know what you would want to do with a child like this, Allfather. He doesn't say anything. Quite awkward for a child really, being so quiet. Hasn't spoken a word to me since I've met him." An attractive mahogany haired maiden glowered at me with pungent golden eyes, revealing her bared teeth as she spoke back to the Allfather. "Probably doesn't know how to speak. The stupid dragon." My heart descended to the foundation of my chest, thrashing at the bottom like a skipping stone as my horror-crammed eyes still penetrated in the midst of the one eyed Allfather. Seeing my dread of him and this atypical dwelling, he pushed the smooth edge of his spear to my right cheekbone, a sweep chill overpowering my body at its contact. I shook with frisson. "Freyja, please be quiet at this moment of culpability. He's probably more afraid than you are." Freyja's cheekbones became wide, her emerald eyes resentfully quaking out her rage. "Me, afraid of a dragon?" The stuck-up resonance in her voice worried me. "Hmph, like that will ever seek into my blood." Gazing at the antagonism clean in her eyes, I felt devastated and forlorn, helplessly massacred in a pool of shallow blood that gleamed ebony to the arising darkness-no one to help me to my feet or wail of my demise. The shrouded God looked at me for the second time, pointing his index finger at my forehead. "Now boy, what is your name? If you speak to me, I'll take my spear away." My cheek scratched brutally at the face of the javelin as the God's palm shook agitatedly, a stab of pain searing through my face as my eyes continued to shiver. My…name? My eyes hallowed into a deep mahogany, the pain in my left arm increasing steadily as I thought. But I had always called myself 'I,' 'me,' and 'myself'…did those count to this one-eyed Allfather? Peering at the massive lance held at my cheek with tense eyes, I struggled to push back the air in my throat to release a sound, only succeeding in making a high-pitched inhuman snarl. The Allfather's spear released from my flesh, permitting my muscles to once again loosen up. He awkwardly gazed at the Goddess. "Hm…I guess you're right about one think, Freyja-he can't talk." "Of course I'm right. Dragons are stupid creatures. Ever heard of one besides a demon that could actually say something?" The Allfather groaned, seemingly trying to think of something that could 'expose' my nature in some way or another. He appeared to have thought of something, for before I knew what had happened, a cunning looking God stood before me smirking impishly. "Loki, try to make the boy laugh." The Allfather's eyebrows ascended in bother. "Serve this chance as the only chance to even talk to him. The only reason I'm even letting you near him is because you can just about make a weeping lily laugh." Loki grinned slyly. "Of course I can. I'm me, aren't I?" "Doesn't matter. Just do it." "Of course." Loki sauntered up to me offhandedly, looking down at me with a mock of superiority as his auburn hair bounced to his eyebrows, my eyes watching an ebony male goat meander into the room as Loki went to gather it. "Well I was taking this goat to the market one afternoon, you see…" With his left hand clasped around the goat's horns, his right hand picked up a golden piece of twine, leisurely fastening it roughly around the goat's bristly neck. "And being rather creative that day, I decided to take it in a fashion of tying it to my testicles…" My eyes swelled as Loki took off his denims, tying the golden piece of cord around his testicle. How could a God be so insane? Weren't they supposed to be smart? Noticing the expression tied on my face, he chuckled bitterly, soon continuing his little story that made no sense in my tome. "And you know how goats are; they tend to wander off." As if psychic, the ebony goat began to wander off to the other side of Valaskjalf, apparently looking for some grass to nibble on. Holding the cord up, Loki yanked back, pushing the goat's head up with a jerk. "The goat kept pulling and pulling, and since it hurt, I tried pulling the cord back, you see." I slowly nodded to his ignorance, watching as the goat's game of tug-a-war broke out. "And then…" The goat sharply charged forward, wrenching the cord onward within a sharp jerk, causing Loki to give away. A pained look suffocated on Loki's face as a sharp hissing noise escaped his throat from the yanking of his testicle. "Krwwwaaaaaaak!" I blinked in chaste doubt, trying to find out why this sly God was trying to show me a day that only put him in pain. Maybe the citizens in this place called 'Asgard' were really just stupid humans. I sighed. Even if they were powerful, it'd take them a long time to bring me down--even if I was scared. But then again, right now I was awful tired. The sleepiness was settling in my stomach, and the moist efface in my eyes were securing and seeking shut. So with the Gods glaring at me and my eyes sealed shut, I fell asleep--not sure if I was yet ready to await the next morning I would arrive in Day's domain.