I decided to change things a little. So first thing from now on, I'm going to reply to my reviewers. So let's get the ball rolling. Beecan2- Sorry I put your E-mail wrong in the last chapter. Hope it didn't offend you. I'm glad you like the story. I'm a die-hard Inu-yasha fan and couldn't resist doing a crossover. ^-^! Resok3hw- I agree with you on the name. It does suck. I be glad if someone [hint, hint] would help me think of a new one.^_^' "Two Worlds, Two Loves, and One Adventure" An Inu-yasha/Poke'mon crossover Chapter 4a: "The boy's plan" "Yes! We're home! Yeah!" Ash yelled as the four looked down upon Pallet Town. "Ash, wait up!" called Kagome and Misty. "Pikapi, pi chu ka pipipi?" [Ash, what about Togepi?] Pikachu called, dragging an exhausted Togepi. "Oh, yeah, okay Pikachu I'll slow down. Hey Mist, are you okay?" Ash asked as Misty fainted into his arms. Ash immediately started to panic. "Here, let me take a look at her Ash." Kagome said soothingly as Ash placed Misty gently on the ground and began to pace feverishly Meanwhile Kagome went through her pack and found her smelling salts. As she did, a strand of her black hair fell in front of her left eye. Inu-yasha bent down and tucked the loose strand behind her ear gently, taking Kagome by surprise. She looked into his eyes for a moment and thought she saw him looking at her with . . . love? 'I must be losing it. He must be thinking about Kikyo.' Kagome thought. She looked into his eyes again and was astonished to discover that he wasn't looking through her as she had expected. He had been looking at her all the while lovingly. Kagome turned away, mentally gave herself a shake, and started to tend to Misty. As soon as Misty woke up, Ash immediately stopped pacing and climbed out of the hole his pacing had dug. "Misty, are you okay?"Ash said all in a rush. "Calm down Ash, I'm fine." Misty said as her gaze shifted from Ash to Kagome. "You're fine Misty. You just fainted from exhaustion. You probably shouldn't walk for a while." Kagome advised. Inu-yasha was about to walk over and pick Misty up when Ash bent down and scooped her up in his arms. "I'll carry you." Ash said while slipping one of his arms under Misty's back and the other under her knees. They got to the Ketchum residence without much trouble. There Ash, Inu-yasha, and Kagome left Misty in Mrs.Ketchum's very capable hands and headed to Professor Oak's laboratory where they were told there was a pyrotechnics [Fireworks] display that night. Ash dragged Inu-yasha into a corner to talk while Kagome explained the particulars of the predicament [A/N say that three-time fast] she and Inu-yasha were in. "Ash, why in the heck did you drag me over here?" Inu-yasha said, remembering to watch his language in front of Togepi, who was happily playing in Ash's arms. [A/N Awww!] "I've been thinking. It's time to tell Misty how I feel about her. I need your help though. Will you pretty please help me? Please?" begged Ash with puppy-dog eyes. [A/N Inu-yasha fans please excuse the pun.] "Okay, okay You sound like Shippo, a friend of ours." Inu-yasha said, gesturing towards Kagome, a slight smile betraying his usually hard to read features. At that moment Kagome finished explaining and Professor Oak said to come back the next afternoon. Disclaimer: I don't own Inu-yasha or Poke'mon. * oh well ^-^ * A/N: By the way, I know everybody is OCC. but oh well. I've decided to loosen up a bit. *As if anyone cares* Two more things, then I'll shut up. One, if anyone would like me to E-mail them when this story is updated, I'd be glad to. Two, If anyone is interested in read my other, non Poke'mon fanfiction, E-mail me. I've got one Ruroni Kenshin and one Inu-yasha. They're both romance and both have two chapters written. I just haven't found a website to host them yet. Okay so my E-mail address is thesagefive@snowcrest.net and reviews really mean a whole lot to me. *starts to sob* I really will try to update faster from now on. See ya minna- san! *I'm trying to learn Japanese* Sword of Romance ^-^!