"Two Worlds, Two Loves, and One Adventure" An Inu-yasha/ Poke'mon Crossover Chapter 3: " On the Road" "Well, I guess it's time for you guys to tell us what you're so upset about." Ash said seriously. "Well it's a long . . ." Kagome began as Inu-yasha interrupted. "That stupid wench Kikyo. That witch. How dare she lure me into Naraku's trap. By the way Kagome, I never asked you, why did you follow Kikyo and me through that spirit shield?" Inu-yasha snapped, somewhat peeved at Kikyo. At that Kagome's eyes welled up with tears and Ash could see Inu-yasha's anger melt away as she started to cry. "I wanted to make sure that you were okay." she sobbed. "But, didn't it hurt to go through that spirit shield?" Inu-yasha asked, somewhat concerned sounding, but it was obvious to Ash that he was worried sick, even if it didn't show. "Yeah, a little I suppose." Kagome sniffed. "But . . . t-then . . . why did you . . ." Inu-yasha voice trailed off. Ash and Misty somehow knew to keep quiet as the other two talked. "Kikyo. How dare she put up that spirit shield. That wench." Inu-yasha began to shake with rage as he spoke. Kagome started to shout. "But you love her!" "I do not. The past is the past. Maybe I loved her then, but not now." Inu-yasha shouted back angrily, and jumped to a high branch on a nearby tree. Her voice shaky and her body trembling, with a lot of hurt showing in her eyes, Kagome preceded to tell the story of how they arrived in Ash and Misty world. After Kagome had finished, Ash and Misty had very thoughtful looks on their faces. "Hey," Misty said excitedly while snapping her fingers, "I know who can help send you home. And as luck would have it, we're going to go visit him when we get home to Pallet Town next month." "Hey, since when have you called Pallet Town home?" Ash sarcastically questioned. "Since now!" Misty retorted. As the two began to bicker, Kagome stared thoughtfully up at the sky. After Ash and Misty had stopped fighting, they noticed Kagome was there. "Sorry." said a throughly embarrassed Misty. Then Ash yelled, "I've got a great idea. Kagome, you and Inu-yasha can travel with Misty and me for a while!" Kagome looked up at Inu-yasha coldly and then cheerily accepted the invitation. And so their month long journey began. It was decided that Inu-yasha and Kagome should each have a poke'mon, partly for concealing their identities, and partly because Inu-yasha was itching for a fight. In the end Inu-yasha caught a charizard and Kagome a chikorita. The poke'mon were soon caught and they continued on their way. Due largely to Kagome's map- reading skills, the group made it to Pallet town on schedule, with only one detour. Inu-yasha and Kagome had to kill a crow demon, with some help from Ash, who seemed to them as though he would make a fine demon slayer. Finally they made it to Pallet Town. Disclaimer: I do not own Poke'mon or Inu-yasha Author's notes: I have four things to mention. First, the spirit shield thing was from the episode of Inu-yasha right before "Kagome's voice and Kikyo's kiss." Second, my e-mail address is thesagefive@snowcrest.net. E-mail and reviews are appreciated as always. Third, I would like to thank my only reviewer beesus20@aol.com. {I hope I got that right.} And last but not least, fourthly, I should be able to update every other Saturday from now on since school is out. It just that I'm working on several other fics at the moment. I'm working on my Inu-yasha one, my Ruroni Kenshin one, and my Yu-yu Hakusho one all at the same time. Needless to say, I'm very busy with my writing. Well, see ya! Sword of Romance