“Hello and welcome to the wide world of Poke’mon”. Just a little disclaimer here: while Poke’mon, Ruroni Kenshin, and their characters aren’t copyrighted to me, characters such as “Landon” and “Zeru” are. In this story, you’ll join our young hero, Landon, in his epic and unusual journey in the world of Poke’mon. Equipped with a magical bell, he and his friends must stare down the face of evil, win every challenge, make new friends, and claw their way to the top. But can they stop the ultimate evil that threatens their world? There are many twists and surprises, so you have to keep reading if you really want to “Catch ‘em all!” in:


Poke’mon X




The long and broad Ojho Bridge sat atop the vast lake, lonely thus so far except for three traveling trainers. The sun was hidden by glum black clouds that threatened to rain heavily. Nevertheless, the fish Poke’mon of the lake leapt and danced in the water as if it were a typical day. (As our heroes head for Rustborro City, they cross the Ojhokohiashi Bridge—or Ojho for short—over Granite Lake. The city isn’t far now—keep your hopes up and fingers crossed everyone.)

“C’mon, Lan, don’t tell me you’re still sore about Charmander?” Zeru’s voice echoed across the water. Landon was walking with his arms folded and seemed to be in serious thought. “Afterall, it did run past you and to me.” “Zeru, no one’s thinking about that. It’s just that…,” Landon stopped for a little bit to look up at the dark sky, “It’s just that I have a gym match coming up and I haven’t battled anyone for a while.” “Are you blind? There are two trainers right behind you.” May told him. But to Landon, fighting his friends wouldn’t help his cause; he needed to fight someone he knew nothing about. Someone….someone like that Syorin kid. “We can stop right now and have a practice battle.” Zeru suggested. “It just wouldn’t be the same if I battle you. I need someone from around the area.” Landon replied. May and Zeru looked to each other and shrugged their shoulders. A red-scaled fish Poke’mon, a Magikarp, flopped into the air and splashed back into the lake, splashing droplets of water all over the group. They had only been silent for a short while when May pointed out in front of them. “Hey, who’s that kid down there?” Sitting on the edge of the wooden bridge was a small boy wearing some kind of black school uniform. The slight breeze blew against his short brown hair. He had a fishing pole cast into the lake off to the side. “Huu! He may be—” Landon grinned, “—a Poke’mon trainer!"


                    Theme Song: Pocket Monsters X(treme)

Running at

The speed of sound

What adventures can be found?

Traveling the world all around

As fate just spins it upside-down

Little monsters


Find a knew one and I’m there

Victory is just for fun

There’s no stoppin’ till I’m number one



Clear, and Shadow

Three lights—

That fight the way

Protect those legendary

Is my destiny!


Poke’mon X

(Poke’mon X)

Leading the way

Is my sweet victory

Poke’mon X

(Poke’mon X)

A mystery

Behind each one we see

Poke’—mon X


This journey I’ll run

Has only begun!!


Episode 11: “Rock-Solid!”


