Panikku! (AAMRN) By: SunnyZ Chapter 1 Ash-13 Misty-14 Brock-21 Two people were under a tree near a medow. It was quiet. The sun was setting and therefore the sky was painted pink and purple. The two people were making out ( ya know kissing and ect. ). As the two people comes to view. The two appeared to be a boy and a girl. The girl had firey orange hair and slender body with aqua eyes that by just staring into her eyes it seemed as if looking into water. The boy had black hair and little build with dark brown eyes. But all of a sudden that scene fades away. A red headed girl wakes from her dream. Misty: AIEEEEEEEEEE~! ARG~! AGAIN~! I HAD THAT DREAM AGAIN~! Ash: huh? Ash wakes up from Misty's noise. Ash: whats up Misty? Misty: Huh? Oh nothing just go back to bed. Ash: uh k Misty: why do i keep thinking these idiotic things? Its driving me crazy! Ash hears Misty's murmur to herself. Ash: ya know i can't go to sleep with you murmuring to yourself like crazy like that. Misty: Wha? oh hehe sorry... Ash: well anyways im wide awake wats bothering ya Mist? Misty: uh...its nothing..ehhe. Ash: so you got me up for nothing? Misty: YEP! Ash: ok. Misty: so since we are up why don't we make breakfast for Brock? All of a sudden Brock appears out of no where in his apron with a plate full of food. Misty: ACK! WHERE DID YOU COME FROM BROCK? Brock: that for me to know and for you to find out~! They ate brealfast and started to pack their things. As Misty was struggling to put her sleeping bag into her bag ( a pun? ) Ash was already done and assisted Misty. Ash: here let me help. Misty: oh ok ( blush ) *MISTY"S THOUGHTS: OH MY GOD~! Wats wrong with me? Why am i blushing? He's just helping with my sleeping bag. ARG~! Misty starts hitting her forehead with her hand. Ash stares at her like she is stupid or something. Ash: you ok Misty? Misty: yea Ash: WOULD YOU PLEASE STOP HITTING YOUR HEAD~! Misty: Sorry. Ash:.... Ash left after helping Misty. They set out to go to the next city. Ash: So where is the next closest town? Brock: Obain City Misty: cool. They walked and walked and walked and walked and walked and walked and i think you have the pictue. They rested near the ocean and let their Pokemon free for a little break. While Brock was mixing up something for lunch Misty stared at her pokemon playing in the water. Ash came along with a cup of juice in his hand and sat next to her. Accidentally Ash landed his hand ontop of Misty's. Almost instanly he withdrew his hand and then spilled the juice on Misty. Ash: ACK~! Sorry Misty...PLEASE FORGIVE ME! I KNOW I AM A CLUTZ. Ash takes out a napkin and starts to dry Misty's leg. Misty blushes. *Misty's thoughts: What is he DOING~! Oh My God~! What the HECK! What am i doin? im suppose to move away. Buh I can't MOVE~! Ash: Sorry Misty Misty: Its ok. *Misty's thoughts: IT'S OK? WHY DID I SAY THAT FOR~! ARG~! HE IS TOUCHING MY LEG FOR GOD'S SAKE~! NOW HES GOING UP~! THATS IT! Misty stands and marches away from Ash just sits there wondering why she was leaving. He was just trying to help atleast thats what he thought. Ash runs after Misty. Ash: Hey Misty~! Misty stops all of a sudden and Ash not stopping in time falls on Misty. Misty: ACK! ASH GET UP! Ash: heh sorry mist Misty:huh........ Ash: I've been a clutz lately Misty: yea I noticed They both get up. Brock: EVERYBODY COME AND GET IT! A stampede of Pokemon rushes to the table and tramples on Brock. Brock: your-your welcome ~~~Author's notes~~~ One thing......I've been very lazy lately