Do Mews make good fighters? Discalimer- The Shadow Gang do not belong to me. They belong to Chrissie Chimeria. Pokemon do not belong to me I wish they did but they don't. The S.A.S don't belong to me either. Practically nothing does. At least the character is mine, but she is in a Pokemon body so she doesn't really belong to me. There was a large red flash, which faded to reveal the large heavy mass of the Graveler. It roared at the sky before turning its glance back to its opponent. Susan remained still with her paws crossed across her chest. Her eyes betrayed no emotion as she stared at rocky mass in front of her. “Rocky, tackle attack!” its climber trainer called out. Slowly at first, the large Pokemon started to heave its legs forward. But as it closed the distance between them its speed began to increase until like an unstoppable force of nature it crashed towards her, the ground splitting beneath it. Seconds before it hit the small cat Susan suddenly acted. Releasing her tensed leg muscles she leapt forward, arm outstretched. As she passed over his shoulder her arm cracked into the forehead of the Graveler. Ignoring her screaming paw, she turned and was able to land on her four paws facing the rocky giant. Seconds later it fell back into the ground causing it to shake violently. Sticking out both paws Susan started to concentrate on the prone Pokemon in front of her. Ignoring its feeble attempts to get to its feet she concentrated on the air around it. The air started to crackle with as its became empowered by her physic power. A wind blew past Susan ruffling her fur slightly. With a sharp movement she moved one paw up. With a speed, which belied its weight, the Graveler shot upwards. Its trainer watched helpless as the Pokemon twitched high up in the air. He tried to call out to it in the hope that it could somehow regain control of its body. The fight would be over soon. “Go now!” Turning her head towards the noise Susan watched as three Poke balls simultaneously exploded. She had been too careless she suddenly realised, she had forgot to keep sensing around her. Three new trainers stared down at her, standing behind a Gengar, Arcanine and a Rapidash. Releasing her control over the Graveler she turned to face the new threat, trying to contain her feelings of anger. They dared try and ambush her did they? The two fire Pokemon started to sprint toward her at speeds, which were renowned in the Pokemon world. The dog’s teeth were slavering while there was a wild look in the fire horse’s eyes and its dark hooves seemed to glint with a dark light. The ghost Pokemon seemed to disappear into the air. Containing her anger, she instead concentrated her energy into her paws. The time for finesse was gone, it time to show these trainers some real power. Just before the fire Pokemon closed to within striking distance, she aimed both paws at them and shot out all the energy she had concentrated. The two large green physic beams smashed into the running Pokemon and threw them back. Closing her eyes, Susan spread out the large physic web trying to find the ghost Pokemon. She finally found him high above her, preparing some kind of attack. Keeping her eyes closed Susan concentrated flew upwards. Jerking sideways as he threw his attack she concentrated her own attack, and as she flew above him blasted it downwards into him. He gave a loud cry before falling to the ground. Turning in the air Susan started to accelerate downwards. Far below her she could see the Rapidash struggling to get to its feet. Powering up her tail she arched it above her head before striking it down as she landed on the back of the Rapidash. The pure white skin was suddenly dark with blood. As the horse collapsed below her she swung round to face the large fire dog. Before she could attack it was drawn into its Pokeball, as well as the Rapidash and the Gengar. She then turned to their three trainers, “Next time you ambush me I might not be so forgiving. Leave now.” The three turned their backs immediately and ran off into the surrounding woods. The other trainer with the Graveler had already left to get his Pokemon healed. Susan made her way out of the clearing and back into the forest. She had been in the northern forests for a couple of weeks so far and she was planning to move away again. A couple of months had passed since she had parted with Ash and the others and during that period she had moved regularly. Word soon started to spread after she beat a couple of trainers and so she was forced to move in case of the Darken. She knew that fighting the most powerful trainers in each area was too high profile to keep her hidden but she felt that the risk was worth for with each fight she could understand her body and her power better. But even so she still felt she wasn’t good enough to take on the Darken. The memories of how they had ripped her apart were still too clear in her memory. With their ability to nullify all physic power they were though foes, considering that a Mew’s main power came from her physic power. As she trained Susan had discovered if she concentrated on her enemy