“Hello, there—yes you!” Landon waved as he ran up to the kid. The boy looked to him with a rather dull expression at first. “Hi, there!” Landon smiled when he caught up to him. “Uh…that’s a Mudkip on your shoulder, isn’t it?” The boy pointed to Toya, who was lying on Landon’s shoulder, “That must mean that you’re a Poke’mon Trainer.” “Yes I am. Do you want to have a battle with me?” Landon asked him. “Do I?!” The boy jumped up suddenly and tossed his fishing pole aside. An eager look spread on his face. It wasn’t long before May and Zeru caught up with them. The boy and Landon stood facing each other from opposite sides of the bridge, reaching to their belts. “I guess he’s gonna’ get that battle he wanted anyway.” May said and Zeru nodded. “By the way, my name is Zeal Hobby and I’m from Rustborro City.” The boy stated to his opponent. “I’m Landon Himura from Littleroot Town. I won’t hold back on you.” Landon snatched the poke’ball with the lightning sticker from his belt and threw it forward. “Go, Pikachu!” It burst with a bright light and Pikachu jumped out onto the ground. “Pi!” It scratched its ear with its foot. “Then I choose Zigzagoon.” Zeal threw a poke’ball into the air and it burst open to reveal a Zigzagoon. “Zago-Zagoon!” “Let’s get this battle started with a Thunder Wave, Pikachu!” Landon exclaimed and his Poke’mon’s body became enshrouded by a thin wave of electricity. “Zigzagoon, time to counter with your Headbutt.” Zeal ordered. “Is he serious?” Zeru blinked. “I think he has no idea of what he’s doing.” May said. Without question, Zigzagoon raced towards Pikachu at top speed with its head lowered. “Release Thunder wave now!” “Pika!” Pikachu got on all fours and waited till its opponent was close; its released electricity surrounded Zigzagoon and practically rendered it immobile. “Za-za-za-zagoon!” It shook a bit in an effort to move. Unfortunately, Pikachu’s lack of control of its own power resulted in a back-firing jolt. “Pi-ah!” He growled in a wince.

“Oh-no, my Zigzagoon!” Zeal took a shocked step back. “Now, Pikachu, it’s time to bring this to an early end. Thundershock Attack!” Landon stated, clenching his fist. Pikachu leapt on Zigzagoon’s back and its body started to spark wildly. “piii—kaaa—chuu!” Pikachu released a surge of electricity, shivering from shocking both itself and Zigzagoon. “Zagooon!” It exclaimed. In a bursting jolt, Zigzagoon was shocked into submission. “Zagoon,” It let out a puff of smoke as it fell to the ground. “That was great, Pikachu. Though, we still have to do something about that feedback problem.” Landon slapped his dizzy Pikachu a high five for its quick victory. Pikachu teetered back and forth and eventually had to grab its trainer’s pant leg to keep still. “Piiii…” Its eyes swirled dizzily.  “Huh,” Zeal let out a sigh as he walked up to his exhausted Poke’mon. The sad expression he had earlier was back and he mumbled, “Now I’ll never pass that test.” “What’d ya’ mean?” Landon asked him. Pikachu somehow found the coordination to climb up his arm to rest on its trainer’s unoccupied shoulder. “Is there something wrong?” May cut in on the conversation and walked over to them. Zeal looked up at the three from the ground. “You’ll have to excuse me; the only reason I challenged you was because I thought you were a weak trainer.” “You thought what?!” Landon blinked at the insult. Did he really look that weak? Well, of course he wasn’t the most intimidating person in the world…just how weak did he look anyway? “Please don’t take me the wrong way. I meant that you looked more like a beginner just like me.” Zeal added hastily, waving his arms wildly. “So why are you so interested in picking out weak targets anyway?” “Hey!!” Landon growled at Zeru. But Zeru just ignored him and continued his question, “As a Poke’mon Trainer, shouldn’t you be trying to find a strong opponent?” “Yeah, well, that’s what I’m supposed to do. I have to try and practice on begging trainers because, as a student, I’m a failure. But if I apply what I learn in school, I could actually win a battle.” Zeal picked up his Zigzagoon and started to stroke its back. Slowly, it shook itself out of its daze just enough to open its eyes. “As you can see, I don’t pay much attention and that’s why I’m at the bottom of my class.” “Class? Say, you must go to Rustborro Prep School.” May pointed out, slamming her fist into her hand, “But school is still in, isn’t it?” “It’s lunch break. I thought I’d use it to get some studying in.” “Gee, Zeal, I know how you feel because I still have a lot to learn. Maybe there’s some way I can help.” Landon stated. “Oh—there is! C’mon!” Suddenly, Zeal grabbed Landon by the arm and started racing down Ojho Bridge. “Hey, wait!” May and Zeru ran after them. They were going so fast that Pikachu and Toya were forced to hold on or risk falling off their trainer’s shoulders. “Zeal—wait a minute—let go of me! Stop it; don’t make me hurt you, Zeal!” Landon shouted angrily. He nearly fell over numerous times trying to keep up with the tugging. “As long as you don’t hit me with that sword,” Zeal said.


