Do Mews make good fighters? Discalimer- The Shadow Gang do not belong to me. They belong to Chrissie Chimeria. Pokemon do not belong to me I wish they did but they don't. The S.A.S don't belong to me either. Practically nothing does. At least the character is mine, but she is in a Pokemon body so she doesn't really belong to me. Sharpe moved back and sat down in his seat. His face was devoid of emotions but inside his mind was turmoil. Those four had been his best and to have them thrown aside by these upstarts created by a doctor. They had won many Pokemon battles for him but now they had been defeated. Never again could he use them with pride. Something stirred in his memory. "What happened to the Mew? You know the one Team Rocket were messing about with." "It destroyed one of our vans so one of those things killed it." " A pity, our spy never found out why they were so interested in it or the girl who could change forms. Wait a moment. Isn't Team Rockets special Pokemon a Physic?" "Yes sir." "Those Darkens or whatever they are called are really good against Physic. This could be our chance against Team Rocket." He sat down back in his chair. "Yes it could work." The other men around him were looking excited. The gloom that seemed to have cast itself around them after the defeat of Sharpe's Pokemon was gone. "If we could take out their prize Pokemon they could do nothing against us. We could use them to ultimately defeat Giovanni." Sharpe was thinking out-loud. "We could challenge him to a match just outside our base. He would bring a number of men to protect himself but not all of them as he will be relying on Mewtwo. If we then were able to wipe out this force, Giovanni would be gone and their forces would be halved. Team Rocket would be gone and we would rule!" Harper looked up "I'll get the men ready. What day will this happen on?" "Five days from today. That's when our new guns will be coming in. Harper you will be in charge of Dr Mhuy. Make sure he is ready for a weeks time." The three men filed from his room. Sharpe got up and began to pace again. He was a fighter and didn't like not moving for long periods of time. He punched his fish into the open palm of his other hand. He would enjoy his revenge on Team Rocket. Veins began to stand out on his forehead as he remembered the last time he had come in contact with those men in red R's. All it would need was the leader of the A.T.A.S and his revenge would be perfect. Susan was standing on top of a high pedestal looking down on a flat open field with was surrounded by small hills of granite. Below her two warrior's were fighting. Huge dust clouds were being raised as they destroyed the granite and created large crevices in the ground. She looked at herself. Strange, she thought why do I feel something is wrong. She raised her large feathered wings to get a better look at the battle. It was far, far below her about three thousand miles or two to be exact but her eyes were capable of focusing in on the battle. A cloud got in her way and she pushed it away with her paws. The battle was between two strange creatures one blue and one purple. Other than the colour difference they seemed to be remarkably similar. A mile or two behind each stood an army of humans. They were dressed in armour and each had a standard which bore each of the animals. The two creatures seemed to be cat like in appearance with long tails paws and hind legs. But they were adorned with spikes and each carried strange mythical weapons. Even from her distance she could feel the power of the weapons. They were crafted with the same force that had created the universe. In the wrong hands they could reshape space. She knew that mere mortals couldn't be trusted with these but she was helpless. If only she could be granted a body? She began to move down when a voice from behind stopped her. When she turned she saw another angel. She was very, very light pink, so light it almost seemed white. Large wings sprouted from behind her shoulders. She looked a bit like one of the humans and a bit like what the humans called a cat. Her body was human like but halfway along her arms and legs paws started. A long tail waved behind her head. Her chest was adorned with a form of armour which was blue in colour. This angel looked like herself in appearance except her celestial colour was a dark green. In heaven their were many different kinds of angels. No one knew why most of them differed from each other and no one questioned it. "Another battle?" Instead of answering Susan looked back down on the battle. Each of the mortal animals were moving at incredible speeds across the battlefield crossing a mile in ten seconds. Each of them were either firing blasts of energy at each other or swiping with their weapons. Suddenly an aura of blue energy appeared round the blue animal. Susan could feel he was drawing more energy in from his weapon. He disappeared from view and appeared behind the purple one. He smashed her into the ground creating a large crater. He pressed a switch on the side