Do Mews make good fighters? A new chapter up now. I tried to include a fight scene but the plot thickened too much. Its coming up soon I promise. We will soon see who will win. Some people may not like the slight violence in this chapter, nothing too bad. Disclaimer- I do not own Animorphs, Pokemon or Dragonball Z or Escape from New York and L.A.. Other rich people do. Chapter two Inside the Rockets base. The police finally arrived at the camp twenty minutes after Misty phoned. Ash and Brock were just getting up when Officer Jenny rolled in. For once Brock couldn't do anything, as he was so sore. Ash beside him could barely walk straight. "What's happened here?" she said as she stared at Ash and Brock. "It was Team Rocket" Misty explained finally showing herself in pink pajamas. "They attacked here and took Susan and then fled" "Pikachu!" shouted Ash scared. But Pikachu was still there sleeping on Ash's other pokeballs. Brock and Misty's pokeballs where still there and Ash could see Susan's still attached to her belt. "You mean they ignored all the pokemon?" asked Officer in wonder " but why only take one person, when there were three others. How long ago did they leave?" "About twenty minutes ago" "There was no threat to them so why did they leave?" Brock suddenly shouted out "I know" He then explained to Jenny about Susan. "I think that explains why they want her but this still leaves out how we can rescue her" "You don't know where there headquarters are Jenny" asked Misty "No, we've been trying to find that out for years but with no effect. There is some rumour that it is in Viridian but my cousin still hasn't found anything." "Then that's where we will go," said Ash confidently "Are you sure you still want to go, maybe an experiment belongs with its creators" asked Jenny. "An experiment or not she's still my friend" Ash quietly responded. "Anyway" he said his voice rising "I want revenge on Team Rocket" The others agreed their voices rising. "Ok, ok I understand, it was only a question. How do you plan on getting back to Viridian?" Ash looked at the others; they shrugged their shoulders. "Well, eh we, eh hadn't thought about that yet" Officer Jenny smiled "I can get you as far a Pewter city but you will have to walk the rest." "Through the forest again, I thought I'd left it forever" groaned Misty. Susan woke up with a searing pain in her shoulder. It was all a dream, a dream she told her self. She opened her eyes to see a doctor in Team Rocket garb easing the knife out of her shoulder. She also noticed the rough faces of the five Rockets looking on. One of them had his arms completely covered in bandages. This reminded her of the night before. She glanced down at her own arms. They were still long curved blades. Suddenly she heard the cocking of guns. Five gun barrels pointed at her (Thomson couldn't hold a gun.) "Change your hands now, or die" said the female Rocket quietly. Slowly, she was too weak; her arms changed back to normal. Her head fell back in to the aeroplane seat. For the first time she noticed that she was on a plane. The plane was not very large; there were only four rows of seats. She was on a few of the front row seats that had been flattened. She also noticed then that her arms and legs were tied down. The doctor went back to work on her shoulder. A shudder was sent through her body. The doctor had just cut a tendon. The pain was beginning to become unbearable. She was concentrating on not letting one noise out. But the pain was getting too much for her and she passed out again. "Well this is Viridian Ash" snapped Misty "And where do you see Team Rockets Headquarters" Brock was looking around for Nurse Joys or any other pretty girl while the other two fought. Something caught the corner of his eye. He turned to see two dark figures slip round the corner. "Quit it you two. I think I saw Jessie and James" They followed the figures for about half an hour when they finally got out of the city. Soon darkness fell but still the Rockets in front of them went on. Misty was soon falling behind the others. She was so weary she could no longer look in front of her. She was soon just plodding on and on, not caring where she was going. Finally the Rockets stopped. Misty fell to the ground beyond tired. "Why are we… following them anyway." Misty panted. "Well I hope they will lead us to the headquarters" said Brock sitting down laying out his pots and pans. "Its funny for once following them after all the time they followed us" Ash commented laying back into a tree looking down at the hollow in which Team Rocket was camping. "Make sure you light that fire a little away from the ridge, I don't want them seeing us" "I'm too tired to eat" groaned Misty "Ok, make sure you get