Do Mews make good fighters? Discalimer- The Shadow Gang do not belong to me. They belong to Chrissie Chimeria. Pokemon do not belong to me I wish they did but they don't. The S.A.S don't belong to me either. Practically nothing does. At least the character is mine, but she is in a Pokemon body so she doesn't really belong to me. Quietly the COM link in Rogers ear crackled to life. After listening to what was said Roger turned it off. He turned to the four men lying in the bushes beside him. With the butt of his gun he tapped out a Morse code message to the men around him. At the moment he and his men were in a cornfield preparing to ambush a group of Shadow gang members. They had been tracking them already for thirty minutes waiting for the best time to ambush and scouting out the resistance in the field. But the message had been urgent. Another group of Shadow gang men had been sighted entering the woods apparently after some children who had been spotted earlier. It seemed Roger was the closest and one of the few units not embroiled in battle. But first they would deal with the men in front of them. There were ten of the Shadow gang members in front of them nervously searching the corn for enemies. From their movements Roger could see that none of them were used to this style of fighting. They were simply blundering forward making lots of noise alerting anyone near to their presence. In comparison the five men trailing them made little or no noise at all. With the way the men were positioned they were open to a grenade attack or being surrounded by gunfire, so tightly packed they were. But this style of attack was too noisy. A lull had set over this field of battle and to use guns or grenades would draw any of the men nearby to them. Something Roger didn’t want. While tracking the men he and his companions had kept a sharp lookout for any Pokemon or Pokeball’s. But there were none in sight. Either they had none, which was unlikely, or they had been lost or killed. In the beginning of the battle almost all of the trainer’s had let loose their Pokemon to fight alongside them. But gunfire and the Darkens carved a bloody field through these. There were still some about mostly searching about for their trainer’s or trying to escape. It would be well for him, Roger thought, not to consider the possibility that Pokemon might be hidden some where on the men’s bodies. Roger moved his hand and the five men moved out to surround the small group. His eyes on this victim Roger crept silently forward going behind the man in front of him. With a swift movement his arm shot out his hand closing over the mans mouth. In the same movement his other hand which now held a dagger, stabbed into the mans throat and with a sharp pull disabled him. Letting the body drop his foot was already rising, as the man in front of him turned round, to catch him in the groin. As the man gasped Roger had already moved behind him and slit his throat. In a couple of seconds the ten men were dead, not a shot being fired in the whole process. The five men had taken two men each moving on to the second just after killing the first. The A.T.A.S trained highly efficient killers. When the government had given the operation the “Yes” the operation had stated to take no prisoner’s except Giovanni, or Sharpe or one of their higher ranked officer’s, no one else. Team Rocket had caused enough trouble and the government had already stated an ultimatum to anyone in either gang. Surrender or die. It was a tough policy from a government that knew it was likely to lose at the next election and that needed to do something drastic if they were to stay in power. Moving forward silently Roger and his companions continued through the cornfield towards the wood, which was just beside it. A hostage situation could be dangerous. Susan considered the trees in front of her carefully before continuing to move forward. In front of them they could hear noise, something was coming towards them. All the Pokemon were straining their ears to try and find out how many but they had no idea. Glancing back at Misty’s body Susan was glad she was still asleep. Humans made too much noise, the Pokemon were quieter and able to move through the thick undergrowth easier. “Should we attack?” the Vaporean whispered to Susan. Susan shook her head. “We don’t know how many there are. We don’t want to get into a firefight with a large enemy. Remember it only takes one bullet…” But just in case the Pokemon moved up into the trees, dragging Misty with them. If they had to attack, fighting from an elevated position would help them. Another advantage was the fact that humans rarely looked up. It would make a good hiding place if they didn’t attack. Up in the tree Susan unsheathed her claws and arched her tail. She was readying herself for battle, preparing herself to come down on who over passed below if the need came. Her eyes were also squinting into the area of tree’s and bushes trying to see from where the attackers were going to come from. Suddenly the bush started to shake and move as people started to move through them. A brief glance told Susan that the Pokemon around Susan were preparing attacks to fire down at any enemies. At the worst they were going to go down fighting. But Susan knew she wasn’t going to die. It would take more than a few men to deal with her. At least a couple of Darkens. But only five people moved from the foliage and none of the Pokemon attacked them. The next couple of minute was filled with laughter and joy as Pokemon were reunited with their masters. But