Do Mews make good fighters? Discalimer- The Shadow Gang do not belong to me. They belong to Chrissie Chimeria. Pokemon do not belong to me I wish they did but they don't. The S.A.S don't belong to me either. Practically nothing does. At least the character is mine, but she is in a Pokemon body so she doesn't really belong to me. Ash stared around him. It was about seven o’ clock but the sky was already beginning to darken. For once he wasn’t leading and that annoyed him. Catherine and Lizzy knew the area and so they were leading them through the forest. They hadn’t actually went into Lavender but they were tracking around it looking for where the base might be situated. They had already wasted quite a lot of time looking for it and the boys were not happy. They were convinced that the girls had no idea where they were actually heading and were just leading them around in circles. “Look we have been with Misty for a little while so far and I can tell you see has no idea of where to go.” Brock was whispering. “Yeah” Ash agreed “Girls have no sense of direction” Lizzy turned in time to catch his whispered comment and stared daggers at him. Ash and the others pretended to look in other directions. She turned to report what the boys had said to her friend but she found that she was staring in another direction down at the dirt path that was below them. They had just come across the road and they had just started to make their way down to it when the boys had made their comment. Now Catherine was staring into the dark straining her ears. She was sure that she had heard a noise in that direction. Suddenly the noise became unmistakable. They were at least four or five vehicles making their way towards them. On an impulse she knelt down and dragged her friend with her. She motioned furiously to the boys that they should get down as well. With puzzled looks on their faces they got down on the ground as well. “What are they doing now?” Ash whispered angrily “Don’t they know that the grass is soaking wet?” “Calm down Ash. They must be doing this for a reason.” Joe also spoke quietly listening hard. He had an idea what Catherine was doing. Brock quieted Ash and they all stared at the two beams of light that just appeared from around the corner. In the dim light it looked like any other van but just as it passed Lizzy flashed her torch. It was only one for a brief second before Catherine and Joe who managed to flatten the torch into the ground jumped her. They waited in a tense silence while the other five trucks passed. Once they were gone the other two exploded. “What did you have to that for!” “You could have given away our position!” “That could have been Team Rocket!” “Actually it was.” “What?” “That’s why I switched on the light, to see who it was. If Team Rocket are going in force somewhere I think we should be there as well.” Susan looked down on the room below her. Over the last day there had been a lot of men walking in and out of the lab. The Darkens had also spent the day in movement from room. Some were obviously looking for her while other seemed to be excited about something. She had been able to read the minds of the men and she was still trying to deal with the information. Team Rocket was coming here, the people who had caused her so much pain. Susan had been feeling unnaturally angry ever since she had left the Team Rocket building. After she had got her memory back she felt very strongly about revenge, more so than she had ever felt before. When she had been a human she had been an easygoing person who didn’t feel strongly about anything. Blue was particularly bitter. She had been thinking about the torture they had undergone all the time alone while Susan was a human and she really wanted revenge. But there was no way out of the complex they were in. She had already tested all the walls and corners and there was no place without its area of Dark matter. The lift was also lined with Dark matter and it was heavily protected. It was only opened rarely and when it did there were at least five Darkens crowded round it. One on one she would attempt or maybe three on one if she was lucky but five on one was unrealistic. Well she would have to make the best of a bad situation. Slowly and lithely she moved down the wall and landed on the ground. Slowly she padded along the ground. Her ears were erect listening for any sound in front of her. She didn’t think that there was anyone here, not even any of the Darkens. It seemed that they had left her completely alone. Susan didn’t know but the reason for this was simply that no-one other than the Dr knew of her existence. Misty had been left here though but she had been injected with a sedative and was lying unconscious on the floor in the main processing room. Here also were the large glass cylinders in which the other Pokemon were trapped in. As Susan padded past they all stared at her with pleading in her eyes. While her exterior remained cold and aloof the double minds were beginning to hatch a plot on how to escape. The tension could almost be tasted in the air and the large jet black trucks pulled up in the carpark of the building. Team Rocket men were out instantly there guns at the ready, prepared for an ambush. Giovanni was one of the last to leave the specially armoured vans accompanied by his sleek silver Pokemon. The Team Rocket men surrounded him ready to sacrifice their lives for their leader. Slowly the large column made its way over the where the Shadow Gang was waiting. It