Here it is, Chapter two. My longest to date, around 10,000 words. One day, I’m going to get a life. Mind you, they’re not all they’re cracked up to be, so I hear. This story has been inspired a lot by Dragoness’s tales (especially One Heart) and I can’t post this without giving her due credit for the influence, and I suggest if you haven’t read One Heart DO IT NOW! Anyhow, enough of my rantings, might as well get on with the story. Disclaimer: I own none of the Characters in this story, although the location is mine, and the pyjama design is patent. Pend. All other things belong to the owners and proprietors of Pokemon. Child of the Light One - Chapter II. : Now it is clear to me. I have unwillingly brought untold stress and confusion onto him, and those around him. Him, if only I had taken notice of that little word, it would have made life ever so slightly easier. He will have enough to go through from now, without that. But I was lonely and naïve, I wanted a daughter to be with me, to carry on after me in the future. I cannot repeal the sentence I bestowed, so still longer I must wait….: The hardest thing to believe is that this is happening to me. Anyone in the world could be suffering right now, but it always falls in the lap of the chosen one. I look up again, into the mirror. Facially I look the same, or it could just appear that way having stared at myself for hours in the darkness, and now finally the first suggestion of the dawn. My hands move unbidden to my chest, as if to manually check the evidence. I bite my lip, praying to god that there is some trick of the eye or the mirror, but no. I do have.....breasts developing on my chest. There, I’ve said it. How? I am, and always have been a man. But things have slowly been changing for months, ever since the fire began showing me images, stories past. I’ve lost my impetuous streak, a lot of my brash side. I have become more emotional but simultaneously more withdrawn. Just the other day Pikachu asked me if I was feeling my normal self, and of course I laughed it off. But she’s right, I’ve been feeling completely wrong. Or maybe my “normal self” has changed. I still think of these moments as “morphs” - they’re too strange and sudden to be progressive - but something else is progressing quietly where I can’t see it. It’s been nagging at me all night, for oh about nine hours. I can hardly remember half-listening to the unusually subdued evening sounds before they all go to bed through the plywood party wall. First Misty giving them a bollocking for being “cruel and insensitive” to me, then the inevitable showering sounds, and Brock screaming “What did I tell you about cleaning the shower?!” and then very little. Normally the bubbling of normal conversation would run on for hours, but it all went quiet by ten. They must have gone to sleep. Something in my head tells me, with utmost certainty, that Misty was up for two hours, just listening for any noise from me. I guess I must have disappointed her, my screams, tears and cries have all been silent, the only noise the endless scritching of frenzied writing. I wonder if she heard that? My mind jumps back to my current situation, and the memories of last night. Brock, Pikachu and Chikorita giggling madly, teasing and smirking. Maybe if that’s all Ash the teenage guy is to them, I should become someone else. I’ve even thought of running tonight, leaving and hiding away. But Ash Ketchum is not a quitter, ever. Whether he’s himself or not. I would never leave my Pikachu, Chikorita or any of the others behind if it weren’t what they wanted. I would never leave my friends without a full and reasoned explanation. I’ll never use anyone or anything like Gary, and I’ll never do what.....she did. That poor excuse for a human I fought that day on the Indigo Plateau. Six months, that’s all it has been, since that day..... *'And here we are folks, at the end of a full six-on-six matchup for the Pokemon league title and the right to battle the elite four. Green trainer Ayla Marino has two Pokemon left, red trainer Ash Ketchum three. Ash Ketchum's Cyndaquil is out there and looking fit and ready, so who will Ayla choose next?' I lock eyes with her from across the arena, and can see the concern. I know, and she knows that she’s only got one choice against my fire type, a choice that will be whipped soundly by Pikachu or Chikorita stood proudly beside me. And following that, her last chance..... “Go, Wartortle!” The red light dissipates to reveal a mean-looking turtle, and I nod. Yes, this is how it was going to go. I call out to Cyndaquil. “Hang in there, And do what you can!” He turns, and nods. (“You got it!”) “Wartortle, water gun!” “Dodge it!” The jet of water passed through exactly the spot he’d stood a split-second before. “Great going, Cyndaquil! Now, just keep that up as long as you can.” He nods in response, and for the next few minutes the game of cat and mouse continues, with Ayla getting more and more annoyed at every dodged shot, until Cyndaquil and Wartortle look exhausted. “Can you dodge any more of those?” I call out. He looks back, face set in determination. (“I’m sure as hell gonna try!”) The next water gun flies towards him, and he dives to the right, but gets clipped by the beam of water which sends him rolling through the dust. “You want to come back?” I whip out the Pokeball readily. (“Give me…one shot at this, this overgrown tortoise!”) He drags himself to his feet, and powers up. “More! Hit it again!” Ayla screams, and the tired Wartortle responds, sending another water shot at Cyndaquil, this time striking full on. (“Eat this!”) Cyndaquil spun desperately out of the stream, and launched a fire blast before slumping down. The exhausted Wartortle could only draw its head into its shell as the attack struck, sending it tumbling end-over-end into her trainer box. “Superb Cyndaquil, return.” I wink to him and he winks back from the floor as he is sucked into his ball. Lifting my gaze, I see Wartortle, its normally gleaming shell blackened and smoking, struggling to move. Cyndaquil had put every ounce of his fire into that last attack, and it had done massive damage. The next few minutes would stay with me forever.....