with her mind she could sometimes discover what their next move would be. This ability however was much more effective if she could maintain contact with her enemy, so much so that she could see whatever was in his mind. Her physic power also allowed her to fly and move objects with her mind. Finally she could compress her power into pure energy which she could shoot at her opponents and which she found was quite effective. However useful her new powers were however she was under no illusions how effective they would be against the Darken. If Team Rocket though or any other humans went after her she would be ready for them. Bullets or bombs would be no use when she could stop them with her mind and throw them back against them. Pokemon would be little use either when she could stop the Pokeball’s opening. But there was one Pokemon on Team Rockets side which could match her , her brother, Mewtwo. She half wished they would throw him after her though. There were a number of things she wanted to talk to him about and though he was working for her enemies she couldn’t think of him as her enemy. Though his DNA might have been mutated he was still her brother. While thinking about him and the Darkens she had been moving through different bushes collecting different leaves and fruits. Though her claws, tail and teeth might have convinced some otherwise Mews were strictly vegetarian. She finally moved to a clearing carrying the fruits of her labour on her back. Sitting down on the ground she started to take the different materials and roll them together between her paws. The two meals she ate every day were the highlight of Pink’s life. Though her two sisters found meals tedious, something that had to be done every day, the younger sister loved the production of the meals and always wanted to add new materials or plants to see what it would taste like. By the time they were finished the sun had started to set and the animals of the night started to rise. Mews didn’t really care if it was night or day, they lived in both. But she lived mainly in daytime, principally because that was when she could find the most trainers and also because she was used to rising in the light from her time as a human. As she finally finished her meal she decided that she would leave the woods the next day. After the failed ambush word was bound to spread. For obvious reasons Mews kept to the shadows, only revealing ourselves when it was really necessary. Of course because she didn’t keep to this she had to keep moving. As shadows started to extend around her she padded across to the small stream, which ran close to the three, in which she was living. As she lowered her head to the ice cold water she heard something. Raising her head she focused her ears in the direction of the sound. There was complete silence, very unusual for a forest at night, before it was suddenly broken by a shrill scream. Susan fought to quell the anger growing inside her. There was some trainer or trainers out there hurting some Pokemon. Though she regarded wild Pokemon as weak she still preferred them to trainers. Which is strange, she suddenly thought, not so long ago I was a trainer. Susan didn’t answer and instead started to move off toward the noise. She would teach the trainer a lesson, wild Pokemon don’t like being picked on by trainers. As she neared the disturbance it started to grow in volume, the trainer must be closing in on the kill. She suddenly stopped as she came to the last bush, which separated her from the clearing in which the noises were coming from. A wave of nausea had suddenly rolled over her. An idea had suddenly occurred to her and she didn’t like it. How could they have got here so quick, she thought as she moved past the bush. The sight before her was just as she had feared. Four Darken had surrounded a Drowsie and were hitting between them, making tiny cuts in its skin, prolonging its pain. She was struck with a sudden urge to flee, to leave before they saw her. She tried to ignore that train of thought and instead concentrated to try and see if there was any others close by. Only four, could she take four of them? Of course she could, she rebuked herself, her power had increased since the last time they had met. If she attacked thought that could be her between them. She knew exactly how painful each slice of their claws would be. Shaking her head slightly she tried to get rid of the images of them biting into her. These monsters have an advantage against me but that didn’t matter. She was a Mew and these monsters were attacking a wild Pokemon, she was there protector! Focusing her power inside her, she focused her eyes on her enemies. She would show them that she was no prey to be hunted down. Tensing her leg muscles she threw herself forward. The Darken closest to her had pulled his front paw back to strike the Drowsie. Just before he did so her foot struck into the back of his head, smashing his face into the ground. Reaching for the Drowsie she pushed him toward the dubious safety of the woods before turning back toward the three other Darken. Their eyes were wide with