Do Mews make good fighters? Discalimer- The Shadow Gang do not belong to me. They belong to Chrissie Chimeria. Pokemon do not belong to me I wish they did but they don't. The S.A.S don't belong to me either. Practically nothing does. At least the character is mine, but she is in a Pokemon body so she doesn't really belong to me. The small group continued on as the trees slowly shrank and melted into desert. Susan walked ahead of the Darken, who whispers were only dimly heard. Despite trying to concentrate on the fight ahead her mind would keep wandering back to what had passed a number of minutes before. When the Darken leader had struck her, anger had sparked again inside her. For a brief number of seconds she had wanted to destroy him. It seemed she was not able to completely control her feelings after all. As her mind went over the past she wondered again how she had merely shelved the Darken away as enemies of hers. She had never once considered why they chasing her, simply considered how she could avoid them. And now she was walking side by side with them. Everything was happening so quickly- she hadn’t even started to consider what would happen when the Daemons were defeated. I suppose the Darken will do as they said, and kill me, she thought. But that was supposing they all survived this encounter. If even one of them fell to the Daemons it would be all over. And that was why she couldn’t think ahead. At the moment the only important thing was winning this battle, if she tried to plan ahead to try and protect herself it could spell doom to the earth. She only hoped though that the Darken would follow her in this. They desired her flesh, her power. Could they resist stealing her power as she unleashed it against the Daemons? The leader was the one to watch, she knew. The others followed him even if they didn’t agree with him. That was the only reason why they were following her now. Blue questioned out loud as they rose over a dune. was her reply. Raising her head slightly Susan cast out her senses to see pinpoint exactly where the Daemons were. Since the day before they had moved out from the cave and kept changing position. But there had been no big power surge from them yet, and it was her hope that the Daemons were hunting for them. If one decided to go for another body everything was over. A noise behind her alerted her to the Darken leader quickening his pace until he was beside her again. She stared back into his angry, glaring face without changing her expression. But inside she felt herself tighten up, everything concentrating on his every movement. This time she would be ready if he made any sudden moves. It was clear to see he was barely able to contain his anger at the moment. One wrong word and he might just decide to take it out on her. “How much longer is this going to take?” he growled at her. Pausing a second to quell her urge to snap back at him, she answered in a level voice “Not much longer now. Soon you will have to start raising your powers up again to attract these things back here.” He didn’t bother to reply but fell back to the rest of the Darken leaving her alone at the head of the group. For the next couple of minute’s silence descended over the party except for the occasional growl between the Darken. Susan was fully occupied in trying to rein her feelings back in. She couldn’t afford to let angry thoughts distract her; she had to forgive the Darken. For a second she wondered what it would be like to be a Darken, able to wear your feelings on your sleeve, not always having to live in a state of perpetual calm. She wasn’t meant to be thinking like this either. Feeling sorry yourself could lead to anger or depression. But her mind was torn from these thoughts when she looked up and saw in front of her the rocks, which marked the opening of the cave. It was strange she thought as she looked at it. The intriguing pull that the place had which had drawn her here in the first place was completely nonexistent now. Thinking back she realised that it must have been the Daemons who had lured her here. It was now her turn to lure them. On the edge of the opening into the earth she focused on the power within her, boosting up her power. As she turned round to look at the Darken she noted a few hungry stares at her ignoring these she caught the eye of the Darken leader. Almost grudgingly he boosted his power up. “We’ll descend into this cave to wait for them. I paid little attention to my surroundings as I descended down into the cave. Instead I was pouring over every scrap of information in my head concerning Harper, a man I had paid no attention to since I had left the headquarters of the Shadow Gang. It was hard to think about other things at the moment, the Daemons paled completely in significance to Harper, the man who had murdered our creator. It was strange but now looking at the past with my new information little glaring facts emerged, ones, which seemed to point that it was not the Mew who had committed the murder. There was the fight, back in our creators lab when she had defeated one of my brothers and then left him unharmed- refusing to kill him. And then after that when we had found his… body, there had been the smell of man everywhere, a scent that wasn’t Dr Mhuy’s. My limbs started to shake slightly with anger as the scene was replayed in my mind, as I saw again his mutilated body. Black electricity started to spark around me as my anger boiled inside me. I suddenly saw the face of the Mew before me, staring at me with her hard emerald eyes “They still have a bit to go yet. Don’t waste your energy on anger.” At that