Chapter Four; Azalea Town Chamreun, Arish, Olivie and I, were headed back to New Bark Town so Olivie and Arish could get their starter Pokemon. Arish wanted a Jiguzaguma which is a fuzzy little Normal-type Pokemon that has a racoon’s mask, a sheep’s wolly coat, and a puppy’s build and eyes. Olivie wanted a Kecleon which is a small Pokemon that looks like a chameleon with yellow outlines on it’s face and a red “Z” line around it’s belly. It would take a while for Elm to get the Pokemon they wanted, but I was glad for the break from all the training Gohan and Kami were making me do. “Ouch! Chamreun, training is over for today! No more fighting! My back is really sore.” I complained. “Hey! You and Kami told me to train, so I am.” Chamreun answered. “This is supposed to be a break from training! Why won’t you let me enjoy it? I’m sore and tired.” “Because you didn’t catch me an Entei for my birthday.” “I’m sorry! Entei is just too powerful to catch.” “Sure, and I’m Ash Satoshi Ketchum.” “Hey! Someone mention me?” asked a boy about my age, maybe a year or so older, who was coming out of the brush by the side of the road. “That depends on who you are.” I answered. “I’m Ash and I’m gonna be a Pokemon Master. Just as soon as I get Pikachu back from Team Rocket.” He introduced himself. “Hold on… are you the Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town?” “Yeah.” “Ohmygosh! Of course! I’ll help you get your Pikachu back!” “I’m helping!” Chamreun added. “Chamreun! Just take Arish and Olivie home so they can get their starter Pokemon!” “But you said you were quote ‘Tired and sore’ end quote.” “Not anymore! Now scram!” “No!” “Beat it!” “No!” “Ok. Now you’re asking for it!” I yelled as I started to chase him. “Uh oh… Leave me alone don’t hurt me! I’m too young to die! Alright! I’ll go!” “That’s better. Now scram!” “Yes Sis!” “So Ash, where is Pikachu?” “I don’t exactly know… All I know is that Jessie and James captured him and knocked me unconsious when I was on my way home from Cerulean, and somehow I ended up here.” Ash answered. “Oh… Well lets start in Cerulean then.” “Ok, but Pikachu is my only Pokemon that is good at searching.” “Scout has a good sniffer. She can sniff ‘em out easy as pie.” “Ok hop onto my Pidgeotto for a ride.” “Alright.” I said as I got on Pidgeotto. When we arrived in Cerulean, a red-headed girl was sitting near the gym crying like it was her job. “Misty! What’s wrong?” Ash asked her. “Team Rocket stole my Psyduck!” Misty answered. “They stole Pikachu too.” “Who’s that girl with you?” “Her? Her name’s Tanya. Tanya this is Misty.” “Nice to meet you.” I said to her. “Why is she here?” Misty asked Ash. “She offered to help find Pikachu.” Ash answered. “Oh, Tanya will you help me find Psyduck too?” “Sure.” I answered. “Great! Now lets get started!” “Finally!” I said as we split up to see if we could find any info on where Pikachu and Psyduck were. “Ash! Misty! Take a look at this!” I called to them as I watched the scene below unfold. “Look.” I told them as I pointed out a suspicious looking man and woman dressed as janitors talking in low tones to each other. “Finally we’ve got them right where we want them!” the man said. “Finally we get a raise from the boss himself!” the woman added. “I’m gonna be da top cat again!” is what a Meowth added as well. “Wobbufet bufet wobbuf?” said a Wobbufet (Who am I?) Weird, I thought as they entered a nearby building. We were surprised when we heard someone approach us from behind; so we all whipped around and saw the same group that had entered a building, this time with Team Rocket uniforms, though. “To protect the world from devastation,” “To unite all peoples within our nation,” “To annouce the evils of truth and love,” “To extend our reach to the stars above,” “Jessie,” “James,” “Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light, surrender now or prepare to fight,” “Meoth, that’s right!” “Wobbufet!” Gosh that sounds familiar… “Oh! Just shut up and give us back Pikachu and Psyduck or else! You filthy Rockets you!” Misty shouted. “Yeah give us back our Pokemon!” Ash commanded. “These guys are the ones that stole your Pokemon? What a joke! These idiots couldn’t hurt a fly! Hahahahahaha!” I laughed. “You’re gonna pay for that comment you little twerp! Hey Jessie! She makes the fourth person I’ve called a twerp so far!” James said. “Shut up and use your Weezing to make a Smokescreen!” Jessie ordered. “Ok! Go Weezing! Use Smokescreen to cover our escape!” “Weezing!” the Weezing said as it unleashed a dark Smokescreen. “Go! Fly Girl use gust to blow away this smoke!” I yelled to Fly Girl. “Pidgey!” Fly Girl screamed as she made a massive gust which blew the smoke away instanly. “James! That is no ordinary Pidgey! Grab it and run!” Jessie shouted over the wind Fly Girl made. “Oh no you don’t! Go Scout! Use Fury Swipes to rip that bag open!” I called to Scout. “Sentrit!” (Gotcha!) She answered as she ripped the bag open. “Oh no!” Jessie and James cried as an unconsious Pikachu and an unconsious Psyduck fell out of the bag. They tried to grab them but Ash and Misty got there first and were trying to wake up the unconsious Pokemon. “Good Job Scout! Go Hotemon! Make them go blasting off again with Flame-thrower!” “Cynda!” Hotemon called as she Flame-throwered them. “Looks like Team Rocket’s basting off again!” Team Rocket shouted as they were thrown into the air by a Flame-thrower. “Good Job Hotemon, Scout, and Fly Girl!” I congradulated them. “Hey Ash! Misty! Here’s a couple Super Potions for Pikachu and Psyduck!” I said as I threw Ash and Misty each a Super Potion. “Thanks.” They both said as they gave them to their Pokemon. “Pika pi?” (What happened?) a still drowsy Pikachu said as it woke up. “Pikachu! You’re ok!” Ash yelled with enthusiasm. “Psy aye aye!?!” (Do I have a headache!?!) the always drowsy Psyduck said. “Well Psyduck, I never thought I’d say this but I was actually worried about you!” Misty told Psyduck. “Psy aye aye? Psy?” (I have a headache? Really?) “Psyduck I’m not talking about your stupid headache! Great! Now you’re giving me a headache!” “Psyaye.” (Sorry.) “It’s alright.” “Ash, could you give me a ride to my house in New Bark?” I asked Ash. “Oh! Sure!” Ash answered. “Pika pikachu?” (Who is she?) “She’s Tanya, she helped to rescue you and Psyduck from Team Rocket.” “Pika.” (Cool.) “Pidgeotto, could you fly me and Tanya to New Bark?” “Pidge!” (Yes!) “I’m coming too! There might be a guy worth traveling with me there.” Misty added. “Pidge to eotto.” (I can take her too.) “Ok then everyone on!” Ash called down to us because he was already on. We all were on in a matter of minutes. “Here we go!” he said as Pidgeotto took off. On the way, he gave me his gear number. When we arrived in New Bark Chamreun, Olivie, and Arish were waiting for me. Arish with a Jiguzaguma, and Olivie with a Kecleon. They had finally gotten their starter Pokemon! “Thanks for the ride Ash!” “No problem! I’ve gotta talk to Elm anyway about this…” he answered as he showed me a Pokeball that was gold on top and silver on the bottom. “What is it?” “I don’t know… I found it while I was walking and got curious so I took it to Oak. Oak told me to take it to Ivy, who told me to take it to Elm. So far I don’t know anything yet.” “If Elm doesn’t know anything, the next best thing would be a library, but if they don’t know anything, then try talking to Kurt in Azalea Town.” “Ok, where are you headed from here?” “Cherrygrove, for a little shopping, then Violet City to check out the Library there, and then to Azalea Town for the Hive Badge.” “Would it be ok with you if I tag along?” “Yeah! How many badges do you have anyway?” “Um… All eight Kanto Badges.” “Wanna get some Jhoto Badges?” “Sure!” “Then Violet City will be where the first gym is. That’s where you can get the Zephyr Badge, me and Chamreun already have our’s!” “Cool!” “Hey! Hurry it up! Me and Jiguzy are gonna train on Route 29 while we’re waiting! Meetcha there Tanya!” Arish told me as