“Excuse me, I’m here to pick up the Tailow I left yesterday.” “Huh?” Yuri, who was reading an issue of Breeder’s Monthly, looked up from his book. Tsubimi actually looked like a normal high school girl, dressed in a pair of white pants, shirt, and red windbreaker. “Oh, you must be Tsubimi Masaya. I have your Tailow in the Treetop. Just wait here while I go and fetch it for you.” Yuri got up and walked away towards the room marked with a feather. Once he disappeared behind it, Tsubimi took a quick glance around. “…Okay, the coast looks clear.” She whispered. The tropical plant off to the side wiggled and shivered before a figure came stepping out. Yoshimari dusted the debris from his Team Darkhorn uniform. “Thanks, Tsubi,” He said. “Remember, you don’t have a lot of time. This is a get-in-and-get-out job.” Tsubimi warned, going serious. “Relax, Tsubi! You worry way too much.” Yoshimari slipped over to the door that lead to the back yard; he pushed the door open, disappearing behind it. The outside greeted him warmly, though he didn’t have time to enjoy it. Yoshimari pulled out his EX Reader and clicked it on. The screen flashed with a green radar. A beeping red dot blinked near the blue dot that was his current position. “Okay, it must not be that far away then.” He said to himself. Yoshimari walked in the east direction. The high shrubs and bushes kept anyone from seeing him. His wandering led him towards the garden filled with flowers being busied with by butterfly Poke’mon. A white house stood in the midst near a few trees. It was cottage sized with a beautiful stained window at the head. Yoshimari advanced towards it slowly and cautiously. The beeping from his EX scanner grew more rapid the closer he got to the house. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a thin pick of metal; putting it to the doorknob, the lock clicked open. Yoshimari pulled it open to reveal a marvel on shelves. Each shelf had a row of individually unique Poke’mon eggs. “Oh…I think I hit jackpot!” Yoshimari smiled. One of those eggs had the power of an Ex Poke’mon in it and it was up to him to find it. Back at the counter, Tsubimi tapped her foot on the ground impatiently. “Hurry up, Yoshi.” She glanced out the door her brother left through. When she said he didn’t have much time, she seriously meant he’d only have a few minutes! “Ma’am?” Yuri came back with Tailow perched on his arm. “Your Tailow is in terrific condition and it interacts well with others. You’ve raised it very well.” He stroked Tailow under the neck and it smiled. “Thanks a bunch, Mr. Kudo.” Tsubimi rose her arm. Tailow instinctively fluttered from Yuri and back to its trainer’s arm. “Tail-tail!” It cawed happily. “You’re welcome, I’ll see ya’ soon.” Yuri buried himself behind his book again. Tsubimi glanced out the doorway and let out a small gasp. May, Zeru, and Eliza just passed by, walking in the same direction her brother went in. “Oh-no, what’re they doing here…aren’t they missing a loser?” She though to herself. Slowly, she backed away out of the center. Tsubimi had to find a way to get to Yoshimari before the “heroes” did. She turned and left out in an awful hurry.

       (Meanwhile) Phanpy didn’t mind to be in Zeru’s arms again. As a matter of fact, it was starting to take somewhat of a liking to him. Eliza led them both down the path decorated with tall bushed and shrubs. The little white shack was just a couple of steps away from them. Eliza stopped and turned to the trainers with a serious look. “What I’m about to show you cannot become public news; it’s not often I show visitors the place where we keep the Poke’mon eggs.” “Poke’mon eggs?!” May and Zeru exclaimed. Eliza nodded and turned back up the trail. WHOO-CLACK! Suddenly, the doors of the shack came bursting open and Yoshimari jumped out. Underneath his arm was a yellow egg with black tiger stripes. The group all stared at each other while they recovered from the shock. A dreadful silence carried with another light breeze. “Yoshimari!” May stepped forward with her fists clenched. “Oh, wow, you remember my name. Now step aside!” Yoshimari retorted. “Not without that Poke’mon egg!” Eliza stated. “Phanpy-anpy!” “Wee!” Phanpy and Eevee dashed towards Yoshimari in a mad fury. Yoshimari reached into his pocket, grinning. “….ha!” He drew it out and a net blasted from nowhere, securing itself around his attackers. “Dah!” The Poke’mon struggled to break free. “Phanpy! Eevee!” Eliza started to her Poke’mon. Yoshimari tossed a tiny sphere to the ground and it exploded into a giant puff of smoke. As the cloud rose rapidly, he claimed the two netted Poke’mon as his prize. “Oh-no, he’s getting away with the egg!” Eliza coughed. “And Phanpy!” Zeru added. Yoshimari easily jumped out of the smoke wall like an acrobat. He took a look back to see the pandemonium he had just caused. “Pretty easy without that other loser here.” He smiled triumphantly. “Well?” Tsubimi landed in front of him. It felt good to be back into her Team Darkhorn uniform again. “Up for a two for one deal?” Yoshimari held up the net and the egg. “Good, then let’s jet out of here.” The two nodded and started away. “What’s going on out here—?” Yuri poked his head out of the back door to see the commotion. “Ack! Eliza, are you okay?”  He called frantically through the slowly clearing smoke. “They have the egg, and Phanpy and Eevee!” Eliza stated.

