Chapter Six; Ecruteak “Now, does anyone here not have a toothbrush with them?” I asked, all of the people who had come from the Feudal Century raised their hands, “I’ll make sure you are each given one of your own. There are four bathrooms, and there are cameras throughout the house and garden. I will supply food and the like for you all daily.” They all went into the bedroom and unpacked their belongings “Hey! That’s my bed! I claimed it!” Tanya screamed, I looked at the screen that showed what went on in the bedroom. Frieza was laying casually on Tanya’s bed and was refusing to move. “You heard her! Move it!” Gohan shouted at the changeling. “Why should I?” Frieza asked smirking. “Frieza! Move off of Tanya’s bed immediately!” I ordered him. “Fine.” He got off the bed and went to his own to unpack. “Thanks.” Tanya said to me. “Yeah, can’t have someone causing trouble this early on, it’ll spoil the fun of it all. So just get along and there won’t be any problems.” Frieza looked scornfully at the camera and turned on his heel. He went to his bed and got out a six-pack of beer. “Frieza, there are no alcoholics allowed here!” he gulped down a whole bottle, “Your punishment is Shippou Bath Duty for a day. That means you get to help him with his bath.” I said, announcing his punishment. He stared at the camera open-mouthed then stomped off, shoving people out of his way muttering something about wanting to destroy me. I decided to let them have a day of rest before whomping them with daily duties, after all, Frieza wouldn’t be very fun all mad like he was. I noticed the time and told the crew to get to bed. They all got into their own bed except Gohan, who was too busy daydreaming about something that he didn’t hear me. “Gohan! Get in bed!” I shouted at him, startling him badly. He stood up and walked over to Tanya’s bed and kissed her goodnight before getting into his own bed. ~~~~~ Tanya’s POV ~~~~~ I pretended to fall asleep after kissing Gohan goodnight. I couldn’t sleep anyway because I can never fall asleep with a lot of people in the same room as me, I got out of bed silently and tip-toed out into the garden, taking my pillow and blankets with me. I found a hammock and got on it, it was actually quite comfortable. I fell asleep almost instantly and dreamt that I was on a date with Gohan when a faceless figure clicked his fingers and Gohan dissapeared from sight. I woke with a start and realized I wasn’t on the hammock anymore, I was in a room that was small and had a single window. My Pokeballs were all gone too! I looked out and saw the garden. Gohan suddenly rushed out of the barely visable house and looked around frantically. I banged on the window and yelled, hoping that my boyfriend would hear me, he didn’t. He gave up and walked into the house, a depressed look on his face. I saw him come back out with everyone else, I could hear their every word, but they couldn’t hear me at all. “Big Butox said she was somewhere out here and that our job of the day would be to find her or nobody would get dinner, I honestly am not doing this for the food either.” Gohan remarked, so Big Butox was behind this! “I’d rather go without dinner than have to look for some lousy human. She couldn’t even protect her home planet without help. I am definitely not helping!” Frieza said loudly. “I can smell her scent!” Scout exclaimed happily, everyone started to follow her as she led them around in circles, going over the same place twice sometimes! I grabbed my bike flag and held it up to the window, it caught Kabbitfox’s attention. She in turn took the lead and led the search party to the place where I was being held. “In here, I saw her bike flag in the window.” My little Eevee said happily. Gohan gripped the door and with a pull, opened it with relative ease. It had even been locked! “Gohan! I was beginning to get scared in there!” I cried as I leapt out of the room and hugged Gohan tightly. He looked glad to see me, as did everyone else except Frieza. We went inside and I offered to cook, but Kaede said that she had better do the cooking and that I was too young to know the first thing about cooking. “Hey! I can cook! I bet I can cook as good as or better than you any day!” “Alright, then we’ll just have to have a cooking contest. Whomever can make the best toast wins, it can be any kind of toast.” Kaede challenged. “Fine by me.” “Then lets get started, first we need someone to judge. Inuyasha, will ye be willing to judge our cooking?” “Feh, why not Gohan, he looks hungrier than me.” He said, plainly not wanting to be in the spotlight. “It won’t be fair for him to judge.” “If Goku were here, he wouldn’t be afraid to say whether or not food tastes good.” Maron commented, Big Butox heard her obviously. “You say Goku would make a good judge? I don’t see why not, after all he eats a ton of food in one sitting.” He said, suddenly Goku appeared just inside the door, he looked around and saw everyone. “Hey! There you all are! Why am I here though?” he said curiously. “Goku, you get to have a toast feast thanks to Kaede and Tanya, who are having a cooking contest.” “Oh boy! Food! Where is it?” “They haven’t even started yet!” Gohan told his food-crazed father, I laughed at his antics and started to look for a skillet to cook with, Kaede held one in her hand and smirked slightly. “Looking for this?” “I need to use that!” “So do I, ye’ll just have to use something else.” She said, handing me a rusty old pan. “No fair, nobody can possibly use a rusty pan to make toast! I’ll let you use the big skillet, I’ll just have to use the smaller one.” “Ha! The smaller the pan, the less ye can make!” “So? I’d rather make a small amount of great tasting toast than a bunch of toast that tastes like crap!” “Fine, let’s get started, shall we?” “Yeah!” I said, getting down a bowl and getting out eggs, milk, and bread. I mixed the milk and eggs and dipped a slice of bread into the mixture. I carefully placed the slice on the skillet and grabbed a spatula to flip it when it was ready, I saw golden bubbles around the edge and flipped it over, the bottom, now the top, was a nice golden brown color. I waited for the equivalent amout of time as it took for the first side to cook and flipped it, then I immediately put it on a plate and went on to the next one. “Ye call that toast? Ye must be kidding!” “Not kidding, its called French toast. It’s the best, my dad showed me how to make it.” “I be finished.” “I need a couple more minutes over here.” I said, finishing my fifth piece and starting my sixth. “French toast always comes in sixes.” After a while, I finished that piece and put it on the plate. I grabbed some syrup and cinnamon sugar and mixed them together, “Done.” “Now each of you can give Goku the toast to see who the winner is.” Big Butox instructed, I handed Goku my toast and sugary syrup. Goku poured the syrup onto the French toast and tried a bite, his face lit up and he ate the rest quickly. “Wow! That was great!” he said, then tried a bite of Kaede’s toast, he thought a while then dug in, “Not bad…” “Who’s did you like best?” Everyone asked him at the same time. “I’d have to say, Tanya’s. Kaede’s was good too, but I gotta say, it’s kinda salty...” “Tanya won!” I went up to Kaede and we shook hands, “Nice job, usually when someone tries my french toast, they don’t think any other kind is worth trying, not many people can compete with me on that.” I congradulated her. “Ye are definitely a good cook, but ye are also a good rival. I’ll just try to find something that will taste better than your toast, that way, we’ll be even.” She said jokingly. Goku was transported away. After a while, Nate came up, I noticed he was here for the first time. “You know, you really annoy me.” He said to me calmly. “That’s your problem, not mine.” I told him cooly, he ignored my comment and walked off toward the bedroom. ~~~~~ Scout’s POV ~~~~~ I saw Nate and frieza come into the room I had just been sleeping in. They both came over to me once they noticed me and Nate picked me up by the scruff of my neck, I never had liked it when I was picked up by that. I growled at the two people who were looking at me with mischief in their eyes, I realized this wasn’t gonna just be someone coming up to me to pet me, this was gonna be dangerous! “What should we do now that we’ve got this little rat in our possession?” Frieza asked Nate, who smirked. “Why don’t we brainwash it? Then I could re-catch it and I would have a super rare Pokemon to brag about.” “I want something out of this too though, let’s throw it into the bathroom when Sesshomaru is in there! He’s sure to give it a makeover!” “True, but we wouldn’t get to see anything, how about we go outside and tie-dye it?” “That sounds fun, let’s go! I’ll take it out, you get the dye.” “Right, let’s go. Here’s its Pokeball.” He threw the ball to Frieza, who caught it expertly. “Help.” I quietly muttered. I was too scared to move, I was about to be put in my ball, and then I was in it a second later. I was let out after a few minutes by Frieza, I was grabbed roughly and was about to get shoved into a big bucket when I saw Gohan and Tanya walking around. “Help!” I yelled as loudly as I could, they turned and the second they took in the scene, they rushed over quickly. “Any closer and I’ll just kill it, stay where you are and I’ll just tie-dye it, take your pick.” Frieza said cooly. They stopped and thought it over. Tanya saw my Pokeball and summoned it to her hand, then instanly recalled me before anyone could do anything about it. I felt safe and relaxed, knowing Tanya was there. ~~~~~ Gohan’s POV ~~~~~ I watched as Tanya whooped the living crap outta Frieza for threatening to tie-dye Scout. Frieza was soon a bruised, battered, and beaten changeling. Nate was scared out of his mind, and promised to never do that type of thing ever again. We left the two jerks where they were and continued on our walk. I felt something hit me on the head and looked up, Inuyasha was sitting in a tree above. He looked at us, ‘feh’ed, and shut his eyes. We walked around for an hour or so until Butox-man called us all to the house, where he told us how to get to a room called the Confession Room. Inuyasha, who we had passed by twice and were near walked back with us. We each went into the room one at a time. When it was my turn, I went in and was told what I was supposed to do. “Well, I just wish that Frieza, if anyone should just leave or be forced to leave or something, he kidnapped Scout for Pete’s sake! Other than that, in case anyone’s wondering, yes, I am Tanya’s boyfriend.” I said, then left the room. Frieza was right in the way, so I casually pushed him aside and walked by him. I was about to sit down and wait for Tanya’s turn to be over, it hadn’t even started yet, when I felt someone punch me in the face. I looked up and it was Frieza, again. I punched him back and soon we were in an all out brawl. We only stopped when someone shouted at us. It was Goten. We continued to fight, I ended up beating him and then left him where he was and continued to wait for Tanya. Frieza was called in next and I figured he was whining about me and Tanya, I was surprised when Frieza came out perfectly fine with no bruises or anything. Tanya was next and I noticed that she looked a bit tired. She went in and when she came out, she looked much more tired than before. “You alright?” I asked her. “Yeah, I’m fine…” She said, yawning. We went into the bedroom and shut the door. She got something out of her duffel bag, it was in the shape of a rectangle and about six inches thick. She opened the case and got out a rather old looking laptop computor, mouse, double set headphones, a few disks, a thesaurus, and a dictionary. “What’s that for?” I asked her. “It’s my laptop, my dad updated it for me, it looks old but the system is quite new. I even have a mini scanner, digital camera, and printer for it!” she said, cheering up. She looked more awake now. She looked around and, seeing nothing she might have been looking for, sighed and put the small computor down on her bed. “Gohan I’ll be right back, I need to go get something.” She said, walking out. After a few minutes she came back in carrying a table and being followed closely by Abra, who was using his psychic powers to carry a chair in. Tanya put the desk down between our beds and caught the chair when Abra tossed it to her, she put it down and I saw another chair carried by the little psychic, the same was done for it. Tany let out all of her Pokemon except for the three who wouldn’t fit. They all decided to explore the place. “Don’t get lost or get in anything you aren’t supposed to, and watch out for Frieza, Nate, and anybody who looks like they’re gonna try and do something to you. Also, could you please stay together?” they nodded, “Good, now go explore all you want!” she told them. They all ran out and turned to the right. “So, what are you gonna use the laptop for?” I asked her, she put the laptop and all of the other stuff that had come with it and put it on the desk. “Well, I’ll write a diary, a story, draw pictures, make a scrapbook, or just do homework, yes, I do still have homework. I just was being homeschooled for my senior year before I started my journey. I’ll have to keep in touch with my mom.” She rolled her eyes and got another item out of her bag, a cable cord. She screwed it into the wall and then into the back of the laptop, she plugged another cord into the wall outlet, then hooked up all the extras. She was quite good at this, like she had been doing it all her life. “I do like science, that’s when I start to teach her!” she laughed out loud and booted the computor up, it was remarkably fast in doing so. “So, what do you think?” she asked me. “That’s one fast computor… I sure wish I had one like it.” “Well, I could just make another one just for you.” “Gosh, it must be hard to make one like that.” “It’s easy! I stored the blueprints in here, they’re password protected. I could print a copy of them for you if you want one.” “No thanks. I don’t really need a laptop.” “Tanya! Are you making contact with anyone outside of this house!?!” We heard Butox yell. “Huh? You mean the laptop? The only stuff I can get from anybody whose computor isn’t nearby is emails regarding my homework from my mom.” “I guess that’s an exceptable enough reason.” He said, we heard the clicking sound that signalled that he was getting off the microphone. Tanya logged onto MSN and saw no emails, she closed the window and unhooked her webcam. She put it on the holder and set it to take a picture in ten seconds. It was aimed at me, she stood next to me and the cam flashed. She kissed me on the cheek and hooked the cam back up. The picture automatically uploaded onto the laptop. It was really cute too. “So we can remember this hell-house later.” She explained, “Huh?” a pop-up saying she had received a message popped onto the screen. She clicked on it and a window opened to reveal a message from Blitz. It said that her site was great and that he was sorry about having to use her emergency email, but that he needed to talk to her as soon as possible and had seen her on TV. She wrote back saying that she would have to talk to him later and that she wasn’t here by choice. “He’s a boy I met on a RPG.” “Oh, that’s intersting.” I said, hoping that she wouldn’t get in trouble because of that message, she promtly deleted the message and turned to me. “I just hope that I get through all this with passing grades.” She muttered. I went up to have a better look at the screen, she was printing the picture of us, and when it came out, there were little hearts around the edges. Tanya wrote a date, time, and place on the back. She found a bulletin board on the wall and promtly pinned it to it. “Hmm, what are you two up to in here?” a voice said from the door, we turned and saw Kikyou. “Nothing much. Just checking out Tanya’s Laptop.” I said, answering her question. “Oh, mind if I have a look at it?” “Uh, I’ll show you sometime later, ok?” Tanya suggested. “Alright.” She said, leaving the room. “Gohan! What is this I hear about you and Tanya going out!?!” a very mad Videl roared at Gohan upon entering the room. “I thought it was you and me going out! What is up with that!?!” “Uh, well, um…” I mumbled, not knowing what to say. “What do you mean?” Tanya asked, making it worse. “Gohan was going out with me before he met you! You stole my boyfriend!” “Gohan, is that true?” “Um, uh, well uh…” “Gohan?” “We were engaged too! You took him away from me!” Videl saw the picture and tore it to shreds. “Well, if you stay with her, I’ll just have to make both your lives miserable!” “Why don’t you just leave us alone?” “Gohan is mine!” “Why don’t you ask him who he likes better?” “Fine!” Videl turned to me, “You like me more than that scrawny little dirtbag, right?” she said sweetly. “I don’t know, I never really said that I loved you, let alone that I wanted to be engaged to you. I did ask Tanya to be my girlfriend though.” “Fine! Be that way! I hope you get paralized when you fight a super villian next!” she shouted as he stomped out of the room. We were left alone for a while before Tanya broke the silence. “Talk about cranky.” She said, then suddenly colapsed onto the chair she had been standing near. “Gosh! What’s happening with that! I’ve been doing that a lot lately, I wonder if it has something to do with this.” She pointed to the strip of metal around her neck. “I wish there was a way to get it off…” “I just hope that it stops soon, otherwise who knows what’ll happen!” “It’s Kaede’s turn to cook, I won’t have to go down til dinner time.” She tugged at the metal, but it just tightened. She let go, but it stayed tight. She colapsed again and couldn’t move at all this time. I tried to wake her up, but couldn’t. I even tried to dump water on her, that didn’t work either! “Tanya! Come on, get up!” I said in a panic, I picked her up and put her on her bed. I yelled for Scout and Tanya’s other Pokemon to come, they did rather quickly. “I need one of you to try to find some smelling salts, Abra, I need you to stay here and help me.” Abra came over when all the other Pokemon had left the room, as soon as he saw her he sent out a bunch of psywaves. The band tightened around Tanya’s neck and the little psy resorted to trying to contact her, that didn’t work. I saw Tanya’s breathing rate slow down and become more and more pained. Suddenly, a bunch of Nurse Joys rushed in and saw what had happened. They quickly put her on a stretcher and rushed out, I ran after them and caught up to the one in the front. “Where are you taking her?” “Out to our station.” She answered as she ran. We got to the door when two guards in sunglasses blocked my way. “I have to go with Tanya!” I objected, they just told me I had gone too far already and that I wasn’t gonna be allowed through, no matter what I said. “But…” “Scram, the girl will be fine.” One of them said, pushing me back. I wasn’t about to just go back to the house, so I stayed where I was and waited. “Looks like he likes that girl, he hasn’t moved for two hours.” The first one whispered to the second. “Yeah, looks like it. I pity him, it’ll take a few days before she can leave the hospital.” The second replied, “Someone should at least let him know what’s going on.” “Yeah, but all I know is that the girl won’t be coming back for a few days. If he asks me anything, I probably won’t know the answer to the question.” “Same here. Looks to me like he plans to stay there for a while.” “Lets just wait till it gets dark, then if he’s still here, we’ll make him go back to the house.” “Good idea.” “I don’t plan on going anywhere til Tanya gets back.” I told them quietly. “That’s what you think kid. That girl is your girlfriend, right?” “Yeah.” “Well, I don’t think she’d like to come back and see you just sitting there waiting and find out that you’ve been waiting the whole time.” “Well, she means a lot to me, I want to at least know whether or not she’ll be alright.” “We don’t know, we’ll get someone to ask for you…” “I meant I want to go see her.” “No can do.” “Why not?” “You and everyone else who is occupying the house have to stay in its vacinity unless it’s an emergency.” “It’s gonna be an emergency if you don’t let me through.” “Huh?” “If you don’t let me through, there’s gonna be an emergency!” “Listen, we would have already let you through except that right now, if we do let you through, we’ll end up losing our jobs and we won’t be able to support our families.” “I’ll find a way to pay you if you let me through!” “The answer is no, we just can’t do that.” “I don’t want to cause any trouble, I just want to see my girlfriend.” “We realize that, and we honestly would if our families didn’t depend on this job.” “Excuse me boys, but my patient won’t cooperate, I was hoping to bring somebody who could help me with her. Any suggestions?” A nurse told us. “Is your patient Tanya?” she nodded, “I’ll help, she’s my girlfriend.” “Alright, follow me.” She said, leading me towards the nurses’ outpost. The guards stopped both me and her claiming that we would have hell to pay if Butox got wind of me leaving the compound just so that a problem that is solvable without me around can get overcome. “We’ve tried everything else we can do, this is our last resort.” They let us through and I was led to the room Tanya was in, the nurse let me in and then walked in behind me and went to a cart. She brought the cart up to one side of the bed and motioned for me to have a seat in the chair on the opposite side, I did and saw that the band was still on and tight. Tanya was barely breathing now. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly, she tried to react but I told her not to move unless I told her she could, she listened and relaxed a bit. “Gohan…” Tanya mouthed and she breathed a sigh of relief. The nurse looked up at me. “Gohan, is that your name?” the nurse asked me. I nodded, “You’ve probably guessed that my name is Joy, right?” I nodded again, “I’m glad you could come and help, she kept on struggling until I brought you.” “You like to talk a lot, don’t you?” “Yeah… Why, am I bothering you?” “No, I just noticed how much you were talking.” I said, just then the nurse picked up a small device with a sharp point on the end. “What’s that for?” “It’s to try and deactivate that band that’s choking her. We can’t get it off unless it loosens up a bit.” “Oh…” “The tip is made of diamond, so that it’ll cut through the band and if it’s rubbed along the surface, it’ll tell us if there are wires or anything like that inside.” “I see…” Tanya stiffened suddenly and I gripped her hand tighter, “Tanya, everything’s alright. Just calm down.” I said softly. She calmed down a little. “I-I can’t even sense your energy at all…” she barely whispered. “I’m still here, don’t worry, I won’t leave you.” “Thanks.”she said, then she relaxed more. “Tanya, this might sting a little bit, but it’ll help to get that band off.” Joy told her and then rubbed the device along the surface of the metal, a barely audible beep sounded and Joy stopped moving it. She marked the exact spot where it had beeped and slowly shaved the metal off untill she reaced some wires, the device couldn’t shave any more off and Joy turned it off, the tip was totally deformed! “That didn’t work very well. I’ll have to call in a techie.” She pushed a button on the cart and a beeping sound came from the door. The door opened revealing a short girl with pinkish hair standing there, she walked in and went to Joy’s side. “You called for me?” “Yes, we need you to deactivate this band.” She pointed out the ring of metal around Tanya’s neck, the girl quickly got up the case she had been holding and got out a tiny light, she then picked a small pair of tweezers and started to work on it. The band loosened a little and it was easier for Tanya to breath. I watched over the girl’s shoulder as she worked on the band. “Do you mind? Oh, aren’t you one of the kids from the Butox house?” “Yeah, I’m here to help my girlfriend here through this.” I said, then I sensed that Tanya was about to move. “Uh, you might wanna pull your tools away for a sec.” I gripped Tanya’s hand. The girl ignored my warning and continued to work, Tanya did move and the girl got shocked by around ten volts of electricity. “Ow, I guess next time you say something, I’ll listen. By the way, my name’s Washu.” She said, little lightning bolts coursing through her hair. “I sure am glad that I don’t have to start over, I just have to do one more light adjustment and the band’ll just slide right off, it’ll be able to go over her head easily.” She crossed two wires and the band loosened so that I could lift it off. I did and it came off easier than I had expected it to. “All done, now Joy can take over. I’ll get going now.” “Thanks Washu.” I said, she smiled and walked out. Tanya was able to breath normally now and she soon was able to open her eyes. When she did, I made sure that she knew I was there for her. “Thanks for staying with me.” She said, then fell asleep. “You’d better get back to the house now…” Joy told me. “I wanna stay with Tanya though, when she wakes up and she doesn’t see me, she’ll think that I don’t like her anymore and I just get the feeling that something bad’s gonna happen here.” I explained. The nurse nodded and allowed me to carry Tanya to a decent room to sleep in. I put her on the bed and sat down in a chair next to her. I fell asleep after a while. I woke up to the sounds of giggling and laughter, I opened my eyes only to see that the Planet’s Funniest Home Videos was on and that Tanya was just waking up too. She looked at me and smiled weakly, then suddenly colapsed, I managed to snap her out of it easily. “What happened? Are you alright?” “I think so… I felt something terrible coming, and then your energy fading…” “Wha? Tell me all about it.” “Well, I saw a figure, like the one from my dream about the Saiyins being threatened, this time I could feel his energy. I saw him fight you and then saw you dissapear. That’s when I felt your energy fade out…” “So, him again… Did he say anything this time?” “Yes, now that you mention it, I remember him saying something about that he’s going to come soon and destroy all of us. He also said that if we wanted to survive, we could join forces with him and rule the universe.” “Can you still feel him?” “Yeah, a little, not as much as I did a second ago though.” “Then he must already be here, he’s just waiting for the right moment to strike.” “I guess so…” “Tanya, Gohan, the two of you can leave now. Remember, go straight to the house.” A nurse told us, we left and went back. “I feel him more now.” Tanya muttered as we entered the door. I hugged her closely as we walked around inside, looking for everyone else who had been here. “He- he’s here, in the house. I can sense where he is!” she grabbed my arm and made a run for it out the door. As soon as we touched the ground outside of the house, it exploded! Me and Tanya were sent flying forward. I looked back and saw a man with hair the same style as Trunks’, he was older and more muscular though. He went SSJ2 and approached us. Tanya watched, unable to move, I jumped up and stood between the man and Tanya. I went from Super Saiyin to SSJ2 to SSJ3. The man contimued to approach us, I saw him point at me and a ball of energy formed at his fingertip. “This is what happened in the dream! Get outta here Gohan!” Tanya yelled at me. I stayed where I was, “Gohan, leave right this minute!” “I promised not to leave you, this is no exception!” I told her. “Forget about that and leave now!” she shouted, there was worry and determination in her voice. “No, I just can’t do that. I’m gonna stay with you and protect you, no matter what, that’s a promise I’ll keep, even if you tell me not to.” “Leave right this minute or I’ll never talk to you again!” “I’d rather have you alive than not talking to me.” “If anything happens to you, I’ll never forgive myself for letting you do something crazy. Leave.” “On one condition, promise me that you won’t die.” “I promise.” She said, I could see tears in here eyes and I left. ~~~~~ Tanya’s POV ~~~~~ I watched as Gohan left and I realized that I might not be able to keep my promise. I turned to the man who had been haunting me and saw for the first time that he was from a totally different era than me, I could tell by his clothes. “So glad that you heeded my warning. I am Brolli, I already know that you are Princess Tanya of the Saiyins…” “Me? A princess? You must be joking.” “I am not, you are Prince Vegeta’s neice. He doesn’t know it though. Anyway, back to buisiness, are you going to join me and rule the universe, or die.” “I refuse to join you.” “So be it, I’ll just have to dispose of you now. Goodbye…” he was cut off by Vegeta, who had appeared out of nowhere. “Tanya, get outta here now! I’ll take care of Brolli!” he yelled to me. I hesitated for a moment, “Now!” I flew as fast as I could away from there and then realized I was heading in the opposite direction Gohan had gone, I couldn’t turn around because I didn’t want to know what would happen if I did go back. I flew as fast and as far as I could before landing in my hometown of Eevee City. I realized all of my Pokemon were missing and that I had to go back to get them, but I couldn’t bring myself to do that just yet. I couldn’t help but wonder whether or not Brolli was right about me being Vegeta’s neice. I looked in my scrapbook and saw nothing at all relating to Saiyins. I even tried to phone my mom, the line was busy. I tried to call Gohan, but his line was busy too. I was finally able to contact Bulma. “Bulma, is Trunks, Goten, Gohan, Goku, or Vegeta there?” “No, why?” “I need to talk to one of them as soon as possible.” “I’ll tell them to call you next time I see them.” “Thanks.” I hung up and realized that Trunks and Goten had both been at Butox House, I hadn’t seen anyone there at all though. They must’ve been either scared off or destroyed, I hoped it wasn’t the second choice. I tried to locate them by sensing their energy, I couldn’t. In fact, I couldn’t sense anyone’s energy! Not even the people I saw walking by! I wished I could’ve done something other than stand around gawking at Brolli. I flew back towards the used-to-be-house and, sensing that Brolli was gone, approached cautiously. Vegeta lay sprawled on the ground, barely alive. I bandaged him as best I could without my first aid kit. I saw my Pokeballs on the ground a few feet away and was about to get them when Vegeta woke up. “Don’t. Brolli wants you to get them, it’s a trap.” He said slowly. “Ok, my pokemon will be fine, they can take care of themselves. I have complete faith in them.” I said, surprizing him, I picked him up and flew him to my house where I called Bulma. “Tanya! Any luck?” “I found Vegeta, he got beaten badly. He’s at my house in Eevee City, I’m going to go look for the others.” I said, then hung up. I turned to Vegeta, “I’ll be back, I’m just going to try and find everyone else who was at the house. Ok?” “No. You took a great enough risk when you found me. If you go back, he’ll surely get you.” “I just can’t leave everyone there.” “They wouldn’t want you to get yourself killed just to find them. They’ll be fine.” There was an uncomfortable silence following what he said, after a while though, I spoke up, “Was Brolli right when he said that you’re my uncle?” “Fraid so.” He said, I heard a knock at the door and answered it. It was Bulma. “Where’s Vegeta?” was the first thing she said. “This way.” I led her to the room where Vegeta was on a bed. I let them have some time alone for a while while I tried to detect the others. I suddenly remembered seeing a small arm partially hidden behind a wall. I flew back and saw the arm, I found the