Well, here’s chapter 3. Disclaimer – I do not own Pokemon or any of the characters in the games or the animations, they all belong to the various owners and proprietors of Pokemon itself. So, here goes nothing. Child of the light one - Chapter III : The time grows nearer. I wait with baited breath, a feeling of pulsating suspense I have never felt before in my reign of a thousand lifetimes. I may lament forever on my errors, if there is eternity to live or forever to die, but at least I can discover one or the other. It is not loneliness which tears at me, it is the knowledge that I must bear through it all again. This is the knowledge I seek to disprove.: She pulls out her wallet, and I just know she’s got her eye on the Poliwhirl figurine in the window. Yeah, that’s the one, the one with the crystalline body punctuated with a swirl of black and just a mere hint of blue. The one that costs too much. Well, sixty-nine dollars is too much by my estimate for something you’ll look at once a week on the mantelpiece. And since Misty hasn’t got a mantelpiece, that’ll be a trial on its own. I know what’ll happen, she’ll complain her backpack is full, I’ll back off saying that I carry the cooking stuff, and Ash will eventually end up carrying it. Oh, and the plush Horsea doll, and the lucky china Tentacruel. And whatever else she chooses to buy today. He’s going to get backache. And a dislocated shoulder, and a strained neck, and chest compression injuries when he collapses under the weight. But he always buys a bigger backpack, never passes it off even though he’s carrying Chikoritas and Pikachus stuff as well. Yes, Pikachu and Chikorita, of whom Pikachu currently is riding the good ship Ash with the attitude of ‘Well he’s carrying the bags, so I won’t hurt’. Chikorita is trailing behind us, eyes cast down. Something is going on here, a few hours ago she seemed to be his greatest ally, now she’s almost in disgrace. Ash himself is patiently awaiting Mistys orders, he’s taking my request of him seriously. He’s been at her side for a whole two hours, never complaining, never arguing. Occasionally, he’ll drop in a nice comment about her choices, or how she looks, and I can almost feel the blush radiating from her. I catch his eye, which glints in the morning sun as he casts it to the skies. He’s doing a real impressive job of building her up, especially taking into account how much he hates shopping. Even at this time of the morning, when the city is almost silent. It’s true what they say in the guide, this place doesn’t even wake up until the afternoon. “Oh! This is beautiful!” She heads for the shop with Ash faithfully following her. I’m about to follow when a sniffing around my feet makes me stop. A red, fox-like Pokemon is looking up at me with a quizzical expression. “Vul, vulpix vul.” She moves away slowly, before looking back at me. “Vul?” “She’s asking if you’ll follow her.” Ash calls over his shoulder before following Misty into the shop. I don’t know how he knows, but the sight of the Vulpix barrelling off into the distance is enough to persuade me to pursue. Chikorita dives out of the road with a frantic squeal as I thunder past, and I pursue it through the almost empty streets to a back alley. From the alley I can hear voices. “It’s unusual to see one of these in a city.” A man’s voice, quite high-pitched and gentle. “Yeah, but it seems a little malnourished and ragged. It might have been driven out by its parent.” A woman’s voice, a tone which strikes something deep, deep within. The Vulpix sends one final look back at me before going into the alley, and I feel my feet carry me in where I set eyes on two people. One a guy with green hair and a headband, the other looks like a very attractive woman. There’s something about the two of them… “I’ll catch it, it needs looking after.” It couldn’t be, I just couldn’t! “…I’ve needed another fire type, and there’s nothing more beautiful than a well groomed Rapidash.” “Vul!” The Vulpix yelps indignantly from her feet. “Well, excepting you obviously!” A red glow illuminates the alleyway, and the two of them slowly turn around and continue their conversation. Even through the clinging shadows I know it’s her. “So how did you meet Brock, Tracey?” I was sure I knew him from somewhere too. “I was travelling with Ash and Misty through the Orange Archipelago and met him briefly before they headed out to Johto. How about you Suzy?” The name freezes me to the spot. Yes, by god, it is her! “We first met in my breeders centre back in Johto, and I gave him Vulpix. We met later at a breeders show, and he gave her back to me.” I step out of the shadows, just as she walks past. “And now, we meet for a third time.” She nearly does a backflip, and spins around clutching her chest. “Jesus! Brock, is that really you?!” I take a step closer, and she gasps in joint surprise and relief. “I think it’s me, just let me check.” I look over myself, and nod. “Yeah, I think it’s me.” She looks stuck between A : hurling herself at me or B : having Vulpix make “Brock Au Vin” on high heat. “Brock!” Judging by the way she’s hurled herself at me I think its option A. “It’s nice to see you too Suzy.” She pulls back, and I find she likes both options. “That’s for giving me a heart attack!” She laughs as Tracey sends out Marril to extinguish my trousers. “Ah, re-unions can be such bittersweet occasions.” I shoot him a glare which he grins straight through. “Especially when you nearly kill said friend.” Suzy giggles, reaching down to pet Vulpix. “So you return the favour.” I grumble, trousers now quietly smouldering as Marril giggles with her, while balancing a bubble on her nose. “Right now, I think it’s time to find a café, I get the feeling there’s going to be a few life histories spilt in the next few hours.” “Tracey, you’ve hit the nail right on the head as usual.” He hasn’t changed, he’s still got that way of reading people and