Susan didn’t feel like joining them. She felt like getting back to the battle. Ash happened to look up as she made her way along a branch away from them. “Susan where are you going?” Brock and the other three looked up at this as well as the Pokemon who looked surprised. “I’m heading back to the battle. I’m not needed here any more.” “This isn’t your fight, Susan. Just change back and we will leave.” The Pokemon looked shocked at this but Joe and the two girls had been told about Susan as they had made their way here. “I’ll be back in a while, I just have a couple of things to take care of.” And before they could say anything Susan disappeared through the foliage. Unnoticed by everyone Sharpe and his company of 15 veterans watched on. Sharpe had dispensed with all but the elite of the men he had gathered round him. He had told them to flee from here and that he would contact them later. Sharpe wasn’t happy about losing the chance to get the Mew but he knew she would be back. And when she did she would have a little surprise. Hurriedly Dr Mhuy rushed from the lift not really looking around him. As soon as he could with safety he had left the battlefield to get back to his lab. There were certain things he needed to get. Certain files he needed to take before he left. Copies of his work on the computer as well as his data on the Darkens. The A.T.A.S had promised a safe house for him to live on. All he needed now was to get his data and get on one of the helicopters. He had already called to the Darkens by a silent whistle to gather by the Shadow Gang buildings but after getting tiered of waiting he had decided to go and get his files by himself. It was unlikely that he was going to meet anyone in the building and if he did why would have any reason to suspect a scientist? Early on he had been approached by the army about becoming a mole. He agreed immediately. He had only joined the Shadow Gang because of their huge resources and the fact he was allowed to continue on with his work with no one bothering him with rules or regulations. He pushed open the door to his inner lab and turned on the computer immediately. It was only while it was booting up that Mhuy heard the footstep behind him. He whipped round to find the imposing figure of Harper behind him. He hadn’t noticed the man in the shadows when he had entered the room. “Oh its only you.” he said relieved. But Harper said nothing but removed his knife from its sheath and started to swirl it between his fingers. “You seem jumpy Doctor. You are not hiding anything from me are you?” The doctor spluttered nervously. “Of course I’m not hiding anything. Why would you say that?” “No reason,” Harper said walked closer, “other than this of course.” He said holding up an army standard transmitter. “And this.” he said holing up a codebook. “Not very good at hiding are you, my friend.” Mhuy shrank back away from the man edging up against the wall. “Sharpe and I have been wondering for quite a while who was the mole. But neither of us suspected you. We didn’t think you would have the bravery, or courage.” “If you lay a, a finger on me the Darkens will rip you shreds.” Mhuy replied in a shaky voice. “Your little pets are proving to be quite useful to us but they are not here and you are quite alone. Ever been tortured before?” Harper asked while moving still closer towards the doctor. Susan didn’t know what had made her leave Ash and the others. It was just a strange feeling she had. Something bad was going to happen and it was something to do with the doctor. Susan had a bone to pick with the doctor anyway, several questions she wanted to ask, and several computers she wanted to destroy. The Darkens that were alive were bad enough. She didn’t want anymore to be created. Skirting the edge of the wood she caught a view of the battlefield. Hardened to pain as she was, the sight of so many bodies Pokemon and human alike was devastating. It had been pure slaughter; hundreds were lying dead or dying in that one field. And the gunfire she heard alerted her to the fact that the fighting was still going on. Three Helicopters hiding behind the deserted building revealed to her that the A.T.A.S were here and the large convoy she could see in the distance showed the army and police were finally getting involved. It would take them maybe ten minutes to get her. They were going to bring an end to this private war. Thus seeing that her time was limited Susan flew towards the opening in the base that she had made before. She was going to have to be quick. She hadn’t seen the Darkens since their fight with Mewtwo, they could be anywhere now. It was unlikely that they would have fled the battlefield. They could even be hunting her now. As she a couple of shots were aimed at her but none of them hit. Luckily for her the A.T.A.S hadn’t trained their big guns down at her. She would have been in big trouble then. As she dipped down through the hole she had made earlier she took one last glance into the forest. She hoped she had made the right decision by leaving them alone in the woods but as Blue had said Blue said significantly reminding Susan to keep her voice low. Susan was about to ask Blue something when she was interrupted by a high-pitched scream. < We have to get down there now> Susan said breaking into a run. Rounding a bend she was in sight of the elevator when the door’s opened and Harper came running out, bloody knife still in hand. He stopped dead when he noticed the small pink cat in front of him. But Susan noticed no fear in the large man in front of her. In fact a smirk