“Hello and welcome to the wide world of Poke’mon”. Just a little disclaimer here: while Poke’mon, Ruroni Kenshin, and their characters aren’t copyrighted to me, characters such as “Landon” and “Zeru” are. In this story, you’ll join our young hero, Landon, in his epic and unusual journey in the world of Poke’mon. Equipped with a magical bell, he and his friends must stare down the face of evil, win every challenge, make new friends, and claw their way to the top. But can they stop the ultimate evil that threatens their world? There are many twists and surprises, so you have to keep reading if you really want to “Catch ‘em all!” in:


Poke’mon X

What a day—the sun was shining warmly, the breeze was calm, and the clouds created inviting shapes in the sky. The lake water sparkled like jewels, swaying light in the breeze. Landon watched as his, May’s, and Zeru’s Poke’mon frolicked around. Toya, Totodile, Slowpoke, and Dratini were enjoying a swim in the fresh, cool lake. They giggled as they splashed at each other. Charmander and Eevee were near the edge of the lake, taking a drink. All of the other Poke’mon were lounging on the grass. (Well, it’s another perfect day for our traveling heroes and perfect weather for a gym battle…speaking of gym battles, why isn’t Landon in one now?) I’d be in a gym battle right now if we didn’t have to stop all the time! Landon stated with his arms folded. Phanpy dipped her trunk into the water and blasted him in the face with a jet of cool H2o. “Hey! What was that for?!” Landon shouted, raising a fist. “Phanpy’s right; you need to chill out.” May said as she cleaned the Poke’mon egg in the lake water. “Well excuse me, nag queen.” Landon said silently, folding his arms again. May’s eyes glinted once she shot him a wicked look. “What was that?” “I didn’t hear anything.” Landon frowned. “Landon, we’ve been walking all day. We need to take a break sometime or another.” Zeru added. Landon walked a little ways away and plopped on the grass. He was only a few yards from his next gym battle and his friends wanted to stop. If they wanted to stop, they should’ve just waited till they got to Mauville. “S’ not like there’s much I can do about it. I might as well take a break too.” Landon thought in defeat. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his poke’gear, clicking the side buttons. Several icons appeared on the screen as he scanned through the different options. Landon stopped on the radio icon and pressed the button in the middle. With his earphones jacked into the side, Landon played the music in his ears, tapping his foot to it. He stared up at the sky, watching the clouds gently float across.


             Theme Song: Pocket Monsters X(treme)

Running at

The speed of sound

What adventures can be found?

Traveling the world all around

As fate just spins it upside-down

Little monsters


Find a new one and I’m there

Victory is just for fun

There’s no stoppin’ till I’m number one



Clear, and Shadow

Three lights—

That fight the way

Protect those legendary

Is my destiny!


Poke’mon X

(Poke’mon X)

Leading the way

Is my sweet victory

Poke’mon X

(Poke’mon X)

A mystery

Behind each one we see


Poke’—mon X


This journey I’ll run

Has only begun!!


Episode 23: “A Trappy Ending”

May finally pulled the egg out of the water and began drying it. “There you go….whoever you are.” She examined it closely; it may have seemed strange, but she never actually wondered what Poke’mon could be inside till then. The egg sometimes wobbled and made squeaky sounds, but other than that, its contents were a complete mystery. “Vulpix-vul,” Vulpix let out a yawn as she walked across the soft grass. She trotted over to Landon with an airy look. “Are you bored as well, Vulpix?” He asked without taking his eyes away from the sky. Vulpix nodded and plopped onto her back beside him. Landon took one of the earphones from his ear and put it into Vulpix’s. “Vulpix!” she thanked him and they both tapped their feet to the music. “SKWWEEE!!” “Yaah!” Landon and Vulpix suddenly jumped up at a shrill shriek that shot through the air. May, Zeru, and the other Poke’mon rubbed their ears gingerly. Landon looked up to see a cave-blue Zubat fluttering above the sky. Its wings flapped wildly against its body and it screeched lightly repeatedly. “It’s a Zubat!” A smile spread across Landon’s face. If he couldn’t be in a gym battle now, he might as well try his luck by catching a Poke’mon. “Okay, Vulpix, go!” He pointed and Vulpix jumped to her feet eagerly. “Vulpix, Flamethrower attack!” He shouted. Vulpix’s eyes sparked from their beautifully deep amber to a power-filled blue. She opened her mouth, revealing the kindling energy of her attack. “Vullll—” “Wait; don’t do it!” A voice rang out. Landon glanced back with his teeth clenched. May and Zeru’s eyes followed as a boy in white shorts and an orange shirt dashed towards them. His hair was curly blonde and his eyes were covered with black sunglasses. He slid to a halt at the edge of the lake, panting lightly. In his hand was an orange leash. “You can’t capture that Zubat!” He breathed. “And why not?” Landon asked, clearly not thinking. “Because it belongs to me.” The boy held up the leash. The smile fell off of Landon’s face as Vulpix recalled her attack. “Oh, I’m very sorry; I didn’t know it belonged to you.” He apologized. He scooped up Vulpix and walked over to the boy. Zubat fluttered hastily from above and landed on its owner’s shoulder.