situations. He’d make a great Psychoanalyst. I think he thinks it’s a hobby. Sketching is a hobby. But he doesn’t sketch, he takes it to a new level. It’s more like he invents, sees what he sees and perfectly transfers it to paper. It’s the same when he watches and listens, you get the idea he’s painting a mental picture of everyone, how they act to each individual and in a group, what they push and what they avoid. Hmm, he could be useful, if a little mercenary. “Broo-oock.” Suzy shatters my world of thought, and I look back up. “Someone’s in another world.” Tracey cocks his head at me. “What’s clouding you up Brock?” Yes, he could definitely be helpful. “Let’s get to the café, then I’ll tell you all about it…” Yeah, it’s a comfortable seat, and I don’t have to do any work. But I’ve got tired of Mistys vehement exclamations whenever she sets eyes on something mildly interesting or cute. Ash just looks happy, like he does whenever he lets me and Chikorita roam around a meadow, despite Chikorita dragging him to inspect every bloom and weed in it. Sort of glad someone he loves is having a good time, even if he’s tired. But now I’m tired, and it’s approaching lunchtime. (“Ash, let’s get some food!”) I growl, and look to Chikorita for support. Nothing there. “Pikachu, Misty is in command. It’s up to her when we go for lunch.” Misty grins silently, and now I curse the demand we made of Ash. If he’d got a hint of his old belligerence we’d be on the way somewhere right now. Not poking around silly shops. “Ah!” The red hair in front of me washes across my vision as Misty spies a shop on the other side of the road. The dregs of scent harnessing my nose tells me what I need to know, and that is only one word. Perfume. Chikorita perks up; she seems interested in the new smells too. “Come on Ash, over there!” I can feel his shoulder stiffen to the consistency of dried concrete as he sets eyes on the delicate bottles and crass plastic flowers decorating the shopfront. “Uh, could you go in alone Misty?” She turns around and gazes at him in puzzlement as I mimic her gesture from his right shoulder. It’s the first time he’s gone against her all day, and I don’t know why. I mean he’s always hated and avoided perfume (except on an attractive woman) but he looks kinda scared. Scratch that, he looks petrified. “Why? It can’t hurt, and I want your opinion!” Before we know it, we’re across the road, courtesy of Misty’s strong grip. The stronger scent wafting from the shop is enough to block my over-sensitive nose, but by the way Ash suddenly jerks back you’d think he’d been stung. “No, no. I want to stay out here. Please? Chikorita can go in with you, she’s better at this sort of thing!” He’s getting frantic now, and she’s concerned. “I know you’ve never liked perfume but there’s no need to panic!” She studies him closely for just a second, taking in the dilated pupils and clenched hands, before shrugging. “Okay, so it’s me and one of you two.” She glances first at Chikorita, then at me. “Volunteers?” (“You go in Pikachu. There’s something I want to talk to Ash about for a moment.”) Chikorita takes me by surprise, I’d almost forgotten what she sounds like. “Fine, c’mon Pikachu.” Damn, I got sold off then. Misty lifts me off Ash, and sets me down. “But I’d like an explanation when I get out, if you please.” She growls at Ash, before spinning and stalking into the shop, and after giving Chikorita a ‘you’re roadkill when I get hold of you next’ glare I benignly follow her. I’d like to know what’s so important that I have to go into a perfume shop, as you could send me to the fires of hell before somewhere like this. My nose is just too sensitive…a-aah-ahtishoo! The million mingled scents assault my sense of smell like a marauding crew of pirates, and I growl quietly. There’s going to be hell to pay alright. (“It sets you off doesn’t it?”) I paw at Ashs leg, trying for a response. No sale. (“It’s something to do with the strong smells, the essences in the scent.”) Ah, a flicker of the eyes there, I’m onto something. (“It is, isn’t it?”) “Yeah, something like that.” He glances around the street cautiously before crouching down. I can see the mistrust lingering in his eyes being overridden by a desire, a desire to share his burden. Slowly, the desire won. “I don’t know exactly, when it’s being worn and it’s not too strong it doesn’t affect me. But when I’m in a shop like that it makes me flush, and then anything can happen.” He scratches his head, voice laced with confusion at his own words, face ridden with uncertainty at talking to me. But he needs to say it, no matter how it sounds. And I’m the only one he can say it to. “Misty thinks I flush because of being embarrassed, a guy in a perfume shop, but I just get really hot. Really, really hot, like I’m going to pass out. Do you remember that time in the Johto region, when I ran out of the shop looking like I was going to be sick? Well, I was sick in the public toilet down the road. I get the same feeling as when I have those…morphs. Sometimes stronger. It can set the morphing off. But once, just once I felt something else happening, the last time I was in a shop like this. Remember, about two months ago?” I do remember, and well. He’d shot from the store after being in there about ten minutes, and we hadn’t seen him for three hours. (“Yeah, I remember. What went on then?”) He looks unsure again, so I rear up on my hind legs to look him in the eye. They meet, red to hazel, and I can see him relax. He knows again, if he’d doubted it, that I’m still here for him whenever and wherever, no matter what has happened in the past. He takes a shuddering breath, before continuing. “Well, I ran back to the Pokemon Centre, where I locked myself in. I decided to take a shower to cool off, and when I took off my shirt, my chest…was covered in this red, downy stuff. A bit like a Pidgeys breast, only the colour of Charizards tail. That’s