Ash’s Medicine By: Summery: Hello, it’s me slickboy444. I have been so grateful to the web site owners who have posted my last story. I got so much joy out of the first one, I have decided to write a second story for you all. I would like to thank all those who reviewed my last story. It inspired me to write this one. This one is another AAMRN so I hope you enjoy it. I don’t want to give the story away so please read and review my story, if you want to flame please flame nicely. Enjoy! AN: Ash and Misty are 18 and ‘these mean character thoughts’ Ash: I can’t believe it, I won! Pikachu: Yeah! Ash was jumping for joy at the moment he became a pokemon master. He scooped up his best friend and pokemon and gave it a big hug. Nobody was happier for Ash than his long time companion Misty Waterflower. The young boy she had known for years was now an attractive young man. She had grown too. She had become a very shapely young woman and had attracted some eyes, but she always had a special place in her heart for Ash. Misty: ‘Congratulations Ash. I’m sorry I never told you, but I’m proud of you.’ Misty wiped a small tear from her eyes and smiled at Ash’s accomplishments. It had taken years, but at age 18 he had finally done it. He had grown so much and accomplished so much in his brief life. The person she secretly loved was now happier than she had ever seen him. She watched as reporters swamped him and he flashed his legendary victory sign for all to see. Later that night at the Indigo hall, the champion and the rest of the competitors in the competition were honored with an exclusive dinner. There the challengers received badges and certificates and Ash receive a special commendation to honor his new status. Ash later gave a speech to epitomize his victory. Ash: You know, when I started this journey I thought it would be a breeze. Oh, how wrong I was, but I didn’t let something like that stop me. I had terrific pokemon who supported me and two very special friends who helped me. Misty and Brock, this badge is because of you! The spotlight briefly shone on the two friends. Brock used the opportunity to get some female attention, but Misty acted different. She was shy about having the spotlight on her unexpectedly, but she was overwhelmed that Ash had the heart to thank her. After all the criticism and fighting they had went through, Ash still considered her a special friend. She couldn’t help but smile at the feeling. Later after the ceremony she and Brock met up with Ash. Brock: Hey, Mr. Pokemon master. Ash: Yep, did ya ever think you’d see the day. Misty: Most times no. Ash: Hey! Misty: But you sure proved me wrong. Ash smiled at that comment and felt happy that things between him and Misty had gotten better since they were kids. Although they were both unaware, they had developed a special bond that remained unspoken for the years they had been together. For the rest of the night, the three friends and pikachu relaxed in the Indigo hall enjoying each other’s company. Misty: Well Ash, now that you’re a pokemon master, what are you going to do next? Ash: I don’t know. I guess I could take a break then continue training and studying as a career. Brock: Sounds pretty good, at least you won’t have to worry about money in whatever you choose to do. Ash: Yeah, but I still feel weird. I feel that there’s nothing left to do now that I’ve achieved my dream. Misty: I’m sure you’ll think of something, right now I think you should just enjoy your victory. Ash: Yeah, I guess you’re right. ‘But still.” As the three friends continued to talk a large man in a military uniform approached. Man: Greetings Mr. Ketchem. Congratulations on your victory, but have you given any thoughts to your long-term future? Ash: What do you mean? Man: Your 18 right? Ash: Yeah. Man: Then you probably know you are already registered in the military. Because of your good physical condition you could do well as a soldier. Ash: A soldier. I don’t know. Man: You should consider it. Not just for you, but for your loved ones. If you complete a round of service your mother and friends could receive things like better security and better services. Ash: Better services for my loved one? Ash began to think differently. The money he had won now was great, but in the distant future he might need some help. His mother was getting old and if he couldn’t pay to take care of her then what would happen? He then looked at his two friends. He began to think of Brock’s large family with a crowded house and no mother. He began to think about Misty and how her parents were long dead and her sisters never treated her right. Ash: ‘Maybe I should join. The money security would help everyone I care about. It would be a crime if I didn’t.’ Misty looked at Ash’s face. She was afraid of what he was thinking, what if something terrible happened and he got called off to war? Was it worth it? Then she thought of how Ash was always a fighter for the little guy. Misty: ‘If he wants to join, I don’t suppose I shouldn’t stop him.’ Ash looked back at the man. Ash: Maybe I should. Man: Great! Here, take this pamphlet and show it to your family. I hope to see you in uniform soon. The man then left as Ash was left to ponder his decision. He looked at the pamphlet and began to get sucked in by the benefits. His mom would have a secure health plan, his friends could be protected by state insurance, and his pokemon would be covered by a free life insurance plan. It seemed to good to pass up, but as Ash’s face began to get more interested Brock and Misty began to worry. Brock: Ash, you look like you’re gonna do what I think you’re gonna do. Ash: It looks pretty promising. Misty: Are you sure Ash? I mean, who is going to watch your pokemon and who is going to help your mom? Ash: If I do this I’ll help my mom more in the long run. As for my pokemon that’s where you come in Misty. Misty: Huh? Ash: You are the one person they can trust other than me. If you watch over them I won’t have to worry. Misty was taken aback by this encouragement from Ash. Ash: I can help all of you if I join the military. So will you do it? Will you watch my friends? Misty gave Ash a satisfied smile and sighed. Misty: I would be honored Ash. Ash: Thanks, and I’ll bet my mom would love your company while I’m gone. Misty: Consider it done. Brock: Well Ash, if that’s what you want to do I don’t suppose I can stop you. After that it was settled. Ash registered to be a marine a few days later and was scheduled to head off to the base for his tour of duty in two weeks. With support from Ash’s mom Ash was ready to head off to pursue his new goal. Pikachu was slightly uneasy about having his trainer and friend leave so soon, but its feelings were put at rest when Ash said Misty would watch it and he would be back. Then the day finally came when Ash was scheduled to leave. At the bus station Ash, Misty, his mom, pikachu, and Brock were there. Ash: Well pikachu, I guess this is it for now, but I promise I’ll be back in around eight months. Pikachu: That’s a long time Ash. I’ll really miss you. Just remember to listen to Misty and take care of yourself. Ash: I’ll miss you too buddy. With a heart felt hug Ash turned his attention to Brock. Ash: Well Brocko I’m off to serve my country. Take care of yourself man. Brock: Likewise man. Then Ash looked towards his mom. Delia: Ash, be safe and do what you’re told and wear clean underwear. Ash: Mom! I think I’ll manage. After a goodbye hug and kiss, Ash looked at his last friend, Misty. Ash: Misty, can I trust you with my friends? Ash looked at her with a puppy dog face. Misty just looked back with a smile. Misty: Sure thing Ash. You can always count on me. Ash: Thanks. Then he did something that caught Misty off guard, he gave her a big hug. Misty felt numb in Ash’s arms, but gave Ash a friendly hug back. Misty: Be safe Ash. Be safe. After the goodbye Ash got on the bus and his friends and family watched him drive away. On the bus the ride was pretty silent. The cadets didn’t have much to say. Ash just busied himself by watching the scenery in the back round move along the road. Then after a few hours the bus came to a stop. Before Ash could get up he heard a loud voice. Drill Sargent: GET OFF MY BUS! GET OFF MY BUS! Ash promptly ran out as he was told. He stood still as a statue as he was told as he listen to his new masters bark aggressive orders. Ash: ‘Man it’s going to be a long eight months.’ Over the next few weeks Ash grew in to the new way of life at the base. His good physical condition and obedient attitude because of his mom’s influence made him an instant force on the marines. All of his adventures over the past caught up to him and helped him overcome any challenge his instructors threw at him. Within two months of rigorous training, Ash was ready to become a full-fledged marine. After his inducement Ash was allowed to take the bus for a quick visit to his mom. He met her for dinner at a nearby diner. Delia: Ash, honey! Ash: Mom! Ash gave his mother a big hug and sat down at a table with her. They began to talk about the events that transpired over the last few months. Ash’s mom didn’t have much to report, but Ash had more to tell. Delia: I can’t believe how big you’ve gotten over the last few months. Ash: Yeah, they work ya pretty hard, but it has some good benefits. Ash was referring to his muscle development over the last few months. Ash: But mom I gotta tell you something about my service. Because I’ve graduated so fast, they’re sending me overseas to fight