Chapter #2 Ash was sitting at the pokecenter with his friends Misty and Brock when team rocket found him. Ash wasn't feeling that he was amoung friends at that moment though. "What?! Are you saying it was my fault that Vulpix got watergunned by Staru?" Ash practically yelled at the top of his lungs at Misty. "Yes! If you had taken the watergun attack Vulpix wouldn't be in the pokecentre. Your such a wimp! When are you ever going to grow up?" Shot Misty. "I WASN'T THE ONE TO ORDER IT TO USE SUCH A POWERFUL WATER ATTACK!" Ash yelled. "Besides, you started it!"He retorted. Brock would have normally have stopped the fight by now but wasn't paying attention because he was worried about Vulpix. He was also worried about how he was going to try and ask the nurse Joy out on a date. "I did not! You started it when you stole my bike Ash Ketchum!" Ash's face started to go red. She wouldn't dare try and blame this on the bike issue! "Don't try to change the subject! You were the one that brought up your stupid clothing issues! Your so pig headed that you didn't realize that I was trying to compliment you!" Growled Ash. "Calling my clothes 'Clashing' isn't a compliment Ketchum!". Ash had originally thought that her clothes were flashy but Misty obviously heard otherwise. "I didn't call them Clashing!" Ash retorted "Did too!" "Did not!" "Did too!" "Did not!" "Did too!" "That does it! I'm going for a walk! I don't have to sit here and take this!" Ash grabbed his pack and stomped out of the pokecentre. He was in an energetic mood from arguing with Misty so he began to run. In his hurry he forgot all about a certain yellow pokemon licking a ketchup bottle on the table he was sitting at moments before. "Pika!" His pikachu shouted for Ash to wait up for him. He was already a good three blocks ahead of pikachu. Ash turned to tell Pikachu to hurry up when he felt something hit him from behind. Then all Ash knew was blackness. "We got him!"cried Meowth. "Now lets hightail it out of here!" Jessie had just hit Ash on the back of the head as he turned to Pikachu'c voice with a big fan. "Pikachu! Pika!" pikachu said as he ran toward his trainer. James had the balloon ready. "Get in quick! It's the twerps Pikachu!" warned James. Jessie dragged an unconscious Ash in the balloon. "We should have tried a sneak attack like this sooner." Complained Jessie. "Help me you two! He's much heavier than he looks." "Pika!" The balloon was about five feet in the air when pikachu reached team rockets lift off point. "Sorry, Pikachu, we'll have to be back for you later but, here's a present for ya." crowed Meowth. Then the team rocket trio began to drop bombs down. Pikachu dodged and weaved until one made a direct hit. "Pika!" Pikachu cried in pain as the bomb hit him. Pikachu looked up to see that team rocket was almost out of sight. It had to go get help from Misty and Brock! Pikachu turned and began to run to the pokecentre. Not caring about the traffic it ran through. Big mistake! "Beep!beep!" Pikachu turned to see a car screeching to a halt a little bit too late. Misty was looking at the commotion outside when she realized something. "Brock it's Pikachu! Pikachu's been run over!" The young pokebreeder sat up straight and answered intelligantly with a.. "Huh?" Later.... "Pikachu's conditon is very bad. It seems that it got hit pretty good in the head by that moving vehicle. It won't be conscious for a few days." said nurse Joy. " Where is his trainer? I thought you said Ash was a good trainer. He should be here." "Ash probably doesn't know Pikachu got hit." said Misty with a saddened look on her face. "And he probably won't be back for a while either. You see, we had a pretty good fight and he stormed off." "I'm sure he'll be back once he cools off."said Brock. He was worried though; Ash had never stormed off during an argument with Misty before. "I'll kill that Ketchum when he comes in! How could he let this happen to Pikachu?!" Unknown to the others, Ash wouldn't have to worry about Misty killing him; team rocket already had that planned for him. Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon or anything related to pokemon. Pokemon and its associated characters are copyrighted by Nintendo/Game Freak. This is a pokemon fanfic created by my mind only.