“Hello and welcome to the wide world of Poke’mon”. Just a little disclaimer here: while Poke’mon, Ruroni Kenshin, and their characters aren’t copyrighted to me, characters such as “Landon” and “Zeru” are. In this story, you’ll join our young hero, Landon, in his epic and unusual journey in the world of Poke’mon. Equipped with a magical bell, he and his friends must stare down the face of evil, win every challenge, make new friends, and claw their way to the top. But can they stop the ultimate evil that threatens their world? There are many twists and surprises, so you have to keep reading if you really want to “Catch ‘em all!” in:


Poke’mon X


The sunlight was so beautiful—they were finally out of Mt. Chimney! It felt so nice to see the cloud-specked blue sky again. Fresh air whipped all around, feeling much better than the humid tunnel. With green trees and fluttering Poke’mon overhead, the outside was being much more appreciated now. Beside Mt. Chimney was a lush green forest built around d a small lake that could be visible from above by a circular clearing. This allowed sunlight to spew in and make it the brightest part of the forest. Landon, May, and Zeru were the only humans who chose the banks of the lake as a rest stop. (The last time we left our heroes, they had helped out Rony of the famous Chimney shack. With some new shoes on his feet, I doubt Landon will forget that experience. Now, what new surprises will this special episode of “Poke’mon X” be?) The three kids set their backpacks (and Landon’s sword) against the nearby tree as they took a small break. Fallabor Town was decided as their next stop and they weren’t that far. Because of this, Zeru suggested another rest stop. May sat against a tree, reading a book titled Coordinators one-o-one. She was seriously drawn into the book, flipping page after page without saying a single word. Zeru decided to do something more constructive with his time; he hung up the clothes he just washed on a line he strung between two trees. Phanpy helped him by handing him the last bit of wet clothes. Phealine, who was holding a multi-colored ball of yarn, looked at her reflection in the sparkling water curiously. Toya was placed in a small silver bowl filled with suddy water. Soap bubbles were dripping from her head and back. Landon hummed the theme song to “Poke’mon X” while he gave his Poke’mon a ginger scrub down. To Toya, it was like getting a massage; her body was totally relaxed.


Theme Song: Pocket Monsters X(treme)

Running at

The speed of sound

What adventures can be found?

Traveling the world all around

As fate just spins it upside-down

Little monsters


Find a new one and I’m there

Victory is just for fun

There’s no stoppin’ till I’m number one



Clear, and Shadow

Three lights—

That fight the way

Protect those legendary

Is my destiny!


Poke’mon X

(Poke’mon X)

Leading the way

Is my sweet victory

Poke’mon X

(Poke’mon X)

A mystery

Behind each one we see

Poke’—mon X


This journey I’ll run

Has only begun!!


Episode 32: “Fizzled Out!”


 “Huu,” Zeru let out a short sigh and wiped his forehead with the back of his fist. He looked out into the sky above, watching the tops of Mt. Chimney puff tons of gray smoke out. The ashes that fell from the smoke looked like darkened snowflakes. “Phann….” Phanpy crawled up onto Zeru’s shoulder to get a better look.  “Check it out, Lan; the ashes look like snowflakes.” Zeru stated, pointing to Mt. Chimney. “It’s a good thing they’re not real snowflakes.” Landon stated, messaging Toya’s back. The mudfish Poke’mon became so relaxed that she fell face-first into the water. “Hey! Don’t go to sleep!”  Landon wiped the suds from his face. He rinsed Toya off with a small cup, then wrapped her in a towel. “It’s a bit quiet around here.” Zeru said. “Yeah, just like a library. Let’s stay here for a few minutes.” “Are you sure? Fallarbor Town isn’t’ that far away.” He told May, who finally looked up from her book. “Well…—” “YAAIIIEEEEEAAAHH!” A sudden combination between a scream and a shriek shattered the silence severly. The trees shook with the rapid scurrying of various Poke’mon. Landon, May, Zeru, and their Poke’mon swiftly averted their attention to the distance. They could see tons of forest-dwelling Poke’mon scampering manically. Their movements sent ripples through the sparkling water. And then, they saw her; she looked about middle-aged and ran very fast for being kind of plump. She had long brown hair and green eyes to match. She was wearing a blue apron over her red shirt and blue short-sleeved shirt. She panted lightly as she bound down the grassy trail. “Don’t tell me that’s where the sound came from.” Zeru blinked skeptically. “Well, we’ve seen stranger.” May stated. “Hey, you kids, ruuuuun! The Beedrill are coming!” And like that, the lady zoomed by them in a flash of panic. May, Landon, and Zeru blinked in her direction first, then at each other. “…the Beedrill?” “What’s is she talking about?” Landon and May blinked. Zeru turned to try and call at the lady, but a strange sound caught his, Phanpy’s, and Phealine’s ears. Toya’s head fin twitched and caused her to perk up; she crawled out of the towel and onto Landon’s head to glance in the direction the lady had run from. “Can you guys hear that?” Zeru turned in the same direction Landon and May perked their ears so that they could better collect the sounds around them. It was faint at first, but they could hear a faint buzzing sound—the beating of bug wings. The longer they listened, the closer and louder the sound became. “Mudkip!” “Phaaa-n-an!” “Phea-ah!” The Poke’mon quivered, sweating in fear.