why I hid away, after a few hours it faded out, and I sort of moulted in the shower. Ever since then I’ve been wondering….what am I? Some sort of werewolf, a freak, is that me? You used to cause me problems until I’ve got something of an immunity to your sweet scent, but too much of that in my direction can cause changes. It’s not just smells, any strong Pokemon using its technique, such as Pikachus electricity and the poison of a Weezing can trigger it if it hits me. And the older I get, the more unstable I get and the longer these things happen for. And I don’t know what to do….” I can see it in his eyes, he’s going to cry if I don’t do anything, he’s got himself worked into a new frenzy of panic which will knock him down if unchecked. (“Hey! You’re still you! Don’t ever forget that!”) He’s unconvinced, I can tell. (“Look, whoever you think you are, you’re Ash to me, and that’s what counts, right?”) “….But what if I become someone else….” Utter desolation, that’s all I can see. (“Come on! If you stop believing in yourself, you’ll be someone else. But Ash is not a quitter, never in a million years.”) I draw him to me with my vines, and reach up to look at him face to face. (“And as long as you hold onto that you’re my Ash, no matter how you look, how you sound, or what you think.”) I can see the clouds clear in his mind, and he returns my stare with fresh vigour. “You know, you’re a godsend Chikorita. I’m sorry at going off at you for reading my diary.” He picks me up, cradling me tenderly as a newborn child. (“I’m sorry I read it. But at least I can help you.”) He chuckles ruefully, ignoring the looks of passers by who have just seen him deep in conversation with me and look puzzled. “Was it Elton John who said “Sorry seems to be the hardest word?”” I snuggle deeper into his arms, enjoying the comfort of his clutches. (“Yes, but when said with an honest tongue it’s one of the sweetest words that can pass someone’s lips.”) I reply with feeling, and can almost feel his smile warming the top of my head. “I didn’t know you could be so poetic!” He whispers, fingers roaming over my leaf. (“ I could say exactly the same.”) I sigh. “You don’t know me all that well then, do you?” Again, that tone in his voice which illustrates its speaking with smiling eyes. (“Surprise me.”) I don’t expect anything much, but surprise me he does. “Okay then, how’s about this?” He clears his throat, and begins speaking in a slow, melodious voice, a voice I have never heard him use before. Each note is as clear as a cut diamond, as sweet as birdsong, passionate as a valentine, and I can feel my eyes close as I slip into the beguiling rhythm, relaxing as a lullaby, enhanced by his gentle metronomic swaying in time with the words. “Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer's lease hath all too short a date: Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimmed, And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance, or nature's changing course untrimmed: But thy eternal summer shall not fade, Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st, Nor shall death brag thou wander'st in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st, So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.” For a moment I leave my eyes closed, before letting the world filter back into them gradually. (“That was amazing, simply amazing.”) I look up at him, to see him looking distantly to the horizon, caught up in his own spell. Slowly, as I imagine happened to me, his consciousness filters back, and he looks down at me with a broad smile. “I wish I could lay claim to that, but it was written by William Shakespeare, it’s his 18th Sonnet. One of my favourites, and seems very apt for someone who happens to be in my arms about now.” His face clouds over again, and he pauses before continuing. “I was going to say it to Misty, but until I can find out what is wrong with me, and find a solution, I can’t. It would destroy her if something happened to me after we’d got together, and it would do the same to myself too.” I can see the logic, but something isn’t quite right. (“You know, if she loves you which I’m sure she does, no I know she does, she’ll stay with you whatever happens.”) His shaking head cuts me off. “You still don’t quite understand Chikorita. People don’t have an open mind to the unknown, they see it as a threat. If something weird happens to me, she’d run a mile before stopping and thinking of what was actually going on. And it’s always been that way.” I still find this hard to believe, but he seems so definite that I can’t disagree. “Uh, Chikorita?” He sounds different now, pensive. (“Yeah?”) “When we get back to the centre, could we try something?” I want to question him, but a glance to the shop from which Pikachu and a pissed off Misty with ridiculously skewed hair are emerging is enough for me to just nod. (“Piii-kaaah-chooooo!”) A shot of static erupts around Pikachu as she sneezes, and Misty throws her hands up in annoyance. “You dumb rodent! You got us thrown out!” Pikachu sneezes again, sending another blast of static into the area. (“It’s not my fault I’m hyper sensitive to sprays!”) I can feel myself giggling as I ask the classic question. (“What the hell happened to you two?”) (“After a few minutes some stupid woman decided to demonstrate the new scent of the season on me. ME! It went straight up my nose, and…”) Pikachu burst indignantly. “Started off a sneezing fit, which caused you to give out masses of static yes?” Ash is smiling widely, he can see where this is going too. “Yeah! The first two waves caused everyone’s hair to stand on end, and then every metal aerosol and make-up box flew towards her! She tried to run out of the store with them still stuck to her, and we nearly got arrested for shoplifting!” Misty is real pissed, and her hair standing on end doesn’t help with the image. “You could always say you’re going to see