Disclaimer: Neither Shadow Squirtle nor I own pokemon. We wish we did but wishing doesn’t let us have it. Someone rich owns Pokemon. A/N: Just a random thing. I had the idea while I was brainstorming for a story that Shadow Squirtle and I are working on. So anyways, this is just a quick little story of what they think of the word “reasons”. Rated G. Enjoy! R.E.A.S.O.N.S. By: Shadow Pikachu and Shadow Squirtle Misty’s list Rare that we never fought Ever think of a map? A hopeless excuse for a reason to follow him Since I met him, I haven’t been alone On my honor I promise that I’ll never do anything to hurt him. Never can think of another boy the same as I think of him Still owes me a bike ^_^ Ash’s list Rarely can get a descent sleep at night without having a nightmare about something happening to her. Even bought her a diamond ring A pitiful coward is what I am to her Seems like I can’t make her see my feelings Over protective of her Never wants to see her with another boy Still owes her a bike >_< Brock’s list Rare to get through a meal without becoming a referee to an argument. Envies him for his ability to grab a girls attention…even if the girl wants to shoot him most of the time A silent force to keep their tempers in check Silently wishing they would admit their feelings for each other Obviously needs to get the two alone in a locked room Needs a vacation Still wishes that he’d pay her back for her bike -.- Pikachu’s list Really want its trainer to confess his feelings for her Ever vigilant for her Togepi’s safety A careful pokemon who needs a break from babysitting the hopeless four, its trainer, the girl, Togepi, and ga-ga boy Sneaking through its trainer’s journal to help him get the girl Obviously needs a hobby Never gives up, no matter what it is Still hopes that its trainer will pay the girl back for her bike ;p Togepi’s list Really wants Mommy and Daddy to get married Even tries to get the two together Absence of commonsense at times Sneaks away at times Obviously needs a leash Needs to have Daddy take care of it so Mommy can get a rest Stills wants to understand the reason for the bike ?-? As we have seen, they have very different definitions for the word “reasons”. Perhaps this can help them…If they can get help for themselves first.