Do Mews make good fighters? Discalimer- The Shadow Gang do not belong to me. They belong to Chrissie Chimeria. Pokemon do not belong to me I wish they did but they don't. The S.A.S don't belong to me either. Practically nothing does. At least the character is mine, but she is in a Pokemon body so she doesn't really belong to me. The Darken was knocked back by the ferocity of her attack, and as she landed she swept her tail around in a wide circular motion, trying to deter the Darken from getting too close. But there were too many for her to fight off at one time. Ducking and dodging she struck forward blindly at the mass of black bodies with her claws. But the rage of the Darken was such that they ignored every swipe or punch, attacking with a fury that knew no bounds. She was soon bleeding, but the extreme pain that she felt every time one of these dark fiends touched her accentuated each cut. A gap suddenly appeared in the mass of black claws and the muscled mass of their leader suddenly threw himself forward. She was barely able to dodge his attack, only just managing to roll sideways. Instantly turning he clawed at her with his paws, forcing her again to move back until her back touched the wall behind her. Aware she could move back any more the Darken threw himself at her, his body blocking out all sight. Waiting till the last moment she leapt upwards, before twisting her body round and bouncing her legs off the ceiling, smashing down into his body. She had cupped her paws together and brought these down on his head. As he reeled back she landed down on four paws and threw herself forward again, clawing and biting at his face. She was stopped suddenly as something sliced down across her back. She turned to try and face her new attacker, but before she could knock him back, another slashed deep into her right arm. Swallowing back a scream she tried to defend herself against the new attacker and then they all seemed to throw themselves at her. Against so many claws and teeth she had no defence and her screams didn’t stop them ripping into her. As more and more started to take deep bites into her she collapsed to the ground, her body unable to take so much punishment, and energy loss. Suddenly they all stopped. Moving her face up to stare she noticed their leader step forward until his face was centimetres from hers. Clenching her teeth with the pain she stared up into his face, which was blazing with an anger she had never seen before. His dark face seemed to glow with the colour of anger. She stared transfixed by his bloodstained teeth, waiting for the final blow to be struck. Sharpe moved forward slowly his gun raised in one hand while the other waved his men to fan about around him. His eyes flicked around to his right and left looking for any slight movement. The woods were dark around him with shadow and he couldn’t see much around him. His finger was tense over the trigger as he waited for the firefight to start. If it was going to happen it was going to start soon. In the woods he and his men were easily open to ambush. He stared at every shadow, trying to identify an arm or a leg out of the gloom. He stopped as his slowly and quietly moved around him in a large semi-circle. Something moved in the corner of his eye and he swung round quickly to see something dark move out from behind a bush. Aiming his gun his ginger tightened round the trigger only to loosen as he discovered that it was only a Rattata. A burst of gunfire suddenly sounded and the Pokemon jerked before falling to the ground. He turned to shout at the man before he suddenly fell from a burst from a nearby bush. Sharpe dropped to the ground trying to find cover, as the woods around him seemed to explode with gunfire. Rolling behind a tree he tried to identify a shooter, before a hail of bullets splintered the bark of the tree. Moving quickly he shot a short series of bursts into the area where the attack had come from. Glancing to his right he saw some of his bodyguard in positions like his firing in the bushes, which surrounded them. A couple others were lying on then ground bleeding, either dead or dying. Suddenly he saw a flash of light from a bush and one of his men fell back. Immediately he moved the gun and fired toward the flash. There was a brief cry and then a body fell from the bushes. As he noticed his black uniform Sharpe swore. More A.T.A.S men! Ash and the other had first been paralysed by the sound of gunfire. Then their sole remaining guard shouted at them, and motioned with his gun for them to sit down. For a second Ash paused, his ingrained stubbornness coming to the fore of his brain, but after another look at the gun which was being pointed at his chest he finally decided to give in and he sat down. He couldn’t risk one of the others being killed or injured, and though he would never have admitted it he was also deeply terrified himself. The guard moved back a bit until he was out of striking range from them and could keep both them and the three nets covering the Pokemon in his sights. Ash’s Pokeballs had been taken from him, as had the Pokeballs belonging the others and also put inside the nets. Moving slightly Ash caught Pikachu’s eye, not sure if it was to give him or his Pokemon comfort. This was different than anything, which had ever happened with Team Rocket. Sure they had also tried to take his Pokemon but their schemes had always been more of the inventive sort with little actual danger. Bringing guns into the equation changed everything completely. It didn’t matter how brave you were, or even how good a Pokemon trainer. A bullet could cause much more harm that a Pokemon attack ever could. Ash wasn’t even sure if he had Pikachu free he would get him to attack the gunman. Sure he was all on his