       Landon, May, Zeru, and the kid walked through the tree-decorated trail towards Mauville City. All of their Poke’mon that belonged in their poke’balls were returned and replaced. The kid had snapped the leash around Zubat, holding a tightly as his Poke’mon flapped wildly. May held the Poke’mon egg close to her body—as if someone was going to steal it from her. “My name is Yuko—Yuko Miamoto!” The kid flashed a thumbs-up at the air in front of him. For some strange reason, Landon sensed something different about Yuko, but he couldn’t quite guess what. “So, how about you guys? What’s your story?” Yuko asked. “I’m May,” “I’m Zeru,” “And I’m Landon. Nice to meet you.” They introduced themselves. Why are you headed towards Mauville City?” May asked. “I have a Grandfather who lives in Mauville City and I’m going to visit him for a week. I assume your reason is a lot different from mine.” Yuko said with a grin. “Uh, yeah,” Landon scratched his head, “I’m going to win my third gym badge.” He stared at Yuko’s sunglasses in question. There was something different—strange as it may—that the boy was hiding. “Why are you string at me? There’s nothing on my face is there?” “Oh, I’m really sorry.” Landon forced his gaze abruptly to the road ahead. May and Zeru sweated anime style—they never knew Landon could be so rude. “You don’t have to be sorry; my ability to know what you’re doing even though I’m blind must strike you as strange.” “Ack! You’re blind!?” The three friends exclaimed in shock. Yuki nodded, but didn’t seem saddened by his condition at all. “That’s right; I can’t see a thing. I’ve been blind ever since I was small, but I’ve gotten use to it by now. I use my other senses as my eyes. And if my senses fail, I always have my Zubat to help me.” “You mean, you walked all this way without looking?” Zeru asked and Yuko nodded. “Well, I really have to thank you, Yuko. Because of you, these two slowpokes are finally starting to move faster.” Landon grinned, flashing a thumbs-up.


       The trees of the trail dispersed into the bright and vast Mauville City. May’s eyes widened at the large collection of stores and marts that littered the blocks. Tons of people—probably tourists—came out with scores of bags. Zeru’s attention was really grabbed when he spotted the Poke’mon field store. “I see where I’m headed. You guys head for the center and I’ll meet you there.” He turned off across the street and onto the other sidewalk. The three watched him and Phanpy trail through the crowd and make their way to the store. “Well, let’t get a move on.” “Kip!” Toya jumped on Landon’s shoulder as he took the lead. He marched down the sidewalk at such a fast pace that May and Yuko had to jog lightly to keep up with him. “Landon, not so fast; I could trip and drop the egg!” May said sternly. “Yeah, I doubt that.” Landon told her with a hint of sarcasm. He knew that May would never let anything happen to the egg. They reached the dome-shaped Poke’mon center seconds later. The slowly drifting sun beamed off the red rooftop and white body. Landon stepped through the automatic glass doors and into the blue building. Zubat’s screeches sounded over the other voices as it flapped wildly. “Mudkip,” Toya pressed her paws against her ears to block the sound out. Now, all Landon had to do was let Nurse Joy check his Poke’mon and his gym battle would be at hand. “Hey, Lan, check this out.” May pointed to the side wall at a white poster. Landon’s eyes glanced as far back as they could, but the rest of his body didn’t move. “Free Poke’mon physicals started today. We should give our Poke’mon one.” May suggested. “Maybe Nurse Joy can check my Zubat with your Poke’mon.” Yuko said. Zubat finally settled down by landing on his shoulder. Landon seemed to think for a second before making his decision. “Why not? That way, My Poke’mon will be in top form once we get to the gym.” He snapped his fingers.


