“Hello and welcome to the wide world of Poke’mon”. Just a little disclaimer here: while Poke’mon, Ruroni Kenshin, and their characters aren’t copyrighted to me, characters such as “Landon” and “Zeru” are. In this story, you’ll join our young hero, Landon, in his epic and unusual journey in the world of Poke’mon. Equipped with a magical bell, he and his friends must stare down the face of evil, win every challenge, make new friends, and claw their way to the top. But can they stop the ultimate evil that threatens their world? There are many twists and surprises, so you have to keep reading if you really want to “Catch ‘em all!” in:


  Poke’mon X

       (Last time, our heroes liberated a group of Poke’mon from an evil bandit and saved Mauville City from becoming bankrupt. Now, Landon must face off with Gym Leader, Watson. Can he survive?) IT was so early in the morning that the sun didn’t even bother to rise. Landon pushed the door to the Poke’mon Center room open slowly with his foot. He was still halfway dressed; his pants were right, but he just threw on a white shirt. In his arms was a basket of clean laundry he had just washed at the laundry mat. Instead of being in a tail like it normally was, he let his long black hair lay limply to his back. Landon stepped into the room quietly and set the basket of folded clothes onto the floor. May, Zeru, Phanpy, and Toya were sound asleep in bed, so he did his best to be quiet. In just a few short moments, Landon would be on his way to earn the Dynamobadge. He was so excited, he couldn’t go back to sleep if he wanted to. Landon pulled his white shirt off and his black shirt on. From the pocket, he pulled out the scarf Latias gave him. The memories of his previous gym battles raced through his mind as if reminding him how tough his match would be. “….Hullo? Am I interrupting?” a familiar voice rang in his head. The window to the room seemed to float open by itself and a certain pink Poke’mon drifted in. “Indigo—!” “Sshhh!” Indigo hushed him. She flew silently over to him and sat on his shoulder. Landon walked over to shut the window back, chuckling at how wild May slept. “Let’s talk somewhere else. That way, we don’t wake up and blow your cover.” He whispered to Indigo.


                    Theme Song: Pocket Monsters X(treme)

Running at

The speed of sound

What adventures can be found?

Traveling the world all around

As fate just spins it upside-down

Little monsters


Find a new one and I’m there

Victory is just for fun

There’s no stoppin’ till I’m number one



Clear, and Shadow

Three lights—

That fight the way

Protect those legendary

Is my destiny!

Poke’mon X

(Poke’mon X)

Leading the way

Is my sweet victory

Poke’mon X

(Poke’mon X)

A mystery

Behind each one we see

Poke’—mon X


This journey I’ll run

Has only begun!!


Episode 24: “No Stopping, No Shocking”

  Landon walked down the sidewalk quietly away from the Poke’mon Center. He had no idea where he was going, but didn’t really care for that matter. The sky remained a deep navy blue as the sun was slow to rise. Indigo was still sitting on his shoulder, but had yet to say a word. “So, do you have permission to be out for real instead of just in my mind?” Landon finally spoke. “Are you kidding? I never really have permission to be out here.” Indigo replied, “It’s been a while since we last talked, so I thought I’d check on you.” “I’m doing fine, and you?” Landon came to a stop by a lamppost and looked up. The light flickered to life on them like a spotlight. “Things are kind of weird back home.” Indigo started, “Father’s been real concerned about guarding the entrance. I asked him why, but all he told me was that humans are getting too close to the entrance. But enough about us; I hear you have a gym match coming up.” “Yeah,” Landon scratched his hair. Indigo glanced at his hand with a curious expression. “Hey, can I see that?” She asked. “Er…my hand?” Landon blinked and she nodded. He held up his left hand to reveal the two symbols marked in his palm. “Oh, so you have been collecting the Fang Sword Pieces.” “That’s what they are?” Landon glanced at them. “Yeah—you must have had a physical contact with two of the three Poke’mon titans.” Indigo said. “…You mean Regirock, Regice, and Registeel? But that’s impossible—I’ve never even seen them.” Landon stated. Indigo folded her arms in a thinking position. “….no, but it could be possible you’ve been exposed to pieces of their bodies.” “Oh—” Landon let his mind wander back to when he received the symbols. The first time, he had touched a block of ice and the second time, he was breaking down a wall of rocks. The symbolism was quite obvious. “Right now, parts of Regirock and Regice are feeding off of your body’s energy.” Indigo explained. The thought of Poke’mon drawing energy from him was kind of weird, but led to another question. “Indigo, once I do find the Fang Sword, what do I do with it?” Landon asked. “Don’t worry; I’m pretty sure you’ll know what to do when the time comes. But first, you have to get the last piece—the metal component from Registeel.” Indigo told him. The sky quickly came to life from the awaking sun. The two looked up, watching it rise beautifully. “Well, I guess I have to leave again. The sun’s coming up and someone might see me.” Indigo lifted off Landon’s shoulder and turned t him. Her eyes trembled sadly and Landon smiled. “You think one day your dad’ll ever get use to me?” “I hope so. Until next time, my friend.” With that, Indigo’s body vanished with the rising sunlight…just like a mirage. Landon stared up at the sky for a little but. “….I’ll see you later, Indigo.” He waved into thin air. By now, he was used to Indigo’s abrupt entrances and exits.