she went out to train. “Ok!” “I’m gonna go with her!” Olivie said as she quickly followed Arish. “Ok!” “Hey! I’ll be at Elm’s lab if you need me.” Ash told me as he went towards the lab. “Wait up! I’ve got to talk to him about something too!” I called to him as I ran after him. When we got there, Elm was checking his email. “Hey Elm! What’s up?” I asked him. “Oh! Hello Tanya. Hi Ash, long time no see. I’ll bet you two are here for a reason. What do you want?” Elm asked us. “Well, I’ve found some Pokemon eggs when I was training and I was wondering if you could tell me what species they’re from.” I answered, “Ash here has something Oak and Ivy couldn’t identify. Ivy told him to come to you.” “Well, as for the eggs, you can only tell what egg group it’s from by looking at it. Oh! Speaking of eggs, I’ve studied this egg Mr. Pokemon sent me, and apparently it won’t hatch unless it is around active Pokemon. Me and Mr. Pokemon both agree that you should have it. Do you want it?” “Of course! I can’t wait untill it hatches! I’m gonna make sure it’s a very happy Pokemon! Do ya know what’s in it?” “Yes, it’ll hatch into a Togepi, and I’m glad to see you’ll take good care of it. Now Ash let’s see what you’ve got…” Ash showed him the odd Pokeball “This is it… Oak and Ivy tried to open it, but neither of them could. Could you?” “Maybe… Could you let me to study it for a few days then call you with what I’ve found…” “Great! Could you give me a KwikShot type photo of it so I can do some research in Earl’s Library?” “Of course I’ll give you a KwikShot of it.” He said as he placed the ball in the KwikCam. “Click.” Went the KwikCam as it took the photo. “Here you go.” He said as he pulled the photo out of the printer. “Now, you two had better get going while I study this. Bye for now.” He took the ball out and held it up to the light. “See ya!” I called back as I left. “Yeah, see ya!” Ash also called back. “What took you guys so long? Tanya, Mom wants to meet Ash, and so does Dad. Oh, and Kabbitfox, your pet Eevee, won’t eat without hearing your voice, the only reason she ate was because you called Mom!” Chamreun spit out as soon as he saw me. “WHAT!?! What do you mean Kabbitfox isn’t eating!?! Where is she? Tell me NOW!” I yelled. “She’s at home hiding somewhere. Geez.” “Be right back!” I called to them as I ran toward home. God don’t let her be dead! I thought as I entered my house. “Mom! Where’s Kabbitfox? Tell me now!” “Oh! Do you mean your old Eevee that you’ve had since you were five that never fights?” “Yeah! Who else would be called Kabbitfox!?!” “Well, she’s in your room, scared to death.” Mom answered. “Kabbitfox! Come out Kabbitfox!” I called and called while I looked all around my room. “Eev… vee?” (Tanya?) came a weak voice from behind my huge Snorlax doll. “Is that you Kabbitfox?” I said as I looked behind the doll. I saw her! “Come on out please, I can’t reach you.” “Eevee eev.” (I’ll try.) She replied as she made a few weak attempts to get out. “If I could put it in the Décor Box on the PC…” I mumbled as I put it in my rooom’s PC. “There! Got it!” “Vee?” (Huh?) “Come on I’ll get you something to eat…” I told her as I picked her up and set her down on my bed as I went over to the mini fridge my mom had bought me for her so I could feed her whenever she got hungry. I opened the fridge and grabbed the only kind of food in there, my home-made Pokéchow, and walked over to feed her. I opened the bag and checked to see if it was still fresh, which it was, grabbed a spoon, and had to hand feed her. She was able to keep down most of it. From then on, I decided to take Kabbitfox with me, so that she wouldn’t pull that one again, I thought as I picked up her old apricorn Pokeball and told her to return to it. “See ya Mom! Gotta go to Azalea!” I called as I left the house. “Bye Tanya!” came my mom’s reply. “Hey! Tanya! Time for us to train! You too Chamreun! Today you two train against Videl. That shouldn’t be too hard for you since you two trained against Hercule yesterday!” Came the all too familiar voice of Gohan. “No! Not today! I have to take Kabbitfox to a PokeCenter now, like it or else!” I told him. “Fine… You’ve got ten minutes. I’ll go with you to make sure you don’t try to skip. Got that?” “Yeah.” “Hey, who are you?” Ash asked Gohan. “He’s Gohan, and he’s obsessed with making me and Chamreun train till we drop.” I answered for him. “What kinda training?” “Martial arts training.” “But Professor Oak made it a rule not to study martial arts till you have at least eight badges!” “Listen, what’s your name, would you rather have me break some guy’s rule, or have an entire race be inhilated?” Gohan asked. “First off my name is Ash, and I guess I’d rather have a rule be broken than to have whichever race it may be, become inhilated. I guess…” “The race that’s in danger is the Saiyin race, which is a race of alien warriors, Tanya and me are Saiyin halflings, so we’re also in danger.” “Oh! I won’t tell then.” “Good choice.” He said as he led us to Violet City. Via flight, of course! When we got to the Pokemon Center there, the boy, whose name is Kipp, I was supposed to trade was pouting there, probably because I never got a chance to trade for his Onix. “Hey, Kipp! Still up for a trade?” When he heard me call, he looked up with a huge dopey smile on his face. “Tanya! I thought that guy had killed you! What happened? You have to tell me the whole thing while we trade!” “First I have to get Kabbitfox healed, then, if I’ve got time, we can trade. Ok?” “Ok!” “Hi Nurse Joy! Kabbitfox is having a little problem with her diet recently…” I told Joy as I walked into the PokeCenter. “Hey Tanya! Glad to see Vegeta hasn’t killed you yet!” “Hey! He promised he’d stop that if I helped defend the Saiyins…” “I thought I overheard someone saying that you yourself are a Saiyin, is that true?” “She is, she just won’t admit it.” Gohan interupted. “Well, here’s Kabbitfox. Heal her up for me. Ok?” I told Joy, ignoring Gohan. “Ok.” Joy said as she took the Apricorn Ball with Kabbitfox in it to the back room to heal. “So… We can trade now?” Kipp asked. “Yup! I’ve got Belli Butn!” I said as I inserted the Pokeball with Belli Butn inside into the trade device. “And I’ve got ROCKY!” He said as he placed ROCKY in the other side of the machine. “Trade complete.” Came the delayed reply of the Trade Machine. “Yes! I got an Onix!” I announced. “I got a Bellsprout! My Basic Poke-Dex is almost complete! Now to train this Bellsprout so that it evolves into Weepinbell! Yahoo!” Kipp shouted “Tanya you may come up and get Kabbitfox, she is entirely healed.” Came Joy’s voice over the PA system. “Go!” I said as I called out Kabbitfox, “How ya feelin?” “Eev eevee vee!” (Better than ever!) She replied. “That’s good, you’d better get back in your Pokeball now. Ok?” “Eevee.” (Ok.) “Hurry it up! Olivie and Arish’ve just gotten my Zephyr Badges!” Chamreun called. “I’m comin, I’m comin!” I called back to him. “See ya Kipp!” “See ya!” Kipp said as I left. “Ok, Gohan. I’m ready to train.” I said grudgingly. “Let’s get going.” “Yeah! Let’s get training!” Chamreun added. “Ok.” Gohan said as he noticed just how many people were there. “Uh… I suppose some of you will want to watch. Is that right?” “I wanna!” Ash said immediately. “Lemme watch too!” Misty chimed in. “Tanya and Chamreun are our sibs, so Arish and I will watch too.” Olivie announced. “What’s all this about anyway?” Kipp asked. “Me and Chamreun are training so we can help save the Saiyins.” I told him. “Oh, I’ll come too then!” Came Kipp’s answer. “I won’t be able to fly all of you there in one trip by myself… Any ideas?” “Pidgeotto can fly eight people and two light-weight Pokemon for a heck of a long way.” Ash suggested. “Ok, that’ll work.” “Go Pidgeotto! Hope you don’t mind. Alright everyone on!” Ash shouted as seven people and two small Pokemon got on. “Ok, so looks like Gohan needs to get on!” Misty shouted. “I’m on now.” Gohan replied. “So all eight people that want to watch are on, as well as Pikachu and Elekid… Hold on! Where did that Elekid come from!” Ash announced. “I don’t own an Elekid.” I answered. “Not mine.” Came Misty’s reply. “Not mine either.” Kipp and Chamreun added at the same time. “Olivie and I only own our starter Pokemon.” Arish answered. “I don’t own any Pokemon, so not mine!” Gohan annouced. “Hey Elekid, who’s your trainer?” I asked it. “Ele kid, ekid elekid kid elekid?”