Do Mews make good fighters? Discalimer- The Shadow Gang do not belong to me. They belong to Chrissie Chimeria. Pokemon do not belong to me I wish they did but they don't. The S.A.S don't belong to me either. Practically nothing does. At least the character is mine, but she is in a Pokemon body so she doesn't really belong to me. A day had passed since Susan had awoken inside the tiny underground room battered and bleeding. She had slowly made her way to the surface but the heat off the sand was unbearable and she hadn’t the energy to fly. So she was forced to retreat back underground where it was cooler and dark but even these were not able to stave off a headache which pounded at her relentlessly. She found that she was unable to sit still for long periods, instead she walked restlessly in the dark confines trying to distract herself. It had sounded ridiculously simple. Just let go and the pain and become pure, as if she was able to forget vast portions of her life. How could she forget when her near perfect memory remembered everything, every sound, every sight and everything she felt. It was the bane of a physic, their brains were powerful muscles instead of recalcitrant organs which were only asked to complete the most menial of tasks. How could she forget when those memories dominated her dreams. Every couple of nights Susan’s memory which she had been able to forget for a couple for a couple of years came flooding back with new visions of the past. Susan and Blue dreamt the same dreams and many nights they awoke suddenly startled out of a dream which was startlingly real. But much worse was when the dreams were not past visions. Every so often their dreams changed drastically, they had the power, not the scientists. They poked, they prodded, they cut, they slashed, they destroyed! These dreams were lit with the violent red lights of rage and revenge. And they always ended the same way. Suddenly they were detached from their bodies, they watched as their bodies ripped through the labs, pink skin suddenly blotted out the dark red of spilt blood. Every so often they could hear a roar issue from the mouths of their bodies. It was a cry charged with rage, and violent desire, a desire for revenge, a desire to hurt and destroy. Just before the nightmare ended their bodies always turned round to stare at them eye to eye. And the frightening thing was their bodies had suffered no change, there was no daemon inside their bodies, it was just their own face staring back. That was the point they always woke suddenly, their first movement to stare down at their paws to see if they were indeed covered in blood. For they both knew the nightmare could happen. At moments of extreme emotion they had felt it, the dark tug of evil, the willingness to let anger and revenge control them. Pink knew little detail about her sisters feelings- they both largely hid these from their sister. But she was aware that both sisters often woke simultaneously deeply afraid of something. While to her sisters the world was complicated Pink viewed it very simply. She was aware of what she viewed as bad feelings in the same way that Pokemon viewed the stars, she was aware that those feelings existed but they were so detached from her that she never really thought about them. She enjoyed life, loved waking up every morning to view the sights and sounds around her. She was curious about everything, there was so much she didn’t know and wanted to see. She knew she didn’t have her own body and very rarely was she able to see and smell and touch what she wanted but she didn’t mind. Regret was a feeling she didn’t know existed and so she didn’t mind sharing her sisters body. But while her mind was innocent and pure she was not stupid. She understood that the daemons had to be stopped and that they had to stop them but she also agreed with what the curious beings had said. Her sisters needed purity and not just so they could defeat this new threat. They needed to accept their lives as they were and stop having bad thoughts. Aware that her sisters couldn’t do this by themselves she started for one of the first times in her life to plan ahead She waited until they had stopped pacing for a minute and were sitting on the ground to speak. she said suddenly snapping the other two from their own thoughts. both twins replied unaware of what their sister had been thinking. she replied simply. < That’s why I’m going to help. > Both sisters were silent thinking over her words. Ever since the beings had spoken to them in the dream they had known that at some point they were going to have to do something to try and purify themselves. But what could they do that wouldn’t make the whole thing worse? The feelings inside them couldn’t be removed as if they were a tumour, they were there and they would always be there. Even so the two knew that they had to try. It was inevitable. They had felt the power of the daemons and they knew what kind of destruction that unchecked power could cause. And deep down both also held a small spark of hope that perhaps they could cleanse themselves. It would mean no more nightmares, it would end the scary belief that perhaps they might someday turn into these monsters. So sitting down in the centre of the sandy floor of one of the rooms Susan closed her eyes. Pink’s voice was quiet but insistent. For a second Susan and Blue hesitated. They didn’t want to show the images to Pink, that was the reason they told themselves but deep down they both knew the real reason