Hullo and welcome to my first Ash and Misty romance fanfiction: “Hanshen of Hearts”. Just a little disclaimer here: I am only in possession of the storyline and characters specially created for this fanfic.
       Now with that out of the way, you can begin to see an entirely new side of Misty and Ash (especially Misty) as cruel fates tests the strength of their love. Will their hearts finally be together? Or will destiny lead these two lovers down to the ultimate end? Find out in:



                           Hearts: Shirube Chronicles


Hanshin 1: Charity Hearts


“It won’t be long…..we will meet each other again….like the sun and the moon, our paths will cross for a tremendous spectacle…Hanshen of Hearts…..” Her voice said.


       The sun of a new day shone down brightly on the busy area of Shirube. Shirube was always busy; the area was nicknamed the “Town Archipelago” because it was a collection of small towns and cities. The light from the sky reflected brightly off of Towa Town’s white marble structure. The people who walked the streets chatted lively with each other and their Poke’mon. Vendors set up their side shops along the cobblestone street, shouting out to their customers loudly. Families enjoyed the pleasantries of sight-seeing and couples goggled over ice cream. In the distance of the town, a high, alabaster tower could be seen perfectly. It definitely brought more beauty to the area.

       “She’s got to be around here somewhere. What’s taking her so long?” Ash, Brock, May, Max, and Pikachu sat atop the many large steps of the massive dome-shaped Poke’mon Center. Actually, Ash was standing and everyone else was sitting, finishing their rice ball lunches. They didn’t have to worry about anyone stepping on them since the steps were so wide-spread. Ash stood with one hand in the pocket of his blue pants and the other underneath the brim of his red hat and over his eyes. Behind his casual smile, an air of giddy excitement begged to be relinquished. “She said she’d be here by now.” “Heh,” May gave a grin, “He’s so excited.” “That’s because we’re supposed to be meeting up with Misty. He’s glad to see his old friend again.” Max replied to his sister, shoving the rest of his rice ball into his mouth. “That’s not why he’s excited.” Brock gave a little grin as well. “Pikachu-pika,” Pikachu nodded as its left ear twitched. “Huh?” Max blinked. May ignored him; she knew he’d get the idea soon, “It’s good that Misty’s sisters let her take a break to come visit us for the New Years Festival. Last time she was with us, we didn’t get to do much.” “This’ll be the second time you’ve seen her.” Brock stated while finishing off his meal. Max’s eyes were hidden under the glare of his glasses; he just got what his sister was saying (“About time,” May sighed). “So, Ash, did you get her a gift?” “A…gift? What for?” Ash glanced back, blinking. “Well, she is your girlfriend, righ—” CLACK!! “Aiii!” Ash tapped his foot irritably, clutching a Japanese fan in his hand. He had to do his best to keep the lines of pink away from his face. Max rubbed his head from the harsh delivery given to it. “She is not—I repeat—is not my girlfriend!” Ash stated. “Okay, okay; I get the point.” Max then mumbled something that would be best kept unsaid. Brock, Pikachu, and May just sweated anime style. “A bit emotional over someone he doesn’t like.” “He’s in denial.” May and Brock whispered to each other. “Eh?” Ash’s ear twitched, but he pretended not to hear them. Pikachu just looked between the two and shook its head. “Hey—Brock, Ash!”

       Ash whirled around; he knew that voice all too well. Brock, May, and Max looked up to gaze into the distance. Running down the cobblestone street, panting slightly with her carrot-colored hair swaying wildly, was Misty. She was wearing a blue sleeveless shirt and a pair of blue capris, finished off with black shoes. Misty came running up the steps of the Poke’mon Center as fast as she could. The morning sun bounced off the red roof of the building onto her aqua blue eyes. ”Misty!” Brock and Ash exclaimed (Brock got to his feet). “Hello—” May bound towards Ash and reached out her arms. Ash took a step back with a weird look on his face and pink on his cheeks. Was she going to hug him? “—Pikachu!” “Mwaaa!!” BAN! Ash fell anime style as Misty took Pikachu into her arms. “How’re ya’ doing, Pikachu?” Misty rubbed her cheek against Pikachu’s cherry cheeks. “Pika-pika-pi!” Pikachu gave a giddy smile. “You’re starting to act like my mom!” Ash wailed. “Sorry about that, Ash.” Misty smiled and grasped his hand to help him up. “Misty, how have you been?” Brock asked as he, May, and Max approached her. “I’ve been doing fine, Brock. It’s nice to see you all. Especially you two, May and Max. Last time I was here, I don’t think we got to spend enough time with each other.” Misty said to her friends. May pushed her way past Brock to shake Misty’s hand. “I’m sure we’re gonna’ have a fun New Year with you here.” “At least one of us will have a very good New Year.” “Did you say something?” Ash asked Max through clenched teeth with his eyebrow twitching irritably. “I can’t wait till the New Year. Believe it or not, my sisters got me a new kimono.” Misty winked to, what looked like Ash (who gulped; he remembered the last time she was in a kimono), but was really to all of them. Pikachu clambered onto its trainer’s shoulder.