       Landon put his poke’balls onto a green tray and started towards the front counter. May and Yuko did the same, following him up. “Here you go, Nurse Joy.” Landon smiled and Nurse Joy smiled back to him. “Thank you, now I just need your Mudkip.” “Right,” Landon reached up and grasped Toya about the waist. But when he pulled up, she kept a firm grip on his hair. He tried again, but her hold became stronger. “Toya, stop it!” He growled. Still, Toya refused to surrender herself. “Mudkip-mud,” She held her nose in the air. “Nurse Joy isn’t going to hurt you. Don’t be such a chicken—It’s just a physical; you’ve been through one before.” “Kip!” “Oh, fine then,” Landon reached at his belt and pulled the Poke’ball marked with the water sticker. “Toya, return,” “Mud!” A red light shot out and recalled her to her Poke’ball. “Could you do me a favor? When you call her out, could you keep her out?” “Sure thing,” Nurse Joy smiled, taking Toya’s Poke’ball. She took up the other two trays and proceeded towards the door in the back. “We should call dad and tell him how we’re doing.” May suggested. Since it would kill some time, Landon agreed and walked towards the video phone.

       (At Professor Birch’s lab) Professor Birch was sitting at his desk, writing on some papers silently. A blue, ball-like mouse Poke’mon with no arms, red inner ears, and a bouncy tail sat on his desktop. “Azurill—Azu!” The Poke’mon bounced on its rubbery tail. “Hang on, Azurill; I’m almost done with this.” Professor Birch said in an attempt to calm it down. “Ring-Ring- Ring! Phone call for Mr. Birch.” The receiver of the video phone rattled as it rung. Professor looked up from his work and retrieved the phone. Immediately, the scene flashed on and Landon’s face appeared. “Hi, Professor Birch!” Landon exclaimed. May and Yuko squeezed to either sides of him so that their faces could be seen. “Hey, Dad; how’s it goin’?” May held up a “V” for victory. “Hello, May, Landon…I don’t think I’ve met that young man before.” Professor Birch blinked. “My name’s Yuko.” “Zeru’s out shopping, but he says hi.” May said. “So, how are you guys doing? What have you been up to?” The professor asked curiously. Landon started telling him about the adventures they’ve had ever since they left Odale Town. He was sure to tell him about all of Team Darkhorn’s various plots, Team Aqua and Magma’s plans, and his previous gym battles. The only thing he didn’t tell him—and he was careful to avoid it—was his “friendly” encounter with Latias. However, he couldn’t help, but stat to blush at the thought of her. “Wow, it sounds like you three have been through a lot. But I’d have to say I’m kinda’ disappointed.” Professor Birch held up a finger, “I have yet to see a new Poke’mon from you yet. You should start picking up the pace, okay?” “Azurill!” Azurill nodded. “Ah, geeze, Professor Birch—cut me a little slack!” Landon exclaimed. “Just don’t sluff off and good luck.” Professor Birch flashed a thumbs-up before the screen went blank. Landon hung up the phone and put his hands in his pocket. “At least we know he’s monitoring my Poke’mon count.” He said, “But he is right. Ever since I left, I’ve only caught five Poke’mon if I don’t count Toya.” Images of his Poke’mon appeared in his head. A bell chime sounded through the Poke’mon Center, pulling him from his tough sequence. “C’mon, Lan; our Poke’mon are ready for us.” May said. Landon nodded and followed her and Yuko towards the counter. Nurse Joy returned to the counter with their Poke’mon. Toya sat on the tray with Landon’s other Poke’mon, not looking too happy. “All of your Poke’mon are in perfect shape.” Nurse Joy told them. “However…” She glanced at Toya, “I don’t think your Mudkip was too pleased with then checkup.” Landon took back his Poke’mon after May and Yuko. He lifted his ticked off Poke’mon and smiled, “C’mon, Toya, don’t be like that—” “Kiiip!” Toya spurted a Water Gun attack in his face, then hopped back on his head. “Hey guys!” “Phanpy-Phanpy!” The doors of the Poke’mon center slid open and Zeru walked in with her on his shoulder. His backpack looked a lot larger than normal, but his wallet was definitely lighter. “Did you get a good haul, Zeru?” Yuko asked, snapping the collar around Zubat again. “Oh, yeah—we’ll beset for a while.” Zeru pointed to his backpack. “Then let’s head to the Mauville City gym!” Landon clenched his fists in excitement. “Let’s go shopping first.” “Nooooooo! No more—I wanna’ go nowwww!” Landon wailed.  May grinned. “I was just testing you. Let’s get going.” Landon sweated anime style—he didn’t think the joke was funny at all. “Hey, can I tag along? My grandpa doesn’t live far.” Yuko asked. Zubat flapped into the air once again, circling wildly. “We don’t see why not. Let’s get a move on.” May answered him.