a good rest." He said looking at both Ash and Misty who were both evidently exhausted "We don't know what time those two will be getting up at" He yawned oh I'm tired he thought. He looked across at the other two. He wasn't surprised to see Ash and Misty already fast asleep. "Well" he said quietly to Pikachu "I won't need any of this stuff." packing the cooking units away. He then lent against the opposite side of the tree Ash was on and went to sleep. Dust clouds were sent upward into the air. The roar of the plane got louder as it neared the ground. As it slowed down on the private runway a large black car rushed out to meet it. Mewtwo stared out, interested for the first time in weeks. He had been with Giovanni for three years now. The first couple of years had been interesting as his armour and strength increased but nowadays there was nothing to look forward to. No pokemon could stand up to him in any way. All the opponents he faced in Giovanni's gym were far too weak for him to contemplate fighting, with even a quarter of his full power. For once though he was interested in Giovanni's new test subject. He had been around enough scientists to be able to read their minds. He was now quite a capable biochemist. He knew enough of the human body to know that its DNA would never accept foreign DNA. The human should have reacted with the DNA to kill the body. No one was strong enough to survive. Some pokemon could, like him for instance could live through the reaction and change but a human? He shook his head. As he watched, the girl was carried out and into the waiting van. Two Rockets ran over and covered the strip with gravel. From what he had seen of the girl and those other Rockets description had told him the same thing. She had complete human dimensions. The only alien aspect of her, was her ability to change form. He wondered what pokemon DNA was she injected with? The scientists had access to Venasaur, Blastoise, Charazord, Nidoqueen, Ditto, Fearow, and some Mew. He would find out soon enough. The next days might prove interesting he thought. He had a hunch that morphing was not her only trick. Pain coursed through her body once more shocking her back awake. One eyelid flicked open. "So she is awake at last" she heard faintly. All she could see was shimmering images. She blinked her eyes and things came back into back into focus. She was in a chair with hands and feet tied. Her head was pounding with a sharp pain and her mouth felt like a strip of sandpaper. Her pyjamas stuck to her body with all the sweat. Two legs appeared in front of her. With a sharp twist she was made look up. In front of her were an assorted group of scientists, the five rockets, and man. He was tall and stocky with a clean- face, which clearly showed his sharp evil features. "Are you Team Rocket?" Susan spat out. "I'll ask the questions here" the tall man retorted. From somewhere behind came a sharp elbow strike to her neck. Her head fell forward only to be caught by the hair and pulled back. She felt dizzy and her head felt like exploding. A sharp slap brought her back to reality. "I'll ask again, are you an alien?" "No, at least I don't think so, why?" " You now know that you can change into any pokemon, with this power you would be valuable to Team Rocket. Will you join us; you could become all powerful next to Mewtwo and me." He waited looking at her, already anticipating her answer. Few people joined up for Team Rocket immediately. That's why the doctors were here. Finally her head looked up "No I won't join. By the way who is…" At a nod from the boss, the operative (the female Rocket of Team H) cracked her hand into Susan's neck knocking her unconscious. She woke up again some time later. Her whole body felt like a punch bag. Her neck had been hit so many times; it felt like a brick had been smashed into it. She wrapped her arms around her knees and stared glumly around her. Her cell was sparse to the extreme. It was completely plain and very small. It wasn't at all like the conventional cell with bars. It was rather like a square cube with a door at one end. She was still rocking forward and backward when 4 Rockets dressed in black entered followed by two scientists. As she got to her feet they drew their guns. Too late she noticed that the guns looked different. A dart struck her in the middle of her tummy. She moved towards the head rocket. He waited expecting her to fall at any minute. He was wondering what was taking so long, when her foot crushed into his groin. He bent over double as her knee crashed into his head. Susan looked up to feel three other darts stick into her. The combined effect of all the tranquillisers was enough to put a Rhyhorn to sleep; needless to say she was down in less