Ohjo Bridge broke off into a hill of grass before Rustborro City burst into view. The beautiful buildings were created with a combination of metal and stone. Zeal dragged Landon and his friends across the cobblestone streets, barreling right by the people. He held up his arm and glanced at his wristwatch. “I think I can make it on time.” He said. He made a couple of wicked turns until a giant school building caught their sight. “Zeal, slow down; I have to stop and rest.” May stopped along the sidewalk and leaned on a lamppost to catch her breath. “Hey…don’t stop…now.” Zeru was one to talk as he chose the next lamppost down to rest at. Landon, however, wasn’t as fortunate to get a rest for he was being pulled against his will. Zeal pushed through the doors of Rustborro Prep and that’s when he started to slow down. “Ssshhh!” He said to Landon, “Roxanne is volunteer-teaching for the tutoring club.” At first, Landon didn’t hear anything—the school was so silent, he thought it was empty. However, he could tell that something was going on because Pikachu’s ears were twitching. Landon closed his eyes to block off everything except his sense of hearing. “…And today….about Poke’mon attacks…lesson in….got that?” It was faint, but he could definitely hear someone talking. It was as if someone was speaking into a pillow. “Hey—” “Yah!” Landon snapped his attention back to reality at the sound of Zeal’s voice. “Let’s go; I’m sure Mr. Tate won’t mind a visitor.” He turned and motioned for Landon to follow. The two walked across the squishy red carpet until they came to room three—fourteen. Zeal pushed through the door.

       It was amazing; never had Landon seen such a classroom. It looked like a small stadium with chairs, tables, and a big desk at the other end of the wall. A bunch of students, all wearing the same uniform as Zeal, were sitting at the desks, taking notes on the girl up in front. She didn’t look much older than the students; she had brown hair that was put into two big and long pigtails and violet eyes. Unlike the other students, she was wearing a white dress blouse and a long black skirt. Sitting at the desk behind her was a brown-haired man wearing glasses and a gray suit. “You see, class,” The girl pointed to a green lizard-like Poke’mon with a curly tail and a red zigzag across its stomach. Landon grinned for he knew that Poke’mon well. Back when he was in school, his partner Poke’mon was a Kecleon and, not to brag or anything, but they were one of the best teams in the class. Landon studied how to use Kecleon’s unique ability to his advantage, which gave him sort of an extended knowledge of it. “Kecleon’s color change ability can be an effective weapon.” The girl continued, “If your opponent decides to use a special move in battle, Kecleon can copy its type and become more durable against those kinds of attacks. This should give the user an edge.” The class clapped as she and Kecleon took a bow. Upon returning to their seats, Landon stepped in and shot off his big mouth.

