“Hello and welcome to the wide world of Poke’mon”. Just a little disclaimer here: while Poke’mon, Ruroni Kenshin, and their characters aren’t copyrighted to me, characters such as “Landon” and “Zeru” are. In this story, you’ll join our young hero, Landon, in his epic and unusual journey in the world of Poke’mon. Equipped with a magical bell, he and his friends must stare down the face of evil, win every challenge, make new friends, and claw their way to the top. But can they stop the ultimate evil that threatens their world? There are many twists and surprises, so you have to keep reading if you really want to “Catch ‘em all!” in:


Poke’mon X


     The afternoon sun started to sink behind the horizon in the late afternoon. The air was warm, but clear; something that couldn’t be said about the sky. Mt. Chimney spewed out billions upon billions of white flakes like a volcano. The ashes looked like snowflakes drifting from the few clouds overhead. (Last time we left our heroes, Landon had made the hardest choice of his life. Now, he walks away with a little more wisdom than before. What new adventures await him and his friends on these ash-covered fields?) Landon, May, and Zeru walked quietly across the vast fields towards the final bit of forest they would have to go through before they reached Fallabor Town. The raining ashes form Mt. Chimney painted the grass a grayish-white color. Landon let out a sigh as he brought up the rear of the trio. His eyes were slightly hidden beneath his bangs. He was still kind of bummed out about Vulpix, but was starting to get over it. He kept reminding himself of how much fun Vulpix was having and it made him feel better. Toya walked by his side, giving him a worried look. She had never taken her eyes off her trainer and didn’t plan to until he was happy again. May and Zeru just kind of kept to themselves. They were silent, but ready to help if their friend needed it. “Mudkiiip,” Toya rubbed her cheek against Landon’s ankle gently. “I’m fine, Toya; stop babying me.” Landon told her. Again, she fell silent at his side. Landon glanced up at the sky and allowed some of the ashes to fall on his face. “They look….like snowflakes….” He said. “Yeah, they do, don’t they?” Zeru held out his hand and caught a few. Phanpy and Phealine dashed around the grass, rolling in the stuff. “Hey! Excuse me—yeah, you three!” The three blinked at each other fist, then cast their glances to the side. From the distance, they could see a kid running up towards them. She had her brown hair in a ponytail and were thin glasses over her eyes. She wore a pink shirt and blue jeans to give herself that “I’m traveling” image. “Hi, are you three Poke’mon trainers?” She asked as she stopped in front of them. “Uh….” “Yeah, we are.” Zeru answered for Landon. A smile spread on the girl’s face. “Cool! Then you don’t mind taking me on in a Poke’mon battle, would you?” She asked. Normally, Landon would jump at any chance to battle. But today, he didn’t really feel like Poke’mon battles. “No thanks, miss; maybe some other time.” He started to turn away. Landon, wait,” May put her hand on his shoulder, “Maybe a Poke’mon battle is what you need. Ya’ know; build up your confidence again.” Landon stared at the ground for a bit, watching the ashes fall to it. Maybe May was right; maybe losing a bit of himself was what made him feel so sad. Perhaps a battle would help him regain, not only his confidence, but  a little bit of himself that he lost. “If this is a bad time, I can go—” “No way,” Landon dusted the ash out of his hair and turned around with a smile, “You just challenged me to a battle. And I accept your challenge.” He told her.


Theme Song: Pocket Monsters X(treme)

Running at

The speed of sound

What adventures can be found?

Traveling the world all around

As fate just spins it upside-down

Little monsters


Find a new one and I’m there

Victory is just for fun

There’s no stoppin’ till I’m number one


Clear, and Shadow

Three lights—

That fight the way

Protect those legendary

Is my destiny!


Poke’mon X

(Poke’mon X)

Leading the way

Is my sweet victory

Poke’mon X

(Poke’mon X)

A mystery

Behind each one we see


Poke’—mon X


This journey I’ll run

Has only begun!!