(Nobody is, will you be my trainer?) The Elekid answered. “Yes, of course I’ll be your trainer.” “Kid elekid!” (Yahoo!) “You’ll need to go in a Pokeball sometimes though. Will that be alright with you?” “Ele.” (Yes.) “Good, do you wanna see what it’s like inside one?” “Ele.” (Sure.) “Elekid, return.” I said as I called it to an empty Pokeball. “Pidgeotto, just follow Gohan’s directions. Ok?” Ash told his Pidgeotto. “Pidge.” (Ok.) Pidgeotto answered as it took off. “Just head North-Northeast, till I say to land. Ok?” Gohan instucted. “Pidge.” (Ok.) Pidgeotto answered as it turned in the direction Gohan pointed out. “Just land over there.” Gohan said as we arrived at Kami’s lookout, Videl, Goten, and Trunks were already there waiting for us. “Oh crap! Gohan! Why did you have to bring her!” Trunks yelled when he saw Arish. “Trunks-chan!” Arish shouted as she ran to him and hugged him tightly. “Get her off! Gohan help!” Trunks shouted as he tried to gently pry my sister off without hurting her. “Sorry Trunks! Now you know how I feel when a girl black-mails me into dating her!” Gohan got out before laughing hysterically. “I’ll get off when you promise to date me!” Arish told Trunks, mostly because Gohan gave her the idea. “Someone get her off me before I’m forced to go Super Saiyin just to get her off!” Trunks threatened. “I’m not moving till you promise to date me!” Arish told him. “That does it… I’m going Super!” Trunks shouted as he started yelling and a yellow aura formed around him. All of a sudden, his hair went up and out, and it turned yellow. His eyes changed color too; they turned green! “Ohhhh. Super Sexy Fine Alert! Now you absolutely have to date me.” “Crap! I shouldn’t have done that!” he shouted as he managed to pry Arish off and she flew into the top of a tree. “Oh dang it! Trunks will you help me down now! I’m scared of heights.” “I’ll get her, you had better get in the Spirit Room where the gravity’s stronger and she won’t be able to get to you.” Gohan said as he flew up to get Arish down from the tree. “Ok.” Trunks answered as he sprinted to the Spirit Room. “Come on, Goten! We’ve got training to do! Oh. Hi Kami!” “I’m coming!” Goten shouted. “Goten? Goten get back here you cutie!” Olivie shouted after him as she tried to catch up to him. “Hey Gohan, when Trunks changed, his hair was like the guy’s who threatened the Saiyins in my dream, exept that Trunks is smaller than him.” I told Gohan when he had gotten Arish down. “Really?” Gohan asked. “Yeah.” “How weird!” “Yup.” “Hi Kami!” “Hello Gohan, Tanya, Chamreun, good to see you. Who are your friends?” Kami acknowleged. “This is Kipp, Arish, Ash, and Misty.” I answered, pointing each of them out. “Olivie is chasing Goten somewhere.” “So Olivie is the girl that ran past me after Goten… She must like him.” “I guess so.” “Well you, Chamreun, Videl, Goten, and Trunks better get training, you should know where to go. Those of you who are only going to watch, follow me.” He said as he went down a hallway. Ash, Misty, and Kipp followed him down the hall. “I’ll catch up to them later.” Arish told us as we went down another hall and into the Spirit Room, Arish following us the entire way. Olivie was already there, struggling to get up a few feet from the door. Arish soon joined her. “I’ll take these two to the observation tower.” Gohan told me as he picked Arish and Olivie up and carried them out the door. “Hey Videl, we better get started.” I told her. “Yeah.” She answered as she tried to punch me in the face. “Nice try!” I said as I blocked it and went for a kick to her side. She blocked it and I went into another kick from the other side. That one hit home. “Not many fighters are crafty enough to use combination moves when fighting me.” She said as she took off and started to fly. “No fair! I don’t know how to fly!” “You don’t? I thought Gohan taught you how to already.” She said as she landed, “I’ll teach you, sit down.” I did. “Now relax and reach inside yourself for energy and make it come out between your hands, like this.” I tried, and it worked. “Cool!” “Now put it back.” “Ok.” “Stand up and try to push your energy down so that it makes you go up.” “I’ll try,” I relaxed, breathed, and used my energy to push me up, “It worked, it worked!” I said as I started to float in the air. After I said that I fell onto my bottom, “Oof! I must not have concentrated enough, I’ll try again.” I tried and this time I was able to get in the air and stay there. “Good, now try to fly from this end of the room to that end, then turn around and come back.” “Got it!” I said as I flew to the other end of the room, but instead of turning I stopped and then turned. After that I flew back. “How was that?” “Not bad. Now let’s get back to training!” “Ok!” I answered as I flew up and waited for her. She came up and we started training, she threw some punches and kicks, I only dodged half of them. I also hit her half the time. “Wanna do target training?” Videl asked after about an hour of fighting. “Sure, what kinda target training?” “Energy blast target training, of course!” “Ok, pick a target.” “That rock, over there.” She said as she pointed to a rock about 100 yards away. “Ok, after you.” “Alright! Ka-me-ha-me-ha!” It was a little bit off. “My turn! Kamehameha!” I hit the target, which exploded in a mushroom cloud. “You should learn to control your energy blasts more effectively.” “Oh, Ok!” “Hey everyone! Training time is over for today!” Gohan told everyone. “Nice job Tanya, you too Videl.” “Thanks.” Videl answered. “Yeah, thanks.” I added, “Let’s go, Chamreun.” “Coming! That was fun!” came Chamreun’s reply. “Tanya, what’s that thing by the tree over there?” Videl asked, pointing out a tree nearby. “Huh?” I asked as I looked over to what she was pointing at, “Scout! What’re you doing out of your Pokeball?” “Sen sentrit trit sentrit!” (Kabbitfox let me out!) “Kabbitfox? Where is she?” “Sentrit.” (There.) Scout answered as she pointed to a bush. “Kabbitfox, come out of there!” “Eevee eevee eev eev eevee!” (Fly Girl told me I could!) “Where’s she?” “Eev eevee vee eev eevee.” (In the tree Scout was near.) “Fly Girl come out!” “Pidge.” (Ok.) “Why’re you out?” “Pidge pidgey.” (I don’t know.) “All of you can return to your Pokeballs now.” “(Ok.)” “I’ll check and see if ROCKY, Geodude and Elekid are still in they’re Pokeballs,” I said as I released them and, satisfied, recalled them. “Good, now all my Pokemon are in their Pokeballs. Come on, let’s go. Me, Ash, and Chamreun have to get our next badge!” “Ok.” “Go Pidgeotto!” Everyone got on, exept for Gohan, Goten, Kami, and Trunks, and we flew off to Violet City to research the GS Ball at the library. We got there and Ash called his Pidgeotto back and went to the library, with Videl following, after agreeing to meet at the Ruins. Me, Chamreun, Olivie, Arish, and Kipp went to Sprout Tower for training. I had fought everyone exept for the Monks on the top four floors. Chamreun hadn’t fought anyone on the ninth floor yet. Kipp was on the second floor of the thirteen-floor Sprout Tower. Olivie and Arish weren’t even started yet, and Misty was chatting with Faulkner about whatever Gym-Leaders talk about. After watching Kipp for about twenty-one battles, Chamreun and Kipp were both on the ninth floor. I was watching them battle, they were also doing quite well. They were even curtious enough to let their opponents use some of their healing items on their Pokemon. When we got to the next floor, we were each on our own. I battled my way to the top floor and was approaching the trainer on top of the tower, when