surprise, which changed to looks of glee when they recognised her. So they thought they finally got their prey did they, she would demonstrate her power to them now! Issuing a loud snarl she threw herself forward with all her power. Smashing the middle Darken with a head-butt she then threw her paw into his belly before kicking him into a nearby tree. One of the Darken beside her started to strike at her, but she turned and hit his paws away before starting to attack him with a fury that she didn’t know she had inside her. All her shame that they had beat her, the anger that drove her to train harder and harder, and the anger at her fear of them. As he fell back, face and chest bleeding she leapt into the air, before rolling and coming down on his back, slicing her tail between his shoulder blades. A dark blast struck her as she stood on his back and threw her to the ground. Rolling immediately she jumped to avoid the next blast, and while in the air she focused on her opponent out of the two remaining standing Darken. Landing in front of him, she dodged his attack, and slashed his face with her tail. He tried to cover his face with a paw so she cracked her leg into his chest before slashing at his exposed underbelly. Hearing the Darken seconds before it hit, she rolled back and kicked her foot out, ramming him in the face. He was thrown to the ground as she swung her other foot in a wide arc around her, finally hitting him again in the face. As she stood she was bearly able to dodge a dark blast. Looking up she saw the Darken leader enter the clearing, looking bigger than he had before. She stared up at me, her large green eyes defiant. For a creature so small and soft looking she was not someone you could disregard. She was definitely not as weak as some of the other Darken had started to believe. You only had to see how she had dealt with the four other Darken. Well she would pay for what she had done to my brothers and to Dr Mhuy. His name brought back the memories and thus charged I leapt toward her. Rolling away from my opening strike she raised a paw and blocked my second attack. She then struck at me with her tail before spinning around my next attack, drawing blood on my flank. I slashed at her and managed to open a long gash along her back but she rolled away before I could strike her again. Now separated we began to circle each other slowly both looking for a suitable opening to start an attack. There was a fluidity and grace in her movements, which belied the power contained behind each paw. The power and the grace combined to create a strange beauty in her fighting style. She made the fighting look like an art form rather than a brutal struggle of power. I shook myself suddenly, what was I thinking? This was my enemy, the one who had brutally murdered our creator! The energy inside me seemed to suddenly explode out creating a black aura around me. Lancing forward I slammed my paw down at her. In the same movement she had brought her paws up in a block. As our paws connected I felt sure than she should give way but to my surprise she held firm. For a couple of seconds we both held that position both struggling to push the other back, neither gaining the advantage. We were broken suddenly apart as black energy slammed into her throwing her away. As she got to her paws the other Darken slowly surrounded her. But before they leapt forward for the kill she flew up into the air. As my brothers fired upon her, she spun in the air before grabbing the Drowsie we had been going to eat, and taking off into the open sky. We tried to follow her but the trees were too thick and she soon lost us. As we made our way back through the forest, toward the Hypno we had killed earlier, I thought about her. She would move again, that was certain but where to this time? We would eventually get her, she couldn’t run forever. After depositing the Drowsie far enough away from the Darken to ensure his safety Susan flew on during the night. She flew low enough over the woods so that it would be hard to pick her out from the air or the ground. Her recent encounter had again shown the power of the Darken. Against three or four she could perhaps defeat them but only as long as their leader wasn’t one of them. He could perhaps come close to her in strength. Blue commented And then what, Susan thought. It was the unanswered question, which had been plaguing both of them. Since Pink’s outburst neither had felt right about killing. They knew her words were true, that Mews did not kill. But what would they do if the opportunity to kill a Darken ever came up again? The Darken were not going to go away, they were going to continue to hunt her until they eventually were able to get her. Should she strike back and try to kill some of them, to decrease their number until she was able to face them openly. Could she live with herself if she did start to kill? Or much worse, if she actually enjoyed the killing? Already she knew that she loved to fight, enjoyed taking on different opponents. If she started to kill the Darkens would she eventually start to kill the other competitors who