        “So, Ash, how have you been getting along? Any changes since the last time we met?” Misty asked. “Well…” Ash scratched his cheek nervously, “To be honest with you, I only have four badges. I haven’t really gotten that far in that department, but I’m working on it.” “Ha! Figures; noting ever changes with you.” Misty shot. Ash gave her a confused look, “What do you mean?” “Without me to keep you in line, you just slack off.” “I’m not that bad.” He said a little sternly. Misty’s know-it-all grin turned up a little wider, “Yeah; only hopeless without my guidance. Just like the old days.” “I do not slack off—I can get along fine without you nagging at me all the time. It’s not like I need you to help!” Ash flustered a little more, clenching his fists. He started to trip over his own words, but Misty pressed on. Her grin turned into a serious frown, “Are you saying you don’t want me around, Ash Ketchem?!” “Th-that’s n-not what I said!” “Then what are you saying?” I don’t know—stop confusing me!” “Well—”

       “Hold it!” “Pika-chuuuu!” Spwaaaa! Pikachu let loose a burst of electricity fly from its cheeks. Ash and Misty became silent as their shocked bodies were embellished with soot. Pikachu folded its arms and tapped its foot against the ground. Brock stood between the two with a serious look on his face. “Can we just have five minutes without you two arguing? Old times are good, but let’s not relieve them completely.” He stated. May and Max both shook their heads. “Now then, let’s hurry up an d get inside of the Poke’mon Center; I booked a room for the New Year’s weekend. We can hang out around Shirube and watch the fireworks on the New Year’s night.” “Wow, Brock; I know booking rooms here was tough.” Max said. “You’d better believe it!” Brock stated with a kind of proud and triumphant air. “Then why are we just standing on the steps? Let’s get going and put our stuff up.” May turned and started up the steps. “I concur,” Max started after his sister. Brock pulled his big blue backpack onto his shoulders and followed. Ash and Misty walked behind everyone in silence. Their argument left them just slightly bitter. Ash stared at Misty’s back. He never could really fight the urge to fight with her—it was just kind of natural for him. But this time, it gave his stomach a pit-like feeling. “….Hey, Mist…it’s nice to have you back.” He said in some lame attempt to soften her up. Misty just smiled back at him, “Whatever,”


       The kids had only been through the door for ten seconds when Brock zoomed across the lobby floor and up to the front desk. Nurse Joy, who had been assisting a previous trainer, took a nervous step back as the rock Poke’mon trainer took her hands gingerly in his. “Ah, Nurse Joy, you are definitely are a beautiful sight to behold. May I honor you with a nice candle-lit dinner—yaaa!!” Misty grasped Brock by the ear and dragged him away from the desk. “You can honor her by keeping your mouth shut.” “Misty, please—not my ear! May, help me out here!!” Brock struggled against her iron grip. May, Max, Ash, and Brock just watched him get hauled away. “….Anyway,” Ash stepped over to the counter of the Poke’mon Center lobby, “My friend preordered a room for us.” “Fine, what’s your last name?” Nurse Joy started typing on the computer keyboard atop the counter, still eyeing Brock suspiciously. “The name you’re looking for is Kanbatte.” The trainer stated. Nurse Joy typed a little moor vigorously against the keyboard until she pulled up the right name. Once she did, she reached into the draw and pulled out a key with a tag number that corresponded to the computer monitor. “Here,” “Thanks,” Ash took it. May and Max started across the lobby with Ash, Misty, and Brock behind them. Pikachu was now walking along its trainer’s feet.

