DBZ the Pokemon Story Part One: Goten&Trunks' Pokemon Journey Now Goku was very upset when he heard that Goten wanted to become a pokemon trainer. "Dad please!" Goten begged. "No, son don't you want to train?" Goku asked. "No, I'm ten now dad and I want to get a pokemon like Trunks plans too" Goten replied. "Trunks?" Goku questioned. "Yeah he's becoming a pokemon trainer too but Vegeta's not too happy about but he agreed" Goten answered. "Well ok but be careful son" Goku said. "I will dad" Goten said. So he went to professor Oak to get his first pokemon but charmander was gone so he had to get a pikachu. Now he began his journey and he finally had six pokemon which are: pikachu, charizard, jolteon,dragonite, pichu, and lickitung. Now Trunks had started his journey too along with charmander. Now things didn't go well for him mostly cause Team Rocket kept messing with him but also cause of Ash. Ash was always saying you are such a loser and you will never make it to the pokemon league. Now Trunks was training hard but still Ash tormented him but he knew he would make in the pokemon league. Trunks pokemon are: charmander, squirtle, bulbasaur, growlithe, ponyta, and rapidash. "You know Goten's pikachu is even stronger then Ash's" Meowth said. "Then we steal it" Jessie said. "Why did we ever mess with that Trunks kid?" James asked. "Beats me he stinks" Jessie replied. "Now that Goten is going places" Meowth said. So they tried the pit fall plan but it failed then the net but no luck and many other ideas only to fail well they just kept trying but had no luck what a rotten day for Team Rocket. Ash,Misty, and Brock were walking along talking about Trunks. "I think he'll go places" Misty said. "No, he's such a loser" Ash said. "You know Gary said the same about you" Misty mentioned. "Yeah I guess I shouldn't be so tough on the kid" Ash said. "What about Goten?" Brock asked. "I don't know but I think he's destined for greatness" Ash replied. "Yeah" Misty said. Now they kept walking when they noticed a broken pit fall. "Jessie and James still at it?" Ash asked. "Yeah still they never quit" Brock replied. "You'd think they'd know better by now wouldn't you" Misty said. So they kept walking talking about how stupid Team Rocket was and wondering who that pit fall had been for maybe them or maybe some one new.