Episode 33: “A Volbeat Story”

  The girl grinned and jumped back; that was May’s and Zeru’s cue to move to the side. “Okay, but I won’t go easy on you. By the way, my name is Miyu.” The girl said as she pulled a poke’ball from her belt. “And I’m Landon. It’s nice to meat you, Ms. Miyu.” Landon did the same with a competitive grin. “Does one on one sound okay?” “Fine by me.” They agreed.

       “Go, Trapinch!” Landon exclaimed and tossed the poke’ball through the air. It burst open in a flash of light that wiggled to the ground to form Trapinch. “Tra-trapinch!” She exclaimed. “No problem; go Krabby!” Miyo threw her poke’ball to reveal her Poke’mon. It looked like a red crab with white on its underside. It had big eyes and repeatedly clanged its sword-like pincers. Landon pulled out his poke’dex and flipped it open. Click-ick! “Krabby, the Pinchy Poke’mon. Krabby crushes its opponents with its sword-like claws. When it gets angry, Krabby bubbles at the mouth.” “Darn it; Krabby is a water Poke’mon, and Trapinch is weak against water!” Landon thought to himself, clinching his teeth. “Begin!” Zeru shouted.

        “Don’t waste any time, Krabby; use Crabhammer!” Miyu exclaimed. “Fuchi-fuchi!” Krabby rushed forward with its long claw raised and glowing. “Traaaa!” Trapinch leapt out of the way just in time to let the heavy pincer beat the ashen grass harshly. Again and again, Krabby swung its glowing pincer to force Trapinch into a backwards dance. BAAAM! Trapinch winced greatly as she was knocked squarely in the cheek and sent flying. “Trapinch!” Landon started to sweat. "That was nothing compared to a water attack. We have to think of something fast or we might loose!” He thought to himself. “Keep going, Krabby!” Miyu cheered her Poke’mon on. “Fuchi-fuchi!” Krabby raced towards Trapinch with its claw raised. "Think, Himura, think! How do we stop that attack?” Landon thought more frantically this time. He couldn’t work his mind; his counter tactics failed to reach his thoughts. He frantically started rubbing his hair. “”Arrrrggh! Use a Bite attack!” “Trapinch!” SHPPPWEERRR! “What?!” Miyu blinked. Trapinch clasped her iron jaws around Krabby’s pincer in an unshakable grip. “Try to shake it off, Krabby!” Miyu exclaimed. “Fuchi! Fuchi-fuchi!” Krabby started to repeatedly move its arms in rapid up-down motions. Trapinch kept her grip firm, despite how dizzy she was becoming. Krabby frowned and rammed Trapinch into the ground harshly. “Whaaaa!” Trapinch slid across the grass, kicking up a cloud of ash. “Trapinch, are you okay?” Landon called. Trapinch nodded, shaking its head. “Okay enough for a Headbutt?” “Traaa!” Back to her feet, the sand bug Poke’mon charged forward with her head lowered for an attack. “Landon, what are you doing?!” “He’s not concentrating!” Zeru and May exclaimed. “Mudkip-mud!” Toya cried out to her trainer. “Not a very smart move.” Miyu grinned, “Krabby, release your Bubble attack!” “Fuchi-fuchi!” Krabby took in a deep breath and exhaled an army of bubbles from its mouth; Trapinch was running way too fast and couldn’t slow down. “Oh-no!” Landon gasped at his error. The bubbles burst against Trapinch’s body like miniature bombs, forcing her back. “Normally, I would’ve seen that coming.” Landon thought again, “Okay; I’ve gotta’ find a move that can get Trapinch close. I need something sneaky…..” “Trapinch, use Faint Attack!” He exclaimed. “Trapinch!” Trapinch darted towards the left; like magic, her body vanished into this air. “Yeah, she’ll never predict this.” Landon stated silently. Miyu closed her eyes. Her ears collected the every sound around her. Her Poke’mon sat patiently, waiting for her next shot of directions. May and Zeru watched without making a single sound. Toya, Phanpy, and Phealine stood on edge with suspense. “….left!” “Fuchi-fuchi!” Krabby leapt to the left as Trapinch re-appeared from thin air; her miss caused her to slide face-first in the grass again. “Now, use Water Gun!” Krabby made a gurgling sound as it blasted her with a stream of water. "This isn’t working……oh.” Landon looked up from the ground, “But I don know something that will!” Trapicnch slowly gott up slowly. She was kind of wobbly from being sacked with so many attacks.  She panted, but was still willing to give it her all. “Trapincnh, we only have one shot at this.” Landon to her, “Go and charge forward!” “Trapinch!” Trapinch nodded and dashed forward. Just as he had expected, everyone gave Landon a disbelieving look. “I guess he didn’t learn from the last one, Krabby. Use yor Bubblebeam attack!” Miyu pointed forward. Krabby opened its pincer, blasting an air-blasting stream of glowing blue ovals. “Now, Trapinch, Dig!” Landon exclaimed. As quick as lightning, Trapinch burrowed underneath the ground; the Bubblebeam raced across the grass, kicking up a little ash. “No way!” Miyu exclaimed. Trapinch, finish with Sand Tomb!” Landon thrust his fist into the air. The ground around Krabby started to swirl as if a gust of wind was blowing. There was a loud bang as a burst of sand spiraled around Krabby. “Fuchiiiii!” The crab Poke’mon spun around and around until it was spat into the air. “Krabby, return!” Miyu called her Poke’mon back to its poke’ball before it hit the ground.