owner by flying above the site, it was Maron! I flew down and picked her up, I also found Trunks, Goten, and Shippou too. I picked them up and flew back to my house, making sure that nobody followed me. I got back and went into one of my spare rooms. I put each kid on a bed and went to get Bulma and tell her I had found her son. I got to the room Vegeta was occupying, Bulma looked upset about something, I went in and she looked up at me. Vegeta just looked mad at me. “Tanya, you’re mine and Vegeta’s neice?” Bulma said questioningly. “Yeah.” I answered her. “I told you not to go back there!” Vegeta roared at me. “I just wanted to tell you two that I found Trunks, Goten, Maron, and Shippou. All of them are alive.” I said as I left the room. My videophone rang and I answered it quickly. “Hello, this is Tanya.” “Tanya, I understand that you tried to call us, is that right?” Chi-Chi’s voice said over the phone. “Yes, I wanted to ask you if Goku, Gohan, Trunks, Vegeta, or Goten were there, but I’ve found Goten, Trunks, and Vegeta. They’re worn out from trying to fight Brolli. They’re at my house in Eevee City. Is Gohan or Goku there?” “Goku’s here, Gohan is out somewhere. Do you wanna talk to Goku?” “Yeah. It’s urgent.” “Ok…” I heard her yell for Goku to get the phone. “Here he is.” She got off and let Goku on. “What is it Tanya?” he asked me, concerned. “I need you to come to my house in Eevee City. I’ll explain there, bring the other fighters that you can get a hold of to come too. It’s about the dream.” I said, he said he would and we hung up. I went into the room the kids were in and checked on them. The doorbell rang and I let Goku, Chi-Chi, Hercule, Tien, Chiatsu, Yamcha, Krillin, Piccolo, Eighteen, Shin, and Kibito in, Chi-Chi and Eighteen immediately asked about their children, I showed everyone where Vegeta and the kids were. “So, what were you going to talk to us about? Where’s Gohan and Videl?” “I don’t know where Gohan and Videl are right now. I do know that the guy who was in my dream last time is here, he’s already fought Vegeta and he’s probably fought the kids too. Gohan didn’t fight, I know that, I made him leave the place where we were. The guy’s name is Brolli.” I explained, suddenly, I heard the sound of struggling birds and chains, I rushed to the widow. There a horrible scene was unfolding, all of my Pokemon were chained up and were being beaten. I prepared to jump out the window, but Vegeta stopped me. “It’s a trap, don’t fall for it. Those are holograms and sound recordings.” He said, I stopped where I was and stared at him. He just looked right back at me. I looked back at what Vegeta considered holograms and peered closely, the sounds and the motions didn’t correspond! “So they are. Thanks for the warning.” I went to check on the kids and saw that only Trunks was awake. “How you feeling?” I asked him. “Not the best, what happened?” “Well, Brolli attacked and the house exploded, Vegeta fought him off and is here. He told me not to go back and look for you, but I did anyway.” “Oh, but who’s Brolli?” “He’s that guy who was in that dream…” “You mean he’s here!?!” “Well, yeah.” “Where’s my dad?” “I’d take you to him, but right now you need to rest.” “What about Mom?” “She’s here, want me to go get her?” “Sure!” “Be right back.” I said as I left the room, I returned with Bulma behind me, she was definitely worried. “Trunks! I’m so glad you’re alright!” Bulma said, I left the room. I went to my room and saw a very welcome guest sitting on my bed, he looked sad about something. “Gohan?” “Wha? Tanya you’re alright!” he exclaimed, glad to see me, “ I thought that Brolli had killed you, you have no idea how worried I was!” “Why would you even think that? You know I try hard to keep my promises!” “So, have you seen Goten anywhere?” “He’s in one of the guest rooms. He’ll be ok after he gets some rest.” “Good, I’ve been worrying about him too. I did manage to locate Chamreun, but Brolli showed up and I got away from there as fast as I could, he was holding your Pokeballs, the real ones, not those holograms.” He motioned towards the holograms of my Pokemon. “He has my Pokemon?” “I’m afraid so, I did manage to get one back for you, here.” He handed me a Pokeball which I opened immediately, it was Abra! “Thought you might want to have at least one of your Pokemon around if I could ever find you.” “Tanya! Gohan! I feel something bad coming! We have to hide!” Abra suddenly shouted, we all rushed down the stairs and warned everybody. We helped the people who were injured to get into my basement and then we hid there. An audible crash was heard outside and we grew quiet. “Bring me the Saiyins that you are hiding in this city! If you don’t, I’ll be forced to destroy all of you!” the booming voice of Brolli shouted. We heard screams and Gohan tensed, as did I. “The Saiyins I know are here are Princess Tanya, Prince Vegeta, Prince Trunks, Princess Rebeck, Goten, Goku, and Gohan. Bring them out now or pay with your lives!” “He’s going to attack my hometown! We can’t let him!” I said, not bothering to keep my voice quiet, I ran upstairs and out the door, I flew up so that I was at eye level with Brolli, “You wanna fight me? You gotta leave my hometown outta this!” I yelled at him, he just smirked and hit me hard across the head, I fell down and crashed onto the ground. “Too bad for the Saiyin Princess, she just got sqashed like a bug!” Brolli shouted for all to hear, “I guess I’ll just have to destroy all of you to get the rest of the Saiyins out of hiding.” I got up slowly and few back up to eye level. I punched him as hard as I could in the face, he just smirked. “Is that the best that you’ve got, little girl?” “Shut up and fight!” I went Super Saiyin and punched him as hard as I possibly could. “Come on! You have got to be kidding me, I don’t have time for this!” he said, than blasted me, sending me flying across town. “Anyone else wanna try and fight me?” “We do!” Gohan and Goku shouted at the same time, I wanted to tell them to leave, but couldn’t even whisper. “Never, ever beat up my girlfriend!” Gohan shouted in rage, he went past the level of Super Saiyin, to the level he had gone to back at the house. Goku did the same. Then the both attacked Brolli with all they had, only bruising him. “You two aren’t much better than the princess! Don’t tell me all of you are weaklings! The only Saiyin who’s not here is Princess Rebeck, that girl’s mother, she was the strongest, but obviously, her strength is weakened since she came to earth. You can tell by looking at her daughter!” ~~~~~ Vegeta’s POV ~~~~~ I listened as my sister was being dissed by Brolli, I knew that my sister was still very strong... At least she was last time I saw her. I tried to sense her energy, to no avail. I didn’t like being forced not to fight, I was still in good enough shape to fight. “Let me go woman! I need to fight!” I objected, Bulma just held me down with more force. I gave in and saw a small creature floating nearby, it’s eyes were glowing red. “What’s that?” I pointed to it. “That’s Tanya’s new Abra.” Bulma told me. Abra’s eyes turned green as he went through the motions of picking something up and then putting it down, Tanya appeared near it, floating in the air. “It’s Tanya!” I said, inadvertantly pushing my wife to the side lightly. I was pulled right back down. “Hey!” “Hey nothing, you need to rest some more before you can even get up.” “Not my fault she’s our neice.” I muttered, Bulma looked very surprised at that. “Our neice?” “Yeah, my sister’s her mother.” “That’s interesting. How long have you known this?” “I was told earlier today.” Trunks had gotten up and was walking to Tanya, he sat down next to her and tried to wake her up. Bulma heard him and turned to see what he was doing. “Trunks, lay back down on your cot, you shouldn’t be up.” Trunks took this as a chance to give her the look, she shook her head and turned back to me. “Heh, he’s just as stubborn as you.” I remarked. “You’re not helping any!” a voice said in my head. “Who is that!?!” I asked out loud, Bulma and everyone else looked at me confusedly. “Rebeck?” “Brolli beat her up, what does it look like?” “It’s not like I wanted it to happen! I’ve been trying to get up and fight! My wife isn’t letting me!” “It’s a trap, don’t.” “Dang sister!” “Vegeta what are you talking about!?!” Bulma asked me impatiently. “My sister was talking to me in my mind. She’s gonna come to fight Brolli.” “Uh, o-k.” “She really is.” “Whatever you say.” A dark figure entered the basement and walked over to Tanya, it wore a cape and I couldn’t see their face. “Kayena.” Was all they said, it was a woman’s voice. She turned to me and lifted the hood, revealing my sister’s face. “I told you I would come.” “Rebeck?” “Yes, it’s been a while. I take it the one with blue hair is your wife.” “Yeah, she’s Bulma.” “Is this fine boy here your son?” “His name’s Trunks.” “You’re my aunt?” Trunks asked her. “Yes, and Tanya’s your cousin.” “Wow! Does that mean that Arish is my cousin too?” “No, Tanya was adopted by Janine.” “Crap, so much for getting her off my back!” “You’re a funny little boy.” She said, then went back upstairs. “Do me a favor, will ya?” I asked. “Depends on what it might be.” “Beat him to a pulp.” “I’ll try.” “Thanks.” I said, then layed back down, thankful for once that she had actually said she would try to do me a favor. I felt Gohan’s energy slowly dissipating, I knew Tanya did too because she grew restless. “Gohan don’t die.” She muttered under her breath. I wished I could have helped the boy my neice loved, but knew I couldn’t. I saw Tanya glow white and then Gohan floated into the room, he looked like he had really been beaten badly. He drifted slowly down onto the floor and the glow around Tanya dimmed. Tanya’s energy greatly decreased and I felt Gohan’s increase. Tanya was healing him! Trunks just stared at Tanya and Gohan in bewilderment. Suddenly I couldn’t feel both Tanya’s and Gohan’s energy, I jumped up, despite Bulma’s insistant yelling at me and rushed over to the couple. They both were pale and their eyes glowed slightly. “Nika andi mesika mitlite Goresta Skookum.” Tanya and Gohan said together in a monotone voice. I gasped involuntarily, realizing what they meant. I looked from one to the other, I was actually scared. “Vegeta, what’s going on?” Bulma asked timidly. “They’ve declared that they are the Saiyin Power…” “What’s that?” “It’s the power that is fed by a Saiyin’s love for another in a crisis. They made a deep commitment to each other by saying that. I’ve never seen it done before, I have only heard of it from my father before now.” “Does that mean that they grow more powerful the more they love each other?” “Yes, exactly.” ~~~~~ Goku’s POV ~~~~~ My son’s energy had completely disolved, as did Tanya’s, I could her their voices in my mind, they were chanting something I couldn’t understand. I had seen the caped woman fly out of the house a while ago, but then she had left and Gohan had been pulled into Tanya’s house. I fought my hardest, not wanting to lose and have any of my friends get hurt. ~~~~~ Tanya’s POV ~~~~~ Gohan was next to me when I woke up. I realized I was back in my basement, Vegeta and Bulma were looking down at me with obvious worry on their faces. Gohan had woken at the same time I had and we both sat up. I remembered someone calling me Kayena or something like that before falling asleep. “You two alright?” Bulma asked, scared. “I think so, last thing I remember is someone calling me Kayena or somethin like that…” “The person who said that was your mother.” Vegeta told me. “My mom knows I’m here in Eevee city? I never told her that.” “Not Janine, your real mother, Rebeck. She’s my sister.” I couldn’t think of anything to say, I just stared into space, thinking about nothing in particular. I felt a presence in the back of my mind, nagging me about something. “You don’t remember what happened after you brought Gohan here, do you?” “No, I don’t even remember bringing him.” “All I remember is getting knocked down, but if you say so.” Gohan said. “Well, I’ll explain later.” ~~~~~ Vegeta’s POV ~~~~~ I told the two I’d explain what had happened later and gave Bulma a look which she hopefully understood meant ‘don’t you dare tell them ever’. Goten stirred and woke up, when he saw everyone and our surroundings, he immediately got worried. “What’s going on?” “I’ll let Vegeta explain that to you, ok?” Tanya said as she and Gohan flew out, both of them going Super Saiyin. I ran up after them to my wife’s disapproval. I watched from a bedroom as Goku was knocked down and the couple in love flew out and they both punched Brolli from behind, he fell forward with such force that the house shook, I held on tight. Bulma found me and was about to yell at me, I pointed at the fight and she forgot about yelling and watched with me. “Those two make it look so easy…” she commented, watching closely. “They can actually hit him hard enough to knock him down, I couldn’t even touch him.” We didn’t speak for a while, we just watched as Brolli was being pounded to a pulp. He looked dead, but the two fighting didn’t think so, they continued to pulverize him until he faded from sight. Tanya and Gohan exchanged glances and smiled a little before they landed and they helped Goku up and inside. They got him to lay down while they went downstairs. “How did Tanya and Gohan get so good so fast?” Goku asked me. “I’ll have to tell you later, I don’t want those two to know what happened…” I told him, taking myself and him by surprise, I hadn’t yelled or been annoyed at him for once! Everyone came upstairs in a hurry, they all came in and wanted to ask me, Goku, or Bulma something like what happened, how the two lovebirds got so strong, and the like. I saw Rebeck about to fly by, she had an amused look on her face. I opened the window and stuck my head out. “Rebeck! Don’t even think of flying off right now and not even bothering to say hi to your daughter! Get in here now!” I shouted, she looked very amused and came inside. I made my way out of the room and went downstairs where Tanya and Gohan were talking. Rebeck was just entering the room, I decided to stay where they wouldn’t notice me and watch. “Kayena, it’s good to see you. It’s been twelve years since we last saw each other.” Rebeck said as she went into the room. “Who’s Kayena?” Tanya asked, I was beginning to doubt that we were related… “You are.” My sister said amusedly. “My name’s Tanya… Who are you anyway?” “I’m Rebeck, your mother.” Tanya’s eyes widened in surprise, “My mom? My real mom! It’s about time you showed!” “Yes, it has been quite a while. I hope you don’t mind if I continue to call you Kayena.” “I don’t mind at all, I’ve already gone through so many names that if I get called by one of them, I answer anyway!” “From what I was told, you have a boyfriend now…” “I’m him.” Gohan said, finally speaking up. Rebeck looked him up and down. “I can already tell that you two are just right for each other. I hope your relationship doesn’t go down the drain.” “It won’t, no other guy is capable of taking Gohan’s place!” Tanya said happily. “I’m glad to hear it. I have to go back now, so I’ll see you two later if I ever get the time.” Rebeck said, about to leave. I was dissapointed at how short their conversation had been, but realized that they had at least met. I smiled slightly and went back upstairs, I noticed for the first time that I had been limping the whole time after fighting Brolli. I felt my right leg muscules tighten and fell, I gripped my leg and tried to get up. “Shit! Of all times, why now!” I mumbled, hoping they wouldn’t notice that I had been listening in on them. No such luck. “Vegeta? Is something wrong with your leg?” Tanya asked me, she sounded concerned. “It’s fine.” I said, trying again to get up, I couldn’t. “Obviously not.” She turned to Gohan, “Come on.” They helped me up and onto the livingroom couch. Tanya touched my leg just a few inches below the knee and it hurt like hell. “Ow!” I howled inadvertently. “Sorry bout that… Looks like your leg might be broken,” she said, examining my darn leg. “It’s fine.” I objected through gritted teeth. She put pressure on the place where she had touched lightly earlier, it hurt worse! “Don’t do that!” “Well, your leg’s broken. Can’t tell which bone it is, but it’s shattered. You’ll need a cast or splint.” She said, about to leave the room, she turned to Gohan, “Gohan, you make sure he doesn’t try anything stupid, ok?” “Yeah.” He answered, great! The lovebirds were teaming up against me, I thought to myself. After a while, Tanya came back, followed by Bulma, things were about to get worse. Bulma rushed up to me and asked me a bunch of dumb questions, one was about how my leg had gotten broken. “Fighting, what do ya think?” I answered, not liking to be taken for a weakling. “Well, you seem to at least be acting normal.” She said, then she got out a capsule and activated it. An X-ray came out of it and Bulma wheeled it toward me. She pressed a button and the picture was taken. “Shattered your tibia, can’t you ever fight without getting injuries like this!” “Can’t help it. Not my fault Brolli came here fight Saiyins.” “I wonder why that guy did want to fight you, after all, Tanya says he went the level beyond a Super Saiyin, he must have been a Saiyin…” “Eh, I don’t care what he was, he’s gone now.” “Thank God for that!” Tanya exclaimed. Bulma turned toward her and told her something I couldn’t hear, Tanya hurried off and came back, hiding something behind her back. “What’s behind you?” I asked suspiciously. “Oh, nothing.” “I somehow don’t believe that.” “You may as well show him now and let him freak out.” Bulma told her, Tanya pulled out a splint set. “I don’t need a stupid splint! My leg is fine!” I said, trying again to get up. “We all can tell that it’s not fine. Now stay still while I put this on…” She picked up the kit and approached me. “I don’t need a splint damnit!” “Yes you do, now stay still.” Tanya told me, I ignored her and continued to make it difficult for them. “Gohan, help us out here will ya?” “Sure.” He grabbed my ankles and held onto them tightly, I couldn’t move my legs at all. “Traiter.” I hissed at him. He just looked at me and chuckled, “Very funny Vegeta.” “All done.” Bulma said, Gohan let go of me and backed off a little. “Hmph, I don’t even need it.” I grumbled as I limped out of the room and into the yard. It was raining but I didn’t mind. Tanya came out, not followed by Gohan for once, and stood next to me. We were quiet for a while, then Tanya broke the silence “Sorry bout making you wear that,” she pointed to the splint, “but if you want that leg of yours to heal properly, you’ll have to put up with it for a while.” I didn’t answer. She looked at me before speaking again, “Thanks.” “For what?” “For making my mom stick around for a while so I could meet her.” “Oh.” “Wha? What the!?!” she said as she suddenly tensed up and then crumpled, her eyes blank. “Whats wrong? You alright?” She slowly, shakingly tried to get up, but couldn’t. I helped her up, “Yeah, I just saw something really weird.” “What was it?” “It was a fat monster, and a skinny little man who had a fly’s head. Everyone seemed scared of the two of them, but were even more scared of the fat one than the skinny one. The little one said something about finally getting revenge on the Z- fighters…” She trailed off, there were lots of vilians who wanted revenge on us fighters, but I couldn’t quite remember two that fit the description. “Could you try to give me a better description of the two?” “Best I’ll be able to do is draw a picture of them.” She said. I raised my eyebrow at that, normally when you let a kid draw, you can never tell what the picture is of. She noticed my hesitation and spoke up, “I’m really good at it…” “Alright. By the way, did they mention any names?” “No. Follow me, I can’t draw with wet paper!” she said, heading inside. I followed her, knowing full well that she wouldn’t be lying about something such as that. She sat down at a table where a sketchbook and pencils were laying and immediately started drawing. After a few minutes, she had finished an outline drawing of two figures. They looked only vaguely familiar, I just couldn’t remember who they were. Tanya seemingly remembered ssomething and drew it in, it was a funny-looking ‘M’ on each of the two’s belts. I remembered then. “B-Babidi and Buu! Oh shit!” “Aren’t they the two from Shin’s story about some Majin guy?” “If it was about Majin Buu, yeah.” Her eyes widened and she just stared at the picture she had drawn. ~~~~~ Gohan’s POV ~~~~~ I heard Vegeta shout something about Babidi and Buu and rushed toward him. The other fighters were already there by the time I got there and Tanya was in the middle of the crowd, she looked stunned. There was a piece of paper in front of her with the figures of Babidi and Majin Buu drawn on it. Tanya held a pencil and stared at it. I pulled Vegeta to the side. “What’s going on?” “Tanya saw something again, this time it was Babidi and Buu. They told her they were going to get revenge on us, I didn’t tell her what they meant by Z-fighters. I thought that it would be better for you to do that yourself.” I got nervous and my face paled. I knew what it was like to be absorbed by that monster and didn’t ever want to have to go through it again. He walked away from me and I noticed that everyone had drifted away from Tanya and were speaking in low tones to each other. I walked up to Tanya, a lump in my throat, I didn’t want her to start getting worried about me. “Tanya, I need to talk to you about something.” I said, she didn’t move, I grabbed her hand, it was clammy. I took her pencil and put it on the table and moved her chair back so that she could get out of it, she still didn’t move. She was in shock, I picked her up and moved her to her bedroom. I put her on the bed and elevated her feet. She came to a while later and I was both worried and relieved. Worried about her reaction to what I was going to tell her, and relieved that she was alright. She looked at me and our eyes met. “You alright?” “Yeah, I think so.” She said as she sat up. “Good, I have something to tell you and it won’t be easy for you to accept.” “What’s it about?” “What you saw.” “I’m listening.” “Well, when Babidi said he was going to get revenge on the Z-fighters, he uh, meant me, my dad, Goten, Trunks, Vegeta, Piccolo, Krillin, Tien, Chiaotsu, Yamcha, Hercule, Videl, and Eighteen.” I said the last part in a rush because of my nervousness. She didn’t say a word, she just looked at me for a while. “If you want, I won’t fight them…” “I want the two of us to fight, I’m not about to let you have all the fun.” She said, snapping out of it, “Let’s make a deal right now, alright?” “Alright.” “If you go off and get to fight in a battle that so much as sounds suicidal, I come help, and if it isn’t, I come help anyway. Hows that?” “One more thing, you don’t get killed in any fights, no matter what.” “I’ll try, sorry to say that’s the best I can do.” “Same here. Thanks for being so understanding about this.” “Yeah, thanks for having the guts to tell me.” We hugged for a while, not talking, just enjoying each other’s company, until my mom came in and saw us. “Gohan! Did you kidnap her again!?!” my mom hissed at me. Tanya rolled her eyes and we separated, “No.” I answered. Mom looked the two of us over and came to some sort of conclusion. “Don’t tell me that you two are in love.” “We are though, and we admit it too!” Tanya told her truthfully. “Gohan, I don’t know why you love her, but I can tell right now that she’s not good enough for you, you should marry that nice Videl girl, she’s closer to your age and the two of you have known each other longer.” She turned to Tanya, “And as for you, you underaged good for nothing brat, you stay away from my son if you know what’s good for you! Get someone your own age to go out with!” “Mom, first off, Videl isn’t exactly nice and just isn’t the right person. Secondly, who I love is up to me, not you, and thirdly, Tanya is NOT and underaged good for nothing, she’s the best girl in the world and nothing you say will make me think otherwise!” I yelled at my mom, taking her by complete surprise. “Gohan has a point Mrs. Son, you shouldn’t go around and always tell him what to do, he’s not a baby. You keep treating him like one all the time, and he told me himself that he doesn’t like it.” Tanya said, her eyes blazing, “Also, there aren’t really any guys my age that could ever compare to Gohan. I love Gohan and nobody my age could ever be as great as Gohan is.” Mom just stared at her, with her jaw dropped. She left the room swiftly and didn’t bother us about it again for a while. We went into the back yard and walked around. After a few hours or so, Mom stepped out and saw us. ~~~~~ Tanya’s POV ~~~~~ Mrs. Son came running over to us and came to a halt in front of us. “Tanya, I need to tell you something, don’t worry Gohan, I’m not gonna yell at her, if you’ll excuse us a moment.” She said, grabbing my arm and pulling me away. She turned to face me when we were out of earshot of Gohan. “Tanya, I just need to thank you for standing up for Gohan, even if I was the one you were standing up to. I just sometimes forget that he’s not a child anymore and start to get carried away. I hope that you two don’t have to put up with that side of me again.” She ran off and Gohan came out of some bushes. “I missed it all, don’t worry.” He said grinning, I just smiled back at him and decided that what his mom said should be kept under wraps. “Did she yell at you or anything like that?” “No, she just had to ask me something private. Girl talk.” “Oh, good.” “There’s a new Gym in town, it’s for the new Tiny League. Wanna go check it out and see what it looks like on the inside?” “Sounds like fun, let’s go!” we flew into the busy part of town and almost killed ourselves landing on the wet sidewalk. “Heh heh, oops, it wasn’t this slippery last time I was in town!” I said laughing. We got to the entrance of the new gym and were stopped abruptly by two guards. “Stop right there you two, skating rink moved to Viridian.” One of them said, pointing south. “We weren’t looking for that, we were looking for the new gym.” Gohan said casually. “You two have no business here, only the gym leader and the internal design people are allowed.” The second guard said, we were bummed at that but went on our way, we stopped short when we felt something. We turned around abruptly and saw a red streak hit both guards. We ran up to them and looked for the streak, it was nowhere to be found. Gohan did find a note on each of the guards’ heads. They were labeled ‘1’ and ‘2’, Gohan opened note ‘1’. “It says, ‘To the girl with blue hair next to the warrior who fought me- We have come back to bring the earth’s destruction, this time we’re afraid the Z won’t survive our next attack, we’d suggest that you don’t break your heart over them. If you join us in our cause you will find your life much easier.’ Then it says to read note ‘2’.” Gohan said, motioning for me to read the second note. “This one starts where that one left off. It says, ‘You will also find that it simply isn’t worth it for you to so much as try to fight against us, we will be forced to destroy you. As for whether or not you should worry about that sorry planet, don’t bother. All planets are destroyed at some time or other. We sincerely wish that you would join our noble cause and help rule the universe. –Anonymous’ That’s definitely not someone who graduated english with perfect grades, talk about repetitive.” I said, folding and pocketing both notes. We had already found out the guards were dead so we quickly reported what had happened to the police, showing them the notes. They went with us to the scene of the murder and the two guards were gone! “I see no dead guards ere, ye must be seein things.” The officer said, about to leave, he suddenly fell down and disapeared. A tall man with red skin stood in front of us and Gohan tensed and pulled me closer. “Boy, you may either leave or die, take your pick. I’ll be flexable this time.” “What do you want?” Gohan growled at the man. “Simply to ask that girl a favor.” He pointed at me. “What kind of favor?” “A rather personal one.” “You’d better get outta here.” Gohan told me, then turned let go of me, I walked away a tiny bit, but then couldn’t go any farther. I stopped in my tracks as the little man from my vision appeared, blocking my path. “One problem, ya know that little fly-faced man?” he nodded, “he’s right in front of me.” “What!?!” “He’s right in front of me…” I said slowly, the little man grinned at me and grabbed my wrist, I pulled back but was stopped as a large, smooth mass of something pushed me forward, “Gohan, a little help here!” I was beginning to get freaked out and I definitely didn’t like what was going on here. I felt the mass push me forward more as the man pulled at my wrist. “Little girl should not struggle against Buu.” A squeaky voice behind me said. I turned and saw the fat man from my vision right behind me. “Lemmie go!” I said, hoping against hope that I would somehow go Super Saiyin, I screamed and felt my energy rise higher than Super Saiyin levels, I freed myself from the two monsters who had ganged up on me. I looked at where Gohan had been and saw him collapsed on the ground. I ran to his side and tried to wake him, he stayed unmoving. I found myself standing up and turning to look straight at the three responsible for this mess, I felt pure hatred toward them like I had never felt before. My anger was driving me to destroy them. I was going to make it clear to them that when they mess with my boyfriend, they pay dearly. “You three wanna fight? I’ll show you what fighting is!” I screamed at them. They flinched then regained their composure quickly. “You three to scared to fight? Is that it?” “Master Babidi, allow me to dispose of her.” The red man said. “Go ahead Dabura, I’ll enjoy every minute of her downfall!” Babidi told him. I smirked, “Dabura’ll wipe that silly smirk off your face you stinkin ape!” I noticed that my tail had grown back when it flicked absently. I made the first move and used the Masenko-ha that Gohan had taught me and the blast destroyed Dabura immediately. My rage built more when I saw Buu kicking Gohan. “Take this you idiotic lump of rubber!” I shouted as I kicked and punched him repeatedly. He felt the pain, but regenerated quickly. I remembered seeing Goku go SSJ3 and decided to try for it. “AHHHHHHH!” I screamed, ignoring the stress I was putting on myself. All I knew was that Gohan was injured and that I wouldn’t let them get away with what they had done. I finally felt my energy rise greatly and Babidi stared at me in a scared way. “No, she can’t have just gone Super Saiyin Three! Only that Goku guy can do that!” he shouted in great surprise. “Now, you will pay for what you did to my boyfriend.” I said menacingly. “Get her Buu!” “Buu bored, Buu no fight girl.” “I order you to destroy her now!” “Buu no want fight right now.” “Looks like Buu is a lot smarter than you, Babidi. You can either give up now and leave here or you can fight me.” I told him, he looked very scared now. “Make your choice now or I’ll make it for you!” “Majin Buu, I order you to take her out immediately or I’ll put you back in your ball!” “Buu no like being told what to do! Buu no listen!” “Just punch her at least!” “No, Buu no listen to you anymore, Buu say bye bye. Bye bye!” Buu said as he picked up Babidi and was about to slam him into a wall, then he abviously thought better of doing that in front of me and he dissapeared then reappeared in ten seconds flat. “Buu free! No one tell Buu what to do now!” he looked at Gohan and went up to him. “Buu make boy get better.” He used his antenna-like thing on his head and blasted Gohan with a pink beam. His injuries healed and he looked much better. “Boy all better, Buu go now.” “Wait, would you like to help us?” “Hmm, that sounds like fun, Buu help you!” “Thanks.” I said, Gohan opened his eyes and saw Buu. He jumped up immediately, ready to attack. “Boy acting funny.” Buu pointed at Gohan. “Gohan, Buu said he would help us. He doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who would lie to anyone.” I explained, my boyfriend calmed down a little and grew thoughtful. “One problem, everyone’ll freak if we take him back to your house. They’ll think we’ve gone Majin.” “We’ll just explain the situation to them then.” “What happened to Babidi and Dabura?” he looked around for them a while before turning back to me and then becoming very surprised. “Tanya, is it me or are you at SSJ3?” I felt my hair and nodded. “Guess so, heh. You sure as hell had me worried.” “Betcha I was more worried about you!” “Gohan, you are such a comedian!” I said, slapping him on the back, he fell flat onto his face, “Oops, sorry bout that!” “It’s ok, man, I sure am glad I’m part Saiyin!” we both burst out laughing. “Ooh! Buu want know what’s so funny!” Buu said, looking from me to Gohan in a confused way. “Nothing, it’s nothing.” Gohan lied, Buu just shrugged and looked to his right. Then he smirked evilly. We both looked at what Buu was smirking at and saw a very scared woman sitting helplessly with her back against the wall. “Pretty lady think Buu hott?” “Y-yes.” She flinched. “Pucker up then!” Buu was about to kiss her and she moved out of reach of his rubbery lips. “Why you not kiss Buu?” he noticed and picked up a magazine and saw a picture of a guy, hott, but not as much as Gohan. “This what human girls want man look like?” he molded his face to match that of the man’s and tried again to kiss her, she moved again. “You play with Buu’s fellings! Buu no like!” he looked ready to fire a ki blast at her. “Buu, stop right now. Killing her won’t help you any. You and Gohan need to have a talk sometime.” I said, grabbing Buu’s hand and half-dragging him back to where Gohan was. “I’ll be right back, ok?” I said, then went back to the scared woman. “You alright?” “What do you think? I was about to get smooched by a demon, twice, and about to get killed!” she shouted at me. “He isn’t really socially mature, he just thinks about the immediate future, not what’s gonna happen later. He’s a lot like a little kid, except larger.” “What bull shit. Socially immature my ass! He’s out to destroy earth, you weren’t there to witness the mass destruction and murder that guy caused! Trust me girl, he’ll destroy the entire world when you least expect it!” she shouted as she got up and ran off, badly shaken. “Ok…” I walked back and the two were about to leave without me. “Hey! Wait up will ya!” I said, catching up to them. We got back to my house and everyone vacated the yard as we landed. I rolled my eyes and walked inside, everyone was about to skatter. “Wait a sec, Buu promised he would help us, we just need to let him know if he misbehaves, do it gently though. He’s really sensitive.” I told eveyone, their relief was obvious. I let the boys in and saw Shin back away. Buu saw him. “Hello, me be nice to you now. No more Master!” Buu exclaimed, Shin continued to be wary and was careful not to let his guard down. “I’ll just be outside if anybody needs me.” He said, running out of the room as fast as he could. “Him mean. He not nice at all to Buu!” the overweight pink man cried onto my shoulder. “He’s just nervous because of what happened a long time ago, that’s all.” I told him. “Buu should say Buu’s sorry then, Buu tell him now!” he cheered up instantly and ran outside. “This promises to be interesting.” I muttered, watching Buu exit carefully out the back door, trying not to break it. “Buu stuck.” “Somebody help me get him out of the door frame.” I said as I tried to get Buu through, “Hold on, I’ll be right back.” I went into the kitchen and got out the dishsoap, which I handed to Gohan, who suggested water and reminded me that there weren’t any clothes big enough for Buu to wear while his got washed. We were able to get him out with water and found out he didn’t like to get wet. “Buu cold now.” He shivered. I went and got an extra blanket for him to wear over his clothes while they dried and it barely fit around his shoulders. I turned to Bulma and suggested that she go shopping to get Buu some clothes, extremely large blankets, and PJs. She did and came back with some very big blankets and a few shirts. “I couldn’t find any pants that looked like they would survive being worn once or twice.” She told me disapointedly. “I can see where pants would be difficult to find…” I said, then got out a sewing kit my Grandma Furinto sent me for Christmas a few years back. “Guess maybe this might end up usefull after all.” I said and opened it only to find that there weren’t any directions, let alone anything at all! “Ok, maybe not.” I shut it and put it down. I saw a light come from it and opened it, a pair of pants the right size for Buu to wear were folded neatly inside the box. “Why didn’t you say you had capsule pants big enough?” “I don’t, I have absolutely no idea what just happened. I took the pants to Gohan who gave them to Buu. I went back to inspect the box, while I was, Vegeta had walked up behind me. “Whatcha doin?” he asked, scaring the shit outta me. “Oh gosh, why’d you sneak up on me like that?” I said, breathing deeply and trying to control my heart rate. “Hmph…” he saw what I had been inspecting and looked it over, his eyes widening in surprise. “Where’d you get this?” “My grandma.” “Hmm, which one, Saiyin or human?” “Uh, Saiyin I guess.” “That makes sense. This is a family heirloom, it gets passed down to the first girl born in that generation. I don’t see why your mother didn’t get it though.” “Wow, I didn’t know that. All the note attached to it said was ‘Use it when you need to’ and it was signed from Grandma Furinto.” “So, you got it straight from her eh?” “Yeah…” “Your mom must’ve been a disgrace when it was time to give this to her. Can’t say it was all her fault either, heh.” “I know what you’re talking about… Me and Chamreun get into some sticky situations and he’s almost always the one to get in the most trouble, I usually bail him out unless he acts really stupid.” “Ya know, you definitely are the odd one.” He walked out, giving back the family heirloom. I turned it over and looked at the bottom. It had a lot of symbols I couldn’t make out, I decided to ask Vegeta about them later. I turned on the radio and heard a news broadcast. I listened. “We interrupt this program to tell our listeners that they should hide if they are anywhere near Eevee City, a dangerous monster is being housed by a young girl and her alleged accomplices. Do not try to challenge this feind or in any way offend it, it is extremely unpredictable and is believed to be Majin Buu. The house that this monster and girl live in is three doors down from the super market. Pass the house with caution as the girl seems to be telepathic…” the announcer said, he continued to rant on for a while until I realized the monster was Buu and the girl was me. I shut off the radio and had to take deep breaths to keep myself from passing out. Gohan walked in and saw how upset I was. “Is something wrong?” “I just heard something very disturbing on the radio.” I told him, he turned it and the broadcast was still on. “We advise everyone in Eevee city to use extreme caution around the house the girl and monster are occupying. There is a man there of about twenty with black spiked hair who seems to be the boyfriend of the girl housing the monster, who was just reported as being called Majin Buu or just Buu. The man is a good seven years older than the girl and the two seem to be very much in love. The girl’s and man’s names have just been reported, the man is called Gohan and the girl is called Tanya. If Gohan and Tanya are listening to this broadcast, hear me out. You won’t achieve whatever it is that you are after, the Z will stop you if all else fails!” the radioman said loudly. “If anyone has any information about this, contact us at 15683.” Gohan turned off the radio, a stunned look on his face. I had writen down the number and dialed it into my videophone, the screen and camera disabled of course. “You’ve reached the radio hotline, what do you know about the monster, girl, or man?” a bored voice said over the speaker. “I’d like to have this conversation on the air please. I’d like everyone to hear it from me instead of from a radio announcer.” I told her, she hooked me up and I turned on the radio. “We have a caller who has volunteered to tell you about something she has found out concerning our topic. Here she is.” “Hello, I would like to let everyone know that Buu won’t hurt anyone if I can help it and that I have no evil intentions, neither does my boyfriend. We just want to tell you all that we are a part of the Z and don’t have any reason to hurt anyone. We just are a little different.” “Y-you’re Tanya! Hang up now before I have to disconnect you!” “I have the right to freedom of speech, so please don’t disconnect me. The only reason Buu is here is because of an evil, now dead, wizard. He promised to help the Z and is therefore one of us. So if you honestly want to believe the lies the radio announcer is feeding you, go ahead. Your choice.” I said, hanging up. We left the radio on and heard a lot of calls, one was aired live like mine had been, the caller was… My mom! “I would just like to say that my daughter is right. I know I just met her today, but still, I can tell that she wouldn’t ever do anything wrong or unjust.” I called in and got her number. I hung up and dialed it into my gear after saving it. “Hello, you’ve reached Rebeck…” “Mom!” “Kayena? It’s good to hear from you, other than the radio program, how’s everything over where you are?” “Fine, you?” “Same here, I wish humans weren’t so eager to judge others.” “That’s what I say. By the way, how did you know where I was when Brolli was here?” “Well, let’s just say that you’ll find out soon enough.” She said, I heard a click and decided that goodbyes weren’t needed anyway. I hung up and a few minutes later, the radio started to sound fuzzy. Gohan tried to tune it but it would only get worse. We turned it off. At that moment, we heard something outside and went to see what it was, the police. “Everyone come out of the house with your hands in the air! We know you’re in there! Come out now or we’ll open fire!” an Officer Jenny shouted into a megaphone. Me and Gohan did as we were told and were soon followed by all the others except for Buu. “You, go in and bring the monster out or we’ll be forced to shoot!” she pointed at me. “Alright.” I went in and saw Buu cowering in a corner. “Buu scared of blue lady.” “There’s no need to be…” “They have guns, blow you to bits!” “No, as long as we cooperate with them, they won’t hurt us.” “They want Buu too?” “Yes, come on.” I said, he grabbed my arm and I led him outside. Gohan and the others had disapeared from sight, as soon as I stepped out of the house, I was handcuffed and led to a police car and roughly shooved inside. I saw Buu getting his hands tied, he looked like he was going to attack. Just when I realized he intended to do just that, I stuck my head out the window. “Buu don’t attack! If you do, it’ll only make things worse!” I shouted to him, he stopped and allowed them to put him into a police van. “The suspects are unarmed but dangerous, don’t upset them.” Jenny told all the officers. She looked at me, “Especially her, she’s the brains of the outfit.” They aknowledged and two of them got into the car I was in the back of and drove towards a police station. I was put into a cell and locked up. I waited a while before getting excited about anything, then I asked the man who was in charge of watching me if I could make a phone call. “Nope, you aren’t allowed any phone time girly. You should be grateful that you’re bail is only one million pokemoney, they were going to make it five million but decided that you would get upset about it. You should be glad your friends only have to serve one thousand hours…” “That’s not fair! I demand equal rights like everyone else!” “Not a chance, you tried to take over the world, you get hell to pay…” “I would never do that!” “Quitcher lyin, we all know what you were up to.” “I’m not lying!” “Shut it or we’ll call in Hercule!” “Hercule? Puhleez! What a laugh! He’s the weakest fighter who even bothers!” I rolled around on the floor laughing til I was cut short by Hercule’s voice, he had just walked in. He hadn’t heard my comments about him either. “What is the meaning of this!?! You would drive a young girl insane? What is wrong with you people!?!” He shouted at the guard who quickly opened the cell I was in and let me out. I had stopped laughing and was surprised when Hercule punched me in the face. “Hey! Whadya do that for!?!” “Play along.” He hissed at me, he was just play-acting! “You’ll pay for that!” I said, feinting a kick to his head. We went on like that for a while before he picked me up and threw me as far as he could, I flew to make it look like he had thrown me a long way and stayed where I was. I saw something glint and the bushes and went to check it out. It was a lit candle, I went up to it and looked it over, it had been lit an hour or so ago and was just sitting there. I looked around and saw nobody. I explored the area a bit to convince myself that it was safe to stay here. My Pokemon had been left at my house by accident so I decided to just stay at that place for a while. I had gotten lost when I had flown away from the station, so I had no clue where to go. I heard something in the bushes and hid in the top of a nearby tree. A boy about my age came out and looked around, he whistled and a mechanical being came out, followed by a machine that was similar in a way to the Blade Liger. The boy looked around and saw the candle, he promptly put it out and sat down. He started a campfire and opened a container of sushi, one of noodles, a little cup of sauce, and a slightly bigger cup full of green liquid. I could smell it from where I was and was tempted to go down. “Groww.” The small mechanoid growled. “Fine, you can bring the girl to me if you want.” The boy said, the mechanoid walked up to the tree I was in and shook it. I fell out, needless to say. “I didn’t say shake the tree to get her down.” The mecha grumbled and curled up near the fire. “Sorry about what my organoid did, he needs to work on his attitude a little.” “So, you’re a Zoid pilot. I’m Tanya, who’re you?” “You can call me Raven, would you like to join me?” “Uh… I don’t know, I think I’m supposed to be waiting for someone.” “You sure? I have more than enough for both of us.” “I guess it won’t do any harm to stay for a while…” he layed the food between us and we ate, the sushi wasn’t actually all that bad! When we were done eating, I thanked him and he blushed, typical. ~~~~~ Gohan’s POV ~~~~~ We had looked for hours with still no sign of Tanya. I could smell something in the air, it was noodles and rice! I quickly abandoned all thoughts of going to get the food and stuff my face as soon as I remembered who I was looking for. I heard what sounded like her coming from the direction the food was in and followed her voice. I saw her from the bushes and watched a while, she was with a boy, an organoid, and what was most likely a zoid. She said something and he blushed, I watched a while longer. “Are you sure that someone is going to meet you here? Wouldn’t they be here by now?” “I’m not sure when they’re coming, but I know that they are…” “Who do ya think might be coming to meet you out here?” “I hope it’s Gohan…” she stopped short and looked in my direction. I stepped out and she smiled radiantly. “Gohan!” she ran up and hugged me. “So, this is your boyfriend huh?” “Yeah, Gohan, this is Raven. Raven, this is Gohan.” She introduced us. “Nice to meet you.” He said, then held out his hand. I shook hands with him. “Same here.” “You’re lucky to have a girl like Tanya.” He said, then the trio of him, his zoid, and his organoid dissapeared in a thick mist that dissipated quickly. ~~~~~ Looking at Rebeck ~~~~~ She watched as Gohan finally found Tanya. A small smile showed on her half- hidden face. She looked up, revealing her purple eyes, she was worried. Tanya had just crumpled again! Gohan picked her up and managed to awaken her, she had not seen anything. She said she just felt weird. “Oh no, not Kayena too.” She shook her head and closed her eyes, she sat down and held onto the chair, the ground shook and a hole opened beneath her. She jumped up and flew over the ground, she couldn’t leave her fortress because if she did, she would surely put other people in danger. She tried to find a safe spot but found none, she couldn’t land! She felt the gravity strengthening and struggled to stay airborne. The gravity had increased to the point where she was slowly being pulled down, the speed quickening with every minute. She was pulled into the hole and the ground sealed itself shut. She was trapped! Her voice was faintly heard from above saying “I must save Kayena from this curse! I can already tell that the curse is anxious to get her soon, she must break this curse or it’ll get her too!” all fell silent after that. ~~~~~ Vegeta’s POV ~~~~~ I felt my sister trying to reach Tanya, I also sensed that she was in trouble. “Rebeck, what’s going on?” I asked aloud. “Yes, and I’ll make sure to keep an eye on Tanya for you.” “I will, you can count on me.” I said, the link snapped and I couldn’t hear her anymore. I went to find Tanya immediately. When I did, she was with Gohan she had colapsed again but this time she hadn’t seen anything. Gohan grabbed me by the shoulder and signalled for Tanya to stay where she was. “Is something wrong? You look like you’re really worried about something.” “I’m fine.” I said stiffly. “You can tell me, I promise I won’t tell anyone unless you want me to.” “Alright, first make sure that Tanya isn’t listening.” He did and came back a few seconds later. “She isn’t.” “Well, my sister, Rebeck, was taken by the family curse. She told me to take care of Tanya and not to tell her about what happened to her.” I told him. I looked up at him and a tear slipped unheeded down his cheek. “That’s horrible…” he said wiping his cheek. He straightened up as did I and we went back out to where Tanya was. She was on her knees with her hands on the ground, her head was down and she was breathing with difficulty. “Tanya!” She looked up at him, her eyes were red and swollen. “It was horrible, I saw my mom get swallowed up by the earth…” she said sobbing. She had found out anyway. There was a lump in my throat. I swallowed it for her so I could tell her about what Rebeck told me. “No, I can’t believe it. I finally meet my real mom and a stupid curse comes along and takes her!” “She told me that it’s after you now, I came because I promised to take care of you for her.” I told her, she just looked at me and then she jumped up and actually hugged me! “Urgh! What are you doing!?!” “Oh, sorry…” she got off me and then we all felt the ground tremble. “Jump when I tell you to, and then go as high as you can, stay above where you are now, this could be that curse!” I ordered the two I was with, they nodded and a hole appeared under Tanya, it grew and was almost the right size for her fell down into, “Now!” we all jumped and flew as high as we could, I felt the gravity increasing, “Hurry!” “I can’t go any faster!” Tanya yelled, I grabbed her and and carried her up, slowing myself down in the process, Gohan pitched in and we made it to safety. The ground stopped itself and the gravity went back to normal. Gohan and Tanya were about to back down before I stopped them. “No, it’s not over yet, there’s more coming, we have to stay here the entire time or the curse will have won and it will take all three of us.” I told them. Just then, as if to add emphasis, the gravity suddenly rose to massive levels, it was a struggle just to stay in the same spot. We were doing fine until it suddenly lowered. Tanya stopped but me and Gohan kept going, the gravity intensified so quickly that Tanya was caught by surprise! “Help!” She said, as she was pulled down but she managed to slow herself enough to give one of us a chance to catch her. Both of us dove and we each grabbed one of her arms and pulled her back up, with some difficulty. The curse was almost broken, I could tell. I looked down and saw a figure wearing a white robe standing amidst the chaos. The curse quake stopped entirely and the figure fell down. It was over now, this time it was for good. “It’s over now, the curse is broken.” I said,we flew back down and I approached the figure in white, who was laying on the ground. I rolled whoever it was over so I could see who it was. It was my sister! “Rebeck!” I said in relief, she looked up at me and smiled, then stood up. “Vegeta, for once, I’m glad you’re my little brother!” she said when she saw Tanya, who ran to her and hugged her. “Mom! I saw what happened to you, and I was really scared. Are you alright?” Tanya said in a rush of words, she was overjoyed to see her mother, I could see that plain as day. “Kayena, you broke the curse! Hold on, did you say that you saw what happened to me!?!” “Yeah…” “Oh my, you seem quite adept at using your powers already!” “Powers?” “Yes, you have special powers that you can use when you learn how to use them. You’ll get the hang of it as you use them more.” “Cool!” Tanya said, she looked like she meant it too. She turned to Gohan and me, “You two know how to get home, right?” “Yeah.” Gohan answered her, “Good, cause I don’t have a clue where the heck we are!” “Well, um, if that way is north, then Glacier City is that way, and Eevee City is uh, well… Ah shit! I forgot!” “You know that way to Eevee city from here, don’t you?” Tanya asked me. “Well, not exactly… It might be uh, for the life of me I can’t remember where the hell it is!” I told her. “Not good, looks like we’re lost…” Rebeck said. “Hold on, lemmie try somethin.” Tanya said, then closed her eyes and stood stil for a while. She snapped out of it after a few minutes, “Dangit! I couldn’t reach anybody that way, and my gear was confiscated at the station…” “I’ll try…” My sister gave it a go, “Nope, nothing.” “Damn! I hope we can find our way outta this mess soon!” Tanya said through gritted teeth. She heard something and listened for a while. She looked to us, “Looks like we’ve got some help!” The Gustav emerged from the woods and whoever was inside it was shocked to see us. The cockpit opened to reveal Van and Fiona, “Tanya, what are you doing here?” the boy asked Tanya. “Well, we kinda got lost…” Tanya saw something move and looked to the right, signaling for us to keep quiet, she revealed a clearing full of Gyrauno as they called them. Tanya saw one wearing a white robe with faint stains on it and another next to it. “Jesse! Jin! That you?” They looked up and saw her, “Tanya! How’re you doing, it’s been a while since that fight against Amos!” “Yeah, it sure has. So how’s everything here?” “Great, I still miss Furui Sansei though.” “I’m sure everyone who has met him feels the same way.” “Probably… Where’s Scout and all the others?” “Scout and all of my other Pokemon are at my house, Eighteen, Krillin, Maron, Piccolo, Ash, Arish, Misty, Brock, Olivie and all of them aren’t with me right now, but Gohan, Vegeta, and my mom are!” “Well, aren’t you gonna take us to say hi to them?” “Of course I am! Come on!” she led the two Pokemon into the clearing, “This is my uncle, Vegeta.” She pointed to me, “My mom, Rebeck,” she pointed at Rebeck, and so on till everyone was introduced. “Uh, Tanya, your forehead’s bleeding…” I had noticed earlier but hadn’t brought it up. “Huh?” she felt it and looked at her hand, which now had blood on it. She wiped it on a napkin she got out of her pocket and then pressed the napkin against the cut. “I wonder where that one came from.”she pulled the napkin away and noticed that it was already dripping, she shuttered and put it into a bag then she got out a few more and tried that. It didn’t work for long, she disposed of that one too. ~~~~ Gohan’s POV ~~~~~ I had just noticed Tanya’s cut and was looking through my pockets for a few kleenexes, I couldn’t find any! Suddenly the boy, Raven, burst out from the bushes and attacked Van! “Did you do that to her Van!?!” Raven shouted from inside his zoid. “What are you talking about!?!” “Shut up and get into your zoid! We’ll duel for her!” “Who?” “Who do you think?” “Uh…” “Duh! Tanya! Van, you idiot, come and get me if you can!” “Wha?” “You heard me, I said we’ll have a duel to see who get’s Tanya!” “But…” “Go!” he charged at Van’s zoid and sent it flying into the air. “STOP!” Tanya yelled in fury. Both of the warriors did and looked at her. “First off, I know what you meant Raven, and I already have a boyfriend! Secondly, Van didn’t do anything to me!” “Who is your boyfriend then?” “Gohan is, and I already told you that earlier!” “Oh, is he then? Well, then I challenge him to a duel!” “Get lost! If you think I would be stupid enough to just even allow for a small chance of losing her, you can go to hell! Also, you’re pretty stupid to challenge a Saiyin when you’re a human with few fighting strengths.” “Singin? Sounds like whichever race you are, you must like to vocalize!” he laughed insanely. “Shut up or I’ll blow your zoid to bits!” “Oh, he’s gonna sing until my zoid can’t stand the sound waves anymore!” he said sarcastically. “Alright, you’re askin for it! MASENKO HA!” I shot a masenko at his zoid and melted all but the cockpit to a molten puddle. Jin sprayed the puddle so that it cooled enough for Raven to get out. Rebeck just looked at the now hardened puddle and I saw Raven come out as the cockpit opened up. He was unconsious as I had expected. I went up and looked for the organoid, it was nowhere to be seen. I shrugged and went back to Tanya. “Ya know? People like him could get really annoying.” “Yeah, I even told him that you’re my boyfriend and he still thought he could get me just by challenging someone. He’s so stupid!” “Yeah, I almost pity him for his lack of listening skills.” “I think that he should take a hike and get lost, he’s such a jerk!” “You got that right!” “There aren’t any dangers around here, we can just leave him here. Let’s go.” Rebeck said. “Do you wanna ride to Eevee City?” Fiona asked us. “Sure.” “Well hop on in!” ~~~~~ Amos’s POV ~~~~~ Those idiots only thought that they had gotten rid of me, I had escaped the cement block as it had been quickly worn down to nothing, leaving me to get out of the ball at my will. I watched as my enemies pondered about what to do to a boy who I was beginning to slightly approove of, he had tried to challenge Gohan. I shrugged it off and went back to my plotting of how to get revenge on Jin. I slipped closer to the group so that if I were to throw something, I would hit someone. I was farthest from Tanya so I decided to attack the woman or man in front of me. I decided to go for the woman since she appeared to be psychic. I would throw a knife at her and instantly teleport to the other side and attack from there and so on so that they would think an army was surrounding them. I smirked at m brilliance and watched as they jumped into a vehicle and it went away, Jin and Jesse had gone with them! “I must get my revenge! I must!” I whispered to myself. After they were out of earshot, I went to the boy’s body and inspected it, he was human enough. He stirred and I made it appear as though I were a passerby who had come upon him and looked after him. “Ow, my head…” he said as he got up and looked around. He saw me standing in front of him. “What happened?” “I don’t know, I found you here on my way to the shrine and have taken care of you for a day now.” I lied. “Thank you, do you what happened to my zoid and organoid?” “What are those?” “Combat robots as the more naïve of this place call them.” “Ah, I see, is, I mean, was that them?” I pointed at the wreckage. “Wha? My zoid, urhg!” he looked around for the other one, the organoid, but couldn’t find it. “No, my organoid too! I swear I’ll kill Gohan for that! I don’t know how, but I will!” “Exactly what I was hoping to hear!” I said, revieling that I had been lying earlier. “What do you mean?” “I mean, we could team up and destroy Gohan and the others that he travels with!” “Good, but leave Tanya, Van, and Gohan to me.” “That I will do, as long as you finish the job.” “Oh, I will.” He cracked his knuckles and smirked. “So, you’ll join me?” I held out my hand. “Most definitely.” He shook it. “Good, now follow me, they went this way. By the way, have you seen a small purple man with white hair around?” “Yes, as a matter of fact, I have.” “Where?” “This way.” He led me to a clearing and we hid in the bushes, he was there! “Good, we need to take him out.” “Why him?” “Revenge.” “I get ya. You wanna take him out on your own or do you want me to help?” “You hide here till I give you the signal. I’ll go out when the time is right for me to.” “Alright.” We waited for a while until only Shin was in the clearing, he was examining a crystal sword. I waited for him to set it down and then teleported so that I grabbed it and then hid in the bushes again. “Who was that!?!” “Well Shin, it looks like we get a rematch. This time though we each get one weapon. Here’s your sword, I’ve got mine with me.” I gave his sword back and drew my own out of it’s sheath. “That is unfair, I am untrained in that area of fighting and you are a swordsman!” “You have an advantage, a crystal sword.” “Not much since I have no idea how the hell anyone is supposed to use it…” “It’s pretty much self explainitory. Now let’s get started, shall we?” “Fine.” He mumbled, full of doubt. I charged at him and something in his mind clicked, he blocked my attack and almost slit my neck at the same time! “You liar.” I said through clenched teeth. I managed to cut his cheek and then his arm. He ended up slicing my sword off it’s handle and I had to hold the sharp part, I held it and managed to keep myself from crying out due to the pain it caused. Shin came at me and I was unprepared, he elbowed me in the head and I was down but not out. He looked much different than before, he was skinnier and had a crooked smile. His hair was red-orange and his skin was white in color. On his belt he had a flute and he looked like a real sword’s master. “I am not Shin, I am Tapion. I was under a disguise so that you would think you were challening him but you actually challenged me. Get out of here or I will destroy you.” I gave Raven the signal and he jumped out with a gun in his hand. He fired a few rounds at Tapion then we ran for it. We ran right into the hopefully real Shin, he had been running away and we had run him over from behind. “Well Shin, did you really think you could get away that easily? Now you will suffer for the humiliation you have caused me! Die!” I sliced at him with my broken sword and gave him a nasty cut that I knew would give him a long time to suffer before killing him. To quicken the pace I put one of my capulses into his eye, he had been knocked unconsious by my attack and it was easy. “So, that’s all there is to it huh?” my acomplice asked me. “Yes, it is for me, you will need your own killing strategy. Otherwise we will become everyday terrorists and we won’t get away with revenge.” “Good idea, I’ll have to come up with a plan of my own.” “Let’s go before he wakes up, he’ll call for help and we might get whomped if we stick around. ~~~~~ Tapion’s POV ~~~~~ Shin had gotten away as far as I knew, so it was my turn to be paid. He didn’t come back after an hour so I went off to look for him. I found him wandering onto a field where bombs were being tested and stopped him. “Oh, Tapion, thank Kami it’s you. Amos attacked me and now I can’t see at all.” “You seem to be tired, you’re very sweaty.” “I just woke up, how can I be sweaty?” “You are…” “Hold on, this kinda reminds me of what happened to Tanya… Oh shit! He spit in my eye too! Tanya was cured of it when she had it, we need to find her.” “I’ll go along with you, but you’ll have to pay me double.” “Ok. I will.” ~~~~~ Jesse’s POV ~~~~~ We were stopping for a break when I saw the little man, Shin, who had saved me when Amos had been in a bloodthirsty rage, he was being led by a man who looked like him. The other man was taller and skinnier, his hair was orange and his skin was pale. I rushed to the window and opened it. “Hey! You two need somethin?” I called to them. Shin looked up and smiled, “Hey Jesse, is Tanya around? I need to talk to her.” “Yeah, I’ll bring her down!” I went and got Tanya, then led her out of the Gustav to where Shin and the other man had been. “Hi Shin, you don’t look so good. What happened?” Tanya said with concern. “Amos attacked me…” “What do you mean? Amos is trapped in cement at the bottom of Lake of Rage.” “He was, he must’ve escaped. He is back and he wants revenge, he was with a boy, about your age. The boy had black hair and black eyes, as well as some markings on his face.” “Hold on, there’s something in your eye...” Tanya wiped something out of his eye and looked at it, a look of scared seriousness etched on her face. “Not good, this is the same type of thing that he spit into my eye. We have to get you to the professor’s lab ASAP!” she grabbed Shin’s arm and flew off as fast as she could. “Wait up! He owes me!” the other man said as he flew after them. Gohan came out and looked around, he was followed by Vegeta and Rebeck. “If you’re looking for Tanya, she went to a professor’s lab, Shin is with her. He came to talk to her. He said that Amos was back and wants revenge. Tanya found out that Amos spit into his eye too…” I told them, they gasped involuntarily and Gohan rushed back in and came out with Jin in tow. He grabbed his and my arms and we flew off in the direction Tanya had gone. The Gustav followed us on the ground. We got to a small town and landed in front of a big building, Gohan was about to lead us in when a woman with Black hair rushed up to us. “Gohan, where’s Tanya? I thought she was with you.” “She’s in the lab, I just had to catch up to her.” “Oh, good. There’s a rumor going around that a deadly disease is spreading around to fighters, so you should look out for it, someone was reported to have just gotten it today.” “Alright, I will.” “Good.” The woman was turning when she saw Rebeck. “Wha!?! You had better stay away from my daughter you whore! I don’t want her to end up like you did! It’s illegal for you to see her anyway, even if you are her biological mother!” “I see no reason for you to act this way Mrs. Kuraine. Besides, I see no reason for it to be illegal, I’m not taking her away, just looking after her.” “Get outta my sight you filthy bitch!” “STOP!” a loud commanding voice shouted. It was Tanya and she wasn’t mad, she was furious! “You two are beginning to embarrass me! Mom, you need to loosen up, and Mom, you need to just ignore her when she says stuff like that to you.” “Uh, which ‘mom’ do you mean for which thing to do?” the woman asked with a stupid look on her face. “I mean, you loosen up,” she pointed at the woman, then to Rebeck, “and you need to ignore her when she says stuff like she was saying to you.” ~~~~~ Janine’s POV ~~~~~ I wasn’t about to have my daughter be affected by that woman who was unfortunately, her biological mother. I couldn’t allow it! “Tanya! You will not tell me what to do, I’m your mother and I know what she is like, you should not have even met her!” “You don’t know what she’s like, you’ve never even met her before, you’ve only seen a picture that you shredded last year! You even told me who the picture was of! You have no right to judge my mom!” “Tanya Nonsutoppo Kuraine, you are grounded from your Pokemon and from visiting the professor or any of your friends for a month!” “Listen up, I’m a Pokemon trainer and I make my own choices of who I want to hang around with! You even said that yourself when I first left, and you promised not to interferre either!” “You know I could stop doing your laundry and making your meals anytime!” “I’ve been doing my own laundry since I started out and I’ve been cooking my own meals too! Face it, once a trainer leaves their house to start out, their parents’ job of raising them is done. You should know that!” “My job won’t be done as a parent ever, and I think that she is a bad example!” “Janine Wiruson Kuraine, I have a house of my own, a boyfriend, a lot of good friends, good pokemon, and I’ve finally found out about something you refused to let me find out about. You were opposed to the majority of those things, and they aren’t bad at all! If anyone’s been a bad parent, it’s you. Also, my last name never was legally changed to Kuraine, it still is Nonsutoppo!” “Fine, if you want to ruin your life, go ahead and do so, don’t come crying to me when you make a fool of yourself!” “I won’t.” ~~~~~ Scout’s POV ~~~~~ Tanya had left with all the fighters and had left all of us pokemon here to fend for ourselves. I was worried about her and wanted to find her, even Abra couldn’t locate her! Buu had returned and then left again, he had come to tell us goodbye and that he was going to look for Tanya. I was looking out the window at the rain which was coming down in torrents, when I heard the sound Abra made when he got somewhere using teleport. “What now…” I turned and saw a white clad figure approaching me. “Who are you?” “I am Rebeck, Tanya’s mother. I came to get her pokemon for her.” “I’m one of em, I’ll go get the others.” I gathered everyone, Pikachu had been left too. “Everyone is here then, bring me your pokeballs so that it will be easier to teleport you to her.” We brought them to her and went into them, we were all let out at Elm’s lab a short time later by a very anxious looking Tanya. “Tanya! I was worried when you didn’t come back inside your house after the police came!” “I’m alright, how about you?” “Just glad to see you!” “Heh. Come on, Shin needs the same treatment I needed when Amos spit in my eye. Amos is back and he’s after revenge this time…” “Uh oh! Somebody should warn Void, Amos is certain to go after him too!” “I know, luckily Elm kept some of the antidote handy in case something like that happened again. We can go warn Void right now.” “Yeah!” “I’ll come with you. If this Amos guy is what I’m told he is, then if he attacks you’ll be needing some help!” Rebeck said as she followed us outside where it was sunny in comparison to Eevee City. Void was laying among the bushes surrounding the yard of the lab and I rushed up to him. “Void, your bro, Amos is back! He attacked Shin recently and we were worried about what would happen if Amos found you…” I stopped abruptly when I saw something shiny on the ground. It was blood, and it coming from Void! The Eevee opened his eyes a little, revealing that Amos hadn’t spit in them and tried to speak. “Get away now…” he whispered weakly. “Why?” “Amos is…” his voice faded and he went limp, he was still alive but was losing a lot of blood. “Void, are you ok? Come on, I know that you’re not dead.” “Scout, I-I-I love you…” he spoke hoarsely and quietly. I nuzzled him affectionately and Tanya picked him up. He was carefully carried into the lab and his cut was cleaned and bandaged. He had already lost so much blood that he was very weak and couldn’t move much. Elm’s assistant came in with some papers on a clipboard. He walked up to Void and did a thorough examination of him, the assistant shook his head gloomily and I caught some bits of conversation as he talked in low tones to Tanya. I heard him say only small parts of something that I couldn’t decifer, he talked too fast. After they were done talking, I looked at Tanya, “What did he say?” I asked her. “He said that Void probably won’t make it and that nobody’s Pokemon with a matching blood type would give.” “What did Elm say mine was?” “B positive.” “What blood type does Void have?” “Lemmie ask.” She asked the assistant and then came back, “It’s B positive…” “I’ll give.” I said loudly, the assistant heard me and rushed over to us. “I’m sorry little lady, but it’s a little late for that, he’s shutting down…” the assistant told me. “I don’t care, you take my blood and give it to Void now!” “Alright, but I’m warning you, expect the worst and hope for the best.” “I know, just get started.” I gave blood for the second time, this time it was for Void. The blood was injected into his limp body and after a while, he was able to move and talk a little. “Void!” I jumped up next to him and nuzzled him. “Scout, I want you and all your friends to get away from here, Amos is here.” “You’re coming with us then!” “No, if I do that, I’ll put you in danger.” “I refuse to let you get me worried like that about you again. Either you’re coming with me or I’m staying with you!” “If I have to teleport you away to another life supporting planet I will!” Rebeck walked up and stood at the bed, “You are fibbing, I am psychic I can tell you just want Scout to be safe, she wants the same for you. I agree with Scout though, we’ll all have a better chance if we stick together.” “Fine, but if Amos attacks, you hide and don’t come out til he’s dead, you hear?” “Alright, but that’s as far as I’ll bend.” I told him. I layed down next to him and kept watch while he rested. I knew he needed his strength for what was to come. After a while, I began to pick up the scent of a Gyrauno and a human boy in the area. I became even more alert than ever. I saw two figures in the doorway, Tanya had fallen asleep an hour ago so she couldn’t help me to identify them. I saw a blade in the hand of the figure that looked like a Gyrauno and a whip in the hand of the human boy. I knew then that the Gyrauno was Amos. The boy was a mystery to me though. I watched as they approached in the darkness and I bared my teeth, ready to attack at any moment. The figures spotted me and the human slapped me off the bed and grabbed Void off it. He was handed to Amos, I got up to defend him but was stopped by something, my own fear. I struggled to get over it and when I finally could, I felt a new power coursing through me. I attacked Amos and the boy with all the strength I could muster. I managed to inflict little damage to the assailants and I realized I would need help with this. I yelled as loud as I could to wake everybody up, Void slept right through the noise. I had made the attackers’ ears ache and that gave me time to try and get Void away from them, I barely managed to and I ended up getting hurt in the process. I was fighting a losing battle until Rebeck came in running. She lifted the two troublemakers into the air and kept them there with her psychic powers. “Scout, you take care of Void, I’ll make sure that these two don’t cause you two any more grief.” She said calmly. I nodded and carried Void on my back as I looked for a safe place. The safest I could find was in a cage filled with ditto who immediately morphed into copies of us, even matching our colors! They were very kind to us and offered to defend us. I told them to just make sure that Void was kept safe and not to worry about me if anything happened. I was exausted and layed Void on a bed at the farthest end of the cage then collapsed next to him. I was barely able to stay awake. ~~~~~ Morphona’s POV ~~~~~ A Furret carried an injured Eevee into our enclosure, the Furret looked very tired and the Eevee was hurt badly. I felt sorry for them and we offered to protect them and hide them from whatever the Furret, who told us that her name was Scout, was calling Amos. I acted as their bodyguard, I didn’t make it too obvious that I was. Scout had said that the Eevee’s name was Void and that he needed to be protected more than she did. She placed him onto a bed at the back of the enclosure and then fell down beside him, exausted. ~~~~~ Void’s POV ~~~~~ I awoke to see that Scout was asleep next to me, there were a lot of copies of us all over the room we were in and we weren’t in the same room as before anymore. I got up and thought for a while, Scout must’ve brought me here, Amos must’ve come already! I knew I had to go fight my brother but didn’t want to break Scout’s heart. I looked from Scout to the others in the room and realized that Scout and everyone else would be safe as long as they didn’t interfere. I rose to my feet and the bed creaked, Scout just moved in her sleep to my relief. I got off the bed and headed for the door at the other end of the room, a bunch of the copies watching me. “Wait, you shouldn’t leave, you’re safe here.” A feminine voice behind me said quietly. I turned to see a copy of Scout looking at me. “I have to, tell Scout I’ll be alright when she gets up. Until I face my brother nobody is safe, I have to do this.” I told her, she looked stunned at me. “Scout told us to make sure that you stayed here, and that’s what we’re gonna do.” “You don’t understand, I have to no matter what. If I don’t stop him, Amos will take over and cause suffering. It is my duty as the new king to protect everyone.” “Alright, but do us all a favor and don’t die.” “I’ll try not to.” “Good.” I left the room and searched for my brother. I found him quickly thanks to all the noise he made. I went into the room he was in and saw him and a human boy standing above some limp figures that were tied up on the ground. I snuck in and used bite on Amos then quick attack on the boy, Amos turned to me and smirked evilly. “You have put my people in danger, now you will suffer for it.” I told them calmly. I then used faint attack on them and they were dazed by it for a while. I did it again but then when I would have normally tackled them, I thunderpunched them instead. Amos was down for good and the boy was too. I had used so much energy that I just colapsed onto the cold floor. I felt myself being licked on the face and opened my eyes, it was Scout. She had a very worried look on her face. I opened my mouth to speak but I was stopped. “Shush, don’t talk at all.” She said, I realized that she wasn’t just worried about me as a political leader, but as a close friend. I smiled at that and felt someone pick me up and place me on the bed in the room that I had first been taken to. Scout jumped up next to me and nuzzled me. I could tell that our feelings for each other were mutual. “When I was told that you had gone to fight, I was scared of what Amos could’ve done to you. Don’t ever scare me like that again!” “I’ll try not to, as long as you promise to not risk your life like you did ever again.” “Only as long as you keep your end of the bargian!” “I will as best I can.” “Good. By the way, I love you too.” “Glad to hear it.” I said before drifting off to sleep. With Scout near me I felt secure enough to sleep after what had happened. ~~~~~ Tanya’s POV ~~~~~ I watched as the two normal types slept together peacefully. I could tell then and there that they loved each other greatly. I decided that I would have to either release Scout or bring Void along with me on my journey. Bringing Void would end up as being greedy and selfish, as well as catastrophic. I knew what had to be done. I would release Scout. My Furret stirred and awakened, a lump rose into my throat and I swallowed it hastily. “Scout, I need to talk to you.” “What about?” “It’s about you and Void.” “Oh, ok.” She followed me into a corner of the room. “You and Void love each other, right?” “Yeah…” “If you could, would you stay with him for the rest of your life?” “Maybe…” “Do you think it’s true love going on between you two?” “Yes.” “Well then, I just have to ask Void a few questions and then I’ll explain why I’m doing this.” “You are thinking about releasing me so I can be with Void?” “Yeah, that’s it.” “Maybe me and him could be long distance lovers?” “I hadn’t thought of that! You two could do that!” “He he he, glad I thought of it!” “I am too.” I said then placed her back up with Void again. She could stay with me and still keep in touch with Void. I decided to give Void an e-cam so that they could see each other now and then ~~~~~ Rudolph’s POV ~~~~~ I was alone on the wasteland that was once a house where me and a bunch of other people were going to stay. I couldn’t move at all and the only thing I could see was the bodies of my former roommates on the ground. I couldn’t tell if they were dead or alive. I could clearly see a giant stone statue of the man who had invaded the house. I was about to speak when I saw a bright light shining above me. I peered up at it and it came closer. It was a dragon with fire coming from it’s tail. It looked like it would be a pokemon so I activated the dex Tanya had ordered for me, without Butox’s knowledge, of course! “” It said while it looked around at the wreakage. I tried to get up unsuccess fully and the creature noticed my movement. “” he looked directly at me as he picked me up, “” “A big man with really old clothes on and golden spiked hair.” “” “Rudolph.” “” “I haven’t been able to go around and check, I couldn’t see Tanya, Goten, Shippou, Trunks, Maron, or Gohan from where I was, I don’t know where they are or if they’re even alive.” “” “I can’t, it’s almost like they were never there…” A shot rang out and Inferno took to the sky suddenly, taking me with him. A bunch of farmers came out and saw the wreakage. They took off their hats and drew crosses in the air. ~~~~~ Trunks’s POV ~~~~~ Me and Goten were flying around the world as a warm up before training when we saw a big lizard flying in front of us with Rudolph in it’s claws. We flew up to them and they stopped. The lizard looked surprised at our appearance. “You alright Rudolph? Tanya couldn’t find you when she went to look last time.” I said. “Yeah, I’m fine. I was right where I was when we were attacked.” “Whose the big guy?” Goten asked dumbly. “His name’s Inferno.” “Cool. I think that Tanya’s at Elm’s lab in New Bark Town…” “So she’s alright? What about Gohan, Shippou, and Maron?” “They’re all fine. You know how to get to New Bark, right?” “Yeah, I figured it out.” “Good, we’re gonna go see if anybody else who was there is alive.” “Ok.” We flew to the place the house had been and found Nate, Gary, Frieza, Ash, Misty, Jaken, Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, Kaede, Kagome, Kikyou, Rin, Miroku, Sango, Kouga, Souta, Naraku, Chamreun, Olivie, Arish, Frieza, Roshi, and Videl. They were all konked out so we stayed nearby em to make sure they were all ok. Rin woke up first and looked around. “Rin wants know if Fluffy alright.” “He’ll be fine once he wakes up.” ~~~~~ Gohan’s POV ~~~~~ I stayed near Tanya for the rest of the night, I had realized that I felt a deep devotion to her and tried to figure out a way of expressing it to her. I walked to the window, Tanya stayed asleep while I thought and looked out the window. I sighed, deep in thought. I knew that I could never love a woman more than I did Tanya and that we were meant for each other. I cursed when I sensed that Videl was approaching the room we were in. I waited for her to enter before turning to look at her, I wondered how I could have ever possibly had a relationship other than just being friends. I noticed that she held something behind her back, she was near where Tanya lay asleep. “Gohan, I just wanted you to know that if you can’t choose me over a child, then someone will have to be taken out of the picture. I’m sorry, this might cause you some grief at first until you realize that you and her were never meant to be.” She pulled out a gun from behind her back and pointed it at Tanya. “Don’t!” I shouted, she pulled the trigger and I jumped between the bullet and Tanya, the bullet hit me and I fell to the ground. An instant later, Tanya and Videl were by my side, they were both scared and sad. “Gohan, whatever you do, don’t go.” Tanya said quietly, I nodded that I would try not to, knowing full well that I might not be able to keep the promise. “Because if you go, I’ll follow.” I was stunned by the new developments. “No, if I go, you stay and take care of yourself.” “I’m sorry, but if that happened, I would go insane.” “Gohan, I’m sorry about trying to shoot Tanya, I was in a rage and couldn’t control myself at all. I’m really very sorry you two.” Videl said sadly, she wasn’t lying to get me to pity her, she meant it, I could tell. “I forgive you…” I said, feeling my body weaken and seeing less and less. I looked to Tanya, “I would’ve liked to marry you someday. You’ll never know how much I love you…” My world went dark and I couldn’t feel anything anymore. ~~~~~ Tanya’s POV ~~~~~ “No, Gohan…” I felt a part of me dying and I was overcome with emotions. I didn’t want to accept what I had seen, I wanted to just believe that Gohan was still here. Videl left after trying to console me, she took Void and Scout with her to give me some privacy. I cried for an hour and was up the rest of the night. “Why him of all people, why? I loved him, why couldn’t he have just caught the bullet with his hand instead of doing this?” A knock sounded at the door, “Tanya, it’s time for breakfast.” Mom called from behind the door. “I’m not hungry.” “Ok, if you do get hungry, let me know.” “Sure.” I heard her walk to the lab kitchen, away from the room. I was heartbroken and wanted to follow him, but he had told me not to. I began to feel the room spining around me and became dizzy. I closed my eyes and the room rocked with such force that I was knocked onto Gohan’s body. I found myself unable to move or do anything… ~~~~~ Gohan’s POV ~~~~~ I felt something touch me, I remembered that dead people couldn’t fell anything and I opened my eyes to see Tanya on top of me and crying. I was surprised at that since I had been shot accidentally by Videl. I reached up and moved stray wisps of hair away from her face, she felt my hand and looked up at me with a look of disbelief combined with relief on her face as she looked at me. We stayed like that for a while before Tanya broke the silence, “Gohan?” “Yes.” “You’re alive!” “I guess I am…” “You have no idea what you put me through by doing that. I was scared.” “I was afraid for you, I couldn’t figure out any other way to protect you.” “I’m just glad that you’re alright.” “I’m glad to see that you didn’t go after me or something dumb like that.” “… I remember you said something about wanting to marry me earlier. I think you can guess my answer.” “Is it ‘yes’?” “Of course it is!” We heard a knock at the door and someone slipped a note inder the door, we got up and Tanya picked it up. A look of surprise came over her and she smiled. “What does it say?” “It says that we have my mom’s approval and your mom and dad’s approval to get married…” “Well then, I guess I may as well find a tux…” “Don’t get a tux! You look fine in what you’re wearing now. Plus it’ll only make it more formal and boring.” “Hey! You’re right, we just need to send out invites and that stuff…” a voice said into mine and Tanya’s heads. “Why not? Is there a reason you disagree?” Tanya asked out loud. “He does more than anyone else!” “No you won’t!” “Because if you do, I’ll die.” “Chant? Wha? Gohan, do you have any idea what the heck this guy means?” “Nope, I’m just as confused as you about whatever he’s saying.” “Stupid brother in law, shut up why don’t ya!” Vegeta said as he came in, he wasn’t addressing either me or Tanya, he was addressing the other guy, who left us immediately. “Just like him to mess with other people’s buisiness.” He grumbled, about to leave the room, “In case you two are wondering, the chanting he was talking about was just a lie that he was feeding you.” He stepped out and shut the door behind him. “That was interesting, it’s like he didn’t want that guy to tell us something… Lets bug him til he tells us!” “No, let’s get something to eat and then we’ll plan for the big day.” “Ok.” She latched onto my arm and we went to the kitchen, Videl and a few others were there and Videl was sitting down in a chair, crying. Scout and Void were sad too, they were really sad. “Maybe we had better wait a while…” “Naw, we can try to explain what happened if they ask.” “Alright then.” We walked in and Videl looked up. She saw us and started to cry even more. “They’re back to haunt me! Waa! I said I was sorry!” Videl cried loudly. We went up to her and I placed a hand on her shoulder, she looked up at me and grew scared. “Don’t hurt me, I said I was sorry and I really meant it.” “Hey, I’m not gonna hurt you, what are you all crying about anyway?” “Aren’t you dead though?” “No, it’s a long story too.” “You can tell me later.” She wiped her tears away and smiled at me, then looked at Tanya, “Just this once, then I won’t do it anymore.” She turned back to me and kissed me on the cheek. “Uh…” I was speachless, she had kissed me! I waited for the impending heartbreak. “Heh, I guess you can get away with that one, but that one only.” Tanya said. I was relieved. We crouched down to eye level with the two normal types. “Hey, don’t cry, it’s contagious.” “We can’t help it, Gohan’s gone!” Scout said, crying anew. “No he’s not, he’s right here.” “Yeah, I’m not dead…” I told them. “Really?” Void asked uncertainly. “Really. Don’t ask how, we aren’t even sure.” They wiped their eyes and then jumped onto us, Void accidentally hit the place where the bullet had gone through and I fell backwards onto the floor. “I’m sorry, what happened?” “I’m fine, you just hit a sore spot.” “Oh…” I could guess exactly what he thought, but he didn’t seem to mind about that, only that I was alive. I was a little jittery because I had just noticed that I still had a hole in my chest. I covered it quickly with part of my shirt and saw that Tanya had already noticed it, the look on her face was one of fear, pain, and puzzlement. I got up and Void jumped onto my shoulder this time so he wouldn’t hit that spot again. I was baffled by the hole in my chest and why it seemingly wasn’t affecting me. We got something to eat out of the fridge and took it to the room we had been in a while before, I felt something out of place and told Tanya. She shrugged and we walked in together. I suddenly felt my world being blown to bits and my heart felt like it was being ripped out. “Ahh! What the!?!” I said, falling to the ground and clutching my heart and writhing in pain. The torturous sensation dulled a bit and a man came into my vision. “You will not marry my daughter when you are dead! I’ll just kill you now and get it over with.” The man said, he grabbed me by my chin and spit into my face then dropped me onto the ground, the pain increased sharply as Tanya looked on with terror. “STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!” Tanya yelled suddenly going SSJ3. “Nobody hurts my Gohan and gets away with it!” she attacked him and I felt the pain increase more. “Argh! I must stay alive for Tanya, she needs me and I need her.” I said, clenching my teeth and stiffening from the pain. I stood up shakingly and walked a few steps toward the two and was about to hit the man from behind when he stepped backwards and knocked me back down. “Well daughter of mine, looks like you’ve almost made it through this. I just need to finish the job and find you a better husband.” The man said with a twisted, evil smile. He leaned back and landed on top of me. “Ahh!” Tanya rushed over and struggled to get the man off of me, she succeded and helped me get to a safer place. “Tanya, I’ll fight him, you just get away and leave this to me…” “We made a deal, if you decide to fight in a suicide battle, I help even if you object to it.” “Forget the deal and get out of here now!” “No. A part of me died when you were shot, I couldn’t stand it if you died again.” “Alright, but if it gets too bad, you leave.” “Maybe, maybe not.” “You’re immpossible.” “What do you expect me to say, ‘yeah I’ll go hide in a corner and let you get yourself killed’” she said and meant it. “You win.” “You try to recover a bit before fighting.” “Alright, I will.” “Good.” She turned to the man and sized him up. “You ready to fight? I am!” “I’ve been waiting, and don’t think that I’ll go easy on you either,” Rebeck cut him off as she stepped into the room. “What is going on in here!?!” “Nothing dear, nothing.” “Don’t give me that bull shit, I can see right through those lies…” she saw me and then gave him ‘the eye’ “What did you do to Gohan!?! Have you gone mad, attacking your future son in law!” “He will not live to become that, he isn’t deserving of her. She deserves a good old fasioned Saiya-jin traditional marriage, not a rough and tumble party!” “You release the boy right this minute or I’ll make you let him go!” “Never!” with that I felt my heart torn out of me in a second, I saw the look of agony on Tanya’s face as she watched watched, helpless. I felt the need to reasure her in some way or other. “I’ll be fine, you just go get my dad, ok?” I said, lying to cover up for the inevitable, she moved, but not toward the door. She came to me and her eyes began to glow red, I felt myself being put back together and healed in less than a minute. Tanya crumpled to the ground, her eyes back to normal. I moved to her and found that her ki was gone entirely. I checked her pulse and breathing, nothing at all. I hung my head in distress as I knelt over her body, I was filled with emotions that ate away at me. I picked her up and put her on a bed. I felt hate rise within me for the one who had caused this. I found myself turning to face him and then going as high as I could, wanting revenge that I knew still wouldn’t make me feel any better. I just had to teach the guy a lesson. I beat him to a pulp and then went back to Tanya, I picked up her hands and held them in my own. I wanted to just die because I knew it was in a way, my own fault. “I wish I had never been born, this wouldn’t have happened…” “Don’t think that, if you weren’t born, she wouldn’t have been born either, you two were made for each other…” “But why this? I wish that I could bring her back.” I said, a tear slid down my cheek and landed on Tanya’s forehead, I watched Rebeck take the man out of the room and turned all my attention to Tanya. I thought about all the good times we had together and thought I could hear her voice, I listened intently, loving the sound of her voice as I listened. I saw her move and realized that my imagination was tricking me. Her jacket began to turn red in the middle of the front, I watched and saw the injuries that I had suffered appear on her body. She soon had her heart ripped out of her as I watched in horror. I checked her for a pulse and breathing, she was breathing laboriously and her pulse was weak. I tried my best to bandage her and keep her alive, I always stayed near her as I did so. She stirred and I gripped her hands a bit firmer and let her know that I was there. She tried to grip my hand a little and winced. “Don’t worry, I’m here and I’m gonna take care of you, even if it means that I have to go without anything to eat for weeks.” I told her truthfully, she opened her eyes and smiled when she saw me. She shut her eyes again and I kissed her forehead. I knew that she would be ok, I just knew it. We both could sense each other and found comfort in that. “Gohan, I can’t sense anyone.” She said with pain in her voice. “I’m still here. I won’t ever leave you. Not ever.” “You’re the only one I can sense, even now I can barely even