The Ganuchi Legend Chapter 1-The Founding of Ganuchi Deep within a dark forest an evil happening was taking it`s place... Team Rocket troups flooded the forest floor around the rather small lake.Beyond the forest was all desert for miles and miles.The trees that grew there needed little water so only the small lake was needed.There was too little water for many plants to grow so there was low vegitation.The pokemon that manage to live in these poor conditions are unown.There is a myth that two legendary pokemon live in this forest.Team Rocket believes in that myth and they are out to find those pokemon and capture them. "Giovanni!The troups searched the entire forest,we may have found them!"A rocket exclaimed."Good,I want them immediatly.Make sure no time is wasted!"The rocket leader told him.The rocket nodded."Yes sir!"He said and ran off."Get my helicopter ready!" Giovanni anounced. Minutes later the helicopter arrived and Giovanni boarded it.The black helicopter was huge and had a red "R" on each of it`s sides. He sat back in his chair,stroking his Persian`s smooth silky fur.The hum of the helicopter kept the Persian awake.She rolled around in his lap wanting attention.Giovanni picked up the Persian and put her on the seat next to him.She sighed."Mer?" She asked."Settle down we`re almost there."He told her.The Persian layed down looking at her trainer. "We are experiencing some technical difficulties the flight will be a little bumpier than usual.Don`t worry it`s nothing to worry about,"The Loudspeaker said."Please put on your seatbelts." Giovanni put his seatbelt on and made Persian sit in his lap again. A sudden jerk backwards startled them followed by a slight drop. Persian dug her claws in her trainers leg."OW!You stupid cat!"He yelled at her.Persian jumped down from his lap and hid under the seat.He rolled his pantleg up to see the damage,for a Persian it made a pretty good cut!It looked like a bad Growlithe bite.He rolled his pantleg back down."You son of a-"Suddenly Giovanni was cut off. The helicopters propellers stopped working and it dropped into the forest below. "GIOVANNI!"The Pilot screamed.Giovanni ripped his seatbelt off and ran to the pilots room.He pushed the pilot out of the way and took the wheel.He pulled up as hard as he could but they still were dropping.He still kept pulling it up.The helicopter suddenly jerked up again right before it was about to hit ground.He fell back in the pilots seat and gently made the helicopter land in a small clearing where some rockets were.The pilot stood there frozen in fear. Giovanni laughed and went back to his seat to find Persian.He took Persian from under the seat into his arms.Her eyes were wide with terror.He laughed at her."Mer..."She answered.He brought Persian with him out of the helicopter. "Is this close to the pokemon?"He asked a nearby rocket.She nodded."Yes sir, right down there."She pointed north where a cluster of rockets were."Thank you..."He said and made his way to the crowd. He pushed through the crowd to find a small cave entrance.This must have been where the pokemon were.When he began to go into the cave a scientist stopped him."Sorry that this cave is only to be entered by myself or an expert pokemon trainer.The pokemon in there are very dangerous."Giovanni glarred at the scientist."An expert trainer such as yourself..."He finished and stepped out of the way. Persian looked up at him in a worried look.He glanced at her and put her down at the entrance. "Stay here."He told her."Mer!"She meowed nodding.Giovanni then entered the cave. It was cold and damp in the small tunnel.It got narrower by the minute.The only light left from where he was standing was a dim glow from the entrance,far behind him.His footsteps echoed along the cave walls.He could hear faint chattering from Zubats and Goldbats ahead.The ceiling stretched out going down slightly as you walked.Giovanni got to the point where he had to crawl. About a half an hour into the cave he got to a spot where he couldn`t fit through.When he went to turn back he noticed an unusually coloured rock on the wall beside him.It was almost bright red but he couldn`t really see the colour in the dim light.He wondered if it was a button so he pressed it.It did go into the wall but nothing happened.He shrugged but couldn`t from the lack of space.He then went back outside. When he got to the point where he could stand up he fell through a hole.It must have been made from pressing that button.After the 30 foot drop,Giovanni lay on the ground motionless... ***The following part is in the term of "I" it is played by 1 of the 2 main characters.Her name is Ganuchi.She is a pokemon,the 2 legendary pokemon that lived there mated and made a new kind of pokemon,a Ganuchi.It is a small,cute pokemon with big round eyes,2 incredibly sharp horns on it`s head,sharp teeth,(2 are sticking out of its mouth)a bushy tail in the back of it,is the colour black and it`s round like a ball.