came to his lips. “Well, well. It seems all the loose ends are coming together. You shouldn’t have come back here.” “Why did you kill the doctor?” Susan’s voice was cold and emotionless. While watching Harper carefully she was beginning to concentrate her power, it looked like she was going to need it. “The “Doctor”” Harper said sarcastically, “was really a traitor. A spy for the A.T.A.S. The Shadow Gang doesn’t tolerate Spy’s, just like it doesn’t tolerate escapees. You were lucky last time, but you have none of your friends are you now. Its just you and me.” Susan’s response was to hold up her paw. As she started to concentrate energy started to crackle around her paw. Harper’s eyes widened as a ball of energy formed in front of her paw. Retracting her hand slightly she threw this at him. It was thanks to Harper’s quick reactions that he managed to leap to one side narrowly missing the attack. The resulting explosion caught him and threw him through the air but even as was hit his finger squeezed the trigger of his sub-machine gun, which was pointed directly at Susan. Just before he hit the wall Harper watched with incredulity as Susan simply moved her paw pushing the bullets from her with Physic energy. Unfortunately for Harper as he hit the wall the gun was thrown from his hand but he still managed to keep hold of his knife. He was up quickly eyeing the Mew with a little more respect. It would be best not to underestimate her. His eyes also darted to the gun but Susan removed any thought of his to use this when she destroyed it with another Physic attack. Harper’s eyes were back on the Mew, before he started to move forward. With those Physic attacks of her’s it might be better to get into close combat. But Susan didn’t move a muscle as he closed with her. Her arms were crossed in front of her chest and she was on two feet again. The only problem Harper had was that she was so much smaller than him; she only reached up to his knees even when on two feet. He would have to bend down to get a swipe at her. He beginning to get angry at her self assured expression. She couldn’t even be bothered to lift a hand to block. Well her mistake, he thought and he hacked down with amazing speed for a man of his size. But Susan’s move was quicker, her tail hitting into his arm preventing the stab from hitting. Harper tried to push down with more force but the tail was too strong, he was unable to budge it. Suddenly it retracted and he fell forward on her, or he would have if she hadn’t leaped out from underneath his body. Things seemed to slow down for Susan, or at least the rest of the world did. She was still moving at normal speed. Readying her tail she hacked into his shoulder with extreme force. By the time Harper hit the ground a scream had already left his lips and he clutched at the huge wound. It was so deep; the arm was barely still attached to his body. Landing smoothly on her four paws Susan eyed Harper up. “There is no pint in you fighting me any more. You know you can’t win.” Harper growled something in response so Susan walked closer raising her tail up so he could see the blood drip off it. “Do you want to get hurt like this again? Face it you are no match for me.” But before he could answer the halls were filled with noise, screams and anguish and of pain. Distracted for a second Susan glanced towards the elevator before Harper’s punched clouted her on the side of the head. By the time she raised her head she saw Harper disappearing round the corner. For a second she was frozen wondering wither she should try and go after him or continue on to destroy the computers. But she had kept still for too long. Her reverie was broken by the sound of the lift door opening. Turning she felt her heart skip a beat. The eight Darken filed out of the lift led by their leader. Their faces were pits of rage and anger. Froth was coming from their lips and their teeth were bared. Seemingly all at the same time they all noticed Susan standing in front of them. But for this one time they might have ignored her. Went on, on their search for the killer of their creator. But any idea of this was shattered when they noticed the blood dripping from the tail spike of the Mew. For a second they were surprised. Each of them staring at the tail seemingly in wonder. Then their rage overflowed. With the sight of the nine charging her, Susan had no choice. Turning tail she sprinted up the corridor followed closely behind by the Darkens. But while concentrating on her running Susan didn’t notice the way they were going, only that it was a different route than she had taken before. But as she slid round one corner her heart sank. A dead end. It only took Sharpe and his men less than a minute to capture Ash and the others. Ignoring the children to begin with they struck against the Pokemon. These men were ex comrades of Sharpe when he had been in the army and they joined him when he had created the Shadow Gang. Trained extensively they were his elite bodyguard. Silently getting into position they all struck simultaneously. They struck hard and fast and with chilling precision. Sharpe had ordered them not to kill the Pokemon, could be useful or could be used to get the trainer’s co-operation. The Pokemon were not expecting an attack, they were off guard still reuniting with their masters. Striking the Pokemon in the heads with their guns, most of them were unconscious before they even realised they were being attacked. The Growlith and the Vaporean managed to hold on blinking through the blood. But these two were then dealt with