       “Well, that took me by surprise.” Miyu stated. “Yeah! We did it!” Landon exclaimed. Trapinch came jumping out of the dirt and clambered up to her trainer’s shoulder. “Mudkip-kip!” Toya crawled up to Landon and rubbed her cheek against his; she was glad to see him happy again. May, Zeu, and their Poke’mon clapped for his victory. “Wow, you’re really good, Landon.” Miyu walked up to Landon and held out her hand, “You really caught me off guard on that last one.” “Thank you—this battle helped me more than you think.” Landon shook her hand and smiled. “Hey, since you’re going that way, why don’t you three go to the Glass-maker’s workshop? You can buy some pretty top quality trainer items there.” Miyu told them. “Thanks, Miyu; We’ll stop by.” May told her, raking Phealine into her arms. Miyu nodded and started to walk away. “It’s been fun, but I have to get to Slateport City. I hope we meet again.” SH ewaved to them. “Bye and thanks!” Landon waved back.


       Now, Landon was chipper than earlier. It was as if the battle he just had restored a part of himself that was lost. As the group walked along the hill, the ashes fell even faster from the sky. Landon held Toya in one arm and massaged her belly. The Mudkip was lulled nearly to sleep. “Hey, guys, the New year is coming up shortly. Do you wanna’ take a break or something?” May asked her friends. “Yeah; we’ll take a break once we get to Fallabor Town.” Landon told her. “I can’t wait—I’m gonna’ pig out!” Zeru exclaimed, filling his mind with food. His stomach gave a teasing growl at his thoughts. In his eagerness, Zeru pulled out the Poke’gear and selected the map icon. “Zeru, you don’t need the map; just look out there.” May pointed out to the left. At the bottom of the hill was a vast, gray field that lead to another small forest. The tree leaves were decorated nearly with gray ashes. Beyond the forest, they could barely see a town by the base of the mountain. What stuck out the most was a tall Japanese tower. Zeru and Landon blinked at it—with that tower, Fallabor town would be a great place to celebrate the new year! “Volll-beat!” BAAM! A voice and hit echoed through the air. The three friends and their Poke’mon blinked at each other. “Beeeat!” BAAAM!”  The sound echoed again. Landon got down on his knees and started to crawl with Toya on his back. Zeru and Phanpy followed before May and Phealine. They all came to a stop at the edge of the hill and peered down. At the bottom of the hill, there was a group of bug Poke’mon. the majority of them looked the same except for one. The Poke’mon in mass quantities looked like fireflies with dark black bodies. Their faces were blue in their stomachs were horizontally striped blue and yellow. There was red around their necks and upper thighs; their antennae striped in the colors of yellow and black. They had clear pixie wings and yellow bulbs on their bottom. The one exception was a little taller with purple in their areas of red. Her eyes were blue and her bottom had no bulb, but rather three bright dots. Instead of having curly, striped antennas, hers were straight and purely yellow. Landon pulled his poke’dex form his pocket and flipped it open. Click-ick! The screen flashed on the majority Poke’mon first. “Volbeat, the Firefly Poke’mon. Volbeat’s tail glows like a light bulb. With other Volbeat, It uses its tail to draw geometric shapes in the night sky. This Poke’mon loves the sweet aroma given off by Illumise.” With another series of clicks, the screen flashed onto the other Poke’mon and spoke. “Illumise, the Firefly Poke’mon. Illumise attracts a swarm of Volbeat by using a sweet fragrance. Once the Volbeat have gathered, this Poke’mon leads the lit-up swarm in drawing Geometric designs on the canvas of the night sky.”