second I felt like slashing her, how dare she say something like that! My feelings were my own business; she had no idea what I was feeling at this very moment. “I don’t care about them! They are nothing to me!” She stared at me for a second before raising her paw at me. A hazy green fog suddenly shimmered into view between us. After a couple of seconds of green fuzz an image transpired on it. A dark shape that looked like the Daemon was busy throwing dark shapes about with apparent ease. It took another couple of seconds before I recognised them as my fellow Darken. My anger continued to build up inside me as the scene went on before it slowly drifted away. “It didn’t look like it was much of a pushover there. Don’t underestimate it.” Again I barely restrained myself from attacking her. I glared at her for a couple of seconds before she moved away to lie down by one of the walls. After staring after her angrily I started to pace up and down the cave, angry thoughts flitting through my head. It took a while for the anger inside me to simmer down, I was so furious at her, against the Daemons and especially against Harper. But it wasn’t long before I could feel the power of the Daemons again, closing in on us. As I sent my senses out to try and find exactly where they were the Mews words returned to me. And with her words came back memories of my last experience with them. It was so frustrating, I didn’t want to here forced into a fight I wasn’t interested in. I wanted to be out trying to track down Harper. He was all I was interested in at the moment, he had to be killed! Strongly as I felt through, I knew I had to fight the Daemons. And I also knew that I had only been barely able to defeat them last time. Frustrating as it was to me I knew I had to start concentrating on the upcoming battle. Glancing across the cave I saw that the Mew was in the same position as before. Was she planning something? She had better not, I decided. So far she hadn’t really impressed me with her fighting ability, spending more time trying to worm her way out of situations. That was in fact why we were actually here, to help clean up the mess that she had made herself. Even so she obviously had some strength, able to defeat the Daemon she had been fighting single headedly. The image of her the day before came back into my head. She had been so pristine, so singularly unhurt without a scratch. Had she really just come from a battle with one of the Daemons? If so her strength would have to enormous, perhaps even larger than mine. It wasn’t a pleasant thought that if she was so much more powerful it might be difficult to turn on her once the battle was over. She might even destroy one of my brothers and if she did that I couldn’t make my final evolution. I glared across at her incensed by the thought that she could be the one to stop me achieving my final form. Her head suddenly rose and her eyes met mine and as usual they were unreadable. “Are you ready? We have only a few minutes left.” As soon as I understood the meaning of her words I sent out my senses to try and find the Daemons and was shocked to find that they were already by the cave entrance. I had been too caught up in my own thoughts to keep concentrating on the movements of the Darken. Growling to my brothers, I turned towards the opening of the cave, annoyed at myself for being so careless and that I hadn’t had longer to prepare my thoughts. My mind was still a whirl of complicated thoughts concerning Harper, and the Mew. Sensing her before I saw her, I felt the Mew take up a stance to my right. Her emotions were strangely calm appreciating that we were on the verge of fighting for our lives. Shaking my head I tried to stop thinking about her. It was time to fight, not to concentrate on my other great enemy. I had turned my head just in time to see the two dark shapes explode out from the darkness of the cave entrance. They seemed to hesitate for a second as if surprised to see us waiting for them and that was when I shot forward, my battle cry sounding aiming at the purple and black mass that had attacked us before. Dodging its opening thrust I slammed into it with all of my strength. Touching the Daemon felt like nothing else I had ever experienced before. It felt icy cold and there was a strange sucking feeling as if it was trying to suck the very insides from me. Looking around me I could see that I was actually inside the Daemon, with the strange purple substance surrounding me, trying to drain me of all life. In vain I struggled against it trying to fight my way out. Suddenly I saw a bright light piercing toward me. Seconds later my body was struck by a powerful explosion. But instead of hurting me I could feel myself regaining lost energy. By the time I landed I had regained most of my strength again. It took a couple of seconds to realise that it had been one of the Mew’s attacks, which had rescued me. Looking round I finally saw her near the ceiling of the cave glaring down at me. “He almost had you that time. Try to…” Her sentence was cut off as the other Daemon suddenly hit her downward. I was about to go after the Daemon that had hit her when the purple and black Daemon raised itself up from the ground. Calling my brothers to me with my mind I told them to concentrate on this Daemon. There was no point attacking the closest or nearest threat. We all had to concentrate on this one Daemon; the Mew seemed to be powerful enough to look after herself. Pushing herself up to her feet Susan was only just able to dodge the long blade of the Daemon as it sliced through the air toward her. Bouncing up into the