of the staff and it fired a large beam downwards. The other purple creature looked up in time to see the blue creatures weapon fire the beam. She raised her own weapon and flicked the switch. Both beams slid past each-other and struck the two animals. It ripped through their bodies culminating in a large explosion. Dust filled the valley but Susan could see what the humans couldn't. Both bodies and weapons fell into a pit. "We have to go now." Susan didn't answer but flexing her wings she flew silently after the other winged animal. Misty stared down at the prone figure of Susan. She couldn't figure out why she was still in the Mew body. She had, had plenty of chances to change but she had always stayed in the one form. Maybe she's stuck, Misty thought, or even worse. She might prefer the Mew body to her own. She might stay forever in the same form. She shivered, it wasn't good thinking about it. Beside her the doctor was fitting wires to the cats body. "Could you go over and press that red button. Yes that one." As Misty pressed it red liquid began to rush along the wires. "I trying to give her more blood and energy. She is terribly weak at the moment." "You aren't trying to change her DNA are you?" Misty asked worriedly. "Oh no. I'm not like those barbaric freaks at Team Rocket. She is perfectly fine the way she is. If I mess around with her DNA she is likely to do the same thing she did to them. No I kept her alive for another reason." He was going to go on when he heard someone come down the lift. Both himself and Misty ventured out from the room to check who it was. At first glance it looked like one of the Darkens, but at a closer inspection she saw that it looked different. It was bigger than the other Darkens that began to crowd around it. It muscles seemed more developed and she noticed that he had faint red stripes. It also had a slightly firmer outline that the others who still looked like flowing shadows. For the first time she got a good look at his profile. He looked like a large black wolf with no tail. But as she focused in on his legs she saw the huge claws that protruded from his knees, his calves and on his paws. She could also see the very faint outline of a tiny row of spikes that were growing along his spine. Beside her Doctor Mhuy gasped. "What happened? This was supposed to happen!" "We got into a bit of trouble against Sharpe. Could I speak to you in private, Doctor." He said glaring at Misty. She sighed and moved back into the room with Susan. The eight other Darkens followed her. A couple started to pace. "What happened out there? Where are the other three." "We should have went with them. We work as a team." "Why has he changed? Do you think he evolved? Can we evolve?" Three others sat on the table looking down into a glass cylinder in which lay the Mew. The doctor had put bandages around most of her body. But these were lightly stained with blood. She sat so still Misty wondered if she was still alive. Putting her eye to the glass she saw her tiny chest move inches up and down. "I wondered why our creator wanted her." "And more importantly why does he want her existence to be secret?" "Probably part of a much bigger plan." He turned over to stare at the pink body. Misty saw his jaw drool as he stared at her. "Its amazing, though I am given a stomach that can digest any food and I am supposed to have no desires except to kill yet I find myself wanting to drain her." Two others turned towards him. "I feel the same. I was injured after battling her so I got a huge surge of her power." He faced the three others. "Its unbelievable. With just a little of her power I felt full of energy, I felt I could take on anything, I was energised!" Misty looked down from a seat by Susan's container. She was really confused by the Darkens. When she had first met the Darkens she had been terrified of them. Now that she had got to see them she wasn't sure. Their voices were gruff and deep but other than that they seemed to be like normal Pokemon except more intelligent and more angry. Below her she saw a slight movement from the Mew. Turning down she saw that she was quivering slightly. It seemed that she was going to wake up but then she fell back again. Dr Mhuy and the Darken leader walked in. "Your three brothers are dead. Sharpe killed them." Two of the Darkens rose growling. "No sit down. This isn't the time to attack Sharpe. But be assured we will get our revenge!" At this moment they heard the door opening and Harper walked into the main room. "Doctor!" Dr Mhuy turned to Misty and the Darkens. "Try and hide the Mew. Harper mustn't know that she is alive." Dr Mhuy walked out of the room. The Darken leader walked over to Susan and raised his paw as if he was going to strike the box. "What are you doing?" This was the first statement she had uttered to the Darkens and they seemed surprised that she had spoke to them. "She has to stay in there. She only has limited blood." Ignoring her the Darken leader brought his paw down smashing through the glass. Misty tried to get up but