       “Not if we can help it.” “That’s right!” Zeru and May pushed off the ground, plowing through the billowing smoke wall. Yoshimari and Tsubimi were already heading towards the edge of the back yard garden and onto the trail leading to Slateport Square. Zeru pulled a Poke’ball from his belt, “Gastly, let’s go!” he let it burst open in his hand, releasing Gastly. “Gha-gha-gha!” The ghost Poke’mon gave a wide smile. “This is serious, Gastly!” Zeru shouted, “Use your Nightshade attack to stop Team Darkhorn!” “Gastly,” Gastly nodded before drifting towards the two running thieves. “Gha!” A rigid trail of black beams focused from its eyes and crashed into the ground, stopping Team Darkhorn in their tracks. “Darn, I knew this was going to be too easy!” Tsubimi growled as they turned around. “Fine, if you want a battle, we’ll give it to you.” Yoshimari set the net down and pulled a Poke’ball from his belt. “Go, Chansey!” He tossed it forward and it flashed open, revealing his Poke’mon. “Chansey-chansey!” It flexed its muscles. “Go on, Tailow!” Tsubimi let Tailow soar from her arm to the air. “Don’t be mean; let’s make it a two-on-two. Torchic, take the stage!” May tossed a poke’ball into the air. It burst open in a flash of light and Torchic came out. “Torchic!” It chirped, flapping its minute wings.

       “Gastly, Nightshade!” Zeru opened the first attack. “Gastly!” Beams of night energy bolted from Gastly’s eyes towards Tailow. “Tailow, show Gastly the power you’ve gained from being in the breeding center. Agility!” At its trainer’s orders, Tailow swerved in the air, deftly missing the attack. Gastly frowned and started firing more rapidly in a desperate attempt to hit it. “That’s right, Gastly; keep it up!” Zeru cheered. SPWWEE!! SPWEE! The Nightshade attack whizzed through the air like lightning. But Tailow’s speed was more than a match for Gastly as it swerved and twirled through the air. “Now, give it a Wing Attack!” Tsubimi stated. “Taiilll!” Tailow turned her body into a speeding bullet. The rushing of the wind could be heard as she cut through the air with glowing wings. SMACK! “GHA!” “Ack!” Gastly spiraled right into Zeru, bouncing off his head. “Geez! Attack Tailow, not me!” He rubbed his hair. “Go use Poison Gas.” Gastly levitated up to be level with Tailow. The two Poke’mon stared at each other dangerously. “Gastly!” The purple gas around Gastly’s form became more dense as it reached the bird Poke’mon. “Just blow it back with whirlwind!” Tsubimi said after seeing the panic in her partner’s face. Tailow let out a screech followed by mighty rapid flaps of her wings; the gas cloud dispersed upon contact with the strong wind. “Now, use your Wing Attack again!” “Taiiiloww!” Tailow darted at it again. “Gastly, quick, use Toxic attack!” Zeru shouted in defense. Gastly, who was sweating anime style, opened up its mouth and a spurt of purple liquid shot from it. In mid-attack, Tailow spun around it, following through into Gastly’s ghost body.

