Dragon Lair Affair. Fan fiction written by Sheikh Alfonso. Disclaimer: Pokemon and its associated characters are Copyright by Nintendo / Game Freak and also..4Kids. Blah...blah... Do I have to recite the whole drill? This was just made by boredom. ¬_¬ I suddenly feel like almost everyone makes fanfics out of boredom... Thanks, LonePichu for the review. ^^; Lets begin with out story-- ************************************************************************************* "YES!!!" I shout out with glee. I tightened my black fingerless-gloved fists and turned my favorite black and red baseball cap backwards. My black inner shirt and red outer-shirt was what I was wearing. I also wore a blue pant. Today was the day! The best day of my life! Well, almost... "Now remember to change you-know-whats everyday." My mom said before cutting me out. I fell down to the ground--anime style. "Yea, yea. I know! Ya don't have to pester me everytime with it! Sheesh." I said out of exasperation. Mom suddenly turned into a scary monster with her head twelve times bigger. "I want no back talk from you, young man! Or else." She yelled out at me. "Heh heh. Err...okay. Bye bye..." I said and walked out the door slowly. I turned the doorknob and walked out of the house onto Pallet town. "Whoo hoo! Free at--" I was distracted when a white beam of light came out of beam and blinded my eyes for a few seconds. When I opened my eyes again I saw my Pokemon and best friend Raichu out of his Pokeball and blinking at me in an angry way. A few passerbys looked at my Raichu, a giant mouse with a tail that had a form like a thunderbolt, with dark orange contrast skin and stripes on his back and big ears, with huge curiosity. "At last. I was wondering why you didn't let me. So I let myself out." Raichu, who I officially nicknamed Ray, looked at the passer-bys and his electric sacs began to spark. "Boo!" Ray said in a deep, scary tone of voice. Most of the passer-bys ran without a word, scared. And some yelled out. "A talking RAT! AHH!!!" And began running only to get shocked by Ray. I blinked looking at Ray. He certainly had something in him. And went up to him, and pet him on the head. "Heh heh. Sorry. I forgot to send you out." I told him. ' Just because I was scared of him shocking other people.' I muttered under my breath. "Anyways...lets get on the way...." I finally said. Ray simply nodded and jumped up my shoulder. "Lets get the show on the road." Happy and willing, I ran to route one. The start of my latest adventure to Hoenn. But first I got to take the ship to reach Hoenn. Me and Ray hadn't gone far until we met three people. One light brown and spiky haired boy around the age of sixteen or so, wearing an brown jacket over a green T-shirt. The second a young boy also spiky-haired wearing the new league baseball cap, a Pikachu, a yellow mouse with red cheeks and a lightning bolt tail, was riding on his shoulder. He wore a blue jacket. and also wore blue pants. Both standing next to a giant Oak tree. The third member a beautiful redheaded girl in a yellow shirt and shorts, sitting on a tree limb while hugging the branch. "Get it away! Please! I'm begging you, Ash!" She screamed. 'Ash? The Ash Ketchum? The one who gave Pallet Town the hometown of a hero?' I thought. I ran towards them only to be hit backwards by a passing Mallet. "Whoa...Misty, watch it. That Mallet is big enough to hit him." Ash said. I slowly got to my feet and stood shakily."Someone got the number of that truck?" I said with swirls in my eyes. "Yup, the number of that truck was 9924045." Ray said as a giant yellow and black cargo truck passed by on the road to Pallet. "Prrii..." A noise on the ground said. "It's a Caterpie." I said. "I KNOW THAT!! NOT GET IT AWAY!!" Misty shouted. "Yeesh. It's only a little bug. Why don't you...capture it?" I suggested only to be hurled backwards by a shout of displeasure. "Is she always like that?" I asked Brock. "Yes...even if I tell her the truth that she loves Ash." He stated. WHAM. Brock was suddenly lying on the hard grass." Me and Ash blinked. "Urm...I believe I haven't introduced myself. I'm