Iron Maiden…” Ash cracks, and before she can reply we’re rolling on the floor, clutching our sides with laughter. “You’ll pay for that one, Ash Ketchum.” She growls, before pulling out a comb from a pocket in her grey slacks. Unfortunately her hair isn’t listening to its orders, the only way to define it would be spring-loaded. Pikachu is in the same boat, she resembles the fluffy doll we saw earlier, bar the expression of disgruntlement. “Here, try this.” Ash pulls his cap off, and places it squarely on her head. We step back, and admire his handiwork. With the hat snug on her head, some red hair flowing out of it, she at least looks presentable. Needless to say though, she isn’t impressed. “Ash, I look like a scruffbag! Plus it’ll take a week to get the tangles out of my hair!” The problem of tangles is solved quite rapidly. (“Pi-kaa-aaah-aaaaaah-CHOOOOOO!!”) In an instant, the world goes black. Light slowly filters in as a hysterical Ash lifts his cap off my head where it had landed, letting in the view of a dazed Pikachu and an incandescent red-head whose hair is now skewed in a perfect ring around her face, making it look like the sun is setting behind her. The pieces slowly fit together. Misty with lots of hair cramped under a cap + a high charge of static + laws of physics = Hair expansion = Cap blown off +…..laughter. The first gales of insane giggling hit me at about the same time it hits Ash, with the result of the two of us collapsing to the floor for the second time in as many minutes. “Okay, how do you like it?!” Misty scoops Pikachu up, and gently tosses her into Ash’s lap as he’s getting over the latest bout of hysterics, which has the same sobering effect on him as a final demand from a loan shark. As Pikachu inhales again I can see his eyes swell with apprehension, and a few of the words he’s spoken come back to me. *It’s not just smells, any strong Pokemon using its technique, like Pikachus electricity or the poison of a Weezing can trigger it if it hits me….* (“Pi-kaaah-choooo!”) I shudder as the static blast runs through me, but shrug it off as I put Pikachu down and retract the vines I’d used to pull her off Ash and over to me moments earlier. I see the relief wash into his face, and know it was worth it. “Hey, all I wanted was to see his hair stand on end!” Misty glares down at me, but I return it. (“Don’t you think you’re being a little petty?”) I reply calmly, shuffling over towards Ash. “It was a bit of fun!” Her aqua eyes track me, her focus intense. (“Pika-chuuuuu!”) The focus fades out and she slumps to the floor as Pikachus intentional shock leaves her smoking again. (“I don’t appreciate being used like a beachball either!”) She huffs indignantly, before looking through Ashs backpack for a tissue as he still sits on the pavement. I look up into his face, and he winks down at me in thanks. I get the feeling all is forgiven. “Okay, what is this, let’s all hack Misty day?” She slowly pulls herself to her feet, dusting off her slacks and trying to ignore the tittering of a few teenage girls stood watching on the street corner. A futile attempt. “And don’t you Rattatas have somewhere more important to be? If not then I’m sure I could find somewhere, like pain central, Johto?” The three of them turn red as hot coals, and begin making their not-so-nonchalant way towards us. Great going Misty. They look about the same age as her, two maybe a little younger but nevertheless equally angry. “You got a problem with us?” The one with shoulder length brown hair sneers, casting an eye over Misty. Sure Misty looks scrawny, but I’ve no doubt she could mop the floor with these three without breaking sweat. “Yeah, you know it’s bad manners to laugh at someone you don’t even know?” She glowers back. Just then the middle one steps forwards, and everything from her ridiculously flashy shoes to her overdone highlights screams out one word – attitude. As in problem. “Judgin’ by the way your hair is stickin’ out it looks like it don’t want nothin’ to do with you, an’ I don’ say I blame it.” The smug look on her face is erased by the blur that is Misty’s fist, and she careers into the shop window before slumping to the floor, eyes spinning and hands clutching her jaw. “Maybe I should just slap your face right off, it’s probably ashamed you’re wearing it.” I don’t think those girls have ever met someone like this, someone who uses fierce pride and clenched fists rather than nails and snide remarks. “Hey! You don’t do that to one of us and get away with it!” The third girl, undoubtedly the eldest of the group with ridiculous hair and ego to match, steps forwards. She looks a bit older than Misty, perhaps seventeen, but she doesn’t have the brains of Psyduck. “Looks like I have, unless you plan to change that.” She puts her hands on her hips and smiles sweetly back at her. “Yeah I have so it happens, ya scrawny brat.” Oh. Dear. “Pardon?” Misty leans closer, her smile even brighter. “I said yeah, ya scrawny…” It’s hard to continue speaking when your jaw is held in someone’s hand, with a grip comparable to a Totodiles jaws. “Okay Misty, I think you made your point.” Ash raises himself to his feet, and places a hand on her shoulder. She glances at him briefly before reluctantly letting go of the girl and stepping back. “OhmyGOD! It can’t be…” The first girl is having palpitations, by the looks of it. “Pikachu, Chikorita, red head accompanying him….” The oldest of the group reads through a mental checklist. “Devilishly handsome, muscular, black hair with red cap….It’s…” The smarmy one adds, getting to her feet. “…ASH KETCHUM!” The three of them instantly surround him, almost visibly drooling. “Uh, hi…” He looks over at me and Misty, with an obvious pleading look. He’s never been good at telling people he doesn’t know to just, well, get lost. “Okay, he’s taken!” Misty steps in, and grabs him by the arm. (“Yeah, give it a rest!”) They just shoot