AN- This is my first try at doing a fanfic without a POV. Tell me whether or not you like this and if you don’t I’ll change the next chapter so that it’s in someone’s POV. My email is Ages- Ash- 32 Misty- 32 Brock- 37 Jessie- 40 James- 41 Musashi- 13 Satoshi- 14 Takeshi- 12 A dark figure walked along in the snow, not knowing who they were or anything about themself. It was a young woman, she looked to be just a teenager and had long, windswept red-brown hair. Her eyes were a bright blue, the color of the sea and she looked as though she hadn’t slept or eaten in weeks. She looked up from the path she was walking and saw a house, she looked dully at it a second before collasping in exaustion. Meanwhile, inside the house, a man by the name of Ash as well as another, Brock, a woman, Misty, and a pikachu were talking happily in the warmth of the house. Pikachu noticed something first, “Pika! Pikachu!” she shouted suddenly, grabbing everyone’s attention, she pointed out the window at the still figure of the young woman in the snow. Ash grabbed his coat and a thick blanket and dashed outside. Ash trudged up to the teen and tried to wake her up, she didn’t stir. He wrapped the blanket around her and carried her into the house where the others were waiting anxiously. “We need to warm her up quick!” he exclaimed, Misty rushed to get blankets while Brock got a bed ready, Pikachu let out Charizard, much to Ash’s complaints, and told him to try and keep the girl warm. The bed was made ready quickly and Charizard put the girl on it. He looked at her curiously a while, as though he thought she looked familiar somehow. “When do you think she’ll wake up?” Ash asked, not expecting an answer. “I hope it’s soon, I wonder what her name is.” Misty said, Pikachu came in with some more blankets and wrapped them around the still frozen girl. “I hope she’s alright, I wonder how long she’s been out there, she must be half starved by the looks of it.” Brock commented, ignoring the urge to think about making out with the girl on the bed. The girl slowly opened her eyes and then looked around, not knowing where she was. She spoke something in an odd language, for she obviously didn’t know english. “What’d she say?” Ash asked dumbly. “She was speaking in french, she wants to know where she is.” Misty told him. “Do you speak english?” Brock asked her. She gave him an odd look. “Parle vous englaiz?” Misty translated, the girl shook her head. “Non, je pas.” She told them shyly. “I guess I’ll have to translate…” Misty said with a deep sigh. “Je parle vous francias, non englaiz…” the girl said softly. Misty reassured her with a quick smile. “Tu tappele comment?” “Je m’appele Misty.” Misty told her, nudging Brock and Ash. “Jam apple Ash… Did I say it right?” Ash said unsurely, the girl gave him a queer look. “Jea mappal Brock.” Brock said, trying to mimic the accent and doing a terrible job of it. The girl giggled slightly. “C’est comedie!” the girl exclaimed happily, she apparently thought they were funny. “Tu tappele comment?” “Je non…” “Non?” “Non… Je non appelle…” “She says she doesn’t have a name…” Misty told the boys who were giving them odd looks. “She doesn’t?” Ash asked stupidly, looking at Brock, who shrugged. “Pika? Pi pikachu?” Pikachu asked. The girl shrugged. “J’ai non m’appelent… Tu m’appele comment?” “Pika pi…” “Hmm… Je m’appele Musashi…” she said with uncertainty, not knowing if that was a good name or not. “Musashi… That name sounds familiar…” Ash said, then remembered a letter he had gotten from James, they had become friends after Jessie, James and meowth had quit TR, it had said that Jessie and James were parents, they had a daughter called Musashi. Ash still remebered the picture, a young toddler with redish hair and deep blue eyes. This girl looked a lot like the child from the picture. He shook his head, clearing it of the letter for the time being. “Mom! Dad! I’m home!” the voice of Satoshi, Ash and Misty’s son, came from the front door. “I’m here too Dad!” Takeshi shouted, running in after hanging his backpack up on the hook, he stopped short when he saw Musashi and he gaped at her, hearts in his eyes. “Who is she?” “Her name’s Musashi…” Brock told his son. “Bonjoir…” Musashi said shyly, waving a bit. “Bonjoir baby!” “T’ai imbicile!” Musashi shouted at Takeshi, making him flinch. “Will you go out on a date with me this Saturday?” “Je ne comprend pas…” “Le garcon, il t’adore.” Misty told the confused girl, who tilted her head and gave Takeshi an odd