“Actually, miss, there’s a flaw in your answer.” The girl and the class turned to Landon and he dared to step into the room some more. By now, May and Zeru had caught up and were watching their bold friend potentially make a fool of himself. “What’s he doing? He can’t just go in and correct the tutor.” Zeal hissed. “Don’t worry; I somehow think this won’t turn out as bad as it looks.” May assured him. “While Kecleon’s Color Change ability is powerful, too much dependence on it could lead to the loss of a battle.” Now, the teacher was eyeing Landon carefully. He didn’t say anything, so he must’ve been interested. “Color change won’t help if you’re fighting a dragon or ghost type Poke’mon. On the contrary, the battler using the Kecleon would be the ones at a disadvantage unless Kecleon could learn a ghost or dragon type attack.” Suddenly, Landon’s consciousness returned to him with the sudden shock of the class’s eyes upon him. He froze up that quickly and was rendered unable to speak for a quick second. “Hey, you, with the Poke’mon on your shoulders” Someone from the back called, “Could you repeat that last bit, please? I didn’t finish writing it.” “Huh?” Landon’s cheeks went red. “That’s very interesting.” The teacher stood from the desk. Zeal, May, and Zeru walked into the classroom as well with Zeal quickly taking his seat. “What is your name, son?” The teacher asked. “Er…” Landon backed up to his friends. He found it easier to speak around them. “I’m Landon and these are my friends May, and Zeru.” He pointed out. “I’m Mr. Tate. You seem to know a lot about Poke’mon.” “Nope; I’m just a beginning trainer.” Landon said hastily, smiling and sweating anime style. “Well you have to be good if you pointed out a flow in my analysis.” The girl started back towards the front of the class, her Kecleon following her. “My name is Roxanne and I’m the top student in this school.” She shook Landon’s hand and eyed his Poke’mon. “Your Pikachu’s fur coat is very healthy and your Mudkip’s skin shines beautifully. You did a great job in raising them.” Roxanne reached up her hand and went to touch Pikachu; its red cheeks sparked a little and Landon backed up a bit. “Sorry, but my Pikachu isn’t too great with other people yet.” He told her. Roxanne drew her hand back and turned to the teacher. Landon thought she’d be mad or something, but a smile still remained on her face. “Mr. Tate, if you don’t mind, I’d like to request a demonstration.” “A demonstration?” Mr. Tate blinked. “Landon,” Roxanne turned back to Landon, “I challenge you to a battle.” “To a battle?” Landon grinned.


       The desks in the classroom were pushed back against the wall and the students (along with May and Zeru) sat on the floor. Landon and Roxanne faced each other on opposite sides of the room with Mr. Tate in the middle of them. There were two poke’balls held in his hands. “You will have to choose from these two Poke’mon to battle with.” He said. “You mean, I can’t use my own Poke’mon?” Zeru wanted to hit Landon for asking such a “duh” statement. “I’m simply testing your abilities as a trainer; how well you can adapt to different Poke’mon.” Mr. Tate replied, “You may choose one you think will be the best.” Landon looked at the two poke’balls before him. To choose a Poke’mon he knew close to nothing about was like already losing fifty percent of the battle. But if he chose right, the match would be all too easy. “I’ll choose this one.” He took the poke’ball on the right. “Then I’ll take this one.” Roxanne took the remaining one. The two turned back towards each other with a look of determination. “Poke’mon, I choose you!” Landon threw the poke’ball to the ground and it flashed open. The inhabitant was a turtle-like Poke’mon, turquoise in color. Its shell was a tough brown on the back and a shiny yellow on the front; its eyes were red and its tail was curly like a squirrel’s. “It’s a Squirtle!” Landon exclaimed. Roxanne let her poke’ball fly from her hand. “Poke’mon, I choose you!” It burst open to reveal a Poke’mon that looked like a thin root with two other roots for legs. Its head looked like a yellow bell with a pink mouth and two dots for eyes. The two leaves at its sides acted like arms. “Oh-no, it’s a Bellsprout!” May shrieked. It was a common fact that grass Poke’mon had a type advantage over water types like Squirtle. “Bellsprout!” It voiced. The students scooted closer with interested looks. “Let the battle begin.” Mr. Tate jumped from the middle of the two combatants.