Sheikh Alfonso. (A/N: I'm in the story. w00t) "I'm Ash Ketchum." "B-b-Brock S-s-Slate is m-m-me." Brock stuttered from the ground "I'm Misty Waterflower! NOW CAN YOU PLEASE GET THAT BUG AWAY?!" "What bug?" Ash asked. I looked at the ground as he said that. "I think it got away." Brock said. He was finally on his feet. (DIRECTOR: CUT! CUT! I'M 'BOUT TO CLOSE THIS DUE TO THE LACK OF POKEMON HOOD HERE!) "TIMEOUT! HEY! THIS IS MY FANFIC! -types something to kick the director out- (Director: AHH! gets eaten by carnivourous Pokemon) "That is what you get more butting in here. " "Hey, how did you recover so fast? Is usually takes about fifty minutes to do that when Misty's a-whacking." Ash asked. "Boy, m'boy is the power of writing. Sheikh didn't want Brock to stay fainted since he wants this adventure to e--" I put my hand in front of Rays mouth. "Shut up. Before you give everything away." I told him while Ash and co. were looking at me, confused. "Erm..how did that Raichu talk and what story are you talking about?" Ash asked while Misty slowly came down to the ground. I looked up at Ash then back at Ray with a menacing glare. Ray just smirked. "Urm...Ray here, can talk because he knows the mystic powers of the orient. And the story thing is none of your concern." I said in a voice mimicking my an Indian swami magician. ZAP! X_x; " Whoa..." Ash and co. say out in awe. "Ow...that was shocking..." I say out in a shocked voice, cringing over the electricity. "Wow, Ray is more powerful than YOW!" Pikachu shocked Ash before he could finish the sentence. I took up the old laptop and typed something into NotePad. "Something has gone wrong..." *Cowboy music starts* (Y'know...like when they meet at high noon...) Pikachu and Raichu are suddenly in cowboy uniforms. Pikachu's clothes are colored white and black while Ray is in dark brown. Ray and Pikachu smirked. "Lets get this show on the road....DRAW" "Road? Draw? That's right! I forgot this adventure." types something... *Timeout over* "So, about this adventure you were talking about, Sheikh..." Ash said. "What is it?" I looked at Ash with my eyebrow raised. "I keep forgetting...we're gonna go on super-de-duper adventure to the dragon lair, where we meet the powerful red Dragonite." I said real fast. Ray and Pikachu were chattering away behind me. 'Ray lost his human speech talk voice. Yay!' I thought. Misty and Brock were in the background floating like two statues that didn't know their place. I jogged towards Misty. "Say, I can catch you a Tentacruel if you come with me. ^.^; I would be mundo-happy." I said in a voice that would have put Brocks ga-ga voice to shame. I suddenly got pulled bby the ears. "Ow, ow. Lemme go." I cried out in pain. Ash was pulling me far away from Misty. Brock and Misty sweatdropped. "Okay, guys. I guess we should start our journey." Brock said. "Okay...lets do it." Ash replied. "Hmm...guys, I hope you can pay for yourself, we're going SS express on the SS Tidal!" I yelled. Everyone gave cheers of joy.....Almost everyone. "RAI" "PIKA" "CHU!!!" ************************************************************************************* Like it? Hate it? I hate it myself. x_X; C'mon, be polite, tell me what you think of it straightforward. Okay, this is short. And weird, yet funny. But I promise part two will be better. And bigger. And serious? -- --; This is kinda like an epilouge? Now, I'm gonna hit you with the... ________________________ POKEDEX FUNTIME: ____________________ Raichu: Evolved form of Pikachu--- Electric type. Attacks used: Thunderbolt. [ high and powerful electric attack] _____ Pikachu: Evolved form of Pichu. Electric type. Attacks used: Also Thunderbolt. ______ Catterpie: Caterpillar Pokemon--Bug type. None... Attacks used, none. ______ Red Dragonite: Not much data known. Ultimate Dragon. Evolved form of Dragonair. Special. ************************************************************************************** The DQS (Dumb Question Section): _______________________________ Only one...what will happen next in the series? Wait and find out. Ciao for now, guys. ^-^; --->(>'_')><('_')> <('_'<) <---