Hi im Steve and im starting out on my 5th pokemon journey yes i know what your thining 5th journey whats up with that? Well I'll tell you while I'm on the way to Prof. Birtch's lab. Well you see I'm a fast trainer and some times I forget that i want to become a great traniner like Norman. (my girl friends father) But I jet a head of the compition. Well I am hear and it looks like May is also Prof. Birth am I too late? "Not at all Steve come come sit down, so i see your back to try to beat the Hoenn cup with just your special sableys." Thats right and id like to take may along with me. "Well i dont see any harm in that but lets check with may" "hun what were you guy talking to me? cause im just to distracted by my torchics cute looks. but what ever it is i will do it." Sweet so its setteld I'll take my net balls and we'll be off. _____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Just to let you konw steve i hate you. Now why do u hate me may rember i gave you the ribbon cup as a bithday present. Sab come on out, Sab telleport. _____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Steve where r we going To my favorite hotel. what the dorkon Haha very funny we r going to the tipton (poof) Finnaly we r hear Estabon two rooms plz oh right a way Steve where r your bags its going to be a 2 night stay (2 nights later) well i guess we should be going nonsence join us 4 our bolwing game. Ok im pretty good wht about you may? Zzzzz oh ya she is still alsleep.