       As they walked, Brock averted his attention to the flowing blonde hair of a girl who walked by them. She had her nose buried deep in a small little guidebook of sorts. “Whooo…Brock strikes gold twice in the same day!” ZOOOSH! “Huh?” The blonde blinked in confusion as Brock took her hand in his. “My-my-my, such a lovely lady has to be tre—” “Don’t you ever learn!” “Aiii!”  Simultaneously, Misty and Max grasped Brock’s ear and had to yet again pull him away. “Pleeeease stop doing that!!” Brock cried, tears of pain flying from his eyes. “….hm? Hey!” BAN! Max suddenly dropped his end of Brock (who hit the ground) and turned his attention towards the book in the girl’s hand. It was titled The Mystery and Ruin of Shirube. “Excuse me, miss, but where did you get that?” “You mean this?” The girl pointed to her book cover, “It’s in the gift shop. You should really pick a copy up; they’re having a walk-on exhibit on the Shirube ruins for it. Personally, I’m going to see what kind of Poke’mon I can spot.” At that, Ash’s and Pikachu’s ears twitched. The urge to catch more Poke’mon coursed through his body like an electrical current. Even a small flame of determination flared up in his mahogany eyes. “We’ve gotta’ get a copy—I wanna’ see what kind of Poke’mon are out there, too! We gotta’ go now!” “Pika-Pika!” Ash and Pikachu gave each other an excited look. “But Ash, we just got here. Can’t we just…hang out for the day?” Misty’s voice started out firmly, but softened up towards the end of her statement. Ash rounded to her, “We can catch up later, Misty. An opportunity like this is just too rare to pass up.” And with the key clutched firmly in his hand, He raced towards the corridor out of the lobby to put his stuff up in their room. “It’s not like the Poke’mon are going anywhere!” Misty shouted out to him. A frown spread on her face, but was soon followed by an uncertain expression. She turned her gaze towards the ground as a semi-tight warmness squeezed her chest. “He’s so inconsiderate sometimes…” “Yeah, but that’s our Ash.” Brock said as he rubbed his throbbing ears. They were still glowing a slight red from the abuse. Misty side-glanced to Brock, “Brock…the real…reason I came back was……never mind.” And with that, she walked in solitude in Ash’s direction. Brock, May, and Max looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders.


       The sun had only moved slightly through the air. Ash, Misty, Brock, May, and Max walked across the fields of Shirube. Max had his poke’nav out (on the map function) and Brock was nose-deep in the guide book he had bought. Misty traveled behind them all with a look of lost thought on her face. The same warm tightness from before hugged her chest firmly. “…My…my real reason for coming here is…” “Misty, is there something wrong?” Ash’s voice broke through her thoughts. He glanced back at her with a look of concern. “I just wanted…” Misty started. Her chest hugged tighter, feeling the hot-cold of powerful emotions flow through her blood. “...It’s nothing—I’m fine,” Ash gave her a searching look before shrugging it off. “….such a stupid jerk sometimes…” Misty thought to herself. Just once, she would like Ash to look beyond the surface of things; to listen with more than just his ears. “There they are!” May pointed forward. Old and tatty, the broken down structure of an old civilization pulled into their vision. Much like the other towns of Shirube, the construction was of top-quality marble. “Let’s hurry!” Brock grasped the straps of his backpack and darted forward. His friends cannoned after him.

       The ruins close-up were…empty. It didn’t take the friends long when they got there to see that the place had no trace of human life. A swirl of wind blew across the desolate broken roads. “Well…..this is weird.” May said. “What’s even weirder,” Max adjusted his glasses as he glanced around, “Is that no one is around to protect these ruins from vandalism.” “It’s probably so they don’t care off the Poke’mon or something.” Ash said as he started across the street. “…that made no sense.” “Tell me about it.” Brock and Max stated. Ash came to a stop beside a staircase on the road leading down into the underground. He and Pikachu glanced down into the dark unknown with an intrigued look on his face. “I bet there’s tons of Poke’mon down there!” “Pipi-pi!” Without so much as a second thought, he darted down the steps with Pikachu following him. “Ash, wait; you just can’t go down there like that! You’re so bull-headed!” Misty chased him. As soon as she stepped onto the shadows of the steps, she slowed to a halt; an overwhelming sense of power brushed through her body swiftly. “Misty?” May looked to her but Misty shook her head. “Let’s just go.”


