Part Four: What really happened to Stephanie? So Joey and gang began their search for Steph. "I thought we killed her" Joey said. "No, we just put her back in reality" Yugi said. So they went to a mental house to ask for Steph. "Is a Stephanie here?" Yugi asked. "No, I don't know anyone in any mental hospital by that name" the receptionist replied. Puzzled by this Yugi and gang continued their search for Stephanie. "Where is she?" Yugi asked himself. So the Anime Team went to her house. "Is Steph here?" Yugi asked. "Yes, I'll call her" Steph's mother replied. So Steph came down to see them. "Do you know who Mono is?" Joey asked. "Yes, he's a crazy kid who thinks I'm his sister and that I went to a mental house" Steph replied. "I hope no one is mad but he tried to capture us and we killed him" Joey said. "Hahaha of course no one will be mad they hated him" Steph said. So they found out where Steph was, which wasn't a mental house, living. So the Anime Team all went home. The End