MISTY AND ME------ By The Black And Green Scarecrow The sun shines down on both of us as we peddle down Greenwood St. on our twin bicycles. The warm summer air makes are hair dance wildly around our heads, makes us laugh and tears come to our eyes. We stop after awhile but just the thought of summer finally being here makes us laugh again. Up ahead us are two small girls playing a summer game, so carefree and happy. They both wear blue and green dresses that touch the ground. Me and Misty wave and continue to peddle. September seems so far away to us, to every child. Summer is here, and it will be here for a long time. I can see more playful children up ahead, and this time they are boys, challenging each other to a game of football. Dirt, sweat and cheer cake their young, round faces. We wave once again and turn a corner to Mayflower St. There are no signs of children on this street, but the rich feeling of summer still hangs in the sweet air. A grin spreads on my face as I turn my head to Misty. Her hair seems so more alive in the sun, and more beautiful. I wonder what she is thinking now? My gaze turns away from her for a moment to acknowledge the bright blue, endless sky, when suddenly her hand leaves her handlebar and clutches my hand. I turn my head to see her face once again, but she is suddenly gone. Everything is gone.. I look ahead to the sunbathed streets, and it are gone. I look up with sudden fear, and all that is there is a enormous black hole that replaces the sun. "Misty?..........Misty?!" I cry out to the sky, but only echoes answer. The warm air I have grown to love has turned into an evil cold. The sweet smell of grass that filled my nostrils and gave me pleasure has turned into the smell of something much worse. Blood. It's the sickening smell of blood. My heart lurks to a chilling halt when a soft cold hand grasps my wrists, squeezing it, rubbing it. I dare not look at whom the hand belongs, because I know it will not be my Misty that I see. I shut my eyes quickly as my bicycle peddles along this twisted street alone. Tears come to my eyes. They stream down my face and heat my whole cheek. What has become of my beautiful world known as summer? "Ash.." A beautiful, familiar voice whispers to me. It is Misty, I know it is. My heart screams it to me, but my brain knows otherwise. "Ash......" I open my eyes, just as a withered hands run down my cheek. I open my mouth to scream at what I see peddling beside with a ghoulish grin spread across of it's face, or what's left of it's face, but my voice is long gone. "Do you love me? Tell me that you love me!" It takes my wrist again and presses it against her withered, torn skin. "Do you love me?” --- “Ash……..Ash….” It is Misty. Now, for certain, it is Misty. Her soft hand clutches my shoulder and rocks it back and fourth slowly. My eyes open suddenly, and I am back on the sun bathed Mayflower St. Peddling at a steady rhythm. “ Ash? Thank Goodness. You were daydreaming again. You should be careful.” Her hand moves down to mine and clutches it. I look over to her beautiful face and a smile spreads across her face. “Ash, do you love me?” THE END Well, that’s it. I don’t really know the true meaning of this short story. I was coming up with things from the top of my head as I wrote it. Actually, to tell you the truth, reading it again, this makes no sense at all. Oh well, maybe it will to you. Hope you like my stuff so far and please comment! My e-mail is xbassbreakx@yahoo.com. See you all later. TBAGS out.