before they could even launch an attack. After a moments shock both Brock and Joe charged forward with Ash straight behind them. Sharpe dealt with the three of them, a kick into Brock stomach, punch into Ash’s and he head butted Joe in the face. After watching the boys fail the girls offered no resistance. Soon all their arms were bound behind their backs and the Pokemon were trapped in steel enforced nets. Now Sharpe and his party were moving away from the area. They had their hostages now; they needed nothing else from this forest. What they needed now was to flee from their base. Normally Sharpe would have thought of digging in and setting up defences. But he only had 15 men with him, and only two of these had Pokemon. His own Pokemon were still in their balls but none of them had healed enough yet to be of any use for him. He needed to get to a van and get out of here before Police or army people arrived. He hadn’t seen any yet but he knew they would be here soon. The A.T.A.S men here were vulnerable, there were only a few of them, and the Shadow Gang heavily outnumbered them. But again he cursed the confusion of the battle. Harper had planned a strategy but that had been before the Darkens had attacked Team Rocket causing them to release their Pokemon. He and Harper had been willing to bet that Pokemon wouldn’t be released until late on in the battle, the battle had been likely to be a shootout and very few trainer’s would let their Pokemon out in conditions like that. But they had been and they been slaughtered. Few Pokemon could stand up to bullets. Even war Veterans like himself had felt him stomach lurch with the hundreds of bodies lying out in the fields and then the human slaughter started. But it was so confused, everyone spread out. And now any chance of annihilating a company of the A.T.A.S was gone. He knew where they were, in the tower. But he didn’t have enough men to try and assault them. So instead he was going to have to try and use hostages. But he didn’t like this option much. If it was police or regular army he might know but the A.T.A.S were vicious. He wouldn’t put it past them to just open up with the machine guns or try and sniper him. But it was the only chance he had. All the vans were near the A.T.A.S, out in the open. He had considered trying to go across country but the terrain was open and nowhere near civilisation. He would be caught within three hours, one if they had helicopters. They were approaching the end of the forest and he was preparing himself to jump if they started to shoot. Suddenly he heard a noise from behind him. It was quiet crack, a branch or something. It was too quiet to be an animal; someone or some people were out there. Or was he over reacting, nerves maybe. Waving at three of the men to keep their guns on the prisoners he took the other eleven to check out the noise. Susan bared her teeth as she backed into the corner. Her claws were out and her eyes were moving quickly trying to keep sight of all the Darkens. Why hadn’t she been more careful to watch where she was going? Once outside she had an advantage, she was able to fly and she could have escaped. Fighting all of these things at once was not an option. But it seemed she had no other choice. Well at least, she thought grimly, I’ll a few of these things down with me. They will not forget the day they messed with me. Suddenly she realised that the Darken leader had made his way to the front of the Darkens and was speaking to her. She noticed he could barely control his anger. “Why did you do it? Why did you kill him? He had helped you!” “Who do you think I have killed?” “Don’t play with us! You tortured him and then you killed him. We can still see his blood on you.” Another one-stepped forward looking his eyes wild and his mouth frothing. “When we are finished with you your blood will decorate this whole corridor. For everything you did to him we will make you feel a hundred times!” Susan was going to repeat her earlier statement but decided against it. They would probably lose it and attack her. It was going to happen eventually but she wanted to hold it off as long as possible and she wanted to be the one to start the attack. But she was running out of time. The Darkens were moving towards her, cutting off any exit and cornering her in further. Well, she would think of something. She would have to. And if not? Suddenly she darted forward smashing her fist into a Darkens face. She was still at full power after her fight with Harper and none of them had an aura yet. She might still have a chance… Roger swore under his breath. Sharpe had more men than he had expected. And from their uniforms he could see they were no normal Shadow Gang men. The personal bodyguards, and Sharpe was there too. He had been considered for the A.T.A.S but they eventually shelved the idea when he went AWOL and joined Team Rocket. From the file that Roger had read about him, he knew he was a formidable opponent and from what Roger could see he was still fit. And they were outnumbered three to one. His instructors had told him never to attempt odds like this. There was no point trying to be a hero for no need. Life wasn’t like a computer game where one man could take on a hundred. But he knew he wouldn’t withdraw. They still had the hostages and unless they were freed Sharpe would escape. Roger sighed, and then motioned his men to crawl forward. Suiceene- Thanks for the two new review's I got. I think I got an award or at least a stamp of approval. I'm thinking of maybe continuing this, certainly if I get more reviews.