air to avoid its next attack she thrust her paws outward shooting a large ball of green energy to smack into the Daemon blasting it back a couple of feet. Before it had time to recover she shot forward again already forming balls of energy in her paws. As she drew close to the Daemon a sharp spike suddenly shot out of its formless being which she was only just able to dodge by jinking to the side. As she sped past him she thrust her paws outward shooting the blasts out toward him. The Daemon responded quickly and with a quick movement batted the attacks away from it. The explosions, which shook the cave seconds later, threw her back toward one of the walls. With a sharp crack she slammed into the rock wall before sliding slowly toward the ground. Feeling dizzy she slowly lifted her head just in time to see something black speeding toward her. Seconds later it exploded into her throwing her back into the rocks. Deep under her rocky covering feeling returned to her body, filling her with pain. Gritting her teeth she ignored her screaming limbs and concentrated on the power inside her. Slowly she pushed her power out until it surrounded her in a large semi-circle. Slowly lifting her paws up, she commanded the stones to rise. With little noise the large pointed rocks rose from their former basins in the ground until they floated around her. Feeling the Daemon with her mind, she turned to find it attacking the Daemons. Commanding one angular rock forward she pointed it at the Daemons black mass before shooting it forward. The Daemon made no sound as it was struck and thrown backwards but seconds later started to rise to its feet. Focusing her power Susan started to hurl rock after rock into her enemy. But even though the daemon was hit by the attacks they seemed to have little effect on it. After each attack it would merely rise up once again. Even so she continued until all her ammunition was wasted. As it had done so many times before the Daemon picked itself up from where it had been thrown. For a second it seemed to hesitate as if it expected to be hit again, before suddenly shooting forward toward her. Bending her knee’s Susan cupped her paws by her side and started to concentrate her power. With one narrowed eye she watched as the Daemon closed the distance between them, one of its arms curving as it changed into a long sharp blade. Waiting till the last possible moment Susan teleported. As the Daemon struck forward into loose air she unleashed the large physic beam, which she had been charging into his back. Seconds later an even larger explosion rocked the tiny cave. As the dust cleared Susan was kneeling on the ground trying to catch her breath. Her final attack had taken a lot of energy from inside her. Finally struggling to her feet she turned her head to try and see how the other fight which was progressing. The Darken had surrounded the Daemon and were blasting him from different sides as it grappled with their leader. But even as she watched the Daemon seemed to get the upper hand suddenly catapulting the Darken leader into three or four of the other Darken. As the black bodies struggled on the ground, the Daemons arms lifted above its head and it started to charge some kind of attack. Hesitating for a second Susan looked at the Darken, a memory re-surfacing in her brain of all the pain they had caused to her, all the blood she had spilled because of them, before banishing the memory and launching herself forward toward them. As she flew through the air she concentrated on the depleted power inside her and pushed it out toward her paws. Seconds before she reached the small group a large ball of red glowing energy had formed between the Daemons hand and it had uttered a triumphant scream. Just as its arms had started to throw the large ball downward, she landed on the ground just beside the group of slowly rising Darken. Thrusting both arms out from her body she called upon the energy inside her. Electricity sparked first between her two paws before forming a green barrier shooting out to separate her and the Darken from the Daemon. She just had time to dig her heels into the ground before the Daemon unleashed its attack. As the red ball of energy slammed into her green wall, she was almost shaken to the ground. Biting her lip in grim determination she forced herself to take the strain. It was taking all her strength just to stop the ball from caving her defence in. All the muscles stood out on her small body as she struggled to keep her shield erect. The Daemon uttered another sharp call and its attack seemed to grow. After a few seconds of the new strain Susan could feel herself weakening. Her knee’s started to bend and her vision started to blur. With a shake of her head she tried to make her eyes focus on the Daemon, to concentrate one keeping her physic barrier erect. But her power had started to fail her, the end of her shield had started to taper away and the strain on her chest and arms were beginning to become unbearable. She couldn’t keep this up. Seconds later the ground shook behind her and something through the air only a couple of centimetres from her face. The resulting explosion ripped through her failing shield flinging backward through the air. She lay on her back on the ground staring dazedly up at the cave ceiling, her head and muscles still pounding from her recent exertion and her body screaming with pain. A dark form materialised somewhere over her. For a couple of seconds she just lay there before slowly focusing her vision. The dark form appeared to be that of the Darken leader. “The Daemons are destroyed.” Moving with a