* I shake the line of thought from my mind, not wanting to remember any more. There comes the the sudden urge to get a hot drink, some comfort from my thoughts and the darkness. Dropping the open diary clasped in my hand onto the bed, I pull my now ill-fitting pyjamas on, tighter around the chest and looser around the shoulders and examine them. They are dark blue, and quite loose overall, so unless someone looks closely they probably won’t notice. Then, I pace over to the door. I hesitate for a second as I put my hand on the handle, but reason that I haven’t heard anyone moving for hours, and it isn’t five AM yet. Cautiously, I open the door, and after stepping through it shut it silently. The centre is deathly silent, not a soul awake. I pad down the corridor to the common room provided by the centre, with bathrooms, sofas and a kettle for making hot drinks. Hell, maybe even a television sometimes. I stop outside the door, just listening again for a second. I know from experience that these rooms can be popular make-out spots for pairs of trainers who normally are part of a group and want a little privacy, but again I hear nothing. Breathing a sigh of relief, I open the door and click the light on. It illuminates a few battered old sofas, a pair of doors marked male and female, and a sink unit and fridge with a red kettle perched on it. I fill it and turn it on, and cast an eye over the drinks on offer. So, tea? Coffee? Mmmm, hot chocolate. I put a few heaped spoonfuls of the powder into the cup and add one for luck, and begin scouting for some milk in the fridge. Miracles will never cease, a bottle that hasn’t curdled up yet! I put it on the unit and look for a cup that doesn’t look like someone has half-filled it with mud. I finally find one (with a mildly indecent joke on it, but I’ve never known that to make the drink taste different) and wait for the kettle to boil, still nervously listening out for noise or movement. Eventually the thing is ready, and I pour out the steaming water, followed by a little milk, and stir the cup thoroughly. Sinking down onto one of the sofas, I take a sip slowly and smile at the taste. Hot chocolate is one of my biggest vices, and I don’t have it often so that it is extra good when I do. It’s one of my little secrets that it can usually put me to sleep quicker than a lullaby, relax me like a hot bath. I’ve nearly let more slip under the influence of the drink than with anything else. I let my mind sink into a comforting state of limbo, just letting time pass while I sip idly. I could sleep now, sink into a mattress of clouds and drift until morning comes. I don’t want to as the threat of being caught is too great, but my eyes begin closing nonetheless, the gravity of a wakeful night weighing heavy on them. They slip closed.....and slam open at the sound of a cough. I spin around, praying to god that it isn’t Misty. In this state I don’t think I could fight off those aqua eyes. It’s not, but it’s almost as bad. Brock looks over at me, leaning casually on the doorframe. “Can’t sleep?” I nearly panic, but come to my senses. The only way not to evoke suspicion is to act normal. “Nah.” My voice tremors a little, but he doesn’t seem to notice. He walks across to the still hot kettle, and pops a teabag into a cup. “Yeah, Misty is talking in her sleep, and Chikorita is snoring. I thought a hot drink might settle me a little.” He glances over at me, and I draw my knees up to my chest. “What’s your poison?” “Oh, uh,” I glance down at my almost empty cup. “Hot chocolate.” “You want another?” I think for a moment about saying no, but my taste buds say yes, and who am I to argue? “Yeah, that’d be good.” He measures out the recommended dosage with practised speed. But I know how I like mine - a chocolate overdose. “Hang on a minute there cowboy, top that up a little would ya?” Without acknowledging my call, he wordlessly shovels another two spoonfuls into the cup before reaching for the milk. I let my mind drift out again as he finishes concocting the drinks, and pours out the hot water. “Here you go!” I look up, and he’s right in front of me holding out my drink. “T-thanks.” I feel nerves build up again as he plops himself down on the chair across from me, and sticks his feet on the table. He leans back, and looks over at me. My mind screams for me to get out, but the legs aren’t listening. “Sorry about last night, I didn’t think you’d take it so hard.” I shrug, unable to meet his gaze. “Ah, don’t worry. I was just being over-sensitive.” I just know his look has become calculating. “Yeah, right.” His voice is so dry you could use it as a towel. “I can’t read you like I used to, but it’s obvious that you were upset.” “It was nothing.” His now apologetic tone is wearing me down, I can feel it. “Ash, it obviously did something since you were so upset.” “It was something else.” Damn my mouth, damn the hot chocolate. I can hear the chair creak as he leans forwards in it, and I know I’ve let myself in for it now. “Something else? Like what, are you ill?” He leans across and places a hand on my forehead. “Uh, yeah! I wasn’t feeling myself yesterday.” Not to mention I was becoming someone else of course. “You do feel hot.” He looks me up and down closely, and something inside me snaps. Before he can blink, I’m up off the chair and on my way to the door. “Well obviously, you’re a little more than a little hot.” He calls across the room as I hurry through the door. I don’t care, I just want to get out, get back to my sanctuary. I hurry down the corridor, get to the end and reach my door. I pull the doesn’t move. I try again, then automatically reach for my keycard. Which is in my shorts, which are in the room. “Shit!” I bang the door, shove it again, but no joy. “Ash, calm down!” He skids out of the common room and hurtles towards me. “No Brock, leave me alone!” I shove the door again, and hear a loud curse come from the other room. Mistys awake..... Brock puts his arms around my waist and pulls me off the door handle, and lifts me up..... and yells in pain as he drops me, nursing his hands. I hesitate and turn to see what happened, but my mind screams for me to run. I dash past Brocks room as Misty pops her head out with a squeak of surprise, and hurtle back into the common room, and vault the sofa, heading for the male bathroom. “Pikachu, shock him!” Mistys voice rings through my ears as I shove the door open, and I hear the electric charge thud into it as I slam it shut. I turn the lock, and retreat backwards until I reach the wall, still staring at the inside of the door. Then it hits me, what I’ve just done, and my legs sag, back sliding down the cream-tiled wall. They must think I’m crazy. They’ll never give me any peace, leave me alone until they find out. I pull my knees up to my chin and bury my face in them. My only wish is for a hole to swallow me up right now, take me away, leave me by myself for all eternity. A loud banging stirs me to consciousness, and I look up in