       Rushing up from the distance were a group of giant bee-like Poke’mon. Their bodies were light yellow with dark purple stripes on their abdomens. Their eyes were a leering crimson and as lethal-looking as the two white stingers on their forelegs and behind. “Yaaieeeee!!!” The kids screamed, but with much less power than the lady who passed by. “Hey, miss, wait for us!” Landon exclaimed das they sprinted in the opposite direction. They didn’t even bother to grab their grab their stuff. “BZZZZZZ-ZZZZ!” The Beedrill buzzed loudly in their following suit. “Did I neglect to mention the Beedrill that inhabit this area?!” May panted. “You mean you knew, even when we were all standing there looking stupid?!” Zeru exclaimed. “I didn’t want to freak you out!” “It didn’t work!” Landon stated to May. Phanpy gripped Zeru’s shoulder with nothing but her trunk; Phealine clung to May’s scarf and Toya clenched Landon’s ponytail. It wasn’t long before the caught up with the lady. The Beedrill were buzzing closer and closer angrily. Landon reached into his pocket and pulled out his Poke’dex. Yes, even in the midst of danger, he was still trying to lean. Click-ick! “Beedrill, the noodle Poke’mon. These bug Poke’mon are very aggressive and attack anything that enters their territory. When attacking their prey, Beedrill use their needle-like legs to weaken it and their abdominal stinger to inject a powerful poison.” “Poison?!” Landon sweated anime style. “Beeeedrill!” PING! “Yieeee!” One of the Beedrill’s stingers barely grazed his bottom, but that was enough to get him to run faster. They turned the corner sharply with their pursuers creating the same feat. “E…Excuse me, but….aren’t you kids….Poke’mon trainers?” The lady panted to them. “Yeah,” The three replied. “Well, do ya’ mind if you call….any of them?” “Oh, right,” Landon and Zeru reached to their belts and withdrew a poke’ball. “Vulpix,” “Charmander,” (together) “I choose you!” They tossed them forward, revealing their Poke’mon in a burst. “Vulll!” “Char!” They dashed alongside their trainers. “Huh?” The lady glanced at Vulpix. The expression on her face was somewhat shocked with an air of question. Vulpix didn’t speak, but rather looked at her back with a blank expression. “Use Flamethrower!” Landon and Zeru exclaimed in unison. Vulpix jumped up onto Landon’s head, facing Beedrill; Charmander did the same with Zeru. Both Poke’mon opened their mouths to spurt a duo blast of flames. “Beeezzzzezz!” The Beedrill scattered wildly in desperate attempt to avoid being scorched. However, once the danger passed, they regrouped back in their formation of pursuit. “Don’t they ecer gice up?” Zeru growled. “Beedrill around these parts are really aggressive; once they find their target, they won’t quit chasing it.” The lady said, sweating, “If you follow me, I can show you a short cut to ditch ‘em.” “Okay,” The kids nodded. The lady picked up the pace to gain the lead again; she took a sharp turn to the left with the kids in hot pursuit. The leaves swayed from the wind of the chase scene. When the lady zigged, so did Landon and his friends. For once, May wasn’t the one lagging behind. “Vuulll!” “Charrrr!” SPWWAAA! Two bursts of flames sprayed form the fire Poke’mons’ mouths at the Beedrill; once more the Beedrill scattered like roaches from the light. “This way!” There was a loud rustling sound from the lady as she submerged her body into an underbrush. Landon used his arms to cover his face and went in after her. More rustling sounds told him that his friends weren’t too far behind him. He winced at some of the branches that caught his face. And if it was bad for him down there, it was surely rough for Toya and Vulpix above. Landon could barely see, let alone keep up with the mysterious woman. Through the branches smacking his cheeks, he could still hear the Beedrill buzzing furiously behind them. “Are you children okay back there?” The lady called back. “I’ve—” (SMACK!) “—been in worse situations.” Landon answered, “How about everyone else?” “Vul-vul!” “Mud-kip!” Vulpix and Toya clawed away any branch that got in their way, most of the time, successfully snapping them. “We’re fine back here.” Zeru told his friend. “Just hang in there, kids—w’re almost out of here.” The woman exclaimed. The Beedrill all let out poisonous hisses. Unlike their quarry, they had no problem cutting their way through the whipping shrubs with their pearly twin needles. Couldn’t say much for their vision, though. “Get ready; we’re about to make a quick turn.” The lady said without looking back to them. “And…..now!” With a sudden jerk, she jolted to the right. Just as she, Landon performed the same, followed by May and Zeru. The four emerged from the shrubs and hid behind two trees. “Ssssh! Beedrill react to sound and moveme—” The lady forced her voice to come to an abrupt stop. She and Landon stayed behind one tree while May and Zeru hid behind its other. They all sweated as the Beedrill bussed noisily by. They didn’t seem to notice their escaped quarry, for they continued to buzz through the bushes.

