Do Mews make good fighters? Disclaimer- I do not own Pokemon, Animorphs or Dragonball Z. Only Susan is my own character. The prised fight scence. I had a lot of fun writng this. D.B.Z fans will see some similarities to the Fraisia fight. Enjoy!! "What is happening to her?" cried out Misty "I don't know. I don't think that they are putting it on deliberately. I think that they have had an accident." "Is she dying, have they killed her?" All three of the children were terrified but they couldn't move away or look away. They were glued to the scene, leaning on the window. Loud explosions joined the bright light as the machines in the room began to explode with the pressure. The windows that they were leading against began to crack and finally shattered, making Brock, Misty, and Ash fall into the room. No one noticed as their eyes were fixed on the light. Finally it began to dim, uncovering the wreckage of the machines. It receded until as that was left was the creature that had emitted the light. It wasn't very threatening looking. It was very small and a light pink color. It tail was long and it had leaf shaped point at the end. Its arms were short with paws at the end. She was now a Mew. She looked down at the scientists who were walking towards her. She lifted one of her hands. As she concentrated green energy began to form. She pushed more and more into it until it had grown to the size of a football. The scientists had stopped moving, shocked by the energy in her hand. She noticed a movement to her right. Ten Rockets filed in to the room, all pointing their assault rifles at her. She inwardly smiled. "Back off, or you will die" her expressionless physic voice echoed in their skulls. They answered her by a volley of shots. Faster than everyone's eyes could see, other than Mewtwo's, a green beam of energy shot out of her ball. It destroyed the bullets and also destroyed the Rockets instantly. The blast also hit the large mirror exploding it and revealing the room behind. Mewtwo disconnected the cables and stepped out. Giovanni called after him "Don't kill her." Out side in the room Ash and the others stepped up to the Mew. "Are you… are you Susan" "Yes it is me. Come on we have to get out of here. Hopefully no one will attack us but get your pokemon ready." Her voice sounded a little strange. These words should have had an anxious ring to them but they were blank, void of any expression. Ash shook these thought away. Inside the Mew 's brain Susan felt weird. She should have been worrying, but her mind was strangely calm. Her most urgent thoughts were of sleep. "How did I change into this form?" she asked as they rushed down a stair case- Susan floating down. "You didn't turn into it yourself?" Brock panted. "No, the scientists must have caused it." The stairs ended at one door. This lead into a huge room with no exit. Standing in the center was Mewtwo and at the far wall stood Giovanni and 20 Rockets armed with weird silver guns. "Oh crap" Ash groaned. Giovanni's smile was sharp and evil. "Fire" Two darts struck Ash, Misty, and Brock. Susan just managed to jump backwards. Another four shot at her. Her hand shot out. She concentrated on the darts. Time seemed to slow down as she focused on them. They stopped Her exuberance was stilled as 8 darts struck her. She stayed still floating. -Note Some people may recognize some of the fighting style coming up from Dragonball Z. I have not stolen it so don't sue me. - She shared at him while she silently charged up her paws. She wanted to be ready. Mewtwo hands rose. A power ball at the end. It crossed the room at an unbelievable rate- faster than her eyes could follow. Crash. She smashed into the wall leaving cracks. His tail rose before her eyes smacking her down to the ground. "What are you doing?" "Sleep doesn't affect Mew's so I am doing the job for you" He then readied a Mega Punch and swung it into her back, only she wasn't there. Slash, slash. Her tail dented his helmet. He threw another ball towards her but she wasn't as slow as last time. When she looked down he was gone this time. His Mega Kick at this close range sent her flying about 20 meters before with a sickening smack she slid down the wall. Mewtwo raised his hand and a large rock floated up. He raised it and threw it down. He then floated over to stare down at where the rock had landed. The rock had been caught but only just as she was holding a few inches from her face. She threw it down and floated slowly up to Mewtwo. Mewtwo was silent while he stared at the slightly bruised small form in front of him. She didn't know it but most of his energy was being used to try and counteract her speed. His suit was too heavy. He blasted forward with a surge of energy his fist whipping out. Mews tiny claws grasped his armor and flipped over his head. She was aiming for the vat when a long tail connected with her face to send her sprawling into the curl of the rest of the tail. It instantly tightened pinning her tail and arms together. Her struggle was brief, because she knew she was stuck .The tail raised her till she was eye level with the two bright lights that hid his real eyes. "You will die now." His hand raised and a small ball of blue energy appeared. It grew until it was larger than she was. The energy inside it was huge, it hurt her brain to try and comprehend such levels. Susan was confused but she did as she was told. She was just about to give up hope when something began to nag at her brain. As she concentrated, Mewtwo's