surprise. Surprise mirrored perfectly by Pikachu on the bed beside me, and Misty sleeping nearest the door. Then - ”Ash, calm down!” Pikachu springs to her feet. “No Brock, leave me alone!” Another bang from the corridor, and sounds of a scuffle. “What the hell?!” Misty shoots out of bed, in time to hear Brock cry out in pain. Pikachu blurs across the room as Misty yanks open the door, and nearly spins back in as someone flies past. In the blink of an eye she’s out of the room, followed by Pikachu. I grab the room key with a vine, and scuttle out after them. The first thing I see is Brock looking in shock at his hands, which are bright red, and then from my right Misty shouting “Pikachu shock him!” Followed by a slam and a dull thud. I run over to Brock, and begin examining his hands, which look raw and scorched. (“What the hell happened to you?”) He shakes his head, brown hair in disarray. “I-I dunno. Ash was going crazy so I picked him up to stop him breaking the door down, and my hands seemed to start burning.” He looks shocked, and I don’t blame him. How could he have been burned by Ash? And why was he going crazy in the first place? (“Are you okay for a second? I’m going to see what Misty and Pikachu are doing.”) “I’ll come with you.” He puts his hand to the floor to push himself up, but stops instantly, wincing and biting his lip. I wind my vines around him, and gently set him on his feet. He smiles at me with unspoken thanks, and we walk down the corridor into the common room, to see Misty and Pikachu pushing on the bathroom door. (“What’s up?”) Pikachu looks over to me, and shakes her head. (“He’s locked himself in the bathroom.”) Misty steps back, eyes flashing dangerously. “Ash Ketchum, if you don’t step outside this moment, I’ll..... I’ll..... ” She falters, looking a little foolish. There isn’t a lot she can do if he doesn’t come out. “Misty, leave him be.” Brock steps in and lays a hand on her shoulder, fighting off the urge to wince. She looks at the door for a few moments longer before sagging and looking at the floor. “Yeah, okay Brock.” She mumbles, turning away from the door and heading for one of the sofas. (“Ash, come out when you’re ready!”) I call, in the hope it’ll calm him down. He’ll know we’re not pressurising him, but that we’re there nonetheless. Pikachu, meanwhile is studying Brocks hands closely. (“These are just like the scorches I’ve had after receiving a flamethrower attack. How the hell could Ash have done that to you?”) “I’m just as puzzled as you are.” He replies, thrusting his hands under the cold tap and trying not to scream as the water washes over them. “Jesus, this hurts more than the burns do by themselves!” “Ash.” I run over to Misty, who looks utterly lost. “What are you doing? You’re scared of us! Of me!” (“Hey!”) I push in, trying to stop her over-reacting. (“Whatever Ash is scared of, it’s not us. It’s almost like he was trying to run away from himself.”) I pat her on the back as her shoulders slump further, drawing herself into a cocoon of negativity. “I don’t get it, not at all.” Brock is still shaking his head, hand still beneath the stream of cold water. “But I know we’re not going to get whatever it is from him.” (“I’ll go and get you some burn cream. Ash keeps some in his bag just in case.”) She jumps down from the sink, but Brocks call stops her. “He’s locked himself out. That’s why he isn’t in that room right now. He didn’t take the keycard with him, so when the door auto-locked he couldn’t get back in.” Pikachu stops, shaking her head. (“Today’s getting better and better ain’t it.”) She grumbles, kicking the side of the sofa in annoyance. (“Ooooooowwww! Ow, ow, ow! Bastard sofa!”) Hopping on one leg, she scrambles onto the arm of the sofa and begins nursing her injured foot. (“You said it, it gets better and better.”) My dry joke brings a scowl from Pikachu and a choking laugh from Misty, which I’m glad of. She seems to be coming round from the shock a little. “Guys, you know that the doors are auto lock.....” Brock begins. (“I got the key.”) I extend a vine to him, and drop it beside the sink. (“Good thing someone here is up to speed this morning!”) Pikachu doesn’t seem to appreciate my comment, and I smile sweetly at her just to aggravate her a little more. “I think I’ve got some burn cream somewhere. It’s for Pokemon, but a burn is a burn.” Misty pulls herself out of her slumped position, and walks over to Brock. “Come on, let’s go and get that seen to.” She picks up the keycard, before turning to Pikachu and myself. “Can one of you guys stay here and keep an eye over Ash?” I look up at her, and nod. (“I’ll do it. You guys go get yourselves sorted out, and finish your night’s sleep.”) Pikachu looks about to argue, but Misty nods in agreement. “Yes. I need you Pikachu to try and work out what’s up with him from a Pokemon point of view, you’ve known him longer.” She isn’t happy with this, I can see it in her eyes, but she agrees. (“Okay, fine.”) She turns to me. (“Now you take good care of him if he comes out.”) I meet her stare, and nod once. (“I’ll never let him down.”) Rarely have I ever meant something so truly. I spin around, and walk up to the door. I’ll stay here at my post until my leaf wrinkles and my vines rot if needs be. The silence presses heavily, and from within I fell I can hear a barely audible whimpering. (“Hey Ash, what’s wrong? Why won’t you tell me?”) I can hear shuffling, movement. Maybe I’m getting through to him. (“Whatever it is, I won’t tell a soul. Or maybe you’re waiting for another young, virile girl to share your problems with?”) A sound then, almost like a snort of laughter. (“You know, you’d better come out of there eventually, I still want my pyjamas you know.”) I’m sure I heard the rippling of giggles then. But I feel like I need to get something off my chest. (“You know, I’m not sure if you realise how much this stings, being shut out. I feel like I’m young again, and my brothers are plotting something against me.”) Another memory bundles into me. (“Like the day they decided to shut me out completely. They said it was because I was “different”. Just because I’m a girl.”) I feel a tear form in my left eye, and fight to stop it. (“Because of what I am, not who I am.”) The tears win, and slip down onto my face. I don’t care, I need to say this to someone, anyone. (“You were the only one who never shut me away, but now..... now.....”) I lay my cheek on the floor, squeezing my eyes shut tightly against the burning pain clawing at them. (“Now it feels the same, and I can’t help thinking its because I’m different.....”) I feel a warm