       When the last buzz echoed into the distance, Landon started to breath once more. Vulpix and Toya came to a calm rest on his head and left shoulder. Phealine and Phanpy slid to the grass slowly. “Whew!” The lady let out a sigh, “That was close.” She glanced over to Landon. Immediately, her eyes fell on Vulpix, who was staring right at her. She delved into the Poke’mon’s beautiful grayish-jade eyes as if trying to find some sort of truth. They were both dead silent and motionless like statues. “Uh…ma’am?” “Huh?” With a single blink, the lady snapped back to reality. “Thanks a lot for saving us. My name is Landon Himura.” Landon held out his hand to her. “Don’t think too much of it; if I hadn’t gotten ‘em angry, they wouldn’t have attacked like that. My name is Anna.” The lady shook his hand, “And who are these two?” “My name is Zeru Sagarrah.” “And I’m May Birch.” Zeru and May stated. “Nice to meet you, Miss, but what were you doing in this forest if you knew there were a bunchy of wild Beedrill hanging around?” Zeru asked her. “Well…” Anna patted a brown purse that Landon hadn’t noticed before. “This forest is full of berries as well as Beedrill. Take a look.” She pointed forward. Up in the lush green leaves of the trees, three different kinds of berries prospered. One was sphere-shaped; yellow and spotted with green specks. In the trees next to that one, lied berries that almost looked exactly alike. The only difference was that these particular berries were bell-shaped and much more tender-looking. Landon marveled at the trees in between. Their berries were the largest of all. It was dark red and looked almost chocolate-covered. “Wow!” The kids and their Poke’mon marveled together. “….Oh-no!” Landon let out a sudden gasp that made everyone else jump. “What’s wrong?” May asked. “I forgot about all of our stuff—they’re back at the camp!” Landon exclaimed. “Oh, right; we were so busy running from the Beedrill, we forgot all about getting our stuff.” May stated. Zeru folded his arms, mumbling, “If they destroyed my laundry…” “That’s not a problem; I know these woods like the back of my own hand. I could have you back here in no time.” Anna told them and started in the direction they came from. Landon was first to follow his friends. SPWEE—CLING!! “Whaaaa!” Landon lost ground in a sudden quake; from directly under the group, a metallic structure pulled up around him and his friends to form— “A cage!” May exclaimed. “Ha-ha-ha-ha!” Laughter echoed from the treetops. Landon slapped his forehead; he already knew what was coming next. “Oh, man; not this again—” “You guess right, mini Himura!” Form out of the trees, two all-too-familiar figures dropped down. (Background goes deep beneath the ocean) “A stealth like dark, we’re shadows of the night.” Blanketing over those who do things right.” Yoshimari and Tsubimi stood back to back with their arms folded. “Where treasure glitters, we’re there to claim.” “To higher riches we’ll surely aim!” The two held a thumbs-up, “Tsubimi!” “Yoshimari!” “We’re Team Darkhorn, the pirate thieves.” “Don’t mess with us; you’re out of your league!”