       “This is going to be easy; Bellsprout, use Razor Leaf!” Roxanne shouted as her first attack. “Bellsprout-sprout!” Bellsprout swung its arms wildly and two razor-sharp leaves whirled through the air sharply. “If these Poke’mon are truly at the same level…” Landon thought to himself, “Squirtle, Water Gun attack!” “Squirtle!” Squirtle made a gurgling sound as it spat a jet-stream of water; the two attacks collided and quickly ended in a stalemate. “Bellsprout,” Roxanne sounded calm and collected wile Landon worked on instincts, “Get close and attack with your cut attack.” “Bellsprout!” Bellsprout rushed up at a quick pace to Squirtle. “Sprout-sprout- sprout- sprout- sprout- sprout!” Squirtle was forced to do a weird dance as it narrowly dodged Bellsprout’s sharp, leaf-like arms. “This can’t keep up like this; I have to get Squirtle on the offense…but how?!” Landon scratched his head. Each swing Bellsprout made got closer and closer to its target. “Bellsprout, Vine Whip!” <I style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal">“Now’s my chance!” Landon watched as two green vines grew from under Bellsprout’s leaves; he let them wrap and bind Squirtle before shouting, “Rapid Spin, now!” “Squirtle-squirt-squirt!” The turtle Poke’mon withdrew its arms, legs, tail, and head into its shell and started to spin at a high speed. A light whistling sound soared through the air from it. Bellsprout tried to keep Squirtle from reeling it in by trying to plant its roots into the carpet. Sadly, the maneuver only wasted its energy, for underneath the carpet was cold hard cement. “Now,” Landon said when it was drawn close, “Use a point-blank Bubble attack!” Squirtle stopped spinning and pooped out of its shell, which was wrapped in a cord of vines; it spat out an array of clear bubbles that popped forcefully against Bellsprout’s face. “Belllsprooout!” It wailed. “Let go of it quick and get out of there!” Roxanne pleaded, showing a few signs of franticness. Slowly, Bellsprout let its vines limp weakly, drew them back, then jumped off to the side. “Good job, Bellsprout. Let’s hurry and win this battle by using Absorb.” “Uh-oh!” Landon took a step back and clenched his fists. Bellsprout opened its leaves and they started to glow a dim green. “No time to waste, Squirtle; aim a Water Gun at the ground. Make it strong enough to support your body weight!” “Squirtle,” Squirtle nodded to Landon. It looked to the ground and fired a powerful blast of water; Squirtle was lifted into the air out of Bellsprout’s reach. “Ah!” “Heh-heh!” Roxanne gasped, but Landon grinned. “Now, dive town like a bomb!” Squirtle turned in mid-air and plummeted down in a nose-dive at Bellsprout. “Leech Seed—” BANG!!!


       Squirtle’s head made contact with Bellsprout’s and there was a long pause. May and Zeru were now raised to their knees in suspense. Landon and Roxanne stared at their Poke’mon with intense, beating hearts. The students of the class had problems keeping their mouths closed and had forgotten all about taking notes. Even the teacher was impressed. WHOOSH!! Squirtle’s body suddenly became engulfed in thin vines sprouting from a tiny seed on its head. “Oh-no!” Landon gasped. Squirtle dropped to the floor on its belly as the Leech Seed drained its energy in a red light. It drained so fast, that Squirtle became dizzy and unconscious. “…I guess I lost…” Landon looked to the ground. He felt both shocked and embarrassed; he had mouthed off earlier about Roxanne’s mistake. Now, he was the one face-down on the floor. “Great job, Bellsprout….Bellsprout?” Roxanne blinked when her Poke’mon didn’t respond. Instead, Bellsprout staggered before dropping to he floor in a KO just a few seconds after Squirtle. “Both Bellsprout and Squirtle are unable to battle. This match is a tie.” At Mr. Tate’s announcement, the entire room went into an uproar of applause. “That was great!” “Whoohoo! Do it again!” They cheered. “You put up a good fight. Bellsprout, return and have a nice rest.” Roxanne returned weakened Bellsrpout to its poke’ball. Landon scooped up Squirtle before returning it to its own poke’ball as well. “That was terrific.” He said to it. Both Landon and Roxanne walked up to each other with broad smiles and shook each other’s hands. “You put up a great fight; it’s rare that I ever tie with someone on first try in a match.” Roxanne said. “Yeah, Landon nodded, “Thanks to you, I think I’m ready to take on the Rustborro City Gym leader.” “Is that why you came here?” Roxanne asked him with an air of curiosity. “Yep, that’s right.” Landon replied and Roxanne grinned. “Landon Himura, I accept your challenge!” “What!?” Zeru and May gasped.


Fast Fact Quiz: What is Landon’s Job and what is he called? If you can’t guess, find out at the end of this Chapter!