       The group of kids traveled down the dimly-lit staircase. For some strange reason, it didn’t get darker the deeper they went. Misty sported a look of uncertainty, but Ash remained just as determined as ever. He let his eyes wander around wildly in search of any new Poke’mon that might pop up. The stench of wet dirt reached their noses quickly. The staircase came to an end and yielded to a vast room. Light from above squeezed its way through the holes around the room to provide a decent amount of light. The tatty underground ruins, constructed of taupe stone, were embellished with beautiful ancient text along the walls. Pictographs were drawn into the ground and broken pillars littered the room with their remains. “Wow…this place is huge!” May exclaimed. “It’s like something out of those Indiana Joe movies.” Brock said.  Ash was literally on fire; who knew what kind of Poke’mon could be hiding in the cracks and shadows of the ruins. Unable to contain himself, Ash sprinted over to the walls with Pikachu just as enthused. They searched (Pikachu sniffed) for traces of any Poke’mon.  May and Max separated with Brock towards one of the farther walls to marvel at the paintings and ancient inscriptions carved on them. This left Misty all by herself. She stared towards Ash’s back with that look of uncertainty again. Her emotions hugged her heart tighter. Her aqua blue eyes trembled a little with warm question. “Ash, the real reason I came back…was to tell you how I felt…”  Misty forced her feet forward, “I’ve…waited a long time to tell you this.” Her steps felt like a larger beat of her heart. She came to a stop just inches behind Ash before starting to speak. Ash was still snooping around, so he really didn’t hear her approach him. “Ash….” “Huh?” Ash turned around to meet her face, “Yeah, Misty?” “Eh…” Misty took a small step back; Ash stared directly into her eyes, sending nervous chills throughout her body. His carefree smiled burned into her vision, unaware of its toll on her. Misty realized that this wasn’t as easy as she had planned it to be. A pocket of air caught in her throat and she had trouble forcing it down. “Er—” “Huh? What’s that over there?” Misty watched as Ash brushed by her. And just like that, he crushed the moment. Now that everyone was looking in Ash’s direction, it would be that much harder to tell him how she felt. So what if the moment wasn’t perfect; a moment was a moment. “hu…” She let out a sigh. Ash examined the north wall with Brock, May, and Max. He could’ve sworn that he saw something move along it and started knocking at it. “Find anything?” Max asked. Ash peered into a crack along the middle. Maybe it was some inch-high Poke’mon or something like that. “…Nah; not a thing.” He shrugged.


       Pfthp-pfthp-pfthp-pfthp! “Cha?” Pikachu’s ears perked up at the sound of footsteps. It was the first to turn around and gaze upon the stranger heading its way. “Pika-pika! Pika-pika!” It pointed with one paw while pulling at Ash’s pants with the other. “What’s up, Pika—?” Ash turned around with his friends cannoning his action. The stranger, a woman, had long flowing raven hair. Her purple eyes resembled that of the ending evening sky, staring in a sort of emotionless gaze. Her white, flower-specked kimono was equipped with an elegant moon-blue sash. She didn’t move from the base of the staircase, just stood there and stared with blankness. Ash, Misty, Max, and Pikachu gave her a confused look. They didn’t know what to expect from his mystery woman. Brock, on the other hand, started to drift forward as hearts beat within his eyes. “Oh, wow; that’s three in one day! I haven’t had this much luck since I was with Sakura’s sisters—ughn!” Misty absent-mindedly took hold of Brock’s left ear, immobilizing him. The lady turned her gaze towards Ash; he sweated from the uncomfortable feeling it gave her. It was different from the way Misty stared at him. It made him feel…well…scared. “Yes….he is the perfect choice….Bind him!”

