Chapter 2:Starter Pokemon When I woke up we were about thirty minutes away from arriving to the airport. Gavin was listening to his ipod and messing with his pokegear when I looked where Kristy was sitting, she was writing it what was probably her diary. "Can I read?". She replied with a smack to my face. After she realized I wasn't a stranger, she kindly apologized, but she still said no. After the thirty minutes we got off the plane to see an old man hold up a sign that has our names on it. We walked up to him as he said' "Greetings I'm Professor Oak, you kids are John, Kristy, and Gavin right?". We nodded our heads up and down signing yes. "Ok then follow me". He took us to his car and started driving. After about ten minutes we arrived at a building with a lake view. We got out of a car to see his assistant greet us at the door. When we got inside, we saw a table with 16 pokeballs with a label in front of the pokeballs. We also saw 13 others trainers. "Ok the person who gets drawn out of the hat gets to pick their pokemon first. The first name is Gavin". Gavin walked up to the table to the label that said "Turtwig". He picked up the pokeball and tossed it. Out came a turtle like pokemon with a sprout growing out of it's head. After about two other people, Professor drew my name. I had a hard choice between a couple pokemon. After a bit, I walked up to a label that said "Charmander". I picked up the poke ball and tossed it. Out came a orange lizard with fire spouting out of it's tail. After everyone else chose their pokemon (Kristy chose Skitty), Everyone got their trainers ID. We all left, but my group and I went to the pokemart.We all bought some pokeballs, potions, and a pokemon language translator which was just released apparently by Silph Co. . After putting the pokemon language translator in my ears ( It was a sort of ear phone you wore that translated the pokemon's language)I sent out Charmander to see if it worked, Charmander opened his mouth and said "Got food? Cuz' I'm hungry". I handed him a donut I bought. He sniffed unsure but then took a bite. His eyes got bug eyed and he yelled "These pastry wheels are freakin' awesome!!!". I smiled. We went to a pokemon center and checked in our group into three separate rooms. Charmander followed me to the room while munching on his donut. After getting to my room and getting unpacked, I turned on the tv in the room and watched a bit of Family Guy, then I turned off the light and went to sleep.I let Charmander sleep outside the ball since buildings have been refurbished now a days so fire pokemon don't burn it down. After that I drifted into sleep. To Be Continued