*** Today is another boreing day,dad left 3 months ago and never came back,mom just died so I have nothing to do and nothing new is happening.I made a nest out of cob webs and things to sleep in.I`m stuck in this cave thanks to a rock slide that blocked the way out.Even better,thats what killed mom.I sit here talking to you being bored out of my wits,when your expecting something new to happen.The only thing new is that something fell through a hole in the ceiling and landed on my nicely made bed that took a week to make.The secounds tick and minutes pass then hours and I can`t even tell if it`s night or day.You can go along read some other fan fiction,there is probably a story better for you to read.If you insist on reading I guess you can wait untill something new happens.lucky for you I can speed things up for you so why don`t you just hold on a secound and let me fastforward the storie for you okay? *2 days later* The son of a-sorry for the language!Well,the big idiote that ruined my bed woke up recently and I for one thing am scared of it.I hid behind a rock and waited for it to go away.It couldn`t, unfortunetly we were both stuck in this cave.It got up and shook its head.It then looked around and spotted me.I hissed at it,hey I don`t know what to do!It came toward me,my heart was pounding hard in my chest,it reached down slowly to its waist and got a round red and white ball from it.He threw it aside,it opened and released a monster from it."RYDON!"It belowed. I shut my eyes as tight as I could.If I can`t see it,it can`t see me!I guess I was wrong though.I heard a few ruffled sounds none loud but little ruffling sounds.A few secounds later I heard a soft bang and that made me really not want to open my eyes. Finally when opened one eye I was surrounded by darkness.Not the normal cave darkness,pitch black darkness.I gave out a little suprized yelp from a sharp pain in my side.Suddenly I felt really sleepy.I dozed off a few secounds later... ***Now it`s back to the "he" and "she" parts.Enjoy!*** Team Rocket headquarters: Giovanni laughed."I caught a legendary pokemon and I didn`t even use a pokemon to help me with it.A single pokeball,it`s all it took!"He anounced to the rockets.2 rockets brought in a small cage.Giovanni opened it and smiled."This my friends,"He said and put his hands inside the cage."Is the pokemon you`ve been waiting for!"And pulled the limp sleeping Ganuchi out."The rockets cheered and he placed the poor Ganuchi on the table in front of him.It awoke from the cheering and sleepily opened its eyes.They soon opened wide with terror.It tried to get off the table but Giovanni picked it up.It squirmed in his arms trying to bite him or pierce him with it`s horns.It managed to nip him with one of it`s teeth.Frankly it didn`t hurt Giovanni.He set it down in the cage and closed the top of it."I will be in my office if anyone needs me,I am thinking of giving it to someone for training.Come down to my office if you want it..."He told the rockets.They all nodded in agreement.Giovanni took the cage and headed to his office. He set the cage down on his desk."Nuchi!"It yelled at him.His Persian came out of nowhere and jumped on his desk and examined the cage."Get down Persian!"He instructed.Persian flattened her ears down and made her evil eye but then followed her trainers instructions.There was a knock at the door."Come in..."He said.The door opened and two figures walked in.One a boy and one a girl.The girl had long red hair and the boy had short blue hair and they were wearing white rocket suits."We came to see the pokemon."They told him.They stepped torward the cage."Jessie,James I think you both aren`t ready for a legendary pokemon to train."He told them stepping in the way."We think we are.Please just give us the pokemon!"The girl said frustraighted."Sorry but I don`t think you two are ready!I can give you another rare pokemon to train!"The girl glarred at him."Fine!But it better be a good one!"She spat.Giovanni sighed and went to the back of his room.His wall was lined with cages with rare pokemon in them.He scanned the cages and found what he was looking for.He took the cages key from his pocket and opened the cage.He took out a small pokemon that was definetly rare and handed it to the boy."Elekid!"It shouted."Have a nice day!"He told them and pushed them out of his office.Secounds later some other rockets came in but he threw them out. He waited untill his top rocket came in."Let`s see the cute little guy!"She said.He picked up the Ganuchi out of its cage and gave it to the girl."I`d like you to have it."He told her.She smiled."Thank you so much!"She cried and hugged the Ganuchi."Get to your training!"He instructed.She nodded and ran out of his office closing the door behind her. Giovanni went over to his chair and picked up his Persian.He sat back wondering if he picked the right person for the legendary pokemon...