       With his hair tied back in its tail and his gloves back on, Landon was ready and psyched up for his gym battle. The sunlight beamed brightly into his rental room through the window. However, everyone except for him was sound asleep. Landon walked over to the alarm clock and started pressing the buttons on it with a grin. “…three…two…one…” BUUUZZZ-BUUUZZZ! “Whaaaa!” The sound beat all around the room loudly, causing May, Zeru, Phanpy, and Toya to go flying out of bed. “Rise and shine, you sleepy heads!” Landon shouted to add to the noise. May walked up to him and slapped the “off” button down. Hers and the other’s temples were beating rapidly as they gave Landon an irritated look. “What in the heck is your problem!?” “Mudkip-Mudkip!” Zeru and Toya shot angrily. “Gee, I’m sorry—I didn’t now you wanted to sleep in all day long.” Landon said in sarcasm. “No, but you could’ve waited till we just woke up.” May told him. Landon pulled his backpack from the corner, “I promised Watson I’d battle him first thing today. This match has been put off long enough.” He turned back to his groggy friends. Zeru frowned, but didn’t say anything. Instead, he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes in silence. Landon grinned as they started to get ready and dressed—he knew they would see things his way.


       The three friends were walking down the sidewalk in the bright sun. May and Zeru let out a yawn with a few tears in their eyes. Phanpy covered her mouth with her trunk, forced to walk beside her sleepy trainer. Toya sat atop Landon’s shoulder. She was awake, but only enough so to groom herself. Landon was chipper and ready to start his battle in the Mauville City gym with Watson. With the morning well mixed into the air, the tourists and residents were back on the sidewalk and roads. “So, Landon, how do you plan on defeating Watson?” May finally spoke up. Zeru pulled down the paper of a granola bar and shoved it in his mouth. “Phanpy-phanpy!” Phanpy swatted his leg with her trunk. “Oh, be quiet.” Zeru said with half a bar sticking out of his mouth. He pulled another granola bar from his pocket, ripped off the paper, and crammed it into Phanpy’s mouth. “Mudkip-Mudkip!” Toya slapped Landon on the top of his head. “Sorry, but I can’t use you in this fight, Toya.” Landon told her. Toya’s tailfin drooped between her legs sadly. “It’s not like I don’t want to use you. It’s just that you can’t take on electric types without getting some socking feedback.” Landon prodded her in the side. “SO how are you going to beat Watson?” May asked him again. “I don’t really know. I’m really good at making things up as I go.” “Mudkip,” Toya folded her arms and pouted. In the distance, the dome-shaped gym appeared slowly at the end of the far bloc. The yellow roof and white body shone brightly in the sunlight. A smile spread on Landon’s face and he started to jog down the sidewalk. His heart pounded in response to the rise in his adrenaline. He was so excited, he couldn’t wait any longer; he had to get into that gym now! His feet subconsciously forced him to go faster. “….mudkip?” Toya’s headfin stuck straight up stiffly and she became sharply alert. Her eyes darted around cautiously, “…Mudkip-mudkip!” She pulled on Landon’s hair sharply and pointed up to the right. “What? What’s up—dah!” WHHOOSH! Without warning, Landon leapt back into may, Zeru, and Phanpy as something metallic clanged on the asphalt. “Hey—what gives?!” “Phanpy!” His friends said angrily, staggering just a bit. May checked her egg over very carefully. “Take look at that!” Landon pointed to the ground before him. Still shooting red sparks, a triangular device lay limply before him. “Darn, I guess we missed.” Her voice sounded. Standing atop a lamppost, Yoshimari and Tsubimi grinned with their arms folded. Landon felt his stomach drop; how many obstacles were going to stop him from  battling Watson? “We’re finally up for a morning rise—” “—To give you losers a nice surprise.”