       The four friends walked down the sidewalk towards the gym. Landon was in the lead, all too eager to take on the gym leader. “Landon, hold on. DO you know what you’ll be up against?” Zeru asked him. “Yeah, the gym leader isn’t exactly a pushover—he’s tough.” Yuko said definitely. “DO you have a plan?” “Are you kidding? I don’t have a clue.” Landon said, grinning. “Landon, you can’t always charge in and call out—” “I know, I know; I have to use my brain. Don’t I always?” Landon flashed a thumbs up. “….mudkip…” Toya sniffed the air. And it was no wonder—the food from the food court had attracted both her’s and her trainer’s noses. “Toya, after out gym match, let’s grab a pizza or something.” Landon suggested. “Mudip—mudkip!” Toya clapped her paws. “Whaaaaa!!! Somebody help—I’m being robbed!” A voice bounced from around the corner of the food court. Immediately, curiosity overtook Landon, Zeru, and Yuko. “Wonder what’s going on?” Landon started to speed up towards the corner with the other two following him. “Landon—Zeru—Yuko, can’t we just mind our own business?” May sweated anime style. If it was something reckless, she didn’t want to endanger the egg. Reluctantly, she picked up the pace to follow. They came to a stop at the corner and glanced across the street. The door to the fuchsia jewelry store burst open harshly, followed by a quartet of Poke’mon. The leader looked like an orange bug with big jaws, beetle eyes, and really short legs. The other, a sort of mouse, had rough, yellow, brick-lined skin. Its white underbody, however, was very tender. Bringing up the real were a crowned cactus Poke’mon and a rock-like Poke’mon with eyes and arms. Each of them were carrying a jingling white bag. “Stop, you thieves!” A lady in a blue skirt suit came storming out of the building. “Hmm….” Landon held up his Poke’dex. Click-ick!! “Trapinch, the Ant Pit Poke’mon. Trapinch digs out deep holes in the sand to trap unwary prey.” Click-ick!! “Cacnea, the Cactus Poke’mon. This Poke’mon digs deep underground to store up water within its body.” Click-ick!! “Sandshrew, the Mouse Poke’mon. Sandshrew’s fear of water has caused it to live in dry, desert areas.” Click-ick!! “Geodude, the Rock Poke’mon. This Poke’mon’s body smoothes out from its constant rolling down hills and pathways.” Landon blinked as he shut his Poke’dex. The Poke’mon seemed wild, so what would they need with jewels? “Somebody stop them!” The store owner shouted. The Poke’mon jumped all over the tables, sometimes stealing food from the customers on the way. “I’ll stop ‘em. Dratini, use Thundershock!” “Pikachu, use your Thundershock too!” Zeru and Landon released their Poke’mon. “Piikaaa—” “Draaaa—” Pikachu’s cheeks and Dratini’s white body lit up with a high-voltage power. “Chuuuu!” “Tiiii!” They launched a duo jolt of electricity across the tables and zapped the Poke’mon. “Tra,” Trapinch glared at them, but neither she nor any of her comrades didn’t stop. “Cacneaaaaaa!” Cacnea turned around and launched its black pins at its attackers. “Pikaa!” “Tinee!” Pikachu and Dratini were forced back to the ground. “Return,” Landon and Zeru recalled their Poke’mon with a growl. “They aren’t effected by electricity.” May said. “It’s no wonder—they’re all Poke’mon from Regal Desert that’s near Mauville. Ground Poke’mon aren’t effected by electricity.” Yuko, who heard the Poke’dex, stated. The Poke’mon thieves had trotted far away and were long gone by now. There was no way they could catch up now.