suddenly Nate of all people was battling the trainer, and when he was done battling, the trainer said that Nate didn’t love his Pokemon enough. Nate wasn’t even supposed to get a Pokemon till next month! The trainer gave him a HM anyway though. When that was done, Nate saw me watching and walked up to me, “Hey Rival,” He said meanly, “Whatcha doing? You plan to get the HM from this oldie, you’ve gotta get past me first! Three Pokemon each, no time limit! Go Totodile!” “Ok! Go Elekid! Thunder! You can do it!” “Water Gun, extra gun too.” “Elekid!” (Thunder!) The Totodile didn’t have a chance, poor guy. “Return. Go Raticate!” “Good job Elekid, return. Go ROCKY! Rock Throw!” “Hyper Fang!” “Onniixx!” (Rock Throw!) Another easy K.O., Nate isn’t a very good trainer if his Pokemon lose this easily. “Oh well, return. Go Sneasle!” “Great Preformance ROCKY! Return! Go Hotemon!” “Crunch!” “Sneasle!” (Crunch!) Hotemon was significantly weakened! “You can do it! Flame Claw!” “Cyndaaa-quil!” (Flame Claw!) Sneasle was out for the count! “Dumb Sneasle, return. Here’s you cash, rival. Till we meet again.” “Great Hotemon, return. Nate! Come back here!” “What do you want?” “The trainer that you battled before me was right about one thing, you don’t love your Pokemon. If you ever want to be the best, you’ve gotta love and respect your Pokemon, otherwise you’ll never be good enough to beat the Elite Four…” “So what? Pokemon are for battles, they fight, they don’t need any thing but a trainer, a PC, a PokeCenter, and a Pokeball, not love and respect!” “You’re wrong, Tanya is right about Pokemon needing love and respect, they’re like children, they need tender loving care.” Chamreun interupted. “Scram pest! This is between me and my rival…” Nate said as he pushed Chamreun into a wall. “Ow! Whatcha do that for?” “I said scram!” “No!” “Beat it kid! I don’t have time for you!” “Enough! Stop this at once!” The trainer that was previously beaten by Nate shouted. “Nate, leave now! The rest of you, may come to my battle preparation area if you wish to battle me, otherwise you can either leave or watch from over there.” “Sheesh!” Nate said as he used an Escape Rope to leave. “We should probably wait for Olivie, Arish, and Kipp.” I said. “Ok, I’ll wait with you.” The trainer answered. After we had all battled him and earned our HMs, we went to our appointed meeting spot, the Ruins of Alph. We didn’t know where Ash, Videl, and Misty would be so we split up to find, agreeing to meet back in an hour in front of the Alph Laboratory. I went West, to see if they were there. While I was looking, I saw a gleam come from a nearby ruined building, so of course, I investigated. To my surprize the ruin led back quite a way before I found the source of what was gleaming, a bird Pokemon with feathers that were orange, yellow, and green. I went as close to it as I felt was safe, and said to it, “Hello, what kind of pokemon are you, and will you please help me in my Pokemon Journey?” “I am a Ho-oH. Yes, I’ll help, but you must fight me first.” It answered, speaking into my mind. “Ok! Go Hotemon! Try your best and use Flame Claw!” “Cynda!” (Flame!) It was a direct hit! “Very good, I see you have love and respect for your Pokemon, so therefore, you do not need to fight me, you may use the Pokeball now, if you like.” “Thank you Ho-oH.” I said as I threw the Pokeball. As soon as Ho-oH was inside it, it beeped signaling that it was caught. I decided to further explore these ruins, who knows what rare Pokemon I’ll find! As it turns out I found something interesting that wasn’t a Pokemon, or so I thought. It was a ruin wall that said something in an odd writing, it looked like Pokemon were on the wall, just stuck there. I decided Ho-oH might know, so I called him out and asked him about it and showed him. “It says my name in the Unown Alphabet, you shouldn’t meddle here though.” “Why does it say your name though?” “The Pokemon that wrote this must hear my voice to open a hole in the wall… Like this, watch.” He suddenly roared really loudly, I almost went deaf! When he finished roaring the room started shaking and a hole big enough for Ho-oH to fly through was there where the writing was. “See what I mean?” “Yeah! Let’s go explore in there!” “No! I don’t want you to end up like a Ratatta after a Donphan uses Rollout!” “You coming or not?” “Fine! I’m coming! But don’t blame me if you get hurt!” “I won’t! Cool!” I said as I saw a room full of Masterballs, TMs, HMs, and other rare items like MaxRevives, MaxPotions, and herbal remedies that Ho-oH told me were very bitter. He told me to keep as many as I wanted to, so I put as many as I could into my pack, and then I found a golden backpack in a corner. “Wow! It’s like this place was set up so that a person could get all the items here in just one trip! Isn’t that cool Ho-oh?” No answer, “Ho-oH? Ho-oH, where are you? I’m scared.” “Tanya! Help!” “Ho-oH! Where are you?” “In the hall that is to your left!” “I’m coming Ho-oH!” “To create a world of devastation,” “To bring all peoples into our nation,” “To rid the world of truth and love,” “To use Pokemon to do bad deeds,” “Archie,” “Arlene,” “Surrender now or be beaten in the fight,” “Gengar, that is me.” “Where’s Ho-oH?” “He’s on his way to be power-cloned this very minute, so quit your babbling.” Archie answered. I caught a glimpse of Ho-oH, “Ho-oH return!” I shouted, as Ho-oH came back to his Pokeball. “You little brat! Go Electrode!” Archie called. “Go Scyther! Arlene shouted. “Ok then. Go ROCKY! Rock throw! “Onix!” (Rocks!) “Uh oh, it’s Onix! It’s got a complete type advantage! To both our Pokemon! Run!” Arlene shouted to Archie as she ran off with Gengar. “I’m coming!” Archie called to her as he recalled Electrode. The poor Scyther was completely forgotten about, so I went up to it after I recalled ROCKY. I noticed it looked sad obviously about being left behind, “Hey Scyther, would you like to join me? Your Team Rocket trainers seem to have abandoned you, you can stay with me if you like.” “Scyther scyth?” (I can really?) The Scyther asked. “Really.” “ScyTHER!” (Then YES!) “You’ll need to stay in a Pokeball, and I promise to never abandon you. Ok?” “Scy.” (Ok.) “Here’s a Pokeball.” I said to it as I handed it the Pokeball, which he pressed the button and was sucked inside by the red beam. “Ding!” went the Pokeball almost immediately after the Scyther had entered. “Cool.” I said as I put the Pokeball on my belt, with my other Pokemon. “Go Ho-oH! I said as I threw the Pokeball containing Ho-oH and asked it, “Are you Ok, Ho-oH?” “I’m fine.” Ho-oH told me telepathically. “That’s good to hear. Now lets get back to that room and see if we can find anything else, Ok?” “I guess…” “Then let’s get going,” I said as I led the way back to the room I had been in earlier, only to find it had been replaced by a smaller room with a tablet in the middle of it that was mounted on a table. I went to the tablet to see if it would be usefull. The tablet read; The threat upon earth, The dreams of the vain, Shalln’t ever be uttered till the day, Seek to restore all that is right, Upon that day, When all life is threatened, Don’t dance in the fray, For peace be restored, By chosen few, Born of the elements, Guardians of life, Child of the Rock, Son of Ishi, Dances when defence thrives; Cries when it fails, Wipe you tears and behave, Don’t be afraid, Born of the elements, Guardians of life, Born of the elements, Guardians of life, Child of Wet, Daughter of Mizu, She angers easily; Watch out, Dear girl don’t yell, It’s not his fault, Born of the elements, Guardians of life, Born of the elements, Guardians of life, Child of Psychic, Son of Miu, Pure of heart; That is the truth, Know this child, We test you, Born of the elements, Guardians of life, Born of the elements, Guardians of life, Child of the Heavens, Daughter of So-ra, Stars are her playthings; The moon is her bed, Come from the Heavens, Dreams don’t be shattered, Born of the elements, Guardians of