sense you.” “Don’t worry, they’re fine.” I checked her temperature and found that it was at 99.9°F, she had a fever to go along with the injuries she suffered from. I couldn’t get Bulma without leaving Tanya, so I called for her, hoping that she heard me. Bulma was there in a second and saw Tanya’s condition. “Gohan, what happened to her?” “I’m not exactly sure, I need your help though, she’s got a fever to go with her injuries. I don’t know what to do.” “Well,” she said after giving Tanya a check up, “It’s an infection more than a fever, I need you to tell me where she might have a major hemorrhage.” “Uh, hemorrhage… Right, well uh, here.” I lifted up the covers to reveal where her heart had been torn out. “Oh God! This is worse than I thought, she can’t heal any with an infection to fight off. We need to help her body fight off the infection so that she can heal. Let’s bandage her up first…” “Uh, I shouldn’t do that, you’d better.” “Right,” she put a sheet up on Tanya’s right side, “Alright, that should do it, you just stay on the other side of the sheet, hold her hand or something, let her know that you’re there. She won’t be able to see you and you won’t be able to see her.” “Ok.” I went to the side where the sheet blocked Tanya from view and reached for her hand. I held it in mine and squeezed a little. I heard her moving, after a while she flopped onto the bed and I heard her moan slightly. “I’m right here Tanya, I’m on the other side of the sheet, Bulma’s just gonna bandage you up.” “Um-hm.” She replied weakly. I waited and gave Tanya encouragement when she needed it, finally Bulma finished and pulled the sheet down. Tanya had a new shirt on and I could see some gauze sticking out from under it. I saw her look towards me, she smiled nervously at me. I smiled back and then turned to Bulma. “Bulma, could you help me take care of Tanya, there are some things that I can’t do.” “I’ll be glad to help.” “Good. If anyone asks you about Tanya, just say that she’s fine and that we’re just making plans.” “Ok, want me to get something for you two to eat?” “Sure, that would be nice.” “Be right back!” she rushed downstairs and came back up with three trays of food, she was trying to get Vegeta to go back to the training room while he asked about Tanya. I started to act like we were only making plans for the big day, Tanya played along, trying not to sound like she was hurting. “Gohan, Tanya, you two can stop acting now. I have a good guess on what’s going on in there.” Vegeta said from the other side of the door, Bulma snuk in and Vegeta zipped in after her. “Oh. My. God. What happened to her!?! How could you let something like this happen!?!” he went on like that for a good ten minutes then got tired of it and pulled up a chair next to Tanya’s bed. “Some guy came and attacked me, Tanya got mad at him and fought him. He put me in the same condition she’s in right now and she did somethin to heal me, I have no clue about the rest…” “SHIT! How could you let her do that! It’s fatal to the healer ninety percent of the time!” “How was I supposed to know what she was doin? I’m not the one who knows about all the stuff you do!” “Knock it off you two, she’s tryin to get some sleep.” Bulma hissed at us. Vegeta scowled at me and I just watched Tanya, ignoring him. ~~~~~ Bulma’s POV ~~~~~ I managed to keep the boys quiet for a half-hour before Vegeta spoke up. “I know you did it boy.” He muttered, Gohan just glared at him and kept quiet. “You can’t ignore me forever.” Gohan kept it up, “I know you did this to her!” “I did not. Could you quiet down a bit, you’re gonna wake her up.” “Hmph. You did this, admit it!” “I did not.” “Yes you did!” “Vegeta I swear I did not do this to her.” “We all know you did, we can tell it was you!” Tanya stirred and Gohan turned from Vegeta to check on her. While his head was turned, Vegeta aproached him from behind, fists above his head. “Gohan look out!” I shouted, Tanya woke up just as Vegeta hit Gohan’s head really hard. “Leave Gohan alone, he never did anything to you.” Tanya said, trying to be loud and not sound like she was hurt. “He’s the one who caused you to get all those injuries…” “No, I did this to myself.” “You knew about that technique?” “I figured it out when I was little. I’ve known how to use it for a long time, I’ve gotten good at it…” “Wha? You shouldn’t know any of how to use that power, I certainly hope you don’t practice it regularly.” “I don’t, I only use it when I need to.” “That’s a relief.” “What’s a relief Veggie-chan?” Rebeck said as she came in without bothering to knock. Vegeta quickly stood in front of Tanya’s bed and tried to hide Tanya’s condition from her, failing miserably. “Oh no… What happened to her?” “She used an ancient Saiyin power that she shouldn’t have even found out about, much less figured out how to use.” “Which one?” “Mukashi kamietsu koogeki.” “Kla halo!” she went weak in the knees and only barely managed to keep her balance. We suddenly felt something seriously wrong and Tanya inhaled deeply then shuddered. She was pushed hard to the bed with such force that her bandages began to come undone. “I can’t breathe.” Tanya said, struggling against the unseen force. Gohan sprung into action, trying to find a way to help her, one came when I accidentaly dropped some powder near the bed, it settled and a man was clearly visible and covered with the white powder. Gohan charged the man and knocked him off the bed. “Gohan, he’s the man from before, you should get outta here!” “Not a chance! Especially after seeing him on top of you!” Gohan said as he punched the man in the stomache and kicked him on the head. I saw Gohan being surrounded by brown waves of something, he fell to the floor when the waves all went into his body. “Argh! It hurts, but I’ll still fight you.” Gohan got up and started fighting with renewed vigor, I saw him turn pale after he kicked twelve or so times. He was sent flying by a small tap on his chest. “Augh! I gotta keep going, can’t give up.” He tried to get up numerously before I had to help him and get him to a chair. “Vegeta, what are you waiting for, a writen invitation or somethin?” I asked before pushing him forward to fight. “Well, looks like me and my inlaw get to duke it out. I’ve been waiting to beat him up for a long time…” he said and then started battering the man, I asked Rebeck if she knew who he was, he was her husband! After Vegeta had been fighting a while, I saw the same waves around him. “Look out! He’s attacking you from your perameter, you have to jump!” I shouted, he did and the waves instantly disipated. “Ah, so she can see huh? I’ll have to take her out then so that she can’t warn anyone of when I attack.” “Uh oh…” “Watch it woman!” Vegeta shouted as he swooped down and pulled me and Rebeck out of the way of a deadly ki blast, Gohan had been behind us before and all we could see was smoke. I looked to Tanya’s bed, Tanya wasn’t there anymore! I looked around frantically and couldn’t find her anywhere. Once the smoke cleared though, it was an entirely different story, both of the lovebirds were there. Tanya stood with her hands together and facing the source of the blast while Gohan was scolding her about getting out of bed, I could tell that he was actually glad she was out of the bed. Tanya lowered her hands and stared at them in a surprised sort of way, Rebeck chuckled a bit while Vegeta looked at his sister with disapproval, then quickly turned his attention back to the fight. I saw the waves around Vegeta again, but this time they were also above him. I watched helplessly as he crumpled like Gohan had. Me and Rebeck rushed up to him and were about to help him up when he said to leave him be, we did, not knowing what Vegeta had in his plans. He got up slowly and walked up to the man, then snickering, he knocked the man down in a single punch and colapsed again. This time he let us help him up and to a chair, he was in better shape than Gohan though and he made that known by bragging. Tanya began to glow and we saw her touch a barely awake Gohan on the shoulder, he immediately woke up and looked ready for action, “Tanya? What are you doing?” he asked her, she looked at him and sent a message through her expression, she approached Vegeta and touched his shoulder too. He was ready for a fight again as well now and Tanya stopped glowing, she floated down onto the floor and fell immediately to sleep. Rebeck, Gohan, and Vegeta hurried over to her and made sure she was ok, which she was. Her bandages had come loose though, that was the only thing off… I used the sheet to shield of the bed while I put the bandages back on. That done I pulled the curtian down and I felt some strange sense of urgency. I looked at where the man had been and saw that he was gone, I turned and saw him by Tanya and Gohan holding a knife in one hand and a gun on the other. Neither of the two had noticed him yet, I was about to tell them when I felt someone clap a hand over my mouth and prevent me from turning or biting them with a thick rubber glove. Out of the corner of my eyem I saw Vegeta and Rebeck being treated in the same way except that their tails were being held tightly. We watched as Gohan was hit on the head and then tied to some poles, the gun was aimed at him when he came to and we heard the gunshot reverberate throughout the room, everything happened slowly. The bullet rushed toward Gohan while he tried to free himself from the ropes, when he was finally able to, he did and the bullet missed. The man put the gun in a holder and grabbed his knife. He lounged at Gohan as he tried to escape. I saw Tanya wake suddenly and rush to the place where Gohan was. She was about to go in and get him when the gun appeared and a shot rang out. Tanya fainted dead away, Gohan thought that she had been hit and struggled harder to free himself, he eventually did and ended up with rope burn on his wrists and ankles. ~~~~~ Tanya’s POV ~~~~~ I dodged the shot aimed at me quickly and pretended to be hit so that Gohan would try harder to free himself, he made it out and I was dragged away from the place by my mom, she knew I was faking it and winked. “Nice plan you used there.” “Thanks, I just couldn’t think of anything better to get him outta there safely.” “Well, good job.” Gohan rushed into the room where we were at the time and he saw that I was fine, he was very relieved. “I thought he shot you back there, don’t ever scare me like that again!” “I won’t, it was the only plan I could think up at the time.” “Well, it worked. I managed to finally destroy that guy thanks to you.” “Heh…” I felt a sudden rush of pain in my chest, “Ahh! Dangit technique, I maybe should have used a different one that didn’t do this…” “Are you ok?” Gohan said as he helped me up, I nodded and saw that he had felt it too except that he had forgotten about it for a second. “You two are very attuned to each others feelings, what one feels, the other feels too. I would suggest that you wait a while before marrying, you might not wanna marry in such dangerous times.” My mom said before I fell asleep. I woke up in a bed, my injuries seemed to be gone until I turned to look around. I fell back onto the bed and heard the radio being turned on. “We interrupt this program for a special announcement about the monster and it’s accomplices. It turns out that upon interviewing witnesses to the breakin at Prof. Elm’s laboratory that Tanya and Gohan actually stopped the person who broke in. We have not found any information about Majin Buu as of yet and think that he may have left. If Tanya and Gohan are listening, we’d like to tell you that we are very sorry about any troubles we may have caused you…” someone changed the station to one that was playing a song. “This aint a song for the broken hearted No silent prayer for the faith-departed I ain’t gonna be just a face in the crowd You’re gonna hear my voice When I shout it out loud It’s my life It’s now or never I ain’t gonna live forever I just wanna live where I’m alive (It’s my life) My heart is like an open highway Like Frankie said I did it my way I just wanna live where I’m alive It’s my life This is for the ones who stood their ground For Tommy and Gina who never backed down Tomorrow’s getting harder make no mistake Luck ain’t even lucky Got to make your own breaks It’s my life It’s now or never I ain’t gonna live forever I just wanna live where I’m alive (It’s my life) My heart is like an open highway Like Frankie said I did it my way I just wanna live where I’m alive It’s my life Better stand tall when they’re calling you out Don’t bend don’t break, baby, don’t back down It’s my life It’s now or never I ain’t gonna live forever I just wanna live where I’m alive (It’s my life) My heart is like an open highway Like Frankie said I did it my way I just wanna live where I’m alive It’s my life It’s my life It’s now or never I ain’t gonna live forever I just wanna live where I’m alive (It’s my life) My heart is like an open highway Like Frankie said I did it my way I just wanna live where I’m alive ‘Cause it’s my life!” the radio played, that song sounded familiar, like I had a music video of it… “You like that song?” Gohan’s voice asked me, I couldn’t see him from where I was. “Yeah, it really builds me up…” “Same here.” “I think I have a music video with it, it has you in it.” “It does?” “Yeah, that’s one of the reasons that’s my favorite vid.” “Oh…” “Do you wanna see it?” “Sure.” “Mind helpin me up?” “Uh, better not. The doctor says that you have to stay in bed until you’re completely healed.” “That’s no fun!” “I told him you’d say that, he also said that you are allowed to sit up if you want to, I could bring your laptop over…” “I thought it had been destroyed when Brolli made that house explode.” “Nope, he had the decency to get every thing of value out before the explosion, he forgot about the people inside proably, either that or he didn’t want to get them out for some reason or other.” “Oh, I hope the others are alright… I really feel guilty that I never did go back for them.” “Trunks and Goten found them and are bringing them here.” “This doesn’t look like the lab or my house…” “We’re at the hospital, I got away with a few casts and having to stay in bed most of the time.” “Where are you anyway?” “In the bed next to yours.” I looked there and smiled at him, he smiled back. “Doctor, Tanya and Gohan are awake now.” An intercom announced, a young man in a white jacket came into the room and gave us a check up. “Hmm, so you’re Tanya. I’m very glad you survived whatever injured you so badly, from what I hear you got these by using a technique to save your boyfriend.” He said, “By the way, I’m Dr. Hiro.” “Yeah, I’m not sure if my mom and uncle would want me to tell you about the technique though…” “That’s right, we don’t want you to.” Vegeta’s gruff voice said from the doorway. The doctor looked over at him. “Mr. Briefs, I believe I told you that visiting time for the day is over. You’ll have to come back to see the patients tomorrow.” “Why should I wait? I have to have a very important talk with my neice.” “Save it for tomorrow.” “No.” “If you don’t, I’ll ban you from ever visiting anyone, no matter how you’re related!” “Humph.” I heard him walk out, the doctor turned back to face me. “How can you stand such a thick-headed relative?” “Oh, he’s not too bad a guy, he just is stubborn.” “I believe you. I heard someone say that you and Gohan plan on getting married sometime. When do you think that might happen?” “I don’t know, we still need to make the plans.” “I’m quite surprised that he proposed to you when you’re only thirteen…” “Hey Doc, when can got outta this dumb bed?” Gohan asked him. “When I say you can.” “When’s that gonna be?” “When you’re healed enough to walk.” “I am though!” “No you’re not, and besides, you’re half dead anyway. That bullet hole in your chest s isn’t healing at all and you’ve been here for three days already.” “It probly won’t ever heal then, I’m still plenty alive and can walk, want proof?” Gohan slid so that he was sitting on the side of his bed and then got off and walked around the room. “Get back in that bed before I have to call in your dad to help me get you into it!” “Go ahead and call him in then, I’m fine.” “Nurse, please send in Mr. Son, Gohan is refusing to cooperate.” He said into the intercom. “Right away doctor.” It buzzed, Goku appeared in the room after a few seconds. “I thought they said he was goofing off, why’d ya call when he’s perfectly fine?” Goku asked when he saw Gohan walking around. “He needs to be in bed now! He isn’t fully healed yet!” “He looks like he’s in good enough shape to get out and get some excercize…” “Goku and Gohan are right, it takes Saiyins half the time to heal themselves than it takes humans.” I interrupted them, settling the matter. “Fine, but if Gohan looks tired or like he is feeling pain, tell him to get in bed.” The doctor addressed me, then gave Gohan a check up, he unbandages Gohan’s chest and I saw the hole there, it was exactly like it had been after Videl had accidentally shot him, I winced. “Well, you shouldn’t be out of bed with that injury but I’ll let you get away with it for a while.” He was left without being rebandaged, after that Goku and Dr. Hiro left the room. “Thanks Doc.” He got back up and walked over to me and stood by the bed, he saw me looking at him with worry. “Don’t worry about it, I’m fine. It doesn’t even hurt.” “That’s good, did I hear Dr. Hiro correctly when he said that we’ve been here for three days?” “Yeah, you’ve been asleep the whole time, I was beginning to get worried.” “You can sit down ya know.” “Oh,” he blushed a bit and then sat on the edge of the bed, “So, I’ve been wondering, if you knew about what the results of that technique were, why’d you use it on me?” “I couldn’t think of anything else I could do.” “I get ya now…” we sat in silence for a bit, Gohan put his hand over mine and leaned over. He was about to kiss me when Goten and Trunks came in with Sesshomaru, they held him by his wrists and ankles and then laid him onto a bed. The two looked at us and we quickly straighted up. “Aww, Gohan and Tanya sittin in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage!” they chanted while they giggled, we blushed and shooed them out. “I call first dibs on the video camera!” we heard Trunks call. “I wanted that though!” Goten complained. “Kids.” I rolled my eyes. “Those two shouldn’t barge in like that.” Gohan muttered, Sesshomaru stirred and sat up. “What happened? Where am I?” he asked as he looked around. “Uh, Brolli attacked the house and we’re in the hospital right now…” Gohan explained to him. “Oh. What kind of food do they have here, I’m a bit hungry.” “There’s all kinds of TV dinners…” “What are those?” “Meals that come in trays.” “Hm, anything that a youkai lord such as myself could eat?” “Uh, what kinda stuff do you eat anyway?” “That depends on the kind of youkai I am.” “What kind are you?” “Dog demon youkai.” “Well, I think they kight be able to get you some kibble…” “What’s that?” “Dog food.” “Ok, it sounds like it might be worth trying.” “I’ll call in a nurse and she’ll get you some.” “Ok. Any clue about what happened to my make-up?” “Uh, no.” “Darn.” He said, Gohan pressed the button to call in a nurse and one came in promtly. “What do you need?” she asked. “Fluffy wants to try some kibble…” “Huh?” “He’s a dog demon.” “O-k…” “He really is a dog demon youkai.” “Oh, so he’s the youkai! Now I get ya, I’ll be right back.” She left and came back with a bag of Kibbles and Bits for him. He opened the bag and looked at the contents. “Ugh! What is this stuff! It doesn’t look like youkai food!” “That kind has bits of meat in gravy…” the nurse told him, he pulled out a piece and sniffed it. “Ok, I’ll try it.” He put it in his mouth and started chewing, his face lit up, “Hey, this is actually pretty good.” The nurse left, holding her head in her hand as she walked out. Fluffy continued to eat the dog food, only now in handfulls and making a grand mess. I looked away from him and then felt a searing pain in my chest, Gohan felt it too but kept it in. I started to feel light headed and dizzy. “Gohan, I don’t feel so good, and it’s not about the dog food eater either…” “What’s wrong?” “I feel dizzy and light headed all of a sudden.” “Want me to call in a nurse about it?” “It might just have to do with what I did back there.” “Oh, anything I can do to help?” “I don-“ I stopped abruptly, I had just felt something coming and it wasn’t good. I forgot about the dizzyness and light-headedness, “Gohan, something’s coming, I can feel it.” “Can you figure out what it is?” “No, it’s blocking me so much that I can only tell that it’s coming, nothing else.” “Can you tell which direction it’s coming from?” “That way.” I pointed backwards at the wall. “I’ll look out the window and see if I can see what it is.” He went to the window and his eyes went wide. “What do you see?” “A black cloud heading this way at very high speeds!” “Wha?” “It’s at the window now, everybody get down!” he grabbed me and pulled me down to the floor, my chest hit it hard. “Ugh, that hurt!” “Sorry, that cloud destroyed everything in it’s path and it’s at window level, it’s not big but it’s big enough to cover a whole bed.” The wall started to crack and holes formed, we went flat onto the ground and it barely missed us, it stopped halfway through the room and got lower. It flew straight at us, I felt Gohan’s grip on me tighten and he jumped up just before the cloud hit us, it missed us by an inch. I realized that it was after me. “Gohan, put me down.” I told him, a commanding tone to my voice. “Huh?” “Put me down, I have a plan.” “What is it?” “Just put me down.” “Something tells me that I shouldn’t, so I’m not.” “Just do it!” “No.” “It’ll only leave when I’m gone, I can tell that anything we try to do to it won’t work, we’ll be stuck trying to get away from it and it’ll take both of us. The only way for that not to happen is for you to put me down…” “No, if it wants you, it’s gonna have to get through me first.” He held me closer and I was secretly glad that he would do this for me. I did know that earth needed someone to protect it and Gohan was the best bet, I knew it would only be right for him to stay alive. “I really think that you should think about the other people on this planet, they’ll need someone like you to protect them…” “My dad and Vegeta can take care of them, I’m just worried about you.” “I can tell, but I don’t want you to get hurt.” “I feel the same way for you…” we gradually were losing speed as we were chased by the cloud. “Either hurry or let me go.” “I won’t let you go, even if it’s catching up and I’m losing speed.” “Wait, I think I might have a plan that doesn’t involve me giving up, I need to be facing that cloud!” “Ok.” he turned me around but kept his grip so I wouldn’t fall. “MASENKO HA!” I shot a masenko at the cloud and it illuminated the center long enough for me to see what it was made up of, “It’s a bunch of mutated bugs!” “Try it again, this time add heat and mass to it. That should kill most of them.” I did that and they all just scattered. “I can’t see them!” “Neither can I…” his voice trailed off and I looked at him, he had a look of terror and anguish etched onto his face, “Tanya, get outta here now before they get to you too…” he crashed into a wall, I was too stunned to move, “NOW!” I looked at his crumpled form and had a hard time trying to decide whether I should stay or go. “I can’t.” I said truthfully, I stayed by him. “Go now, you have to. I need you to go.” “I just can’t leave you.” “Yes you can, now go.” Sesshomaru had come to us and heard what we had said. “I’ll take her with me.” He said before grabbing my arm and dragging me out. “Lemmie go! I have to be with Gohan!” I said, struggling. “Come on, we have to get away from here.” He pulled me along at a faster pace, I felt myself being pulled apart. “Stop, I can’t take it! I have to get to Gohan, he needs me!” I broke free of his grasp and ran toward the room Gohan was in. “No, get back here!” he shouted, I could barely hear him. I was concentrated on one thing, Gohan. I rushed into the room and saw to my horror that Gohan was being eaten alive by the bugs! “Gohan!” I ran to his side and shooed the bugs away, they were full now and plainly visable. “Go now before they get you too.” He said, at that moment I felt what he was feeling and was barely able to hold back my screams. “I couldn’t leave, not without taking you with me.” “They can control me if they wanted to now! Leave me here and get away now!” “No, I just can’t, not even if I tried to.” “Oh Tanya, I wish there was some way this could work out…” he said, then I felt a hand hit me hard on the side of my head and was out cold. ~~~~~ Piccolo’s POV ~~~~~ I felt Gohan’s ki weakening with every second, I teleported to where he was and saw him hit Tanya. She fell and he saw me. “Get Tanya outta here and don’t let her come back, no matter what.” He said, I saw how he was being eaten away at but did what he told me to do, I knew that even if he escaped the bugs he still wouldn’t make it. I layed Tanya on a bed at the lookout and kept a sharp watch on her. “GOHAN!” she yelled as she abruptly woke up, she looked around and began to get panicky. “Where’s Gohan! I have to help him!” “You can’t help him, you’ll only make it worse for him if you go to try and help him. You have to stay here.” I explained to her. “No! I have to be with him!” “Shut up! You’re staying here whether you like it or not!” “I’m not!” “There’s no way that you can possibly help him, you need to see that!” “No! How can you say that? I refuse to believe that shit!” “You can’t go down there!” “Who’s gonna stop me?” “I am!” “Phft!” “I won’t let you go down there, especially now!” “I’m going anyway!” “No you’re not!” “Wanna bet?” She took off and I immediately followed her, she went SSJ3 and her speed increased so much that I had to power up as high asI could just to keep her in my sight. I saw a building on fire below me and a sign above it said that I should go help them, it was from Tanya, I got them out and teleported to where she was undoubtably headed, the hospital. “Augh.” I heard someone moan, I went to find the source. It was Gohan, he was so skinny and frail looking that I barely recognized him. He saw me, “Make sure Tanya doesn’t see me like this, ok? She’ll go balistic.” “Right, are the bugs gone or what?” “They all exploded.” “Then that must mean that they’re gone then.” “Yeah, just try to keep Tanya from seeing me like this alright?” “I’ll do my best for ya.” I said, then turned just before Tanya came in. “Where is he?” she yelled in a crazed manner. “Where is Gohan!?!” “What?” “You know where he is, I can tell. You’re a bad liar. Where is he!?!” “I can’t tell you ok!” “No that’s not ok! Where is he!” “I can’t tell.” She went SSJ3 again, “Tell me now!” “You might as well tell her and get it over with I guess…” Gohan mumbled, I shot him a questioning look and he nodded. “Fine, I’ll tell. I’m warning you, he’s not in very good shape.” I said to the girl, she went back to normal and I showed her where Gohan was, she was stunned for a while before she gained control of herself. “Help me get him onto a bed.” She ordered me, I immediately complied and helped her to get him on a bed. There was silence for a bit, Tanya just looking at Gohan. I saw how relieved and worried she was about the boy. I knew he wouldn’t be around for long. I got up and left the room to give them some time together. ~~~~~ Videl’s POV ~~~~~ (a few days later) I was worried about Tanya and Gohan and decided to check on them. Nobody else was up so I went to their room, I opened the door a crack and saw Tanya with a sad expression. Gohan was on a bed. He was so skinny that he would have easily fit into a small air vent with no trouble at all! I was about to leave when Tanya looked up, she had not eaten in days and probably had been the worse for wear in the past few days. “Videl, I need to talk to you sometime…” she said in a whisper, as though she thought he was sleeping and didn’t want him to wake up. “Ok, how about now?” I entered the room and went over to Tanya. “Good enough.” “What do you want to talk to me about?” “Gohan…” “What about him?” “He-he-he’s gone!” she started to cry, I gave her a hug and tried to comfort her. “I know, I wish it weren’t true though.” “I want him back!” “We all want him to come back, we could find the dragonballs and wish him back…” “He’s been wished back before though!” “I know, but he can still be wished back.” “I want him back now! I don’t wanna wait!” “Neither do I, the first four dragonballs are already here, we just need three more and we can wish him back.” “You don’t understand, I can’t wait for them to be found! I need Gohan!” “Calm down, ok? Everyone is trying to find them as fast as they can.” “I need him now.” “We’re trying as best we can to get those dragonballs, ok? Meanwhile, why don’t you get something to eat?” “I can’t, not now.” “You have to eat.” “I’m just not hungry right now.” “Alright, but as soon as Gohan gets wished back to his full health, you both’re gonna eat until you can’t stuff another bite in.” “Ok…” she said, I left and went to help get the balls for Gohan and Tanya. I knew I would have to encourage everyone to hurry, otherwise Tanya would go insane and who knows what could happen! I heard a noise behind me, coming from Tanya’s room. I opened the door and peeked inside, I saw Tanya staring at a full moon. Her tail twitching. She started to grow and transform into what looked like a giant ape. She began to destroy the buiding and I ran for cover. I was able to see what happened but Tanya couldn’t see me. I saw as she looked onto Gohan’s bed and her eyes fell onto him, she stopped her destruction spree and picked up his limp body. ~~~~~ Oozaru Tanya’s POV ~~~~~ (Oozaru=saiyin’s monkey form) I saw a boy on a bed, he didn’t run from me. He just stayed there sleeping through the noise I made. I picked him up and looked him over, he looked somewhat familiar to me. I sniffed him and felt a sudden realization, he was the boy destined for me. I poked at him with my finger, he didn’t move at all. I poked him again and he still didn’t move. I sniffed him again and realized that he was on the verge of dying. I felt a tear roll down my cheek and it fell onto the boy. I felt a movement in my hand that I still held the boy in. I looked and saw that he had opened his eyes. He looked at me in bewilderment and then tried to get up, he couldn’t because of his weakness though. “Who are you?” I asked him, he didn’t answer me for a bit, after a while, he did. “I-I’m Gohan.” “I’m Oozaru Tanya, but you can call me Ootan.” “Tanya?” “You can call me that too I guess.” ~~~~~ Tanya’s POV ~~~~~ I watched as my new form picked up Gohan and sniffed him, a tear rolled down her cheek and landed on Gohan, he stirred and woke up! I heard him say my name and tried to gain control over my form, struggling because she didn’t want me to gain control of her. I tried as hard as I could and finally managed to get the upper hand. “Gohan!” I hugged him and he saw that I was controlling my new strange form. “Tanya, I was beginning to get worried that you wouldn’t be able to control yourself…” he said, smiling weakly. I felt myself shrinking and saw everything the way I would have nomally seen them. I was back to normal. I saw Videl hiding and raised an eyebrow, she came out. “Glad you two are ok, I was getting scared.” She said as she helped me get Gohan into bed then got some soup for me and him. ~~~~~ Myoga’s POV ~~~~~ I watched as Tanya fed Gohan the soup Videl had gotten for him. She ignored her own bowl and made sure that Gohan had enough before eating hers. I was on a shelf that was relatively high up, Videl same up to