ball was inches from her face. Mewtwo was preparing to finish her off when something odd began to happen. The small body, which he held had, began to quiver and shake and from shaking she took to convulsions. As he watched her head shot back. Giovanni fell back when he heard the scream. It was loud and high in pitch and vibrating in his mind. The scream was also a terrible thing to hear. It was a scream of pure pain and sadness. The tail squeezed in trying to break the last vestige of hidden power. The metal tip on his tail cut into her's. She began to shake. A pink aura surrounded her body. The power coming from this forced the tail off her. Mewtwo turned the ball into a beam in the last second and shot it at her. She was already speeding along the floor underneath him in a steep spiral. She smashed her head in a tough head butt into his throat. As his face jarred back she was already cutting the unprotected wires. Bouncing her feet off his chest she rolled back. Susan concentrated on her hands pulling the energy into a ball. The air around her began to vibrate with power, as a small pink ball appeared at the end of her had. It quickly grew until it was the size of a football. Just as she pulsed it forward in a long thick energy beam Mewtwo's hand stuck out and combated it with a purple beam of his own. Both clashed together shaking the room. Mewtwo stared at his enemy while he forced more and more power out. She had seemed weak, but what had he triggered. Her strength was increasing by leaps and bounds. How could a Mew with no training match him? In front of him the small figure had suddenly let go of her beam and was clenching his tiny paws straining every muscle. She had let down her guard so his beam raced towards her. Suddenly the pink aura seemed to grow thicker and she reached up forming a beam and threw it in front of her just blocking his beam. Mewtwo stared in disbelief as her blast cut right through the middle of his right towards him. He just managed to throw himself out of the way but the beam still ripped the metal off his leg. He felt a power signal behind him. Before he could turn the vat on his back was destroyed paralyzing him. Susan flew off a little distance before stopping and floating in front of him. She raised her paws above her head, concentrating to push all her available power into it. She stared at him. "Well what are you going to do know, kill me. Kill you own flesh and blood." "What have you been trying to do to me?" "Get you unconscious for my partner Giovanni. If you hurt me as you did I would kill you. Which I would have. And what I might still do yet when I escape from this suit. You have a couple of minutes to form whatever attack plan you are thinking of." Susan was expressionless as she stared at him, concentrating fully on the energy in her paws. Susan floated back to the ground. She was going to have to use that power as well. The ball suddenly began to grow in her hands quite quickly. The power shocked her. Nothing before prepared her for the power surging out into the ball. The ball was as big as she was but it was growing slower and it was getting harder and a bigger strain on her. Mewtwo began to shake as he forced his power through the suit. Long cracks began to appear and purple flashes could be seen beneath. Though he was concentrating on getting free he was interested in the figure before him. Veins were standing out on her forehead and arms. She seemed to be bent down under the power above her. The ball above her was a worry. He could sense power leaking from it. The strength packed into it was impossible. A human should only have access to 75% of bodies' powers. She was way more powerful than a normal Mew of that age. He would figure it out later. Now he would have to get out before she hit him with that. It was already twice the size of her. Susan was now only breathing in short gasps. She had almost no control over her movements. All she could do was hold up the energy and push more and more of her life force into it. Her brain was unable to think. Ash groaned. He felt sore and very groggy. Beside him Misty and Brock were just sitting up. He blinked four or five times to awaken himself before looking around. What he saw before him made him wake up immediately. The room was in perpetual darkness, the lights short-circuited with all the power flowing around. Just in front of them a small pink cat-like creature was holding up a huge energy ball. It was now 4 meters in diameter. Standing to their right a metal suit was cracking up and emitting large chunks of physic energy. The Mew seemed to have trouble standing. After a couple of seconds she sank to her knees but she still had the ball under her control. A dim voice whispered to her to stop, that it was finished. Hazy forms swam in front of her. She shook her head and focused on the form nearest to her. Mewtwo was almost finished; she would have to hit him now. She gathered up the strands of energy, which linked her to the ball. Twisting them round her paw, she moved backwards to aim properly. The explosion threw her back, almost letting go of the ball. Three bodies also smacked into her. They were lifeless. A small tear crept down her cheek and hit the ground but she was too tired to feel anything. As the dust settled she noted that Giovanni and co were alive but out cold. She struggled up to her feet, balancing on her tail. Out of a shadow stepped a tall figure. He was much larger than her, with a thick tail compared to her