Friends with Benefits Disclaimer: I own nothing, except a character or two that is MINE!! Other than that it isn’t mine Chapter One: Falling Misty sat on a large rock, resting from the long walk she endured, her and Ash were walking to Pewter City to go visit Brock, who was surprisingly getting married to a girl he met at a Pokemon Breeding Conference, named Carly. Ash sat next Misty, “Man I hate that hill, it’s a killer.” he said leaning on Misty. “Pika pi pika ka Chu.” chirped Pikachu.(That was pretty easy for me) “What are you talking about you were on me.” said Ash. “Pika pi.” Said the yellow mouse (oh right) Misty giggled and laid her head on his shoulder. “Im tired Ash.” she whined closing her eyes. “Lets camp here tonight.”he said putting his arms around her shoulders and closed his eyes when a crash of thunder was heard in the distance, followed by lightning. Ash looked up at the greying sky and decided they needed to more, or risk getting wet. “Come on Mist, we have to find a cave or something to hang out until this storm ends.” “Ok.” sighed Misty getting up and following Ash deeper on the trail. As they walked they came to a river and stopped, “What do we do now?” asked Misty “Look,”pointed Ash, “a fallen tree, we can use that to cross.” He started to walk on the tree followed by Misty when another crash of thunder, more louder than the first, caused Misty to loose her balance. “Ash!” she screamed as she fell back into the water. Ash turned around. “Misty! Hang on!” She was getting pulled under due to the speed of the water and the weight of her backpack. “Bulbasaur Go!” and the small pokemon came out. ‘Use vine whip to get Misty.” Bulbasaur did as it was told and grabbed Misty, pulling her out of the river and into Ash’s arms. “Are you alright, Misty?” She put her face into his chest and coughed, “I’m fine,” She said mostly to herself. “Come on, we need to get you dried off,” said Ash pulling his backpack off, he pulled out a towel and placed in around her shoulders and started to dry her off. There was a flash of lightning and then it started to rain, swearing under his breath he looked at Misty. “We have to get you out of the rain.” They walked nearly ten minutes when they found a cave, it wasn’t the best place in the world, but at least the were out of the rain. Upon entering the cave Ash turned his attention on the wet redhead, “Misty take your clothes off.” he said firmly. “W. . What?” she said shivering. “You have to get out of those wet clothes.” He said reaching into his bag and grabbed out a t-shirt and a pair of his sweats and handed them to Misty. “Put these on.” He turned his back towards her as she changed into his clothes. “Thanks Ash.” she said shivering. “Your welcome. Im going to get a fire going.” He said taking his jacket off and wrapping it around her. While working on getting a fire going he heard a sneeze from behind him, he pulled out his Typhlosion. “Typhlosion, will you get a fire going? I need to take care of Misty.” “Typhlosion.” It said getting to work Ash turned his attention to the girl, he walked over and wrapped his arms around her. “Misty, does this help?” “Now I am,” she said sneezing “Your not supposed to be getting sick, Misty.” He joked, rubbing his hands up and down her arms. “Im *achoo* sorry *achoo* Master Ketchem, I tried not to.” she snapped. He smiled and looked at the fire Typhlosion had started, “Thank you Typhlosion.” said Ash. “Pikachu, get into my bag and get my a pen and paper. I should write Brock and see if he can help us.” “Pikachu.” it said (ok) and did what it was asked, meanwhile Misty was slowly falling asleep in his arms. After twenty minutes and sending Pikachu and Pidgeotto to find Brock, he reached over to his bag to grab a candy bar and as he moved he woke up Misty. “Hey.” he said. “I didn’t mean to wake up.” “Its ok,”She said softly shifting in his lap. “Do you want to lay down?” He asked “Will you hold me?”she asked weakly “Of course.”He said sliding from under her and unrolled his sleeping bag. He helped her slide into it and he slid in behind her. Misty sneezed again. “This is going to be a long night.” she sighed. “It’ll be alright, Misty.”said Ash, “when the storm ends or Brock comes, you’ll be in a nice warm bed in no time.” “Im actually comfortable right here.” she said. “Warm and comfortable.” “That’s good.” Said Ash growing nervous of their closeness Misty, sensing this reached behind her and grabbed his hand, bringing it around her waist. “What’s wrong Ash?” “Its so hard being this close to someone so beautiful and not be nervous.” he said softly. She rolled over to face him and looked into his eyes looking for a joke of some sorts, but it wasn’t there only sincerity. He leaned in and gently placed his lips on hers, soft at first growing deeper to the point where Ash was laying on top of her. Misty sneezed again, “Bless you.” said Ash, kissing her one more time. “Get some sleep.” wrapping his arms around her tighter. “Ok,” she whispered falling asleep. Ash smiled at the girl and soon fell sleep. A couple of hours later Ash woke up to something poking him on the arm. “Pika pi.”Said the small mouse (wake up) “Pikachu?” he asked, then looked up to see Brock’s smiling face. “Brock?” “Hi, Ash. You look comfy.” He said. “Very.” was all Ash said, looking at Misty, who as pale. He placed his hand on her forehead which was hot. “God, Brock. She has a fever.” “Well lets get her to the Pokemon Center, it isn’t far.” Brock said picking up Misty’s stuff Ash grabbed his stuff then picked up Misty, “Hang on Mist, we’ll get you help.” he whispered. “Ready?”asked Brock “Yeah.”said Ash.