than 10 seconds. Two large bright purple eyes stared at her beneath the metal mask. Quite good resistance to sleep, this subject will be interesting to monitor he thought. The next couple of days were hell for Susan. A pattern began to emerge. She would be taken to be tested on twice a day unconscious. When she awoke she would sore in various places. Sometimes she could find where slices of her skin had been taken out. Her only food came to her once a day in the night. Finally she felt she had enough. She had a calm temperament and was very rarely roused to open violence but she was ready to teach Team Rocket a lesson they would not forget in a hurry. She kept her morph slow concentrating on getting the vital bit changed. When the four Rockets entered she had her back to them. "They want you awake for this test. So are you coming quietly?" he smiled "Or will we have to make you come with us" Her back was still turned. He walked up, angry now. "Why don't you…" She swung round and blasted him back against the wall. She took out the other three with a flamethrower. She finished the change into Charmeleon. The claws were awkward to run on but they would have to. She got as far as the second corridor, before the alarm began to siren. She began to randomly pick corridors to try and lose the rockets. As she slip round another corner she came face to face with 10 Rockets. Without a hesitation she charged. She was 6 meters away when the first bullets began to strike her. Ignoring the shattering pain her body lunged forward knocking a few down. The nest minute was slashing claws mixed with fire and the steady repeating noise of crazed machine gun fire. By the time 30 seconds was up nine of the Rockets were left bleeding on the ground. The last Rocket managed to let loose a full round into the yellow stomach of the Charmeleon before falling to the endless flames. The red lizard stumbled forward round the corner before falling to heap on the floor. Susan glanced around feeling the pain of the Charmeleon's body die slowly. Come on she thought I… can't… die like this. M…ust change. As her mind began to blacken an image popped up. The Charmeleon's mouth smiled weakly as she concentrated on the image. Slowly the bright red body changed dark grey. The smooth skin began to roll itself into deep folds. Her spine elongated and her legs became huge and thick. Finally a long horn grew out of her black snout and her head grew and grew. She roared and charged through the corridor with newfound energy. There were five Rockets behind a makeshift wall waited. One was behind a heavy machine gun while the others were all armed with machine guns. The leader whispered to the others around him. "Remember, Johnson says that his team managed to batter her up good so all we have to do is pick up the pieces." They heard a dull thud, which slowly began to become louder. The ground began to shake a bit and then a huge grey blur threw it self round the corner and charged them. They desperately fired all their guns but most of the bullets bounced off. They waited till the last moment to flee but by then it was too late. Two managed to run but the others were caught under Susan's hooves. As she wrenched herself round another corner Susan began to love the Rhyhorn's body. It was slow to start and weighted a couple of tons but when it got up to speed it was all but unstoppable. She rounded another corner to find herself in a wide room. At the end was a steal-enforced door. She smiled; this was probably the door to an important office or it had been the door to an important office. Seconds later she burst through. Inside was huge long room, probably an assembly hall of some sort. There was a group of people in the middle, some Team Rocket some in suits. Giovanni was also there. Every one had turned at the sound and they were all staring at her in disbelief. Some guards tried to come over to her but she smashed her foot into the ground causing an earthquake below the bodyguards. Some to her right managed to dodge and they fired rocket launcher missiles at her. She was too large to miss and all of them hit her directly. A grunt escaped her, these hurt a bit, but they were far from destroying her. She smashed the ground again cracking the ground with her two front hooves sending a cloud of rocks into the soldiers (The Rhyhorn has an amazing ability to sense faults in the earth). She walked over slowly to the large group. "Is it a wild Pokemon?" "Has it run away from a Rocket trainer?" "Why is it attacking us?" Giovanni stepped forward staring at the Rhyhorn "Are you, Susan?" he asked quietly. "What are you doing? It will kill you!" someone behind him shouted. The Rhyhorn's head lowered, pointing towards Giovanni. Inside the brain