pair of arms scoop me up, and the sound of a door shutting. Then the sensation of dropping, and eventually rest..... and I open them again to see Ash staring into my eyes with smouldering compassion. “I know perfectly, I know too well.” He croaks dryly, his hazel orbs brimming with more than tears. Fear? Despair? (“How? How can you?”) I don’t want to say that, but it comes tearing from my throat, ripped out by an invisible hand. “Because, because of this.” He puts me down, and slowly slips his pyjama top over his head. My eyes travel down from his face, and stop suddenly. He sees them widen, and tucks his knees up into his chin, concealing himself. (“How-how did this happen?”) I gasp, my mind screaming in shock. “It first happened about six months ago, but only traces, and for a few minutes. It has happened a few times since, but this is the longest it’s gone on, almost a whole night. I can feel it, it’s fading now, by breakfast I’ll look normal. But what is normal? Am I Ash or someone else? Every time this happens it gets worse and worse, lasts longer and appears stronger. As if I’m trying to evolve somehow. What does that make me? Am I even - human?” A look of such anguish passed into his face that I was burrowing into his chest before I even thought of it. (“Don’t ever ask that! You’re Ash, and you’re as real as anyone! If anything you’re larger than life!”) I cry, somehow hoping if I hug him tightly enough he’ll believe me all the more. “But I’m so confused.” I look up into his hazel eyes, and see floods of uncertainty, floods threatening to sweep him into a whirlpool of hysteria. (“I know.”) I rear up, and place my front paws on his neck, craning upwards to look at him more closely. (“But you have to realise that to me, you’re you no matter how you look.”) To prove my point, I place my lips onto his cheek, in a human display of affection. He seems to relax, sighing like the last wisps of a hurricane through the trees. (“As long as I can feel your touch, taste your tears, hear your laughter that’s all I need.”) Our eyes lock again, and now I’m overjoyed to see the glint of a smile in them as he draws me tightly to himself. “Thank you, thank you Chikorita.” He rocks me gently, stroking my leaf with exquisite tenderness. ”But please, do not tell anyone about this, anyone.” He must sense my surprise, so he continues. “If anyone else finds out my life might not be worth living. You’ve accepted me with no qualms, but think of everyone else. Pikachu may be not have a problem, but she’d surely tell Misty and Brock if she found out from you. And if any human found out.....” I feel him shudder, trembling again. (“What? I don’t understand.”) I snuggle into him, hoping that it’ll help him relax again. “Right from the start, humans have been afraid of the unknown, the unusual. It’s always been a case of “us” and “them”. We’re us, and we’re normal, friends. They’re them, the strange and malformed, the enemy. As civilisation developed, greed became more and more important, and the greediest the most important. They'd try to get all they wanted, and when they got it they wanted more, and protected it against all they didn’t know, or all they saw as different. So as life became what it is today, people claim to co-exist and respect each other, but beneath so many smiles are scorn. Some people still find it necessary to discriminate just because others appear different, and I hate it. Hell, some of us fight because we support a different sports team! So what if someone found out about what happens to me?! If people judge, enslave and even kill according to race, what would happen to me? I’d be scorned, branded a mistake, and strapped to some table somewhere to find out exactly how I work, why I’m such a fucking freak.” I slowly let this sink in. I may be naïve to the history of the human race, but I never knew that such things happened. “I don’t want to tar everyone with the same brush,” he continues, trembling once again, “but for every Misty or Brock there’s someone like Ayla Marino.” The name brings a shudder to me as I remember who he’s talking of. *I jumped in delight at Ashs’ side as Cyndaquils’ fire blast struck the Wartortle, sending it flying into Aylas’ trainer tower. A red light flicked out as Ash recalled Cyndaquil, and he looked across the arena.....and gasped. Wartortle lay at the foot of her tower, unmoving, with an ugly crack running almost the length of the upper shell. “Get up you waste of skin, get up!” She rants, and although it tries valiantly it can’t move. “What the hell are you doing?!” The entire stadiums eyes flicked as one to Ash who’d screamed, aghast at the trainer opposite. “Getting her to get off her lazy shell and battle!” She replies, eyes flashing. “That’s a major injury! I’m sorry I ordered the attack now, but it can’t be helped.” “She’ll be fine once she’s on her feet!” Ash threw his arms up in the air. “If she gets up it could be fatal!” The entire stadium gasped as one. “If you want it so badly, I’ll forfeit one of my Pokemon, so you don’t go behind!” She eyes him up, and looks satisfied. “Fine, do it.” Ash shoots another look of disgust across at her, before crouching down. “I’m sorry you two, but one of you is going to have to forfeit. I can’t see her threatening the life of one of her Pokemon for a little trophy. Will one of you step down?” I cast a look across at Pikachu, who is set in determination, and sigh. (“I’ll do it, I’ll step down.”) He gives me a grateful pat, and stands up again. “My Chikorita has agreed to forfeit her part in the battle.” Another rumble flows through the crowd. “Whaddaya mean your Chikorita?” Ayla looks suspiciously at me. “I mean she told me she’d be willing to step down so your Wartortle can be treated.” “Everyone knows Pokemon can’t speak like humans!” She sniffs scornfully. I have to fight the urge to gape, it’s not unknown for people to understand their Pokemon once they’ve been around them for a long time. But perhaps she doesn’t know because she’s never listened. “Doesn’t mean I can’t understand Pokemon.” The crowd cheers as Chikorita takes a step back, and the penultimate light blinks out on my tally, leaving one light each. Then, Ayla looks across at me again, and smiles.....