Jesse: There's no opening! Ash: Then let's make one! Charizard, flame-thrower! Make a hole in the wall! The intense heat of the flame burned a hole just big enough for Team Rocket and Ash and his friends. Ash: Good work Charizard! You need a rest. Ash let Charizard back in its pokeball for some needed rejuvenation. The group looked around at their new surroundings. They were now in the heart of the main rocket battle blimp used by Giovanni. Immediately, they were spotted by the guards and ambushed with a barrage of gunfire. Misty: I've got this one. Poliwhirl, go! In a flash the aquatic pokemon appeared before the besieged group. Poliwhirl: I'm ready! Misty: Hypnosis attack! Put them all asleep! Poliwhirl: Right! Poliwhirl used the image on its stomach and sent out a wave of hypnosis rays. Soon the gunfire stopped. Ash: Way to go Misty! Misty: Thanks Ashy boy. Ash: Maybe one of these goons knows were Giovanni is. They went to the nearest guard, who was fast asleep from the hypnosis rays. Ash: All right bud, where is your boss!? Thug: Uh… Ash: Where is he!? Thug: The…Flight deck. Ash: Thanks, let's move! Misty: Poliwhirl, return! They immediately began to run off. However, Jesse, James and Meowth still hesitated. Ash: Come on guys! James: But… Ash: This guy used you as bait and he obviously did much more to you! Don't you think that entitles you to a little payback? When somebody put it that way, a new sense of rage flowed through the group. Jesse: You're right kid! This guy has made our lives a living hell and we've been nothing but slaves to him! Meowth: I'll show him who's really top cat! And with that they began following the narrow paths towards the front of the blimp. As they got closer, they got more nervous. Giovanni was truly a ruthless man and they could expect no mercy from him. In the cockpit Giovanni eagerly watched the only door that led in to the main deck. There were only two pilots flying the blimp other than that. Finally the group reached the main deck. Cautiously, they approached the door. BANG! BANG! BANG! The loud noise of a gun, then engulfed the area. Ash: Get down! Shots rang out and bullets began to fly through the door. Quickly, everybody hit the floor. Ash: Pikachu, can you get a thunderbolt off? Pikachu: I'll try. While still crouched on the floor, Pikachu let out several bolts of lightning through the door. Giovanni: Is that all you got pest!? Little did he know, that thunderbolt began to short-circuit some of the controls. Pilot1: Uh…Boss. Giovanni: Shut up! Pilot1: But… Giovanni turned and pointed the gun at the pilot. Giovanni: I said shut up! Out of fear, the pilot said nothing more. Then, Giovanni slowly began to walk towards the doorway. He was careful to not make a sound. Meanwhile, Ash and the gang remained on the floor, but they slowly began to rise since the shots stopped. Suddenly… Giovanni: Die pest! He darted in to the room, saw Ash, and fired his gun at him…But nothing happened. He was out of bullets. Ash, seeing his opportunity, lunged at Giovanni and tackled him back in to the main deck. Meowth: Get him! Once Giovanni went down all six of them ran towards the downed boss and began attacking him. Desperately, Giovanni tried to get another weapon to fight them off, but he was outnumbered. Summoning the rest of his strength, the angry crime boss threw his aggressors away and pulled out a pocketknife. Giovanni: This ends now you little pests! Now you die! Pilot2: Boss! Then, a heavy rumble shook the blimp. Giovanni: What happened? Pilot1: I tried to tell you, that thunderbolt short circuited our system and now I'm getting readings that fires are starting to break out in the fuel tanks. Giovanni: But it was only one shock! Pilot2: Well, it was a big one. Giovanni: NO! Then, an even greater rumble shook the blimp. Sparks began to fly as the two pilots ran for their lives. Giovanni, however, grabbed Ash. Giovanni: If I go down, I'm taking you with me! Ash struggled with Giovanni's strangle. Ash: I don't think so. Then, making a fist, Ash gave one swift punch at Giovanni's face. Immediately he flew back from the force of the blow. Ash: A little gift from my old friend Primeape. The shaking in the blimp got more severe as the blimp began a nosedive in to the cliffs. James: Now what do we do kid? Everybody began to panic. They could see the ground through the windows coming at them faster and faster. Just then, Ash remembered something. Ash: Of coarse! Abra go! Misty: Abra…Oh. Misty could see what Ash was going to do. She gave Ash an understanding smile to show she knew what he was doing. Ash: Abra, Togepei. Use your combined power to get us out of here! FAST! The group was engulfed in a blue aura. Ash and Misty: TELEPORT! In a flash every one of them disappeared. Giovanni was all that was left. Giovanni: No…It can't…End. But it did, in an instant a fireball engulfed the huge blimp as it rammed in to the cliffs. Ash, Misty, and Team Rocket transported to a nearby cliff where they saw the spectacular fireworks. Meowth: Is it over? James: Are we free? Jesse: Yes…It's finally over.