       (Background goes starry) “A stealth like dark, we’re shadows of the night.” “Blanketing over those who do things right.” “Where treasure glitters—” Tsubimi stopped in the middle of her line, sweating anime style. Landon, May, and Zeru and their Poke’mon didn’t even bother to sty for the entire theme speech. Instead, they started down the sidewalk and ignored Team Darkhorn. “HEY! You can’t just walk away from us—we just tested out our new Snare Triangles!” “Get back here!” Yoshimari and Tsubimi shouted. Do you hear anything?” Landon pretended to be oblivious. “Not a thing,” “Nothing here,” Zeru and May replied. Yoshimari and Tsubimi clenched their fists and teeth, growling. “Stop ignoring us! Can you hear? WE’RE TALKING TO YOU!” Two poke’balls soared through the air and landed in front of Landon’s feet. They burst open to reveal Tailow and Loudred in a flash of light. Landon growled and wheeled around with a dangerous glint in his eyes. “Why can’t you just go somewhere away from us?!” He asked. “We’ll go home once we get your EX Poke’mon.” Yoshimari grinned. “Fine,” Landon reached to his belt and pulled two poke’balls from it, expanding them. “If you want trouble, we’ll give ya’ trouble!” “Landon, are you sure?” May asked, feeling a bit unsure. Landon glanced back at her, “Don’t worry; just a minor obstacle we have to go through.” He let the poke’balls burst open in his hands, releasing Vulpix and Pikachu. “Pika-Pika!” “Vul!” Pikachu scratched its ear with its foot and Vulpix did the same. Once they saw their opponents, they perked up and become serious. Tailow fluttered off of Loudred’s shoulder’s and into the air, repeatedly puffing its chest in and out threateningly. “Let’s make this quick, you two. Group attack now!” Landon shouted. “Pikaaa—” Pikachu and Vulpix charged together; its cheeks lit up at its high voltage and Vulpix’s eyes turned blue. “Chuuu!” “Vulpix!” A bolt of lightning spiraled around a stream of fire fiercely. Pikachu clenched its to keep itself from being too dizzy. “Loudred, counter with your Reflect!” Yoshimari shouted from the lamppost. “Loudred-Loudred!” Loudred held up its hands, creating an orange semi-transparent wall in front of itself and Tailow; the attack crashed into it, splattering off to the side in tons of tiny sparking flames. Landon clenched his fist and thrust it into the air, “Vulpix, use your Ember attack!” His voice echoed. “Vul-vulpix!” All six of Vulpix’s tails stood on end as she opened her mouth; an array of cinders soared into the air. “Taiiloww!” Tailow tried to fly out of the way, but was too slow and was stricken hotly. “Hang in there, Tailow!” Tsubimi jumped over onto another lamppost to get closer to the battle. “Use Mirror-move!” “Tailow-Tai!” Tailow gave a flap of its wings and blew the black soot from its body. It gave another flap to send a shot of cinders back down. With her teeth clenched, Vulpix skipped across the sidewalk to avoid the flame sparks, which splattered upon contact of the ground. “Tailowww!” Tailow fired faster. Vulpix started to sweat as she found it hard to keep away for long. “…Pika!” WHOOSH! Pikachu grasped the vixen about the waist speedily and darted out onto the street. “Vulpix!” “Pika-pika,” She smiled and it patted her on the back. “Nice save Pikachu, but keep your guard up.” Landon said. “Pikachu is really quick.” May complimented. “Yeah—and it’s gonna’ need all of it if it wants to survive the match with Watson.” Zeru told her. ‘Go, follow them!” Team Darkhorn ordered together. Tailow and Loudred nodded obediently and rushed towards their two opponents. Pikachu and Vulpix turned tail and dashed away. Not that they were afraid, but rather implementing a strategy to use. Landon got the idea and started running along with them. “Lan!” May and Zeru exclaimed, but didn’t make a move. Yoshimari and Tsubimi bounced from lamppost to lamppost to keep up. “Pikachu, stop them with your Thunder wave attack!” Landon shouted. Pikachu slid to a halt with Vulpix and put its tail to the ground. A faint jolt of electricity bounced along the street towards Tailow and Loudred. This time, Pikachu didn’t tremble as much. Once it got close enough, it split in half and wrapped around their bodies, rendering them motionless. “L-Loudred!” “Tailow, Tailow!” They struggled in vain. Landon stepped behind his Poke’mon and pointed forward, “Finish them off with a group blast!” “Vullpiix!” Vulpix spat out her Flamethrower attack. “Piiiikaaaachuaaaa!” Pikachu threw a pair of lightning bolts through the air fiercely. The two attacks blended together and sent Loudred and Tailow flying onto the ground in a sparking fizzle. Black soot covered both of their tired bodies. “Oh-no!” Tsubimi and Yoshimari gasped. They jumped down onto the street to aid their Poke’mon. “You did a great job, Loudred.” Yoshimari petted Loudred before calling it back to its poke’ball. “You were awesome too.” Tsubimi returned Tailow. “Toya, send ‘em away with Water Gun.” Landon said to his Mudkip. The last thing he needed was Team Darkhorn butting in on his gym match. He just hoped they would be far enough as not to come back for quite the while. Toya stood on his head and made a gurgling sound as she fired a jet-stream of water from her mouth. “…? Dahhh!” Team Darkhorn shrieked at their rushing punishment. BANG!! The Water Gun sent them soaring high into the air with a great intensity. “it’s too early in the morning for this!” They echoed before becoming a speck of light in the blue sky.