* “You see what I mean don’t you?” I land with a bump back into reality, and into his wry smile. (“Yeah.”) “We haven’t had the best history as a species. But don’t forget there are good as well as bad people.” He casts his gaze to the ceiling. “But maybe you understand why I’m scared too. And as for Misty, I’m terrified how she’d react if we got closer, or even now.” I can see why. She’s volatile at times, and I can’t predict how she’d react. (“How long are you going to be in here?”) He looks down at me, then at himself. “It’s probably safe now. But what the hell am I going to tell them? It’s hard to find a reason for running away from your companions like a crazed rabbit.” (“Hey, stop getting so worked up at little things!”) I reach a vine around his back, and give him a rub. (“You’ve been running a temperature recently as Brock said, and you could say you had hallucinations as a result. Just take it easy, I’ll back you up, and get you out if it gets too much.”) He’s still for a moment, but then slowly slides upright, stretching his cramped body. “Yeah, it’s got to be done, let’s go do it now.” “So you grabbed him and got scorched hands. Do you know how?” Misty paced around the room, arms folded. “Nope. He didn’t have a lighter or anything on him, so I don’t know how the hell he did this.” Brock looked at Misty, almost apologetically. “No idea at all?!” Misty bent down near to Brock, and glared at him. “No. And I don’t like how you’re talking to me Misty. It’s not my fault, so stop speaking like it is.” She took a step back, and wrung her hands together. “Sorry Brock, I guess I’ve been a little unhinged by what’s gone on this morning.” (“We all have, but we don’t go around blaming everyone else. Keep a lid on it Misty.”) Pikachu scolded from her bed. “Doesn’t it feel like we’ve been here before?” Brock sighed, having seen the conversation chasing its tail for the last half an hour. (“Tell me about it.”) Pikachu growled in frustration, examining her sofa-d foot for scratches. “I’m afraid I won’t be able to shed much light on the situation myself.” Three pairs of eyes shot over to the doorway to see an ashen-faced boy holding a Chikorita in his arms, and struggling to maintain a winsome grin. “Ash!” Misty launched herself across the room, before stopping dead about a foot from him, trying to decide whether to reach out and kiss him or reach out and strangle him. In the end she decided on the happy medium, and put her hands on her hips. “What do you have to say for yourself?!” “Uh, sorry.” Ash looked down to the Chikorita nestled in his arms, who gave him an encouraging look. “I wasn’t thinking straight earlier, I must have been delirious. I’ve been feeling a bit unwell recently.” *Yeah, sure that was lame but it’s the only explanation I can give for now.* He looked around hopefully, for some shred of agreement around the room. “But you said to me that there as something more.” Brock eyes me, leaning against the headboard of his bed. “More than being ill. What is it?” “Uh.....” Ash mentally flailed for an excuse, until it caught the thing which had been on his mind before the previous night. “It’s about what I’ve been seeing in - in the fire.....” *And it’s true, there is a link somewhere, but I can’t find out what. * “Fire?” Brock and Pikachu cast a confused glance at each other, whilst Mistys expression softened visibly. “What is it Ash, it’s still troubling you?” “Yeah.” *It is still troubling me because there’s more to it than you would believe.* To his shock, Misty reached out a hand and gently stroked his cheek. “No need to worry about it, it’s just your imagination. Now, don’t let it trouble you so much.” She drew her fingers away, aqua eyes mellowing further. “And you are hot, very hot. Do you want me to get you a cold towel? Or a drink?” Ash shook his head silently, glad the bright red of his flushed cheeks were concealing a new flush, creeping up from his feet at Mistys caress. “Hey, I’m glad that it’s nothing serious, but what about my hands?” Brock raised them palm-up towards Ash, who gasped at the red scorch marks, and the blister at the base of his index finger. “How the hell did that happen?!” his eyes travelled up the arm, to his face. “Honestly Brock, I would never do that to you, any of you!” Their stares met for a moment, until Brock nodded his assent. “For the first time tonight, I believe you.” He cast another glance to his hands. “That still leaves a little mystery unsolved though.” (“Yeah…”) Pikachu ran over to Ash, and sniffed deeply. (“And you’ve started to smell a little different for a while, only its stronger today.”) She shook her head, mystified. (“Placing this smell, it’s..... it’s like trying to make out a shape from behind a waterfall, indistinct yet familiar.”) She cocked her head as Ash unwittingly gasped. (“Why do I get the feeling that you perhaps were worried that would happen?”) “It makes me feel like I’m changing, which is enough to make anyone worry.” Misty herself cocked her head at that statement. *He’s told us the truth then, but why do I feel he hasn’t told us the reality?* “Now, does anyone know how I can get back into my room?” Ashs voice shattered the brief silence, and brought her mind to reality. “To be honest, you can’t. Unless you go and wake up Joy at six in the morning asking for the key and explaining what the hell happened when you lost it!” She snapped, unwittingly harshly. “I’ll go and ask her. Oh Joy, I love your pyjamas.....” Brock almost floated off the bed, eyes dreamy, bringing sweat-drops to the brows of all present, including Togepi who had seen it happen often enough to know the correct response. “Ah, in that case I’ll go find myself an early breakfast!” Ash turned to leave. “God, does your stomach ever go to sleep?” Misty sighed, shaking her head. “Misty, I haven’t eaten in fourteen hours.” Ash moaned, even though he wasn’t really hungry. “Well, I’m coming along too. I’m as hungry as you are.” She grabbed her clothes, once neatly folded from the night before now in a crinkled heap after being kicked off the bed when she’d got up, and walked into the bathroom to change. “Erm, okay.” *Damn!