thin sharp one. His legs and arms were bigger in comparison and his paws were more like hands. He stood on two legs like a human instead of mostly four like her. She gripped the energy strands tightly and prepared to throw it forward. Mewtwo disappeared from sight moving too fast for her to follow his movements. His knee crashed into her stomach knocking her flying. Before she hit into the wall her head met his elbow smashing her down to the ground. He waited for her get to her knees before he blasted her arm. It was melted in less than a second. She no longer had control of her ball. It was still for a second, before some small explosions took place in the center. Susan stared at it, knowing that now the fight was over, her last trump card gone. Mewtwo's Mega Punch hit full force to her chest- his arm holding her still so that it would have its full effect. She crumpled to the ground, paws clutching her wound. Mewtwo teleported back to the far wall, placing himself in what he judged a safe position. The ball was rocking dangerously- many explosions in the center making it very unstable. It lasted for a few seconds longer before detonating. It was a tremendous blast. Rocking the entire complex many of the rooms above and around were completely destroyed killing 40 scientists and normal Rockets. Mewtwo was hit in the chest by a flying body. He held on to it until the dust settled again when he saw who it was. Susan's body had been ravaged a good bit under the explosion. Blood was oozing from every joint and muscle, though other than her arm there were no serious wounds. Her eyelid flickered as he watched and one eased open. The usually bright green eyes were dull and faint. They showed complete exhaustion. "Purple" she managed to breath out "That is no longer my name, sisters. Night time for you" he paused "Green, blue and Pink" his fist slammed into her face. She sunk down into a painful unconsciousness. Mewtwo managed to revive Giovanni and the scientists without too much bother. "W…W...What happened to this room?" "The Mew's blast destroyed this entire wing, except for this room." "How did this one survive?" asked one of the scientists curiously. "I have a very powerful reflect." His purple eyes stared with scorn into his. He said to Giovanni turning away, "I need a new suit. The old model was far too slow." "You scientists!" Giovanni barked "You two I want upstairs in my second office. The rest of you have to work on finishing the new suit. And you soldiers, take these away" he shouted pointing at Ash and the others lifeless forms. The soldier's went to pick up the bodies, but as they did a pink aura surrounded their prone forms shocking the guards. Mewtwo quickly identified the source of pink aura. It came from three green glowing droplets. Yes he thought, so that's what happening. "What is it?" "A Mew's tear. Mews are almost incapable of certain feelings, like fear or sadness or anger. Mostly they run through their lives only feeling joy or kindness. Extremely rarely they experience these emotions and when they do incredible power is released. For instance if a Mew becomes angry there power increases ten folds. In this case the Mew felt sadness and when her tear dropped it had to rectify what the Mew felt sad about." "So these children are…?" "Alive." It was three hours later in Giovanni's new office. Mewtwo was clathed once more in his black metal armor and was back in his shadowy corner. The two scientists' were also there, and so were Giovanni and his security chief. Giovanni was talking to him now. "So where are the prisoners at the moment." "The majority of our cells were on this wing. The only ones left are the old ones on the 2nd floor basement. The children are in one cell and the, the … experiment in a separate cell" he answered not knowing what to call Susan. "Is that wise?" "After the performance today she will be incapacitated for a least a few days." "So now onto that subject. Is it normal for a Mew to attack like that?" he addressed this to Mewtwo " Yes a Mew could posses powers like that, if it was level 98+. But she isn't. I would say that at most she could be level 10." "So how is she so powerful?" Giovanni questioned the scientists. "Wait a minute, before she started to change you said something about genes." "Yes, 60% of the body was two different Mew's and 40% but now all the minds have a third each or so we think." "So there are three brains in one body? How could that work, all the test subjects couldn't handle a quarter of another brain." "So what does that mean? We must conclude that she isn't a normal human. But what is she then? Her DNA seems human. It might be a blind like before where we couldn't find the Mew DNA." Mewtwo stepped forward "How about finding out more about her history. You might find out what she is this way." "That's a good point. Firstly what exactly do we know?" The older grayer scientist spoke up. "She arrived at the lab about three years and a half ago. I started the experiments right away; I had just finished with all the others. The experiments took about three months. Then the police raided the place." "How much Mew did you place into her?" "There were a couple of different scientists including me working on her. At most maybe 50% could have been placed in her, not anymore." "And we placed 50% into her now? Hmm but this means that at most she could be half Mew half-human. But she isn't, she is only a third human." "Where did the other DNA come from?" "We must first find out if