me a confused look, but get the picture when my vine wraps around his other arm and pulls him over. (“C’mon, just buzz off somewhere would ya?”) Pikachu puts in, finally over her sneezing fit. “Taken?” “By you?!” “Don’t make me laugh! He probably feels sorry for you, you’re just a no-name valley girl!” Before I can react, Ash spins around in response to their calls, fury etched into every curve of his face. “If you haven’t noticed, I call her Misty, as that’s her name. But I don’t see anyone calling you, least of all me. Co-incidence? Maybe it’s you I should feel sorry for.” With that, we’re around the corner, and judging by the lack of retorts, out of their league. “Thanks Ash, I probably would’ve put one of them through the wall.” Misty smiles, taking the comb back out in another attempt to restore it to some semblance of order, this time with a little success. “It’s not problem, I owe all of you thanks for getting me out of there with all my clothes intact.” I can just see the questions they both want to ask dancing on their lips, just begging to be spoken. Questions about what was said, whether she really meant it when she said he was taken, whether he really meant it when he defended her. But no, as usual the moment passes, and she looks at the floor, he at the sky. I catch Pikachus eye, and we share the traditional look of exasperation. If just once one of them had the guts to try and broach the subject we’d be one big happy family, but nope. To coin a phrase, I’m the king of wishful thinking. “How’s about some brunch? Maybe a coffee?” Misty breaks the silence, and Pikachu and I wholeheartedly agree. The three of us look as one to Ash, who is unusually the last to respond. He gazes to the clear blue sky for a moment, before smiling. “Sounds good to me too. That city guide suggested one café in particular, and it should be only a few blocks away.” He drifts off again, and we casually make our way to twenty-one Kanto Road, and the Noctowl Café. “So, why’d they call it the Noctowl café?” Brock sipped on his mug of cappuccino, still trying to find the actual liquid buried somewhere in the froth, and ran a quick glance around the lobby. High-backed seats either side of tables lined the perimeter of the interior, and although the slightly dowdy pale brown décor added a tone of shabbiness it was all the more relaxing. “Because it’s awake all night.” Tracey replied, blowing on his mocha. “A popular place for insomniacs and night owls alike, it also has things like blues bands on and is the most highly rated and safe café in the town. It’s pretty cheap too, considering the overall highbrow nature of a lot of the shops.” Brock shook his head, an incredulous smile pinching at his mouth. “Trace, you’ve been here what, a few days? And you already sound like a tour guide.” Tracey grinned back in response, slowly stirring a sachet of brown sugar into his steaming cup. “First rule of travelling for me, know your destination. Helps you blend in and you don’t get caught by surprise. I was sent here by Prof. Oak on Wednesday because of reported sightings of a legendary Pokemon, so I’m here looking out for it.” Suzy chuckled quietly, playing with a sweetener sachet. “You know, you’re wasted by drawing for a living.” She ripped it open, and poured it into her own cappuccino. “How many people can say the think they like to do most is how they make a living?” He blew on the hot liquid, before taking a tentative sip. “Uh, well I can.” Suzy replied with a grin. “That’s why I’m here, Brock. It’s the annual north Johto breeders convention, and I’ve been invited in as a speaker on grooming, treatment and beauty techniques. Should go on about another few days.” “If you want any help with massage or beauty, Ash is the man to talk to. He’s got massage down to a fine art, even Snorlax wakes up when he’s treating its back. And you’ll never guess what I saw him doing earlier.” Brock smiled, leaving the question obviously open for someone to ask. “Go on, what was he doing?” Tracey nudged gently. “At Chikoritas request, making her a pair of pyjamas.” This had the effect of making Tracey laugh and Suzy put in the inevitable ‘Awww, how sweet!’. “No, you should see them guys. I’ve never seen anything like these in a shop. He even got a special pattern, Chicory flowers and Ash leaves.” Traceys grin widened even further. “My, I didn’t know he’s such a sentimentalist!” Brocks smile dropped again. “Trace, if you make fun of it in front of him I’ll not only see your feet don’t touch the ground, but swing gently in the breeze while you hang from a noose.” Suzy giggles at the sudden defensive tone. “Easy Brock, he’s just teasing you! He’d never wind up Ash over something so personal. Besides, I think it’s really cute! So, you’re still going around with those two?” She asked easily. “Yep, I’m still not quite ready to settle down. I’m a free spirit see!” *Although at the moment it’s more for their good than mine…* “But your “free spirit” is being choked a little by them, yes?” Brock looked over at Tracey, who just returned the glance with a raised eyebrow. “You really are wasted by being an artist, you know that?” Tracey just grinned at the comment. “So what’s the problem, last time we met you were happy as a Muk in a swamp.” Suzy put in. “Yeah, and it’s been fine until recently. Ash has been acting strangely. He’s become shy and secretive, but his intelligence and physical abilities have gone through the roof. He’s started staring into campfires for hours, keeps a journal and doesn’t seem interested in battling. Now tell me how much more different he could be from who you know as Ash Ketchum.” Traceys face clearly displayed that the pieces of the mental jigsaw which was his memory Ash didn’t fit with these new pieces. “Odd.” He cupped his chin in his hands, and stared vacantly into space. “How long has this gone on?” “About six months or so.” “The league final!” Suzy snapped, clicking