had been one of Sharpe’s orders that none of his men would move even to greet Team Rocket, they would not give them that dignity. Sharpe was standing alone in the Box vacated by the Pokemon trainer. Just below him was Dr Mhuy anxious to prove the power of his creations once and for all. And in a shadow cast by Sharpe stood the nine Darken. Giovanni seemed put out by no welcome but he moved himself up to the box Persian forever at his side. “I am here to receive your challenge Sharpe.” He waited until his men got into position before speaking again. “Shall we start the match now?” The night air was crisp and thankfully dry. No one liked to fight in the wet. To the Shadow gang members watching, at least in the box their leader seemed more imposing. With the scar on his face and wide shoulders Sharpe looked every bit a soldier. Whereas Giovanni didn’t looked threatening in the muscle department his cold evil eyes made up his apparent lack of physique. His Pokemon also stood tall behind still covered in armour. No one here had ever seen him without it. Mewtwo was widely known in the crime world. He never had even come close to losing in any previous battles. “Ok, Giovanni. Lets start the battle now. One on one and no items are allowed to be used.” “If you say so Sharpe.” Giovanni was smiling widely as his prize Pokemon walked into the ring. He had a profile on every Pokemon Sharpe had ever trained or owned. None of them could ever stand up to Mewtwo. Sharpe nodded down to the Darken leader who stepped out into the area. All the Team Rocket members, including Giovanni stared in disbelief at Pokemon none of them recognised. But Giovanni still refused to be scared. Mewtwo would take care of whatever lab freak Sharpe had created. A whistle was blown and both Pokemon started to move towards each other. Suddenly to everyone’s surprise something appeared in the middle of ring. Those closest gasped as they recognised it as a Mew. But this was no normal Mew as everyone discovered as it started to speak. “So we meet again brother.” she said staring at Mewtwo. Giovanni turned to stare at Sharpe “I thought you said she was dead.” One of the Darkens was the first of the Pokemon to get over his surprise. “How did you escape from the lab?” he asked unwitting revealing Dr Mhuy’s secret to Sharpe. “You’ve had her all this time haven’t you?” he shouted at the doctor his face revealing his rage. Confronted by Sharpe’s anger Dr Mhuy’s only response was to weakly say that he had kept her for testing. In the mass of men around the platform the confusion caused the tension to spiral and more than one gun was drawn. Taking advantage of the situation Susan turned to Mewtwo. Though she hated doing it she had resolved to help her enemy. Blood ran thicker than water and she preferred if her relation won rather the new threat of the Darken. “You can’t use physic attacks against him, they don’t work. You must use physical attacks against them.” “Stop trying to trick me Green. I’m not that stupid.” With a roar of rage the Darken that Susan had defeated earlier leaped from the sidelines at her. His humiliation at her hands had been like a thorn in his side. Since the fight his hatred of her had increased until every waking moment of his life was spent imagining new and more savage ways of killing her. But just as he was centimetres from her he face become overcome by shock. He simply just passed through her. The shock of this silenced everyone except Mewtwo who announced. “Its only a hologram. The real Mew is elsewhere.” Sharpe turned again to Mhuy who answered before Shape uttered the question. “She will still be in our lab” he said with panic in his voice. Sharpe turned to Harper who was standing at his other side. “Take ten men down. Find her and bring her up here. Alive!” he turned to Giovanni “How about we say the winner of this match gets her.” “Fine by me.” Susan caught Mewtwo’s eye and tried once more. “You have to listen to me. If you don’t you will be defeated!” Mewtwo made no response but with one move of his hand he dispelled the hologram. “She will not bother us anymore. Let’s get on with this battle.” Once again everyone’s attention was on the two Pokemon. Mewtwo waited for a couple of seconds expecting the monster to launch some sort of attack. Becoming impatient he decided that he start first. With quick flick of his hand he hit the Darken with a strong Physic push. He was surprised when the Darken didn’t move at all backwards. “My turn.” Coiling up his leg muscles he jumped at Mewtwo. Mewtwo placed a Barrier between him and the Darken but to his amazement the Darken slid through it like a knife through hot butter. He had no time to think for the Darken crashed into him flinging him to the ground. In an instant the clawed beast was ripping at Mewtwo’s armour. With an effort Mewtwo managed to throw him off. The Darken managed to twist so it landed on all four feet. As soon as its feet touched the ground the Darken fired the long row of spikes aligned on his back at Mewtwo. Once more Mewtwo placed a barrier between him and his opponent. But once again the spikes sliced through his physic wall and struck him. Two penetrated his armour causing huge pain in his shoulder and in his chest. “Mewtwo start fooling around and attack that thing.” Giovanni snapped. Seconds later Mewtwo had a huge ball between his hands. Smiling he threw it at the Darken, dodge that, he thought. But the Darken made no attempt to move as the physic energy hit into him. But