was turmoil of thought. All the Rockets she had faced were injured not killed. Could she wilfully murder someone in cold blood? The businessmen watched in surprise as the giant rhino stopped in front of the man. Finally after a couple of seconds the great beast moved forward again but this time it was quicker and everyone knew it was going to kill him. The thundering of its hooves was heard all over the room. The distance closed rapidly until it was only a couple of feat. The monster roared as its target closed with it. Suddenly a blue blast crashed into the grey beast rocking it backward. Giovanni didn't even flinch as his life was suddenly saved. Susan gasped in shock as her body fell through the wall. The blast had removed one shoulder and hand-leg. She managed to move out of the debris and look up at the Pokemon. It was tall and slim and completely covered in black metal. Its eyes were bright blue eyes. Suddenly she felt her body floating forward. Mewtwo lifted her up and then charged up his right hand with raw physic power. It then converted this into four little balls. It raised these up in front of Susan. He watched as the Rhyhorn's eyes dilated. Three of them sliced forward into long slim rods of energy. These cut through the gray Pokemon's armored body. Two went through each leg and up through the chest. The other took an upward dive through her stomach and met the forth going through her back. They joined with the other two to explode with a blinding light. When the dust cleared the people saw a shattered Rhyhorn floating in a U shape with its head pointing down, eyes closed. Mewtwo formed another larger ball of energy and pointed this at the unconscious form in front of him. "No Mewtwo don't kill her. My men are not finished with her" As the body dropped to the ground it slowly turned back into the human. "W-what, it's a girl" "Yes, this is one of the things you and your companies are…." Susan groaned. Her whole body felt like it had been crushed by dumptruck. A sting came from her leg. She opened one eye and glanced blearily about her. She was tied on a vertical table by her arms and wrists. There were three or four scientists round he. One of them was inspecting a long slash on her leg. She then checked out the rest who inspecting flashing dials and bright luminous screens. One came up to her and stared long and hard at her before turning away and talking to one of the other scientists. As she watched him she has a vague idea that she had seen him before. They chatted for about a minute before shouting back to the guards "We have all the data needed for the moment. You can take her away now." As the long needle stuck into her arm she began to concentrate on what had happened. Who was that white creature? He was a physic anyway but she was sure that a pokemon couldn't be that powerful. She remembered stories of the legendary Mew but Mew was supposed to be small and delicate. As these thoughts were racing through her brain she noticed the scientists and the two rocket guards all looking at her in wonder. She then realized the knock out serum injected into her was not having any effect on her. She could hear a scientist speaking beside her. "Why is it not having any effect. None has that much resistance. Has this happened before?" he asked one of the guards. He nodded "She has been taking longer and longer to drop off. We are going to have to do it the old fashioned way" He smiled as he cracked her head with the flat of his hand. As every thing went black Susan suddenly remembered the scientist. Ash, Misty, and Brock had been following Jessie and James for two full days. It had been hard trying to keep out of sight and keep them in sight along the hard Viridian landscape. Ash had to leave two Nidorans and one Belsprout behind and he was feeling sorely about them. Misty hadn't washed properly in a long while nor had a proper bed. Both of them laid the blame squarely on Brock who was taking quite well. Brock's throat was sore; they had just finished a large disagreement. In front of them the Rockets had disappeared down a hill. It was getting dark; they would be stopping soon. A dark shape loomed out of the darkness as they crossed over the hill. He heard a gasp from both people behind him. It was huge; one of the biggest mansions he had ever seen. It was surrounded by large forest (this was why none could see it from planes). They all suddenly felt revitalized as they saw the enemy headquarters. The Rockets in front of them had stopped. "Ok" Brock muttered as the others huddled round him "We have about one day and night to plan how to get in there" "What exactly are we planning to do even if we gain entrance." Misty asked. She stared at their faces, which were both