life, Born of the elements, Guardians of life, Child of a Dog, Daughter of Kaji, Knows what the flames have eaten, Cries for her father, The poor girl, Born of the elements, Guardians of life, Born of the elements, Guardians of life, Child of the humans, Daughter of Ju-hatchi, Very young, Not of the elements entirely, Youthful and naïve, Cares for her friends and family, Born of the elements, Guardians of life, Born of the elements, Guardians of life, Child of Affection, Son of A-i, Knows that love and respect are the best things today, Loves all who love him, But doesn’t always show it, Wake up, Dear boy; Let the world be not dead, Born of the Elements, Guardians of life, Born of the elements, Guardians of life, Child of Music, Son of Ko-e, Inocent delight, Though not always so, Loves to taunt those he loves most, Sing dear one; Let the world hear your voice, Born of the elements, Guardians of life, Born of the elements, Guardians of life, Child of Pokemon, Daughter of Ryuu, Seeks delight in all that’s good, Some call her a PokeWhisperer, They are wrong, Come beloved child, Show me attacks that ancients once used, Born of the elements, Guardians of life, Born of the elements, Guardians of life, People of Planets, Children of Goreska, Aliens to Earth, Strong warriors too, Try to best the ones they respect, Listen warriors, You can’t do it alone, Born of the elements, Guardians of life, Born of the elements, Guardians of life, They are the ones that will bring back our life, They shall restore all that’s true and that’s right, Born of the elements, Guardians of life, Protect us from the deeds that made the threat real, It will prove to all, a great deal, Born of the elements, Guardians of life. “How fascinating! Don’t you agree Ho-oH?” “Yes, now let’s go, anyone could get lost in a place like this.” “Just a second…” I said as I stuffed the tablet into my new pack, which, even after the tablet was in it, still could fit a lot more items in it. “Ok. I’m ready.” “This way, get on my back.” “Ok.” I replied as I got on. As soon as I was situated, Ho-oH took off, zipping this way and that. After a while I got tired and fell asleep on Ho-oH’s back. “Wow! Look at the size of that Pokemon!” A voice shouted, waking me up, I remained still though, listening. “Hey look! It must’ve kidnapped that girl on its back! Let try to save her!” came another voice from above me. I sat up and looked around, there were kids everywhere! “Hey she’s awake! Hey you! Girl! Whatcha doing on old ugly bird when you could be wherever he stole you from!” “What!?!” I yelled back as I noticed I was still on Ho-oH. “Ho-oH isn’t ugly and he didn’t steal me or kidnap me! He got me out of the Ruins!” “Is he your Pokemon?” “Yeah.” “Oh. Where are you from?” “New Bark.” “Oh! A kid I met a little while ago is from the same town, his name’s Chamreun, I think.” “Chamreun is my kid brother.” “So you must be the elusive Tanya, he was looking for you, said you were gone for two days.” “What!?! I wasn’t there that long!” “From what he says you were, oh and he’s in the Violet City PokeCenter.” “Thanks!” I said as I told Ho-oH where to go. When we arrived at the PokeCenter, we were both too exausted to do much more than head to the room Joy told me was still open and flop onto the bed, both of us were asleep instantly. I was awakened by a light shining into my eyes, which I had opened to see what was going on. A bright light was above me, and when I tried to swat it away, I noticed my hands were strapped to the table I was on, and so were my feet. “The specimen is awake, Professor.” Came a low, scary voice from above me. “Good, now to start the experiment. Test tube!” came another, even scarier voice than the first, this new voice wasn’t as deep as the first, but it made up for that with the snake-like hiss it made after every sentence. “Test tube ready.” “Syringe.” “Syringe ready.” “Specimens.” “S-specimens not all ready.” “What do you mean they’re not ready!?!” “N-none of the Grunts can get DNA samples from the Ho-oH, or the Sentrit, Sir.” “Then make an Executive handle it!” “W-we’ve already tried that, Sir.” “Then you will get the samples. Now!” “Y-Yes, S-s-sir.” A while later the ‘assistant’ as I now refered to him as, had returned with two full test tubes. “Specimens are now ready.” He said as a man in all black came up to me and took a blood sample, after finding out I could still injure him, with my teeth, of course! “Extract the DNA from the blood cells and put the DNA sample into a test tube.” “Yes, Sir.” He came back after what seemed like forever. “Here is the DNA sample.” “Good, now mix one drop of each of the specimen Pokemon into the test tube with the fusion chromasomes in it and fetch another ten fusion chromasome test tubes and put two drops of the human specimen’s DNA into each.” “Yessir.” He mumbled as he did what he was told to do. “Now give me the Pokemon Chromosome mixture.” He ordered as the ‘assistant’ did what he was ordered to do. “Ok, then Specimen A, time for you to go Pokemon.” He said as he injected the mixture into me, someone was holding my headstill as I was getting the injection, unfotunately for me. “Activate the Fusing Device!” he moved out of the way as my head was released. “System activated.” All of a sudden I felt like I was being pulled apart and being put back together the wrong way. “Ahhhhhhhh!” I screamed in pain as I was then jolted by thousands of thunderbolts. Then all went black. When I woke up I was back in a Pokecenter and there was Ho-oH and Scout and all of my other Pokemon looking at me curiously, like they had never seen me before. “Ho-oH? Scout? What happened?” “I don’t know.” Scout said. “What! Holy cow! You can talk!” “You understood me!?!” “Yes!” “Oh… My… Lugia… Those weirdo humans must’ve had something to do with it! They gave me shots and took blood samples from me!” “I think they were scientists. I did manage to bite one of ‘em too!” “Good thing!” “Tanya! There’s somebody here who is looking for you!” Came Nurse Joy’s voice from the other side of the door. “Ok, I’ll be right out.” I answered. “I’m coming too,” Scout added. “Me too, just to be on the safe side.” Ho-oH also added. “I’d better recall the rest of you then, Ok?” I asked as I reached for my Pokeballs. “No!” They answered simultaniously. “Ok then, let’s go.” I said as I left the room, my Pokemon behind me. “Tanya? What is that Pokemon? Is it yours?” Ash asked when he saw me and Ho-oH. “Hi Ash! Do you mean him?” I asked, pointing to Ho-oH, “He’s Ho-oH, I caught him in the ruins.” “Cool! Wanna trade for a uh, a um… I know! A Kangaskhan! Yeah! Kangaskhan for Ho-oH, is it a trade?” “I’d have to ask Ho-oH first.” “Ok.” “Ho-oH, do you want to go with Ash, or stay with me?” Ash heard “Ho ho oh oh oh.” I heard “I’ll stay with you.” “What’d it say?” “He said, he wants to stay with me.” “Darn, oh well, I like Kangaskhan a lot anyways.” “Tanya! I’ve been looking for you. Where have you been? You have to make up for yesterday’s training, one session against Chiaotsu, the other against Tein.” Came you-know-who’s voice. “Gohan give it a break will ya! I’ve caught a new Pokemon, explored a part of the ruins, been attacked by Team Rocket, been kidnapped by scientists who experimented on me, and found out I can understand what Pokemon say. Don’t ya think I’ve been through enough?” “You still have to train for yeterday AND today. You’re gonna have to get used to extremely full days, I started training when I was only five and Piccolo wasn’t easy on me at all, but I still handled it.” “Well I’m so sorry that I’m not you I’ll be working on all the sleep I missed. After I’m done with that I will work on raising my Pokemon and possibly joining the researchers that are exploring the Ruins of the Alph. Got that?” “WHAT!?! You are going to train and you are going to make up for lost time TODAY! Do you got THAT?” “You know I can beat you up, I’ve beaten the crap outta Vegeta twice, I can take you, if I win, I don’t have to train anymore. If you