* Ash turned back to the other to see if they wanted to come, but Brock was smoking quietly and Pikachu lay with a smug smile on her apparently sleeping face. Maybe not now. “There’s gotta be somewhere in this city that is open, even at this time of the morning.” Mistys muffled voice echoed dully through the bathroom door. “I just hope it doesn’t sell grease on toast.” “I’ll meet you in the lobby.” Ash called, before turning to go back into the green-tiled hallway. “After I’ve ordered up my sewing kit and fabric.” He murmured to Chikorita, who grinned in response as they entered the main concourse of the centre. “Not a bad bit of munch.” Ash nodded contentedly beside me, selling an aura of cheerfulness. I’m not buying. “Ash, you left half of it. And I finished my toast before you’d even done that.” It was true, as soon as we’d set foot in the café he’d looked almost nauseated. He’d eaten some beans, a rasher of bacon, a sausage and about half a slice of fried bread in the time it took for me to eat two rounds of toast and a tall mug of coffee. “Usually you’d put away twice that in half the time.” He looks twitchy now, uncomfortable. “Yeah, maybe I’m growing up.” I snort with derision. “You? Growing up? I think I’ll get a hernia if I laugh any harder.” He looks like he’s been slapped, and I nearly bite my tongue in two. I wish I could when I see a shimmering of tears in the corner of his hazel eyes. But damn my pride, it won’t allow me to step down. But I can’t help it, I was trying to catch him in conversation the whole time we were there, and he wouldn’t even catch my eye. Does he even know I’m there? “.....” His silence is more biting than any remark. I’d always been told silence was golden, but now it’s as potent as hot lead. It hangs in the air like an acidic mist until we reach the centre doors. “Ah, Mister Ketchum!” Nurse Joy called across the still deserted centre lobby, seven thirty being a little early for most trainers. “We’ve received your-” She cut off, and I caught frantic shushing gestures from Ash beside me. “What is it?” I turned to face him, my face a study in interest, or nosiness if you want to look at it another way. “Nothing important.” He says, voice completely flat. “If not then why so secretive?!” I retort. “Because there some things I like to keep to myself.” He replies, with a little more life. “What could be so bad?!” I snap, feeling a warm glow flood into me. We haven’t had a good argument for weeks, months, and I’ve missed them. It feels like the only time he really *notices* me. “It’s nothing bad.” He can’t help it, he’s rising to the bait. Little by little. “Then why can’t you tell me?” I counter. “Why do you need to know?” Predictable. “I’m just expressing an interest.” He really set himself up with that reply. “So you only have a desire to know, therefore it isn’t actually necessary for me to tell you.” Wha? I’ve got to admit he floored me with that one. “But isn’t it polite to tell someone if they wish to know?” I can’t remember an argument getting this complicated before. “Is it polite to pry into something someone wishes to hide?” He has grown up, that’s for certain. “If it means no harm, and as you said yourself it isn’t important.” I counter. I’m really enjoying this! “Not important doesn’t mean not personal.” He’s still cool, I’ll give him that. “So you’re afraid of telling me personal things?” I inject a tone of (not entirely false) angst into my voice, and give him a hurt glance. “Everyone has something they wish to hide.” He’s stonewalling now, and I can’t work out a way to break it. “Even from me?” it’s a desperate plea, and I know it. And I know his answer. “Yes.” With that, he walks over to the desk, and begins a quiet conversation with Joy. I fight the urge to scream at him, and instead furiously stomp to my room. I’m going to *make* him notice me, if he can’t do it by himself..... I unlock the door with the spare keycard, and drop the bag of sewing kit on the bed. It’s a talent I found I had when my mum asked me to try and repair a tear in my shirt I got from falling out of a tree, and I’ve been practising it in secret ever since. I’ve actually got very good, but it’s not worth the insults I would receive by telling Brock and Misty. God knows I had enough of that from starting a diary. Chikorita leaps off my shoulder, and settles on the red bedspread, looking on with interest. I reach inside the bag, and draw out a long roll of material. I don’t need to ask if she likes it, the way her eyes light up as she sets them on it is enough. It’s not cheap either, in fact it’s twice as expensive as my pyjamas, but only the best for my Pokemon. Very good quality, soft cotton in pale green, patterned with blue chicory flowers and ash leaves (a little personal touch). I hold out the end of the fabric, and she touches it carefully, before nodding. (“It feels gorgeous.”) She breathes, looking up at me with an expression of delight. “I ordered it specially. You can pull a few strings when you’re seen as the Pokemon master, even if you aren’t in name.” I pull out a notepad and a tape measure. “Now, I’m gonna have to take a few measurements, like foreleg length, hindleg length, distance between the two, waist size although most girls prefer it if a guy doesn’t find out.” She lies still as I take the measurements down, and work out what I need. Eventually, I plot out some rough patterns on the fabric, and set to cutting. It’s therapeutic to work on something like this, and it does a good job of distracting me. I wouldn’t even know Chikorita was in the room. (“Do you think you could go into a business doing this?”) I carefully turn a corner with my scissors, and shrug. “I could when I get too old for training. But now I’m more concerned with that.” She looks down at the green cotton, then back up at me. (“Do you think I’ve got it in me to be a seamstress?”) I smile, still cutting. “Depends on how dextrous your paws are. But with your vines you’d make a great assistant.” (“Maybe we should go into partnership!”) She giggles, handing me a smaller pair of scissors for the more complicated parts of the cutting. “Not a bad idea, not a bad idea at all.” I finish cutting out the main body-piece and hold it up. “Now stand up, I need to check this against you to see if it fits. She stands up, and puts her legs through the four holes in the fabric, and I draw it around her. Need about half a centimetre off half way down, a centimetre around the chest, the neck is fine. (“You know that it’s taken you a whole hour to do that piece?”) I glance at my watch, it reads quarter to nine. “Yeah, time flies when you’re having fun. I think I can probably do the main body-sock and legs today, and put the finishing touches on it tomorrow with any luck.” I start carefully trimming the edges down to size, but stop as something catches my eye. My diary, still sitting open on the bed, Chikorita not so idly glancing at the scrawled writing filling the page. I struggle for a moment to choke down the anguish scrabbling for my voice. The first time anyone, anyone ever has seen anything written on those pages, it’s enough to make me want to cry. To be so weak, for someone to read my soul in black and white.