       Landon, May, and Zeru sweated anime style. “….who are they?” Anna blinked. “Nobody important,” Zeru told her. Landon reached down to his side—but his sword wasn’t’ at his belt! “Sorry, little Himura, but it doesn’t’ look like a quick escape for you. At least, not without your sword.” Tsubimi grinned. “What do you want from us?” Anna asked. “You wanna’ be free? Then hand over your EX Poke’mon—” “—and possibly any food and money you may have on you.” Tsubimi added to her brother. “Fooor-get about it!” Landon folded his arms. “I know you’d say that—and that’s exactly why I came prepared for this.” Yoshimari reached into his cloak pocket and pulled out a glass flute that was yellow in color. He held it to his mouth, but didn’t play anything. “This flute has the power to attract wild Poke’mon with little effort. With a single note, I could call those Beedrill back. You can still give us your Poke’mon, but if your desire is to be a living pin-cushion, I’ll gladly play a few notes.” “We’ll never give you our Poke’mon!” Zeru exclaimed. Yoshimari just shrugged his shoulders and started to play the flute. The sound was so sharp, it bounced off of the trees with ease. Toya, Vulpix, Phealine, Charmander, and Phanpy perked up abruptly. And in just a matter of matter of seconds, Landon could hear the buzz-and-flap of the Beedrill. Yoshimari looked up at them with a triumphant grin. “Any time now,” He said simply. Landon frowned and stood up all the way. “We’re not going to take this one, that we won’t. Are you thinking what I’m thinking, May?” He glanced back to her. May blinked at him; what could possibly be going on inside that head of his? Had she really been around Landon long enough to know his thoughts? “Hmm…….oh! I get it!” She stood up as well. “Right; Vulpix, use Flamethrower on the bars and melt them!” Landon stated. “Vulpix!” The fire-fox Poke’mon opened her mouth and spat out a steam-line of fire. The bars swiftly turned a bright orange form the heat; the metal transformed from solid to a dripping liquid, forming a hole large enough for the group to escape. “Do it now, May!” “Slowpoke, use Disable on Team Darkhorn!” May hurled a poke’ball through the hole and it burst open in a flash of light. “Sloowwwww!” Slowpoke yawned, scratching its head in a sluggish motion with its foot. It averted its gaze to Team Darkhorn with its slothy eyes. “Oh-no ya’ don’t!” Tsubimi reached to her sash to retrieve a Poke’ball. “Hurry, slowpoke!” May shouted, though it was awkward on account of her Poke’mon. Slowpoke’s eyes started to glow a faint yellow and Team Darkhorn’s body became outlined in psychic energy. “Dah!” Tsubimi and Yoshimari couldn’t make a single move—they were frozen like statues! The bussing cries of the Beedrill could be heard plowing through the trees. Landon watched everyone else jump out of the cage before him. Just by listening, he could tell the Beedrill were rushing to their very spot. Landon was the last and grinned to Team Darkhorn, “We’d love to stay around, but we have to go now. Jyamata!” “Yeah!” May picked up Slowpoke, sticking her tongue out at them. “B-b-but you can’t leave us here!” Yoshimari quivered. “Funny, we could care less.” Zeru stated. With that, he, May, Anna, and their Poke’mon trotted off. Now, Yoshimari and Tsubimi were left in the silence of the forest. The only thing they could hear was the parting of tree leaves. “Bzzzzzz!!” Suddenly, loud buzzing sounds came rushing upon them. They could feel the rapid flaps of many wings on their backs. The affects of Slowpoke’s Disable were still active so they couldn’t make a move. “Oh-no!” Tsubimi squeaked. Both she and her brother broke out in a sweat form the swarm of Beedrill fluttering aggressively behind them. “I wish we could move….” Yoshimari quivered. “BZZZZZZZ!!” “WHAAAAA!!!” There was a very loud shriek form Team Darkhorn that rattled the treetops.