the shelf and put a heavy cup on top of me. “Hey! Get it off of me!” I shouted, Videl stopped in her tracks and the other two in the room stared at me. Videl lifted the cup off and I jumped down. “Sorry about that, I was sleeping up there.” “Looks like Inuyasha’s flea friend is here!” Gohan chuckled, Tanya and Videl joined him. “My name is Myoga, we haven’t been introduced before, I know all of your names though. I was with Lord Inuyasha when you met him.” “Yeah, we saw you on his shoulder.” “Oh… I’d better go see if Inuyasha needs anything.” “Ok, carefull he don’t squish you again.” “Very funny.” I grumbled as I walked out. ~~~~~ Jaken’s POV ~~~~~ I saw Myoga walking out of Tanya and Gohan’s room, I went up to him and blocked his path. “If it isn’t Inuyasha’s advisor, Myoga the flea.” “Lemmie through will ya?” “What were you doing in Tanya and Gohan’s room?” “Checking on them, Lord Inuyasha wanted me to do that for him.” “Fine then, Lord Sesshomaru told me to make sure that you and Inuyasha stayed out of this room.” I picked the flea up and squashed it between my fingers before throwing it into a dustbin. ~~~~~ Oro’s POV ~~~~~ Me and my three siblings were waiting for our mother to come and feed us, she hadn’t come for a while and we were getting increasingly hungrier by the minute. I started to call for her but Chan, my sister, stopped me by telling me not to call and that she could smell something funny. I ignored her and started sqeaking very loudly, I heard a noise and heavy footsteps coming toward me. I was picked up and I felt my siblings’ bodies near mine. “This is all your fault Oro, if you hadn’t opened your mouth, we wouldn’t be in this situation!” Chan blamed me. I felt as I was held away from Chan and the others and I felt something trying to get into my mouth, the smell of milk coming from it. I opened my mouth and the milk came right out without much effort from me. I drank to my heart’s content then pushed the object away. I relieved myself and was put on a soft bed with everyone but Chan there. She joined us and one of our brothers was taken, he came back after a while and then it was the last of our family who went. He came back and squealed happily. “I hope you four haven’t been on your own for too long, let me know if you get hungry.” A cheery female voice said to us from above. I nodded and fell asleep. ~~~~~ Tanya’s POV ~~~~~ “Aren’t these little baby rattata cute Gohan?” I asked my boyfriend, he looked and nodded. I had found the babies squealing in a hole in the wall and saw a female rattata’s body laying limp a foot away. I had fed them and was showing them to Gohan. “They are cute, but they need their mom to live.” He said as he carefully picked one up and held it as it slept. “I think that one of them said that his name is Oro…” “Oro, huh? Doesn’t that mean mouth?” “Yeah, he was actually the only one squealing. He also ate the most.” “I guess that that name is only fitting for him then. What are we gonna do with them though, we can’t possibly keep them.” “Yes we can, one of my older sisters that ran away a few years ago owned some baby rattata that were born at night in our house. They were one of her pet’s babies. The mom died after a few days after they were born. Me and my sister took care of them and all of them lived at least a year.” “So, you have experience at this? That’s good, they have a good chance of making it then.” “Yep!” I said, my gear rang at that moment. I answered it. “Sketch, guess who!” the voice at the other end said excitedly. “Kurisuti, is that you?” I asked. “Yeah! I just called to tell you that I got away with getting a pet Vulpix!” “Cool, I just found some orphaned rattata in a wall. Remember when your pet had babies and we had to take care of them ourselves?” “Yeah, that was fun except for when they kept me up all night.” “That’s the downside of it, but ya gotta love the rewards of cute hand raised rattata that you got to raise!” “I agree with ya there, anywho, I gotta go. I have a date tonight and I have to get ready!” “Ok, talk to ya later sis.” “Yeah, bye.” We hung up and a few minutes later, we heard someone pull in, I looked and saw a red capsule car convertible pulling into a parking space, the top was up and I couldn’t see who it was til they got out. It was a boy with short, blonde, spiked hair and a girl with long, purple hair that came out of it, I pointed them out to Gohan and we watched as they were greeted by Janine Kuraine. “Hey Kurisuti! It’s been a long time ssince your last visit here!” Janine shouted, I was taken by complete surprise as I recognized my older sister. I leaned further out to get a better view, Gohan grabbed me by the back of my shirt as I started to fall forward. I scrambled back into the window. “Whew, thanks Gohan. That’s my sister I was telling you about down there.” I explained, he raised his eyebrow at me and started to laugh, I joined in. We heard the door open and I stopped abruptly as I saw my sister in the doorway with the blonde boy. “Sketch?” “Kurisuti?” “I can’t believe it! It’s been four years and I meet up with you while I’m on a date with my boyfriend!” “I was just telling Gohan about how we saved your baby rattatas.” “Gohan? Who’s he?” “This is Gohan, he’s my boyfriend.” I said, introducing her to him. “He looks at leat six years older than you though, he looks more like my age.” “So?” “I’m just saying that he looks a little older than you, other than the age difference, you two make a cute couple.” “So, she’s your runaway sister huh? She doesn’t look like the runaway type to me.” Gohan said as he looked at her. “What are you doing in bed on a nice morning like this? You two should be out dating or something like that.” Kurisuti’s boyfriend said to Gohan. “Eh, you could say a bunch of killer bugs attacked me and exploded before they could finish.” “So, you’re the comedian type then…” “No, I’m serious. If you don’t believe me, ask Piccolo, Tanya, Sesshomaru, or Videl.” “Who’re they?” “Piccolo is a Namek, she’s Tanya, Sesshomaru is a dog demon youkai, and Videl is a human whose dad is Hercule.” “O-k…” “He’s telling the truth, the bugs were after me…” I told them. “Then you two aren’t kidding?” “Nope.” “Hey Tanya! I found the… Hey! Who’re you two? You shouldn’t be here, Gohan needs his rest!” Videl said as she came in and noticed my sister and her boyfriend. “Relax Videl, it’s just Tanya’s sister and her boyfrend.” Gohan told her with faint annoyance. “Oh, sorry then! I’ll just put this stuff by the rattata’s cage and you can take it from there.” “Y-You’re Hercule’s daughter?” my sister asked nervously. “Yeah, what’s it to ya? Want me to tell my dad somethin for ya?” “I wish I had a famous dad like you do.” “It’s not as much fun as people think, he’s actually just the world’s greatest actor, but don’t tell anyone I said that, he’ll get really mad at me and get himself hurt.” “Oh, what’s it like having a lot of people wanting to be like you and your dad?” “A pain in the ass!” “I would feel the same way.” “Mom! I’m hungry!” I heard Oro shout. “Time for Oro to get somethin to eat.” I said as I prepared some mix for the baby. I used a syringe with a small rubber tip on the end to feed him. I wiped the spilled drink off him and asked the others if they were hungry, they said they weren’t. I asked them what their names were and the one that had yelled at Oro was called Chan, then there was Sessho and Ve-eta. I picked them up and carried them toward Kurisuti and the others. “Oh! They are so adorable, I wanna take one with me!” Kurisuti said when I showed the little guys to her. “Sorry, but I’m gonna be their adoptive mamma.” “I wanna help.” “Ok, you can help feed Sessho.” “What about me?” Videl asked. “You can help feed Chan.” “Then I’ll feed Ve-eta and Tanya can feed Oro.” Gohan announced. “Sounds like a plan to me.” “Knock knock, anybody in there need anything?” my mom asked from the door. “Come on in Mom, look at these cute baby rattata I found.” “They’re cute… Who are your friends?” she said, meaning my sis and her boyfriend. “She’s my sis Kurisuti, and he’s her boyfriend. Kurisuti, this is my mom, Rebeck.” “Nice to meet you, I’ve always wondered who Sketch’s real mom was.” Kurisuti said while digging into her pockets. She pulled out a piece of paper and unfolded it. “Oh no, not that picture!” I said, trying to grab it away from her, she just kept it out of my reach as she finished unfolding it. It was the picture I had drawn when I was four, it was of Ash Ketchum and there was a heart around it and misspelled print on the back. “She drew this when she was little and I accidentally took it when I ran away.” “You didn’t have to show her that one!” “Aww, but it’s a cute picture.” “It’s embarrassing!” “Oh, would you rather have me show her the one of your third-grade crush?” “No! Not that one! That’s worse!” “See, this is what she drew of her third grade crush and her sitting at lunch in her school and him kissing her. It’s just too cute!” she showed that one too. “Stop showing off embarrassing pictures!” “You gave them to me, remember? I can show em off all I want to.” “You wanna bet?” ~~~~~ Gohan’s POV ~~~~~ I saw lightning form between the sisters’ eyes as they stared at each other. “Can’t you show off the better ones I gave you?” “No, I like these better.” “You had better not show anyone else those pictures or I’ll…” I grabbed Tanya’s wrist right before she struck out with her fist. “Huh?” “Would you two knock it off?” I said, getting annoyed at them. “Oh, alright.” She turned to Kurisuti, “Just don’t show off those two pictures ever, ok?” “Alright…” “Good.” “Oh crud! We need to get back now! It’s 10:00 already!” Kurisuti’s guy exclaimed as he pointed to his watch. “He’s right, see you all later!” she said as she handed Sessho back to Tanya and walked out with her boyfriend. Rebeck walked out and Videl handed Chan to me then followed her. “Those pictures were really good, did you actually draw them?” “Yeah.” She turned red and then picked up her pack and started to rummage through it. She got out a sketchbook and a pencil case, she handed me the book and I opened it to the first page. It was a picture of two eyes peeking out from some bushes at the side of a road, the next one was of Krillin, Eighteen, and Maron by a pond with the viewpoint of someone hiding in shrubbery. It went on from this and I was left just staring at Tanya in surprise when I had seen all the pictures she had drawn. The most recent one was of me and her kissing with a heart around us and the words ‘Gohan and me, we’re the best couple. We’re faithful to each other and almost never leave each other’s side. Love Forever.’ “These are really awsome Tanya, when did you start drawing like this?” “Oh, I started that book at the start of my journey, but I’ve been drawing since I was two or three…” “Well you’re even better than the artists that I read about in history class and that I researched in art.” “Really?” “Really. I wouldn’t lie to you about your art, even if, God forbid, it was bad.” “That’s good to know, I always thought that it wasn’t detailed enough…” “It has more detail than a photo can ever capture, see you can see mischeif in those eyes,” I pointed out the first picture in the book. “And then here you can see how much a surprise I must’ve been when we first met.” I pointed to the picture of me holding her as I teleported to my house when we had first met. “You can really make these show how things actually were.” “I guess you’re right. Want to watch me draw?” “Sure, what’re ya gonna draw?” “What I saw through my ape-form’s eyes, think that’ll turn out good?” “More than likely it’ll be great.” “Ok, that book’s full so time for me to get out my new one. New sketchbooks are a pain because they’re so blank and not broken in yet.” She said as she started to draw a few lines which became me on a giant gorrilla’s hand. She brought the page to life as it became filled with detail and I soon gained a feel for what she had seen, I was seeing through her eyes at myself waking up and looking at her. “Hmm, it needs something more, I just can’t put my finger on it…” “Uh,” I noticed that I was missing eyebrows, “how bout giving me some eyebrows?” “Oh, that’s right! Thanks, I get so forgetful of details sometimes…” she said, blushing and drawing in some very detailed eyebrows. “What do you think?” “Are you sure that you aren’t using magic or anything like that?” “None that I know of.” She smiled at me, I felt something in my chest and she grimaced slightly. “Your chest hurting you any?” I asked her, she shook her head. “You sure?” “Yeah, I’m fine, really.” She said, with a bit of uneasiness in her voice. “You don’t sound like you’re fine, you should rest a while.” I moved over to one side of the bed and let her get on, when she fell asleep I got up and walked slowly to the chair. I sat there and let her have the bed, I didn’t need to lay down all the time. I hadn’t realized how tired I was and soon fell asleep in the chair. I woke up in the bed with Tanya next to me, she was under the covers and I was laying on top of them. I looked around and saw Vegeta standing in the doorway, he was smirking as usual. “Looks like someone thought he wasn’t tired and fell asleep in a chair. You should be glad that you ended up being moved or you would have back pain for a week.” He said mockingly. “Ga! You can be a pain in the neck sometimes Vegeta.” “I didn’t put you on the bed, Videl did.” “Wha?” “Videl put you on there.” I suddenly felt exausted and fell asleep right where I was, despite Vegeta’s continued ranting. ~~~~~ Vegeta’s POV ~~~~~ I saw a stick of dynamite being thrown into the window and it emitted fumes til it went out, I tried not to breathe it in but ended up doing just that. I fell asleep leaning against the doorframe. I awoke with a start when I felt a cold rag being pressed onto my forehead. I looked up and saw Bulma with a worried look on her face. “What happened?” I asked, my head throbbing. “You colapsed while you were talking to Gohan and we couldn’t wake you up, I was so worried…” “Humph, that’s it huh?” “That’s it!?! Here I am worrying my ass of just to hear you suggest that what happened was mediocre!” “Calm down woman! I never said it that way!” “You sure hinted on it!” “Will you two shut up!” an unusually stressed Kakkarot shouted at us. “What’s with Kakkarot?” “He’s stressed because at the same time you collapsed, Tanya and Gohan went missing.” “SHIT! Why didn’t you say so in the first place!” “You wouldn’t let me!” “I said shut up! I’m trying to locate them and I’m having enough trouble without you two yelling!” he yelled angrily, a very rare occurrence indeed. “Why not just use Abra?” I suggested, he thought a second before answering me. “I can’t understand the stupid animal! Duh!” “It can teleport ya know.” “Oh yeah… It still won’t work, I already tried it.” “Why didn’t you say so!” “I don’t know.” “Well get thinking or I’ll really kill you!” “I’m trying to! It’d be a lot easier if you would be quiet!” “Fine!” I tried to get up and slipped on a bar of soap, “Stupid goddamn soap bar…” I grumbled as I walked off to come up with my own ideas. I felt a twinge of Tanya’s energy and started to follow it, “Kakkarot! I felt Tanya’s energy!” he came out and followed me closely. I continued to go in the direction her energy had been coming from, it became more and more definite as I got closer. Soon I had pin pointed her location and was about to go get her when Kakkarot stopped me. “This is too easy, here.” He threw a stone at where her energy came from, it was disintegrated by something blocking its path. I nodded in acknowledgment and flew around, throwing stones and watching to see if the same happened to them, they did in all but one place and I signaled for Kakkarot to follow me closely. He did and we went in, throwing stones now and then to make sure we wouldn’t be disintegrated like the rocks. We entered an area where men in lab coats were walking around, one of them came up to us. “You must be the two new recruits. Here, get these on and put on your name tags.” “Yeah whatever…” “You must have left your papers at your house, we’ll fill you in on everything here. First off, I’ll be the one assigned to making sure that you two don’t mess up and are suitable for the job.” “Ok…” we were led to a bathroom where we put the labcoats on over our clothes and pinned on our name tags. “This is stupid Kakkarot, why don’t we just storm the place like we usually do?” “This time it’s different, it’s my son and your neice we’re talkin about here, we need to go along with this for a while and then we can look for them without rousing too much suspicion.” “For once your brain is working.” I muttered as we got out and we followed the short man to a room filled with cylinders that were wide enough to fit a single oozaru inside. The cylinders were filled with green fluid and bubbles were coming up from the bottom. “Here is where we keep specimens, you won’t be coming here too much. I’ll show you all the specimens just so that if you happen to require one in an experiment, you know where to look.” He led us around the room pointing to creatures floating in the fluid and explaining what they were. He got to two very familiar looking ‘specimens’ as he called them. It was Gohan and Tanya! “Excuse me sir, but what is the difference between these saiyins and humans?” Kakkarot asked, he already knew the answer, he was buying me time to think up a plan to get them out before they were experimented on. I figured out how to get them out and started to carry it out once the man was done telling Kakkarot the differences. “We’d like to find out about any other differences you haven’t mentioned, would it be alright if we did a few experiments on them?” “Of course, that’s why they’re here. I will come back with you to get them once we are done wit the tour.” “Ok.” As he went on I explained my plan to Kakkarot, he nodded his agreement and we waited out the tour. It was over after a few hours and we headed back to the room Tanya and Gohan were in. “Here we are, now, which lab would you like to use?” “Whichever one is empty.” “Ok, that will be lab Z, I’ll make sure that they are sent there.” He pressed some buttons and the two disappeared. We were led to lab Z and the little man even had the nerve to tell us that he didn’t like experimenting on different specie. We nodded and asked how to get Tanya and Gohan out. He did it for us and we grabbed them and were about to fly off when the man told us to take him away with us, we did and flew off away from the laboratory. “Kakkarot, for once you did something right, you used your head.” “I did?” “Eh, you idiot.” “What?” “Shut up and fly.” “What happened?” Gohan asked when he woke up groggily. “You were kidnapped by lab guys who wanted to experiment on you.” I explained, I heard Tanya yawn and saw her stir in her sleep, she didn’t wake up though. “Yikes!” “You two had Kakkarot so worried that he was the one who got annoyed at me.” I smirked at Kakkarot’s earlier antics. “It would have been funny if you two weren’t in danger too.” “Heh…” We got back to the hospital where a bunch of people were waiting in the lobby, I put the man from the lab down and carried Tanya to her room, Kakkarot carried Gohan there too. “Look, it’s them!” someone shouted from the crowd, all of the people started to charge at us and we ran as fast as we could and made it to Tanya and Gohna’s room before they caught up to us. We slammed the door shut and had to go SSJ just to keep the crowd outside. Tanya chose that moment to wake up and I reverted myself to normal. Me and Kakkarot went to make sure she was ok, temporarily forgetting about the crowd that was trying to get in. The door was forced open and a bunch of people swarmed in, “Yeah! We love you Vegeta!” “Goku’s better than him!” “I want Gohan!” “I wanna have Tanya!” “Knock it off you lousy humans!” I shouted at them, they fell silent for a moment. “Wow! Vegeta actually yelled at us!” “Wait til I tell everyone at home about this!” “Woohoo!” “Shut up!” Tanya screamed at the top of her voice, “Get out now! Beat it!” they all left grumbling about not getting to get our autographs. I hate it when people do that stuff! It’s so annoying! I’ve had to put up with it for the past three years and have been telling them not to do that and what do they go and do? They swarm up and act like a bunch of freaking lunatics!” “Whoa! Calm down, they’re gone now.” Gohan said, trying to get her to settle down. “Good…” ~~~~~ Arish’s POV ~~~~~ I felt someone pick me up and opened my eyes a little, it was Trunks! I stayed still for a while, enjoying every moment until he placed me onto a bed. “Trunks, wait.” He turned and looked at me, fear in his eyes. “Thanks.” He was relieved and nodded. He suddenly did something totally unexpected, he came over and kissed me on the cheek. “Ya know? I actually kinda like you when you aren’t scaring the crap outta me.” “I’ll try not to do that anymore then.” “Ok, by the way, Tanya and Gohan are fine. They’re in the room next door to the right.” He used his thumb to indicate which way it was and then walked out. I was still surprised by the kiss, he had actually kissed me! It was only a peck but it was still a kiss… I was about to fall asleep when I heard someone entering my room. I felt Trunks’s hand touch mine and smiled, opening my eyes. He looked different than before, I saw lipstick smeared on his face and my eyes widened. “Fangirls are so annoying, they jumped on me and then they all started kissing me! Argh! I’d rather have to date you than go through that experience again.” “Are you asking me out?” “Well, yeah, kinda…” “Answer’s yes.” “Really?” “Really.” “I just realized yesterday that I love you, I thought that you were just a fangirl until I saw how you seemed to be trying to hold my hand…” “Glad you finally realized it.” ~~~~~ Hercule’s POV ~~~~~ I saw my daughter as she checked on everyone, she had voluteered her time to be a volunteer nurse. I walked up to her and walked next to her as she checked on everyone. “So Videl, do you still like that Gohan boy even though he’s in love with Tanya?” “As a friend, me and him aren’t right for each other anyway.” “Why do you think that?” “When me and him were dating, that was only puppy love, what’s going on between him and Tanya is the real thing. Me and Gohan couldn’t ever have that together.” “I don’t get what he sees in Tanya though, it’s like there’s some kinda spell binding them together.” “Dad, you were there when it happened, I’m clueless except that Vegeta hinted that you had seen what had happened.” “Well, I did but I thought they were just calling on some kinda power source.” “Maybe we should ask Bulma, she was the only one that Vegeta told, I overheard them once but then I forgot what they said a few minutes later.” “What about Rebeck and Goku? Don’t they know anything about it?” “I think they do, they refuse to even give me a single clue about it though.” “Hmm, I’ll have to ask them what all this is about.” “Hercule, Videl, come over here. I gotta tell you two something.” A boy with long blonde hair said from a closet. “Sharpner?” “Yeah, I gotta tell ya somethin about Tanya andGohan. I overheard Vegeta, Rebeck, Bulma, ChiChi, and Goku talking about what happened in Tanya’s basement.” “Did you write it down or something?” “Better, I recorded it, here’s the chip.” He handed a chip to Videl, she quickly put it in a case and thanked him. “Yeah, anything to try and figure out what’s going on between those two… H-Hello Vegeta, I-I was just telling Videl about her homework.” He said, I looked and saw Vegeta looking down at him behind Videl. “Hey Veggie, I’ve got a lot of make up work to do and Sharpner was just letting me know what needs to be done.” Videl said when she turned and saw him. He held out his hand and didn’t say anything. “All it is is my homework…” “I know that you recorded that conversation about what happened, hand over the chip.” “What conversation about what happened?” “Don’t play dumb with me! Hand it over or I’ll…” “What’s going on out here?” a sleepy looking Tanya said as she stuck her head out of her door. “Just makin sure that Videl doesn’t slack.” “Ok, keep it down though, I’m tired.” “Yeah.” She went back into her room and closed the door, Vegeta turned to Videl again, “Well?” “Fine, we only wanna know what’s goin on around here and thought that it might be related to whatever happened in Tanya’s basement.” “Just hand over the chip!” “Alright! Here.” She put the chip Sharpner had handed to her into his hand and he promtly looked it over. “Ok, I’ll have this and any other recordings of conversations regarding what happened destroyed, it doesn’t matter what medium it is either.” “Will you at least tell us a little?” “No.” “Why not?” “You’ll tell.” “No we won’t!” “I can tell that he’s gonna tell if he finds out, and you can’t rely on Hercule to keep his trap shut when he’d threatened.” “You could just tell me.” “You might tell too.” “I swear I won’t tell anyone even if my life depended on it!” “Hmm, no.” “If Sharpner and Daddy weren’t here, then would you tell me?” “Maybe.” “Urgh! You are such a pain in the ass Vegeta!” “It’s just better for everyone if only a few people know about it. That way if something happens and everyone starts to get nervous, there’s less of a chance that someone’ll blab.” “And you tell Goku that sort of stuff?” “Only because he’s Gohan’s father.” “Alright then, if you won’t tell me at least a little, I’m asking someone who’ll at least give me a hint.” “Your dad saw it happen you know.” “He says that they were just calling some sort of energy to fight Brolli…” “Maybe I’ll give you one hint, your dad is way off!” “Some hint that is.” Videl stalked off. I watched as she almost ran into ChiChi. Vegeta had already left and was talking to Bulma in low tones to her, he handed the chip to her and walked off. ~~~~~ ChiChi’s POV ~~~~~ Videl almost ran into me in her hurry to get somewhere. “Oh, sorry Mrs. Son.” “It’s ok.” “I need to talk to you about somethin.” “What is it?” “Come on.” She led me away from her dad and the blonde boy and into an empty room. “I wanna know what happened in Tanya’s basement.” “What for?” “I wanna know why Tanya and Gohan are acting so oddly.” “Oh, I see. I really would like to tell you, but I only saw it, I really don’t know what actually happened.” “Oh, who does other than Vegeta?” “Bulma, Goku, and Rebeck.” “Thanks!” she left in a hurry and ran into Dr. Hiro. “Gomen!” she said as she hurried off. I walked out of the room and went to check on Gohan and Tanya. “How are you two doing…” I stopped mid sentence when I saw them both on the bed. “Hey Mom… Something wrong? You look a little pale.” Gohan said. “What are you two doing!?!” “Cool it Mom. It’s not that way, we wouldn’t do that here, let alone before we get married…” “Good, now one of you get outta that bed.” “I will, Tanya’s konked out.” “Ok. I don’t want to see that ever again when I come into this room, is that clear?” “Yeah.” “Alright then, holler if you need anything.” I said as I left the room. ~~~~~ Tanya’s POV ~~~~~ I woke up to an enormous amout of pain in my chest, I saw a sharp, black rock on top of me and tried to get it off. It wouldn’t budge! “Gohan, could ya help a little over here?” “Gohan is not here, he is on the flagpole outside the window.” A slightly familiar voice said from next to my bed. “W-who are you?” “Lets just say that I’m the king of the demon world and came back to get revenge on you for what you did to me.” I looked up and saw the red man from before looking down at me with a smug grin on his face. “You again…” “Yes, me again. Now you and your boy will suffer for what you did to me. Enjoy yourself, if that’s possible!” he laughed mockingly at me before he went out through the window, he stuck his head back in for a moment, “Anata koe nemuru suru!” he shouted then flew off. I tried to call for help but I couldn’t open my mouth! The cutting rock was beginnng to cut through the bandages and I was feeling a great deal of pain. I though of Gohan and pushed the rock off of myself, it had made a gap in the bandages and I was bleeding, I looked outside and saw Gohan tied onto a flagpole with a heavy weight tied around his middle, he was unconsious. I climbed out onto the ledge outside of thewindow and made my way to where Gohan was hanging. I was amost there when the ropes holding him to the pole came untied and Gohan started to fall down to the ground! I was in dispair and I jumped off the edge and flew at full speed til I caught up to him, he was still out of it so I caught him and untied the weight, letting it drop onto the ground where nobody was. I flew him back to the window and laid him on the bed, I was utterly exausted! I fell asleep in a chair while I was watching Gohan. ~~~~~ Gerald’s POV ~~~~~ I had just made it to the hospital where Tanya was being taken care of when I saw two figures falling down from the sky, one caught the other and got rid of the object around the other’s middle. They flew up and into a hospital window, I took note of which window it was and then walking into the hospital. A bunch of people who weren’t doctors or nurses who I hadn’t met were there walking around the building and talking in low voices to each other. I heard one of them mention my daughter’s name and quickly went up to them, it was a girl of about twenty with short black hair and purple-ish eyes. “Did you just say something about my daughter, Tanya?” “Tanya? Yeah, you know her?” “I’m her dad.” “Oh! I’ll take you up to the room she’s staying in.” “Ok.” She led me upstairs and opened the door to a room, the room was the one that the figures had went in through the window of! I saw a boy on a bed and Tanya sleeping in a chair, some bandages on her chest leaking through. “Tanya, hey, get up. Your dad’s here…” she noticed the bandages and got panicky. “Hold on a sec, ok?” she picked Tanya up and carried her to another room, she came back with Tanya, who had been freshly bandaged, and put her on the bed, much to my displeasure. “She’ll need to get some rest for a while, I wonder what it was this time…” she saw something and looked it over, it was a pointed rock, there was a note tied to it. It said something like ‘I’m back for revenge! My first victims are apparent to whoever reads this note.’ it was signed in a scrawling hand that I couldn’t make out. “What’s up with all this?” “Dabura’s back… he’s after Gohan and Tanya.” “Who the heck is Gohan?” “Tanya’s boyfriend, he’s on the bed.” She pointed to the boy on the bed and continued to look over the stone. “He’s her boyfriend! He sure doesn’t look like the kind of guy Tanya would want…” “He is, they love each other and plan on getting married sometime. He’s already practically proposed to her.” “What!?!” “You heard me.” “He is way too scrawny and weak to take care of her! I won’t allow it!” “Too bad for what you think, they’ll soon convince you that you’re wrong.” “What happened?” the boy asked groggily, he saw Tanya laying next to him and gave the girl, who had ealier told me that her name was Videl, an annoyed look. “Who’s the old man?” “You’ll have to ask Tanya about what happened, I have no idea, I found these in here when I came in.” she displayed the note and stone then put them on a bedside table. “This is Tanya’s dad, not Rebeck’s husband…” “Oh. Cool…” he said in a troubled manner as he tried to shake Tanya awake, she didn’t budge, he bent down and kissed her forehead. She woke up at his touch and smiled at him. She tried to speak but couldn’t, “Tanya? Are you alright?” She shrugged with a scared look on her face, she was confused too by the looks of it. “What happened? Why can’t you say anything?” She opened her mouth to speak but no sound came out, she tried to use hand motions to tell him, but that didn’t work