to everyone’s surprise bar Dr Mhuy and the Darken, the ball failed to explode. Instead it slowly got smaller as the Darken drained it in. When he was finished he had distinct black aura round him. “Thanks for the charge up.” he said in a sarcastic tone. In shock Mewtwo fired physic blasts again and again at the Darken leader. None hit him. Either they were drained or passed off to his brothers. After a minute Mewtwo stopped. His energy was starting to wane slightly and he was getting nowhere. Slowly the Darken leader began to walk towards his adversary. Harper and his men made sure their guns were cocked and ready as they slowly went down the lift. With a jerk the lift stopped but Harper’s men kept the doors closed. “Remember when we find her aim for the limbs, we need her alive.” The men nodded and then slowly let the door open. Slowly the men moved from the lift leaving two the guard it in case the Mew slipped past them. The other eight and Harper slowly spread out the lights on their guns lighting up the way. There were no lights on down here, the men reasoned that the Mew must have switched them off. There was also complete silence down in the lab, so everyone heard the scratch as a Pokemon moved out from behind a wall. Instantly all the lights were on it but all that was revealed was a Growlith. The men were going to move their guns from when suddenly it opened its mouth and Roared. The shock of the roar caused all the men bar Harper to drop their guns. He let loose a round at the fire dog but it managed to get away. Seconds later Pokemon attacks smashed into the men. Water, fire, grass, electricity and normal. Harper’s quick reflexes saved him as he rolled backward dodging all the attacks. But he wasn’t quick enough to dodge a punch which threw him into the wall unconscious. Slowly Susan inspected all the bodies, her cats eyes able to see in the dark. Only one man was still awake and he soon joined his companions. With her mind Susan flicked the lights back on. Before her the Pokemon walked out of their hiding places. A Growlith, Vaporean, Meowth, Gloom, and Ash’s Pikachu. The Gloom and the Vaporean were carrying the unconscious body of Misty. With Susan leading the way the small band made its way into the elevator, Susan had dealt with the two guards first before coming back to deal with Harper. But once in the lift they were in a bit of a quandary. None of them were tall enough to touch the lift button. Susan the only one able to fly couldn’t touch the buttons as they were made of dark matter. Eventually the Vaporean managed to lift the Meowth up so it could touch the button. If they were in a normal elevator they would have been in trouble at this point as Pokemon cannot read, but in this lift there was only one button which the Meowth pushed with its claw. Slowly the doors closed and the Pokemon took one last look at the room that had been their prison . All but Susan were nervous and homesick for their trainers. Susan on the other hand was angry at her brother for ignoring her and also was anxious to carve out some revenge on Team Rocket and the Shadow Gang. Amazingly Pink was still fast asleep and Green and Blue were thankful. Things were only going to get worse and neither of the twins wanted their sister who was so innocent to be scarred in the way that they were. Finally the elevator jerked to a stop and the Pokemon poured out of its doors glad to be out of the stuffy confines of the lift. But as they poured out they found themselves in a corridor. “Where do we go now?” the Growlith asked Susan. “We follow the smell of the men who came down this way.” she said in her normal expressionless tone. The Growlith led the party down the corridor his nose sniffing out and finding the tiny smells left by the people. The Mew followed next her eyes flicking all around her searching for any movement. Pikachu who followed directly behind her was intrigued by Susan. Running up so that he was walking side by side with her he asked “Why don’t you change back to human?” “I’m not a human. I am a Mew.” He started to object but she fixed him a glare from her dark green eyes. “I don’t have time to explain now, I’ll explain later when we meet up with Ash and the others.” Disconcerted Pikachu fell back to walk with the other Pokemon. It wasn’t used to be treated in a cold manner. He had used to the fact that all humans loved him and it threw him slightly that didn’t seem to. The Growlith led them through maze after maze of straight corridor. The went past room filled with machines, some with instruments and some with guns. Several times the Growlith lost the smell but with the help of the Meowth and Susan they always found it again. But they were finally brought to a halt by a large metal wall. There was no way round it. Susan and the Growlith checked a couple of times before becoming certain that they were indeed meant to pass straight through. Once informed of this the other Pokemon didn’t take the news too well. “What are we going to do now?” the Gloom wailed. “We can’t go back or we will get lost.” The Growlith turned to ask Susan but he saw her paws were being charged with physic energy. Slowly a large ball of energy began to build up in her hands. She turned to look at the other Pokemon. “You guys should get back a bit.” As soon as they had done so Susan took aim and threw the ball into the wall. The large explosion that followed threw everyone backwards falling head over heals. Large shock waves were sent through the rest of the