own, but still, what if Pikachu’s attack only stunned him? Seconds later Pikachu could be dead, or some of the others. It was a risk he couldn’t afford to take. He was suddenly aware of a lull in the gunfire and he heard the unmistakable signs of sirens. The police were coming! Soon this nightmare might be over and he could get back to his Pokemon journey. He saw the girls tearstained faces look up and fill with hope ad the sirens came closer. The guard edged closer to them, trying to put the children between him and the approaching sirens. Ash suddenly felt the sudden feeling of hope, which had been growing inside him suddenly, disappear and be replaced by a feeling of cold dread. What was this man planning to do? He suddenly had a dreadful vision of them caught in between a firefight. As if to represent this the gunfire from the woods suddenly started up again and he ducked instinctively. Inferno the Growlith growled under its breath as it looked at the man who was holding the gun. If only they were not covered in these steel nets they might have a chance against him, he was all alone. But the steel nets were too confining and also too tough to be bit through and they were too squashed together to try their attacks on it. Anyway if they tried he wasn’t sure that the man would use the large black fire stick he was holding. From what he had seen on the battle of its power he wasn’t sure he wanted to fight against it. Again his eyes searched the foliage where he had seen the Mew disappear. If she was here she would have dealt with this soldier easily and with the others. He had already witnessed her power and he felt that the humans would not have stood long against it, she was too strong. But she wasn’t here; she had left them to go off on her own. He was intrigued by her, her power, her emotionless attitude and her connection with the humans, which he hadn’t seen before. Was it possible that the Mew might know them? But so far the Mew hadn’t treated the girl with any more friendliness than with him and the other Pokemon. He longed to talk to his master about her and everything else he had been through. He had been separated from him for too long and just as they had just come together they had been interrupted again. A thought suddenly came into his head. He started to wonder if the Mew might want to join and his master on their journey. Below him one of the Pokemon started to whimper. He turned his head down and tried to comfort it. Trying to make his movements as small as possible Roger ejected the ammunition clip from his gun, and moved his hand back to the pocket and removed a spare clip and jammed it into his gun. At the moment he was up to his face it mud and was slowly sliding his body forward. He was moving around the outside of the large screen, which Sharpe’s bodyguard had set up. After getting rid of the men closest to him he had decided to make his way toward where Sharpe had been keeping his hostages. He knew the police and regular army were closing in and so the most important thing was to get rid of a potential hostage situation. If he could get the kids to escape then his men could withdraw and let the army or the police deal with Sharpe and the rest of his Shadow gang. He wasn’t there to make himself a hero, just to get his job done and get himself and his team out alive. Unfortunately he knew that at least a few were dead already and out of five that was a large number. His only consolation was that he knew that they had at least taken their number down with them. Over half of Sharpe’s bodyguard was dead, but he wasn’t sure about Sharpe though. Finally he was able to see the small group ahead of him. As he scanned the area quickly he saw only one guard standing, his gun covering all of them. With one last glance to make sure, there was no one else in sight, Roger lay his gun down on the ground in front of him, reaching down to his belt where there was a silenced berretta. Sliding it from his hip belt quickly and quietly he took aim and fired at the head of the guard. His aim was true and the guard crumpled to the ground without a sound. The children stared stupefied for a second and Roger used this time to hiss at them to keep silent. Quickly and in a low voice he told them he was from the police. With this they seemed to relax but they still looked about fearfully trying to see where his voice was coming from. After telling them everything would be all right, trying to keep the girls especially quiet, he told them to open the steel nets, which had been closed with rope at the top. He had noticed these earlier and from what he knew of children, they would refuse to leave without them. He wasn’t sure why he stayed hidden, but the woods were able to hide a lot of things and he didn’t want to get himself into unnecessary danger. Just as the Pokemon poured from the final sack, he heard silence; there had been no gunfire for at least a minute. He turned his rifle toward that part of the wood just as he noticed Sharpe and three others appear. There was a shout to children to freeze, which they did immediately. Roger cursed to himself, and then started to edge forward to get a better view of the path. He froze as he heard Sharpe’s voice again. “I know someone is out there. If you don’t come out now I will start to shoot the prisoner’s, one by one. And if any of the prisoner’s decides to run their Pokemon will be killed. You have ten seconds to make your decision.” The Darken leader seemed to pause as he opened his jaws wide and looked down at the helpless creature before him. Suddenly in Susan’s mind she felt Pink wake up and with the new mind there was a surge in energy. Tightening her paw she smashed it into his face. As he reeled back she climbed to her feet looking around herself