either. “Try typing.” He said as he got up her laptop and hooked it up for her, she smiled at him and started typing. Gohan read what she had written and gave her a confused look. “I can’t read that, it’s jibberish to me.” Sure enough she had written random letters, suddenly the letters rearanged themselves to say something Gohan didn’t like. “I can’t believe it!” she gave him a confused shrug which he ignored. “I can’t believe you would write that about me… The wedding is off. I wish I never met you!” He left and tears formed in Tanya’s eyes, she sniffled and then started to sob loudly, she opened her mouth and tried to speak, she tried so hard this time that she ended up choking. When that ordeal was over with, she looked absolutely crushed. A woman in white came into the room running and looked around, she saw Tanya and frowned. She sat next to Tanya on the bed and placed a hand on Tanya’s shoulder. “Videl, go get Gohan and Vegeta now!” the woman ordered after a while of sitting and doing nothing. “Ok, be right back!” Videl ran out and came back with a short man who had black hair that was all spiked up. “Gohan wouldn’t come, he was too upset.” “Make him come! Do whatever you have to do to get him to come!” “Alright, this time he will come.” She rushed out and left me with the man, the woman, and Tanya. “Who’re you?” the man asked gruffly. “I’m Tanya’s father, Gerald.” “So you’re her adoptive father huh?” “Yeah, you might say that.” “I’m her uncle. My name’s Vegeta.” I nodded, the woman looked at me. “I’m Tanya’s mother, you can call me Rebeck.” She introduced herself. “Can you tell what’s wrong?” “She’s been cursed by Dabura.” “Who’s this Dabura guy? Our family doesn’t believe in curses, they’re a bunch of lies meant to scare kids.” “You say that because humans aren’t as prone to them as Saiyins are. I can barely make any sense of what Tanya is saying into my mind because of the curse!” “I conviced him to come, here he is.” A very tired Videl said as she led Gohan in by the arm. “What d’you want?” “Just to tell you something.” “What is it?” “You know who Dabura is right?” “Right.” “Well, he’s cursed Tanya so that she can’t speak or communicate with words, speech or otherwise. That includes typing and writing.” “WHAT!?!” “Dabura put a curse on Tanya.” Gohan rushed up to Tanya, “I’m so sorry, I thought that you had meant to write that stuff. I’m really sorry!” “Humph.” Tanya grunted as she turned her head away, Gohan went to where he was in front of her face so she could see him. “I mean it, I’m sorry! I didn’t know that you were cursed.” She turned from him again and he went to where she could see him again, “I really mean it, I honestly didn’t know!” She shook her head and turned away from him and then opened her filled sketchbook and was about to tear the last page out of it when Gohan grabbe her by the wrist. “I’m sorry about saying that I wished we never met, I was being a stupid asshole.” She looked up at him and pretended to think about it a little before giving him the so-so sign. “I mean it, I acted like a stupid, idiotic asshole. I felt like I was gonna just fall over and croak when I was walking out.” Tanya gave him a hug and a kiss then closed the sketchbook and set it aside. I wondered what was inside and was about to take a look inside of it when Tanya slapped my hand. “Hey! What was that for?” “She doesn’t want anybody looking in it.” Gohan said, holding in laughter. “I just wanted to see what you didn’t want her to tear out.” “That’s between us.” “Oh, ok.” I saw a new sketchbook on the ground near the bed and picked it up, then I handed it to Tanya. “This was on the floor, don’t start using mud as a medium, it won’t stay on the paper.” I told her jokingly, she smiled and tried to laugh but couldn’t. “Furret! Furr furret furr!” a white furret said as it ran into the room and jumped up between Tanya and Gohan. “Hey Scout, what’s up?” “Fur furret ret furr!” “Hold on a sec…” he got a dex out of his pocket and pressed the translation button, “Ok, now what were you saying?” “” Gohan looked at Tanya and then back at the normal type, “We’ll eat up here.” Tanya nodded her agreement and the furret ran off and came back with an abra who held six trays up in the air, one went to each of us. The furret held two bowls and gave one to the abra and ate one itself. “Tanya, that your furret and abra?” I asked, Tanya nodded happily. “Do they have names?” Gohan answered for her, “Yeah, the furret is called Scout and the abra is just called Abra, I think Tanya wants to give him a name of his own sometime.” Tanya nodded and then they both finished off their meals. “” Scout asked Gohan. “Well, she’s not mad at you or anything like that… Rebeck can explain better than me why she’s not talking.” “” “Because a bad man put a curse on her so that she can’t talk.” “” Scout imitated a boxer, punching at air with little imaginary boxing gloves. She threw a punch from the right and ended up hitting herself in the face, “” “You won’t be after fighting my Croconaw! I challenge you, rival, to a pokemon battle!” a boy with red hair and grey eyes said as he opened the door and held a pokeball out in front of him. “Sorry Nate, now’s not a good time for Tanya to battle you.” Gohan said through clenched teeth. “I came to challenge her, not you! So, what do you say rival?” Tanya shook her head, “I take it you accept, if you change your mind though, you’ll have forfeited. I’ll meet you on the roof. Be there or hand over your pokemon, all of them.” He left the room and shut the door. Gohan stuck his head out and yelled at him. “Grmm!” Tanya grumbled as she got out her Pokeballs and put six of them on her belt. “Tanya, I’ll go and help ya, ok?” “Hm.” She nodded. “Anybody wanna come watch?” “We’re coming!” Rebeck said as she grabbed Vegeta’s arm and dragged him upstairs, I followed with Videl behind me. We got to the roof and a chilly wind threatened to blow us off, the boy who had challenged Tanya was at the other end of the roof and a makeshift arena was drawn in chalk. Tanya stepped up into one of the trainer boxes and fingered her Pokeballs. “You! Old man! You say when we start and what conditions.” The boy shouted at me. “Alright, four to four, no time limit.” They agreed, “Ready… Go!” “Croconaw, go!” the boy shouted, releasing his first pokemon onto the arena, Tanya threw a ball and out popped Abra. “How weak! That’s your first one out! You’ve got to be kidding!” Abra’s eyes started to glow red and croconaw was sent flying onto the edge, it was recalled before it could fall and the boy sent out a sneasle, Abra went back to Tanya’s side and she sent out Kabbitfox. Abra’s eyes were glowing the entire time. Kabbitfox defeated Sneasle without getting too whipped out of shape, she was recalled and so was Sneasle, they were replaced by Ratticate and a scyther. The scyther made quick work of ratticate and a purple steelix was sent out, scyther was replaced with cyndaquil and it made a quick victory. Cyndaquil started to glow and he transformed, well actually he evolved, into a sleek Quilava. Tanya smiled warmly at her Pokemon and Abra healed them all before we were about to go downstairs. “Wait a second you cheater! You cheated! You double teamed me by using Abra and other pokemon at the same time!” the boy shouted at Tanya while holding her shoulders and slamming her into a wall. “Let her go now.” Gohan said in a commanding tone, “She wasn’t cheating, she was telling her pokemon what to do through Abra.” “Sure, and I’m Red!” “Leave Tanya alone now!” “Shut up,” he turned to Tanya, “Nony-Tany, Nony-Tany! You’re a big, fat, ugly, disgusting cheater!” he said, Tanya began to cry, “Ooh, Nony-Tany is a cwy baby, poor wittle cwy baby!” “Leave her alone Nathan!” “No! I’ll make fun of her all I want!” he continued taunting Tanya til she did cry, and when she cried, her hair turned from blue to blonde and her eyes turned green. She punched Nate in the face and gave him a bloody nose. “Aw shit! When’d you learn that? You could get into big trouble for even being seen punching before you have eight badges! Haha! Wait til Oak learns about this!” “Oak isn’t gonna hear about anything from you about that, cuz if you tell that, you’ll be telling on yourself too.” Gohan said with a smirk. “Too bad for you, Oak already knows about what I did and he finds it perfectly acceptable at that!” “Would you rather not tell or have my fist in your face!?!” Gohan roared. “Not tell.” “Good. Now scram before I do punch you anyways.” Nate ran off and we went back to Tanya’s room, there was a red man there waiting for us. “Dabura.” “Son Gohan, Tanya, Vegeta, Videl, and the two whatz-your-faces, I’ve been waiting for you, especially Tanya and Gohan.” He said grining evily. Tanya whimpered and Gohan held her closer. “I see my little curse is working already. So glad you can’t say anything Tanya!” he burst into a fit of laughter. “I know Tanya, don’t worry about that. I’ll make sure that he doesn’t hurt you. Yes, I know you don’t want me to get hurt but can’t help that.” Gohan said to Tanya, who seemed to relax a little at his words. “How can you understand her? She can’t speak words verbally, on paper, or in any way, including telepathically!” “We don’t need words to understand each other, at least we don’t now...” “Hum.” Tanya nodded. “What!?! My curse is supposed to make you totally unable to make noise by yourself!” Gohan started to chuckle, then Tanya tried to laugh, but couldn’t. He pounded her on the back til she was able to breathe again. Tanya suddenly did something even Gohan hadn’t even thought she would do, she went up and spit in Dabura’s face then tripped him with her leg. “Serves you right Dabura! You had that coming!” “Hmm.” Tanya smirked at him and then kicked him in the gut and then puched him in the face. “Alright, so you wanna fight me? You must want to be turned to a rock like those two pathetic friends of yours who I turned to stone!” he said as he spit at Tanya, he only got her shoe. “Crap!” Gohan said as he rushed up to her, he pulled her shoe off roughly and threw it onto the ground, it turned to stone and shattered, “Just my rotten luck…” he said as his hands started to turn to stone. He looked up at Tanya for a moment, “Don’t worry Tanya, as soon as Dabura is killed, I’ll go back to normal.” He said as he was turned completely to stone. Tanya’s bottom lip trembled for a moment before she opened her mouth. “Gohan…” “What!?! You can’t break through the curse that easily! It’s impossible!” “Gohan.” “Is that all your’e gonna say or what!?! You can get really annoying!” “Shut the fuck up!” “Yes ma’am!” “Now, first we are going to go away from here, then we will fight!” she said curtly beforecalling out Abra and telling him to teleport her away after leaving her Pokeballs, he did and she was gone from sight. ~~~~~ Goku’s POV ~~~~~ I watched as Tanya and Dabura were teleported away, I found her ki and used instant transmission to where she was so I could watch her fight. Her dad had rubbed my shirt and had been transported with me. I watched as Dabura tried to use his spit over and over again to try and turn her to stone. She dodged the spit easily and did a few punches and kicks which inflicted only minor damage. “KAME-HAME-HAAA!” she let loose an enormous kamehameha wave at Dabura and only managed to scorch his cape a little, “Ahhhhhhhhh!” she screamed in a high-pitched voice, her eyes turned green and her hair turned blonde and grew several feet longer! She stopped screaming and tried a kamehameha again, this time she completely blew him away, he was destroyed in a single blast! “Whew.” She powered down to normal and colapsed. I ran over to her and saw to my relief that she was only asleep, Gerald caught up and picked her up. “So, you’re my son’s future dad in law?” “Yeah, you must be Gohan’s father.” “That’s me.” I said as I placed my left hand on his shoulder and instant transmissioned us back to the hospital. I went over to Vegeta, Gohan (not stone anymore), and Rebeck, “You shoulda seen it! Tanya went SSJ3 and destroyed Dabura with one blast!” I saw their troubled faces when they saw Tanya, “She’s just sleeping, probably tired from the transformation.” “I doubt that, she probably used a lot of energy to blast him. She’s gone SSJ3 before without falling asleep after fighting.” Gohan told me. “You’re probly right about that…” I said, Gohan started off toward Tanya and sat in a chair next to her bed. “No, not that… not him… never…” Tanya talked in her sleep, Gohan shook her in an attempt to wake her up. “Tanya, you ok? Wake up.” Gohan said a little bit loudly, Tanya punched air, her fist wasn’t going for him. Instead her fist was trying to hit an imaginary fiend. “Don’t you dare… no, stop it… ahhhhhh…” she went SSJ and punched the air again, “I won’t let… get away… this…” “Tanya! Come on, wake up!” “AHHHHHHH!” She shouted as she woke up suddenly, hitting Gohan’s head accidentally. She was looking around with a panicked look on her face. She saw Gohan and hugged him tightly, still SSJ. “Shush, it was just a bad dream…” he said, rubbing his head and trying to calm her, she was crying intensely in his arms, scared out of her mind. She looked up at him and cried more vehemently than before. “It’s ok, it was just a bad dream.” I noticed that everyone else had left the room so I went out too. They would need to be alone a while for Gohan to sufficiently calm her enough so that she could talk. I almost ran into the doctor and Videl when I left the room, they were going to give Gohan and Tanya a check up. “You two shouldn’t go in there yet, Tanya needs to calm down a bit.” I told them as I walked by. They stopped just as Videl was about to knock and went to the room next to theirs for check ups there. I walked downstairs to the lobby and helped with the kids who were with their parents waiting. I played with them a while then became distracted thinking about Tanya and Gohan. “Mr. Goku, Mr. Goku!” a kid said as he pulled on my shirt, I looked at him. “What is it?” “You look worried. Why?” “I’m just thinking about my son and his fiance.” “Ooh, tell us about them!” “Ok…” I said, then thought for a moment before starting, “Gohan is my son, he’s a cool kid. His fiance is Tanya, she’s pretty and funny. Both of them are really good fighters and fight for good because they don’t like how bad guys are…” I told them a lot about the two lovebirds, when the kids were finally satisfied, they started to play Tanya and Gohan vs. a bad guy. It was fun to watch them chase each other around the room. Soon all but one little girl were gone, I couldn’t see any adults left in the room other than the nurse at the desk, who said that the girl’s parents were recovering from a carr accident and wouldn’t be able to see her for a while. “Do ya think it’ll be alright if I keep her occupied for a while?” “Go ahead, she likes to be around you.” “Ok.” I said as I bent down to talk to the little girl, “Do you wanna go meet all my friends? It’ll be fun.” “Yeah! I wanna meet everyone who you tell the stories about!” “Alright, this way.” “Ok.” She grabbed my hand and I led her upstairs to where everyone else was. “Ooh, lookie all the people up here!” “All these people are my friends.” I saw ChiChi at one end of the hallway and was about to introduce her to the little girl, whose name was Amy, when Vegeta flew right in front of us. I held Amy back so that he didn’t hit her and watched him land. “Looks like Kakkarot is babysitting! I’ve got to get a picture of this!” “Ooh ooh! Is he the Veg-Vegada man?” the girl asked. “Yes, he’s Vegeta, the one who always tries to beat me.” “Vegada tries to beat you?” “It’s not that bad, he always loses anyway…” I said, forgetting that Vegeta was right there. “Why you! I’ll kill you for that Kakkarot!” Vegeta shouted as he went SSJ2 and punched me really hard. “Gosh Vegeta, I was just kidding!” “I don’t care if you were kidding or not!…” He stopped his yelling suddenly and looked down at his leg in surprise, Amy was clinging onto it. “Don’t hurt Mr. Goku!” “Get offa me you little…” “Vegeta, what’s going on here!?!” a shrill voice yelled at him, it was Bulma, saved by his wife. I picked up Amy and snuck off, I went into the first door I got to. It was the one to Tanya and Gohan’s room. Tanya was still crying, but not as hard as she had been before. “Mommy! Daddy!” Amy exclaimed as she ran up to them, they both looked up at her. “Wha? Dad, what’s going on?” Gohan asked me. “Well, I offered to look after Amy for a while and Vegeta attacked. Bulma came by and is currently yelling at him. We snuck off and ended up here…” I explained as best I could. “Why did you call me and Gohan your parents?” Tanya asked, Amy was in her lap. “You two look just like Mommy and Daddy.” “Oh.” “Are you really Tanya? Is he really Gohan?” “Yes.” “Ooh ooh! Mr. Goku! They’re the ones you told us a story about today!” “That’s right.” I answered her, she was a good listener. “I hope it was about something that won’t embarrass us…” Gohan commented. “It was only about how you beat Amos and actually got together in the first place.” “Dad, what exactly was it about?” “Alright! It was about how you two acted when Shin teased you about having a crush on Tanya…” “DAD!” “What? Would you like me to tell about how you two first met?” “DAD!” “Or maybe about when Old Kaioshin wanted to date Bulma…” “DAD!” “I’m just kidding! Don’t get all worked up over it!” “Uh guys, you probly won’t believe this, but I can’t feel your kis anymore!” Tanya screamed, visibly shaken. Gohan rushed to her and was suddenly blown back by something. He tried again, this time he made it to her and he grabbed her and Amy as he was blown back again, they were blown with him. “That was too scary…” “Yeah.” “Waaa!” “Amy! Don’t cry, all of us are alright. It’s over now.” I said, trying to calm Amy down a bit. She kept on crying until Tanya picked her up and whispered something into her ear. She fell silent and listened, her eyes grew wider. “Mowy!” she giggled. “Mowy? What d’ya mean?” “Skowmowy!” “Skarmory, they aren’t native to these parts…” “What’s a Skarmory?” “A steel flying Pokemon, I have a dex entry on it, I entered the data last night.” She got out her dex and found what she was looking for, a picture of a bird with a scisor like beak and knife like feathers appeared on the screen and the entry was read aloud. “Mory!” a shrill voice called from the window, we looked and saw a Skarmory like the one in the dex, except this one was pinkish in color. “A shiny Skarmory…” “Mowy mowy mowy!” Amy said gleefully, reaching out to pet the metal bird. “Skarm?” “Skawmowy!” she said, the bird hopped onto the floor and came up to Tanya, who still held onto Amy. “Hello Skarmory. Is there anything you want from us?” Tanya asked it, it nodded, “What is it?” “Mory mory skarm.” “You want your sister back? Who is she?” “Skarmo.” “Me?” “Mor.” It nodded. “What do you want me for?” “Mory skarmor mory mory skarmo.” “If that’s the case, of course I’ll help you. Can Gohan come too?” “Mor, mory skarmo.” “Ok.” She turned to us, “I’m going to help this Skarmory, she says you three can come too if you wanna.” “Sounds like it might be dangerous…” Gohan said, an edge of nervousness in his voice. “Come on Gohan, it’ll be fun!” I urged him. I turned to Amy, “You wanna come with us?” “Yes! Goody goody fun fun!” “I guess I’ll come along.” Gohan conceded, we all took off, I held onto Amy of course. We got to an old windmill and were led inside, it was quite cozy inside it. We walked up at least ten flights of stairs and finally got to the top. Skarmory pointed toward what looked like a normal cloud. ~~~~~ Tanya’s Pov ~~~~~ “Look that way, that is where the bad humans are.” The skarmory who had claimed to be my sister said as she pointed out at a cloud. I peered closely at it and saw that it was smoke from heavy machinery. I couldn’t make out much more than a single smokestack in all the smoke and pollution. I thought about what I had heard on the news once about pollution and the ozone. I realized that my vision was blurring. “We need to evacuate everyone first, there’s too much pollution here.” I said Skarmory nodded and flew off, we ran downstairs and out the door, we got to the edge of a forest that was lush with greenery and full of healthy pokemon. We waved all the pokemon that Skarmory brought to where we were and helped along any stragglers who were left behind. We got back and there was alread ya fire lit for us. We sat down by it and came up with a plan of getting the polluters out, first we tak, then we go higher, then higher, until there is nothing higher and we are forced to attack, which was our last resort. I went nack to the hospital and borrowed some facemasks, just enough to go around for the pokemon there and for us. I got back and everyone was gone from the campsite, the fire was out too. I looked around and saw nobody at all, which was strange because they couldn’t have all had to go at once and for so long that the fire went out. I heard something behind me and just as I turned to see who it was, a heavy bag was over my entire body, preventing escape. I struggled untill I heard Gohan next to me. “Is that you Tanya?” “Yeah, where are we?” “I don’t know, I’m stuck in a bag.” “Same here.” “Did you get the masks, even though right now they aren’t of much use to us.” “Yeah, they’re here with me.” “How many could you get?” “Just barely enough.” “Oh, do you have any sort of sharp object with ya that you can get to?” “I think so, lemmie check.” I dug into my pocket and brought out my trusty pocketknife. “Yep, sure do.” “Good, try to cut your way out of your bag or at least make an eyehole, domething so that you can see where we are.” “Ok.” I opened the knife and started to cut away at the bag’s material, it felt rough, like burlap, but only twice as heavy. I managed to make an eyehole and saw a man peeking into it, he didn’t look familiar at all to me. He had blonde hair and wore a symbol like the one that Rudolph wore, he also had on a standard general’s uniform. My big bro was in the army and I knew the basics like rank and uniform as well as enough terminology to get around. I cut the bag open the rest of the way and stepped out, I remembered to salute the ‘general’ before cutting Gohan free. “Excuse me miss, but I believe that you are resisting arrest.” “Sorry sir, arrest is where an officer of the law, not kidnapping individuals and having them kept in burlap sacks.” I corrected him, he raised his eyebrow at me. “Soldier?” “No sir.” “Ex-soldier?” “No sir.” “How do you know how to address a general so well then?” “My brother is in the army sir, he explains the basics to me.” “I see. Who is this brother of yours?” “Karlos Kuraine sir.” “What is his rank?” “Private sir.” “Private Kuraine? That does sound familiar, ah yes! He’s the lad who recently was put under the temporary command of Agent Van Flyheight. He’s doing quite well here. I do hope that you’l forgive me for having you be kidnapped, I thought that you were a Republican spy sent from their base near where you were.” “I was there to help some pokemon who were in danger due to high pollution levels, I was going to talk with whoever was in charge of the factory causing all the pollution…” “That was no factory, that was a Republican base.” “Oh, I see. Do you know where everyone else who was in the forest are sir?” “Yes, they are in there, they were going to be questioned, but I’ll tell the soldiers to cancel orders to have them questioned and they will be freed from those bags.” “Thank you sir.” “Tanya, why do you keep calling him that? You’re not a soldier.” Gohan said to me, he looked at me funny. “My bro is, he told me that a soldier’s relatives should obey army courtesy whenever they encouter a member of an army.” “Oh, I getcha now. Does that mean that since we’re gonna get married sometime that I have to call him sir and salute too?” “You don’t have to, neither of you do right now. I’ve given orders for your friends to be let go… I’m so sorry, I forot to introduce myself. My name is Karl Shubaltz. What are your names?” “I’m Tanya Nonsutoppo and this is my fiance, Gohan Son.” I said, introducing myself and Gohan. “Nice to meet you…” he looked behind me and saw somebody. “Over here Private!” he called to whoever it was. “What is it sir!” a man with black hair, a tan, and black eyes said as he approached us, he looked and sounded very familiar… “You’re back early. Also, I have someone here I think you might know.” He motioned toward me. I finally realized that the soldier was Karlos! “I’ll give you three guesses on who you know who we found near a republican base.” He looked over the general’s shoulder at me, I waved at him and he waved back with a little uncertainty. “She does look familiar, but I have only seen the old photos of everyone I knew recently.” The general sweatdropped. “Karlos! It’s me!” I hissed at him, he gave me a questioning look. “Name started with ‘Ke’ when you last visited home.” “A moment please sir.” He looked through his pockets and pulled out his wallet. He looked at the pictures and then at me, “Keshi?” “About time you got it!” I said, hugging him. “Gosh, you sure get around a lot, last I heard from Mom is that you were at a hospital recooperating from some injuries, and it was just yesterday that she called me!” “Oh, by the way, this is my fiance, Gohan.” I said, motioning to my fiance, who began to look a little bit ill, “Gohan, are you alright? You look a little pale…” “I think so… Gah! My chest hurts like heck where that bullet went in!” he said, he began to bleed. “Someone get my first aid kit outta my pack and hand me some bandages and disinfectant caps.” I said as I applied pressure to Gohan’s bullet wound. “I thought that it was just a scar and wouldn’t hurt or bleed like this, guess I was wrong about that.” “I guess so.” I was handed the caps and I put one of them into the hole, I handed the caps back and was given a roll of gauze bandages. Gohan sat up while I bandaged him up. He began to look a little less pallid than before. “Done. Feel better?” “Yeah, thanks.” “Um-hm.” I suddenely saw something shrouded in smoke to the east and peered closely, it was the republican base! “That’s the base that’s cauing the air pollution and making this place unsafe for both people and pokemon.” I said, looking at the base. “You aren’t going to raid it are you?” “No, we’re just gonna talk the first time around, then if they don’t do something, then we take real action.” “How many are with you?” “Uh, four people and a lot of pokemon…” “A lot of good that’ll do you when it’s time for action.” “Actually, one is a full Saiyin, one is a human, and me and Gohan are Saiyin halflings…” “You’re kidding, right?” “No.” “Then you must be insane or getting there!” “Tanya, Gohan, have you two seen Rudolph around anywhere?” Maanbay asked me as she approached. “No, not recently. I haven’t seen him since Big Butox was going to have us on a dumb game show…” “Whoo hoo! Yeah! This is so fun!” a voice said from above, I looked up at a figure that resembled a charizard. I flew up and saw it was a charizard, one with Rudolph riding on his back. “Hey! I think Moonbay’s worried about ya, you might wanna land you two.” “Already? We were just having a little fun ride…” “You should be able to have a ride later, ok?” “Alright, Inferno you’d better land now.” The charizard dove and landed on the ground next to Moonbay. Rudolph hopped off and smiled at everyone. “Just riding around a little…” “Rudolph, save that for your free time. You have a lot of work to catch up on now.” “Aw man! I was only having a short break!” “Come on, you know that everyone wants to see you make that big speech tomorrow.” “Tomorrow! I nned to get busy! Cya guys later! Come on Inferno, you can help me with this.” He walked off behind Moonbay, Inferno followed him. “Keshi! You-you just flew without jet boots or anything… How the heck did you do that!?!” Karlos said with amazement. “I used my Ki.” “Whats a ‘Ki’?” “Energy.” “How do you fly?” “I use my ki to push myself off the ground…” “O-k… Anyway, what is a Saiyin?” “Saiyins are an alien race who like to fight and have a great amount of pride.” “Oh, that’s interesting. How do you know Emperor Rudolph though?” “We met when some kinda weird portal opened and I stepped through it, ending up on Planet Zi.” “Weird…” he saw Van at the same time I did and he called him over “Hey Van, my little sister’s here, come meet her!” Van came over and saw me and Gohan. “Hi Tanya, hi Gohan. I didn’t expect to see you here.” He was cut off by Karlos. “You already know my sister!?!” “Yeah…” “Why didn’t you say so?” “You didn’t give me any time to.” “I didn’t?” “Nope.” ~~~~~ Gohan’s POV ~~~~~ I saw a guy with blonde hair walking by, he was having trouble trying to get the girl with him to give give him a break. I walked over to them and introduced myself, they said that their names were Bit and Lena. “We just came by to get our special order in from Howen…” Lena said. “Lena, gimmie a break will ya, could I at least put this load down for a while?” Bit complained to her. “No.” “Why not?” “Cuz daddy wants this stuff in by dinner time!” “Want some help with that stuff?” I asked them, they looked at me and Bit nodded. “I’ll be right back.” I ran over to Tanya and told her where I would be if she needed me, she nodded and I went back to Bit and Lena. “I’m back, I just had to let my fiance know where I’m ganna be in case there’s an emergency, which happens often enough to us.” “Oh.” Bit put down the packages he had been carrying and took a breather. I picked them up and found that they were actually very light weight. “How can you get tired carrying these? They’re so lightweight!” I said, holding them on one arm. “Show off.” “Ooh, I like nice strong men…” “Sorry, I’m taken.” I told her, she looked furious. “That’s your cue to run.” Bit hissed at me, I stood my ground. Lena got a mallet out and swung it at me, I blocked it with one finger while still holding the stuff. “Nobody has ever been able to block my mallet before, you must be strong. Makes me wanna be whoever it is who has you.” “What do you expect from a saiyin?” “Wha?” “Oh, right, not everybody knows about saiyins…” I thought a moment then explained it to them, they nodded. A little while later, we were inside a hovercargo, Dr. Tauros was playing with zoid models while a little guy called Jamie worked at a computor. I put the boxes down and was about to walk out when Tauros said something. “Hey, mind helpin me find my sniper model’s head?” I found it and handed it to him then was just walking out when I was practically run over by a guy in a dumb- looking vest. “Hey! Watch it!” I said then grabbed his ankle and tripped him. “Ow! Whatda do that for?” “You ran over me!” “I did not! You were in my way!” “Shut up!” “You!” “Gah!” “Hey! I know why you’re here! You want my Lena don’t you!?!” “No, why would I want her when I have a fiance who I love and will never give up for any girl.” “Bull shit.” “I know you are.” “How dare you!” he slapped me and I barely felt it. “Ya know? I barely felt that.” “Urgh! If I ever catch you near Lena again, you will answer to meand my zoid!” “Zoid shmoid, those machines can’t even stand a kamehameha for five seconds. I melted a guy called Raven’s zoid to a puddle not too long ago!” ~~~~~ Tanya’s POV ~~~~~ I wondered what was taking Gohan so long, he said he’d be back in a few minutes, it had been an hour or so already and I was getting impatient. I began to let my attention wander, I saw something coming at high speed right toward us. I flew up and saw a zoid and an organoid headed toward where we were at. I flew back down and told the general and the others who were with me. They immediately started to give out orders and ready themselves for combat. I flew up again and saw that the