she was flung against the wall by a strike on the chest by another Darken. "You forget who's company you are in. Be quiet and don't get noticed and you might live. I can only quell my hunger for so long." He began to stare hungrily at her through. She lay back terrified. His eyes began to search her chest and throat spotting all the major blood vessels. His eyes suddenly widened. "I can sense some of her power in you!" Some of the others began to crowd round her. Soon they were muttering excitedly "Yes, I can sense it. Round the heart, like a protective layer." "Do all humans have this?" "Hey the man I killed didn't have that." "Be quiet all of you." They turned to stare at their leader. He had completely destroyed Susan container except for the bit she was laying on. Strangely he was holding back and not touching her. "We need the girl. She is the only one who will be able to lift the Mew" "What? But we were able to touch her before weren't we?" "Yes but when we did we drained her power. If one of us were to touch at the moment we would kill her. She has only enough power to survive at the moment. We need the human to move her." Slowly the Darken's moved away from Misty staring longingly at her heart. She got slowly to her feet and walked slowly over to where Susan lay. Her breathing was quick and sweat was pouring down her face. Her knee's wobbled as she came up face to face with the Darken leader. He nodded downwards. She shivered at having to bear her neck at him. She could imagine his teeth slicing through her veins. Trying to compromise the situation she half bent down and placed her arms around the pink cat. As she took her up she felt that Susan was distressingly cold and limp. Looking in closely she was relieved by the sight of Susan chest moving slowly up and down. "Ok human sit over on the seat over there. Use this blanket to hide the Mew." Misty sat down on the hard plastic seat. She wrapped it around Susan and placed it on her knee's. The last time she had seen Susan awake was at the Pokecenter. It was funny, she thought looking back. Susan had been nothing like she had been before. She wasn't cold but something about looking at her didn't invite questions. She seemed to be able to read her face and mind completely and she had been expressionless and blank. Looking down at Susan she saw that her face seemed to have changed. Asleep she seemed a lot more like the Mew from the legends. Though she was in a lot of pain she could see a soft smile. Her face seemed a lot softer now that they didn't have the penetrating green eyes. Misty wondered what a normal Mew was like, but she supposed that she would never see one. She nudged Susan with her knee. Seven years ago she remembered her first Pokemon, a Polywag had died in a way very similar to this. It had caught a rare variant of a Pokemon flue. She had been sitting in a Pokecenter waiting room waiting for a doctor to be free when he finally died in her arms. Her sisters had been off at camp and her father was trying to get a doctor free. She remembered him waking up to a coughing fit. His eyes were glazed and losing their colour. His face had been a pale white and his body was convulsing terribly. He looked up into his trainers eyes while the sharp stabbing pains continued through his body. Slowly his head dropped onto her shoulder and he stopped breathing. She stopped that memory. That was past history. She would have to concentrate on keeping alive and staying that way. Susan tried to open her eyes but found she couldn't. Susan could feel her presence more defiantly now. But her efforts were futile as Pink had went to sleep. "So what's in this room over here?" "Nothing much. Its just where the Darken normally live." Harper strode over to the door. He was interested to see the Darken again and what they did when they were not battling. Once inside the room he stared around him. At the far end of the wall sat the young girl who they had captured because she had seen the Darken, she had something on her knee's. A couple of feet away from her lay three lay on the ground sleeping. The Darken leader and two others were eating from dog bowls. Wanting to see what they ate Harper came over. What he saw unnerved even him. They were eating some sort of bloody flesh, he couldn't see if it was human or not. The last two were in the adjoining room battling against each other. Ignoring the scientist at his feet who was suggesting going back into the other room he walked over to Misty. It was only when he reached her that he spoke to the Doctor. "Why is she out free?" "Well… she managed to break her container and as I had no other free ones I had no option but to let her stay out." "You could have sent her up to me. I could find some work for her. Well what do you want to do Miss? Do you want to stay here with Mhuy's freak shows or would you like to go back into human society with me?" "I'll stay here for the time being. When are you going to let me go?" "Well you see, you have seen these Dark things and you cannot be allowed to spread news of