win, I’ll train. How’s that for a deal?” “Ok then, we’ll test your skills at any training area that you choose.” “I choose Route 31, the second place I beat Vegeta’s @$$.” “Ok, I’ll provide transportation. Ash you can come too.” “I’ll fly on Ho-oH.” I said cooly. “I’ll fly on Pidgeotto.” Ash told Gohan. “Alright then, let’s go.” Gohan said. “Ok, Hotemon, Fly Girl, Cate A. Rat, ROCKY, Kabbitfox, all of you return.” I said as I recalled all my Pokemon exept for Scout and Ho-oH. “Ok Scout, hop on.” “Ok.” Scout answered. “Ho-oH you can head for Route 31 now.” I told Ho-oH. “Alright, but you’re getting yourself into something you won’t be able to acomplish.” Ho-oH answered as he took off. “I can do this, Gohan isn’t very strong compared to Vegeta, I’ll win easy as pie.” I assured him. “I’m only going along with this so that maybe you’ll learn from the experience.” “Hey! You’re gonna pass it!” “Sorry.” He said as he came in for a landing. “Let’s get going shall we?” Gohan asked. “Hold on a sec,” said as I grabbed Scout’s Pokeball. “Scout, you’d best return to your Pokeball, this fight will be rated around possibly ‘R’. Ok?” “Ok.” Scout replied as she went into her Pokeball. “Ho-oH, do you think you need to go into your Pokeball?” “No thank you, because, if by some miracle, you win, I’d like to be the first to congradulate you.” He answered. “Alright. Ok Gohan, I’m ready when you are. Ash, you can be ref.” “Ok.” Ash said. “Ready, FIGHT!” I immediately took to the air, and fired a Kamehameha at Gohan. It hit! “Ow! You cheated!” “No I didn’t, all I did was start fighting as soon as Ash said ‘FIGHT!’, got that?” I said as I kicked him in the gut. “I guess.” He said as he managed to get over it and punch me hard right in the nose, causing it to bleed. “Ouch! My nose!” I said as I wiped the blood away and kicked him as hard as I could right in the back of the head, that’s gonna hurt in the morning. He was caught off guard, so I took advantage of that and put my hands on top of each other then above my head and fired Kamehameha after Kamehameha at him. “Stop! I give up! You’re too strong!” Gohan managed to get out before blacking out. “Congradulations Tanya, I didn’t know you were a fighter! Well fought!” Ho-oH praised. “The winner is Tanya!” Ash announced. We heard gasps, and looked at the culprits, none other than Kipp, Chamreun, Misty, Olivie, Arish, and a guy with black hair similar to Gohan’s and a good tan to go with, whose eyes were closed, that or squinting, were watching us. “Hi Ash! How’re things going? Who’s the hottie? Where’d ya get her? Did you find er or did she find you? What’s her phone number? How’d she get to be such a darn good fighter? Have you ever gotten on her bad side yet?” the squinty eyed guy asked Ash. “Everythings fine Brock. This is Tanya, I met her when Team Rocket stole Pikachu and Psyduck, you wouldn’t remember, you weren’t there. She can tell you about herself later.” Ash answered. “Wanna go on a date Tanya, how does eight o’clock sound to you?” Brock asked me. “No thanks.” I answered. “Darn.” “Brock, why don’t you go bother Nurse Joy?” Misty asked. “Nurse Joy’s not as hott as Tanya though.” Brock whined. “You’d better make sure you’re careful when he’s around, he go’s for every good looking girl he sees.” “Thanks for the advice.” “Yup!” “Prepare for trouble,” Jessie, of course. “And make it double,” James answered. “To protect the…” “Why don’t you just shut up!” I interrupted the dumb trio called Team Rocket. “Never interrupt the motto!” Jessie and James shouted in unison, before they tried to punch me in the face, I caught Jessie’s fist and let James’s hit me, I didn’t even move when his fist hit me, instead he howled in pain. “Don’t push it. We could’ve turned you in to Jenny anytime, we let you go because you can’t do anything right.” “Ouch!” James shouted when he accidentally rubbed his fist on a wall nearby. “Alright! Alright! We get the point! Sayanara Suckers!” Team Rocket shouted as they ran off. “That was a different experience, but I thought Oak didn’t permit trainers to study Martial Arts till their Pokedex’s were complete.” Brock said after they had left. “He doesn’t, the only reason I know as much as I do is because Gohan over there forced me to train daily, I challenged him so he would stop, I won as you can see.” I answered him. “Why?” “Long story.” “Oh, ok. I guess it can wait.” “Ow!” I heard Gohan shout from behind me. “Tanya, I was going easy on you, so you still have to train. Like it or not.” “I won fair and square. The deal was, if I beat you, I wouldn’t have to train, and I did beat you.” I answered. “One thing, I had my fingers crossed!” “Mesika pelto ma!” “Not this again!” “I refuse to train! It’s absurd and against the rules!” “Fine! I won’t train you. Who do you want to train you?” “I don’t want to be trained! What part of that don’t you understand!” “All of it! You obviously don’t care if all the saiyins are destroyed.” “Goten, Trunks, and Goku are the only saiyins that I think are worth-while to save! And no! I’m not an alien!” I shouted as I stomped off to get to Violet City. “Wait up!” Arish shouted as she ran to catch up to me. I waited for her and anyone else who wanted to come, other than Gohan. “I wanna go with you!” Ash called as he followed too. “I don’t know what to do with out someone to help! Chamreun’s no help either!” I heard Olivie as she also followed. “I’m traveling with Ash! He owes me!” that was Misty. “I’m coming too!” Brock shouted as he followed suit. “I wanna come!” Kipp yelled as he caught up to me. “Ok, then let’s go.” Chamreun said as he caught up too. “Alright, Ho-oH return!” I said as I recalled Ho-oH and continued on. Unfortunately, Gohan followed me and was soon in front of me trying to convince me to continue training. I casually punched him in the gut, so he would stop, which he did. We arrived in Violet in a matter of minutes, so that Ash could look up info on the GS Ball. I went off on my own and started to train my pokemon, they do like to train, at the Ruins, when I saw a glimmer of gold, or was it silver? Anyway, I went over to it and saw it was another GS Ball! I picked it up and recalled all my pokemon, exept Ho-oH, so he could fly me back to Violet quickly, when we got to the library, I got off him and recalled him back to his pokeball. I then ran into the library, found Ash, and showed him the GS Ball I had found. He had gotten his back when I first went into the ruins. He hadn’t found anything on the ball, so I suggested a search in the old bookstore, we found one book, and bought it. Then we all went to Azalea Town, to find Kurt. The journey to Azalea Town was completely uneventful. When we got there, Me and Ash read the book. Dang it! We got the wrong book! Instead of one on the GS Ball, we accidentally got one on a mysterious Pokemon, Celebii, the protector of Ilex Forest! Oh well, It’ll be a good read later when I get a few more master balls. We went to Kurt’s after getting our pokemon healed, he was grumpy! He said something about grand daughter… Slowpoke… missing, weird. Ash asked him what was wrong. “What’s wrong! My grand daughter’s Slowpoke is missing! It and all of the Slowpokes in Azalea!” “Is there any way we can help?” Olivie asked. “Not unless you have any information about it.” “I did notice a guy selling Slowpoke tails near Slowpoke well.” Ash added. “WHAT! Slowpoke tails for sale! Follow me! You might be able to help after all!” “Ok!” We all shouted as we followed him, he led us to a well and tapped on a stone after defeating the Team Rocket sales-man. The wall of the well opened! “Follow me, and quietly!” he whispered to us. We nodded our answer and followed him down some stairs then he jumped down a hole, we heard a crash and Kurt saying something I shouldn’t repeat. I went down first, then Ash, we saw Kurt standing hunched over holding his back, “I’ve messed up my back, you’ll have to beat Rocket for me… Hurry! You, boy, help me out of here.” Ash helped him out and I went further