Chapter 1 A mew flew in the distance. A shaymin scurried in the underbrush. A Latios and his sister latias glided overhead. Just a normal day in Legend Forest. Something wasn't right though. Someone awoke where he shouldn't have. His name was Daniel. That was all he could remember. “Something doesn't feel right,” he thought to himself. “Why do I feel like this?” He rubbed his eyes. He then realized that he had the wrong hands! They weren't human hands! He looked into a stream close by. He was a pikachu! Poor Daniel didn't know what to think. “How did this happen to me?!” was all that he could think about. He looked around to see that he was in a thick wood. He then heard a voice. “Hello? Is someone here?” It was a girl's voice. Daniel called back to her. “Yes! I'm here!” When someone came over to see him, he had been hoping to see a human girl, but he was happy to see an eevee walk towards him. “Are you the one I heard calling me?” he asked. “Yes,” she replied. “But I've never seen you before. Who are you?” Daniel opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. He didn't want to embarrass himself in front of her. It must have been because he was a pokemon, but he thought she was adorable with a sweet face and a kind voice. Realizing he wasn't saying anything, he quickly replied, “I'm Daniel. I don't know how I got here.” The eevee looked puzzled. “How could he not know?” She thought to herself. “Oh, where are my manners?” “I'm sorry you don't know.” she told him. “I'm Ann.” Ann... That name stuck to Daniel's mind like it was nailed in. There was just something about her. Something different. Ann then kindly offered, “if you want to, I can show you around.” “Yeah! That would be great!” he answered enthusiastically. He surprised her with his enthusiasm, but she kindly took him along. On the way, Daniel's stomach growled. He tried not to complain because of all she was doing for him, but she noticed anyway. “Oh, are you hungry?” she asked him. “I can get you something. Come on!” She started running ahead, with Daniel following her. They soon reached a huge tree with the most beautiful apples the forest had to offer on it. Soon, some pokemon appeared under the names of cherubi and cherrim. “They're in charge of handling and giving out apples and other food stored in this tree,” she told him. She then walked up to them and asked for two apples. The pokemon nodded and a little cherubi was sent up the tree to get them. “The only thing about getting apples from the tree is you have to catch them!” she warned him. “Or else they'll bruise.” Two apples then fell from the tree. Daniel ran to catch them, with Ann by his side. Both of them caught one for them to enjoy. Daniel nibbled on his apple. He had never tasted one better then that one in his life! He then noticed that the tree had a few holes in it that reveled many kinds of fruit, berries, and other kinds of food. He wondered why they stored it all, so he asked why. “Well, we store all that food so if something were to happen such as a drought where food is scarce, or, if its Winter, then we have plenty of food for everyone to last,” she answered him. “Oh, I see,” he told her. When they finished eating, they continued to move on. Ann showed him many amazing places such as a waterfall, an emergency shelter (built by the diglet), and, their final destination, a hill that was an excellent place to watch the sunset. When they arrived, she told him, “We can come by here later to watch.” She then took him through the forest. As they walked along, Daniel asked, “Ann, what would you say if I told you that I was once human?” Ann stopped walking. “You were once human?” she asked him with curiosity in her big brown eyes. “Yeah, I was, but I don't remember any of it,” he told her with a little sadness to his tone. Ann looked at him, “I'm sorry that you don't remember,” she replied, with pity to her voice. Daniel just smiled, then laughed. “Whats so funny?” she asked him. “Your not laughing at me are you?” “No, of course not,” he said in the middle of his laughter. “I just realized. Why would I want to go back? This place seems perfect,” he told her seriously. “Wouldn't you want to go back to see your friends and family?” Ann asked. “I don't know, I wouldn't remember them anyway. I still don't. I might never remember them...” Daniel replied. Ann then looked over at the sky. “You know, if we want to see the sunset, we'd better go now.” “Oh, yeah! I forgot,” Daniel said, his mind lost trying to remember his past. “Lets go.” Ann then lead him back to her sunset watching place. The sunset was gorgeous sitting on the hill far away, being surrounded by shades of red, orange, and purple, the sun itself being pale yellow. “You know, Daniel, if your going to be pikachu for a while, then you need to know that some things are different then from humans.” Ann told him. “Really? What things are different?” he asked. “Well, there are no stores,” she began. “ There aren't any buildings, we can't cook anything unless its over a fire that a fire type made...” Daniel was sort of listening. He was busy thinking. “Where am I going to sleep tonight if their aren't any buildings? Is it even safe to sleep? Hey, I wonder if pokemon kiss differently?” When the sunset left, Ann then realized that Daniel didn't have anywhere to sleep. “No, its okay. I'll find somewhere,” he told her. “you've been so kind to me today, you deserve to rest.” “No, Daniel. I'll help you find somewhere to sleep. Besides, what are friends for?” Ann told him. Friends... Ann had never said anything about them being friends... Daniel just guessed that when your around a girl for a while, she considers you a friend. “Well, this spot ought to be good,” Ann said. Daniel looked. It was a tall tree with acorns growing on it. It had a big hollow hole inside that was big enough for a bed. “I hope this is okay for you,” Ann said, worried that he would hate it. “Don't worry. Its great!” Daniel replied, trying to make her feel better. “All right. Well, I'll see you in the morning.” Ann told him. “Just go to the tree we went to earlier for breakfast. Well, good night!” Ann ran back to her tree not too far away, curled up, and fell asleep. Daniel couldn't sleep that night. He was busy thinking about all that had happened that day. He woke up in the forest as a pikachu, met a kind, pretty girl eevee named Ann, ate the most delicious apples, got to see a lot of the forest, watched the sunset with her, and now had a comfy tree to sleep in. Daniel wanted to stay. He didn't want to go back to the place he used to call home. He loved these woods. He loved Legend Forest. But he especially loved Ann. Hope you enjoyed chapter one! :) Sheimi