her fingers. “It must have been because of that Marino woman, maybe he’s been shaken up by it….” The shaking heads of her two companions cut her off. “No, that’s just not right. It can’t be that.” Tracey mused. “When he’s gone down to someone or been shocked by something, he takes it on the chin, drags himself back up and dusts himself off, ready for the next challenge or to go back and finish the job.” Brock thought aloud, left hand toying with a loose strand of brown hair. “What she did was reprehensible, but Ash wouldn’t change this much or so rapidly over one small incident.” Tracey drained the rest of his mug and eased back into the chair. “The thing is, this is unsettling me and Pikachu big time. What it’s doing to Misty you can probably work out yourselves.” Suzy and Tracey nodded, having witnessed first hand what could happen with an over-stressed Misty, often stretching to nuclear proportions. “So Brock, what you’re asking is that while we hang out for the next few days, I keep an eye on them and maybe try and pin it down?” Brock inclined his head just once. “I don’t want to pressurise him, he’s already worried by something. But Ash is, and always has been a potential time bomb. He’s very good as hiding and storing things, but one day it’ll get too much and all hell could break loose with him. He’s a bit like a dam, he takes it all and lets it out slowly and controlled, but massive emotion could cause it to collapse.” Brock took a short breath, before finishing his own drink. “Chikorita knows something too, so keep an eye on her. I’ll keep an eye on them too, and maybe between us we can work out what the hell is going on.” Tracey pondered it for a moment, before agreeing. “So, enough of this council of war, what’s your plans for tonight Brock?” Suzy turned to him and gave him a wink. “Fancy catching up a little on more old times?” Brock stunned himself by managing to avoid drooling like an idiot, instead smiling and nodding in agreement. “That’d be great. How’s about here today, four-thirty?” “Sure!” She slid off the seat beside him, and slowly stood up. “So for now, I guess it’s adios!” She glided over to the door, turning and looking back as she placed a hand on the handle. “Don’t be late!” The door opened, and she was gone. “Brock? Wakey-wakey!” Tracey brought him back to the land of the living with a click of his fingers in front of his face. “Huh?” Just then the door swung open again, ushering in four familiar faces currently engaged in a rather verbose discussion. “Yeah, I’m sure it was Suzy!” Ash growled, heading for the counter. “Really sure? This coming from the guy who used is Pokedex every time he ran into a Pokemon for three years?” Mistys snide rejoinder caused the few in the café to look on in interest. “Yeah, well look where it got me! And when was the last time you saw me use a Pokedex?” Ash snapped back. “Uh…” (“Hey look, There’s Brock!”) Chikorita called, scuttling over to the table before leaping up onto the chair beside him. “And…Tracey?” Misty gaped, before following Chikorita over. “Well, I guess we’ll get the drinks will we?” Ash grumbled, irate. (“No, you’ll get the drinks.”) Pikachu corrected, hopping down from his shoulder. “Ahh, I’ll remember this, you furball.” He muttered, before turning to the waitress to order. “Hey Trace, long time no see. Must be a while now since we last ran into each other.” Brock threw a glance to Tracey as if to say “watch Ash” before replying for him. “Yeah, he’s out here for a while by request of Professor Oak. Apparently there’s been sightings of a legendary Pokemon in this area.” With that, Tracey noted, Ash did the posture equivalent of pricking his ears. His body stiffened slightly, his arm left his hip and he tilted his head to hear better. *Maybe his normal instinct for hearing of a legendary Pokemon, but at the same time he’s trying to hide the fact he’s listening. Hmmmm. Maybe I should join in.* “Yeah, I’ve heard that it’s a flying Pokemon, and some think it may be Moltres. They’ve certainly seen flashes of red.” *He’s more than listening now, he’s straining to pick everything up.* “But I don’t think so, as All reports suggest Moltres is still in the Shamouti region. Some think it could be a very large and well-developed Charizard, or a uniquely coloured Dragonite or something big like that. But I’m here to try and find this out.” *His ears have virtually turned red now!* Ash picked up the drinks and walked nonchalantly over to our table, and set them down again. “So Ash, you thinking of going to look for this seemingly legendary Pokemon seen around here?” Tracey asked, noting the slightly flustered look appearing on his face. “Uh, I guess I might. So, was that Suzy that just walked out of here Brock?” He questioned, turning to face the older man. “Yeah, she’s here for a breeders conference.” He replied. *Not too keen on searching for a legendary Pokemon, AND changing the subject away from Pokemon? Looks like we’ve hit pretty close to the mark already.* “And speaking of her, I’ve gotta be off. It’s only a few hours before we meet up for the evening.” Mistys mouth dropped open so wide it could have been used to garage Concorde, with ample space for refuelling. “Brock, on a DATE?!” She murmured in the same tone often found by those who have just seen their sixth number roll down the lottery shoot, or Superman flash past into a phone box and emerge putting on his glasses. “Yeah, and while you’re pinching yourself, do me too just in case.” He grinned as he reached the door. “See you later all! Oh and Tracey, don’t forget to tip the waitress ten percent….” The giggles of the rest of the table bounded around him as he let his head bang onto the table. “Damn, why do I ALWAYS fall for that? Picking up the bill yet again….” We get back to the centre, and he seems fairly happy. Seems. Traceys appearance has shaken him, which means he really is hiding something big. He’s