the terrorists. Delia’s expression immediately changed. She had heard terrible stories about what was happening over there. The news was always blearing huge bulletins about soldier deaths and wounds. Delia: Honey, I don’t think you should go. Ash: Mom I have to. I made a commitment to my country. Delia couldn’t stop her son from going because he had no power over it. Ash looked at the expression on his mother’s face and began to worry himself. Ash: Mom, I know what you’ve heard, but don’t worry. I’ll be careful and my group is the best we’ll be fine. Delia: It’s not you I don’t trust. Just be careful and when you’re in trouble, don’t be afraid to run. Ash: Mom, it’ll be okay. Try not to worry. I’ll write you if I can, but don’t worry. Delia: Ash I’m your mother, I can’t help but worry. But please come back. Ash: I promise I will. After that Ash left. His mom was worried more than she could bear. As she watched the bus drive off she let a deep sigh. The next day, Ash got on a cargo plane and headed overseas to the deep jungle. Although he didn’t show it to his mom, he was scared. However, his training helped him overcome fear. The first month in the jungle was routine actions. Ash and his group of marines went on constant patrol around random hot spots in the jungle. Encounters were few if any. Because communication was suspended to stop the enemy from gathering intelligence Ash wasn’t able to write his mom or Misty for that matter. Although he constantly thought of his loved ones, he was bound by his duty. Then one day during a routine patrol something happened. Captain: Ketchem did you hear something? Ash: I don’t know. Before he could think a huge explosion erupted from the ground near Ash. He and the rest of his group hit the ground and began to return fire, but Ash was already cut up from shrapnel. However, he continued to return fire. Bullets and bombs rained from the sky like hailstones. Ash’s friend and fellow marine was right near him trying to return fire. Ash took a look over to see if his friend was alright, but right before his eyes he saw an explosion engulf his friend. Ash ducked away, but felt a splatter of charred flesh hit his face. He kept returning fire, but his group was being exterminated before his very eyes. Ash tried to fight back with great ferocity, but nearby explosion caused him to black out. Ash: ‘Where am I?’ Ash’s vision was blurred and his body felt like it was on fire. When his vision came to he saw a large man in camouflage starring at him. Man: I can’t believe you’re alive. Ash didn’t like the sound of his voice. He didn’t recognize his surroundings and he didn’t recognize the man. Ash could only speak in a weak voice. Ash: Where am I? Man: Welcome to the Shunzin POW Camp. You’re home for now. Ash was terrified by this announcement. He had heard of the Shunzin camp and the atrocities that were committed there. It didn’t help that Ash was badly wounded and later crammed in to a crowded shack with other POWs. Then next few months were sheer torture. Ash was lucky that he wasn’t dead from his wounds. With all his strength he used whatever he could find to tend to his wounds, but that was the least of his worries. His captures subjected him to terrible abuse like whippings, torture and sleep deprivation. He was forced to stay awake for nearly 90 hours straight at one point. The physical scars were augmented with emotional scars as he watched fellow POWs get executed, tortured, and maimed. While the rest of soldiers had long ago lost all hope, thoughts of his mom and Misty kept Ash breathing. He was forced to do slave labor and was subjected more serious torture as the days rolled by, but he stayed alive. Then one day a group of planes began to circle around the sky above them. Guard1: Air raid! The rest of the guards scrambled to anti-aircraft guns. Explosions began to rock the prison camp. Ash looked up and saw the jets circle above. Then near the gate a huge explosion blew up the guard wall and a group of guards and POWs with it. Ash had no time to think as he began to hear gunshots from the holding cells. Ash: ‘Oh no, they’re executing prisoners.’ Ash had worried about this. He had heard that the enemy deterred military raids by openly threatening to execute the POWs. He did what he remembered his mother said, he ran out of the opening in the guard. He looked back briefly only to see guards executing his comrades. There was nothing he could do. His leg was shredded from shrapnel, but he kept running. He ran and he ran through dense jungle until he felt his legs begin to give out. As he got to an open field he was unable to go on. Ash felt his body collapse. Ash: ‘got to stay awake. For my mom. For Misty.’ Then he heard a noise from above him. He moved his eyes upward to see a group of helicopters heading near the clearing. Ash summoned whatever strength he had left to try to signal the helicopters. As they got closer Ash felt weaker and weaker. Ash: ‘Come on. Must stay awake.’ As the choppers landed huge groups of marines bent on liberating the POW camp stormed on to the field. Until one of the soldiers spotted something in the field. Soldier: Hey sir, look at that! Lieutenant: Is it an enemy? Soldier: No sir, it looks like one of ours. Lieutenant: Then get him in a chopper. The soldier and a few others went cautiously to the site, but were horrified by the sight. Soldier: Good god! Let’s get him to the medic! Ash blacked out as soon as the men reached him. He was rushed to the field medic and later rushed to a major hospital where was nearly presumed dead until doctors successfully revived him and treated his wounds. Ash spent the last few months of his service in bed recovering from his injuries. His superiors were amazed that he survived as long as he did. They thought he was dead months ago. Ash was flown back to Kanto where he stayed in the hospital briefly, but was capable of walking and despite some scares, he was back to his old self. But Ash Ketchem would never be the same. At the hospital his commander came to visit him. Commander: Ash Ketchem. Ash: Sir, yes sir! Ash stood up straight and saluted his officer. Commander: As you were. This country owes you a great debt. Congratulations, your service is up and you have received a metal for honor and bravery. Ash: Thank you sir. Ash was not as thrilled, as he should have been, but he had more on his mind other than some metals. Later that day he cleaned out his locker and packed his bag to head home. Ash had uneasy feelings about his life now. Ash: ‘What am I going to do now. My service is up, I’m going home, and I’ve got an easy life ahead of me. Then why do I feel like breaking down half the time?’ Ash called his mom and Misty and got on the bus back to Pallet Town. Ash didn’t speak a word to anybody and didn’t do anything except look out the window. He hardly noticed that he was home until he saw the people in front of him leave their seat. As Ash walked off the bus he saw Misty, pikachu, and his mom. He let out a half-hearted smile as they rushed to give him a big hug. Delia: Oh honey you sure have grown! Misty: I’ll say! Ash had built muscle from his tour of service and Misty couldn’t help but stare. Delia: Come on honey. Let’s go home. Nothing could have sounded sweeter to Ash’s ears than those words. Ash felt a bit relieved that he was finally going home. On the drive there, Ash was reluctant to talk about his experience. Any time it came up, he changed the subject. When they got home Ash greeted all of his pokemon with great heart. It had been a long time. Ash’s mom and Misty planned a big dinner to celebrate Ash’s return home. Delia: I’m so happy my baby’s home. Aren’t you Misty? Misty: Of coarse. I guess. Delia: Misty what’s wrong? Misty: I don’t know. Ash just seems so…different since he came home. Delia: He’s just trying to readjust. He’s been taking orders from drill sergeants for months. Just give him some time. Misty: Yeah you’re right. Misty took a look at Ash sitting on the deck. He seemed so distant. Ash was anything but fine. Misty could sense it. Misty: ‘Something’s wrong Ash. I know it.’ Ash felt like a wreck. Ever since he got back he felt as if a dark cloud was following him. He felt like he was a useless piece of flesh and felt so depressed. He looked at pikachu on his lap for comfort, but it just wouldn’t go away. He felt like crying for no apparent reason. He just continued watching the sun set, trying to look okay. Delia: Ash dinner! Ash got up and took pikachu inside to eat. His mom had cooked his favorite dinner, fresh fish and mashed potatoes. But when it was time to fix his plate, Ash took a very small helping and passed the food along to Misty. Delia: Ash is that all you’re going to eat it’s your favorite? Ash: Yeah mom I’m not really hungry. Delia: Are you sure I’ve got some good desert if you don’t eat that. I know how much you love homemade cookies. Ash: That’s okay mom. I’ll just eat this and go to bed. Delia: Are you sure hon? Ash: Yeah. Ash’s mom became worried at Ash’s actions. Normally he would have shoved as much of this dinner on to his plate and wolf it down. Now Ash was just sitting there eating slowly and quietly. After he was done he did something even more strange. He did the dishes without complaint. Now Ash’s mom was really worried. As Ash got ready for bed his mom wanted to talk to him. Delia: Ash is something wrong? You haven’t said much all night. Ash: Yeah, it’s just weird being home. Delia: No Ash it’s more than that I can tell. You’re acting so