she fought? Could killing the Darken be start of a series of mistakes that would leave her a black and cold monster, no better than the Darken themselves? She also had think of her little sister who was still pure and good. She had a responsibility to look after her, to prevent her from being tainted like Blue and her. She sighed to herself as she flew silently over the dark forest, a wind blowing through the leaves. She couldn’t take the risk; she would have to keep running. Perhaps something waited for her in the future, which could help her. Perhaps if she got so powerful that she could defeat all of them at the same time they might leave her alone and look for easier prey. Perhaps, she thought to herself, but very unlikely. Unless something drastic happens she knew that she would spend a long portion of her life staring over her shoulder for them. A dark malevolent force, which would follow her everywhere, she went, forcing her to move from area to area, a wanderer all her life. < Nice depressing thoughts. You know as well as I do that we would move from place to place anyway. Mews have always lived like that. After another couple of hours flying she had almost reached the end of the forest and so just as dawns light started to split the sky she landed one the branch of a tall tree and curled herself up in the gap between it and the trunk of the tree. A couple of days travel later she finally left the cold northern forests and started to make her way south. Instead of making her way toward the populated west, she headed east. While the western lands were well irrigated and of temperate temperatures, which supported life well, the east was more barren, some of the land was completely desert. There were only three large cities in the east and while there were a couple of towns clustered around them there was little civilisation elsewhere. Susan wasn’t sure why she decided to go towards the east. Being less populated it meant there was less chance of word spreading that a Mew was in the area. But that didn’t explain the strange feeling of being drawn into the desert. As she got closer the feeling got stronger there was somewhere she had to go, somewhere in the middle of the desert. Neither Susan nor Blue could remember anytime when they had been anywhere near this area, why then were they drawn to a certain area? Even though both the twins held misgivings they ventured on. The ground started to become more and more loose until it finally became sand. When the river they had been following disappeared into the ground they took some supplies of it with them, knowing that water could be hard to come across later on. By the end of the second day Susan wasn’t sure why she kept going. Sand was stuck in her fur and the heat was oppressive. She was just considering turning round when she finally saw it. The clump of rocks sticking out of the ground didn’t look impressive. But just by looking at it Susan knew this was the place she was looking for, she could feel it. Ignoring the hunger pains she flew on to get a better sight of the rocks. As she gained height she noticed for the first time the huge gouges in the earth. They had been filled in with sand but she could see their size, so deep were they. She couldn’t see how they could have been formed, there were no volcanoes or mountains nearby and she couldn’t see how he ice caps could have stretched this far. As she stared at them a faint memory of clouds and something about a fight came to her memory but as she tried to concentrate on these, the memories slipped away. After circling the area a couple of times, she couldn’t see or sense any danger so she landed near the rocks. As she came close to them she could see in the middle of one was a opening. All around the opening were strange symbols, which she didn’t recognise. As she reached out a paw to touch one of them a jolt seemed to run through her body and she jerked back, a voice in her head. Danger, go away! Tentatively she tried touching another symbol, and got the same result. For a second she wondered if she should take the advice of the messages. But the feeling of something important inside the rocks was too strong. She felt she had to see it, no matter if it was dangerous or not. So after one last suspicious glance at the strange symbols she walked through the gap in the rock. After pausing to let her eyes adjust in the darkness she noticed a long flight of stairs roughly hewn out of the rock. She slowly moved down these, which ended at a wall covered in the same symbols. After walking up and down for a couple of seconds looking for an opening she finally smashed her foot into it and watched as it fell on the ground. After climbing over it she found herself in front of a door. As she neared it a voice echoed in her head. “Go back, go back. This is your last chance. Any farther and you will bring death and destruction upon the world!” Suiceene- Here is another chapter after that long wait. The next chapter will probably take a long time to be put up. I hope you liked the other perspective, from the Darken leader this time so please can you review