organoid was the same one that Raven had used, a small kid was seated on top of the zoid. I saw a hovercargo between where we were and where the zoid was, I felt Gohan’s energy coming from there and powered up to push it out of harm’s way. I was a little late though because the zoid and organoid went straight through the transport! I started to look for Gohan and anyone else who might have been inside and only found four guys, a girl, and an older man there, nobody else. I began to get agitated that I couldn’t find him until I saw his hand sticking out of the maosty intact part of it. I saw that he was only knocked out by the force of the collision and took him to where the other people I had found in the wreakage were and layed him down. His bandages had come off entirely but his bullet hole had stopped bleeding. I saw that one of the guys had a deep cut on his head so I bandaged it for him, while I was doing that, he woke up and saw me. “Where’s my Lena!?! Is she alright?” “Who’s Lena?” “She has the most beautiful face and hair…” he went on and on stating his opinions about her until I began to get tired of it. “Was she in the hovercargo?” “Yes.” “She’s here, just konked out.” “Oh Lena!” he tried to get up but I held him down as I finished with his cut. I let him up and he went over to the girl, Lena, and started doting over her, I rolled my eyes at him and turned my attention to the guy with the short dark hair, he looked kinda cute, but he still couldn’t stand a chance with Gohan around. I saw that the girl had woken up and was staring at Gohan with her eyes popping out and her jaw dropped. “Why are you looking at Gohan like that?” I asked her, she looked up abruptly. “He-he got shot…” “I know, that happened about a week ago.” “How was he still alive then?” “Was? He’s alive, just knocked out. I don’t really know how he’s still alive from when he got shot, but he was dead, he somehow came back to life though…” “He was dead and came back alive again!?!” “Yeah.” “H-how?” “I don’t know.” “Gah! My head hurts, what happened?” Gohan said as he arose and held his head in one hand. “A zoid crashed into the hovercargo and almost destroyed it. The zoid went straight through it.” “Whoa, not good.” “Um, how’d you get that hole in your chest Gohan?” Lena asked, Harry holding her shoulders. “Someone shot me…” “Who?” “I’m not sure if they’ll ever forgive me if I tell anyone who doesn’t already know.” “I won’t tell, neither will Harry.” “We’ll just leave it at someone who had a crush on me a while ago.” “You mean like Harry has on me?” “Uh, the girl I’m talking about is a fighter, like me, except she’s not a saiyin halfling.” “Oh, ok…” she saw something and stopped abruptly. “AHHHH!” she screamed shrilly, pointing at me. I looked down and saw that my bandages were coming undone, I ran into some thick bushes and tightened them then walked back out. “Sorry about that, long story…” I said, trying to ignore the throbbing throughout my body. “Don’t worry Lena! I’ll protect you from these two devils! They won’t lay a finger on you, I swear it!” Harry said to Lena, he wasn’t even looking at her. I saw that she had fainted standing up. “Uh, I don’t think she heard you.” I told him, he looked and his face fell. “Why does she always do that when I try to impress her!?!” “Maybe you scare her.” Gohan suggested, I noticed his tail flicking absently and saw a belsprout nearby, I leapt for it, covering Gohan’s tail and grabbing the pokemon. I whispered some appollogies to it and showed it to Harry. “Heh, found a bellsprout.” “Oh! May I have it? I can give it to Lena and she’ll love me for it!” “You are one screwed up little man.” I said as I put the bellsprout on the ground and it ran off. “Whad’ya do that for?” “It’s wild and I don’t have a reason to keep it.” Lena came around and screamed again, this time at seeing my tail. “Never fear Lena! Harry Champ is here and I’m a man destined to be king!” she heard him out this time. “Crap! I try to hide Gohan’s tail and mine gets a mind of it’s own!” I said in disgust as I got up and brushed myself off. Lena and Harry were staring at me and Gohan in complete disbelief. “Yes, they’re real tails. No, we have better things to do than to hurt you humans.” I said, answering the questions that I knew were popping up in their minds. “Get outta here you monsters! Leave us alone!” a voice yelled, I felt something hit my tail really hard. “AHH! My tail!” I grabbed it and saw a bunch of sand on it, I also saw a big rock near where my tail had been. “Who hit my tail!?!” “What an obvious weakness! I’ll drive em away by hitting their tails!” I turned and looked, the three remaining guys who had been out of it were awake and one of them held a bunch of stones in his arms, it was the dark haired boy. The blonde held a rock and was ready to throw it. “Don’t you dare kid!” Gohan yelled as he flew up to him full speed and knocked the rock out of his hands. “Hey! I was gonna use that!” he noticed that it was Gohan and jumped at him, grabbing his tail. “Ow! Leggo my tail! Lemmie go!” Gohan said, he was on the ground, abnging on it with his fist. The blonde tightened his grip, “AOW! Let me go kid!” “Ha ha! Hey Lena, aren’t you gonna thank me for disabling this monster?” “You release my fiance’s tail right this minute or I’ll show you what a real weakness is. Your weakness to be exact.” I said as I charged the boy, he loosened his grip, he realized this and tightened it again. “Argh! Lemmie go now you measly full human!” “Temper temper! Tch tch tch, you need to just SHUT UP OR I’LL BREAK YOUR TAlL IN TWO!” “Last warning, let Gohan go now!” “You were going to attack! I know it!” “No we weren’t! that was your last warning, now I will attack! HAAAA!” I charged up and the boy let go of Gohan’s tail in surprise and I pulled him away from the boy before any more tail grabbing could take place. “You alright Gohan?” “Yeah, thanks.” He said before powering up and we flew off to where the others were. We stopped dead in our tracks when we saw that all the buildings had been reduced to not much more than rubble. “What happened here?” “I don’t know, but it definitely wasn’t good.” “Yeah, I can’t see anybody at all.” “Neither can I.” “Let’s check it out.” I said as I landed where Shubaltz had been just minutes before. “Hello? Anybody here?” I called out, hoping for an answer. I saw movement nearby and someone’s voice coming from under a sheet of metal. I moved the sheet out of the way with ease and saw Karlos there, his foot caught under a heavy beam. “Keshi, Gohan, you two get outta here. The enemy zoid is after you two and Van, along with Fiona. Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine.” He said before blacking out. I decided against listening to him and I got him out from under the beam. It was broken so I put it in a splint and just as I was finishing a shadow loomed over me. I looked up and saw a zoid unlike any I had seen so far, this one looked like a dragon/dinosaur. The cockpit opened to reveal that it was empty and a blue organoid was standing next to it. I finished the splint and called to the organoid. It came. “What’re you here for?” I asked it, it growled playfully and nudged me. I couldn’t understand it… “We came to find you silly!” a voice said from out of nowhere, I looked around for its source but found none. “I’m the organoid.” “I-I can understand you…” “Of course you can, I’ve chosen you to be the shield sniper’s pilot, I will be your organoid.” “Wow, really?” “Yes. Now, what do you want to call me?” “How bout KC?” “That’ll do. Now get into your new zoid and I’ll fuse with it. I’ll explain how to pilot once we’re both inside the zoid.” “Oh, ok. What about my bro and Gohan?” “They’ll be fine. Come on, we haven’t got all day to rescue everyone!” “Coming!” I turned to Gohan, “Gohan, you take care of Karlos, I’ll be back in a little bit, Ok?” “Ok.” He said as he kissed me before I jumped into the sniper. KC jumped in after me and started teaching me how to start and control the zoid, as well as how to stop it. After that we left. I was trusting KC to take me to the right place, I felt something soft, like fabric, land in my lap. “You change into those, I’ll take the controls. Also, if anyone asks your name, just say that you are forbidden to tell. You might wanna change your voice a bit.” KC instructed, I did as I was told and took the controls again. “Good, we’re here now. Put on your mask and we can get going.” I put the mask, it covered the top half of my head and was elastic. Hhere were small eyeholes so I could see. My outfit was more like a bunch of massive robes that covered almost every part of my body. “Ok, I’m ready.” I said as I waited for KC to tell me what to do next. “I’ve shown you everything you need to know, now you get to make the decisions yourself. I’ll give you directions to where the others are being held.” I nodded and sped up, following KC’s directions. We arrived in front of a tall collesium-type building and KC told me that they were in it. I got my zoid inside and saw Mom and all of my family and friends, even Gohan and Karlos tied up. “Just remember to keep your identity a secret and to keep your eyes on the lookout for anything suspicious.” “Right.” I said, practicing my ‘secret identity’ voice. I fired a couple rounds at the ceiling and waited for a while before approaching everyone. I resisted the urge to tell them it was me and was about to grab them all and get them out when I felt I was being watched and turned to see a zoid that looked like a bison of sorts. KC said that it was called a Dibison. The pilot of the dibison opened the communication link and asked why I was there. “Because I am.” I answered him. “Give me a good reason why you are here or you will have hell to pay!” “I travel without a destination, my travels have brought me here. Now if you’ll excuse me while I get these people out of here, then if you want to, we can hav a zoid battle…” “I never said that we had to battle! Now you leave me to rescue them. The people who kidnapped them have already broken a boy’s heart by killing his fiance. It just won’t do to have you around.” “Too bad. I’m sticking around, whether you like it or not.” “Beek, give me a readout of the sniper’s capabilities and of the pilot’s experience!” the man said into his helmet. “What!?! What do you mean you can’t give me a readout!?!” I raised an eyebrow at him, now he was too busy to stop me from rescuing my friends. I picked them up using my zoid and carried them out of the building, I didn’t notice that a dark zoid was hiding in the shadows and aiming a charged particle cannon at me. I was hit by the powerful beam but when my zoid rose to it’s feet, Gohan and all the others lay sprawled on the ground. I felt a tear roll down my cheek and turned with rage to the one who had killed my friends, it was a Genocrisher as KC called it, the communication link opened and I saw Raven ploting the zoid, my hands turned to ice in my nervousness. “How dare you! How dare you hurt and kill innocent people! You are a monster!” I shouted at Raven. He looked slightly suprized at me and said that he had expected to fight Van but that fighting me would give him something to do while he waited for news of Van’s whereabouts. “You and me will have a zoid battle, one on one, no help.” “Alright, I accept the challenge.” I said as I got ready to fight. The first this I did was a weasle unit total assault, it knocked him down but he got up and readied a charged particle cannon to fire at me. I was so scared that I almost forgot to dodge it, I did jump to the side just in time to save myself. I prepared to retalliate when I was hit by the cannon, which had followed me as I dodged, the command system froze and I was practically defenceless against the next cannon, which was almost finished charging, it finished and ended up missing. I fainted due to how scared I was. ~~~~~ Gohan’s POV ~~~~~ I woke up after being hit by a beam and shook my head to clear it. I looked and saw the ziod that had saved us, it was on the ground with the command system frozen. I got the cockpit open to see who our rescuer had been. It was a girl, her mask and outfit covered the majority of her body and from the look of it, she was only out cold. When I went to pull her mask off for her, an organoid hit me from behind. I managed to fight it off and got a short glimpse of the girl’s face when I lifted her mask. I couldn’t recognize her without seeing more of her face. I was about to lift the mask completely off when something hit me from behind. “You bloody bastard Raven! If I could get my hands on you…” I stopped short when I felt something touch my arm lightly, it was the girl. She had her hand on my arm and I drew back, her touch was like Tanya’s when she held my hand or hugged me. She suddenly frowned and got up. “Get out of my zoid boy.” She said with the slightest hint of loving in her angry voice. I got out and she piloted her zoid away. I felt a surge of energy suddenly coming from the zoid, it felt like Tanya’s energy so I flew full speed toward the zoid and caught up to it, the girl stopped it and opened the cockpit. “What do you want now boy?” “Just to ask if we’ve met, you seem familiar in a way…” “We haven’t.” “Yes we have, I know it.” “We have never met.” “Are you sure?” “Yes, very sure.” She said, I was downcast at the turn of events, Raven had really killed Tanya. “Oh, I thought for a second that you were my fiance in disguise, I guess not. Raven must have actually found and killed her…” I said sadly. I was flying off when I heard something. “Forgive me for this Gohan, but it’s to save you. I love you always.” I heard the girl whisper, I smiled a little. The girl was in fact Tanya! “I love you too… I forgive you always…” I whispered confidently, then flew off to where the others still were. I would always remember her and love her always I vowed as I flew. I landed and Videl ran up to me and hugged me tightly. “Oh Gohan! I just heard about what Raven did to Tanya, I’m so sorry!” she said as she burst into tears. “Don’t worry, Tanya wouldn’t let him do that, she’s probably just moving on to something else now.” “Do you think she still loves you?” “Of course she does, I can tell.” “Hmm, I was worried that you had taken the news badly and all that kinda stuff…” “Videl, I need your help.” “With what?” “I need to tell someone a deep secret, and you’re not the person who would tell everyone a secret.” “I’ll listen and I promise not to tell anyone.” “Good, it’s about Tanya. She’s alive and well, she’s the one who tried to save us. You know, the girl with the sniper.” “Yeah…” “Well, that was Tanya.” “Good to hear that she’s alright and I just hope that she doesn’t get lonely…” “Huh?” I felt a sharp, stinging pain in my head and clutched it, “Ah! My head! Urgh!” “Gohan! Are you alright!?!” “I’ll be fine. I guess she doesn’t want to tell much more…” “I guess so…” ~~~~~ Chamreun’s POV ~~~~~ I was at the Ecruteak Gym, training for my turn to battle Morty when my gear rang, I picked it up and the operator was the one whose voice came across. “Chamreun Kuraine, would you lik to accept a note from Kasui?” “Yes, send it over please.” I said, hoping that it was just a curious person and not a new id note from my sister, just my crappy luck it was from her about a new id, her new name was Kasui and she was on the move again… Flashback I watched as my big sister walked off, she was eight and I was six, she was old enough to become a trainer, her dream life. She walked up to me and bent down to my level, “Chamreun, from now on, I need you and everyone else to call me Tina, ok?” she asked, I nodded, sad to see her leaving. I waved goodbye to her as she walked next door and into the lab of Prof. Oak, we were living in Pallet Town at the time. I wanted to go with her but Mom had said no. I watched her dissapear from sight and cried, I would miss her. Second Flashback Tina was banned from the league and was very embarrassed about it. We had moved to New Bark Town and Tina stepped forward, she looked more like a boy now and her hair was dyed black and cut short. She bent down to my level like before and this time she said, “I need you to do me a big favor, ok? I want you to call me Toni now, I’m hoping that this doesn’t happen again…” she left and went to Elm’s lab… Third Flashback Toni walked into the door and dropped her pack onto the floor, she had a deeply depressed look on her face. She looked up at me and motioned for me to go over to her, I did, “I hope this is the last time I have to ask you to do this kinda favor for me, but please call me Tanya now. I can’t stand being called ‘Toni, the tomboy who got banned from the league’ anymore!” she said before running upstairs to her room to cry… End Flashbacks I felt my blood rise and crumpled the paper, she had done it again! I couldn’t stand for her to have any more names! I ripped the note up and threw it onto the ground, then I spat onto it. “I hate it when she does that! Why is it always just when I’ve gotten settled!” I yelled in fury as I walked out of the gym, I used my dex to locate Tanya successfully. I went to her on the new Zapdos I had caught earlier and landed right in front of a cool zoid. The cockpit opened and a girl in many layers of robes stepped out and approached me, she wore a mask. “Chamreun, I’m really sorry about having to change my identity on such short notice…” “No, I won’t do it this time Tanya, I won’t allow it!” “You don’t understand what it’s like to live a life where everybody is hunting you down, wanting to take you out, and wanting to destroy you. You’re lucky that society accepts you so easily. I’m just too different to fit in permanentally…” “I do understand, you just are too scared to try and stick up for yourself!” “It’s not that at all, it’s more than that, much more. I have to leave this time for good, don’t expect to ever see me again. I’ll be on Planet Zi.” “No you won’t! You’re staying here and that’s final!” “I can’t!” “You will! Think about everyone who cares about you, don’t you care more about them than your social life?” “Of course I do! I have to leave so that Raven won’t attack anyone, he’ll be too busy with me…” “That’s suicidal though!” “It’s what must be done.” “You will not go off to some distant planet! Think about what you put me through ever time you change your id! I have to start over too!” “I guess you’re right… I’ll stay as Tanya for as long as possible.” “Good.” I said as I hopped in and Tanya did the steering. We soon got to a place where a lot of people who we knew were at. We both got out, but Tanya left her mask on. Gohan was shocked and glad at the same time and looked like he wanted to hug her and yell at her. She finally pulled the mask off after what seemed like an eternity and Gohan rushed up to her and started to kiss her and hug her, they backed a little bit away from each other before they said anything. “Never ever do that to me again! I was scared to death!” Gohan yelled at her, she just smiled and hugged him again. “I’ll never even think of doing it again. I promise.” She said as she hugged him tightly I made gagging noises at them and they seemingly ignored me though. I called out Zapdos and he just watched the lovers, watched the couple hugging, he started to chatter enthusiastically about how he once was in love and how he got away from it. He was a crazy bird. Suddenly Gohan reached into his pocket and pulled a small ring box out, Tanya didn’t notice it. He separated from her for a moment before he opened the box behind his back and then presented her with a beautiful ring, it was silver with a single sapphire gemstone embeded into it firmly. Engraved into the ring were some words I couldn’t make out. “I would have given it to you earlier, except that I didn’t make it until recently…” Gohan said, his face growing redder, we all left them to their talking but I stuck around to listen in to them. I hid behind a sheet of metal and hid for a while before they saw me and Tanya threatened to beat me up if I didn’t amscray, I did so quickly. ~~~~~ Tanya’s Father’s POV ~~~~~ (Not the guy who tried to kill Gohan either) I watched from the forest as my youngest daughter accepted the boy, Gohan’s engagement ring. “She’s so grown up now, it’s just so hard to think that soon she’ll be married to that boy.” I whispered to myself as I saw them kiss. I wiped a tear from my eye and decided to wait on meeting my daughter til later. She was busy at the moment. I walked to a cliff and sat on the edge, just enjoying the view. I soon closed my eyes and lay on my back, dozing. Everything was so peacefull now at dusk, I wished that I had been able to see Tanya grow up, but I had only just seen her for the first time in years the other day. I heard a faint cracking noise and dismissed it for something else, it soon became louder and it was coming from the rocks near me, I got up and slowly backed away, I fell and managed to grab hold of the edge as I fell. “Help! Somebody!” I called out, hoping someone would hear me. Someone did and I heard them rushing towards me, they stopped and pulled me up without hesitating at all. I got a good look at their face, it was the boy and Tanya! I was surprised to see that they had come so quickly. “Hey man, you alright?” the boy asked me. “Yeah, gosh, maybe I shouldn’t daydream about my family so often…” I said, stopping abruptly because I remembered Tanya was here. “Come on, let get you fixed up. You’ve got one nasty cut there on your arm.” Tanya commented as she helped me up and her and Gohan helped me back to where I had seen the other people with them go. “So, what’s your name? I’m Tanya, Gohan here is my fiance.” “I-I’m Robert Nonsutoppo…” I said shakily, not knowing what Tanya’s reaction would be. “Gosh, what a coincidence! I have that same last name!” “Heh, yeah, weird.” “You know what’s strange about you? You seem familiar to me somehow, like I’ve met you before…” “Maybe we have met, I have such awful memory though…” “Nobody has perfect memory.” “You got that right.” I said as we walked along, I stopped abruptly when I saw my wife, Rebeck sitting and chatting with three women about whatever women talk about. She looked my way and suddenly dropped her cup of coffee, breaking the cup. “Uh, Mom, is there something here I should know about?” Tanya asked her, she just continued to stare at me in disbelief. “Mom!?! You awake?” “Oh, sorry…” she said, snapping out of it and raising her eyebrow at me while giving me the we’ll have a chat about this later sign. “Ok…” Tanya turned back to me with a first aid kit in her hands, “Now you sit down.” She ordered me, I did and she started to examine my arm, she poked it and I could barely hold in the scream. “Bulma, time for your capsules to get working, he needs his arm X-rayed.” “Alright,” the blue haired woman pressed the top of a pill like object and threw it, out of it came an X-ray which they used to see about my arm. “Broken radius, you’ll need a cast for that, Tanya, go get me those cemented gauze, Rebeck, could you go get me some water and vasaline?” “Sure, be right back.” They said as they walked away and came back with what Bulma had told them to get. They put my arm in a cast and Tanya used a strange box to make a sling for my arm. I thanked them and was about to leave when Rebeck somehow got in front of me. “You’re not gonna avoid this you know. Come on.” She said as she grabbed me by my uninjured arm and dragged me into the woods, “I thought I told you not to ever come near me or Tanya ever again! Especially after what you did to me ten years ago!” “What happened ten years ago Mom?” Tanya’s voice said, she looked worried, curious, and scared. “Tanya! Me and Robert have to talk privately right now…” “I just wanted to ask you something, I only heard that last part about something happenin ten years ago.” “Oh, what is it then?” “Do you think it would be alright if me and Gohan got married soon?” “I really don’t know, but you might wanna wait for a better time then now to marry. You need to plan more too, you never did tell me what kind of wedding you wanted.” “Oh, that’s right! Thanks!” she ran off excitedly. “Hard to believe that she’s our baby girl. She’s matured so much over the past few years that when I first saw her, I barely recognized her. She takes after you ya know.” I said in a thoughtfull manner. “She sure has. Most people think that she’s fifteen because of her maturity level. It comes from all the different experiences she’s gone through I guess. She’s had to start fresh three or four times in her life and had matured greatly because of it.” “She really likes that Gohan fellow doesn’t she? I approve of them getting married, they just seem like they are meant for each other…” “Yes, they are. If they make the right choices, they could really change the world.” “I don’t doubt it…” “You’re trying to get me calmed down so I’ll forget what I needed to talk to you about aren’t you!?!” “No, I was just making a comment! Honest!” “Fine then. As for our little chat, about what you did to us ten years ago…” “I’m really sorry about that, I was drunk then and I was also stupid…” “I refuse to allow you to stay with us for any more time than is absolutely necessary!” “Alright, but will you at least let me tell her about me being her dad?” “No. You will not tell anyone anything about that!” “Alright! I won’t!” “Good, you can leave tomorrow morning before everybody wakes up. Just leave everyone a good bye note on your way out so that they don’t start thinkin that you just left em hangin.” “Yes ma’am!” “Good, now start packin when everybody’s asleep and also, when you leave, don’t come back.” “Alright.” “Good. Now lets go.” She led the way out of the clearing and back to the others, I followed her dumbly. I didn’t eat at all that night because I was sad that Tanya wouldn’t ever know that I was her real father. I decided to leave her an extra note separate from the others. I wanted to tell something that I couldn’t tell anyone. I began to get confused and worried, Tanya came over to me and sat down next to me, Rebeck shot a look of disapproval. “Is something wrong? You haven’t eaten any supper yet.” “Nothing, just thinkin…” “Bout what?” “Wish I could tell, but I can’t tell anyone.” “Why not?” “I just can’t.” “You can tell me, I can keep a secret, it’ll make you fell better to tell someone.” “I know, I can’t tell anyone anyways, even if I wanted to…” “Oh…” “Tanya, come over here, I have something to show you!” Gohan shouted, Tanya rushed over to him and gasped. “Oh Gohan! It’s so cute! What is it?” Tanya said in a slightly high pitched voice. “It’s a Fluff Mouse. They normally live up in the north though…” “It looks kinda scared to me.” “It probably is, from the looks of it, it’s lost.” “Poor little guy, we should help it.” “Yeah!” “Alright.” She picked the rodent up carefully and petted its head lightly. “Hey little guy, are you lost?” it nodded, “Me and Gohan will help you get back if you want us to.” It nodded again, squeaking in enthusiasm. “Ok, do you know which direction you got here from?” “Sque sque sque!” it pointed north and the lovebirds as everyone called them, nodded at each other. Tanya thought a moment before she got an idea. “I’ve got it, why don’t use that technique you used when we first met, you know, the one that took us from Route 30 to your house!” “Yeah! That’s a great idea!” He said, then he wrapped one of his arms around her waist and they disappeared! They came back a while later, giggling and blushing like mad. “Oops! Wrong place, sorry about that.” He said before they disapeared again and reapeared a few minutes later, neither of them holding the mouse. They were still giggling, but not as much. I gave them a curious look and they just giggled harder. “What’s so funny? I wanna be in on the joke too!” I said, Tanya took a deep breath in an effort to calm down enough to talk. “Me-and-Gohan-accidentally-went-onto-a…” she started laughing loudly “I’m sorry, it’s just so funny! Me-and-Gohan-accidentally-went-onto-a-stage-when-a-bunch- of-people-were-shooting-a-movie-and-the-cameras-were-rolling-so-we-were-caught-on- tape!” they were roaring with laughter and rolling on the ground, clutching their sides. “What’s so funny about that?” “They were shooting a scene where the main character, who’s sposed to be the Great Saiyaman, rushes in and saves Videl from a giant flesh eating monster. When we showed up, the star of the movie though Gohan was his stunt double and yelled at him that he had everything under control and didn’t need a stunt double at the moment. He ended up throwing a temper tantrum when he saw me. The director yelled at us because we weren’t even in the script anywhere and that we would have to leave. We told him that he looked like Gotrunks and that he was as fat as a pig, he yelled at the actor who was playing Saiyaman to beat us up, but I knocked him out with a single light punch. The director got so scared he pissed his pants on the spot!” “Yeah, it was so funny, you had to be there!” Gohan said, gasping for air after laughing too hard. Rebeck came over and gave me the look, I went off, claiming that I was very tired. I ran off into the woods after faking that I had gone to bed. I got to a clearing and stopped, I saw a stone and sat down on it. I started to cry and heard someone coming, I didn’t bother to look up, I just stayed there. “Robert, is something wrong?” I heard Tanya ask me, she was alone. “I wish I could tell you.” “Why can’t you?” “It’s like I said earlier, I just can’t tell anybody…” “Aww, come on. I promise not to tell anybody at all, not even Gohan.” I looked up at her and almost forgot about not telling her, “Dau- er, Tanya, I really want to tell you, but I can’t…” “You said dau, as in daughter, right?” “Uh, n-no.” “I know you did.” “I did not!” “Come on admit it, you must have a kid who looks like me don’t you?” “Yeah! That’s it, her name’s Ayena.” “Interesting name…” she said thoughtfully, she was about to figure it out! I had to act fast! “She’s much older than you though, she’s twenty-one.” “Sure… I think I know what you really mean though.” She figured it out! “Are you m-my…” she stopped midsentence when Rebeck charged into the clearing. “Tanya, you get back to camp now!” she shouted, Tanya stood her ground. “Mom, ever since Robert came along, you’ve been acting very strangely. I’m not blind you know. I think I have you two figured out though. The way you just yelled at me, the way you give Robert dirty looks, how scared he acts when you’re around, I’ve got this all figure out now. Mom, is Robert my dad?” “Uh, well, uh, no. No he’s not!” “Liar.” “What did you just call me!?!” “A liar. He is my dad isn’t he?” “No he isn’t!” “Vegeta’ll tell me if you won’t…” “Alright! He is, but he’s also a damn idiot! He did somehting ten years ago that caused us to go our separate ways…” “What did he do?” “He beat you till you were barely recognizable.” “He did WHAT!?!” “I just told you, he abused you when you were just three years old.” “You ignoramus!” she shouted as she punched me and flew off. “I definitely deserved that and more.” I said, holoding a hand to the place where I had been punched. “I didn’t know she had such a large vocabulary, I don’t even know what that word means…” “For once you tell the truth you overgrown ass!” Rebeck shouted as she punched me in the gut and beat me to a pulp, then left me to rot. “I guess I deserved that too…” I said before I blacked out. I awoke to see Gohan standing right in front of me, a grim look on his face. “You fuckin bastard. How dare you even show your face here, get outta my sight before I kill you.” He growled at me, I got up and left, not bothering to get any of my stuff. “Tell Tanya that I send my appologies at least!” I shouted to him from what I thought was a safe distance away.