strange. Tell me honestly, do you feel okay? Ash: Yeah, I just need to get readjusted to life outside the military. Delia: Okay, but if you ever need to tell me something. Please do, I’m your mother and I’m always here for you. Ash: Thanks Mom. After that Ash went to bed. Misty and Delia stayed up and watched TV for a while. Then around 11:00 PM Delia decided to go to bed. Misty soon followed and slept in the guestroom right near Ash. She got ready for bed, but as she was walking near Ash’s room she felt something odd. It was a feeling telling her to go check on Ash. She listened to that feeling and began to open the door to Ash’s room quietly. Ash was tossing and turning in his sleep. Not because of comfort, but because of terrible dreams that kept plaguing him. Voices: Ash help us!!! Ash: I’m coming! Large Shadow: Oh no you won’t. Ash then saw the dark shadow point a large gun at his comrades and heard a deafening bang. Ash then woke up with a feeling of cold sweat all over his body. He noticed a presence in his room. He looked to his right to see Misty sitting on the side of his bed with a worried look on her face. Ash just looked at her short of breath. Misty: Ash are you alright? You were tossing and moaning in your sleep. You looked like you were having some nightmare. Ash: I was, but it’s over now. Misty: Ash is something wrong? You’ve been acting so strange since you got home. Ash: Really Misty, I’m fine. I just… That’s all Ash could get out. Misty just looked at her best friend and secret love in distress. Misty: Ash, why don’t I sleep in your room in my sleeping bag tonight. Maybe that will help you sleep. Ash: No Misty, I don’t want you to do that. Misty: Come on Ash, I insist. You need some sleep and maybe if I sleep in your room you’ll feel better. Ash: Really Misty I couldn’t ask you to do that. Misty: Come on Ash, I’m not taking no for an answer. Misty began to smile at Ash to win his approval. Ash was unable to say no to the face he had dreamed about so much. Ash: Okay, but just for tonight. Misty: Great. I’ll get my stuff. When Misty was ready, she went to sleep on her sleeping bag at the foot of Ash’s bed. Ash found that the nightmares went away when Misty was in the room with him. It allowed him to get the first decent sleep in months. The next day Misty told Ash and his mom that she was going to the library. With no disapproval she left later that morning. Ash was still not talking much and seldom did anything then walk around the neighborhood and sit on the deck. His mother continued to worry, but Ash just wouldn’t talk. At the library Misty began to look at medical books. Out of curiosity she felt that maybe the answer to her questions were in here. She spent the whole day looking up information on computers and in books. Then she came across something. Misty: ‘Hm, Post Dramatic Stress Disorder or PDSD.’ Misty began to look in to the subject and began to recognize the symptoms. Misty: ‘Depression, withdraw, nightmares, and despair; It sounds too much like Ash. I’ve got to show him this.’ After that she printed out the information and went back to Ash’s house. She found Ash sitting silently on the deck. Misty: Hey Ash. Ash: Hey Mist. Misty: Ash can I talk to you about something? Ash: Sure, what? Misty: Ash, could you tell me what it was like for you over seas? Misty saw Ash’s expression change in to a crimson pale look. Ash: Misty, I really don’t want to talk about it. Misty: Come on Ash, maybe if you talk about it you’ll feel better. Ash: Misty I really don’t want to. Misty: Ash! Ash ran in to his house and headed towards his room. Misty soon followed, but Ash locked his door. Misty: Ash, please let me in. Ash: No, I don’t want to! Misty just changed her tone to try to change Ash’s mind. Misty: Ash please, I’m your friend. I care about you so much. Please let me talk to you. Ash paused for a brief moment. He looked out of his window briefly at the stars. He took a deep breath and unlocked the door. Ash: Okay Misty. You can come in. Ash and Misty sat down on the edge of Ash’s bed. Misty: Ash, please get it off your chest. Did something happen to you over seas? Ash: …Okay, a lot happened to me over there. I really have tried just to forget it, but it just haunts me like a scar in my brain. Over there I was in a marine platoon that did routine searches of suspected hot spots, but one day out of nowhere an explosion rocked my group and me. All around me I saw fire literally come out of the ground. Then I watched as my friend, my teammates die in front of my eyes. Misty watched as Ash’s face began to sweat. She could tell he didn’t like talking about this, but she listened on knowing that Ash needed to say this. Ash: I spent months in a POW camp. When I close my eyes I see and feel what