scared Tracey has the potential to pick up on whatever it is and work him out. He’s pacing beside me now, look almost carefully absent yet genial. Chikorita is having a conversation with Misty from upon her shoulders, and I strain my ears to pick it up. A human wouldn’t have a chance, but Pikachus make good spies as well as fighters. “….be sure he isn’t?” Misty sounds anxious, negative. (“Because if he was he’d have given you the money and told you to grow in another meadow. He knows the meaning of the word pity, but doesn’t abuse it.”) Chikorita, looking like she’s frustrated by something. “It might be just for me, I mean he doesn’t act this way to anyone else…” Well, look who’s let the twittering of some dopey tart get in her head. Why does Misty need constant reassurance that Ash has something for her? (“God damn it Misty!”) Chikorita somehow manages to scream in a whisper. (“You’re that insecure? Remember last time in Kanto he lost the title, and who did he turn to for commiseration? You! When he needed someone’s shoulder to lean on when Deliah became ill, whose did he lean on? Yours! That time we all went out for your sixteenth, and Team Rocket crashed the place, who did he bust a gut to recover? You!”) She shakes her head, leaf rippling with the movement. (“And you still need to ask that?”) “….I suppose you’re right. But every time I get doubts.” Misty looks thankful we’ve reached our room, perhaps she wants to speak with Brock, or me, or just louder. But as Ash wordlessly continues to the room next door, I can see the single wistful glance to him which says all which needs to be said. (“I’m going into Ashs now, so I’ll see you this evening.”) Chikorita bades us goodbye, trots up the corridor to the still ajar door, and walks in before it shuts with a definite click. “Hey Brock, where you to?” Misty calls, seeing the bedroom empty, green bedsheets untouched. “In here!” A slightly muffled reply finds its way through from the bathroom. “Getting’ yourself tarted up lover boy?” She replies, throwing herself down on the sofa-bed and flicking the television on. “Yep, its not every day you run into an old flame and find the fire still burns bright.” He calls, and I can hear an electric razor hum in the background. (“Hey, even shaving specially! My, normally it takes a weeks bum fluff before you go about that taking operation.”) I can picture the wry smile he’s wearing right now. “Yeah, especially because I have to use the electric one. SOMEONE pinched my wet one, didn’t they Misty?” She sniggers from the sofa in response. “Hey Romeo, you ever tried taking off underarm hair with an electric razor? I would hope not, but let me tell you it doesn’t work.” Chuckling, I walk over to the bathroom door and knock. “It’s open!” I jump up and depress the handle in a well practised manoeuvre, and go in. (“Brock, your request was fulfilled to the letter. Ash was a study in attentiveness for Misty, like you asked him to be.”) He smiles the best he can without missing some of the stubble on his cheek. “Heh, good.” He slides the shaver around to his chin. “Misty needed that, she thinks he never notices her if he doesn’t talk to her every few minutes. She has got a few problems when it comes to him, maybe she’s over possessive.” I scratch my ear in idle thought. (“Did we have to ask him to go out of his way to make her happy? I think he would’ve been fine either way, now it seems like we’re trying to get them together.”) The puzzlement in my voice makes him frown. “That’s part of the idea. It’d be a damn waste to let them drift off. But Misty has her pride, and Ashs attention span on most things now is the length of a snapped matchstick.” He shakes his head, razor moving to his throat. “If we interfere too much it could screw it all up, but the same will happen if we ignore it.” I sigh, sagging back on my haunches. (“Why do we always get stuck in this crap?”) He smiles again, shutting off his razor. “Because we care. Now, I’ve got a hot date to attend, so if you’ll excuse me….” I can feel my blood pressure peak and fall simultaneously. They asked him to pay attention to me? Then maybe he was lying, they were all lying. I’m gonna get hold of Chikorita and wring it out of her, that’s for sure. But even as I feel the anger burning realisation washes over me putting it out, and I sag back from where I was listening against the bathroom wall to one of the beds. I don’t know what to think now, I don’t want to think. All I know is that it just may be all the positive feelings I received today were false….and it’s going to start all over again. My mind flits back, back more than six years, and the insecurities, fears, inadequacies filter into my heart, where they’d lain dormant for the whole of my teenage life. Maybe I should stop running away, turn and defeat these shadowy sprites which taunt every time I’m weak or scared, but it takes more than I have now. Fears grow, doubts multiply. I have to get out of here, get Ash, and find what he really thinks. Then maybe, just maybe I can think of myself as a worthwhile person again. Without any conscious thought, my pale hand is opening the door, and my thin legs are carrying me the few paces to the room next door. My knuckles stop bare millimetres from the door, something compels me to listen. I press my ear to the door, a pang of guilt erased by suspicion and a desperate need to know, know if I’m worth something, anything. I can hear conversation from inside, and strain harder to try and pick it up…. “Yeah, not much more to do. Just that leg, then the trim and final touches….” I put the pyjamas back down on the bed, and take in her pensive look. I remember why, she’s wondering what it is I want her to do for me. Well, now she’ll find out. “Chikorita, what I’d like you to do is come and sit on my lap, just for a moment, so I can explain this to you properly. Come on, don’t be shy.” I sink down onto the green bedspread, and