was fear. It was embarrassing to them, that they were scared to show the images, it wasn’t a fear that they could explain, a deep down knot of fear inside them. But the hesitation was only for a moment. Concentrating they opened their minds up conjuring the memories up. As Pink watched the memories slide by, showing day after day of experimentation, pain and suffering, she was only conscious of pity for her sisters. She felt none of the heated feelings that her sisters felt. Even though the scenes had been replayed so many times in their head Pink could still feel the raw emotion coming from her sisters. Pink watched until she had felt she had seen enough and she communicated such to her sisters. There was silence for a while as Pink considered what she had seen. Owing to her confusion about the feelings her sisters were feeling she wasn’t sure what to do. She felt like comforting them but she was dimly aware that this might not be the best thing to do. Confused she tried to think what she would do in their place. But what bad thing had ever happened to her in her life? It was then that she thought about the Darken’s. They were evil and they had done bad things to her. As she remembered back she knew her sisters didn’t feel the same way as her. They had once tried to kill a Darken. So why did she feel different than them? Why didn’t she feel bad things about the Darken? She concentrated harder as she tried to think back. An image of a Darken appeared in her mind and she thought about how she felt about it. It was then that she realised that she felt sorry for the Darken. Venturing further back into her mind she realised that she had forgiven that Darken for what they had done almost immediately and that she felt sorry that they couldn’t be free like her. Her sisters must do the same, she decided. As Pink spoke to them Susan and Blue were shook from the relaxation they had felt as they had connected with Pink’s mind. Her attitude while watching the images had calmed them, it was good to feel something other than the raw feelings they had both felt when the other twin had remembered the scenes. But they were both shocked from these relaxed feelings as Pink spoke to them. There was silence for a moment before Pink went on. Susan’s first reaction was anger, how could she forgive them when they had hurt her so much? Couldn’t Pink see that hating them was her one way of getting revenge on them? And that hate was innocent, it wasn’t as if she was ever going to do anything….. She suddenly stopped realising the falseness in her words. It didn’t matter if they weren’t going to act on their feelings, their feelings were still eating them up inside. Perhaps Pink was right, but even if she was it didn’t change matters. She couldn’t forgive them, she hated them all so much…. It was then for the first time that she grasped how much she really did hate them. Pink waited patiently for one of the two to speak. She had felt the flurry of emotion that had swept through both as she had spoke her last words and she had been glad that neither had said anything immediately for she would have had to explain again. And then the emotions seemed to die suddenly in both at almost the same instinct. There was another long pause before Blue spoke with a strangely subdued voice. There was another long pause. If they refused now, the bad would never go, Pink knew this with a strange certainty. They need to at least try and forgive, she thought, if they couldn’t do that then the evil had too strong a hold on them. The twins spoke next in one voice, uncertainty tangible in the very words they spoke. But as Pink listened, more to the feelings behind the words than the words themselves, there was still hope in their words. Pink felt her heart swell with love for her sisters as she realised that they were going to try. She longed to show somehow these feelings to her sisters, how proud she was that they could still forgive, but she held back again. And then slowly they three minds entered the memories once more viewing them as one. The first face which came to them was the face of the Doctor in charge of them. One particular memory flashed in front of their minds. His face suddenly appeared through the wire mesh of their box. The mesh suddenly disappeared and was replaced by a white plastic hand. She tried to shy away but there was nowhere to go. The hand closed around my back and rear legs and pulled me out in the bright artificial light. Frightened and dazed I curled myself into a small ball. But as I waited nothing bad happened. Then suddenly I felt warm fingers stroke my fur. A voice was speaking, I didn’t understand it but it was soothing and soft and as I listened to it I felt myself relax. Slowly I uncurled myself. After a little while the stroking stopped and I saw something descend toward my lips. As it touched my lips I felt something wet slide from it- Milk! I started to suckle it feeling warm and contented as the milk entered my body. As I continued to drink I heard another person enter the lab. “I wish you would stop teasing it.” The voice was cold and feminine. The man who was carrying me started to laugh. “Its amazing how it keeps trusting me again and again. All I have to do is act nice to it and it loves me again. You really are stupid aren’t you” he said turning his face down toward me with a friendly smile. My mouth spread wide in a big happy smile up to him. “Stop messing around, we have some tests to complete.” The rubber teat was removed from my lips and I