she had it before or after we completed our fusion." He turned to the older scientist again. "Was there anything suspicious about her." "No, she seemed like a normal baby except for the weird stripe of hair." "Baby!" "Yes she was about three to five months old. Why?" "You did the experiments three years ago." He flashed a picture up on the screen. "This is what she looks like now." The scientist frowned "She looks about ten or eleven. Are you sure it's the same girl?" "Yes." Mewtwo spoke up again "Well this proves it. No normal human could grow that much in three years." "Could the Mew DNA have done this?" "Mew have a much slower growth rate. They have a life span of 500 years." Giovanni sighed "The more we learn the more confusing it gets." "How about trying to find out about her before she came to the lab. We might even find out who her parents are." The overall commander of the base turned to the big computer system. "Ill trace who left the subject in." The room was silent for a few moments as the computer searched. "Here we go. One four-month-old baby left in by operatives 39, 46, and 47. They are a Meowth, Jessie and James." "Where are they now?" "They are still trying to complete a mission. At the moment they are in here recovering." "Recovering what?" "They were the ones who the kids stole the uniforms of." "Get them up here now. I have some questions for them." It took half an hour but finally the tree were standing to attention in the room. "Team leader Meowth I have some questions for you." "Yes sir!" said Meowth dreaming of glory. His hopes were shortly lived. "About three years ago you were set a mission to capture test subjects. We want to ask you about one of them. She was a small baby about a couple of months old. Green eyes, a stripe of green hair?" Meowth turned to Jessie and James behind him. "Do you remember this?" "I'm thinking" they both answered angrily. It was a few minutes later that Jessie finally spoke up "I've got it. Remember James it was our first mission." She turned back to the group in front of her. "We had just been recruited as operatives. We had to search the town of Seaport." "But that was the town we took all the people from originally, there couldn't have been anyone left." "Some people were still camping out there. We had to get these people. The baby was our tenth catch." "But where was she!" James answered this time "She was in the town center all alone. I think she was in a steel cage of some sort. I remember how weird it looked. She was sleeping all conformable amid all that steel and coldness." "She was in a cage? Was there any ensign on the cage or on her clothes, anything at all?" "I think there was some sort of sign but I don't remember it. We left it with the interment people." "Ok you three go guard the prisoners. Johnson go and search for this box or anything that she was wearing when she arrived." It was dark. She had been sleeping until the loud shouts had woken her. Shots rang throughout the air. There were people everywhere surrounding her. She struck out with her paws and tail, but the people were squeezing her in. She tried to fly up but her sister who had been thrown up brought her down. Two knees crunched into her back knocking out all her breath. A net was then slung about her and two of her sisters. It was too tight to even move in. She looked out in time to see her mother fighting. Pink power sprang out from her knocking people over. A heavy blast of bullets came out to her mother from the nearby Leopard 2. Her mother was a relatively weak Mew with no training. All her children watched as the heavy bullets ripped through the small cat. The pain was too much and black spots began to form in front of her eyes. She fainted. Giovanni and the people around him stared at the box, carefully noting the ensign. "I don't recognize the symbol. Do any of you know it?" "It's new to me. I'll check up on it on the computer." A few moments later one small document came up. Fortune-Tec- the first people who started to experiment Pokemon fusing. Very little is known about them except that they were the best at gene splicing and fusing. They were suddenly destroyed three years ago by an unknown force. - Extra note- we also found out that they got Mew DNA from the same supplier as us. "Ask it if they ever did human-Pokemon fusing." Mewtwo asked. No they were interested in making super Pokemon, not humans. There is no information on any of their test subjects. We tried to find some of them but it was a failure. The little pink Pokemon was shivering with the cold. Why didn't the humans like me, she thought as the long sharp needle poked through her leg? She was hurting all over from the tests that were being tried on her. She was very lonely as well, Mew's being friendly creatures and missed her family. Maybe if she were a human they would like her. It would be hard, she had only just learned the Transform technique, but it should work. She closed her eyes and began to concentrate. A very faint aura could just be seen. Sparks began fly against the bars. This attracted the attention of the scientists who ran over. The pink fur began to melt over her body. It lightened to a very pale pink. Dark hair sprouted out of the head, which also contorted into a human face. The scientists gasped as they stared at the human baby. . So now you know what she is. A mew and not a girl. Those figures were sure confusing. Any advice on how I might want to continue will be appreciated. So now review!!! Suiceene