       Anna took the lead as they walked on the light tan path leading away form the forest. Now, they could see the lake in full and the vast area surrounding it. Also, they could see the structure of Mt. Chimney easier. Landon, Ma, and Zeru had gather their things and followed the lady. Toya rested her body on Landon’s head and Phanpy did the same. Phealine trotted quietly beside her trainer. Vulpix, on the other hand, was full of energy and had quickly taken to the stranger. This was very strange because Landon knew well that Vulpix became distance to strangers. The lady still gave the fox a strange look of familiarity. “I want to thank you kids for saving me back there.” Anna stated to the kids. “It was more Team Darkhorn than us.” Landon smiled, sweating anime style. “Well, I’m gonna’ thank you anyway. I can tell you right now that it’s gonna’ be a real treat.” “Treat!?” Immediately, Landon and Zeru went into fantasies of food. Form apple pies to delicious pastries, they could feel their stomachs agree. Their greed thoughts caused them to smile with delight. “Vulpix-vul!” Vulpix danced around Anna’s feet playfully. Anna smiled to her, trying to resist the urge to cuddle her. Vulpix jumped in front of her and started chasing after her own tails. Faster and faster she circled, making Anna find her even more irresistibly adorable. Vulpix made snapping noises as she continually tried to grip her tails with her teeth. Landon was amazed at how she could do that and continue to travel down the trail. DA-BUMP! “Oh!” There was an abrupt thud when Vulpix fell to the ground. “Ah!” For some strange reason, Anna’s eyes trembled emotionally. “Are you okay, Vulpix?” Landon picked Vulpix up gingerly and massaged her back. “That fall……I know you!” Anna suddenly exclaimed at Vulpix, “You’re Yoko—the Vulpix I lost!” “Huh?!” Landon’s breath caught in his throat, causing him to cough. May and Zeru gave the lady a skeptical and shocked looks. Even their Poke’mon stood with their mouths agape. But Vulpix gave a happy smile with her tails wagging. “Vulpix!” She yelped. “I don’t think I understand.” Landon blinked. “But it seems that Vulpix understands perfectly.” May stated. “I’m so sorry, Landon. Please allow me to explain everything.” Anna said.

       (Flashback starts) Anna was walking through a familiar-looking forest, humming lightly. At her feet was a Vulpix skipping and spinning just like Landon’s had done earlier. “I was walking through Petalburg woods with my Vulpix, when a Poochyenna spooked her.” The bushes beside them started to rustle. Loose leaves drifted onto the grass lightly form the movement. “Howwwl!” Suddenly, a Poochyenna darted from the bushes and darted across the path. “Vull-vul-vul!” Vulpix jumped and scurried across the grass in the opposite direction. “Yoko—wait!” Anna cried, picking up chase after her. “I tried to follow her….” Suddenly, a group of Shroomish jumped from under a pile of dead leaves near the tree bases. Anna slid to a startled stop. “Shroo—” The mushroom Poke’mon glared at her dangerously. Without warning, they dispelled a sparking blue powder from their pistils into the air. One whiff caused Anna’s eyelids to become heavy. She could feel her body start to rock, becoming more relaxed with each movement. She gave a yawn and plopped to the grass in a loud snore.“Some Shroomish knocked me out and I didn’t wake up till it was night.”  (Flashback ends) “I tried calling for her, but she never came to her name. I haven’t stopped looking for her ever since. Even when I go to pick the berries I use, I still try to call out my Yoko—which is why the Beedrill were chasing me.” Anna explained. Landon, May, and Zeru all looked to Vulpix. “Come to think of it, it was weird how I met Vulpix.” Landon stated, “I was in the Petalburg woods as well when I found this Vulpix. I reeled her in form the water with my fishing rod.” Anna looked to Landon and smiled. She walked back to start stroking Vulpix on the head. “Vull….” Vulpix completely relaxed her body. “You must have a really good heart, Landon.” “You think so, Ms. Anna?” Landon looked up at the lady. “Yeah; Yoko doesn’t take to strangers at all. But just by the look she gives you, I can tell she loves you a lot.” Zeru and May chuckled as Landon blushed. Vulpix jumped out of his arms and onto her trainer’s shoulder to claim ownership. “Vul!”


