A Beautiful Thing AN: Hello! It’s me slickboy444. I know it’s been a while, but school has been murder on my time. That doesn’t, however, stop me from writing at all. I’ve been working on this story for a while now in my head. I hope you all enjoy it. So far I would like to thank all of those who read my other stories like “Dead To Alive” and “Change For The Better” especially Charizard and Grocko. For those of you who liked “Visitors” I was working on a lemon version of that story until fanfiction.net deleted all their NC-17 fics. If anybody knows where I can place fics like that please let me know. Those who wrote me reviews, this is dedicated to all of you. If you want to send a review my way I beg you to do so at. This is a new AAMRN, I hope you all like it and if demand is high enough I’ll write a sequel or maybe even more! Until then, enjoy! Disclaimer: I don’t own pokemon in any way so please don’t sue me. I have nothing. AN: ‘These mean character thoughts’ The ages of the group in this fic are as follows: Ash 18, Misty 18. The sun was burning bright in the sky and the air was crisp. It was spring time, the time for love. Enter Misty, 18 years old, extremely attractive, but still single. She had grown a lot in the last few years. She was taller, her hair was longer, and she developed very nicely. She was traveling alongside a fellow pokemon trainer name Ash Ketchem. Like her, he was 18, and he had become very attractive as well. Ash and Misty had known each other for many years. From time to time they would separate and try to go their separate paths, but they always ended up back together somehow. Just recently they reunited after a few years of separation. Today, Misty was just soaking up the good weather and enjoying a relaxing day of Fishing outside of Saffron City. Misty: ‘Man I haven’t gotten a bite all day. Oh well, the weather is so nice it really doesn’t matter. I wonder if Ash is back from pokemon hunting yet? He’s been at it for a while.’ Togepei: Mommy look! Misty: What is it? Oh, finally. Ash! Over here! Ash came running over. Ash: Hey Misty, catch anything? Misty: Nope, you? Ash: As a matter of fact I did. Ash pulled out a pokeball. Ash: While pikachu and I were heading back we cam across a sleeping Abra. Before it could teleport away Pikachu shocked it and I caught it! Misty: Wow, at least one of us got something. Misty started to put her fishing stuff away. Ash: Well we had better get a move on. Officer Jenny at Saffron said that if we follow the dirt road it would lead us right to Solar City. Misty: Okay, let’s get going. Misty scooped up Togepei and her stuff and the two started down the road. After a short period of time Ash broke the silence. Ash: Misty, can I tell you something? Misty: Yeah anything. What’s wrong? Ash: Nothing is wrong it’s just, I know you’ve heard this a zillion times, but I’m glad your back. Misty gave Ash a caring smile. Misty: …Thanks Ash, I’m glad to be back with you as well. I miss our old times on the road. That, and your much better company than anybody at home. Ash: Aww, your just saying that. Misty: No really…My sisters were brutal. They stayed out late, got drunk, partied and let me clean everything up. Ash: Ouch, that must suck. I’m not going to deny I have tried to find other traveling partners to fill your void, but it never lasts. Misty: Well you can’t beat the original. Ash gave Misty a light-hearted smile. They continued to talk about random things as they walked along the road. They touched on everything from pokemon to parents. They just walked along, enjoying each other’s company, laughing at each other’s jokes. It didn’t take long for them to forget time entirely. They just walked and talked in to the unknown, not needing anything but each other’s company. It had been a while since either of them had felt this happy and carefree. They welcomed the feeling back. Whenever there was a pause in their conversation, the silence was never awkward. It seemed no matter what they did, they couldn’t help but feel a certain sense of peace in each other’s presence. Misty: ’Man I miss times like this. Why do I ever leave, I’m always happier when I’m around Ash. Traveling with him over the years makes me feel like I’m really apart of something. I wish I never left his side so many times. It only makes me realize how much I love him.’ Ash: ‘I never realized how happy I feel when I’m with Misty. I’ve never known anybody like her. We have so many things in common, we think alike, and I feel I can tell her anything. God I missed her. I hope nothing happens again to split us up. I know I paid her back for her bike, but I just can’t stand to see her go. Who am I kidding? I’ve been in love with her for years. I’m just glad she’s back.’ As the duo headed towards the setting sun a new view came over the horizon. They could see glittering lights in the distance; they had finally reached Solar City. They stopped to take in the view. Ash: There it is Misty. Solar City, also known as the city of lights. Misty: It’s beautiful. It…shines like the moon or something. Pikachu: Yeah. After taking in the view they started down the road to the city area. The streets were glittered with upbeat stores for everything from clothes to pokemon supplies. Ash: I’m starved. Let’s find a restaurant before we find a place to stay. Misty: I’m hungry too. Hey! There’s a French restaurant. Ash: Misty…Look at that line, I can’t last that long. Pikachu: And they don’t even have ketchup! Misty: Well, what about that place? Ash: Sure, anything looks good right about now. Let’s go! Ash ran over to the restaurant, which was more of a deli really. Misty followed close by, equally hungry as Ash. They wasted no time in ordering and in no time their hunger began to subside. Misty: Mmm that was a good sandwich. I’ll be right back Ash; I’ve got to use the ladies room. Ash: Go on ahead, I’ll pay. Misty gave Ash a satisfied smile. Misty: Aw, your such a gentleman. Ash: I try. Misty left as Ash finished up his meal. Soon after she left the waiter came by. Waiter: Can I get you anything for you or your girlfriend sir? Ash felt his face blush as he heard the word ‘girlfriend.’ Ash: Uh…No sir, just the check would be fine and she’s not my girlfriend. Waiter: Oh…I apologize. Ash: It’s nothing. The waiter left the check and Ash left the money for the meals. After Misty came back they were off with full stomachs and in search of rooms for the night. It didn’t take long for them to find a modest motel a block from the pokemon center. After checking in at the lobby they entered their room. It was a fair sized room with two beds, a TV, and a bathroom. The two trainers collapsed on the bed of exhaustion from their day of walking. Ash: Man, my feet are killing me. Misty: Same here. What a trip. They both let out a long sigh, it was well past sunset and the duo was considerable tired. It was time for some well-deserved rest. After unpacking their things and changing in to more comfortable sleeping clothes they decided to turn in. Misty: I don’t know about you, Ash, but I’m going to sleep. See you in the morning. Ash: Okay, I’m going to read for a while, I’ll keep the light on low. Misty: That’s fine. Before she could say anything else she collapsed on her bed and fell asleep fairly quickly. Ash continued to read a book about pokemon training, but after a while his attention kept getting diverted. His eyes kept wandering from the book towards the sleeping girl to his side. He couldn’t help but look at her and admire her beauty. Ash: ‘Man she’s beautiful. I wish…I…If only.’ Ash let out a deep sigh. He turned the light off and pulled the covers back. But just before he was about to lie down he took one last look at Misty. He soon found himself walking to the side of Misty’s bed and looking deep in to her heavenly face. Ash: Good night, Misty. Sweet dreams. Then, as careful as he could, he leaned forward and gave her a small kiss on the cheek. She didn’t stir to Ash’s relief. Then he himself finally went to sleep. The next morning, Misty was the first to wake up. She sat up and let out a deep breath to wake herself up. Misty: ‘Hmm, what a dream. Ash…Actually kissed me. If only it were real.’ After the sleepiness wore off she got up and went to take a shower. She was sure to be quiet since Ash was still sleeping. The soft sound of the shower woke Ash up shortly. He was bombarded by dreams of Misty. He felt that they were triggered by the kiss he had given her the night before. He kept dreaming, more so hoping, that she felt that kiss. After Misty was done in the shower Ash took one as well. After getting dressed they now contemplated on the days events. Misty: So, what’s on the agenda for today Ash? Ash: Well, I was going to go to the gym and battle for another metal, you going to come along. Misty: Don’t I always? Ash gave her a reassuring smile. Ash: I guess so. That’s all I can think of off the top of my head. Misty: Well, then let’s get our pokemon and head towards the gym. We’ll think of something to do afterward. The duo left their things and bought their supplies to the pokemon center where they picked up their faithful friends. They then headed down to the gym, which was about several blocks away. With Ash’s skill and Misty’s support Ash easily won the metal. Ash had been training for so long it has become second nature to him. Pikachu also got so powerful it won effortlessly nearly all the time. This skill helped Ash acquire the metal in less than 3 hours, which was a new record for the gym. With plenty of time to spare Ash, Misty, and their pokemon left the gym in high spirits. Misty: Well, that was quicker than expected. Pikachu: Yeah…Too easy. Ash: I guess I’ve been training so long, it’s become second nature to me. Misty: I guess you might be a master very soon after all. Ash turned to Misty in a shocked expression. Ash: What? Could it be the girl that once said I wouldn’t amount to anything but last place has changed her mind? Misty blushed at Ash’s semi-sarcastic tone. Misty: Well, I guess you’ve grown so much. I guess I can’t doubt you when you keep on proving me wrong more often. Ash: Coming from you that mean’s the world to me. Misty blushed again as Ash gave her a friendly smile of assurance. Things really had changed. The next few moments were followed with prolonged stream of silence. Misty: ‘Things really have changed. He’s not the same Ash I fished out of the river that fateful day. He’s grown. He is so much taller, smarter, and…Cuter.’ Misty quickly dispensed that last thought. Misty: Oh, Ash! Look over there! Ash: What? Misty quickly rushed up to the windows of a store. It had a series of enchanting dresses and beautiful outfits. Misty: Come on Togepei, let’s shop! Ash: ‘Oh boy, here she goes.’ Why don’t you go ahead. I’ll catch up. Too late, Misty had already run in to the store in a shopping frenzy. Ash just stood there and shrugged. Ash: Well, I guess it’s just you and me Pikachu. Pikachu: Yep. So where should we go? Ash: I don’t know, let’s just walk down the busy streets and see what we find. Pikachu: Suits me. Pikachu hopped on Ash’s shoulder and they began a stroll down the hustling streets. They saw many stores and restaurants, but nothing to interesting. After a while Ash decided to rest his tired feet. He sat down on a nearby bench. Just then the lights on the store behind him turned on. Ash looked back, startled. It was the lights of an nature and jewelry store. Curiosity got the best of him and he decided to enter the store. Ash: ‘Wow. This is some place.’ This didn’t seem like any ordinary store of novelties. There were charms, necklaces, and quartz rock glittering all over the store. Pikachu: Wow, this stuff is pretty. Then, something caught the corner of Ash’s eye. In a fancy glass casing, there was a display of necklaces with heart-shaped lockets. They gave off a mysterious aura that drew Ash in to a trance. One particular piece was a shiny, golden necklace in the center with beautiful inscriptions in it. Clerk: See anything you like sir? Ash was startled out of his trance. Ash: Uh, yes how much is that necklace right there. Clerk: Ah, good choice there. The clerk reached in to the casing and pulled out the piece. It looked even more beautiful than it did before. Clerk: This piece is quality craftsmanship of the finest precious metals around. Ash reached forward to touch the necklace. Ash: Uh…How much? Clerk: For something this quality, 400 dollars. Ash gasped at the sound of that price. Ash: 400 dollars, I can’t afford that! The clerk, eager to make a sale, tried to defend this price. Clerk: Sir, this is a very precious piece. It isn’t some cheap imitation. The quality of this necklace will last a dozen lifetimes. Ash: Well, I don’t… Clerk: Tell you what. I’ll throw in an inscription on the inside for no extra charge. Ash paused to think about this for a moment. He took another look at the necklace. In all of it’s shiny presence he all of the sudden saw Misty’s face. He saw her through that necklace. He saw how the beauty of this mysterious piece of jewelry represented his love for the girl. Ash took a deep breath. Ash: Okay, that sounds fair. Clerk: Wonderful, what would you like the inscription to say? Ash thought for a moment. Then something came to him. Ash: Have it say, Misty: true soul mates forever, Love Ash. Clerk: Wonderful. I’ll ring it up. After inscribing the locket and ringing it up, the clerk put the necklace in a fancy, velvet case. Ash put the case in his pocket and left the store and headed back to the store where Misty was. Pikachu: That’s some necklace, Ash. When are you going to give it to Misty? Ash: …I don’t know buddy. I…just don’t know. Pikachu: Come on you have to give it to her sometime. Ash: I just…Don’t want to ruin anything. Pikachu: Ruin anything?! Come on Ash, if anything it will help you and Misty. You got to do it, I mean you did spend 400 dollars on it. Ash: Yeah, but that was money I won from the gym. Pikachu: So. Ash went silent and continued walking back up the street. When he got to the store Misty was just walking out. Ash: Buy anything? Misty: Nah, those dresses made my butt look to big. Ash: You’re quite the choosy one Misty. Misty: Hey, a girl’s got to have her standards. Ash: Whatever, it’s getting late. Why don’t we go back to the hotel? Misty: Fine by me. So did you go anywhere special? Ash: No not really. From that the two engaged in light conversation until they got back to their motel. After settling in it was well past sunset. It was about time for the duo to get ready for bed. After getting some fast dinner and dressing in more comfortable nightclothes they began to watch TV. Not much was on so they both just flipped for a while until something caught their attention. After a while they turned the TV off and went to sleep. It had been a long day. Later that night Ash woke up restless. He just couldn’t sleep. Ash: ‘Oh man, I just can’t sleep. I can’t stop thinking about…about…’ A million thoughts blared through his head. He looked over at his backpack where he had put the necklace. Quietly he got up and walked over. He took out the velvet box. He walked outside in to the crisp night air on to the balcony overlooking the city. He just stood there and looked at the necklace. Unknown to Ash, Misty began to stir. She woke up and quickly noticed that Ash wasn’t in the bed beside her. She got up to investigate. She felt a crisp breeze of wind come from the door leading to the balcony. Misty: ‘What could he be doing out there? I hope nothing is wrong or something.’ Misty slowly walked over to the balcony where Ash was standing. Misty: ‘He looks troubled. I hope nothing is wrong.’ Ash? Ash turned around, quickly hiding the velvet box. Ash: Misty. I thought you were asleep. Misty: I was until I noticed that you were gone. Is something wrong? Ash: No…Nothing’s wrong. Misty: Don’t give me that. I know you Ash, something is definitely wrong. What’s wrong you can tell me. Ash looked in to her eyes. Momentarily he was paralyzed with a mixture of emotions. He didn’t know what to tell her. Misty on the other hand knew something was wrong. She had to know because deep down she couldn’t bare the torment of Ash in any kind of pain. Misty: Huh? Ash what’s that you’re holding? Ash nervously tried to hide it, but he couldn’t. He briefly contemplated throwing the box away, but then he remembered the inscription. Ash: ‘What do I do. What do I do!?’ Then, Ash realized there was only one thing to do. He took a deep breath. Ash: While I was out today, I did buy something. I…bought a little something special for you. Misty was left breathless by this revelation. Misty: ‘What could he have bought me?’ Ash, hands shaking, showed her the velvet box and slowly opened it. Misty: ‘Oh, my…’ She was paralyzed. It was a beautiful golden, heart-shaped locket. It gave off a beautiful shine in the city lights. Slowly Misty touched the golden necklace. A warm feeling came over her as she admired the fine piece of jewelry. Misty: Oh…Ash. Ash: I…Bought it this afternoon. I wanted this to be what I gave you when I told you something very important. Misty: Wh…What would that be? Ash gently put the necklace in to Misty’s hand. Ash took a deep breath. He had never been so nervous in his whole life. Ash: ‘Well, here goes.’ Misty…I’ve known you for years. All that time you stood by my side and supported me, I…Can’t tell you how grateful I am. But in that time with you I realized something. Something I tried to deny. Misty, all I need is to be with you. Because I know I can’t live without you. Don’t you see Misty Waterflower, I love you. After saying those words Ash caressed her cheek. Misty couldn’t fight back the tears. She was on the verge of totally loosing it. She looked in Ash’s eyes. Misty: ‘He…Loves me. I can’t believe it. All this time I’ve loved him and he loved me.’ A sudden rush of joy flowed through her. Misty: Ash…You don’t know how long I have wanted you to say that. I only can say one thing in return. Ash Ketchem, I never want to be with anybody else other than you. You’re the only person that completes me too. And no matter what happens to you or me, I will always love you. I will…Always…Love. It became too much. She collapsed in his arms. Ash immediately embraced her in comfort. He could feel she was sobbing. They had both wanted this for so long and now it was finally a reality. It wasn’t a dream, it wasn’t a mere fantasy, it was real. The two embraced this moment for as long as they could. It was one they didn’t want to ever let go. Ash: Misty. Misty: Ash…Thank you. Ash: There…Is also one more thing. Take a look inside the locket. Misty eagerly opened the locket. There was the inscription “Misty, true soul mates forever, Love Ash.” A slow smile of joy spread across her face. She looked deep in to her true love’s eyes. Slowly their faced drifted together and their lips met in a soft kiss. They closed their eyes, trying to soak in the moment and all of its sanctity. They embraced tightly, never wanting to let go. Then, as their breath gave way they released. They just stood there, admiring the beauty of the night-lights and the secret bond they had. After what seemed like an eternity the two love birds began to feel tired once again. This had been quite a night. Ash: Come on, let’s go back inside. Misty: Ash…You don’t have to sleep alone. Ash: What do you mean? Misty: Why don’t you sleep with me? Both teens blushed deep red. Misty: What I mean is… Ash: Don’t worry Misty I know what you mean. And sure, I wouldn’t want it any other way. Misty gave him a deep smile and slowly they walked back to Misty’s bed and pulled the covers up. Misty: Sweet dreams Ashy. Ash: Sweet dreams Misty. They gave each other one last deep kiss before they fell in to a deep sleep. The next morning, the two young teens woke up after the best night sleep that had in ages. Ash: Morning Mist. Misty: Hey Ashy boy. Sleep well? Ash: Like a baby. The two got up, took showers, and dressed. They then went downstairs to pick up their pokemon and get something to eat. Ash: Misty…I’ve been wondering. Where do you want to go from here? Misty: I’ve been thinking about that as well. I really don’t know. I’ve never felt like this before. Ash: Me neither. That’s why I want to do this the right way. I don’t want our relationship to be to phony, superficial, or without passion. I don’t want to complicate this. We already know how we feel about each other, I don’t think we need to remind each other. Misty: In other words let’s not complicate this. Ash: Precisely. We’ve always been the best of friends, now we can add love to that. Let’s not ruin what we had, but let’s add on what we have now. Misty chuckled lightly. Misty: Since when did you become such an expert on love and dating? Ash: Well, don’t I have to be in order to be your boyfriend? Misty: No, but it helps Ash. It really helps. As a reward Misty gave him a light peck on the cheek. Misty: As for not complicating things, let’s just play it by ear. Let’s do what’s in our hearts. Ash: Well my heart is telling me I want to buy you breakfast. Misty: Your heart is smarter than your brain. They both laughed and walked off hand in hand. Pikachu and Togepei watched with joy as they saw their two trainers/friends finally get what they have been wanting for so long. It was about time. As they ate, the two pokemon noticed little changed in some aspects, but overall this was new. Ash and Misty continued to talk like two best friends. They only happen to be madly in love. It was a beautiful friendship. It was a beautiful relationship. Ash: So what’s on the plan today? Misty: I don’t know, I guess we go on our first date or something. Ash: Our first date huh? Ash smiled, he just had an idea for that very thing. Ash: I got it! How about we try this whole dating thing at six flags? Misty’s eyes immediately lit up. Misty: Six Flags!? Ash: You bet, my treat. Ash still had money from battles he had won at the gym and earlier. Now he had something very special to spend it on. Misty leaned over and gave Ash a big kiss on the lips, in public. Misty: I never knew you were such a romantic. Ash: Thanks. ‘Neither did I.’ Later that day the duo and their faithful pokemon caught a bus to six flags and enjoyed their first date. They had a blast riding rides, playing games, and seeing shows. It was made even more special because of their newly found love. After riding every roller coaster they decided to get some pizza for dinner. Misty: This has been such a phenomenal date Ash. Ash: Right you are. It’s definitely different than in the movies. Misty: I don’t know, there are some similarities. Ash smiled as they gave each other another long, deep kiss. Misty: I’m beat. Should we head out? Ash: I guess so, but how about one more ride on the Ferris Wheel? Misty: Sounds good to me. Pikachu: Finally, something even I can ride on! They picked up their pokemon and got in line for the ride. The sun was setting so it didn’t take long. After getting secured the ride began. Slowly the ground began to drift away. As they got higher up they watched the beautiful sunset. Its beauty was the culmination of a new beginning. Soon their attention drifted away from the sun and toward each other. They gazed in to each other’s eyes and at the top of the ride they met in a deep, long kiss. As soon as the ride ended they walked off hand in hand and got on the bus back to the motel. Misty: This was a great first date Ash. Ash: Yeah, I never knew we could have something like this. Misty: Me neither. Ash…Thank you. Ash: What for? Misty: Everything. Ash smiled as he admired Misty’s beautiful face. Ash: Anything for you. Misty: I love you. Ash: I love you too. As they got to the motel they dropped their tired pokemon off and headed to their room. Ash and Misty changed in to their nightclothes and fell back in one of the beds. Exhausted and drained, they just stared in to each other’s eyes. Ash: Misty…Did you ever believe that this would become of us? Misty: Honestly no. It was only a dream. I’m still afraid it is sometimes. Ash: Me too, but this is real. Otherwise we would have woken up by now. Ash wrapped his arms around his girl and held her close in a loving embrace. Misty: Ash? Ash: Yeah? Misty: …I don’t know where we go from here…But as long as we’re together, that’s all we need. Ash: Misty… Their faces came together once again. This time the kiss became more aggressive. Hands began to roam once forbidden areas. Things began to get hotter by the second. Misty loved the feeling of Ash hands all over her. They roamed from her breasts, to her legs. Misty let her hands roam over Ash’s chest and backside. Suddenly Ash stopped. Ash: Misty…Maybe. Misty knew this was going to happen. She wanted this, she knew Ash wanted this. The desire burned so deeply within her and Ash. Why fight it? Misty: Ash don’t. Don’t analyze, don’t doubt, just feel. Just feel. They both grew silent. Slowly they resumed their kissing, but the heat grew between them. One by one they removed each other’s clothes until they were both completely naked. That night, they became one. Their kindred souls and deep love was symbolized in a beautiful dance of pleasure and love. A dance that was a first, but wouldn’t be the last. After attaining new heights in pleasure they collapsed beside each other. They were truly out of energy and covered in sweat. Misty: Ash…That was so…Amazing. Ash: You are amazing. A slow smile spread across her face. Ash: Misty…Everything that has happened, from when I first told you to tonight has filled me with joy. Now I know for sure that I will always love you no matter what. Misty: I love you too Ash. I love you too. With those last words spoken the two lovers fell asleep in each other’s arms. They truly were soul mates. They shared a deep bond that was loving, caring, sexual, and friendship. It truly is a match made in heaven, a match that lives on and will continue to do so beyond the boundaries of time. THE END AN: Well, there you have it. It sure did take a while, but better late than never. In case you are wondering, no Misty doesn’t get pregnant from this because she went on birth control before just in case. With that settled I thank you for reading my story. I enjoyed writing it and I hope you all enjoyed reading it. I plan to make a sequel of this fic if I get inspired. If you want to tell me what you think e-mail me at slickboy444@aol.com. Once again thank you Charizard, Grocko, and McWizardX for their support and inspiration. Until next time my best wishes go out to you all.