       Landon squinted to try and see how far they flew. “….good job, guys.” He held out two poke’balls to Pikachu and Vulpix, who were panting slightly. “Return to your poke’balls now.” He returned them back. Without a hesitant second, Landon marched down the street with an angry look. His eyes were transfixed on the Poke’mon gym. May and Zeru wanted to talk to him, but seemed to think better of it. Instead, they just followed in silent pursuit.

       “No more setbacks, or rests, or anything like that. I’m going to that gym now and I’m not letting anyone stop me. This battle has been delayed long enough; there comes a time where you have to face the music—and that time is now!” Landon brain buzzed with activity as he stormed towards the gym with an angry air about him. May, Zeru, and Phanpy stayed behind him silently. Landon was so angry that they could feel the heated air around him and thought it better to stay back for a bit. The sliding glass doors of the gym glared from the sun so brightly, that the only thing they could see in it was a reflection of outside. Landon came to a halt in front of them, but didn’t say anything. “Landon, just go on in.” May dared to say, holding the Poke’mon egg closer to her. Landon nodded and stepped closer. The doors slid open to reveal a short, turning, pitch-black corridor. Landon lead the way into the building with the door shutting behind Zeru. “Dah! Who turned out the lights?” “Phanpy-phanpy!” Zeru and Phanpy started waving their arms (trunk) through the air, until they found May. As if answering the question, the middle of the floor and walls lit up with a red and yellow light. Landon and Toya blinked with a little bit of uncertainty, before excitement rose once again. Landon grinned and started to run through the corridor. “hey, wait up!” His friends called, scrambling after him. the corridor twisted and turned like some sort of weird maze without other passage. The lights around them started to blink on and off the farther they traveled. Landon couldn’t be kept waiting any longer. Even if Team Darkhorn showed up, they wouldn’t have enough power to stop him.


       The long winding corridor came to an end and the friends burst into a dimly-lit arena. It was so quiet that they could hear their own footsteps echo against the walls. “Why is it that a building always looks bigger on the outside?” Landon asked himself, staring at the seemingly lifeless gym. “It’s about time you showed up, Landon’ I was beginning to wonder about whether you’d come or not.” The lights above snapped to life one by one, illuminating even the dark corners of the arena. The final spotlights shot on either side of a gigantic poke’ball marking in the middle of the floor. On one side, Watson stood with his arms folded. “Hello, Landon, and welcome to the Mauville City Gym!” He announced. “I was really impressed with how you handled that Kuyo character yesterday. You showed not only great skill as a Poke’mon Trainer, but great heart as a person. You have impressed me so much that I want to test yours and your Poke’mon’s prowess firsthand.” Landon stepped into the other spotlight, facing the gym leader with Toya still on his head. May, Zeru, and Phanpy walked towards the arena eats to watch the match and cheer for their friend. “You can do it, Landon!” May shouted after taking her seat. “Yeah, show Watson you can’t lose!” Zeru added. Watson glanced up at his friends with a grin. “I can see why you’re as tough as you are. This will be a three-on-three Poke’mon battle, where only the challenger can substitute. There is no time limit; let the battle begin.”


Fast Fact Quiz: Can you guess where the last piece of the Fang Sword is? If you can’t guess, find out at the end of this Chapter!