into the well, soon I heard voices ahead and saw a light, I went to it and six Rocket Grunts were cutting off Slowpoke tails, “Stop! Let those poor creatures go! Now!” I yelled as I showed myself. They stopped where they were and looked at me like I was crazy, “Now release the Slowpoke.” “Why should we, you’re not in charge of us!” one of them said. “Oh yeah? I challenge all of you to a tag-team pokemon battle, I use three of my pokemon, and three of you use one of yours, no time limit! Begin!” Each of them who were going to battle sent out one pokemon and I sent out three of mine that I had with me. “No giving orders, let the pokemon think for themselves,” I said, “Or else!” “Fine, Go!” they all shouted. “You know what to do.” I told my Pokemon as they went into battle. Scout and a Koffing were facing off, Ho-oH and a Polywhirl were fighting each other, and Hotemon was fighting Meganium. Hotemon finished his counterpart off with one Flame-Thrower attack. He went to help Scout with Koffing. Ho-oH won his battle with one Swift attack and distracted Koffing so Scout and Hotemon could get some attacks in and earn experience. The rockets were fighting a losing battle; my team was the winning team! They each, even the ones who didn’t fight, payed me a grand total of $1,000,000! They then released all of the Slowpoke. Kurt showed up after Team Rocket fled and congradulated me for freeing the pokemon. I recalled my pokemon and left with Kurt as I explained why we had come to Azalea in the first place, he was very interested in the GS Ball. He even offered to help us with opening it. I gave mine to him after we got to his house. Ash was still gonna hold onto his, at least untill Kurt examined mine. He offered to let us spend the night, and wouldn’t let us refuse. Me, Ash, Chamreun, Arish, and Olivie went to the gym after also accepting his master balls, he made extra sure we didn’t refuse that either. So, each of us beat the gym easily and went to explore the Town, the Charcoal Maker’s aprentice was missing, he had gone into Ilex Forest to get some wood, and didn’t come back when he was supposed to an hour ago. Ash went to look for him, he came back dirty and smiling, he had found the aprentice and was given a HM, and it was Cut! I was so jealus! “Ash, can I borrow that HM sometime?” “You can have it, I already do.” Ash answered. “Thanks!” I said as he handed it to me and we took the aprentice to the Charcoal Maker’s house, he gave us each a Charcoal as thanks for finding his aprentice. We accepted and went back to Kurt’s to eat and spend the night. “This is fantastic! You’ll have to give me the recipe! Maybe we can swap recipes sometime?” Brock commented between mouthfuls. “Why thank you. I’d be glad to swap recipes.” Kurt answered. “Good, this group is in need of something other than my soups, me being the best cook, of course.” “Brock! What makes you think you’re the best cook? You don’t know French Toast ‘till you’ve tasted some of mine! I challenge you to a cook-a- thon tomorrow morning at breakfast!” I challenged. “You’re on! Both of us will make the same thing, and since you claim you’re better than me, it will be Pancakes!” “Fine by me!” I commented as I finished my meal and thanked Kurt. I went out side to let out my Pokemon for fresh air and food, they were glad to be out of their pokeballs, but something wasn’t right. I suddenly saw myself sitting still, just staring at nothing. I looked towards the forest and saw a Ratatta, “You, come here, we need help in here. One of the guardians is gone, missing!” it said with a tone of urgency. “How can I help?” I answered in a voice that wasn’t mine. “I don’t know, we need all of you to help though! Otherwise the forest and all of us who live here will die!” “Yikes! I’m helping!” “Scout! Do not go, Celebii and all the forest dwellers will be fine.” Ho-oH interrupted. When Ratatta saw Ho-oH, it bowed and left hurridly. I looked around to try to see Scout, but I couldn’t! “Where is Scout!” I said. “You are Scout.” “Impossible! It’s me, Tanya, your trainer!” “Well, then you must somehow be in Scout’s body.” I was so startled that I saw Scout and blinked, not knowing what to do, “Ho-oH, what happened?” I said, relieved to have my own voice back. “You must’ve been thinking of what it would be like to be like Scout. That’s the only way that something like that could happen.” “Oh, how weird. Well, do you six wanna stay out or in you Pokeballs?” “Out!” They all said in unison. “Ok. Let’s go inside and get some rest then.” I said as I led them inside to the room Kurt was letting me use, everyone else was already asleep. So when I went to ‘my’ room, I didn’t go to sleep, I layed down and pretended to sleep untill I was sure only me and Ho-oH were awake. “Ho-oH?” I asked. “What is it?” he answered. “Is what Ratatta said true?” “Only half true.” “How so?” “Celebii is missing, but the forest isn’t doomed, he was exaggerating.” “Oh. Then why is Celebii missing?” “I don’t know.” “Niether do I. Why were you in the ruins when I caught you? I heard a man from Ecruteak who came to New Bark Town that you preferred to live on top of Tin Tower, is that true?” “I do prefer the Tin Tower as a place to live, I was in the ruins because I was told by the Wings Council to investigate what the unknown were up to. I had to because I live closest to it.” “Wow. What’s the Wings Council?” “That is something that I am forbidden to tell anyone about, I’ve already let it slip. You should get some sleep, I sense that tomorrow will be a big day for all of us.” “Ok, but why can’t * yawns * you tell me?” “Hush now and get some sleep, I’ll explain later. Goodnight.” “Ok. Goodnight.” I said as I let sleep envelope me for the night. In the morning, Kurt’s yelling about the forest or something awakened me; I changed and went to see what was going on. When I saw what Kurt was yelling about, I gasped, the forest! It was in utter chaos! The Ratatta that I had talked to was hurt badly, laying there injured on the ground near the forest. I went to it and picked it up, “I’m so sorry for not going to help you Ratatta, Ho-oH told me that the forest would be fine…” “(It’s ok, * he paused * just find Celebii, * he paused * and the chaos will end.)” He said as he was about to fall into unconsiousness. “Ratatta, I’m going to take you to the Pokemon center and come back to the forest and help as much as I can…” I said to him before he fainted. I ran to the Pokecenter and made sure that Ratatta would be ok, then I went back and tried to get the forest’s pokemon to answer my questions about what happened. Ho-oH came out of the room with the rest of my pokemon ten minutes after I had gotten back from the pokecenter. “What happened!” Ho-oH cried. “I think it’s about Celebii.” I answered. “(Oh, how horrible!)” Scout added. “(Yeah.)” The rest of my pokemon agreed. “Tanya! What do you think happened? Oh, and here’s you GS Ball back, I won’t be able to help you with it.” Kurt said as he approached me and my pokemon. “I think it has something to do with the forest’s gaurdian.” “Oh my. That is awful! We must help, Tanya you explore the area around the Shrine, Ho-oH, Scout, Scyther and any of your other pokemon may go with you, for safety, of course.” “Ok. I’ll do my best.” “Glad to hear it, Ash will be SE of the Shrine, Chamreun will be NE of it, Misty will be in the area between the exit nearest Goldenrod and where you are, and I will be nearest where you’ll enter. Everyone else is already exploring their assigned area; you go ahead. If you find anything, either wave someonedown or shout or whistle loudly, got that?” “Yup! I’m gonna take extra pokeballs for if I find injured pokemon. Here I go, Ho-oH, Scyther, Scout, you three are coming with me, the rest of you stay here unless I send someone to get you, Ok?” “(Ok!)” I went into the forest and went to my area to look for clues. When I got to the shrine, I went into the adjoining temple and went to the very back to try to find something. I felt an odd