was placed on a table. Still contented I kept still while the scientists stuck different tabs with wires attached to my skin. I smiled up at the two scientists but their heads were turned away from mine. They left the room without turning back to look at me. For a couple of seconds I lay alone in the room waiting for someone to come back. Suddenly I jerked forward my leg screaming in sudden pain. It felt like my leg was being ripped off. It stopped as suddenly as it had began leaving my leg shaking. I started to look around when I was struck again in the back. My legs gave way and I convulsed on the table as the pain ripped through my back. Instead of stopping it was joined suddenly but a jolt of pain through my arm. I was jerking about on the table trying to escape the spikes of pain as they spread out through my body, sometimes only lasting a few seconds but they were always replaced by a jolt of pain in another part of my body. I could think of nothing but the grasping sharp spikes of pain which sent me from side to side, jerking my body this way and that way, any direction to try and escape the pain. I wasn’t sure when I started to scream but it made no difference. I couldn’t drown out the pain with my screams, nor did they release any of the pain. The pain didn’t stop when the electric shocks did. It started instead to fade slowly until it was only a dull thudding pain. My body though did continue to spasm and jerk. When I did finally open my eyes I could see two blurry white shapes above me. Mewing softly I reached out a paw toward one wanting some comfort. Hands gripped by sides and yanked me upward, not gentile like before but rough and hard. The face of the man materialised before my and I reached out toward him again but as I reached the back of his hand hit me hard across the face. As I reeled back I felt his hands loosen and I had a brief period of weightlessness before I hit into the ground with a sickening thud. A moan escaped from my lips as I lay on the floor waves of pain striking me filling me with nausea. I could hear a dim voice up high above me “I hate pathetic creatures.” “Its best not to get involved with the test subjects.” replied the cool prim female voice. I was unaware I was being lifted again until I saw his face only a couple of centimetres away from mine. “Strike me, come on strike me!” I stared back into his eyes scared and confused, he was nice earlier… “See even after all that it wont strike me, it’s a scared pathetic baby. I was moved away from his face and thrown into my box again. There was a silence again as the three minds reflected again on what they had seen. Pink was silent this time, her two sisters knew what they had to do. The silence was finally broken by Susan. Susan and Blue made no response. They couldn't without shouting back at their sister. It was ok to say it but how could they ever feel anything for the doctor except hate. He had done so much to them, they had been helpless then but now they had power. No longer could they feel helpless with him. Blue suddenly interjected. Susan made no reply, she was busy thinking over his face again and again, remembering his every connection to them. It was then that she realised the significance of her sisters words. “He’s not that important” she had built him up in her mind as a daemon. She had concentrated on his every action to her and hated him for everything. He was just a simple human, just one human. He was just one human and not a significantly evil one. He was just a simple human… There was nothing that bad in his actions, he was just an uncaring human. He didn’t do what he did because of a personal challenge to her, he just didn’t care about her. He was unworthy of her hate… Despite these thoughts it was still a shock to her to find that she no longer cared about him. She had realised the simple truth about him, had seen past the delusions about him which she had built up. She took a deep breath. Suddenly she felt tired, thinking back had been tiring but she knew she couldn’t just stop now, there were many more daemons in her closet many more faces with haunted her. When she awoke she felt calmer than she had felt for a long time and at peace with herself. She could feel the purity of calm thought in her mind, no longer did the dark voices shout up at her. But even though her mind had been cleaned of its hate she knew she wasn’t completely pure. She would never be, could never recapture the innocence which had been lost long ago. She still knew anger and its sister emotions but she felt that they no longer controlled her. She looked down to see that her body seemed to mirror the feelings inside her, it was clean and pink. The wounds were all healed. She had obviously been sleeping for a long while. It was time to face the daemon again. As she launched into the air, finally out of the damp and stuffy air, she began to feel worried about what the daemons would have done while she was down in the cave. Though desert stretched all around the cave, it wasn’t too far to some human civilisation. She closed her eyes and started to concentrate, trying to remember what the daemons had sensed like, spreading her own senses out. It seemed the spirits which had spoken to her were right, she could now sense them in two different places. The one closest to her was surrounded by many other spirits. It must be in a city, or very near one. Not stopping to think any further she concentrated her power and shot forward faster than she had ever moved before. As