       WHOOOSH! A burst of wind seemed to flow from out of nowhere, causing everyone’s hair to sway. Ash gave a shocked look; from the crack in the wall behind him, a black substance whirled into the air all around the room. At first, it looked like a black wind, but soon arched over into a liquid substance that splashed down onto the floor. “What’s going on!?” “Pika-pi!” Max and Pikachu jumped a little as the water washed against their feet. They all gave a shocked look, but the woman still held onto that same blank look. By now, Ash had dashed away from the wall, pulling Pikachu into his arms. The black water continued to spray into the room, coming over their shoe line. “Eck!” May felt the water creep inside her shoes. Ash first gazed at the spewing wall, then glanced back to the lady. “Who are you? Did you do this?” He demanded. “Maybe it’s some kind of Poke’mon?” Brock managed to keep a large bit of his cool as the water level rose higher with each minute. “What is this stuff?” Misty gazed at the whirling liquid before her. “Answer my question!” Ash stated more sternly. The lady lifted up a hand; the liquid from the wall turned off like a leaky faucet, leaving the water level up to their waists. “She is controlling all this!” “But how?” “Pikachu!” Max had to sit on his sister’s shoulders to keep himself from submerging. The woman let her hand drop; yielding to her control, bits of the liquid spiraled around Ash. “Dah….!” Ash held Pikachu closer as the wisps circled over his head. In a flash, they wrapped themselves around Ash’s arms and Pikachu’s entire body. They were no longer wet, but sticky like bubblegum and threatened to drag him down under. “Hey—stop!” He coughed. “ASH!” Misty was the first to dart towards her friend. May found it especially difficult to travel through the liquid with Max on her shoulders. “….” “Dah!” They all were forced to stop as the liquid spiraled its way around them. “Wah!” Max fell into the arms of the water, restricted immediately. “Ash-ACK! Pikachu!” Brock struggled to keep his head above water. “May, help me!” Max cried out to his sibling. He wasn’t tall enough to keep his struggling body above water for long. “Hold on, Max—I won’t let you drown!” May pushed through, reaching out to her brother. She clenched her teeth while pulling him into her arms. “Blublublu!” “Pi-ka-chu!” Ash summoned all his might to pull Pikachu from under the water. “Pika!” Pikachu gave a relieve smile as it remained over its trainer’s head.

       “…hmm…” The lady in the kimono slowly walked forward. The water was unusually mellow and meek around her. Her kimono didn’t even get wet! She wandered in Ash’s direction and he gave her an angry frown. “Don’t you go near him!” Misty kicked in vain. She may have been the highest above the water, but she certainly was in no position of escape. The lady ignored the young girl’s voice and continued her advance. Growling angrily, Misty reached into her pink bag and pulled out a Poke’ball. “Staryu, don’t let her touch him! Use Rapid Spin!” The ball was launched into the air and burst open in a flash of light. “Hyaa!” The starfish Poke’mon spiraled into the air. “Help it out, Forretress! Use your Rapid Spin too!” Brock forced his arm through the water and tossed a Poke’ball of his own. The shell-covered Poke’mon drifted effortlessly above its trainer. “Go, now!” Misty and Brock exclaimed at the same time. Forretress and Staryu buzzed through the air, spinning their bodies their bodies rapidly. “….” Without even glancing back, the strange lady waved her hand and two columns of the black liquid rose, trapping the two Poke’mon instantly. “Forretress!” “Staryu, no!” Their trainers cried. The strange lady came to a stop directly in front of Ash. “Guh…” Ash gulped, trying to keep a straight frown over his otherwise nervous expression. The lady put her hand gently on Ash’s cheek, inspecting his eyes. “Hey, don’t touch me!!” “Get off him!” There was a loud splash from Misty as she actually got to her feet. “…sit down.” Whooom! “Ah!” Misty was knocked back down by gust of wind. The lady’s cold, but soft touch left Ash’s cheek and she took a single step past him. “Hold your breath.”