presence there, and I saw a shadow pass overhead. I was about to leave when I noticed writing on the walls in the Unknown Alphabet. I went to them and decoded the message. I wrote it down and read what I had writen, it said, “Serebii iku aru ni Kiniro Giniro desu.” “I’m gonna have to translate this, Come on out Ho-oH,” I said as I released Ho-oH, “Ho-oH, can you understand this?” “As a matter of fact, I can, it translates to ‘Celebii is in the GS Ball.’” +Gasps+ “How do I get her out?” “I don’t know.” “We’ve got to find out.” “Celebii told me once that the GS Ball has a pokemon in it, it can only be opened by one with a pure heart, and then, they must prove them selves worthy or be killed trying. Please, don’t try to open it, let me, you are very young still and I’ve lived a good life, so if it kills me, I’ll have memories to remember when I’m in heaven.” “No! I won’t let you do it! I’d miss you too much! You’re a great pokemon, one that I really don’t want to lose. I’ve lost one pokemon I loved dearly already. Are you sure you want to leave me with a guilty conscience?” “You have? That’s awful, who was it?” “FlyGl, a Pidgeot. She stayed by me through thick and thin, and was always ready to fight to protect me. Team Rocket killed her.” “FlyGl… That name sounds so familiar, I faintly remamber a Pidgeot by that name in a cage guarded by Rockets, she told me that if I find a girl named Toni, to tell her that she’d be alright.” “Well, I have many other names other than the one I’m using now, one of which is Toni. So FlyGl is alright? How long ago did you meet her?” “That was a little while before you caught me, around an hour before. She is alright as far as I know.” “Where’d you see her?” “I saw her near Goldenrod, by a tall tower.” “I want to see her so badly!” “You’ll get to, once this problem here is solved.” “Ok.” I said as I inspected the entire temple and the shrine. In the shrine, there was a hollow cavity; the GS Ball would fit just barely fit if I push hard enough. Before Ho-oH could stop me from putting it in, I thrust the GS Ball in the cavity and Ho-oH came running straight towards me. “What are you doing? We’ll never get it back out now!” “If that’s who I think it is, we won’t have to.” I said as I pointed to a Pokemon that looked like a little alien. Ho-oH turned to look. “Celebii! So good to see you again!” Ho-oh said to it. “So you’re Celebii? You must be really strong!” I said as I looked the little pokemon over. “Celebii, this girl is my trainer, her name is Tanya. I appologize for her rudness. I am the only member she has seen so far, so she is curious.” Ho-oH introduced us. “Oh, sorry if I was rude!” “It’s alright. You were curious; like I was when I was sucked into that dreaded GS Ball. Thank you for rescuing me.” Celebii said. “You’re welcome. Would you like to help me on my Pokemon journey?” “Um… I don’t know, I guess so, as long as I don’t have to stay in those dreaded Pokeballs for long. Actually, it would be better if I stayed here, because without my brother or me, the forest will be thrown into utter chaos!” “Oh, ok. Can me and Ho-oH visit? If your brother were here would you come?” “The problem is, neither of us can go, unless one stays, normally we take turns going to the council’s meetings… Shouldn’t have said that!” “It’s ok, I won’t tell, and I won’t attack this council you two talk about. You can trust me.” “Well, I guess so. Remember, no telling!” “I will.” “See you two later!” “Ok! We’ll try to help look for your brother!” “Thanks for all the help! Bye!” Celebii shouted as she flew off. I saw Kurt and the others, who had come here walking towards the Golden rod exit, so me and Ho-oH followed suit. We all had arrived at the guardhouse. Everyone in our little group (including the ones who weren’t seaching) were there, Kurt was carrying Ratatta. “Tanya! Are you ok? We all saw the flash of light coming from where you were! We were worried!” Kurt remarked as I entered. “All me and Ho-oH did was find the guardian, as it turns out, there are two of them! We found the sister, she was inside of my GS Ball!” “I managed to pry out the GS Ball you had Tanya.” Ho-oh said. “Thanks Ho-oH!” “You’re welcome, you can have it as a suvenier, or as a ball for catching Pokemon that even a master ball can’t hold.” “Wow! Ho-oH! You are so smart! How do you know all this stuff?” “Experience.” “Let’s go to Goldenrod city next!” Chamreun said hastily. “Yeah!” I agreed, winking at Ho-oH. “We’re agreed!” Arish and Olivie said in unison. “Same here!” said Ash, answering for Misty and Brock. “Me too!” Kipp added. “So, it’s anonymus, we’re going to Goldenrod!” Ash concluded. “I’ll be heading home, thank you all for your help. Anytime you’re in town, visit!” “Ok!” We all answered as we watched him walk off. We arrived in Goldenrod and I insited on touring every tall building there; we went to the Casino first, then on to the Pokecenter, then Radio Tower. The last place we went was the Department Store. We got to the roof and saw a man in black with the customary red ‘R’ on his shirt. I immediately went up to him and grabbed him by the collar holding him near the edge, “Where’s FlyGl.” I said cooly. “Who’s FlyGl?” the Rocket answered. I slammed him into a wall nearby. “She’s my Pidgeot that your pile of $#!% orgnization kidnapped! Where is she!” “She’s in the basement about to be relocated to a new hideout.” “That’s better.” I said as I tied him up and made him lead the way to the basement where FlyGl was. Everyone was lookeing at the scene I was putting on, but I didn’t care, I wanted people to watch and hopefully follow, to witness the final end to Team Rocket. I was led to the basement and when I got there, I saw her, I tied the guy to a pole and ran to her. She was chained up to a pole and looked very sad about something, “FlyGl?” “(Leave me alone.)” She answered. “FlyGl, it’s me, Toni.” She looked up and scanned me. “(You don’t look anything like her.)” She said as she looked back down. “FlyGl!” I said in egsaperation as I reached into my bag and pulled out the two things I still had to remember her by, the collar, and the feather. “See these? I found these when I was looking for you, I thought you were dead.” That got her to perk up for a second, then she went back to sad. “(It’s impossible, Toni looked more like a guy than a girl. She had black hair cut short, and she had all the Jhoto Badges, we were about to challenge the Elite Four together, but I was kidnapped. Toni tried to chase them down, but she couldn’t keep up, I saw her collapse onto the ground, then she was out of sight, I cried so much that night that the kidnappers got annoyed and beat me till I bled. I was in the Yukon at the time, and every time the wind blew I thought I saw her, coming to save me. But it was only a mirage. I wish it had been her. It was shortly before midwinter when that happened.)” “Maybe it wasn’t a mirage at all, maybe it was me looking for you. I followed the trails the kidnappers made and tried to keep up, the night after I found these, a blizzard came in and I was forced to give up. I had run out of food completely at the time and before I had even gone a foot from where I had slept. I collapsed from fatigue and hunger. Hiker Perry found me and recognized me immediately, he took me to his house, I had lost all of my badges and my pokemon were confiscated. I was left to start fresh, I really want you back, I have since you were kidnapped.” “(It is you, Toni? My dreams came true! Now we can be together again and be the best team ever!)” “Uh, FlyGl, we’ll have to talk later, first I’m gonna get you outta here, I still have your Pokeball, so, FlyGl, return.” I said as I tapped her with the pokeball and she was sucked inside, she didn’t even struggle. I then ran for the exit, hoping to make it before they doubled security, too late! I battled them off with Scout and went to the top floor. I went to the roof and called out Ho-oh and FlyGl I told everyone to hop on, which they did, and we took off!