she went on her speed increased as she unlocked more and more of the power inside her until she was at her maximum. But she was still moving too slow for liking. Every minute she spent flying gave the daemon chance to kill more and more life. Finally she began to notice civilisation start to form beneath her around the dark blue river. As she flew the water seemed to part beneath her creating a wave behind her. But she paid little attention to this, she was now concentrating on the smoke which was filling the air in the distance. She no longer needed to concentrate to feel the daemon, she could feel it clearly as if it was just beside her. As the buildings started to reach for the sky she finally saw him. His back was turned but he had already started to turn. By the time she had landed on a building a little away from where it was floating, it had already turned. She could see it clearly now, looking the same as before except it was dark blue and black. It dropped the decapitated body of a human to the ground and continued to stare. She noticed absently that there was no blood on it, even where it had been holding the human. As she continued to stare at it she realised that she didn’t hate it either. Even after what she had just seen it do, it was just doing what it thought was right. She knew she would have to destroy it and was gratified to feel herself calm while she stared at it. The daemons feelings were beginning to change- it projected them clearly. It had started by staring at her with delighted surprise but she could feel anger start to flood through it. Obviously it didn’t like her new change, she thought with a small smile. Suddenly it threw itself forward striking with one of its limbs which was already pointed. Waiting till the last second she leapt upwards and smashed her foot into its face. She was surprised to see it thrown back to the ground but it was on its feet immediately launching its spikes towards her. Twisting easily she avoided these, amazed that she could. Splitting in two had really split its strength and speed. Even so it wasn’t so much weaker than her, something she realised as it speared forward again nicking her in the side. She felt the joy in it even as she replied with a punch to his gut and as he doubled over his face a mask of surprise she twisted round smashing her foot into his back sending her crashing down through the flat roof of the high rise building. It fell about half way down before it was able to recover and fly back up through the hole it had created to land back on the roof again a couple of paces away from her. She could feel its surprise all anew and its anger also building. It can’t understand why I didn’t get angry when it hurt me, she realised. But while she was thinking this it had sprung forward again stabbing at her, she couldn’t afford not to concentrate if though she was stronger than it. Leaping back as fast as she could she thrust her paws out in front of her shooting a large physic attack into him which exploded him backward. Seizing her advantage she smashed her knee into its face before shooting another large attack into it sending it crashing down toward the ground. Flying down after it as quick as she could she caught it in the head with her foot just as it recovered above the ground which sent it smashing down beneath it. With a roar it sprang upward only to be launched sideways into another building. She landed on the ground and pushed her paws out in front of her and began to concentrate physic power between her paws. While the attack concentrated she focused on the building which she had sent the daemon crashing into. It suddenly exploded orange fire blasting out in every direction. In the centre of it was a black shape which hurtled toward her. Too mad with rage to focus on what was happening in front of it, it flew straight toward. Feeling perfectly calm if a little excited Susan watched it coming toward her. Waiting until it was just beyond striking distance she threw the huge beam of physic energy into it making it come to a complete stop. At first both seemed balanced, it pushing against her beam but as more of her concentrated power came into the attack it started to be pushed back. Screaming with rage it strained and pushed but it couldn’t take power from her attack and so kept being pushed back. As Susan watched it she noticed that its outline had started to fade. Suddenly realising what this meant she reached deep inside her for more power. The beam started to weaken as she drained power from it as well and the daemon started the move forward again, its scream now one of triumph. Finally stopping the beam she pushed all the energy she had gathered between her paws to form a ball almost as big as she was. Arching forward the daemon shot toward her again, an arm outstretched. When the ball cannoned into it, it exploded immediately. Against the glare of the explosion she caught one last glimpse of it. When the smoke finally cleared there was no trace of it. As she tried to catch her breath she tried to concentrate on the next one. When she found it, it was surrounded by nothing. That couldn’t be right, she thought, nowhere feels that empty. Her mouth opened in surprise as she suddenly realised what this meant. It was fighting the Darken!? Suiceene- Here is another chapter after that long wait. The next chapter will probably take a long time to be put up. Most of that chapter dealt with getting rid of the darkness inside Blue and Susan. What did you think about it?