By Tanya Nonsutoppo My Pokemon Journey …It was mid winter, and I was looking for my Pidgeot, FlyGl. I was in the Yukon, Team Rocket stole her a while ago and I’ve been looking for her ever since. I looked up from where I was and saw it, her collar I had given her when she was still a Pidgeotto. I went to it and picked it up. I then saw another clue to what had happened to her; it was a single bloody feather. When I saw it, I fell to my knees and cried… Chapter One; New Bark Town My name is Tanya Nonsutoppo. My parents are Janine and Gerald; I have a little brother whose name is Chamreun, and two older sisters, Olivie and Arish. Before I moved to New Bark Town, I lived in a small town in Kanto. I have a few friends who live there; I call them on my Poké Gear every once in a while. I’m probably going to get my first Pokemon today because I’m finally old enough to be a trainer. I hope to be a Pokemon Master someday! “Bbrriinnggg, bbrriinnggg” sounds like I got another call; that makes 12 just today! “Hello?” I said into the gear. “Oh, good your home. It’s me Prof. Elm. Could you come over to my lab today?” Elm’s voice came over the gear. “Yup. Is this, by chance, about me being a trainer?” “You got that right.” “Be there faster than you can recite the first nine Pokemon!” “Ok.” “Cchickk” he hung up. Finally! I thought as I raced down the stairs, bumping right into Chamreun “Sorry” I yelled back at him. In two seconds I was explaining to my mom why I was going to Elm’s lab. After that, I was in the lab. Prof. Elm was waiting for me when I got there. “Sorry, you lost that bet! I got all the way to Weepinbell! Anyway, before you can brag about finally being a trainer I must explain a few things to you. Yes I know you know all of this- the only reason I am is to make it legal. Ok?” Elm said as I sat down. “Ok.” A pause. “Well? Aren’t you gonna teach, Teach’?” I said. “This time I’m gonna try something a little bit different than usual. First I want you to choose you level 5 Pokemon of choice…” “How ‘bout a Sentret?” I joked. “Hahahahaha! Very funny, Tanya. Your choices are Totodile, Chicorita, or Cyndaquil. Which do you prefer?” “I’ll have the Cyndaquil then.” “Good choice. I can’t seem to find a matching rival for you though, have you been scaring them off with those tales of their defeat to you?” “Tails? What tails? I don’t have one, let alone several.” “Gosh, Tanya, you know how to make a joke of everything. Don’t you?” “Yup!” “Oh, and could you please run an errand for me?” “Sure, I don’t see why not.” “All I need you to do is get an egg from Mr. Pokemon; you know where he lives right?” “Of course I do! Want me to get that egg now?” “Sure, the sooner the better.” So off I went toward Cherrygrove City. On the way there I saw a small head peeking at me through the bushes. Whoever was looking at me had blonde hair, but that was all I noticed before whoever it was ran off. I decided to follow them. When I got closer, I realized the small blonde was a little girl around five or six. She stopped by a pond about the size of your average classroom. I stopped about five feet away in some bushes. She noticed a blonde haired woman sitting on a rock next to a short bald guy and went over to them. “Mommy, Daddy, I was on Route 29 and I saw a new trainer going to Cherrygrove, she had the coolest hairdo too, Mommy can I be a trainer too?” The little girl said. “Maybe, when you’re older Maron. Hold on, were you out spying on trainers again?” The bald man said. “Well, um, yeah, kind of.” “What do you mean ‘kind of’?” The woman said. “Ah…Ah…Ah-choo!” Oops! I sneezed. The woman must’ve heard me because she said “Hey, Krillin, I think Maron brought a little friend back with her.” “Maron, gosh, if you don’t stop spying on people, I don’t know what I’m gonna do!” the man called Krillin said as he walked over towards me. Uh oh, I thought. I’m gonna be in trouble with my mom if anyone tells her about this! Krillin was directly in front of me now. “Hey! Kid, come out of there. We know you’re in there!” He said as he moved the branches away to let me out. “Alright, alright already.” I said as I came out of hiding. “Mommy, she’s the trainer I was telling you about!” Maron said. “Who’re you anyway?” The woman asked me. “I’m Tanya Nonsutoppo, and you are?” I replied “You can call me Eighteen.” She said casually, as though that name was as normal as anything. “Eighteen? That’s your name?” I asked her. “Yeah, my dad wasn’t a very creative man.” “Ok. Gosh, you all look familiar, but I’ve never even met you before.” “Sure. As if anybody else would look like Krillin.” “Hey, I’ll get you for that in the next Boudokai for that!” Krillin yelled at her. “Oh, really? You have a hard time keeping up when we go on family walks. How do you think you can even knock me out?” Eighteen replied. “Gosh. All they ever talk about when they fight is the next Boudokai. Geez!” Maron told me. “Uh. What’s a Boudokai?” I asked her. “You don’t know? It’s only the world’s biggest martial arts tournament.” “Only?” “Yeah, Mommy and Daddy go every year.” “It must be interesting to watch, then.” “Watch? They don’t watch, they compete!” “Whoa! They compete in that!?” “Yup.” “If they're that strong I wouldn’t want to be on their bad side!” “You got that right!” Then we both started laughing at that. “Uh, T-Ta-Tanya?” Krillin spoke up. “What?” I asked him. “Wasn’t your hair a lighter blonde than that?” “Than what?” “Than it is now!” They were all looking at my hair weird now “Huh?” I said as I loosened a strand of hair to inspect it, and nope it was the same color as when I left home “What gives, why are you trying to confuse me?” I asked nobody in particular. “No, it really was lighter earlier.” Maron answered. “What! No way! I don’t believe you!” I told her. “Gosh, Tanya. You remind me of a good friend of mine, going Super Saiyin like that.” Krillin told me. “Super Saiyin? What? I’m no Super Saiyin; I’m only a Pokemon trainer!” I yelled. “So just who is this friend of yours anyway?” I added. “His name’s Goku.” “What!? Ohmygod! Ohmygod! Ohmygod!” I said getting louder as I said it. “You don’t… You can’t… But you can’t possibly mean THE Goku, the same Goku who saved the world about eight years ago!?! But isn’t he only in Dragonball Z and Dragonball and Dragonball GT?” “What the heck are you taking about? Of course he’s the same that helped kill Cell! And what the heck is ‘Dragonball Z, Dragonball, and Dragonball GT anyway?” “You should know; you’re in Dragonball and Dragonball Z and Dragonball GT!” “What!?! I don’t even know what those are! How can I possibly be in them if I have no clue what they even are!?!” “Well, you are!” I didn’t know it, but someone was behind me. “Tanya, behind you!” Krillin yelled; he was a bit late in warning me though, 'cause I was knocked unconscious by whoever it was who was behind me.