look. When everyone was introduced to Musashi, everyone headed to bed except Pikachu, who after a quick pokeball check, found that Musashi had no pokemon. The little mouse pokemon wondered at this a while, not knowing how a girl could make it all the way out here along with no pokemon to defend her. Pikachu ran outside with one of Ash’s empty pokeballs in search of a pokemon for Musashi. Satoshi, who had been watching, stopped pikachu at the fromt door. “Don’t think you’re going to get a pokemon for her without me coming along do you?” he said, Pikachu sighed and let the boy come along. They trudged through the ankle deep snow to a lit up cave, obviosly fire pokemon. Satoshi had brought extra pokeballs with him just in case and they walked into the cave quietly. There were quite a few fire types in there, one out of place pokemon in particular caught their attention, a small Meowth, like the one in the pictures of Jessie, James, and Meowth. The meowth saw the two and gasped in alarm. “Hey! If id ain’t the twerp’s kid! And dat pikachu too!” the Meowth said, Pikachu ran up to it and started chatting away. “You say a teen called Musashi was found near your house in the snow? And she looked like Jessie and James’s kid!?! I haveta see her! Jessie! James! Pikachu and da twerps found yor kid!” Meowth called, a rather bedraggled Jessie and a mangled looking Jamed walked out from a cavern. “Where’s Musashi?” Jessie asked. “She’s at my house, Pikachu and Dad found her outside, half frozen. She couldn’t even remember her name…” Satoshi told them. “The crash, she must have amnesia…” James said worriedly. “Come on.” Satoshi urged them, they all followed him to the Ketchum house and went in, Musashi wasn’t in the bed, she was about to go out the back door. “Musashi, where are you going?” “Comment?” she asked, not knowint what Satoshi had said. “Pikachu pika?” “Le mountaine…” she said softly, staring out. “What’s wrong? What’s she saying?” Jessie asked. “She told us she doesn’t know english.” Satoshi explained, after the explaination was over, a tired looking Ash walked down the stairs. “I heard something down here, what’s going on?” he asked irritably. “Jessie and James think Musashi might be their daughter…” Satoshi explained everything, then James todl them about the crash, Musashi listened with interest, as if it had happened to her and she hadn’t known anything about it until now. She couldn’t understand most of it, but she was still interested, a tiny voice in the back of her mind was telling her to talk like them, another was telling her to listen to more of it first. She opened her mouth, then shut it quickly, she knew english, she just didn’t feel safe talking to these strang people, they were too nice… “And it’s been two months since the crash.” James finished, looking at everyone in turn. Musashi suddenly blacked out, she began dreaming, of the man, James, and the woman, Jessie, and the meowth and a little girl playing happily together, then the group, older, was in a car, driving somewhere. The car screeched and a crash was heard, there were bright lights. Musashi awoke with a start, she shook her head, the images were still there. “Ça va?” Misty asked her. “Fine I guess…” she answered unsurely, she saw Jessie and James at the foot of her bed and smiled a little at them. They looked just like the people in her dreams, she got an idea and got up shakily, she had forgotten to speak in french! “So you do know english then.” They said with surprise, Musashi grinned sheepishly. “I didn’t know if I could trust you, most of the people I met are mean and nosy.” “We won’t be mean to you, or try to pry, we just might need you to tell us some things because we don’t know for sure who your parents are. Do you know these three from before?” Misty pointed at the ex- rocket members. “I don’t remember, I don’t remember anything from before waking up in a ditch with a splitting headache with a piece of twisted metal that was pierced all the way through my leg and some strange stuff scattered around me, like a crash or something. This is one of those objects that I found on the ground near where I woke up.” She dug into her pocket and pulled out a small pokeball made of gold, she enlarged it and showed it to everyone, the faint smell of fish was detectable. “Dat pokeball smells like a magikarp was in it at some point!” Meowth exclaimed, James just looked at the pokeball and grinned a bit. “Hey Jess, doesn’t this ball look familiar to you?” “That Magikarp you bought!”