Dis: I own my charaters but that's about it. ****Through Thick and Thin**** By: StarrybluMew { } This means someone's thinking. *** *** This means that a word's in italics. A/N: I changed my mind. This isn't in Kade's P.O.V. It's in all of my charaters eyes if ya know what I mean. Warning: The two main characters in this story are both 14, meaning they'll cuss a bit and talk about things you little kiddies aren't supossed to know about. Chapter 2: What a Catch Part 1: A little mart time "Hey, Kade! Come take a look at this!"Cheyenne yelled as Kade caught up with her. Kade lost the race to Cheyenne, so Kade wasn't very happy about it. "What?" she grumbled as small houses and buildings came into view. The girls gasped at the sight of Cherrygrove City. Both Kade and Cheyenne faced each. They stared into each other's eyes, then they started jumping up and down with glee, screaming their lungs out. "We're free! We're free! We're finally free!" Cheyenne cried out as she glanced up at the sky. "Thank God...." she muttered as Kade let out a laugh. "What's so funny?" Cheyenne asked as she wrinkled her nose at Kade. Kade looked at Cheyenne and giggled, "Just think, now Andrew can have all the Jumpfulff Pancakes he wants!" Cheyenne didn't really see how that was funny, but she was to happy to care about anything. "Hey girl, we betta git 'movin or the cops'll catch us." Cheyenne said, taking Kade by the hand. "Come on! Let's hurry up and go already!" Cheyenne pulled on Kade's hand so hard, that Kade's head jerked forward. "I can't wait!" Cheyenne yelled as both her and Kade ran towards the pretty city. Soon, they were both checking out the malls and marts. "Oh, Cheyenne!" Kade called as she placed her hands on the glass window infront of her. They had decided to go explore for awhile, well if you called staring through the display cases exploring. And why the girls were exploring Cherrygrove, they had come across a rather expensive looking mart, filled with items for the purfect fisherman snice there were lakes all around. "Come on, Kade! We gotta git 'movin before your parents and my parents catch us!" But Kade was to distracted by the item in the window---a good rod. Kade and her grandfather used to go fishing in New Bark Town, but ever since he died no one had taken Kade since. She loved the feel of her fingers grasped around the rod's skinny body as she pulled one by one fish out of the water. For Kade, it was like heaven. "Come on, Kade!" Cheyenne grabbed ahold of Kade's red shirt and began pulling her away. Cheyenne was stronger than Kade thought. "Ohhhh, please Cheyenne! Can't I just take a quick peek?" Cheyenne had dragged Kade all the way towards the Pokemon Mart, a place where trainers could buy items for their Pokemon's needs. "Now look," Cheyenne picked Kade up by her shirt collar and rammed her body against the brick wall. "we need some potion and pokeballs. That's ALL we need. Okay?" Kade started kicking Cheyenne, trying to break away from her, but to no avail. Cheyenne was alot stronger than her. Cheyenne knew that it would take alot to get Kade away from the rod shop. "Well, what are we gonna catch water Pokemon with?" Cheyenne pushed Kade's body tighter up against the mart wall. "We're gonna catch e'm with pokeballs!" Kade shook her head. "No, no, no. What are we gonna fish with?" "Our hands. Now let's go," Cheyenne let go of Kade and just walked into the mart. Kade fell to the ground, which wasn't that high up, with a loud ***thump!***. "Ohhhh," Kade mouned as she tilted her head back against the mart wall. Of all people why was she best friends with Cheyenne Karimah? A loud ding sound was heard as Kade stepped through the doors of Cherrygrove's mart. It was a quaint little mart. Inside were racks of Pokemon mercindise like Trainers Gone Mad! magzines and potions. Kade silently walked up towards the man at the counter. She looked up at him and asked "Do you sale any rods?" the man gave her an odd look as he replied "Sorry, ma'am. There's a store near here that does, though." Kade opened her mouth to speak, but before she could say a word, Cheyenne yelled out from the isle "Hey, Kade! Lookie at what I found!" the man gave weak smile at her as she walked over to Cheyenne. {Creepy...} she thought. {The old fart scares the hell outta me. Look at him!} Kade gave a little side- ways glance to find the clerk picking his nose; peering around the store to make sure no one was watching. "Man! I want that Celfariy! Or do you think I should go with the cute Chikorita?" Cheyenne asked as Kade hovered over her shoulder, trying to see what in the world Cheyenne was up to now. "Is that the Trainers Gone Mad! magazine?" Cheyenne flashed a golden smile at her friend. The pages Cheyenne had flipped to held infomation about starter Pokemon and which Pokemon suited you best. It had a little quiz at the bottom of the page. "Yup, sure is. I just can't wait though!" Cheyenne closed her eyes and smiled. Then she started jumping up and down excitedly. It was like one of those happy moments in one of those girly movies were the main character's really happy, so she acts like a five year old getting a Christmas present. I know, I really suck at my charater's details. Part 2: A new catch, a new enemy "What's 'eatin you?" Kade smirked. Cheyenne quit jumping as she shouted "We're gonna catch our first Pokemon! 