after a meek look from her red eyes her leaf twitches in response and she climbs on. (“So, what can I do for you?”) She smiles, but I can see a current of nervousness beneath it. “Shh, calm down. There’s no need for you to worry.” The fact there’s plenty of need for me to I decide not to tell her. “Now, all I’d like you to do is, when I ask, give me your best sweet scent, for as long as possible. I want to see what happens…..to me. And something will happen, what I don’t know. There’s no-one else to see me, and I want to, no, need to know. Then if there are any effects I can wait it out in here. So, would you let me give it a try?” I can see another stream of doubt flow through her. She hopes that this could do nothing, but deep down too knows something is going to happen. (“I-I’m scared Ash….”) She nuzzles into my stomach, and I hug her in response. “So am I, but it’s better to know than to hope, don’t you think?” She looks up at me with hazy eyes and swallows deeply, but nods. She can almost feel my fear radiating from my hands, but straightens up and takes a deep breath. I give the four blank walls, only ordained by a solitary window ajar to my left and the door to my right a brief glance, and close my eyes. (“Just don’t forget, please, you’re you no matter how you appear….”) She takes a final deep breath, and concentrates. A thick mist flows out of her leaf, and envelops me. I inhale slowly and regularly, and wait. Nothing seems to be happening. Nothing at all….sudden as lightning, my head begins to spin and I can feel my mind seeping into hysteria. The world flies out of focus; indistinct as shadows in the dusk, and I can feel my body slowly, agonisingly changing. First with my chest, changing as it has before. Then, my arms, my arms are growing long, and they suddenly look as if they’re on fire, my chest is turning bright red, my body and shoulders are….aflame, my feet turning claw-like and my legs burning brightly, yet with a holy fire, a magical fire which doesn’t scorch me, soothing as balm. I barely hear Chikorita squeak in shock and hurl herself under the bed, or smell the scorch of burning clothes as I let out an inhuman cry, from somewhere deep within. Now this….change is nearing completion, I just know it, and the world is oh so briefly wonderful, sight sharp as cut glass, hearing delicate as butterfly wings. I can almost feel life flowing around me, thoughts and dreams palpable as skin. But her scent has gone, wafting through the window, and slowly, slowly my human senses are returning, the flames dying away, sight and sound gently easing ghost-like back into my body. I close my eyes, and sink backwards onto the bed, just waiting and praying for the ordeal to end. I can still feel snatches of how it was to be….whatever I became for that briefest second, and now it taunts me as the awful, awful feeling I always felt during those brief changes piles into me with a vengeance. It’s like sea, air and stomach sickness intertwined into almost exquisite agony, so painful and nauseous that it almost seems euphoric. Chikorita pokes her head out from under the bed at about the same time as another tidal wave of nausea overtakes me, and sprints out of the way as I throw my head over the edge of the bed and retch. Mistys voice shouting my name from behind the door permeates my consciousness, and I finally open my eyes to tiny slits, taking in Chikoritas fearful face and the smoke hanging heavily in the air. (“Ash….look at your arms….”) She gasps, and I cast a look along them, at which my eyes slam open to their full width. My arms are their normal length, yes, but they’re a glorious red, and they are bedecked with rows of beautiful red, white and black feathers. As I watch, a few fall off, and settle on the bed, incongruous among the ashes which litter it. My chest is a downy red and white…. But quite beautiful. The shock pours icy water into my veins as the nausea returns, punctuated by hammering from the door and Misty calling me from outside. I lay down flat on my back, and try to keep my thoughts and emotions from erupting in an uncontrolled torrent while attempting to make some semblance of sense from what had just come to pass. I can feel something crawling up my stomach, and look down to see Chikorita in a petrified stupor just staring at me out of wide, rabbit-like eyes. (“You were sheathed in flame, and then you screamed…I thought I was never going to see you again that I’d killed you….”) She moaned, shaking wildly, eyes streaming with panicked tears. (“I thought I’d lost you….lost you….lost you forever…..”) I push through the shock enough to reach out and pull her shivering form to me, and let her shed her tears into my arms. “I don’t know what’s happened to me, but I’m scared too. I don’t know if I can ever be the same, or what I might become…” She stops her silent screams for just long enough to put her legs around me, letting me hug her like a doll. (“But you’re still here, with me…and I don’t ever want it another way…”) She gasped, before becoming embroiled in another bout of shaking, shaking I understand and felt keenly as ever. Who, or what am I? And what could I become? The hammering on the door now slams into my skull migraine- like, added to by a female voice calling me, but knowledge and understanding are chained away and I draw myself into a foetal position clutching Chikorita yet more tightly, an almost primal fear creating a cocoon to crawl into. Gradually the knocking becomes more indistinct to my ears, the voice now joined by others growing vague, and darkness seeps, seeps like blood beneath a locked door into my consciousness, gradually wrapping me in a velvet blanket which I gratefully sink into, sink until I almost drown, and it carries me into the shadows. To where, I don’t know…. Hmmm, a bit of a cliffhanger there, sorry about that. Hope you enjoyed, and don’t forget to review! C’ya soon with chapter IV Dan.