       “Hey, you kids!” Someone shouted up to them. The group turned around at once. The old man coming up to them had white hair with a bald spot at the top. His eyes were an electric blue and a white beard covered most of his face. He wore a brown jacket with a lighting insignia on the left arm, and yellow pants. The man came to a stop by the kids, panting a bit. “Did…you kids see a…bunch of Poke’mon run by?” He tried to catch his breath. “Hiya’, grandpa,” Yuko waved. The man looked to the side of them and spotted him. “Oh, Yuko; I didn’t know you were coming to town.” He said. “About those Poke’mon, sir, we did see them.” Landon said. The man looked from Toya to Phanpy, then to the scarf around Landon’s ponytail. When he saw the stone badge clipped to it, he smiled. “Hey, can I ask a favor of you?”


       Landon never expected he’d be back in the Poke’mon Center. It seemed that every time he tried to get to the gym, something would hold him back. The old man had the kids sitting on a bench with their Poke’mon in their laps. Landon let out a sigh of boredom and annoyance. “This…is a step backward. I should’ve just minded my own business.” He thought. The old man pulled out a rolling chalkboard out in front of them. On it was a chalk illustration of the entire city. Most of the buildings were marked with a “X” in red chalk. “Fist of all, my name is Watson. For weeks now, I have been following the rail of a gang of wild Poke’mon thieves. Lately, Muaville has been plagued by these Poke’mon’s stealing and trashing. They are a menace that has to be stopped. I’ve tried and tried to stop them, but i can’t even keep up with them.” “Are you sure they’re wild Poke’mon?” Zeru asked the man, “I mean, what would Poke’mon need with jewels? ‘S not like they can go and spend it.” “Exactly, but the police are titling them “wild” Poke’mon to keep panic levels to a minimal. The problem is that I haven’t been able to find the mastermind yet.” Watson stated. “But lately, I have marked off searched areas and there’s only one place I haven’t checked.” He pointed to a tatty building that wasn’t marked. “It’s the old generator warehouse. An obvious spot I should’ve checked before.” “Don’t worry, Mr. Watson. We can help you catch the thief behind this.” Landon stood up, accidentally bumping Toya off his lap. “Mudkip!!” Toya splashed his face again and he blinked. “But what about your gym battle?” Zeru asked, sweating anime style. “Let’s help Watson first.” And why not? He’s been doing everything else but go to the gym. “Thanks, Landon,” Watson said with a grin.

       Meanwhile, Team Darkhorn hid behind a couple of decorative trees by the door of the Poke’mon Center quietly. “Did you hear that, Tsubimi?” “Sure did,” Tsubimi grinned to her brother. The two, even though they were talking, were able to remain in stealth to anyone who passed by. “I wish we could go back to treasure hunting and stealing. We’re wasting good talent on chasing little Himura.” Tsubimi folded her arms. “Yeah, but we have to do as Miru tells us to do. Besides,” Yoshimari peaked out of the leaves, “If we heard correctly, those losers will lead us right to a gold mine. Let’s follow them, find the hideout, and then steal everything but the kitchen sink.” “Now that’s sounds like a plan.” Tsubimi grinned. “Those fools won’t know what hit ‘em.” “No, they won’t,” Yoshimari said. Landon and Toya, Zeru and Phanpy, May and Yuko, and Watson raced out of the doors in an awful hurry. “Now, let’s go—” Yoshimari suddenly stopped at the sound of whistling drawing nearer to them. Nurse Joy walked towards the trees with a water pail in her hands. She tipped it over the leaves, drizzling cold water everywhere. “Yaiiiieee! Cold- Cold- Cold!” Team Darkhorn leap out of the plants, startling Nurse Joy a bit. “…Can I help you?” She sweated anime style. “Oh…uh…we gotta’ go!” Dripping wet, Yoshimari and Tsubimi scrambled out of the door like a bunch of mad people. Nurse Joy shook her head, “Kids these days are so crazy.” Still, her eyes wandered from side to side before she advanced to the plants again. She peeped inside the leaves cautiously, scanning for any more humans that may jump out at her. “Nurse Joy, could you help me?” Someone called. “Coming,” Nurse Joy said nervously, walking back over to the counter.


Fast Fact Quiz: Where did the pieces of the Fang Sword come from? If you can’t guess, find out at the end of this Chapter!