building creating cracks along the floors where the Pokemon were lying. Slowly the dust clouds sent up drifted out the large hole Susan had created. Slowly also the Pokemon picked themselves up. The Gloom had managed to keep its vines around Misty and so Misty hadn’t been hurt. She was still unconscious. Susan was the first to walk up through the crater that she had created and poke her head out into the fresh air again. Suddenly her ears which had stopped working after the noise of the explosion started to work again and she became immediately aware of the large fight going on to her east. It was all crowded round the large flat battling arena. She wondered what she had missed. Mewtwo’s hands tried to slowdown the large black beam which was driving into him. But his strength had been weakened too much by this point and he was unable to stop it hitting into him and exploding round him. The battle had been going on for ten minutes and in that time Mewtwo had thrown everything he had at the Darken little knowing that all he had been doing was giving it more power. By the time he had realised this and started to take his sisters advice he had lost too much power. His armour no longer surrounded him and so he unprotected by the dark blast. It left lying in a crater bleeding all over his body and feeling dizzy from his lack of energy. “Mewtwo! Kill that thing now!” Giovanni shouted down at him. Behind Giovanni the other Team Rocket members were getting worried. Slowly Mewtwo managed to get to his feet though he felt like dropping at any minute. The Darken moved towards him again eager to get more of Mewtwo’s energy. Not wanting to feel the teeth make another bite out him Mewtwo placed his hands before him putting the last of his energy into a hyper beam. He fired it at the black beast in front of him but his eyesight had started to falter and the attack passed over the Darkens shoulder. Muttering an expletive under his breath Mewtwo fell broken to the ground unconscious. The other Darkens leaped into the ring to get a bite for themselves and then all hell broke loose. In response to these Pokemon going towards Mewtwo Team Rocket let loose all their Pokemon to attack the Darkens and in response the Shadow Gang started to shoot. And then Team Rocket started to shoot. The battle field quickly became a bloodbath as friend shot friend and enemy shot enemy. There was no cohesion or order, everyone was on his own. Giovanni fled early on in the battle taking Mewtwo in a Pokeball with him. But Sharpe stayed on enjoying the killing and the fighting. The short ranged infantry attack had proved disastrous as they mowed down friend and foe alike. The area had very little cover so most of the soldier had fled into the nearby woods and fields to continue their fight. But Sharpe was confused. Why hadn’t the Heavy Machine guns or the snipers fired yet, he thought as a column of Team Rocket men charged his troops. They should have cut down that column long before it even charged. What was going on, he thought as he cut down a Team Rocket man in front of him the blood spilling over his uniform. Suddenly the answer was revealed to him as he saw an A.T.A.S helicopter leave from behind the building in which his snipers had been housed. Oh God, he thought how could they known this was his base or to come today. He must have a traitor somewhere in his ranks. After beating back the Team Rocket assault he gathered a large amount of men around him and moved to the cover behind the ring where the battle had taken place slaughtering the Team Rocket men who were hiding here. Looking at the ring reminded him of the Darkens and Dr Mhuy. He had seen Dr Mhuy flee into the building early on in the battle, like the coward that he was. The Darken had disappeared a little time later after some slaughter but he had seen them lead another group of his men into the fields to try and rout out the Team Rocket members gathered there only five minutes ago The worst of this battle was that he didn’t know where most of his men were. He had gathered these men from different groups as he attacked group after group of Team Rocket men. The threat of the A.T.A.S was going to be a serious problem. If they were in control of the buildings then they would have the machine guns that had been placed there which meant he had no chance of escaping either out the road or getting back into his head quarters. Suddenly he saw something that made him smile. Four children walking into the woods. If he could those children he could use them as hostages and escape from here. He detailed this plan to his me and then led a charge across into the woods. As he had expected the heavy guns started up killing ten of his men before he reached the woods. Now to find those children. Susan had led the Pokemon into the woods as she thought it would be the safest place for them but it seemed the wood had some lone hunters and deserters. So far none of them had been hurt, Susan knocked out the men before they had a chance to fire but they were still looking for some means of escape. Susan would have preferred to be fighting but she and blue had decided that by letting the Pokemon out they had taken responsibility for them and that they had to protect them. Meanwhile down in the lab of Mhuy, Harper woke up. While searching for his gun which had fallen from his hands he found something much more interesting which he felt that Sharpe would like to have. He had found out who the spy inside the Shadow Gang. Suiceene