happened there. I had to tend to all my wounds myself, I was hungry, and they just didn’t stop torturing me. They deprived me of sleep for days on end, they beat me, and I was forced to do slave labor even with my injuries. Ash was on the verge of breaking down. Misty could sense it. She tried to comfort him by holding on to his hand. Ash: I got out because of luck. The camp was subjected to an air raid one day and a bomb blew up the southern wall. I was lucky to be alive after that. Then I heard gunshots from the jail, I realized that with the camp under siege the enemy would do anything to keep from facing defeat. I heard the screams and pleads from my friends, then I heard gunshots. I did the only thing that came to mind, I ran. Before I was clear of the camp I saw an explosion engulf the rest of my comrades. I can’t stop seeing or hearing these images. I don’t know why I lived! Ash was practically crying at this point, Misty gave him a hug to try to ease his obvious pain. Misty: Shh, It’s okay Ash. It’s okay. Ash felt a sudden calm come over him while he was in Misty’s arms. He felt as if the pain was being soothed by her touch. Ash: You know Misty, while I was over there they tried to break our spirits. But I wouldn’t let them. Misty: Why? Ash: Because I kept thinking about you. Misty was touched by this remark. She gave Ash a loving look to show her happiness from Ash’s remark. Ash: ‘Maybe I should tell her. It’s now or never.’ Ash took a deep breath, Misty looked him in the eye to show she was listening. Ash: Misty, last night when I had those nightmares I kept seeing my friends dying before my eyes, but when you came in the room those nightmares went away. And you know why? Misty: Why? Ash: Because knowing that you were with me, knowing that your were here the pain went away. And I know that you were the reason why I never lost hope. Misty Waterflower, over seas and on my journey you kept me going. You kept me going because I love you. I love you more than anything in the world and I would have died for you over there. Misty was overwhelmed with joy. She became the one who cried then. The one person she cared about most truly loved her. She struggled to find the words. Misty: Ash, you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to hear those words. Ever since I fished you out of that river I always felt as if we had a connection. Ash the biggest secret I’ve ever had to keep was started that day. Ash Ketchem I love you too. I always have and I always will. The pain Ash had let surface was overwhelmed with joy. Now the girl that had kept him going was with him. He let his instincts take over and planted a passionate kiss on Misty’s lips. They continued to enjoy the kiss for what seemed like only a minute, but was really much longer. They then looked in to each other’s eyes with an great sense of love. Ash: Thank you so much for caring Misty. You don’t know how much it means to me. Misty: Ash, I never wanted you to resurface the pain you felt over seas, but I feel that you need to talk about it. I can never make you forget, but I can be your medicine. I can be the one who helps it. Ash you can always trust me to be your medicine. Ash: Thanks Misty love, I think I need to talk about it too. Misty: Your welcome. You know Ash, you might need a good night sleep to help you. Why don’t I sleep in you bed tonight? It might help. Misty was grinning at Ash by the time she finished. A slow smile spread across Ash’s face as well. Ash: I would like that. I would like that a lot. And with that the two lovers got up and got ready for bed. Ash laid back in his bed to think about the events that have transpired over the past few hours. He looked out the window as he waited for his new girlfriend to return. He looked at the stars and then began to think. Ash: ‘Maybe I survived back there because of her. Maybe she’s the reason why I’m still here. Well, whether that’s true or not I’m going to let her go. I’m going to embrace this chance the stars gave me. I’m going to embrace it.’ Ash was so lost in his thoughts He didn’t realize Misty crawl in to the bed with him. He looked over at his goddess and admired her face. Ash: Hey beautiful. Misty: Hey. You think you can get some rest tonight? Ash: With you by my side, I know so. The two then kissed each other lightly on the lips and drifted off to a deep sleep. It would be the first time, but definitely not the last. They were two soul mates who were forever joined in the stars and in their hearts. The End. AN: Well that’s it. Thank you so much for reading my story. I urge you to send me reviews at I would like to thank McWizardX for his inspiration and all the people who commended me on my first fic. Thank you and I hope to give you more work in the future. Bye!