       Suddenly, the water around her and Ash started to swirl wildly. May and Max blinked; it looked as if the two were…sinking. “Pipipi! Pika!” Pikachu panicked. “Misty—Brock—May!” Ash shouted as he started to submerge. “What about me!?” Max shouted back, but May shook her head. “ASH!” Spwaaa!! Misty forced her self up just long enough to dive towards the wall; she gripped a protruding slender rock. If she could just keep herself up to her feet, she could attempt to rescue her friend. “I won’t let you go!” “Misty—ack!” Ash fought to keep his head above water. He held Pikachu over his head so it wouldn’t drown. “Damn it; there’s gotta’ be something I can do now!” Misty clenched her teeth while struggling to pull herself up. Underneath her weight, the rock she was holding started to wiggle loose. “Terrific, now the rock’s gonna’ break!” She tried to pull herself up quicker, but the liquid was like a bunch of hands dragging her down beneath the surface. The rock slid out a little more each heave she made. If she didn’t get to her feet soon, she would never make it up. “Grr…grr…?? What’s this?”


       As Misty pulled more of the rock out, the glare of shiny metal shone throughout the room, averting everyone’s attention. Even while sinking, Ash could see the light just as well. “Wha-wha?” Misty gave a nervous glance and nearly let go. The more she pulled the rock out, the more it started to look like an aqua-marine sword blade. The part she was grasping slowly started to change from its stony brown to a midnight blue. Now, it looked more like a hilt of a sword. “Oh my…whoa!” SHING! Misty’s body weight completely pulled the item from the wall; once the sword made contact with the black water, he blade tip burst with an array of bubbles that caused the water around it to shrivel away. “Whoa…” Misty marveled at it for a second. It was as if the black substance feared to even go near it. “What the heck is a sword doing in a wall?” Max blinked. Misty gave the item a growl; she had to set aside her fear and confusion to protect him. She grasped it by the hilt and held it over her head, “Ash, hold on!!” She brought the blade tip plunging into the liquid binding her. There was a loud hiss as the blade erupted with millions of bubbles that repelled the black liquid from her. Now, she was free and able to stand again. Without a moment’s hesitation, she rushed forward, holding the sword before her to keep from falling under.

       The strange lady in the white kimono continued to sink downwards with Ash and Pikachu. She slowly put her arms around the young trainer gingerly, closing her eyes. “Blublublu!” Ash tried to voice, but Pikachu understood. Its cheeks sparked threateningly with a blue electricity. “Piii-kaaaa-chuuuu!” A burst of lightning erupted from the electric rat all around it, its trainer, and the lady. The water, which didn’t seem to conduct electricity, continued to swirl downwards into the floor and the lady was unaffected as well. Her hold on Ash didn’t slacken at all. “Blu—MISTY!!” Ash’s head went under as well as Pikachu and all that was left to see was his flailing hand. “NOO!” Misty leapt into the air as hard as she could. The wind pushed against her body as she reached for her crush’s hand. She felt the tips of her fingers make contact with his—only for a brief moment. There was a splashing sound as Misty landed face-first into the black liquid. She felt around for Ash’s hand, but she couldn’t find it. She whirled around the water frantically in hopes of feeling his warm touch. The black liquid lowered into nothingness, relinquishing May, Brock, and Max. It sunk out of sight into the ground, leaving the floor looking as if it had never gotten wet. Misty, who was on her knees, trembled nervously. The sword fell from her hands with a clang on the floor so that she could feel around it. She couldn’t believe it; she was standing in the very same spot that her friends were, but Ash and Pikachu were nowhere to be found. The warmth she had felt while she was with him was now replaced with an empty feeling of guilt. Her eyes trembled emotionally and became riddled with tears. She felt so alone and cold that she had to close her arms around herself. Just like that, he was gone. Who would’ve guessed she would lose him like that so much and have the candle of her heart snuffed out so violently? “Misty!” Brock, May, and Max darted up to her. Brock checked her over to see if she was hurt physically. “…poor Ash…” Was all May could manage to say. “Ash…” Misty clenched her fists and closes her eyes. Her emotions now flow from her eyes by the bucket load. “…AAAAASSSSHHHHHHHHH!!!!!”




                              Hearts: Shirube Chronicles




Well, who would’ve thought the story would turn out like this? Do you want to know who that lady is? What about the sword, or that statement in the beginning? Your reviews keep the film rolling, so give me your thoughts, comments, and criticism (especially the criticism! I’ve gotta’ learn somehow). Also, if you want a theme song for it, just ask and I’ll deliver. See ya’ later! Jamata!