'Jus think, it's gonna be a blast! If you catch a water type, then we'll be able to go swimming whenever we want to!" Kade couldn't help but girn. Cheyenne was right, Pokemon were handy around the house. Plus they were good compainions. Soon, they were both out the door and back into the forest. Darkness had set in, and it was getting late, so the Pokemon Center was about to close. "Hopefully, I'll catch a cute grass type!" Cheyenne squealed in delight. She was ***really*** starting to get on Kade's nerves. Because of Cheyenne, they had already lost a Weedle, a Metapod, a Sentret, a Hoothoot, and a Pidgey. Suddenly, the sound of a twig broke. Both of the girls snapped their heads in the direction. Neither one of them could make out the dark figure which hid in the green grass. Even though it was night time, they could both see something was lurking. Slowly, and very scared, Cheyenne stuttered "Ka..Ka..Kade?" Kade, who wasn't afraid at all, turned to face her partner. "Yeah?" "Um," Cheyenne hid behind Kade. "Wha..what is that?" Cheyenne pointed towards the still figure. "It's my new friend..." Kade reached into her jean pocket and pulled out a red and white ball. She tossed it at the sleeping figure without saying a word, trying not to wake it. The ball wiggled around for a little bit, but for Kade it seemed like an eternity. Finally the ball stopped, and a ***ding*** was heard. Kade smiled, then she rose her fist up into the air and screamed "I caught my first Pokemon!" A few Pidgey's and Noctowls flew off in the distance as Cheyenne slowly crept out from behind Kade's back. "Uhhhh, Kade? Are you so sure about this?" Kade turned to face Cheyenne, who was standing right beside her. "Yeah, why?" Cheyenne shook her head in a very fast, cartoonish way as she repiled "Uh, no reason. No reason at all...it's just....I think that was a bug...." Kade shurgged. "So?" Cheyenne stomped her foot. "No! I hate bugs!" in a whisper, Cheyenne slowly said, "And besides, they scare me." Kade shurgged, again. Cheyenne sighed, then she insisted "Look, I'll 'jus catch my Pokemon tomorrow. Let's get to the Pokemon Center 'fore they close." But it was to late. The doors to the center were locked, and the only person with the key was Nurse Joy. Kade rushed over to the glass doors and knocked furiously. Nothing. She knocked again. Nothing. Then again ; nothing. "Ohhh, dammit!" Kade shouted as she slammed her fists on the glass doors of the center. "Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!" Kade sighed. She tilted her head on the glass doors as she stared down at the ground. Cheyenne walked over towards Kade. "Well," Cheyenne complained. "we coulda been here in time, if someone hadn't been looking at dumb 'ole bikes." Kade slowly raised her head up off of the glass wall. Her icy glare fixed on Cheyenne's dark brown eyes. "You listen here," Kade's voice sent a shiver down Cheyenne's spine. "I did that hours ago, before we even bought those dam items." Cheyenne spoke up, her voice not as chilling as Kade's. "Well those ***dam items*** helped catch you that Pokemon of yours." Kade stood there, her eyes filled with anger. "Oh, yeah? Well I coulda brought a new water type Pokemon with one of those rods. But ***noooooooo***! You just ***had*** to have those potions!" Kade rolled her eyes. Cheyenne gritted her teeth as she harshly snapped back, "If it wasn't for those potions and pokeballs we bought, then you'd be the only trainer in the world without a Pokemon!" Kade tilted her head back onto the glass of the Pokemon Center. Cheyenne ***did*** have a point. "Arghhhhhh! Look, let's just forget about it. It's stupid fighting over a frigg'n campsite. Now let's just go and sleep in our frigg'n sleepingbags." Kade started to walk off to the woods surrounding Cherrygrove City, when all of a sudden, Cheyenne let out a sharp scream. Without hesitation, Kade pulled out the pokeball she had used eariler. She tossed it up in the air and yelled, "Come on, out!" Red energy popped out from the ball, and the energy quickly formed into a green spider. The spider had black rings on its six, yellow legs. Two red fangs were sticking out from it's face along with its piercing black eyes. There was a black pattarn in the shape of a face on the abdamen. The green spider looked around, his head cocking from side to side. "Spina?" it asked. "It's a Spinarak!" Kade said in awe. Another yell coming from Cheyenne made Kade snap out of it. Bug type Pokemon were her third favortie type while Cheyenne was scared to death of them. "Spinarak! Use string shot!" Kade called out. Spinarak just stared at her ; not really knowing who she was. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" Cheyenne cried. "Get that thing away from me!" Now Kade didn't know weather her Spinarak was causing the problem, or if it was something else. "Cheyenne, what's wrong?" Cheyenne looked at Kade, fear showing in her eyes, as she replied "It's a Caterpie!" Then, Kade and Spinarak face fell. Part 3: Let's go "You made me call out my Spinarak just for a stupid Caterpie!" Kade shouted. Cheyenne let out another scream as Caterpie waddled over to a leaf and began munching happily. Kade smacked her forehead. "Ohhhhh! Get that thang away from me!" Cheyenne cried out---again. "Dammit Cheyenne! I thought you were being attacked by a Houndoom or something!" Spinarak crawled over to Caterpie and let out a string shot right in the worm's face. It cried out, then quickly crawled back into the woods. "Sorry, Kade. But you know how them stupid bugs scare me!" If looks could kill, then Cheyenne would be nailed for sure. Let's just say bugs had feelings too.Spinarak turned around, abdamen sticking up in the air, and a purple liquid shot out at Cheyenne. It hit her sqare in the face. "Ewwwwwwwww!" She screamed. Kade brust out laughing. "Yo better return that bug, or I'll sqaush it into next Tuesday!" Cheyenne folded her arms. Kade held up Spinarak's pokeball, but before she could even say "Return!", Spinarak crawled up Kade's arm and onto her shoulder. "Well, I think that means he wants to stay out." Kade shrugged. "Well I'm not 'gettin anywhere near it!" Kade chuckled to herself as Cheyenne walked ahead of her towards the next town. A/N: Hopefully, I'll be able to finish this before the end of the year.