Inner Peace - Author's Notes

Huh? I don't remember this reference!

To truly understand the whole plot of "Inner Peace", the following episodes should be seen:
  • A Scare in the Air/Spirits in the Sky - what's this about a GS ball?
  • Pokeball Peril - The very first appearance of IVY!
  • Pikachu Re-Volts - Butch and Cassidy's 2nd attack... TR helps the cops on Mandarin Island
  • Mandarin Island Miss Match - Prima/Lorelei appears
  • A Tent Situation - Brock's first reaction to "that name"... which, by the way, is NEVER explained

The following help with understanding some elements in the plot, but are not necessary:

  • P2K: The Power of One - Ivy returns, more of her "save the world" propaganda
  • Meowth Rules - Bounty Ceremony, TR saves Meowth w/ spare change
  • Going Apricorn - Kurt, the Poke ball architect
  • Holy Matrimony - Jessebelle, James's prevoius experience with Vileplume
  • Go West, Young Meowth - Meowth revisits Hollywood
  • The Lost Lapras - Tracey's first appearance, Ash enters the Orange League
  • Hello Pummelo & Enter the Dragonite - Orange League Winners Cup
  • Spinarak Attack - TR imitates a cat burglar called the "Black Arachnid"
  • CD Drama: White Tomorrow, Rocket Gang - TR trades Meowth to their assistant, Mondo

The Making of Inner Peace

In the summer of 2000, I came up with this crazy idea about Team Rocket being brainwashed, remembering their memories only through the motto. It was one of those bursts of creative energy that just sometimes happen. I didn't have a clue where this fit into any 'bigger picture', but I liked it. This later became part of Chapter 3 [from "One of the sisters screamed" up through James ordering Weezing to use Smokescreen]. I didn't know WHERE this was going, but I quickly wrote it up anyway. Brother Darren was there, but the concept of the Society was not. In fact, there was a male leader in charge of the group at that point.

Fall/Winter of 2000-01 (sorry, can't remember exact dates here), I came up with a rough story idea where Jessie is mysteriously kidnapped and James has to rescue her. I thought this was going to be part of a Rocketshippy Romance. I hadn't written it up; it was just an idea floating around in my mind. I was writing all kinds of shippy stuff then, even though most of it has never left my hard drive.

Pokemon Johto had just started up, and Brock mysteriously returned, with no explanation of WHAT happened between him and Professor Ivy. Sure, Misty claimed he reacted strangely because Ivy had dumped him, but I didn't believe that for a minute. Brock had been dumped hundreds of times, and never reacted so violently before! Meowth's explanation seemed to make more sense ("Maybe ya did somethin' real embarrassin' in front of that Professor Ivy?") but the story wasn't really explained. I started thinking about Ivy's whole "hug the world" theme that caused a lot of critics to hate P2K... and wondered if there might be something more sinister at work here.

There were tons of holes in the Pokemon plot at this point: What happened to Brock that makes him react so badly to the mere mention of Professor Ivy's name? Where'd the GS ball come from, how did Ivy get it, and what's inside it? So I decided to start a story about it... hence the Prologue was born. Suddenly, all these ideas fell into place and joined into one big story! Even though it wasn't finished, I decided to start posting it to anyway. I got such a positive response that I was inspired to keep writing... and one of my "big" stories actually was completed!

And yes, it's rather open-ended. You see, last May I had a dream about a sequel to this. I won't say much here (in case I DO get around to writing it!) but it takes place a few years in the future. You can imagine the former-Professor Ivy is none too pleased with Ash and Team Rocket!

My next idea is to start an "Inner Peace" art gallery, with fanart from the story. If anyone out there would like to draw some, I'd be absolutely THRILLED and would gladly post it here! At the very least, look for some of my artwork to appear here (that is, when I get the time to do some!)

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