quickly for some means of escape. Stuck in a corner there was no way she could beat the Darken, she had to get into more open ground. Tensing her muscles against the wall she concentrated her power and propelled herself up into the air toward the ceiling above the Darken before bouncing off this and flying up the corridor as fast as she could away from the Darken. She didn’t bother to turn round as she bounced off wall after wall trying to go as fast as she could. But as she flew she could feel her strength waning. Most of her body was bleeding; a few were large gashes spewing her blood out over the floor. But she ignored all the pain; it was essential that she leave this place, to get away from the Darken. At the moment they were too much for her and if they got their hands on her now they would rip her apart. Finally she recognised a corridor, which she had been along earlier with the other Pokemon. But even as she flew along it she could feel herself slowing down. Come on she thought, trying to force her body to keep up the pace for just another little way. The opening to the open air should just be along this corridor. Something sliced past her shoulder and she was only just able to keep herself from falling to the ground. As she flew forward toward the light she could feel blasts skim past her, barely missing her. She was just about to enter the patch of light when something forcefully threw her to the ground. As she rolled back into the darkness she could feel it trying to bite into her. Smashing her elbow back into his face she managed to shake him off and punched another one as he came jumping toward her. Sidestepping she concentrated the last of her energy and shot forward toward the opening. As she finally shot into open air she felt a sense of relief to be finally free. They sliced upward through the wind turning and twisting in the air. She could hear Pink shout with laughter as they shot up higher and higher into the sky. For Blue and her though, they were more interested in the multitude of people who seemed to surround the whole area around the base. It seemed the police and the army had finally arrived. She stopped flying once she felt she was high enough, contented just to float and try and conserve energy. Her chest was heaving after so much effort and she felt like going to sleep for a long time but she managed to force herself to stay awake. In the wood she could hear the distant sounds of gunfire but Susan felt that she didn’t have the energy to go down and investigate. The police were already surrounding the area anyway and would sort it out themselves. She didn’t want to be captured by them a second time anyway. Far below she noticed several black shapes slink away. She felt no inclination to follow them or to alert the police to their present. She would let them slink away to wherever they wanted, sooner or later she knew she would come across them again. Especially when they were so determined to get revenge on her. She sighed slightly as she stared down at them. The Darkens were complicated beings and very powerful enemies, especially against physic types like her. Sooner or later she was going to have to face them in battle again but next time she would have to be better prepared. Next time she was going to win. But for the moment she had to wait for Ash and the others to appear. She had some business to settle. Roger had his gun pointing at the little group, yet he was unable to shoot. Not all would be killed in the opening tirade and then they could open up on him or on the tightly massed group of children and Pokemon. Sharpe’s time limit was running out fast and he had no idea what to do. He could just let the children and Pokemon die, but then how could he ever face any child ever again after letting some die when he knew he could save them. Suddenly he realised that Sharpe was raising his gun, the time limit must be up… Suddenly Sharpe fell to the ground, from a burst of fire to his right. His companions turned and fired into the trees. Roger was paralysed for a second in shock. He hadn’t been able to come to a decision, someone else had to make it for him. The next decision he made very quickly. Rising to his feet, lifting his gun he screamed at the kids to run and ran out towards the path. Just as the children started to move Sharpe’s men turned to aim their guns at them. Before they could shoot Roger charged out from the woods, his gun already picking out one man. He was cut down then by the next hail of bullets from Sharpe’s bodyguard. But by the time Sharpe’s men lifted their leader up they were surrounded by police and forced to lay their guns down. It was a couple of hours later. Ash and the others had been treated for shock and checked for injuries by a doctor and were questioned a bit by the police. Officer Jenny though didn’t make her questioning too intensive though as she knew that they were neither part of Team Rocket or of the Shadow Gang. She was interested in Misty’s descriptions of the Darkens though and would have pressed her more on information about them if Misty had complained of being tired. She told them to report to the police station the next day and then gave them an escort out of the area just in case there were any gang members still around. The raid on the Shadow Gangs HQ was only moderately successful for them. They did capture the leader of the Shadow Gang and most of its remaining agents who hadn’t been killed in the firefight. They also captured a number of leading Team Rocket members, but most had already fled or been killed before the police and the army brought an end to the fighting. They also captured a sizeable amount of munitions, almost all which the Shadow Gang possessed and a number of stolen Pokemon and equipment. They were