Arceus vs. Mysterymon Part III The Battle Begins By Swablu As they stood there, about to attack, Mysterymon realized that it still was holding the trainer, so it roared and threw him aside. Hoping that his only chance at stopping the foreign beast would succeed, he opened his pokedex and pointed it at Mysterymon, and it read “Mysterymon #3.1415926535897932 !ERROR! !CAN NOT COMPUTE! Type-???/Flying Height-0’0”-8,000,000’ Weight-0lbs-8,000,000lbs Ultra-Transform Digimon This is the Ultimate Digimon. Last seen battling Arceus in the hall of origin. Whereabouts unknown. Existed before the Digimon world, so it can travel anywhere mentioned on the internet. If you see this creature, please call toll-free 9-600-269-7839. No Known Pictures Exist .” His pokedex had worked so far, but could he trap the monster inside of it? It should work; porygon can be transferred, so a digital monster should have no trouble at all he thought. When he pressed “transfer DDNA” the only result was the words “Can Not Access Digital Deoxyribonucleic Acid Transfer Function---Out Of Dimension; Transfer Aborted” flashed across the screen, he wondered if it could have worked earlier. But it didn’t matter then, because he had missed his chance already. All of the Executive Pokemon except Arceus and Giratina, who simply planned watch the battle from a very short distance away, attacked first. Mysterymon Easily created duplicates of itself to battle all of them at once, and stepped back to watch the battle unfold. That portion of the battle quickly ended when all of the clones used an attack that could easily demolish the whole of the Pokemon world, but didn’t, instead it sent all of the Pokemon to their original locations. Though Arceus tried it’s hardest to conceal the force field it had protected itself and Giratina with from the prying eyes of Mysterymon, it was no use, for it sensed that they were still there. Just as the dust was clearing, and Arceus let the force field disappear, an attack flew directly towards Giratina, knocking it straight back into the torn world. Take this, echoed through the trainer’s mind if I am defeated, it will take you to Canalave city. As long as I am able to battle, you will be safe. If I win, I will send you home. He simply nodded his head to let Arceus know that he received the message. The Battle had now truly begun.