dumbstruck. "Well, come on you have to have some plan." Their faces were still blank. She sighed "You two are pathetic." She stared in front of her. Team Rocket was cleaning out their spare uniforms. An idea was forming in her mind. "Brock you are about James size aren't you?" Brock's eyes began widen as he saw what Misty was getting at. "What about their weird hair?" "Don't you remember. A week or so ago they made wigs for themselves, just in case we would ever damage it." "What about Ash?" "I'm sure we could think of something." They both smiled evilly as they turned to their youngest companion. "What are thinking?" His eyes widened "I'm not going as Meowth. You can't make me. I'm not going…" "You have had a week to analyze this latest subject. What are your findings?" There were seven people in the room. Or rather six, as one of them was Mewtwo. Giovanni was there and the officer in charge of the base. The last four were all scientists. They spent their time looking down at their shoes or around the room. "Well?" Giovanni's voice was cold as steel. "Sir, we have ascertained that she is experiment 234. She was fused with a pokemon." The second one spoke up "We have had trouble finding what she was fused with. The police destroyed almost all the files." The security officer spoke up "That's why we sent Team C to get some of the scientists out. Here are the files that they managed to hide. Maybe you can make something out of these. They are all gibberish to us." He handed a thin manila folder over to the scientists. They poured over it for a few minutes before the lead one whistled "Whoa but it can't be this?" There were exclamations from the other three as they reached the same article. "What is it?" "I think we know what she was fused with. And it's not a Ditto as we guessed." "No other Pokemon can morph?" asked Giovanni. "One other can" the cold voice echoed in their heads. Mewtwo had spoken for the first time from his place in the corner "Mew can use transform." "Yes according to this document she is 25% Mew." "What!" "Its impossible" Mewtwo's voice echoed in their heads again. "The human cell is too weak to hold that amount of foreign DNA. They commit suicide if there is more that 0.5% Pokemon DNA. No human is strong enough to hold that for an hour let alone 11 years." A knock was heard on the door. A Rocket messenger handed a letter to the lead scientist. "No you're wrong. I sent some of her DNA to the lab. These are the parliamentary results. So far they have 18% Mew DNA." Giovanni sat back. "So what does this all mean? Freeman you were one of the few that were at those labs. What do you think?" "I think I remember her. Dr Brown was the lead scientist with the Mew DNA. All of the other patients had died. He thought the DNA might be poisoned so I think he gathered all of it up and dumped it into one patient. That was the day the police attacked. Any normal human should be dead; there is no doubt about it. So we are faced with the fact that she must not be a normal girl." "Hmm you mean she might be an alien?" "Maybe." "How many Mew's did you have at the center?" "Well Mewtwo, if I may call you that, we had three or four." "So the DNA you gave her could have come from just one Mew." "Probably yes, why?" "Because fusion halves the number." "What?" "For instance if you fused 100% of one Pokemon it would take up half of the body. 50% would take up 25% of the body as she is. When you half a Pokemon you half the brain." "So…" "One quarter of her brain should be that of a Mew. It should have surfaced before now." "Mewtwo you have the ability to read minds don't you. Why don't you read her mind and we will solve this now." Mewtwo turned to the half-opaque window through witch he could see the human girl unconscious on the vertical table. He focused his energy towards her head. There just through and… what, a wall. He pushed again but the resistance stayed. If he used much more he wold pop her head. So he was right a Mew mind was in there. "Giovanni the Mew mind is blocking me, I can't get into her mind." "Ok you guy's keep looking into her DNA pattern. I want to know what she is as soon as possible, Donnolson you keep the security tight around her, do not let her morph into anything." Everyone then left leaving Giovanni alone with Mewtwo "You seem to be interested in this girl my old friend" "It's been a long time since I met one of my own kind and I'm interested why it hasn't shown itself before know. I going to speak to her." Giovanni's eyebrows raised. "You are trying to see how her body work and I want to see how her mind works." Quite long that time. So what do these figures mean? I bet you all were thinking ditto. What will Mewtwo find? Will he break her? Any questions or advice Now review!