       “Torchic, Ember!” “Eggbomb it, Chansey!” Torchic’s feathers rustled lightly as its body heat increased in temperature. It opened its beak and thick cinders rocketed across the grass. “Torrrrrr!” It cried. “Chansey!” Chansey put its arms together to launch a battalion of glimmering spherical energy shots; the two attacks collided with each other so harshly that a small shockwave issued. Yoshimari and May glared competitively. Phanpy and Eevee were off to the side, still struggling to break free of the net. “It’s pointless fighting us; we always win anyway!” May shouted. “That’s because you always have that extra loser with you. But it’s different now!” “We’ll see; Torchic, give it your Peck Attack!” “Torrr!” Chansey backed up in pain as Torchic repeatedly beat its needle-sharp beak at its body. Torchic circled its opponent to jab it in different areas. Yoshimari thrust his fist into the air, “Don’t take that; grab it!” Chansey towered over the chick and made a grab for it. “Torchic, oh-no!” May gasped. “Chick!” Torchic jumped back, letting Chansey fall flat on its face. “Good, now scratch it while it’s still down!” May stated. Torchic raced across the grass with a serious glint . Instead of looking worried, however, Yoshimari grinned. “I knew you’d do something like that. Double Edge!” Chansey spun up to its feet and rushed recklessly at Torchic. The more speed it gained, the more reckless it became. Torchic was going way too fast and had no choice, but to keep going. BANG!! Chansey’s solid body sent it flying through the air.

       “Wee!” Eevee dug her teeth into the thin wire of the net. There were teeth holes in certain spots where she and Phanpy tried to chew their way out. “Phanpy!” “Wee!” The net’s cords snapped ruggedly, but wide enough for them to escape through. They jumped out and slipped away towards the bushes. Their plan was to help Eliza out of the slowly-subsiding smoke cloud before she collapsed from the fumes.

       “Just hang in there, Gastly!” Zeru cheered for his Poke’mon. Gastly was hovering lowly towards the ground; the thrashing Tailow delivered to it really zapped its stamina. Like a hawk watching its prey, Tailow circled the air around and around. It’s too weak to go on, Tailow.” Tsubimi said, “Finish this with another Wing Attack!” “Tailooooow!” Tailow took a sharp turn and dove for Gastly at an incredible speed. “Defend with Lick attack!” Zeru shouted. “Gha-gha-gastly!” Just as Tailow got close, Gastly stuck out its rather long tongue and caught the bird in a long, sticky drawl. Tailow’s pupils shrank from the paralysis it had received from the toxins in Gastly’s drool. It shivered in mid-air before falling to the ground sickly. “Bat it away with your tongue, Gastly!” Zeru cheered. Gastly’s long tongue thrust forward like a fist. Tailow desperately rolled to the side with less than enough strength to barely even move. Gastly swing its tongue like a whip and swatted it into a side bush. “Oh, Tailow!” Tsubimi rushed over to the bushes to aid her fallen Poke’mon. “You did great; return, Tailow.” She cradled it in her arms before returning her to her poke’ball. “Great job, Gastly!” Zeru jumped up and grabbed his Poke’mon, dancing with it. “Gha-gha!” Suddenly, Gastly’s entire form lit up in a bright light. If it was even possible, Zeru’s smile got even wider. Gastly’s body changed from the shape of a ball to a mask-like form with a ghostly tail. It gained hands, but they weren’t connected; instead, they free-floated in front of it. When the light subsided, Gastly’s person was anew. Yes, it did make Zeru think why evolution set in so early, but he wasn’t really one to look a gift horse in the mouth. “You’re a Haunter now, right?!” He exclaimed. “Haunter-Haunter!” Haunter floated to rest on top of its trainer’s head.

       Torchic dug in its talons as it slid across the green grass from another attack. It and its trainer sweated anime style at the battle. “Chansey, use Egg Bomb!” Yoshimari cried. “Chansey-Chansey!” Chansey jumped up and launched a battalion of energy shots. “Torchic, focus your energy!” “Tor,” Torchic closed its eyes and concentrated hard. It focused on rising its attack to its fullest potential. The feathers of it body swayed as if a breeze was blowing through the air. “Ember attack!” Torchic opened its eyes just as the Egg Bomb sped dangerously close; it opened its beak and blasted a wave of cinders. The ember attack burst through the Egg Bomb and struck Chansey harshly. “Chaaannn!” It dropped to the ground with ash marks all over it. “Ack! Return, Chansey,” Yoshimari returned his Poke’mon to its poke’ball. He and his sister regrouped back-to-back. They both were sporting clenched teeth and fists. “Looks like this is the end of the line, Tsubi.” Yoshimari said. “Yeah, let’s just grab the egg and scram.” Tsubimi suggested. “I don’t think so.” Zeru ran towards them, tossing Haunter off his head. “Use Nightshade!” “Haunter-aunter!” SPWEE!! The lightning-like night beams shot from Haunter’s eyes and crashed into the ground before Team Darkhorn, blasting them high into the air. “I hate it when—” “—we lose like this every time!” They cried as they vanished into a speck of light. “Yeah!” Zeru and May slapped each other a high-five. “Good job, you two!” Eliza waved to them with Yuri, Eevee, and Phanpy.