…the silence seeps into her consciousness, and she casts a guilty look up at me. Guilt which dissolves into panic. Eventually I break the painting, dropping my gaze back down to the fabric, trying to ignore the shaking of my fingers. (“Oh, Ash.....”) I can feel her moving towards me, and try to fight off the burning of my eyes, the sob in my chest. It’s a fruitless attempt, I feel two lines of wetness burn down my cheeks and drop onto the soft fabric, staining it a darker green. “Why?” I whisper, clenching my hands into fists. “Why did you read it?” She looks as woebegone as I feel devastated. (“It just caught my eye, and I couldn’t help it, I just couldn’t.”) A slow breath, a quiet hiccup. “How much did you see?” I don’t know what I wrote most of last night, but I know that whatever was written was impassioned and unrestrained. Foolish of me to leave myself so exposed. (“All of it, all of these two pages.....”) She creeps further into my field of view, eyes and leaf cast down in a gesture of submission. “Why?” I can only gasp, voice strangled by fear. (“There were things I wanted to know, know how you really felt last night going through it all.”) She sighs, still looking away. (“Now I understand more, better. But that wasn’t all I found.”) I feel my shoulders slump, pressed down by an invisible force. (“What do you mean by “The real change is yet to come?””) That’s the question, the question I want no one to ask. I don’t know, but something is telling me that a change is coming, something to not only change my life, but maybe who I am. The only answer I can give is the truth. “I don’t know.....” Just a little touch there, a hint more here. Now, twilight blue or meadow green? Blue, goes with my top better…I carefully brush some of the eyeshadow on, and smile at the result. Yeah, I’d say I look pretty good. Now for the other side. (“Boo!”) A well-timed squeak from Pikachu has the effect of making my body go vertical, and adding a long stripe of blue to my face. I spin around and grit my teeth to stop myself going to town on her, an effort that gets even more difficult when she bursts out laughing. “Why the hell did you just do that?!” (“It w-was j-just tooooo tempting!”) She sniggers, and I decide it’s hammer time. After suitably satisfying retribution, she’s seeing pidgeys and I’ve moved on to the trial of trying to remove the long scar of eyeshadow without ruining the rest of the make-up. Not very successfully. “Look at this, I might as well start again!” I throw a comb at the mirror, annoyed what it insists on showing me, which is me with a blue streak from eye to chin. (“I think it’s very tropical. You know, face paint!”) “I’ll give you face paint.” I growl, hand tightening on a compact with intention to throw. “Do you know how long it takes to do this?” (“Nope.”) She grins, sitting down on the edge of the sink beside me. (“But it’s amazing, the things you’ll do for Ash.”) “This is not for Ash! It is the first night in a new city, and I’m proving I’m a worthwhile catch!” I still don’t know why I have some sort of auto-response whenever someone says that, and I can see Pikachu is unimpressed. (“Yeah, for anyone who is sixteen with black hair and a runners-up medal in the Pokemon league.”) Even thinking of him is enough to convince me I have to look perfect, and I sigh at my reflection. (“Hey, what is it?”) Pikachu edges nearer to me, sounding cautious. “Does he ever even notice me?” I voice the question to the world, not really asking for an answer, more for the release of saying it. (“Of course. Brock told you the other day he was checking you out, so to speak.”) That isn’t what I want, anyone can look at someone else. “But when I try to get close he doesn’t seem to care. He even backs off.” (“Misty, he’s got problems. You said he’s changed, something is worrying him. Before that he was too young to really notice or understand, and so were you to be honest. When he’s resolved whatever it is, you’ll be the one he turns to. Trust your very own agony Pikachu on this one.”) I smile at her, although I can almost hear my muscles creak with effort. Satisfied, she hops down and scurries to the door. I look back to the mirror and sag, biting my lip. Why am I lying to myself? I strive for perfection, but I’m me. Damaged goods, already faulty. Just a redhead with an outsized mouth and a temper like napalm. Unseen, but burns hot as the sun, and almost impossible to extinguish. At least when I was younger he used to pay me some attention. I cast a forlorn look over myself, everywhere there’s fault. Nose a little to small, eyes too big, chin too pointed, hair too red. I can feel myself tearing up, and choke it off. Crying won’t help any. Slowly, I reach for the foundation again, to try and clean up the dark streak adorning my face. It’s too reminiscent for me to bear it any longer. I peek through the crack in the door, and see her staring blankly at the mirror. Somehow I don’t think she believes me. Especially as she reaches up and runs a hand down her left cheek, tracing the line of make-up. “You know there’s places you can go in the city for a peep show.” Brock's sarcastic voice chops through my concentration, and I glare up at him as he sits on the end of his bed, a sardonic smile on his lips. “What’s so interesting? If it was me looking at a girl through the crack of a door you’d not be surprised, although I’d be 'shocked', I’m sure.” I shoot one last glance through the crack in the door, to see Misty snap out of her trance and pick up some more make up. (“She’s going into silly season about Ash.”) He groans, and his brown eyes gaze at the ceiling. “Why do I feel like I’m going to get dragged into another turf war between those two?” (“Because that’s exactly what’s going to happen. Although the stakes are high this time.”) I hop onto the bed, and sit down next to him in the human pose, legs dangling over the edge. He looks like he’s contemplating something he doesn’t like. (“Penny for you thoughts, Brocko?”) He sighs pensively, scratching the back of his head. “Ash is stubborn and secretive, Misty is persistent and short-tempered. If she’s got her sights set on him but he’s hiding something, she won’t give in. And neither will he. And we’ll be stuck between a rock and a hard place. I know, and you know Ash only wants her, but he doesn’t seem to be in a position to do anything. Misty wants Ash, and she’ll do everything. This could explode at any time, and we can’t really do anything.” (“Except put on the helmets and take cover.”) I finish, slumping backwards. It’s on days like this I wish I’d stayed in my Pokeball. (“I’m really sorry.”) He doesn’t reply, just keeps on cutting, cutting, cutting metronome like, swathed in an air of anger and fear. The same way he’s been for the last, oh, two hours. (“I’m really really sorry.”) I creep a little closer to him, but he