       Off to the side of the trail was a small house that was red in color. The front door and roof were painted yellow along with the picket fence that extended from the house’s sides. The back yard was full of various flowers and berry bushes that made it look colorful. Vulpix perked up at the familiar sight around her. Anna walked up to the front door and worked the lock open. “C’mon in, kids.” She said to them. Zeru was the first to go in, followed by May, then Landon. The inside of the house looked a lot bigger than the outside. The living room was decorated with dark yellow furniture, but the kitchen was white in color. On the counters were a bunch of different sized bottles. Each one was filled with a different colored liquid. Right next to them were a bunch of different berries, some diced and some in full. “Wow; those are so pretty!” May marveled at the jars. “Thank you; I make my own herbal medicines and perfumes. Since you’ve been through Petalburg woods, I assume you’ve been to Zakuden Town?” “Yeah,” Zeru said to Anna. “Well, they get their products from me.” She told them. “Wow; you don’t mind if I could smell some of your perfume, do you?” May asked lowly, but Anna smile. “Not at all, May. And you boys could sit at the table so I can give you a piece of pie.” “Pie!” Landon and Zeru jumped at the sound of food. They didn’t want to be rude, but couldn’t help but rush to the table. Their stomachs gave a teasing growl. While May sniffed the various bottles, Anna started for her refrigerator. She came back out with a blueberry pie and set it on the table, followed by some plates. Vulpix dropped onto the ground from her trainer’s head. Landon and Zeru drooled as Anna cut a piece of pie onto the plate. With a fork in hand, Zeru was the first to dig in. “Oh-yum! This is the best, Ms. Anna!” He exclaimed. May soon rejoined her friends to have a piece of pies. “Hope you kids enjoy it. I’m just gonna’ work on the counter until you’re done.” Anna said to them. She walked over to the counter and unloaded the bag of berries she had at her side. “Vulpix…vulpix…” “Oh!” Anna jumped unnoticeably; Vulpix gingerly rubbed her body against the lady’s legs affectionately. Anna smiled her sweet smile at her. She scooped up the Poke’mon and started to massage the fox’s belly. “Vulpix-vul-he-he-he-he!” VUlppix giggled gleefully. “Uh—” Landon stopped his fork abruptly form entering his piece of pie. The expression on his face was in deep thought. He was stricken by a sudden pang of hot-cold. He couldn’t really explain it, but his insides squeezed up a bit every time he saw Vulpix laugh. He had never seen Vulpix that happy before. It could’ve been possible that she was really excited and pleased to see her original trainer again. Her original trainer…..her real trainer.His mind spoke. His eyes glimmered with Vulpix transfixed in them. Why did he feel as if a bit of his spirit was dissolving? He watched Anna play a slight tug-of-war with Vulpix using a piece of string. He didn’t even realize that Toya had helped herself to sharing his pie. “Vulpix really does look happy.” May stated. “Well she should; she’s finally with the trainer she lost.” Zeru said through a mouthful of pie. The Crystal Bell let out a single thump that only the Poke’mon were able to hear. Vulpix averted her eyes to her trainer. Landon couldn’t understand it, but his heart started to feel like lead. And just like that, his hunger disappeared. Landon stood up to his feet, letting his fork clatter lightly to his plate. Everyone looked to him; Toya revealed her blueberry-covered face. “Please forgive me, Ms. Anna, but may I be excused?” He pushed in his chair and turned away form the kitchen without a second glance. The front door creaked open for a second, then thudded shut. May, Zeru, Toya, Phanpy, and Phealine blinked in confusion. But Anna and Vulpix were both sporting concerned expressions. “Where is he going?” Zeru asked. “We’re really sorry, Ms. Anna; he isn’t normally like this.” May apologized, bowing respectfully in her seat. “Oh, no problem. Everyone feels a little uncomfortable every now and then.” Anna smiled, but Vulpix was still worried. “Vul….” She looked up at the lady. Anna nodded to her, “Go on ahead—I understand.” “Vulpix!” Vulpix licked her cheek quickly and jumped out of her arms onto the floor. She noticed that Toya was already on her way to the door. “Vulpix-vul!” she called at her. Toya stopped and glanced back. “Vul-vul-pix!” Vulpix said. “Kip? Toya blinked. Vulpix nodded, darting past her. She jumped up the living room couch and out of the window. “Well, May and Zeru, I have something fun for you two to do if you’re all done eating.” Anna perked up, drawing the two kids’ attention to her. “Cool!” May and Zeru stated. Vulpix jumped onto the grass beside the bushes of the house. She saw Landon walking down the trail towards the forest with his hands in his pockets. “Vulpix…” Her eyes wobbled emotionally before jolting seriously. He had left without his backpack or sword and might run into trouble. Vulpix nodded and darted right after her trainer.

       There was a sudden rustle of the bushes next to the house. They waited for a while before rustling again, more wildly this time. The loose leaves blew away and a person stepped out. “Well, well; it looks as if one of the losers had decided to wonder off on his own.” Yoshimari stated. Tsubimi poked her head out of the bushes too, frowning. “He’s going back into the forest again? I hope he gets stung by a Beedrill.” She said resentfully. Yoshimari scratched his cheek, “But I wonder why he’s by himself?” “I don’t know, but that just makes it a lot easier to steal the loser’s Poke’mon.” “…..You’ve got a point.” He grinned to his sister. “Aipom-Aipom!” Aipom came jumping up out of the bushes, dancing on its trainer’s shoulder loudly. Tsubimi quickly clasped her hands over her Poke’mon’s mouth and pulled it under the leaves. “Ssssshhh! Aipom, not so loud!” she hissed.


Fast Fact Quiz: Why do you think Landon is acting so weird? If you can’t guess, find out at the end of this Chapter!