       The Corphish Fisherman was filled with dead silence other than the sounds of slurping. Everyone in the restaurant were all staring at Landon’s endless consumption of each dish on the table. Most of the contestants quit behind the small pile of dirty dishes. Only Landon and the guy who teased him were left. Landon’s pace was still as swift as ever, yet not a drop of food fell anywhere but in his mouth. The other man, however, looked like he was having a hard time keeping up. His chewing was labored and he was really messy. “Ughn…” His stomach grumbled, “I can’t go…on—urp!” The man let his head drop to the table. “But I can,” Landon teased, slurping up another bowl of soup. “How?! How are you doing it? Where does it all go, kid?” The man said before he fainted from exhaustion. Landon set down his bowl gently and adjusted his glasses. “A high metabolism can out-eat a thick body any day; I simply require more energy than you do.” He said simply. The chef gave a blink of disbelief; it was rare to see such a small person out-eat men ten times bigger than him. “…Ladies and Gentlemen, I’d like to announce the winner: number eleven!” He announced and the entire restaurant went into an uproar of claps. “Before I award you the thousand zenny, what do you have to say?” Landon stood up and cleared his throat. The eyes of the restaurant all stared at him with anticipation. Toya came from under the counter and rejoined her trainer by jumping on his head. “All I have to say is—” He took a deep breath, “How ‘bout some dessert?” BANG!! The entire restaurant fell anime style out of their chairs. “How can he still think about food?” Someone wailed.


       May, Zeru, Yuri, and Eliza stood at the front door of the breeding Center. Phanpy and Eevee were sitting beside May and Zeru on the grass. The afternoon was wearing on swiftly and warmly. “Sorry we can’t stay longer, but we really have to find our other friend now.” “Yeah, but we did have fun, until Team Darkhorn showed up.” The two kids said. Phanpy gave a sad look up at Zeru. “Too bad you can’t stay longer. Thanks for rescuing the egg for us.” Yuri smiled. “That battle proved that you two take great care of your Poke’mon.” Eliza added. Zeru turned to leave, when something caused him to stagger a bit. “Wha—?” He stamped the ground with his other foot to regain his equilibrium. Phanpy was rubbing her cheek against Zeru’s leg affectionately. “Phan, py, Phan, py,” She had learned to like him in that little time that they spent together and wished she hadn’t given him such a hard time. Now, she would love to have him stay for at least a few more hours to play some more. Zeru knelt down and stroked her behind her ears. “Hey, I’ll miss too. It’s just too bad we didn’t get to know each other this well at first.” He said. Yuri and Eliza turned to each other and nodded. “She needs someone who can look after her.” Yuri said. “Huh?” May and Zeru looked up at him. “Phanpy can’t stay around here her whole life—she won’t learn as much as she should. Besides, she’ll just keep getting into trouble around here.” Eliza told him. “You mean…” Zeru glanced down at Phanpy, “I can take her with me?” “Please teach her to be as strong as you.” Yuri stated. Phanpy beamed at its new trainer and leapt into his arms. “Phanpy! Phanpy!” She repeatedly licked his face. “Wee,” Eevee stared at the ground sadly. “But what about Eevee?” May asked. “She’ll be lonely without her sister.” “Would you mind taking care of her for us?” Yuri asked and May smiled wildly. “Would I ever!?” She picked up Eevee and danced around with it. Feeling they’ve left their “troublemakers” in good hands, Yuri and Eliza smiled at each other.

       (Zeru and Phanpy may not have hit it off peacefully at first, but now they have learned to love and respect each other. Now with these new additions to their team, May and Zeru have become stronger trainers. And as for Landon…) Landon staggered a little as he walked down the street. He clutched his stomach as it gurgled in agony. “Urp!” He burped a little, looking a little sick. Toya gave him a worried look as she fanned him with her tail. “Oh, God; I think I ate way too much! I thought I’d never see the day when that happened. I won’t eat for…at least a day!” (Well…better luck next time, Landon. And See you later in another exciting episode of “Poke’mon X”!)


Fast Fact answer: The name of the ancient writing that appears readable to only a select few is called Poke’tilanian. Stay tuned for more Fast facts.


Shine the Sky” (Ending Theme)


Shine the sky!

Crystal power hit the high—

Flying current to my victory

Try and Try!

Never give the fight away

I’ll take every challenge that I can get in my hands


Prophecy I can’t ignore

Know what surprises that it has in store

Shine the sky!

A new adventure I will face

Another chance at victory with Poke’mon!



This is the end of Episode 19. See ya'!