keeps his chocolate eyes fixed on the cloth, unwilling to listen. He’s cutting and stitching like a man possessed, he’s done almost all of it now. (“I’m really really really.....”) The scissors go whistling into the wall, where they stick. I step back, suddenly scared by his glare which sears into me like molten steel. “Sorry huh?” His tone is deathly, the whispering of trees in a silent graveyard. “Will that make me forgive? Maybe, but forget? Forget that I trusted you with my secrets for which you replay me by looking for more without my knowing?” I can’t answer, paralysed by guilt. “Sorry, well that means you feel remorse, but repentance?” He picks up his small scissors, and goes back to cutting. (“I don’t know how I can make it up to you…”) I begin, and his eyes flash again. “You can’t. All you can do is not tell anyone what you saw, and don’t quiz me on it either. Over time, you could prove your loyalty to me again.” Something in his tone makes me angry, perhaps the suggestion that I have to prove anything to him. Without thinking, I blindly growl back. (“Don’t patronise me. Besides, it would only take one slip of my tongue and you couldn’t make them forget.”) I’m a fucking idiot. Why the hell did I say that? (“No, I wouldn’t do that. Not to anyone, and especially not to you!”) He pauses in his cutting, thinking. “Well if you were to do that, it’d be the end of our partnership. And how can I believe you now when you say you wouldn’t?” He goes back to his work. “But right now, I’d prefer it if I was alone, so close the door on your way out please.” His emotionless tone leaves no room for argument, and I shuffle out dejectedly. Now I need to prove myself to him, and soon. And I don’t know how..... I feel guilty as she makes her dejected way out of the door, but shake off the sentiment quickly. It’s just another example of why I shouldn’t trust anyone. I’ve been betrayed enough in the past to know not to let anyone know my present. Wasn’t it George Orwell who wrote “They who control the present control the future, and they who control the future control the past”? Bet the others don’t know I’ve read 1984. But he’s right. Chikorita found out something, and it’s in the past, irreversible. This changes my future, which changes what happens now. And I don’t like it, not one bit. All there is to do is sit tight and wait. I pick up a needle and some grass-green thread, and thread the needle in one without thinking about it. She may have just done something stupid, but a promise is a promise. I’m just settling into a comfortable silence when a rap on the door makes me jump, and prick myself. “Ash, we’re going out in about half an-” he breaks off as my yell of pain bounces around the room, and I yank the needle out of my finger. However, the finger itself persists with its over-enthusiastic bleeding, so I stick it in my mouth. “Are you okay in there Ash? I’m coming in.” “No! Just give me a second!” I hurriedly pull the blanket off my bed and throw it over the sewing kit, material and my diary, as he pushes the still ajar door open and paces into the room. “What’s the problem?” I show him my left hand, index finger seeping blood, and he examines it closely. “Hmmm, not too bad, quite deep but not too serious.” He glances around the room, then back at me. “How did you do this? It looks like a pin or a needle, but I can’t see one.” “Uh, I nicked it on something as I stood up.” Well, it’s not entirely a lie. “Anyway, the reason I came in here is to tell you we’re off out in fifteen minutes, so get ready. And one other thing-” He sits down on my bed, and frowns. “Uh, why does it feel like I’m sitting on something?” “Because you are-my bed.” He glares at my flippant response, and in one fluid movement pulls the sheets off and turns around before I can blink. “What’s this?!” I shoot to the other end of the bed, pick up my diary and cradle it as he gapes at my creation. He picks it up slowly and examines it from every angle. “It’s amazing, I’ve never seen something like this, they don’t make things this well in the shops if they do anything like it at all.” I look down at the floor, wishing he’d just go away. “Ash, did you make this?” A tone of disbelief is rich in his voice. I incline my head silently, still looking down. “I-I’ve got to say, this is the best piece of Pokemon clothing I’ve ever seen made. It’s rare to see any, and all there are is for kids to dress up Snubbuls or something. Why did you keep this quiet?” He’s now almost whispering, voice awash with awe. “After the scorn I got for getting a diary, I didn’t want anyone to know of this, it’d seem silly or pathetic.” I look down to the ground as I say it. Now I know what seems silly or pathetic. Me. “Ahhh, you baka. You really think that we’d look down on you because of that? I’m not bad with a needle myself, you learn that looking after as many kids as I did.” Yeah, it seems obvious now. “It’s not done yet, I’ve still got to add the fourth leg, and then the trim.” “These are Chikory flowers yes?” “Yes.” “And leaves?” He looks at me quizzically. “Ah, Ash leaves.” He stares at me for a second longer before smiling. “You know, there’s far more to you than meets the eye. Chikory and Ash. Chikory for Chikorita, Ash for Ashton. Both plants for a plant type to wear, and nicknames for you both. I take back anything I ever said about you being dense.” “Ah, it’s nothing.” I feel my cheeks begin to glow at the praise. “Misty’ll love it too.” My cheeks glow further, but this time out of shyness. “Nah, don’t tell her Brock, I’ll tell her myself.” He smiles again. “Want to impress her do you?” He laughs as I scramble for some sort of cover. “Nah, I’ve got my image to protect remember?” A pathetic rebuff, but he takes it at face value. “Don’t worry, I’ll not tell a soul.” He takes a last look at the garment before laying it almost reverently back onto the bed. “Thanks Brock.” I give him a gentle nudge towards the door. “Now I’m going to change, so if you don’t mind…” “Oh! One other thing, make sure you are nice to Misty today, she needs it.” With that ambiguous comment he’s out of the door. I push it shut, just to make sure I’m not disturbed while changing. I grab a pair of long black shorts and a tight, short-sleeved navy T-shirt, and change quickly. I still feel hot even on an spring morning, and it’s no less confusing than yesterday. But with Chikorita knowing what she does, things are going to get a lot more confusing from here. Okay, I hope you enjoyed that chapter, and even if you didn’t please R&R! The next chapter should be up in a week, so see you soon. Bye for now. Dan