them to the world, so you have to stay here. You can either opt to be killed now or you can wait six years and join the ranks of the Shadow Gang. But whatever happens you are not leaving here, understand?" Misty nodded her head meekly. The prospect of spending the rest of her life here chilled her. Harper turned round and walked out of the room and then out of the lab. Once in the elevator he took out his communicator. He ordered four men to come down to Mhuy's lab. Two would guard the elevator while two would stay in the outer lab, keeping a close eye on the Pokemon and Dr Mhuy's main computer. He didn't really trust the Doctor or the Darken and wanted them to stay down in the lab. In just five days they would be needed for the battle against Team Rocket. "Giovanni sir" "What is it?" Giovanni was watching a gym battle below him. His Rhydon was battling an enemy Nidorino. It was a very one sided battle. Rhydon was still his first Pokemon while the teenage trainer was using his third and last Pokemon. Rhydon's devastating Horn Drill finally hit the Nidorino. "No!" "Face it you have lost. Go off and face a weaker gym leader. You are not good enough to stay here." While his guards escorted the disgruntled trainer out of the room he turned to the messenger. "You have phone call." "Say I'm too busy." "He says that his name is Sharpe." Giovanni's eyes rose. Nearly everyone in his business had heard about the face off in the Pokecenter. Out of nowhere a new gang had appeared and heisted a Pokecenter. That was anything out of the ordinary but the preceding events made it history. One of the much feared A.T.A. S squads had surrounded them and they had managed to escape. Giovanni shivered when he remembered the last time he had encountered them. Though he prided himself on being a though man that particular massacre still gave him the chills. They had taken over a building in the central business district in Celadon. -(Incidentally this is really how Team Rocket were defeated.) He was demanding the release of one of his top employees. Instead of accepting that they were in a tight situating and giving one man over the Government took a tough stance. They sent in three hundred of the veteran troops. Bursting though the roof and the windows the men quickly swept though the complex. They took no prisoners, they just assassinated everyone in black. Giovanni hearing the disturbance had walked out to see his two guards getting their throats slit. Sharpe ran out to try and protect him and lost his eye in the ensuing battle. Sharpe was just going to be finished off when ten other Rockets arrived. Even though they could have ran to escape the A.T.A.S. men ran towards the men in black. One was mowed down before he reached them. In his dying breaths he threw his dagger through the eye of a Rocket killing him. The other man fought in close combat taking five Rockets out before dying. The four remaining Rockets escorted Giovanni out to helicopter. That was the last time he had seen of Sharpe. Giovanni thought he had died like the four hundred others. Two hundred of his men had ran out of the building pleading for mercy with the police men. Giovanni had been angry when he saw the news reports telling the people around the country "Team Rocket were repulsed with minimal casualties." He often tried to assassinate A.T.A.S members but all of his men were too afraid to try. The last time a gang had taken out three members, the A.T.A.S leader had personally led a campaign to take out every member. The leader of the A.T.A.S was a legend in his own right. He was the only leader who personally fought himself. The A.T.A.S had a rule about no office personal. Their men had to go through really tough training but you retired from the A.T.A.S at the age of forty. You had the choice to go into another army regiment or retire with a huge pension. Enough thinking of them, he thought. He picked up the telephone. "Well, well Sharpe. Long time no hear." "I have no time for small talk. I am hear to issue a challenge to Team Rocket." "A challenge eh. But you have only just started your organisation" he mocked. "I know Team Rocket would had to finish you off eventually but already? You are an ex-rocket member, you know who we use to destroy all competition. Why don't we just finish this conservation now? You just deliver that Mew and we will call it quits." "I knew you were going to attack that place so I did it first. But anyway it is to Mewtwo I am primarily issuing this challenge." "You wish to challenge me?" Mewtwo had just come on the line. "Yes, we have a Pokemon that desires to meet you. Oh about that Mew, our special Pokemon accidentally killed her after beating her in hand to hand combat." Mewtwo's eyes widened but his voice was still unemotional. "Well I will look forward to battling it." Giovanni listened to the address of the Shadow Gangs base before ringing off. He was slightly annoyed after all that had happened his sister had been killed by someone else but he would get his revenge by finally destroying Sharpe. Suiceene