unable to however capture the Shadow Gangs second in command or any details on the Darkens other than eyewitness descriptions- the computers having been purged and then destroyed. They were also unable to discover the whereabouts of the Mew who the Shadow Gang had captured. There had been a large number of casualties on both criminal sides and a few A.T.A.S deaths, most notably of their leader who was given a quiet burial a couple of days later. After being escorted away from the area surrounding the Shadow Gangs base the group of people and Pokemon had decided to stop and rest by a campsite near a river for the rest of the day and night. Night had just started to fall, shadow’s surrounding the land before the Pokemon became aware of their visitor. Ash just looked up in time to see the Mew land on the ground near to them. “Susan!” he exclaimed and ran forward, only stopping when she remained on four paws. Her response was measured, “Ash” before turning to the others and nodding towards them. The three strangers, Joe and the two girls hung back, and Brock and Misty stepped forward. “We weren’t sure what had happened to you.” “I had another run in with the Darken”. For the first time they noticed the large number of cuts and blood which soaked her pink fur. “Are you ok?” “The wounds are minor, I’ll live.” There was a short pause before Misty said hesitantly, because she feared the answer, “Why don’t you change back now?” The others stared at her, while the Pokemon who had been let free began to look at each other curiously not understanding the question. Aware that everyone was staring at her Susan looked up. “I think its time you understood. I’m not a human, I was born a Mew.” For the next minute Susan filled them in briefly on what she knew about her life, leaving most of the painful details. When she finished everyone was still staring at her in a mixture of disbelief and amazement. “So you are a Mew?” Inferno asked her. “Yes, I only thought I was a human for a couple of years.” Ash was forced to sit down, as did most of the others. “So, all this time you have been a...a Pokemon?” Suiceene nodded. There was another large silence, interrupted as Susan started to walk away. “Where are you going?” asked a stunned Ash. “I think I’ll go north. I need to be alone for a while to sort out myself.” She gave a rare smile. “As you can appreciate, there are some things I need to get my head around. I hope to see you all again in happier circumstances.” She started to move away again before she was stopped again. “Wouldn’t you feel like sticking around for a little while for going away? It’s probably not a good idea to be alone though this anyway.” As she turned round again she noticed that the other Pokemon were looking at her appealingly especially the Growlith. “Its probably not a good idea. You have seen how much certain humans want me. You guys will be safer the less time I spend with you.” Ash suddenly seemed to remember something. Reaching inside his bag he removed a couple of Pokeballs. “What about your Pokemon?” Susan paused for a second. She had forgotten about them. “Open the balls” Out exploded a Charmander, Pikachu and the Vulpix. They ran towards, Susan who suddenly was in her human form again. Everyone stared at the girl as she bent down to talk to her Pokemon. At first they were initially excited to see her again but she soon explained to them that she couldn’t be with them anymore. They started to fight with her about this but she silenced them. “I’m sorry but you have no choice. I cannot put you three in any danger. Anyway I’m not a Pokemon trainer any more.” They were silent at this, but also unable to keep their disappointment from her and moved forward to clutch at her in the hope that she might change her mind. She started to speak to them again in a low voice, “I’ll let you guys make the decision. You can either go free or go back to Prof Oaks.” It didn’t take too long for the Vulpix to makes its decision. Turning tail it ran off it the direction of the woods. The other two took longer to decide. After a last forlorn look at her they started to talk to each other. The humans and their Pokemon could feel their sorrow, to split a Pokemon from its master was one of the worst things a trainer and a Pokemon could go through. The Pokemon edged closer to their masters as if in the fear that they might be split too. Although Susan was back in human form her face was still expressionless. From her expression it seemed that she didn’t care at all about the split. Of course for Susan their parting did cause her pain but she also knew it was something, which had to be done. At the moment she still didn’t fully understand herself or what she was capable of. And she also knew that anyone connected with her was in danger, either from humans or the Darkens. The two Pokemon finally looked up at her. “We’ll go free, maybe we can see you sometime again.” They said to her in their Pokemon speak. Reaching down and hugging them she whispered to them her thanks at their loyalty and power and that one-day she would see them again. And then she reverted back to her Mew form, gave one last wave and walked out into the enveloping gloom. For a long while their was silence and then Susan’s Pokemon walked away, still shocked that their master was Pokemon and that she was gone from their lives. The next day everyone split up, Ash and the others heading back toward Mt Moon where the adventure had all started and Joe and the girls also headed their separate ways, heads still full of the scenes they had seen over the last couple of weeks and especially that night. Susan headed north after a short rest. Suiceene- Here is another chapter after that long wait. The next chapter will probably take a long time to be put up.