       The Volbeat all circled around another pair of Volbeat in the middle. Illumise stood on the sidelines with a worried expression. The Volbeat in the middle had minute markings that made them distinguishing from the others; the one on the left had a scar that ran across its stomach. The Volbeat on the right had a bright red star in the middle of its stomach. They faced each other with competitive looks on their faces. “What’s going on?” May asked. “They’re about to have a battle.” Landon told her. “It looks pretty well constructed…it should be interesting.” Zeru watched in interest. The group of Volbeat watched the face off, cheering like a bunch of crazed sports fans. Illumise, on the other hand, didn’t look as thrilled. “…..Voll!” Suddenly, the Volbeat with the star-marking dashed forward. “Beaaat!” The other forced forward as well; there was a sharp crashing sound as they went into a stalemate tackle. They had barely grazed the ground before jolting up to the air. Both glanced at each other, determined to defeat the other. “Volbeat-volbeat!” The one with the star exclaimed. “Vol,” The scarred one replied. It brought back its fist and threw the first punch that forced both of them into a dodge-and-punch frenzy. Their movements were so fast and accurate; if the scarred punched, the starred would swerve to the side or block. Both Volbeat seemed to be evenly matched. “Wow; they’re really going at it.” Zeru marveled at their bout, only jealous that it wasn’t him exchanging blows. “I wonder whey they’re fighting. It seems too competitive for sport.” “Phea-line, Phea,” May stated and Phealine agreed. The scarred Volbeat flew backwards to create distance between itself and its opponent. “Volbeeeeatt!” It’s antennas sparked at first before bursting with a blast of lightning. “Baaaa!” WHOOOOSH! The starred Volbeat soared to the left, barely missing the shock; it cut it so close that it could feel the heat from the attack. The starred Volbeat frowned and flew up towards it opponent. With its fists clenched, it didn’t hesitate to throw a fury of heavy punches. “Volbeat-Vol,” The scarred folded its arms, dancing from right to left in mid air. Its opponent started to sweat and, though it knew it wasn’t working, punched even faster. “What’s it doing; that Volbeat has completely thrown all thoughts of strategy out the window.” Zeru stated. The scarred Volbeat rose higher into the air. Its wings started to glow brightly. “It’s Arial Ace attack!” Landon exclaimed in his mind. Volbeat darted towards its starred partner like some kind of jet. The starred Volbeat was frozen in place—the shock kept it from moving! SPWAAA-THUDD! The glowing wings struck it heavily and caused it to go falling from the sky. “Vol-beat!” The scarred Volbeat didn’t even give its opponent time to recover; it caught it by the leg and started using it as a punching bag. “To use Arial Ace so easily….this Volbeat must have a lot of experience battling.” Landon thought. The starred Volbeat looked as if it didn’t stand a chance; it took punch after punch with its face and stomach reddening. “Volbeat-Volbeat!” Scarred Volbeat hurled the other towards the ground relentlessly like a bullet. “Oh-no!” May squeaked. Landon started to sweat form the suspense-holding battle.