painful jerks Susan turned over and made her way to her feet. She felt like just giving up the unequal battle and just leaving her battered frame to lie on the ground but there were things, which had to be done. She felt some satisfaction to see that the Darken were battered and bleeding as well. “Its not over yet.” she whispered nodding toward the alter at the far end of the cave. In the depression in the alter black mist had started to form. Without taking her eyes from the alter Susan padded toward it, unaware that the Darken were following her. Stopping bare inches from the alter she stared at it waiting for some message, waiting for the strange beings to tell her how to destroy the Daemons. As the seconds ticked on the black shapes continued to grow in the middle of the alter. Finally Susan started to grow irritated, what was taking them so long? Finally she realised that they were not going to give her any help. “What are you doing?” the Darken leader demanded, but she ignored him, trying to figure out what she had to do. If she continued to stall the Daemons would reform and this time they couldn’t win. What did she have to do? The strange being had said that she would know, but all she knew was that her power was almost gone and her body was close to collapsing. Casting her mind back she tried to remember how she had released the Daemons in the first place. They had been sealed by some strange silvery gas, she remembered. Something that hurt her to touch and something that had passed on memories to her… The same thought struck Blue and Susan at the same time. Pink stated in a quiet tone. After a couple of seconds of amazed silence Blue and Susan both shot out the same question in one breath she replied putting an emphasis on the ‘they’ to make sure they knew who she was talking about There was another long silence as both sisters analysed the information and realised its full implications. < One of us will have to spend the rest of our lives in that alter > Blue uttered without realising it. All three stared at the black alter with a horrible sinking feeling. One of them would have to stay behind, Susan thought numbly. One of them would never see outside this cave again. Almost at the same time both Susan and Blue had the same thought. both sisters were silent as they considered the awful choice. One of them would breath fresh air again; one would have a body to move about, while the other counted the seconds as she spent the rest of her life beside two Daemons. But that wasn’t the worst of it, Susan knew. The worst would be the separation. They had been together almost all their lives. They had experienced everything together, they thought the same things, they were practically the same person. How could they be separated?? A rush of emotion broke swept up through Susan and she was only just able to stop completely giving into it. It wasn’t fair, why did this have to happen to them! How could she just abandon her twin after everything that had happened?! Blue whispered, her voice quivering with emotion. The same thought then occurred to both at the same time, they shouted at the same time relief breaking through the barriers they had built. Both minds sobbed with relief as they tried to inwardly hug each other, unaware of the tears streaming down their face. Their sobs were the only noises audible for a couple of seconds before Pink spoke up. Ignoring their flustered replies Pink went on. With slow jerky movements, Susan laid her paw on the black material. Things were moving too fast, how could this be happening? How Pink just give up her entire life for them?! She was condemning herself to this black tomb voluntarily. Both attempted to speak but they couldn’t make the words form. There was a long painful pause before Susan suddenly felt her paw start to heat up and her whole body started to shake. Something very strange was going on with the Mew. It was as if she was somewhere else. For the last minute or so she had stayed rigidly still staring forward in the black stone before starting to shake and sob as if she was in great distress. This was no time for her to have a mental breakdown. Already the group of swirling cloud had started to take definite shape. And still the Mew moaned, dripping tears from her vacant green eyes. This was from the cold creature who had never shown any emotion before. What was doing this to her, I wondered. I was half tempted to go and try to awaken her from her stupor but before I could move she suddenly lifted her head and reached out to the alter. “This is it! She’s betraying us!” one of my brothers shouted, leaping forward before I stopped him with a growl. Whatever her problems, the Mew was a fighter. I had recognised that early on, she wouldn’t just give in. Or would she? Was it possible… The Mew’s body suddenly jerked and she let loose a high-pitched scream. A pink light shone round her body, blinding me. As I blinked loud inhuman roars sounded through the cave. I leapt forward trying to make my eyes focus, she had betrayed us! As I bounded towards the alter I hit into something unweilding and fell back. I looked up from the ground with surprise to see the Mew standing there just staring at the black stone. A tear slowly ran down her cheek. I had just risen when green energy exploded round her and she shot upwards into the air straight through the cave ceiling. I stared after her for a few seconds before turning back to the alter. A large pink barrier surrounded the Daemons. Suiceene- Sorry about the long wait but I can't promise it won't be a long time before the next chapter. I hope you enjoyed it anyway.