       BA-THUMP! “Huh?” Landon became silently alert; the Crystal Bell thumped with an invincible wave of force that passed through in a ghastly manner. “Beat?” The starred Volbeat’s eyes snapped open form feeling the ghastly force blast through it. “…….be!” It was so determined to win, it wasn’t going to let anything keep it from victory. With its arms and legs in a sort of fly formation, Volbeat forced its body to spiral. It gathered so much speed, that swirling gusts of wind kicked up gray ash all around. “I get it….” Landon grinned to himself, but his friends overheard. “Get what?” Zeru and May asked him. “It’s simple; Volbeat kicked up a gust like that to keep its opponent from reading its moves. Now it had time to implement a strategy.” Landon told them. The scarred Volbeat clenched its teeth and started to sweat. It couldn’t even go into the vortex for fear of making the wrong move. And it very well couldn’t predict its opponent’s moves. “Vooollllbeeeatt!” Suddenly, the ash typhoon burst into nothing, but was replaced by a wind of silver crescent-shaped energy. “Dah!” The scarred Volbeat gave a shocked gasp. WHHOOOOHSH! “Ah!” it braced itself to take the forced of the harsh wind. “Volbeat!” The starred Volbeat cheered. Down on the bottom, Illumise clapped, but the other Volbeat didn’t seem as excited.


       It happened so suddenly, that it took a while for everyone to grasp what had happened. There was a flash of bright light followed by a crashing sound. The next thing anyone knew, the starred Volbeat hit the grass with a harsh thud. All of the Volbeat started to cheer, but Illumise looked worried again. Her eyes trembled emotionally as she slowly walked towards the fallen fighter. “Ha!” The scarred Volbeat landed on the grass with a look of triumph. It walked over to its beaten opponent, grinning. “Volbeat!” “Illumise!” Illumise gasped as the scarred Volbeat stepped on the opponent. “Hey, that’s going too far!” Landon stood up abruptly and furiously.

       Landon didn’t even think; he tapped the black buttons on his shoes to enable the roller blades and rolled down the hill. The wind blew against his hair as he kicked up ashes. “Hey, wait for me!” Zeru followed. “Guys!” May hissed, but didn’t dare to move. The Volbeat and Illumise glanced to the side to see the humans and their Poke’mon race towards them. “Leave that Volbeat alone—you’ve already one the match!” Landon shouted. “I’ll teach you to pick on those who can’t defend themselves.” Zeru pulled a Poke’ball from his belt and tossed it before him, “Haunter, use Scary Face attack!” The poke’ball burst open and the purple ghost Poke’mon came busting out. “Haunter-aunter!” It’s eyes started glowing red and it increased the size of its body. “Vooolbeeeeeat!” All of the Volbeat gave a shocked jump; the attack caused all of them—except for the fallen one—to flee away into the air. Illumise, however, stayed to comfort her comrade. She started to check it all over to make sure it was even still breathing. “Illumise, Illumise,” She tried to shake it awake. “Volbeat-beat!” from the air, the scarred Volbeat grasped Illumise by the arm. She watched sadly as she was pulled away towards the other Volbeat. Landon slid to such an abrupt halt that a small could of ash was kicked up. He looked up into the sky, clenching his fists. “And don’t’ come back!” He shouted. He knew he was probably breaking tons of rules of a Volbeat colony, but he couldn’t’ just leave the Poke’mon there. Toya came sliding down the hill followed by Zeru and Haunter. Eventually May slid down with Phealine in her arms. “Are you crazy” She said to them, “You can’t just do things like that—” “May, I can’t let this Volbeat become any more injured than it is.” Landon got on his knees and set his backpack o the ground, “Complications could rise if I don’t help it now.” He started to rummage trough his first air kit, pulling out bottles and bandages. Landon then started to check Volbeat’s back and stomach—the points where it was hit the most. “Okay, fine,” May sighed. “You did a great job, Haunter.” Zeru complimented his Poke’mon. Haunter replied by covering its trainer’s head with its ghastly body. “Haunter, stop that! I’m serious—stop it right now!” Zeru pulled it away from him.


Fast Fact Quiz: What are the names of the bells Landon and his friends have come in contact with so far (including Lan’s)? If you can’t guess, find out at the end of this Chapter!